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TimeIQ for .NET, Qu es?

.NET Toolkit Versin 3.1

Fame posee una extensin para desarrollo de aplicaciones con .NET. Recordemos que Fame es un
programa para anlisis econmico, financiero y estadstico.

La herramienta Fame.NET est contenido en el archivo TimeIQNet31.msi.
Algunos components claves de esta versin son:
Componentes de ensamblado
Archivos de licencias
TestTimeIQInstall.exe Archivo ejecutable
La herramienta Fame.NET tiene la siguiente estructura:
TimeIQ.NET 3.1
Componentes de ensamble
readme.html Leame
TestTimeIQInstall.exe Utilidad para checar que est bien instalado el TimeIQ
TimeIQNET.chm Documentacion API
HTML pages
images Imagenes.
Samples Ejemplos de cdigo
Web Archivos para el tutorial web
pool.dtd DTD para la configuracion de la conexion.
Clases de ejemplo Ver samples.html para obtener mayor informacin

Resumen de los Namespaces
Namespace Caractersticas
com.fame.timeiq Contiene clases que modelan objetos de datos, incluyendo series de tiempo, series de casos, escalares y listas. Contiene clases que proveen representaciones de datos intermedios, los cuales estn entre los objetos primitivos
y abstractos de TimeIQ, como por ejemplo RegularSeries y Scalar.
com.fame.timeiq.dates Contiene clases para representar y manipular calendarios y fechas.
com.fame.timeiq.enterprise.cache Provistas para mantener el cache de los objetos TiqObject usados.
com.fame.timeiq.enterprise.connections Contiene clases e interfaces que implementan conexiones con los servidores de tipo FRDB.
com.fame.timeiq.formulas Contiene clases que sobrellevan los clculos analticos para evaluar ecuaciones algebraicas. Contiene funciones que realizan calculus de fechas comunmente con periodos de series observadas
com.fame.timeiq.Functions.math Contiene funciones que realizan clculos matemticos.
com.fame.timeiq.Functions.operators Contiene funciones aplicadas para los operadores de c# a valores de TiqView.
com.fame.timeiq.Functions.stats Contiene funciones para realizar clculos estadsticos.
com.fame.timeiq.Functions.strings Contiene funciones para manipular entradas de texto (String inputs)
com.fame.timeiq.Functions.util Contiene una variedad de funciones que no concuerdan con alguna categoria en especial, incluye manejo de
bases de datos en Fame, funciones de series especficas en Fame, etc.
com.fame.timeiq.Functionsupport Contiene clases abstractas que dan soporte a los patrones de clculo de funciones mecnicas.
com.fame.timeiq.persistence Contiene clases para leer y escribir en bases de datos utilizando un modelo explcito de read/write. Contiene clases que le permiten al usuario definer el modelo de datos para tener un set de TiqViews
organizados y accesables.

Funciones TimeIQ

Las capacidades computacionales estan hechas en forma de trabajar como objetos. TimeIQ tiene
numerosas funciones para analizar y manipular datos. Las funciones adicionales pueden crear funciones
combinadas para crear una funcin compuesta, o crear funciones bastractas que sean parte de TimeIQ.
Tipos de funciones
Las funciones son categorizadas dependiendo de dos importantes propiedades:
1. El nmero de argumentos de TiqViw de la funcin acepta:
Unarios un argumento
Binarios dos argumentos
2. La forma en que la function negocia con las series observadas:

Elemento opera separadamente en cada serie de observacin.
Serie Combina varias o todas las observaciones de una seria para producir cada uno de los
Funcin de Namespaces
Las funciones TimeIQ estn organizadas de manera que los namespaces dentro de
under.fame.timeiq.Functions son:
dateClculos de fechas que usualmente tiene periodos calendarizados de series observadas.
Math Clculos matemticos.
Operators Aplicando los operadores de C# a los valores de TiqView.
Stats Clculos estadsticos.
String Manipula entradas de datos (String input)
Util Funciones que no entran en algna categora en lo especfico, incluyen procedimientos de
bases de datos de Fame, funciones especficas y de series.
Code FAME TIME IQ Functions
Imports com.fame.timeiq
Imports com.fame.timeiq.persistence
Imports com.fame.timeiq.dates

Module FameTimeIqFunctions
Private prop As New System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection
Public Function GetStringList(ByVal DatabasePath As String, ByVal ListName As String) As List(Of String)
Dim ListofVariablesCodes As New List(Of String)
Dim db As DataStore
Dim con As Connection
Dim TiqObject As TiqObject = Nothing
Dim resultParameter As String = ""
con = Server.Instance.Session.createConnection("") ' create Connection object
prop("mode") = "READ"
db = con.getDataStore(DatabasePath) ' get the DataStore object
TiqObject = db.getTiqObjectCopy(ListName)
If TiqObject Is Nothing Then
Return Nothing
End If
If TiqObject.hasData Then
For Each listElement As String In TiqObject.getObservations.Values.getStringArray
End If
Catch ex As NotFoundChkException
End Try
Return ListofVariablesCodes
End Function

Public Function GetStringListRemote(ByVal ListName As String) As List(Of String)
Dim ListofCountryCodes As New List(Of String)
Dim con As Connection
Dim TiqObject As TiqObject = Nothing
Dim server As Server = server.Instance
Dim session As Session = server.Session
con = session.createConnection("frdb_m@localhost", "", "") ' connection to server
prop("mode") = "READ"
TiqObject = con.remEval(ListName)
If TiqObject Is Nothing Then
Return Nothing
End If
If TiqObject.hasData Then
For Each listElement As String In TiqObject.getObservations.Values.getStringArray
End If
Return ListofCountryCodes
End Function

Public Function LoadStringParameter(ByVal databasePath As String, ByVal aParameter As String) As String
Dim db As DataStore
Dim con As Connection
Dim TiqObject As TiqObject = Nothing
Dim resultParameter As String = ""
con = Server.Instance.Session.createConnection("") ' create Connection object
prop("mode") = "READ"
db = con.getDataStore(databasePath) ' get the DataStore object
TiqObject = db.getTiqObjectCopy(aParameter)
If TiqObject.hasData Then
resultParameter = TiqObject.getTiqValue.ToString
End If
Catch ex As NotFoundChkException
resultParameter = "Not found in " + databasePath
End Try
Return resultParameter
End Function
Public Function LoadStringAttribut(ByVal aParameter As String, ByVal anAttribut As String) As String
Dim db As DataStore
Dim con As Connection
Dim TiqObject As TiqObject = Nothing
Dim resultParameter As String = ""
con = Server.Instance.Session.createConnection("") ' create Connection object
prop("mode") = "READ"
db = con.getDataStore("s:\units\mad\models\forecast\fe.db") ' get the DataStore object
resultParameter = db.getAttribute(aParameter, anAttribut).Value.ToString
Catch ex As NotFoundChkException
resultParameter = "Not found in FE.DB"
End Try
Return resultParameter
End Function
Public Function LoadStringParameter_Case(ByVal databasePath As String, ByVal aParameter As String, ByVal CaseIndex As Integer) As String
Dim db As DataStore
Dim con As Connection
Dim myTiqObject As TiqObject = Nothing
Dim resultParameter As String = ""
con = Server.Instance.Session.createConnection("") ' create Connection object
prop("mode") = "READ"
db = con.getDataStore(databasePath) ' get the DataStore object
myTiqObject = db.getTiqObjectCopy(aParameter)
If myTiqObject.hasData Then
resultParameter = myTiqObject.getObservation(CaseIndex + 1).StringValue
resultParameter = "No Data"
End If
Catch ex As NotFoundChkException
resultParameter = "Not found in " + databasePath
End Try
Return resultParameter
End Function

Public Function LoadStringParameterRemote(ByVal databasePath As String, ByVal aParameter As String) As String
Dim con As Connection
Dim TiqObject As TiqObject = Nothing
Dim server As Server = server.Instance
Dim session As Session = server.Session
Dim resultParameter As String = ""
con = session.createConnection("frdb_m@localhost", "", "") ' connection to server
prop("mode") = "READ"
TiqObject = con.remEval(databasePath + "'" + aParameter)
If TiqObject Is Nothing Then
Return Nothing
End If
resultParameter = TiqObject.getTiqValue.ToString
Catch ex As EvaluationChkException
End Try
Return resultParameter
End Function
Public Sub SaveSeriesAs(ByVal ASeries As SupplySeries, ByVal SeriesCode As String, ByVal DatabasePath As String)
Dim db As DataStore
Dim con As Connection
con = Server.Instance.Session.createConnection("") ' create Connection object
prop("mode") = "READ_WRITE"
db = con.getDataStore(DatabasePath, prop) ' get the DataStore object
db.overwriteObject(SeriesCode, ASeries.mSeries) ' Write object(s) to database
End Sub
Public Function LoadSeries(ByVal DatabaseSource As String, ByVal SeriesCode As String) As TiqObject
Dim db As DataStore
Dim con As Connection
Dim aTiqSeries As TiqObject
con = Server.Instance.Session.createConnection("") ' create Connection object
prop("mode") = "READ"
db = con.getDataStore(DatabaseSource) ' get the DataStore object
aTiqSeries = db.getTiqObjectCopy(SeriesCode)
Catch ex As NotFoundChkException
aTiqSeries = New RegularSeries(RegularCalendar.QUARTERLY, RegularCalendar.QUARTERLY)
End Try
Return aTiqSeries
End Function
End Module


Cdigo y explicacin
Diagrama de Clases

La nueva versin del sistema Supply_Interfaces_HP (tratado en el Informe anterior), hace mejor manejo
de las herramientas de Office y de Fame. En primer lugar esta mejor estructurado, se dividi en varias
partes, el cdigo es genrico y cumple con varios estndares de programacin, adems de que est
programado con objetos (OOP) .


Cdigo para llenar las celdas

Module UserInteraction

Public Sub Sheet_Changed(ByVal SheetName As String, ByVal Target As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range)
Select Case SheetName
Case Ribbon1.Sheet_Trend_Forecast
Case Ribbon1.Sheet_Change_History
Call Sheet_changed_Change_history(Target)
Case Ribbon1.Sheet_Other_Trend_Infos
Case Ribbon1.Sheet_Actual_Forecast
Case Else
'do nothing
End Select
End Sub
Public Sub Sheet_Selection_Changed(ByVal SheetName As String, ByVal Target As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range)
Select Case SheetName
Case Ribbon1.Sheet_Trend_Forecast
Call Sheet_selection_changed_Trend_Forecast(Target)
Case Ribbon1.Sheet_Change_History

Case Ribbon1.Sheet_Other_Trend_Infos
Case Ribbon1.Sheet_Actual_Forecast
Case Else
'do nothing
End Select
End Sub

Public Sub Sheet_changed_Change_history(ByVal Target As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range)
Dim startRow = 15
Dim CaseSerieIndex As Integer
Dim values As ArrayAdapter
Dim myWorkbook As Supply.ThisWorkbook
Dim mySheet As Excel.Worksheet
myWorkbook = Globals.ThisWorkbook
mySheet = myWorkbook.Worksheets(Ribbon1.Sheet_Change_History)
'turn off event handler to avoid useless call to Sheet_changed for clearing or updating the sheet from within this sub
myWorkbook.Application.EnableEvents = False
Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Select Case Target.Column
Case 4
'Constraint type
' how to check if this is really a cell related to a supply variable constraint ?
If Globals.Ribbons.Ribbon1.mySession.referenceListOfVariable.Contains(Target.Offset(0, -2).Text) Then
CaseSerieIndex = Target.Offset(0, -3).Value
' Clear what was on the sheet
' this is not a nice way of doing it as it uses hard coded rows 10 to 20
' A solution to find out what is really needed to clean is to find
mySheet.Range(mySheet.Rows(startRow), mySheet.Rows(25)).Clear()
Select Case Target.Text
Case "Level Constraint"
mySheet.Cells(startRow, 3).value = "Start"
mySheet.Cells(startRow, 4).value = Globals.Ribbons.Ribbon1.mySession.ActiveSeries.StartConstraint
mySheet.Cells(startRow + 1, 3).value = "End"
mySheet.Cells(startRow + 1, 4).value = Globals.Ribbons.Ribbon1.mySession.ActiveSeries.EndConstraint

' Path = <cou>.<var>.constraint = mConstraintSeries
values = Globals.Ribbons.Ribbon1.mySession.ActiveCountry.SupplyVariables(CaseSerieIndex).mConstraintSeries.getObservations.Values
mySheet.Cells(startRow + 4, 3).value = "Path"
mySheet.Range(mySheet.Cells(startRow + 4, 4), mySheet.Cells(startRow + 4, values.Count + 4)).Value = values.DoubleArray

' Time range (Famedate)
mySheet.Range(mySheet.Cells(startRow + 3, 4), mySheet.Cells(startRow + 3, values.Count + 4)).Value =

' Weights = <cou>.<var>.constraint.weights = mConstraintWeightsSeries
values = Globals.Ribbons.Ribbon1.mySession.ActiveCountry.SupplyVariables(CaseSerieIndex).mConstraintWeightsSeries.getObservations.Values
mySheet.Cells(startRow + 5, 3) = "Weights"
mySheet.Range(mySheet.Cells(startRow + 5, 4), mySheet.Cells(startRow + 5, values.Count + 4)).Value = values.DoubleArray
Case "No Constraint"
Case "Growth Constraint"
Case Else
MsgBox("Invalide Constraint", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
' revert to previous value
'Target.Value = Globals.Ribbons.Ribbon1.mySession.ActiveSeries.Constraints
End Select
End If
Case 5
Case Else
'do nothing
End Select
Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.EnableEvents = True
Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Public Sub Sheet_selection_changed_Trend_Forecast(ByVal Target As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range)
Dim startRow = 15
Dim CaseSerieIndex As Integer
Dim values As ArrayAdapter
' myWorkbook and mySheet are shortcust to fully qualified objects. Make the text more easy to read
Dim myWorkbook As Supply.ThisWorkbook
Dim mySheet As Excel.Worksheet
myWorkbook = Globals.ThisWorkbook
mySheet = myWorkbook.Worksheets(Ribbon1.Sheet_Trend_Forecast)

'turn off event handler to avoid useless call to Sheet_changed for clearing or updating the sheet from within this sub
myWorkbook.Application.EnableEvents = False
Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.ScreenUpdating = False
CaseSerieIndex = mySheet.Cells(Target.Row, 1).Value
Select Case Target.Row
Case 4 To 4 + Globals.Ribbons.Ribbon1.mySession.ActiveCountry.SupplyVariables.Count
' Clear what was on the sheet
' this is not a nice way of doing it as it uses hard coded rows 10 to 20
' A solution to find out what is really needed to clean is to find
mySheet.Range(mySheet.Rows(startRow), mySheet.Rows(25)).Clear()

' display the historical data

' hist
mySheet.Cells(startRow + 4, 4) = "Historical data"
Globals.Ribbons.Ribbon1.mySession.ActiveSeries = Globals.Ribbons.Ribbon1.mySession.ActiveCountry.SupplyVariables(CaseSerieIndex)
Globals.Ribbons.Ribbon1.DropDown_CountryVariables.SelectedItemIndex = CaseSerieIndex
'Some countries crash in the line below.
'Null Reference Exeption on:
'''''''CHL, EST, ISR, PRT, and SVN (Maybe because we are using old databases?)
'Argument Out Of Range Exception on:
'''''''MEX, CZE, ISL, KOR, SVK--> POPT
'''''''CHE --> ENRS
'''''''AUT --> KTVS
' If we only add a catch NullReferenceException it will crash in the next line throwing NullReferenceException.

values = Globals.Ribbons.Ribbon1.mySession.ActiveCountry.SupplyVariables(CaseSerieIndex).mSupplyHistoricalSeries.getObservations.Values
mySheet.Range(mySheet.Cells(startRow + 4, 5), mySheet.Cells(startRow + 4, values.Count + 5)).Value = values.DoubleArray

' Time range (Famedate)
mySheet.Range(mySheet.Cells(startRow + 3, 5), mySheet.Cells(startRow + 3, values.Count + 5)).Value =

' diff
mySheet.Cells(startRow + 5, 4) = "Difference"
values = Globals.Ribbons.Ribbon1.mySession.ActiveCountry.SupplyVariables(CaseSerieIndex).mSupplyHistoricalDiffSeries.getObservations.Values
mySheet.Range(mySheet.Cells(startRow + 5, 5), mySheet.Cells(startRow + 5, values.Count + 5)).Value = values.DoubleArray

' End of historical estimation
mySheet.Cells(startRow + 7, 4) = "End of historical estimation"
' this is empty but it should not
mySheet.Cells(startRow + 7, 5) = Globals.Ribbons.Ribbon1.mySession.ActiveCountry.SupplyVariables(CaseSerieIndex).EndHistoricalEstimation

' Splice
mySheet.Cells(startRow + 8, 4) = "Splice"
mySheet.Cells(startRow + 8, 5) = Globals.Ribbons.Ribbon1.mySession.ActiveCountry.SupplyVariables(CaseSerieIndex).TypeSplice

' Forecast
mySheet.Cells(startRow + 9, 4) = "Forecast"
mySheet.Cells(startRow + 9, 5) = Globals.Ribbons.Ribbon1.mySession.ActiveCountry.SupplyVariables(CaseSerieIndex).Typef

' Source of Forecast
mySheet.Cells(startRow + 10, 4) = "Source of Forecast"
mySheet.Cells(startRow + 10, 5) = Globals.Ribbons.Ribbon1.mySession.ActiveCountry.SupplyVariables(CaseSerieIndex).TypefSelect

' Demographic source
mySheet.Cells(startRow + 11, 4) = "Demographic Source"
mySheet.Cells(startRow + 11, 5) = Globals.Ribbons.Ribbon1.mySession.ActiveCountry.SupplyVariables(CaseSerieIndex).TypefSelect2

' Speed of Interpolation

mySheet.Cells(startRow + 13, 4) = "Speed of Interpolation"

'I put a comment here because we have to know the difference between the speed and the demographic source.
'mySheet.Cells(startRow + 13, 5) = Globals.Ribbons.Ribbon1.mySession.ActiveCountry.SupplyVariables(CaseSerieIndex).TypefSelect2

' Final growth rate for interpolation
mySheet.Cells(startRow + 14, 4) = "Final growth rate for interpolation"
mySheet.Cells(startRow + 14, 5) = Globals.Ribbons.Ribbon1.mySession.ActiveCountry.SupplyVariables(CaseSerieIndex).TypefSelect3

' Start of Extrapolation
mySheet.Cells(startRow + 15, 4) = "Start of Extrapolation"
mySheet.Cells(startRow + 15, 5) = Globals.Ribbons.Ribbon1.mySession.ActiveCountry.SupplyVariables(CaseSerieIndex).CountryCode
' just to put something

' End of Extrapolation
mySheet.Cells(startRow + 16, 4) = "End of Extrapolation"
mySheet.Cells(startRow + 16, 5) = Globals.Ribbons.Ribbon1.mySession.ActiveCountry.SupplyVariables(CaseSerieIndex).CountryCode
' just to put something

' New Forecast
mySheet.Cells(startRow + 20, 4) = "New Forecast"
values = Globals.Ribbons.Ribbon1.mySession.ActiveCountry.SupplyVariables(CaseSerieIndex).mExtrapolSeries.getObservations.Values
mySheet.Range(mySheet.Cells(startRow + 20, 5), mySheet.Cells(startRow + 20, values.Count + 5)).Value = values.DoubleArray

' Time range (Famedate)
mySheet.Range(mySheet.Cells(startRow + 19, 5), mySheet.Cells(startRow + 19, values.Count + 5)).Value =

' diff
mySheet.Cells(startRow + 21, 4) = "Difference"
values = Globals.Ribbons.Ribbon1.mySession.ActiveCountry.SupplyVariables(CaseSerieIndex).mExtrapolDiffSeries.getObservations.Values
mySheet.Range(mySheet.Cells(startRow + 21, 5), mySheet.Cells(startRow + 21, values.Count + 5)).Value = values.DoubleArray

' Current Forecast
mySheet.Cells(startRow + 23, 4) = "Former Forecast"
values = Globals.Ribbons.Ribbon1.mySession.ActiveCountry.SupplyVariables(CaseSerieIndex).mFormerSeries.getObservations.Values
mySheet.Range(mySheet.Cells(startRow + 23, 5), mySheet.Cells(startRow + 23, values.Count + 5)).Value = values.DoubleArray

' diff
mySheet.Cells(startRow + 24, 4) = "Difference"
values = Globals.Ribbons.Ribbon1.mySession.ActiveCountry.SupplyVariables(CaseSerieIndex).mFormerDiffSeries.getObservations.Values
mySheet.Range(mySheet.Cells(startRow + 24, 5), mySheet.Cells(startRow + 24, values.Count + 5)).Value = values.DoubleArray

Case Else
'do nothing
End Select
Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.EnableEvents = True
Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
End Module

Cdigo del Ribbon
Imports Microsoft.Office.Tools.Ribbon
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel

Public Class Ribbon1
Public mySession As New SupplySession
Public Const Sheet_Trend_Forecast = "Trend Forecasts"
Public Const Sheet_Change_History = "Change History"
Public Const Sheet_Other_Trend_Infos = "Other Trend Infos"
Public Const Sheet_Actual_Forecast = "Actual Forecast"
Private Sub Ribbon1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As RibbonUIEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.Label_ParamDatabase.Label = mySession.ParamDatabasePath
Me.Label_SupplyHistoricalDatabase.Label = mySession.SupplyHistoricalDatabasePath
Me.EditBox_EndMTB.Text = mySession.EndMTB
Call Fill_DropDownCountry(mySession.GetListOfCountryCodes)
Call Fill_DropDownReferenceVariable(mySession.referenceListOfVariable)
Call SetupExcelWorkbook()
End Sub
Private Sub Fill_DropDownCountry(ByVal ACountryCodeList As List(Of String))

With Me.DropDown_Country
Dim myRibbonItem As RibbonDropDownItem
myRibbonItem = Factory.CreateRibbonDropDownItem()
myRibbonItem.Label = ""
For Each strCountry As String In ACountryCodeList
myRibbonItem = Factory.CreateRibbonDropDownItem()
myRibbonItem.Label = strCountry
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Fill_DropDownReferenceVariable(ByVal aList As List(Of String))

With Me.DropDown_ReferenceVariables
Dim myRibbonItem As RibbonDropDownItem
myRibbonItem = Factory.CreateRibbonDropDownItem()
For Each strElement As String In aList
myRibbonItem = Factory.CreateRibbonDropDownItem()
myRibbonItem.Label = strElement
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Fill_DropDownCountryVariable(ByVal aList As List(Of String))

With Me.DropDown_CountryVariables
Dim myRibbonItem As RibbonDropDownItem
For Each strElement As String In aList
myRibbonItem = Factory.CreateRibbonDropDownItem()
myRibbonItem.Label = strElement
End With
mySession.ActiveSeries = mySession.ActiveCountry.SupplyVariables(0)
Catch ex As ArgumentOutOfRangeException
MsgBox("No Variable defined for " + mySession.ActiveCountry.Code)
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub Button_Form_Show_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As Microsoft.Office.Tools.Ribbon.RibbonControlEventArgs) Handles Button_Form_Show.Click
'mySession.ActiveSeries = Me.DropDown_CountryVariables.SelectedItem.Label
Dim myForm As New SupplySeriesForm()
End Sub
Private Sub Button_Form_Country_Show_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As Microsoft.Office.Tools.Ribbon.RibbonControlEventArgs) Handles
Dim myForm As New SupplyCountryForm()
End Sub
Private Sub DropDown_Country_SelectionChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As Microsoft.Office.Tools.Ribbon.RibbonControlEventArgs) Handles
mySession.ActiveCountry = New SupplyCountries(CType(sender, RibbonDropDown).SelectedItem.Label)
mySession.ActiveCountry.LoadSeriesList(mySession.ParamDatabasePath, mySession.referenceListOfVariable)
If DropDown_CountryVariables.Items.Count > 0 Then
DropDown_CountryVariables.Enabled = True
Me.Button_ToExcel.Enabled = True
Button_Form_Show.Enabled = True
DropDown_CountryVariables.Enabled = False
Me.Button_ToExcel.Enabled = False
Button_Form_Show.Enabled = False
End If

Me.Button_Form_Country_Show.Enabled = True

Call Fill_Trend_Forecast_Sheet()
Call Fill_Change_history_Sheet()
Call Fill_Other_Trend_Infos()
Call Fill_Actual_Forecast()
End Sub
Private Sub DropDown_CountryVariables_SelectionChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As Microsoft.Office.Tools.Ribbon.RibbonControlEventArgs) Handles
mySession.ActiveSeries = mySession.ActiveCountry.SupplyVariables(CType(sender, RibbonDropDown).SelectedItemIndex)
End Sub

Private Sub Button_ToExcel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As Microsoft.Office.Tools.Ribbon.RibbonControlEventArgs) Handles Button_ToExcel.Click
Dim mySheet As Excel.Worksheet = Globals.ThisWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet_Trend_Forecast)

Dim values As ArrayAdapter
values = mySession.ActiveSeries.mSupplyHistoricalSeries.getObservations.Values
mySheet.Cells(2, 1) = "Historical Data"
mySheet.Range(mySheet.Cells(2, 2), mySheet.Cells(2, values.Count + 1)).Value = values.DoubleArray
mySheet.Range(mySheet.Cells(1, 2), mySheet.Cells(1, values.Count + 1)).Value = mySession.ActiveSeries.mSeries.getObservations.getIndexesAsStrings
values = mySession.ActiveSeries.mSupplyHistoricalDiffSeries.getObservations.Values
mySheet.Cells(3, 1) = mySession.ActiveSeries.Splice
mySheet.Range(mySheet.Cells(3, 2), mySheet.Cells(3, values.Count + 1)).Value = values.DoubleArray
mySheet.Range(mySheet.Columns(4), mySheet.Columns(5)).EntireColumn.AutoFit()
End Sub
Private Sub SetupExcelWorkbook()
'Dim mySheet As Excel.Worksheet = Globals.ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
Globals.ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Name = "Trend Forecasts"
Globals.ThisWorkbook.Sheets(2).Name = "Change History"
Globals.ThisWorkbook.Sheets(3).Name = "Other Trend Infos"
Globals.ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add(, Globals.ThisWorkbook.Sheets(3))
Globals.ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Name = "Actual Forecast"
Globals.ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Trend Forecasts").activate()
End Sub
Private Sub Fill_Change_history_Sheet()
Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.EnableEvents = False
Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim mySheet As Excel.Worksheet = Globals.ThisWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet_Change_History)
Dim myRow As Integer = 4

For Each myVariable As SupplySeries In mySession.ActiveCountry.SupplyVariables
mySheet.Cells(myRow, 1) = myRow - 4
mySheet.Cells(myRow, 2) = myVariable.Code
mySheet.Cells(myRow, 3) = myVariable.English
mySheet.Cells(myRow, 4) = myVariable.Constraints
'the validation should be emptied for a new use, because only one add() call is allowed. It has to be deleted first or modified
mySheet.Cells(myRow, 4).validation.delete()
mySheet.Cells(myRow, 4).validation.add(Excel.XlDVType.xlValidateList, Excel.XlDVAlertStyle.xlValidAlertInformation, Excel.XlFormatConditionOperator.xlEqual, "No
Constraint,Level Constraint,Growth Constraint")
mySheet.Cells(myRow, 5) = myVariable.Estimation
myRow = myRow + 1
mySheet.Range(mySheet.Columns(1), mySheet.Columns(5)).EntireColumn.AutoFit()
Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.EnableEvents = True
Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub
Private Sub Fill_Trend_Forecast_Sheet()
Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.EnableEvents = False
Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim mySheet As Excel.Worksheet = Globals.ThisWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet_Trend_Forecast)
Dim myRow As Integer = 4

For Each myVariable As SupplySeries In mySession.ActiveCountry.SupplyVariables
mySheet.Cells(myRow, 1) = myRow - 4
mySheet.Cells(myRow, 2) = myVariable.Code
mySheet.Cells(myRow, 3) = myVariable.English
myRow = myRow + 1
mySheet.Range(mySheet.Columns(1), mySheet.Columns(5)).EntireColumn.AutoFit()

Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.EnableEvents = True
Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub
'---------------------------------Other Trend Infos Sheet-------------------------------------
Private Sub Fill_Other_Trend_Infos()
Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.EnableEvents = False
Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim mySheet As Excel.Worksheet = Globals.ThisWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet_Other_Trend_Infos)
Dim myRow As Integer = 4
For Each myVariable As SupplySeries In mySession.ActiveCountry.SupplyVariables
mySheet.Cells(myRow, 1) = myVariable.Code
mySheet.Cells(myRow, 2) = myVariable.English
mySheet.Cells(myRow, 3) = myVariable.Estimated
mySheet.Cells(myRow, 4) = myVariable.Info
mySheet.Cells(myRow, 5) = myVariable.Marcet_Ravn
myRow = myRow + 1
mySheet.Range(mySheet.Columns(1), mySheet.Columns(5)).EntireColumn.AutoFit()
Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.EnableEvents = True
Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub
'---------------------------------Actual Forecast-------------------------------------
Private Sub Fill_Actual_Forecast()
Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.EnableEvents = False
Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim mySheet As Excel.Worksheet = Globals.ThisWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet_Actual_Forecast)
Dim myRow As Integer = 4
For Each myVariable As SupplySeries In mySession.ActiveCountry.SupplyVariables
mySheet.Cells(myRow, 1) = myVariable.Code
mySheet.Cells(myRow, 2) = myVariable.English
mySheet.Cells(myRow, 3) = myVariable.Extrapolate
mySheet.Cells(myRow, 4) = myVariable.ExtrapolateObjective
mySheet.Cells(myRow, 5) = myVariable.ExtrapolateObjectiveOld
myRow = myRow + 1
mySheet.Range(mySheet.Columns(1), mySheet.Columns(5)).EntireColumn.AutoFit()
Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.EnableEvents = True
Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub
End Class


Codigo de la clase Supply Serires, getters y setters de los parmetros de la base de datos.
Imports com.fame.timeiq
Imports com.fame.timeiq.persistence

Public Class SupplySeries
Private mCountryCode As String
Public Property CountryCode() As String
Return mCountryCode
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mCountryCode = value
End Set
End Property

''' <remarks>variable</remarks>
Private mCode As String
Public Property Code() As String
Return mCode
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mCode = value
End Set
End Property

'This should be deleted as soon as the underlying Fame Case series are replaced with regular , individual objects
Private mCaseIndex As Integer
Public Property CaseIndex() As Integer
Return mCaseIndex
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
mCaseIndex = value
End Set
End Property

''' <remarks>FE_ENGLISH</remarks>
Private mEnglish As String
Public Property English() As String
Return mEnglish
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mEnglish = value
End Set
End Property

Private mEndHistoricalEstimation As String
Public Property EndHistoricalEstimation() As String
Return mEndHistoricalEstimation
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mEndHistoricalEstimation = value
End Set
End Property

Private mSplicingMethod As String
Public Property SplicingMethod() As String
Return mSplicingMethod
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mSplicingMethod = value
End Set
End Property

Private mForecastSource As String
Public Property ForecastSource() As String
Return mForecastSource
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mForecastSource = value
End Set
End Property

Private mForecastDatabase As String
Public Property ForecastDatabase() As String
Return mForecastDatabase
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mForecastDatabase = value
End Set
End Property

Private mEstimated As Boolean
Public Property Estimated() As Boolean
Return mEstimated
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
mEstimated = value
End Set
End Property

Private mTrendParameter As Integer
Public Property TrendParameter() As Integer
Return mTrendParameter
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
mTrendParameter = value
End Set
End Property

Private mDatabaseSource As String
Public Property DatabaseSource() As String
Return mDatabaseSource
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mDatabaseSource = value
End Set
End Property

Private mLastModified As String
Public ReadOnly Property LastModified() As String
Return mLastModified
End Get
End Property

Public mSeries As TiqObject = Nothing
''' <summary>
''' Time Series used as one of the QLRX (HP filter) fame function.
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>path in vba, cou.var.constraint in param db</remarks>
Public mConstraintSeries As TiqObject = Nothing
''' <summary>
''' Time Series used as one of the QLRX (HP filter) fame procedure
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>weights in vba, cou.var.constraint.weights in param db</remarks>
Public mConstraintWeightsSeries As TiqObject = Nothing
Public mExtrapolSeries As TiqObject = Nothing
Public mExtrapolDiffSeries As TiqObject = Nothing
Public mSupplyHistoricalSeries As TiqObject = Nothing
Public mSupplyHistoricalDiffSeries As TiqObject = Nothing

''' <remarks>strLastHist | lastvale(histq'cou.var)</remarks>
Private mLastHist As String
Public Property LastHist() As String

Return mLastHist
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mLastHist = value
End Set
End Property

' FormerSeries is the EO series so checks and comparaisons can be done.
Public mFormerSeries As TiqObject = Nothing
Public mFormerDiffSeries As TiqObject = Nothing
' This is not good. The database path should be stored instead
Private mADBEO As Boolean
Public Property ADBEO() As Boolean
Return mADBEO
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
mADBEO = value
End Set
End Property

Private mEstimation As Boolean
Public Property Estimation() As Boolean
Return mEstimation
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
mEstimation = value
End Set
End Property

Private mExtrapolate As String
Public Property Extrapolate() As String
Return mExtrapolate
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mExtrapolate = value
End Set
End Property

Private mExtrapolateObjective As String
'Making change form DOUBLE TO STRING-------------------------------------------------------Attention
Public Property ExtrapolateObjective() As String
Return mExtrapolateObjective
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mExtrapolateObjective = value
End Set
End Property
'Same Here making change from DOUBLE to STRING-------------------------------------------------------Attention
Private mExtrapolateObjectiveOld As String
Public Property ExtrapolateObjectiveOld() As String
Return mExtrapolateObjectiveOld
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mExtrapolateObjectiveOld = value
End Set
End Property

Private mTypeExtrapol As String
Public Property TypeExtrapol() As String
Return mTypeExtrapol
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mTypeExtrapol = value
End Set
End Property

Private mTypef As String
Public Property Typef() As String
Return mTypef
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mTypef = value
End Set
End Property

Private mTypefSelect As String
Public Property TypefSelect() As String
Return mTypefSelect
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mTypefSelect = value
End Set
End Property

Private mTypefSelect2 As String
Public Property TypefSelect2() As String
Return mTypefSelect2
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mTypefSelect2 = value
End Set
End Property

Private mTypefSelect3 As String
Public Property TypefSelect3() As String
Return mTypefSelect3
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mTypefSelect3 = value
End Set
End Property

' This should probably have a better explicte name and be splitted as it both store Lambas and cohort info
Private mInfo As String
Public Property Info() As String
Return mInfo
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mInfo = value
End Set
End Property

Private mList As Boolean
Public Property List() As Boolean
Return mList
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
mList = value
End Set
End Property

Private mMarcet_Ravn As Double
Public Property Marcet_Ravn() As Double
Return mMarcet_Ravn
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Double)
mMarcet_Ravn = value
End Set
End Property

Private mParam1 As Double
Public Property Param1() As Double
Return mParam1
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Double)
mParam1 = value
End Set
End Property

Private mParam2 As Double
Public Property Param2() As Double
Return mParam2
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Double)
mParam2 = value
End Set
End Property

Private mConstraints As String
Public Property Constraints() As String
Return mConstraints
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mConstraints = value
End Set
End Property

Private mStartConstraint As String
Public Property StartConstraint() As String
Return mStartConstraint
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mStartConstraint = value
End Set
End Property

Private mEndConstraint As String
Public Property EndConstraint() As String
Return mEndConstraint
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mEndConstraint = value
End Set
End Property


Private mStartExtrapolation As String
Public Property StartExtrapolation() As String
Return mStartExtrapolation
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mStartExtrapolation = value
End Set
End Property

Private mEndExtrapolation As String
Public Property EndExtrapolation() As String
Return mEndExtrapolation
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mEndExtrapolation = value
End Set
End Property


Private mSplice As String
Public Property Splice() As String
Return mSplice
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mSplice = value
End Set
End Property

''' <remarks>strMethod | param'list_method[]</remarks>
Private mTypeSplice As String
Public Property TypeSplice() As String
Return mTypeSplice
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mTypeSplice = value
End Set
End Property
'--------------------------------------Here I am --------------------------------
Public Sub loadSeriesParameters(ByVal DatabasePath As String)
Me.Param1 = LoadStringParameter_Case(DatabasePath, Me.CountryCode + ".param1", Me.CaseIndex)
Me.English = LoadStringAttribut(Me.CountryCode + "." + Me.Code, "fe_english")
Me.DatabaseSource = "c:\fame\eo88q.db"
Me.Splice = LoadStringParameter_Case(DatabasePath, "list_method", Me.CaseIndex)
Me.Info = LoadStringParameter_Case(DatabasePath, Me.CountryCode + ".info", Me.CaseIndex)
Me.ADBEO = LoadStringParameter(DatabasePath, Me.CountryCode + ".ADBEO")
Me.Estimation = LoadStringParameter_Case(DatabasePath, Me.CountryCode + ".Estimation", Me.CaseIndex)
Me.Extrapolate = LoadStringParameter_Case(DatabasePath, Me.CountryCode + ".Extrapolate", Me.CaseIndex)
Me.ExtrapolateObjective = LoadStringParameter_Case(DatabasePath, Me.CountryCode + ".extrapolate.objective", Me.CaseIndex) '-----> revision needed error out of
Me.ExtrapolateObjectiveOld = LoadStringParameter_Case(DatabasePath, Me.CountryCode + ".extrapolate.objective_old", Me.CaseIndex) '----->same error as
Me.List = LoadStringParameter_Case(DatabasePath, Me.CountryCode + ".list", Me.CaseIndex)
Me.Marcet_Ravn = LoadStringParameter_Case(DatabasePath, Me.CountryCode + ".marcet_ravn", Me.CaseIndex)
Me.EndConstraint = LoadStringParameter_Case(DatabasePath, Me.CountryCode + ".endconstraint", Me.CaseIndex)
Me.Param2 = LoadStringParameter_Case(DatabasePath, Me.CountryCode + ".param2", Me.CaseIndex)
Me.StartConstraint = LoadStringParameter_Case(DatabasePath, Me.CountryCode + ".startconstraint", Me.CaseIndex)
Me.EndConstraint = LoadStringParameter_Case(DatabasePath, Me.CountryCode + ".endconstraint", Me.CaseIndex)
Me.Constraints = LoadStringParameter_Case(DatabasePath, Me.CountryCode + ".constraints", Me.CaseIndex)
Me.TypeExtrapol = LoadStringParameter_Case(DatabasePath, Me.CountryCode + ".typeextrapol", Me.CaseIndex)
Me.Typef = LoadStringParameter(DatabasePath, Me.CountryCode + "." + Me.Code + ".typef")
Me.TypefSelect = LoadStringParameter(DatabasePath, Me.CountryCode + "." + Me.Code + "")
Me.TypefSelect2 = LoadStringParameter(DatabasePath, Me.CountryCode + "." + Me.Code + ".typef.select2")
Me.TypefSelect3 = LoadStringParameter(DatabasePath, Me.CountryCode + "." + Me.Code + ".typef.select3")
Me.TypeSplice = LoadStringParameter_Case(DatabasePath, Me.CountryCode + ".typesplice", Me.CaseIndex)
Me.Constraints = LoadStringParameter_Case(DatabasePath, Me.CountryCode + ".constraints", Me.CaseIndex)
End Sub

Public Sub LoadSeriesValues()
mSeries = FameTimeIqFunctions.LoadSeries(Me.DatabaseSource, Me.CountryCode + "." + Me.Code)
If mSeries.isSeries() Then
mLastModified = Me.mSeries.ObjectInfo.getModificationDate.ToString
End If
mSupplyHistoricalSeries = FameTimeIqFunctions.LoadSeries("c:\fame\Supply_datahist.db", Me.CountryCode + "." + Me.Code)
LastHist = mSupplyHistoricalSeries.getCalendar.indexToString(mSupplyHistoricalSeries.getObservations.Count)
If Me.Splice = "growth" Then
Dim diff As com.fame.timeiq.Functions.stats.Pct = New Functions.stats.Pct(mSupplyHistoricalSeries)
mSupplyHistoricalDiffSeries = diff.getTiqObjectCopy
Dim diff As com.fame.timeiq.Functions.stats.Diff = New Functions.stats.Diff(mSupplyHistoricalSeries)
mSupplyHistoricalDiffSeries = diff.getTiqObjectCopy
End If
mConstraintSeries = FameTimeIqFunctions.LoadSeries("c:\fame\Supply_parameters.db", Me.CountryCode + "." + Me.Code + ".constraint")
mConstraintWeightsSeries = FameTimeIqFunctions.LoadSeries("c:\fame\Supply_parameters.db", Me.CountryCode + "." + Me.Code + ".constraint.weights")
mExtrapolSeries = FameTimeIqFunctions.LoadSeries("c:\fame\Supply_parameters.db", Me.CountryCode + "." + Me.Code + ".extrapol")
If Me.Splice = "growth" Then
Dim diff As com.fame.timeiq.Functions.stats.Pct = New Functions.stats.Pct(mExtrapolSeries)
mExtrapolDiffSeries = diff.getTiqObjectCopy
Dim diff As com.fame.timeiq.Functions.stats.Diff = New Functions.stats.Diff(mExtrapolSeries)
mExtrapolDiffSeries = diff.getTiqObjectCopy
End If
mFormerSeries = FameTimeIqFunctions.LoadSeries("c:\fame\Supply_parameters.db", Me.CountryCode + "." + Me.Code + ".extrapol")
If Me.Splice = "growth" Then
Dim diff As com.fame.timeiq.Functions.stats.Pct = New Functions.stats.Pct(mFormerSeries)
mFormerDiffSeries = diff.getTiqObjectCopy
Dim diff As com.fame.timeiq.Functions.stats.Diff = New Functions.stats.Diff(mFormerSeries)
mFormerDiffSeries = diff.getTiqObjectCopy
End If

End Sub
Public Sub SaveSeriesAs(ByVal SeriesCode As String, ByVal DatabasePath As String)
Call FameTimeIqFunctions.SaveSeriesAs(Me, SeriesCode, DatabasePath)
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal SeriesCode As String)
Me.Code = SeriesCode
End Sub
Public Sub New()

End Sub
End Class

Imports com.fame.timeiq
Imports com.fame.timeiq.persistence
Public Class SupplyCountries
Private mCode As String
Public Property Code() As String
Return mCode
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mCode = value
End Set
End Property

'Full or simplified : WEA vs. SMP
' not sure if it is really needed as this can be deduced from series availability--> I think this also...
Private Type As String

Private mADBLastIntegrationDate As String
Public Property ADBLastIntegrationDate() As String
Return mADBLastIntegrationDate
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mADBLastIntegrationDate = value
End Set
End Property

Private mDeskLastSubmitDate As String
Public Property DeskLastSubmitDate() As String
Return mDeskLastSubmitDate
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mDeskLastSubmitDate = value
End Set
End Property

Private mSupplyLastIntegrationDate As String
Public Property SupplyLastIntegrationDate() As String
Return mSupplyLastIntegrationDate
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mSupplyLastIntegrationDate = value
End Set
End Property

Public SupplyVariables As New List(Of SupplySeries)

Private mADBEO As String
Public Property ADBEO() As String
Return mADBEO
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mADBEO = value
End Set
End Property

Private mFilePathADB As String
Public Property FilePathADB() As String
Return mFilePathADB
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)

mFilePathADB = value
End Set
End Property

Private mFilePathEO As String
Public Property FilePathEO() As String
Return mFilePathEO
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mFilePathEO = value
End Set
End Property

Private mFilePathMTB As String
Public Property FilePathMTB() As String
Return mFilePathMTB
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mFilePathMTB = value
End Set
End Property

Private mFilePathRef As String
Public Property FilePathRef() As String
Return mFilePathRef
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mFilePathRef = value
End Set
End Property

Private mIsOpen As String
Public Property Isopen() As String
Return mIsOpen
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mIsOpen = value
End Set
End Property

Public mVariableList As New List(Of String)

Public Sub New(ByVal aCountryCode As String)
mCode = aCountryCode
End Sub
Public Sub LoadCountryParameters(ByVal ParamDatabasePath As String)
FilePathADB = LoadStringParameter(ParamDatabasePath, Me.Code + ".filepathADB")
FilePathEO = LoadStringParameter(ParamDatabasePath, Me.Code + ".filepatheo")
FilePathMTB = LoadStringParameter(ParamDatabasePath, Me.Code + ".filepathmtb")
Isopen = LoadStringParameterRemote("adb_eostatus", Me.Code + ".open")
ADBEO = LoadStringParameter(ParamDatabasePath, Me.Code + ".ADBEO")
ADBLastIntegrationDate = LoadStringParameterRemote("adb_eostatus", Me.Code + ".last_integre")
DeskLastSubmitDate = LoadStringParameterRemote("adb_eostatus", Me.Code + ".last_submit")
SupplyLastIntegrationDate = LoadStringParameter(ParamDatabasePath, Me.Code + ".LAST_INTEGRE_SUPPLY")
FilePathRef = LoadStringParameter(ParamDatabasePath, Me.Code + ".filepathref")
End Sub
Public Sub LoadSeriesList(ByVal ParamDatabasePath As String, ByVal RefList As List(Of String))
Dim aListOfSeries As New List(Of SupplySeries)
Dim index As Integer = 0

Dim ASupplyVariable As SupplySeries
For Each variable As String In GetStringList(ParamDatabasePath, Me.Code + ".list")

If UCase(variable) = "TRUE" Then
ASupplyVariable = New SupplySeries(RefList.Item(index))
ASupplyVariable.CountryCode = Me.Code
ASupplyVariable.CaseIndex = RefList.IndexOf(ASupplyVariable.Code)
End If
index = index + 1

End Sub
End Class

Conexin con el servidor


VisualSVN is a Visual Studio plug-in that integrates Subversion and TortoiseSVN seamlessly
with Visual Studio. VisualSVN virtually eliminates the management of your project source code
files within Subversion. Program, design, debug and deploy with VisualSVN as your silent
partner that safeguards your source code.
With VisualSVN deployed throughout your development organization, all of your developers will
be using Subversion confidently and effectively to manage and safeguard your organization's
work product.

Why You Should Use VisualSVN
Ease of use: VisualSVN makes Subversion substantially easier to use within Visual Studio than
using TortoiseSVN alone with Subversion.
Deep integration of Visual Studio projects and solutions with Subversion file management. You
don't have to think about Subversion when you work with files and projects in Visual Studio.
More stable, simpler and easier to use, and more reliable than available open source
alternatives (according to independent reviewers and bloggers).

One-stop source control lets you perform all user level Subversion functions manage project
files, checkout, commit, and other operations within Visual Studio.
Compatible with the latest Subversion and TortoiseSVN releases. Continually updated.
Inexpensive to purchase, and easy to set up.
Quick and Easy Adoption
One-click import of a new solution: the Add Solution to Subversion wizard gets you started
quickly and reliably. With one simple step, your solution is placed under Subversion source
One-click checkout: the Get Solution from Subversion dialog makes checkout quick and
painless. Developers instantly get to work on shared projects.
Fully TortoiseSVN integrated: all source control functions use the standard TortoiseSVN
dialogs. Your knowledge of TortoiseSVN is immediately useful.
Fully compatible: VisualSVN contains the most current available Subversion distributions plus
the original command line binaries (including svn.exe).
Watch the quick Getting Started demo and learn how easy Subversion can be.
Transparent Source Control That Covers You At All Times
Automatically adds every created item to Subversion.
No ignore/exclude patterns to manage: Visual Studio temporary files such as the contents
of obj and bin folders are ignored by default when using VisualSVN.
Transparently move/rename your files and folders (and the complete history of these changes
will be preserved by Subversion).
Common file operations are transparently reflected to Subversion: Drag & Drop, Copy &
Paste and Save As all cause the right thing to happen within version control.
Traffic-light style Subversion visual status is displayed for every versioned item in the
Solution Explorer.
Status display is displayed in the status bar at all times with a traffic light style visual indicator,
so that you instantly know if files have changed. Avoid dirty commits and keep your work
grouped logically as you commit your changes.
Unique Features That Enhance Your Productivity
Quick Diff marks changes visually within Visual Studio using color coding. You can see the
changes in your source file from the repository version at a glance. There is fast navigation
available to move to the next changed section. You never have to open a separate diff window
to see what you have changed. And you don't have to hunt for changes.
Quick Revert uses the Quick Diff color coding to allow you to easily restore changes that have
been made from the repository version. Just select the changes that are displayed by Quick Diff
and perform Revert Selection. Quick Revert is fully integrated with the Visual Studio
Undo/Redo stack.
Track and manage all changes made to your source file by using the unique visual assists that
are provided by VisualSVN. You are free to use external applications and you will always see
exactly what has changed. Never make a dirty commit again.
Seamless integration with built-in and third-party refactoring tools such as ReSharper. Source
code changes and file operations such as renaming are handled for you and are reflected
transparently to Subversion by VisualSVN. Even changes in more complex objects such as forms
and ASPX pages are handled transparently by VisualSVN and are accurately reflected
to Subversion.

Version control with VisualSVN is user friendly and straightforward. You don't need to have prior
Subversion experience.
Add Solution to Subversion
First you need to place your solution under Subversion control. There are only two main steps to
do this: execute the Add Solution to Subversion command and commit your solution to the
Open or create new solution in Visual Studio. Then choose Add Solution to Subversion from the
VisualSVN menu command and the wizard will open.

Now you choose the directory where your code will be
stored. VisualSVN can add your code to a new or an
existing repository. When VisualSVN creates new
repository it creates the default repository structure with
branches, tags and trunk folders. Initially your code
will be stored in the trunk folder.
Please note that when adding your code to an existing repository you can choose any remote
repository. For example, you can easily add your solution to a hosted repository provided by
services like Google Code. Just enter the repository URL in the corresponding field in the dialog.

After this operation is finished all source files and folders in
your solution will be marked as added to Subversion. Added
files will be indicated by yellow icons in Solution Explorer.
But all changes are still local and have not been sent to the
target repository yet. This allows you to review the results
of adding your solution to Subversion before the operation
is finished.
Commit Solution to Subversion
Although files in your solution are marked as added to Subversion they still are not committed.
Only your local working copy is affected and files are not transferred to the repository.

To commit your solution to Subversion, select
VisualSVN | Commit menu item, enter a
comment and click OK. The first versions of your
source files will be sent to the target Subversion

After you committed your solution to Subversion
you should see green icons in Solutions Explorer
indicating that your code is controlled by
Subversion and you have no local changes. You
are ready to work!
Basic Work Cycle
VisualSVN has numerous features, but on a day-to-day basis you will use only a few of them. In
this section we'll describe the most common things that you might find yourself doing with
VisualSVN in the course of a day's work.
The typical work cycle looks like this:
Update your working copy
Make changes
Examine your changes
Possibly undo some changes
Merge others' changes
Commit your changes
Update your working copy
When working on a project with a team, you'll want to update your working copy to receive any
changes made by other developers on the project since your last update. Use the VisualSVN |
Update menu item to bring your working copy in sync with the latest revision in the repository.

While updating you'll see TortoiseSVN's Update
window that will show you which files of your
solution are need to be updated.
Make changes

Now you can get to work and make changes in your working copy. It's usually most convenient to
decide on a discrete change (or set of changes) to make, such as writing a new feature, fixing a
bug, etc.
You don't need to tell VisualSVN that you intend to make a change. Just make your changes using
a text editor or Solution Explorer and VisualSVN automatically detects which changes have been
Please note that all your changes are local to your own working copy until you commit them to
the repository.
Examine Your Changes
Once you've finished making changes, you need to commit them to the repository, but before you
do so, it's usually a good idea to take a look at exactly what you've changed. By examining your
changes before you commit, you can write a more accurate log message. You may also discover
that you've inadvertently changed a file, and this gives you a chance to revert those changes
before committing them. Additionally, this is a good opportunity to review and scrutinize changes
before publishing them.

You can see an overview of the changes you've made by
using TortoiseSVN's Show Changes window. To open the
window choose the VisualSVN | Show Changes command
on the main menu.
Please note that you can examine your changes without
network access. This makes it easy to manage your
changes-in-progress even when you are somewhere
without a network connection.
Possibly undo some changes
Suppose while examining your changes you determine that all the changes you made to a
particular file are mistakes. Maybe you shouldn't have changed the file at all, or perhaps it would
be easier to make different changes starting from scratch.
This is a perfect opportunity to use the VisualSVN | Revert main menu command. You'll see
TortoiseSVN's Revert window where you can examine and undo some of your changes.

Subversion reverts the file to its pre-modified state by
overwriting it with the cached pristine copy from the
.svn area. You can also undo any directory modifications.
For example, you might decide that you don't want to
rename a file after all.
Merge other's changes
It often happens that while you've been working on your changes, somebody else already finished
and committed their own changes to the repository. Thus it's a good idea to merge any changes
into your working copy before commiting. Just choose VisualSVN | Update main menu command
and all changes committed by others but not reflected in your working copy will be incorporated
into your working copy.
Let's suppose that you and your collaborator both edited the same file at the same time.
Fortunately this is not a problem in most cases and simultaneous changes will be merged by
Subversion. However, sometimes Subversion can't automatically merge changes within a file and
this file is marked as conflicted. You will be notified about conflicted files in TortoiseSVN's
Update window.

For further details about resolving conflicts please consult
the chapter called Resolve Conflicts (Merging Other's
Changes) in the Version Control with Subversion book.
Commit your changes
Your edits are finished, you've merged all changes from the server into your working copy, and
you're finally ready to commit your changes to the repository.

Please choose the VisualSVN | Commit main menu
command to send all of your changes to the repository.
When you commit a change, you need to supply a log
message, describing your change. Your log message will
be attached to the new revision you create.
The repository doesn't know or care if your changes make any sense as a whole; it only checks to
make sure that nobody else has changed any of the files that you changed when you weren't
looking. If somebody has done that, the entire commit will fail with a message informing you that
one or more of your files are out-of-date:

At this point, you need to update your working copy, deal
with any merges or conflicts that result, and attempt your
commit again.
That covers the basic work cycle for using VisualSVN. There are many other features in
VisualSVN that you can use to manage your repository and working copy, but most of your day-
to-day use of VisualSVN will involve only the commands that we've discussed so far in this
chapter. We will, however, cover a few more commands that you'll use fairly often.

Handy VisualSVN toolbar provides clean, direct access to the most important commands and
features of Subversion. We even provide a combo box containing the URL of the current
Subversion branch, and you can use it to quickly change between branches.
VisualSVN is well recognized as a stable and robust Visual Studio plugin. It is used
by Fortune 500 companies, hi-tech startups, Microsoft MVP's and famous open-source projects.

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