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Serapis Bey: Who Runs the Matrix?

Serapis Bey:
I am delighted to speak with all of you today. It is a time of powerfully increasing energies, and rising
hopes. You may know me as one who has been very involved in the Ascension of lanet !arth. "rom
the beginning, I have worked with your other #asters and $uides to help organi%e our efforts to help
you leave behind the difficult dark energies which have held !arth captive for so long, and to facilitate
the freedom humankind is destined to achieve.
I have personally been overseeing the activations of the crystals which had been deactivated during the
Atlantis disaster, for the safety of !arth and the crystals themselves. I have also been involved, with
many others, of course, in the timing of the opening of portals which will make it possible for all
humankind to pass through to higher dimensions when the time comes. All these things have been
coordinated with the activities on the ground, and the level of vibration you have all been able to
It is a challenging process for all of you, we know. It is one thing to spend a day in meditation and find
a bit of peace until someone comes along and upsets you, or you have to go back to work at a place you
cannot stand. And still, we urge you on: &'aise your vibration( )he success of the Ascension depends
on it(& *ell, yes, it is true that you need to turn a corner as far as your thoughts and feelings are
+uring these past weeks, we have spoken at length during our Ascension ,ouncil meetings about how
we can give you the best training program possible, now that we have your ear. *e find that this group
is very responsive, eager to absorb more comple- and challenging material, and to share what you learn
with others. )his is having a wonderful effect, and the .ight is spreading /uickly through all the
countries in the world. 0f course, we have other groups around the world studying and working hard
as well. *e are looking forward to the synergy you will discover when you begin to meet one another
and share your feelings and dreams.
You are learning to address the cultural and political and social issues with greater sophistication, and
you are seeing how deeply intrenched in the cabal thinking every one of you has been. It could not be
otherwise, +ear 0nes, because darkness was all around you, in the air you breathed, in the food you
ate, even in the milk you drank as an infant. 1o one has been spared the struggles which were created
by the oppression and dictatorship of the cabal. And now, here you are, sorting through all your old
attitudes and beliefs which you thought had been scrubbed clean long ago, finding nooks and crannies
where the &dust bunnies& of ancient thought have collected and remained.
You are learning at last to identify the old thinking by its &feel& 2 self2denial feels stingy, self2doubt
feels heavy and sticky, 3ealousy feels icy4hot, and an-iety feels bu%%y. It is necessary to be constantly
mindful in order to catch yourself falling back into those old familiar patterns, doesn5t it6 )his is what
we encourage you to accept, and en3oy the ride( It is a great triumph to be able to be completely in
command of your feelings and thoughts after thousands of years of being asleep, and it is a complete
change from the distracted, preoccupied state you are used to being in.
If you are ready to Ascend, +ear 0nes, you must be ready to take command. You have also been
&brain2washed& into feeling dependent and fearful of making a decision on your own which will put
you in opposition to those around you. 7ow many of you have said of your spiritual path: &!veryone
thinks I5m cra%y, or &#y family all think I5ve lost my mind.& Indeed, it is possible that many in your
family 8and every family9 may not understand what you understand now, but that does not mean
everyone thinks you are cra%y, does it6 *ho were you speaking to the last time you said that6 *as it
someone who is on the same path of Ascension as you are6 You have 3ust disproven the everyone
hypothesis now, haven5t you6
It is time to leave behind entirely the idea that it matters what others think of you. )his is even more
important when the sub3ect is what you know in your heart. 1o one else can tell you what to feel, what
you should know in your bones, and how you should conduct yourself, especially when your newfound
freedom allows you to be more generous, more forgiving, more loving and kind. It is silly when you
think about it, isn5t it, that even those who are in a position to benefit most from your new happiness
and peace of mind are the ones who ob3ect most strenuously6 I believe this is what you would call
&cutting off your nose to spite your face&. But then, it is their right, given :2 dimensional free will, to
be as wrong2headed and belligerent as they want to be, as long as they don5t do something &illegal.&
So, here you are with me, wondering what magical combination of words I might come up with that
will turn the key for you, open the door to a brand new understanding, and help you to keep the
progress you gain without ever a backward slip. I will do my best, but I must warn you that it will not
work unless you are brilliantly, determinedly committed to being the absolute best and highest you can
be, right now. Yes, 'ight 1ow. 1ot when you can, sometime, later, when you get the hang of this
process...1o, my Beloveds, there is no time like the present, as you have said yourselves.
All right then. "irst, we must take on the lingering effects of the contracts you all made with the
Archons when you agreed to enter into this world of duality. You might ask why on !arth you needed
to sign a contract in order to e-perience darkness, suffering, pain and trauma. It is a remarkable twist
of logic, but follow me, and I will try to e-plain.
lanet !arth is a very beautiful place, and )erra herself emits bright and loving energy. It is very
difficult to convince anyone living on her surface to accept the idea that it is a good idea to take
advantage of her, poison her and feel perfectly satisfied about it. Another difficulty was the natural
inclination humankind has toward compassion, love and generosity. It would have been impossible to
stir up passions enough to create wars over something like a religious belief without some neurological
1ow, this may come as a surprise to you, but all of you here have been the guinea pigs for your own
plan to create a most difficult challenge, like the magician who has himself tied up in a straight 3acket
and placed upside down in a tank of water. )his was your plan 2 to be blind2folded, separated from all
sources of )ruth other than your own heart, and placed on the surface of )erra with nothing but your
own resourcefulness, and "aith, to guide you. You did not know what deviousness and darkness your
Archon guards would devise to confuse and distract you, but you did know it would take all your
courage and your best human /ualities to break free of the #atri-, as you have so aptly begun to call it.
And so the game began, Archons against 7umankind, in a struggle which would last for thousands of
years. )here were no rules of the game, because you trusted in yourselves and each other to be able to
see through the illusion. You knew you would one day return to Source, knowing that .ove is the only
true energy in the cosmos. You also knew that you would be overseen by $od5s endless .ove,
tenderness and forgiveness. )he merciful review process you would be provided at the end of each
lifetime would allow you to return to 7igher +imensions in the embrace of your soul family between
each life. You and the designers of this plan, which you now know as the .ucifer ro3ect, believed this
would be enough to sustain upward movement and success in the long run.
It was not intended to continue for thousands of years 2 from the time of the fall of Atlantis until now 2
because you were optimistic about being able to maintain your balance and e-tract yourselves from the
tricks and deceptions of the clever Archons, who were invited for the ro3ect because of their
reputation for dedication to proving themselves right in their wish to remove themselves from $od5s
influence by disconnecting the +1A strands that held heart, mind, body and soul in complete
synchrony. 7umankind agreed to e-perience a milder form of that disconnection, but maintained the
ability to feel deep .ove and connection to one another.
)here were several reasons for taking part in such a seemingly fool2hardy plan. )he Archons 8a
collection of dark ones which included a faction of 'eptilians from 0rion, +raconians, $reys and
others who subscribed to the no2$od preference9, were creating trouble around the ,osmos with their
destructive and warring ways, and ;niversal .aw re/uires a non2intervention policy toward any group
or planet e-cept under the e-treme case of impending nuclear holocaust. )he #ilky *ay gala-y had
already e-perienced the loss of #aldek, !arth5s twin planet, and the fall of Atlantis. It was becoming
difficult to contain the lower2dimensional &troublemakers& who had their sights set on the complete
take2over of the :rd and <th dimensions.
And so the challenge was presented: 7umankind, who saw themselves as being made in the image of
,reator, would test themselves in a full2out confrontation with the Archons, who would agree to one
condition: that neither side would resort to the use of the advanced technologies which already e-isted,
but would incarnate side2by2side in human bodies, using only the resources which )erra provided. It
was to be a battle between .ight versus +ark, $od versus the Archons, .ove and spiritual connection
versus separation and unrestricted free will. )he losers 2 those whose will could not sustain them in
order to win at the largely psychological game, would return to the .ight.
It was ,reator5s wish not to have to dissolve his beloved children, even though they had gone astray.
7e therefore called upon the entire #ultiverse to devise a program which would engage all of ,reation.
1ow I will tell you of the part you will not find in history books or religious te-ts. )he Archon
problem had pre2dated the fall of Atlantis. In fact, it pre2dated the creation of lanet !arth and the
beginnings of 7umankind. You see, the other races of beings in the #ultiverse offered their +1A 2
what they saw as their greatest strengths 2 to create 7umankind for the purpose of defeating the +ark
0nes. #other !arth, still a young planet by cosmic standards, volunteered to be the testing ground, the
vehicle upon which the great battle between good and evil would be acted out.
And so, many races from around your known ;niverse and beyond took part in the creation of the new
race of beings. ;nder the supervision and loving eyes of the ,reator and all the souls of the 7igher
+imensions, the leiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and other incarnated beings worked together
to seed the new race we now call human on the surface of lanet !arth. )his initial endeavor took
place during the period between =>>,>>> 2 :>>,>>> years ago, with some changes to the template being
made as recently as =>>,>>> years ago. )hen, humankind was given free will to develop on their own,
as is ,reator5s way.
It was not until the fall of Atlantis that the ,ompany of 7eaven decided 7umankind had matured
enough, through the incarnation of many already2e-perienced souls, themselves included, to take on a
more active part in the direct confrontation of the Archons. It was then that the ,ouncils of the
$alactic "ederation met with the ,ompany of 7eaven to devise the plan which became the .ucifer
ro3ect, after the #aster who volunteered to be the lead soul in the battle against the Archons.
)he story of the ,ompany of 7eaven, many of whom came from ?enus, has been told elsewhere in
these pages. Sanat @umara, Sananda and the other @umaras had come in service to hold the .ight on
lanet !arth during the entire descent of lanet !arth with her human, animal and fauna beings, to
lower dimensions to do battle with the Archons, and to support her recovery and Ascension.
)hat brings us to 1ow. You, Beloved 0nes, are the inhabitants of the human bodies which were
created to defeat the +arkness. You are the gladiators who will triumph in the arena which has been
created for the final showdown between .ight and dark, good and evil. You, the soul that you are, have
committed yourself to this momentous task, along with all the incarnated soul mates and twin flames of
your soul families, all under the caring eye of your 7igher Selves, the ,ompany of 7eaven and the
$alactic brothers and sisters who see themselves in you, and who wish to live in a #ultiverse of .ove
at every level, in every dimension.
I hope you are beginning to see what your challenge is now. )he Archons have been defeated, brought
to the .ight because of your participation in the .ucifer ro3ect, which we have also described earlier. 8
1ow, you are facing what has turned out to be, in some ways, the most difficult part of the ro3ect: the
healing and restoration of humankind, to reach the higher planes which are your +estiny. )he great
battles with the dark ones are over, Beloved 0nes. *hat remains is the great curse which has fallen
upon humankind. )hat is, the unconscious loyalty to the contracts which tied you to the Archon #atri-
and your reluctance to dissolve the thought forms which are keeping you enslaved to their ways.
I recommend that you read this message several times, and that you devise a meditation practice in
which you call upon your own 7igher Self and the ,ompany of 7eaven to 3oin with you to decree your
freedom from the soul contract which bound you to the battle, and which keeps you in an endless
feedback loop in which you cannot see or feel the )ruth 2 that the battle is won, and you are free.
Your an-iety, mistrust, fear and despair are the battle fatigue you now suffer. It prevents you from
e-periencing the 3oy and freedom you have already won, and it keeps you forever tied to the defensive
practices and tactics which were the pandemic on lanet !arth for thousands of years.
You have overcome the real #asters of the +ark. )hey have either returned to the .ight or been
dissolved into the great cosmic energy. You will not encounter them again, e-cept in your dreams, your
thoughts and your feelings. 1ow, +earest 0nes, only you can save yourselves. *e have given you a
message every day for five weeks to help you release yourselves from the straight 3acket which is now
of your own making. You are no longer the weary warriors who must trudge on through an endless
battle of wills, a 3ourney that never ends. You are free. 1ow act on it.
!levate yourselves now to the higher vibration which is available to you for the taking. Breathe it.
'evel in it. ,laim it. Stop looking back. #ove forward with your heads held high and your hands
clasped in a loving embrace. It is your time.
*e are 0ne.
I am yours, in loving service, Serapis Bey
)ranscribed by @athryn !. #ay, August =A, A>=<, == #, 1ew York
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