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Aisha - Youngest Wife of the Prophet

Short Biography of Aisha Bint Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq
Aisha was the youngest and favorite wife of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Aisha
(r.a) was a great Muslim lady. She was very talented and had a wonderful memory. A Muslim
scholar, she is credited with narrating more than two thousand hadith. She had a great love of
learning and became noted for her intelligence, learning and sharp sense of judgement.Aishah
(r.a ) memoried !uite a number of Surahs of the "ur#an. $er father was a man of learning and
she inherited his love of %nowledge.
&ollowing the death of his first wife of '( years, )hadija bint )hawilad, the Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him)* entered into twelve other marriages. Aisha +int Abu +a%r Al,Siddi! was
the third and youngest wife, and the only child bride.
Aisha - Child Bride
Aisha was born in Mecca in -./ 01 to 2mm 3uman and Abu +a%r Al,Siddi!, the closest friend
of the Prophet Muhammad ( sal ) and the first %halifa of 4slam. Most accounts report that Aisha
was si5 years old at the time of her marriage and nine when the marriage was consummated. She
only went to live with him when she was .' ( some say .( ). Although the bridal age of Aisha
sometimes draws criticism, child marriages in 6th century Arabia were culturally and morally
acceptable, just as they were in +iblical times.
7he Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) was %nown to have an impeccable character, and
his marriage to a child bride was an e5ception to his other marriages. Aisha was the only child
and one of only two virgins to marry the Prophet (peace be upon him). $is other wives were all
widowed or divorced.
Why did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) married young Ayesha Siddiqua (May Allah
be pleased ith her)!
7hrough the centuries, orientalists have advance numerous accusations and far,fetched theories
to discredit 4slam and its last Prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him). Praise be to Allah alone,
all such accusations have been successfully refuted by the Muslims 2mmah. 0urrently, one of
the 8reinvented8 accusations against the noble character of the Prophet is about his marriage to
young Aisha Siddi!a (r.a.).
Two main theories are often adan!e by orientalists to atta!k the pure !hara!ter of
Prophet Muhammad "pbuh# on his marriage to Aisha "r$a$# at her young age$
A$ %e was a Pedophile$
B$ %e was inoled in !hild abuse$
&et's analy(e ea!h theory to dig out the truth) through the *uidan!e of Allah
A" Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) married Aisha (r"a") be#ause he as a
Definition of a Pedophile:
9Pedophile: also spelled PA1;<P$4=4A, psychose5ual disorder in which an adult8s arousal and
se5ual gratification occur primarily through se5ual contact with prepubescent children. 7he
typical pedophile is unable to find satisfaction in an adult se5ual relationship and may have low
self,esteem, seeing se5ual activity with a child as less threatening than that with an adult.9
1ncyclopedia +ritannica, .>>?.
7he diagnostic criteria for pedophilia according to American Psychiatric Association:
<ver a period of at least - months, recurrent intense se5ual urges and se5ual arousing
fantasies involving se5ual activity with a prepubescent child or children.
7he person has acted on these urges , or is mar%edly distressed by them.
7he person is at least .- years old and at least ( years older than the child.
$oes the prophet %it the abo&e #riteria o% a paedophile!
@ith the above criteria of a pedophile in mind, lets analye the lifestyle of the prophet and his
$is marriages:
Name of Bride Bride's age at
..$arat )hadija +int
/A 7wice widowed before
'. $arat Sawada +int
(A @idow
C. $arat A8isha +int Abu
> Started living with the
prophet at the age of >
/.$arat $afsa +int 82mar '' @idow
(.$arat Baynab +int
-.$arat 2mmay Salama
$ind +int Abi 2mayya
'- @idow
6.$arat Baynab +int Eahsh C? @idow
?.$arat Euwayria +int Al,
'A @idow
>. $arat 2mm $abiba
3amla +int +int Abi
C- @idow
.A.$arat Safya +int
.6 @idow
...$arat Maymuna +int
C- @idow
.'.$arat Maria al,
.6 Firgin, 1gyptian
Statisti#s %rom the abo&e table'
Percentage of his wives who were .6 years and older G >. H
Percentage of his wives who were widows G 6(H
Comments: 7he statistics show that the prophet8s marriage to Aisha at her young age was an
e5ception and not a norm of his other marriages. &urthermore 9a pedophile#s main mode of
se5ual satisfaction is with prepubescent girls9, which is contradictory to the >.H of prophet8s
marriage to women .6 years and over. An unbiased e5amination of Prophet8s life and his
marriages to his wives blatantly rejects the notion of his lifestyle fitting that of a pedophile. All
his brides were aged widows (e5cept Aisha and Marya).
94t is impossible for anyone who studies the life and character of the great Prophet of Arabia,
who %nows how he taught and how he lived, to feel anything but reverence for that mighty
Prophet, one of the great messengers of the Supreme. And although in what 4 put to you 4 shall
say many things which may be familiar to many, yet 4 myself feel whenever 4 re,read them, a
new way of admiration, a new sense of reverence for that mighty Arabian teacher.9
B" (thers #laim that the noble Prophet (pea#e be upon him) indulged in
#hild-abuse hen he married Aisha at her young age
=et scrutinie this allegation...
Definition of Child Abuse:
0hild Abuse, also called 0321=7I 7< 0$4=;31J, the wilful and unjustifiable infliction of
pain and suffering on children. 7he term can denote the use of inordinate physical violenceK
unjustifiable verbal abuseK the failure to furnish proper shelter, nourishment, medical treatment,
or emotional supportK incestK other cases of se5ual molestation K and the ma%ing of child
pornography. &re!uently described by the medical profession as the 9battered,child syndrome,9
abusive treatment of children is almost universally proscribed by criminal statutes. 0hild abuse
can have serious future conse!uences for the victims involved. ;elays in physical growth,
impaired language and cognitive abilities, and problems in personality development, learning,
and behaviors are common following instances of child abuse or neglect. 1ncyclopedia
+ritannica, .>>?
Comments: Jone of the criteria of child,abuse applies to the noble life of the Prophet (pbuh).
7here is no single incident of any infliction of pain and suffering by the prophet on Aisha or any
other human being for that matter. Jeither any instance of verbal or se5ual abuse can be
concluded from the relationship of the prophet with Aisha (r.a.) or any of his wives.
An abused child can have serious future conse!uences...delayed physical growth, impaired
language. learning and behavior...etc (above definition). As one e5amines the chaste life of Aisha
(r.a.), her personality, physical, mental and spiritual development are all contrary to that of an
abused child. 4n fact through the Prophet8s marriage and his guidance to Aisha, history testifies
that she should be labeled not as an abused child but as a 8blessed child8.
After analying and refuting the accusations against the noble character of Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him), the only viable alternative left with us is:
C" )he Prophet married Aisha %or the bene%it o% *slam and Humanity
=ets analye...
+$ 7he Prophet married Aisha primarily for three reasons:
a. 7o reinforce the friendly relations already e5isting with Abu +a%r (r.a)(his closest companion).
b. 7o educate and train Aisha for the purposes of 4slam.
c. 7o utilie her capabilities for the sa%e of 4slam.
,$ $er Marriage with the prophet was a Wahy (;ivine 3evelation). She, herself relates from the
Prophet. -%e said) '. saw you in dreams three times$ The angel brought you to me and you
were !lad in white silk$ %e "the angel# said that it was your !onsort and he "angel# showed
me by opening your fa!e$ You are /ust like that...- Sahih Muslim, Fol.', p. '?(.
0$ Aisha (r.a.) was born after her parents had embraced 4slam. 7herefore, she was free from the
defilement of polytheism right from her birth.
1$ 4n her youth, already %nown for her stri%ing beauty and her formidable memory, she came
under the loving care and attention of the Prophet himself. As his wife and close companion she
ac!uired from him %nowledge and insight such as no woman has ever ac!uired.
Aisha lived on almost fifty years after the passing away of the Prophet. She had been his wife for
a decade. Much of this time was spent in learning and ac!uiring %nowledge of the two most
important sources of Lod8s guidance, the "ur8an and the Sunnah of $is Prophet. Aisha (r.a.) was
one of the three wives (the other two being $afsa (r.a.) and 2mm Salama (r.a.) who memorised
the 3evelation. =i%e $afsa (r.a.), she had her own script of the "ur8an written after the Prophet
had died.
So far as the $adith or sayings of the Prophet is concerned, Aisha (r.a.) is one of four persons
(the others being Abu $urayra, Abdullah ibn 2mar, and Anas ibn Mali%) who transmitted more
than two thousand sayings. &rom her, ''.A $adith have come, out of which .6/ $adith are
commonly agreed upon by both +u%hari and Muslim.
Many of her transmissions pertain to some of the most intimate aspects of personal behaviour
which only someone in Aishah8s position could have learnt. @hat is most important is that her
%nowledge of $adith was passed on in written form by at least three persons including her
nephew 2rwah who became one of the greatest scholars among the generation after the
4t is the claim of the Scholars of 4slam that without her, half of the Ilm-I-Hadith M%nowledge,
understanding of the $adith (and 4slam)N would have perished.
2$ Many of the learned companions of the Prophet and their followers benefited from Aishah8s
Arwa +in Bubair says,
94 did not find anyone more proficient Mthan Aisha (r.a.)N in the %nowledge of the $oly "ur8an,
the 0ommandments of $alal (lawful) and $aram (prohibited), 4lmul,Ansab and Arabic poetry.
7hat is why, even senior companions of the Prophet used to consult Aisha (r.a.) in resolving
intricate issued9.
4bn "ayyim and 4bn Sa8ad, Eala,ul,Afham, vol. ', p. '-.
Abu Musa al,Ash8ari says:
9Jever had we (the companions) had any difficulty for the solution of which we approached
Aisha and did not get some useful information from her9.
Sirat-I-Aisha, on the authority of 7rimidhi, p. .-C.
3$ As a teacher she had a clear and persuasive manner of speech and her power of oratory has
been described in superlative terms by al,Ahnaf who said: 94 have heard speeches of Abu +a%r
and 2mar, 2thman and Ali and the )hulafa up to this day, but 4 have not heard speech more
persuasive and more beautiful from the mouth of any person than from the mouth of Aisha.9
The Prophet said,
-The superiority of 'Aisha to other ladies is like the superiority of Tharid "i$e$ meat and
bread dish# to other meals$ Many men rea!hed the leel of perfe!tion) but no woman
rea!hed su!h a leel e4!ept Mary) the daughter of .mran and Asia) the wife of Pharaoh$-
Sahih Al,+u%hari $adith, Jarrated by Abu Musa Al,Ash8ari $adith /.-/C.
Musa 4bn 7alha (r.a.) says,
94 did not see anyone more elo!uent than Aisha (r.a.)9
Mustadra% of $a%im, vol./, p....
5$ Men and women came from far and wide to benefit from her %nowledge.
Aishah8s great interest in the study of the "ur8an is understandable. She was an eye,witness to a
number of revelations and had therefore a clear idea of the circumstances in which they were
revealed. 4t was on her bed alone (and no other consort8s) that the Prophet received @ahy (;ivine
3evelations) several times. 7his helped her in interpreting the verses.
6$ At the time of the Prophet8s death, the Prophet8s head was on her lap. 4t was in her !uarters that
the Prophet was buried.
A Strategi# Marriage
Aishah#s(r.a) marriage to the Prophet (peace be upon him) represents another cultural norm of
her time O marriages which solidified family, tribal or political ties. Aishah#s(r.a) father, Abu
+a%r Al,Siddi!, was an early follower of 4slam, close personal friend of the Prophet (peace be
upon him) and a prominent figure in Ma%%ah. Marriage to Aisha allowed the Prophet (peace be
upon him) and Abu +a%r to establish a public alliance, while the young bride received honored
status as wife of the Prophet (peace be upon him).And Aishah (r.a ) was fortunate to be trained
under the care of the greatest teacher of man%ind, Prophet Muhammed ( sal ). 7his training made
her one of the most notable Muslim ladies in 4slamic history.
)he Prophet+s ,a&orite Wi%e
Although the marriage was strategic, historical accounts report genuine affection between the
two, and Aisha became %nown as the Prophet#s (peace be upon him) favorite wife.Aishah (r.a )
was totally devoted to the Prophet Muhammed ( sal ), her husband, and he loved her
dearly.Aishah ( r.a ) loved and enjoyed serving her husband. She used to do the household wor%,
including grinding flour and ba%ing bread. She would ma%e the beds and do the family#s
washing. She always %ept ready for the Prophet#s ( sal ) ablutions before prayer. She li%ed what
the Prophet ( Sal ) li%ed and disli%ed what he disli%ed. 4f Aishah ( r.a ) loved anyone more than
her husband Muhammad ( sal ) , it was Almighty Allah. 7his was the teaching of the Prophet
( sal ).
7he Prophet (sal ) did not love her only for her physical beauty but also for her intelligence,
sound judgment and personality. 7he prophet ( sal ) fell ill in .. A$ and Aishah ( r.a ) nursed him
with all the love and care of a devoted wife. 4t was in her lap that he rested his head when he
died, and under the floor of her house that he was buried. 7he Prophet8s Masjid (Masjid Nabawi)
now stands on that site in Madina, Saudi Arabia.
Aishah+s Pre%eren#e:
Aishah ( r.a ) was also present at her father#s death bed. Abu ba%r as%ed her how many
pieces of cloth were used to bury the Prophet ( sal ) and she told him three. $e as%ed his
daughter to wrap him also in three sheets of burial.
Aishah (r.a) saved the place beside her father#s grave for her own burial but, after the
injury which was to prove fatal, P2mar the second )halifah of 4slam, sent his son Abdullah to
Aishah(r.a) to as% permission for him to be buried beside Abu +a%r. She agreed to 2mar#s
wishing saying, Q7oday 4 prefer 2mar to myself.R @hich shows how great she wasD
S#holar and Witness to *slami# History
Aishah was reported to have been very beautiful, but it is her piety, intelligence and remar%able
memory that ma%e her a notable figure in 4slamic history. She absorbed vast religious %nowledge
from the Prophet (peace be upon him) O including memoriing the entire "ur8an O and was
witness to much of the early history of 4slam. She helped preserve the details of those events, as
well as the details of the private and public life of Muhammad (peace be upon him), by narrating
more than two thousand hadith.
Aishah was only .? when the Prophet (peace be upon him) passed away, but she was
already regarded a religious scholar. <ver the ne5t four decades, until her own death, Muslims
consulted Aishah for her e5tensive understanding of "ur8an, 4slamic jurisprudence (fi!h), 4slamic
teachings and traditions (Sunnah). She helped educate 4slamic scholars and too% custody of
children O some orphans O to raise then in 4slam

)he Battle o% the Camel
7he first violent division among Muslims occurred when the third caliph, 2thman, was %illed.
7he battle which ensued, and which Ali won, became %nown as the +attle of the 0amel because
Aisha gave directives from a howdah on the bac% of a camel.
Aishah- a role model %or omen
Aishah(r.a) always stood for the truth. She taught 4slam to many people. She was an
authority on many matters of 4slamic =aw, especially those concerning women.
$er life shows to what height a Muslim women can rise. +efore 4slam , women had a low
status in society K 4slam gave them a very important position.
4slam wants to see a woman develop her talents and contribute to society as a mother and a
wife and to remain loyal and chaste. Muslim women can rise to prominence with 4slam . Allah
the 0reator has fi5ed their rights and duties according to their nature and biological ma%e,up.
Aishah#s life is an e5ample for young Muslim girls, who should try to follow her devotion
and love for her husband and her special aptitude for %nowledge and learning.
Aisha -emembered
Aisha passed away in (?A$ at the age of -6 on .6 3amadhan. $er scholarly contributions to
4slam, as well as her pious e5ample, have earned her special status among the QMothers of the
+elievers,R a term of honor given to all the wives of the Prophet (peace be upon him).
* Muslims invoke Allahs blessin!s on the "ro#het Muhammad whenever his name is mentioned

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