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Surfburken (HR) Guide 2014-09-08

Welcome as Head Responsible (HR) for Surfburken Community. This document will grant you the
knowledge of how to add administrators on Sourcebans and how to edit bans but also have to look if
there is any submitted reports of faulty bans.

Step 1. How to add administrators
On the menu bar you will first go to the Admin Panel in which you will find Admin Settings and
this is where you must press, after that you will see on the left a little bar with three choices

Press on Add new admin and you will get to the add new admin section. If the player has been
accepted on the forums you will go through some details with him/her and what you need to fill in is
the desired admin name that the player wants but it is required that the player uses same name as
he/she have on the forums.
Admin Login = Player Name (Admin Name)
Admin Steam ID / Community ID (Steam:ID is always required and should look like this
Admin E-mail (This is required to register the administrator account on Sourcebans and should be
given by the player)
Admin Password (You will ask the player that have applied for an password that he/she wants, they
will write the password to you in which you will enter in the database. Please notice that the
password should not be too easy and that you should inform the player that when he enters his user
credentials/user logins to Sourcebans to ALWAYS enter the login information as appropriate because
the login is case-sensitive.

Surfburken (HR) Guide 2014-09-08
You will now come to Admin Access and this is where you tick in what server the player should be
granted access on and you will have to look in the forums for which particular server the player have
been applying for. But as the new admin rules we will always make sure that if a player has applied
for one CSS server, he/she will get it on all the CSS servers as it is easier to do this way than the other
way around.

After you have ticked in the desired admin access for the servers you will come to the group section
and this is very important. You always have to select the Server Admins group to only grant the
player access to the basic things that he/she may need. This is to grant only permissions that an
administrator should have like kicking/banning, slapping/slaying, and gagging/muting.

When you have filled in all the details make sure to look through it from top to bottom before
pressing on Add Admin.

Congratulations, you have now successfully added an administrator on Surfburken.

Step 2. Crew Access & Steam Group Access
After you have added the administrator is it important to invite he/she to the admin group on
Surfburken so that they can easily add other administrators if they wish but also to keep contact with
the crew. It is important that you invite the new administrator to SURFBURKENADMINS which is
the official administrator group for Surfburken Community and always say tell me when you have

Notice: Do never change any settings on Sourcebans without knowing what it is, that is group
settings or any other related stability settings in which may affect the servers or the linked
databases. If you are wondering to change something you can always ask coltX (MR) or SkippY
(Owner) for help. If you have any queries relating to how to add administrators or anything else feel
free to ask.

Surfburken (HR) Guide 2014-09-08

After this is done you will have to go to and add the player to the official
crew and list him/her as a Trial Candidate. You will get access to the admin navigation and you will
press on Crew in the admin navigation and then you will get a list of all the crew categories, see
image below.

You will press Add new user to crew and you will have to search for the user name on the website,
example coltX and then you will click on Choose

Surfburken (HR) Guide 2014-09-08

When you have done that you will get a new window up and you will have to fill in the following
The status of the administrator Trial Administrator (CSS) or Trial Administrator (TF2), Trial
Administrator (CS:GO) and so on. Then you will have to fill in the First Name and Last Name of the
player, you can find this in his/her application. You can fill in some information about the player
example This player is TRIAL administrator for all CSS servers starting from 2 weeks present. When
that is completed you choose the category of where you want the player to be added and you
choose Trial Administrator and then press Save. When this is done you have successfully added the
administrator to the crew on our official website.

Step 3. Ban Protests (Sourcebans)
You have to keep on track if someone have protested their bans as this do occur and faulty bans have
been made several times before in which is unfair if a player is banned faulty and what you need to
do is to go to the Admin Panel and press on the big red X (Bans). When you have done this you will
be able to add bans directly from the website and see if there is any ban protests.

Surfburken (HR) Guide 2014-09-08

Step 4. Adding A Ban
To add a ban simply click on "Admin Panel" --> "Bans" and then you will get to the ban management
page and you as administrator can add a ban of a player. You just have to fill in the necessary details
such as nickname, ban type (If you want to ban with STEAMID or IP-Adress so choose any of these
and then fill in either STEAM ID or IP after that you select your reason and the reason should be
correct proper to the ban you are making so make sure that you choose correct ban reason category.
The last step when adding a ban is to fill in how long the ban should last and it can be from 1 minute
to 12 months or permanent as maximum, don't forget that if you have evidence or demo this is
highly appreciated to be used with you ban that you are adding.

Step 5. In-game administrator management
In-game features(CSS)
When you have launched your game, you can see that you have admin status by writing in the chat, you will have the
[ADMIN] tag. As you can see the command /admin is what you write to get the administrators menu up, you will have
three choices as you can see. The first choice is the menu used to slay, slap, kick, ban, gag/mute and burn player and
this is the only menu you should use mainly for your administration tasks against players inside the server, you will have
limited access as TRIAL administrator until we gain more trust with you as administrator. We gain more trust with you
without any complaints from other players and that you feel comfortable being an administrator is important and our
top goal. If you need to check your proper Steam ID in CSS you have to change the launch options in steam, go to
library in steam and right click with your mouse on CSS and then press properties you will notice the button Set
Launch Options and there you press and write console, now launch your game and your console will also launch but
join a server before checking your STEAM ID and when you have joined a server type status in-game.

Additional Features (CSS)
Additional features that you can use with the admin menu, some information about the different features in this menu
and I will go through the first five that are important. The other player commands menus is just for fun and should not
be used by administrators due to disturbing players in the servers, this is not allowed and might get you kicked as
administrator. If you want to use fun commands then use them if you are alone in the server or if the servers are not
Surfburken (HR) Guide 2014-09-08

Features (Player Commands)
1. The Slay Feature (CSS)
The slay feature will enable you to slay players that are camping, please give a warning saying that the player should
not camp and see if the player improves otherwise slay the player as penalty. According to the player list in-game, you
can see the numbers 1-4, you choose the player in that list that are breaking the rules of camping.

2. The Slap Feature (CSS)
The slap feature will enable you to slap players, do not misuse this command as administrator and only use it if
someone have been warned camping more than one time, so only use this menu when you are warning someone for
the second time. You can decide the slap damage on the player from 0-99.

3. The Kick Feature (CSS)
The kick feature will enable you to kick players after giving them at least 1-2 warnings in-game, this menu is very easy
to use and its just to click on number 3 and you will be directed to all player names, choose accordingly what player
you would like to kick for breaking the rules inside the server, you will not need a reason for kicking someone as the
players have already received warnings before.

4. The Ban Feature (CSS)
The ban feature is very important for all administrators, before making your ban make sure you have been giving the
player at least two warnings before however if you are harassed by any player inside the servers you are allowed to
Surfburken (HR) Guide 2014-09-08
make instant ban but ALWAYS put a reason of your ban regarding what matter it have been and always before making
your ban use evidence to support it. If you dont have evidence, make sure you have witnesses. As you can see this is
the first menu you will get, at this menu you can choose what player you want to ban. If you want to ban example
younis_yaghi you press at number 4.

After you pressed at Younis_Yaghi number 4 you will get another menu up where you can choose the ban time of the
player and you have many alternatives, from 1 week to permanent ban which lasts forever. Notice that you have big
responsibility before banning someone and that you may be receiving complaints. In this example we choose to ban
Younis_Yaghi for 1 week.

Now that we have chosen the ban time of the player, we have to put a reason of why we are banning him for 1 week so
after you have chosen in the list number 7 (1 week) you will get to this menu. In this menu you can choose the reasons
from 1-7 or press on 9 to get to another page and get more alternatives, in the menu to the right you can even write
your own reason for banning the player. When you have chosen 4 own reason, all you have to do as administrator is
write the reason in the normal chat. There is another thing with this that is important, when you choose Own Reason
if you want to abort the ban or not perform the ban on the player, write !Noreason in the normal chat.

Surfburken (HR) Guide 2014-09-08

The Gag/Mute Feature (CSS)
5. The GAG/Mute player feature is good when people are either being abusive over the voice or the chat, you as
administrator can use it when players are violating the rules, this can for example be screaming in the microphone or
spamming the servers. First with the menu you get to choose the number as usual and the player name of whom you
would like to gag or mute. In this example I will choose to mute George Bush because he was screaming so loud in the
microphone, I choose number 7 and will get to the next menu where you choose to mute the player, gag the player or
silence the player.

Surfburken (HR) Guide 2014-09-08

Head Administrator Basic Rules (CS 1.6, CSS & TF2)
- There should only be ONE administrator per application and this means that you are allowed to handle many
applications but there should not be two head responsibles to handle one application. You can choose any application
you wish to be yours to handle. An example is that if I handle an application and there comes another HR to handle it, it
will be wrong.

- When you are looking through an application make sure that the player have answered all questions and preferably
NOT with short answers what you need to look at is if the player have dedicated himself to really write a good
application without spelling errors. Do never accept any player under 13 years old as we only accept 13 or 13+ as an
age requirement. When you have accepted an application always lock the thread saying that you have accepted. Always
when looking through applications go through each question at a time and see what positive indications there are or if
the answers to the questions indicated are lacking of info as we do not accept half made applications made in only 1-2

Be Critical - Criticize the application how you want because you are the JUDGE and decide if the player fits as
administrator for Surfburken. I will state an example when I handled an application before with how I wrote based on
his/her application. If the player does not possess any AMX MOD X or Sourcebans knowledge you will have to grant that
to the player. You will have to tell the player to add you on Steam when he/she have been accepted with your answer
on his/her application with your Steam Name so that the player can add you. When he/she have sent invitation you will
accept and then you decide a time with the player to go through the details to add him on Sourcebans, Invite him to the
Steam Group and add him to the crew on the website, this is how it works as a head responsible of all times and it
requires huge patience and dedication. As of your dedication you will be able on your own request plugins and you will
have more benefits than normal administrators have as you will attend private meetings with Surfburken and such.
Below is a example of a formal answer to an application, you can write like me or do it your own way.
Surfburken (HR) Guide 2014-09-08

- Administrator Trouble
If there is trouble between administrators or administrators arguing, you will handle this situation. You will tell them to
not keep in touch anymore or to quit arguing and if it goes to the point where there is no end you will remove either of
them as you wish and desire because we do not want administrators fighting or acting like children, we want a mature
community where everyone is welcome and where the fun is, this is Surfburken Community.
Forum Activity - Check the forums if there is any new applications every week, it doesnt have to be every day but at
least sometime every week to see if there is any applications and then handle them so that there is not a pile whole of
work load laying.

- Fairness and Kicking
The administrators are always fair depending on what you have done, but administrators also have their rules and
should know the server rules before becoming one, inflicting and arguing with other players is not good as an
administrator. If two players are arguing always give them a warning saying that they should quit. If the players
continue to argue then you have the right to perform a kick and ultimately then ban for disturbing other players,
depending on the situation you as administrator should be fair.

- Players Hacking & Bans
Administrators should always ban a player that is hacking or using cheats, players as such will also be banned by valve
automatically by their system and the player will never be able to join the servers again, administrators are
recommended to record before performing a ban and always give a warning before banning someone.

- Administrator Complaints
If any administrator get many complaints as an administrator from players they may be observed and after a time
removed, they will be removed for not being fair to players, its important to not overuse commands such as kick or ban,
it is important as administrator to think about the servers reputation, they are not allowed to master the server or
change its structure at any time, administrator abuse is NEVER tolerated and head responsibles have the right to
remove admin status and even ban anyone for doing admin abuse.

- Administrator Responsibility
All administrators should know the rules before applying as administrator because if rules are not followed by a normal
Surfburken (HR) Guide 2014-09-08
administrator you as head responsible have the right to remove him/her from the admin position.

- Administrator Gagging/Begging/Requesting
If someone asks to add a plugin to a server, tell them to make a request here (even if it is an administrator requesting): and the head responsibles will look and
discuss the suggestion at the next meeting.

- Administrator Ranks
All administrators that have made their application and are accepted will get TRIAL administrator for 2-3 weeks, during
these weeks we look into how well the administrators are operating. The 2-3 weeks will pass and if they have gained
more reputation and everything is great with the administrator working at SURFBURKEN they will get an promotion, the
promotion is chosen by you (Head Responsibles). To promote someone you will only change their status on the website
to Administrator and remove Trial to the game that they are administrator on.

- Administrator Inactivity
If administrators starts to be inactive wether what rank they have, they should be observed. Any administrator that
doesnt respond to another one is very bad and thats a rude way of acting as an administrator. Ignoring another
administrator is not good in any way and the higher crew may take action against that. It doesnt matter what rank the
administrator are having, this community is to be with sense and standard moral against each administrator. You as head
responsible is allowed to remove any administrator that is not actively playing on Surfburken.

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