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The new generation of intelligent hom e

control Product and planning brochure.
A whole new quality of life.
N etw orked structures in buildings are not new . Various system s such as lighting, heating and m edia technology are m oving ever
closer together. Today, interfaces betw een system s are virtually standard in m odern buildings. The only difficulty thus far: how can
users m aintain an overview in these com plex system s? N ew control concepts are required. B usch-Jaeger is now providing the
answ er w ith a new generation of intelligent hom e controls: intuitive to operate and offering a consistent colour concept, they help
the user m aintain an easy overview of all of the building technology at all tim es. M enus and buttons that are custom ized to custom -
er requirem ents and include texts and icons ensure clarity. This high-perform ance technology w orks both reliably and unobtrusively
in the background -- only high-quality control elem ents are visible w hose functions are custom -tailored to the user. In this w ay, it is
possible to create personalised Living Space

at the touch of a button.

The A B B i-bus

KN X is the basis w hich m akes holistic control of build-

ing technology possible. A ll inform ation, including sw itching and control
com m ands, is transm itted via a data bus, w hich can be com pared to
a com puter netw ork. H ere, the individual elem ents can be connected
through a special bus line (tw isted pair).
W ith a fingertip, it is possible to set w hole scenes w ith lighting, m usic,
heating and other functions. Subsequent changes can be m ade thanks
to easy re-program m ing.


An operating concept that is fun.
U sing the com puter or the m obile phone, w e get up-to-date inform ation w henever w e w ant it. The on-board com puter in a car
inform s us at all tim es about current consum ption or the outside tem perature. O ur navigation device receives current traffic inform a-
tion autom atically and reacts accordingly for route planning. W e appreciate all of this and w e w ould not w ant to be w ithout these
things once w e have them . O nly in buildings do w e often settle for a m inim um of com fort and control. The cause of this is
frequently the users' fear of not being able to cope w ith the operation of such technologies. B usch-Jaeger is now offering a com -
pletely new concept, thanks to w hich such concerns are finally a thing of the past. It is as easy as it is pow erful and it m aps all build-
ing technologies from heating to m ultim edia in a single user m enu. B usch-priO n

and the new B usch-Com fortTouch

the new
generation of hom e controls m ake operation as easy as child's play.
The new operating concept distinguishes itself through its clarity
and user-friendliness. O perating fields follow a colour concept
developed especially for this purpose; each com fort zone is
assigned a special, logically-selected colour:
The colours of intuition
Light control is yellow , like the sun
Functions of the blinds are blue, like the sky
C lim ate functions are orange, representing w arm th
Living scenes are m agenta, representing an aw areness of life
The B usch-Com fortTouch

unites the functions of a hom e control and

an inform ation and entertainm ent centre on a single screen. U sing the
colour display, it is possible to sw itch on or dim lights in the entire
building, control the blinds or regulate the am bient tem perature or
scenes using a com bination of the functions m entioned above -- even
using a rem ote control. The user m enu can be custom ized to suit indi-
vidual user needs, and thanks to a floor plan or photos, designed so
that it is especially clear.
B usch-priO n

w as designed to control a room and ena-

bles the control of a variety of functions, from tem perature
regulation on through to setting an alarm clock. Especially
user-friendly: the display is sw itched on only at the touch of
a button -- if it is inactive, B usch-priO n

acts like a standard

sw itch and triggers a previously-program m ed prim ary func-
tion w hen it is touched. This m akes operation easy even for

innovative and intuitive.

C ontrol elem ents w ere never like this. The new 3.5" TFT display is as beautiful as it is pow erful; it is an inform ative com ponent of an
in-w all com bination. Its m enu can be adapted individually to any building, and it provides an overview of the pow er consum ption of
electrical devices at all tim es. H ere you can regulate the heat, dim the light or call up m any scenes w hich trigger a m ultitude of previ-
ously-defined actions in a jiffy. M eaningful icons guide even inexpert users to their goal in just a few steps. Thanks to the division of
the functions into individual areas such as lighting, heating and blinds, every user can find his w ay here intuitively. H ow ever, the pos-
sibilities of the B usch-priO n

are not exhausted w ith the functions of classic building technology.

The display can also be used for m usic control.
The com bination of push button/rotary knob and display
presents a universal operating concept. The definition of a
prim ary function m akes usage especially easy. The prim ary
function is displayed w hen som ebody approaches the display
(there is a special proxim ity sensor for this) or if som ebody
touches the rotary knob. In principle, any sw itching, dim -
m ing, blind, scene or sequence function w hich is stored in
the device can be specified as the prim ary function. O nly if
the m enu button is pressed does the display change to the
circuit m enu. H ere, up to 8 entries can be indicated by an
icon. B y turning the push-button/rotary knob, the user can
bring the desired function into the foreground. A text corre-
sponding to the icon currently displayed appears (e.g. system
settings, room control: office, room control: living room ), etc.
B y pressing the push-button/rotary knob, the display chang-
es to reflect the respective list m enu, w hich can contain up to
15 different functions. The user can scroll through these func-
tions by pressing the push-button/rotary knob. The function
in question is selected w ith a press of the button.
Note 1:
If the display is in screen-saver m ode or in stand-by, the prim ary
function is only called up if the user approaches the device
(only possible thanks to an end strip w ith proxim ity sensor) or
if the push-button/rotary knob is touched. The circuit m enu
appears only after the m enu button has been pressed.
Note 2:
The display can display m essages such as "A larm ." If the
m enu button is pressed or there are several m essages in
the queue, these m essages are displayed before the circuit
m enu appears.
B linds
10:56 20.5 C
Select CD...
M usic control
H eating Scenes
A special aw ard: B usch-priO n

received the distinction
"best of the best" from the
"red dot aw ard: com m unication
design 2008" for its interface
Frame-free variety.
Furtherm ore, individuality characterises the B usch-priO n

not just w hen it com es to the program m ing of

the individual buttons: the com bination of B usch-priO n

control elem ents could hardly be m ore flexible.

For B usch-priO n

is not bound to a fram e -- instead, up to 3 individual elem ents are fixed on a carrier and,
at the end, provided w ith end strips above and below . There are four choices of finish for the control
elem ents: studio w hite, glass w hite, glass black and stainless steel. M ost of the end strips are also available
in these colour variants. For the display (style sheets), there are three choices: black, blue and silver.
Modular concept
End strips
These serve not just to look beautiful -- they option-
ally contain a tem perature sensor for room control, an
infrared interface for the rem ote control and a proxim ity
sensor for activating the display or LED of the control
elem ents w hen som ebody approaches.
Combinations as desired.
The control elem ents and end strips can
be com bined at w ill in their colours and
functions for B usch-priO n

. U p to 3-w ay
com binations are possible, w hereby
a single bus coupler w ill suffice.
Item C arrier
num ber 1-gang 2-gang 3-gang
U pper end strip w ith IR and proxim ity sensor 6350-825
U pper end strip 6348-...
C ontrol elem ent 1-fold 6340-...
C ontrol elem ent 3-fold 6342-...
R otary control elem ent 6341-...
3.5" display incl. control elem ent 6344-... -
Low er end strip w ith tem perature sensor 6352-...
Low er end strip 6349-...
B us coupler 6120/12 - -
Pow er B us coupler (needs additional pow er supply) 6120/13
Pow er supply, M D R C * C P-D 24/2.5
Many combinations are possible
B usch-priO n

is com prised of the bus cou-

pler, the carrier, the control elem ents and the
end strips. A dded to these are the labelling
icons w hich m ap the functions of the indi-
vidual buttons. If a display is desired, at least
a dual carrier is required, as the display plus
the elem ent w ith the rotary knob and the
m enu button are delivered as a unit.
C arrier, 1-gang
B us coupler
Pow er supply, M D R C
Pow er B us coupler
3.5" TFT display
U pper end strip
Low er end strip
Low er end strip w ith
tem perature sensor
U pper end strip w ith IR
and proxim ity sensor
R otary control elem ent
3-fold control elem ent
1-fold control elem ent
Labelling inserts for blinds,
lighting, tem perature and
C arrier, 2-gang
C arrier, 3-gang
C om m is-
m SD card
*product available via A B B STO TZ-KO N TA KT
Not just any KNX control element.
Each of the buttons of the B usch-priO n

can be program m ed
individually, as is usually the case w ith KN X. The applications
range from sw itching, dim m ing and blinds on through to scenes.
Logic functions are also possible. A display provides additional
functions too. W eekly tim ers, m essages and m ultim edia applica-
tions can be integrated here, for exam ple. Furtherm ore,
additional applications can be im plem ented by assigning internal
group addresses. The user m enu can be configured in
19 languages.
Application Control Rotary 3.5 TFT
element control display with
element rotary control
Control element
R ocker sw itch total - -
R ocker sw itch left/right -
D im m ing rocker sw itch total - -
D im m ing rocker sw itch left/right
B lind rocker sw itch total - -
B lind rocker sw itch left/right
Value transm itter rocker sw itch total - -
Value transm itter rocker sw itch
Value transm itter, 2 objects,
rocker sw itch left/right - -
Value dim m ing sensor -
rocker sw itch total
Light scene extension unit -
w ith storage function
Step-type -
rocker sw itch total
Step-type -
rocker sw itch left/right
M ultiple operation - -
rocker sw itch left/right
Short-long operation - -
rocker sw itch left/right
Set therm ostat operating m ode -
M edia box/C D /D VD /R adio - -
Short-tim e tim er - -
W eekly tim er - -
A larm clock - -
M essages - -
Screen saver - -
D isplay text/value - -
D evice lock - -
Therm ostat settings - -
Sequence actuator settings - -
Scene actuator settings - -
A m bient tem perature controller - -
1, 3
O rientation -
Status/stand-by/proxim ity


Status -
Function illum ination -
A larm -
Light scene storage
O nly in com bination w ith end strip bottom "tem perature sensor" or other external sensor
O nly in com bination w ith end strip top "IR and proxim ity sensor"
B usch-priO n

has 1 internal am bient tem perature controller

Application Control Rotary 3.5 TFT
element control display with
element rotary con-
trol element
D elay
Staircase lighting
Light scene actuator
C yclical telegram
Flash functionality
G ate
M in/m ax value transducer
Threshold value/hysteresis
PW M inverter
The right coupler and additional power supply.
Number of dis-
per line
Maximum number of Busch-priOn

devices per TP line

B ehind every B usch-priO n

com bination is needed one bus coupler

only. For a 1-gang carrier, a Standard B us coupler w ill suffice. In the
case of the 2-gang carrier, the Pow er B us coupler m ust be used, w hich
requires an additional, external pow er supply for this purpose.
The table to the left describes the corresponding device com binations.
Please note: with new Standard Bus couplers and Power Bus
couplers the normal KNX line-topology is existing no longer.
Please calculate the number of BUS-SUBSCRIBERS (SUB) refer to
the table.
SU B 1 SU B 2 SU B 32
SU B 1 SU B 2 SU B 60
A dditional 24 V D C
pow er supply, M D R C
N um ber of device
com binations
(please refer to
the table above)
Pow er supply KN X
Standard Bus coupler
Power Bus coupler
0 0 +60 60
1 1 +59 60
2 2 +58 60
3 3 +57 60
4 4 +56 60
5 5 +55 60
6 6 +54 60
7 7 +53 60
8 8 +52 60
9 9 +51 60
10 10 +45 55
11 11 +37 48
12 12 +30 42
13 13 +22 35
14 14 +15 29
15 15 +7 22
16 16 +0 16
Total number of combina-
tions (display combina-
tions plus 1- or 3-gang
combinations with end
Total number
of Power Bus
coupler 6120/13
per line

G lass w hite

Stainless steel

G lossy A labaster studiow hite

G lass black
Easy installation.
The carrier serves to hold and m ake contact w ith the individual control elem ents,
the 3.5" TFT display, the end strips and the flush-m ounted bus coupler. The position-
ing of the control elem ents can be selected freely for m ultiple com binations. A spe-
cial bar m ust be m ounted on top as w ell as below . Its m aterial can be different than
that of
the m odule. The carrier is m ounted by screw ing it to the flush-m ounted bus coupler
and, for m ultiple com binations, also to the w all.
Thanks to the anti-fingerprint surface, the stainless steel B usch-priO n

is easy to
keep clean and m aintains its sophisticated surface finish even w hen it is in use.
G lass surfaces and end strips m atch the ca rat

serie s.

2-gang com bination,
glass black
B usch-priO n

can be com bined ideally

w ith the carat

sw itch series. These

sw itches distinguish them selves through
their uniform ly-designed surfaces.

R otary control elem ent,

glass black

3-fold control elem ent,
glass black

1-fold control elem ent,
glass black
B usch-priO n

is installed in a flush-
m ounted w all box (G erm an Standard) and
by default, at a distance of 71 m m . A fter
installation of the carrier fram e on the
w all (see right), the individual m odules
are fastened to the carrier fram e by snap-
ping them in. Special securing elem ents
prevent rem oval of the m odules.
The carrier plate is screw ed onto
the carrier ring of the bus coupler
located beneath it.
So that the B usch-priO n

also lies
flat on uneven w alls, special balanc-
ing elem ents are included w ith the
device. W ith the help of the included
depth gauge, first the distance is
m easured, then the appropriate
elem ent is selected.
If needed, the carrier plate can be
stabilised w ith additional screw s in
the locations provided.

outer beauty and inner values.
A special aw ard: the B usch-
Com fortTouch

received the distinction

"best of the best" from the "red dot
aw ard: com m unication design 2008"
for its interface design.
The B usch-Com fortTouch

unites the functions of a hom e control and an inform ation and entertainm ent centre w ith a beautiful
m asterpiece. U sing the 9" colour display in 16 :9 form at, it is possible to sw itch on or dim lights, control the blinds or regulate the
am bient tem perature or scenes using a com bination of the functions m entioned above -- even using a rem ote control. A n audio
player for replaying M P3 files is also integrated into the B usch-Com fortTouch

. A ll of this is of interest not just for hom es -- the

device is also used in m edical practices, offices, restaurants and shops in order to create appropriate lighting, provide soft back-
ground m usic or keep the room clim ate com fortable and tailored to your needs. A presence sim ulation and the display of fault m es-
sages provide additional security. E-m ails can be displayed w ithout a separate com puter. It is also easy to answ er e-m ails w ith graph-
ics and voice m essages. Incorporation into a netw ork can be accom plished via LA N or W LA N w ithout additional cabling.
MP3 player:
The M P3 player provides background m usic for
activities such as cooking, reading the new spaper,
and can create a m ood, e.g. at a party or during a
festive m eal. M P3s can be played back via the built-
in loudspeakers or in stereo via the line-out output
on B usch-A udioW orld

or active speakers. The U SB

flash drive, SD card or an approved drive on the LA N
can serve as the source for the m usic files.
Video player:
If you provide video files via the netw ork,
you can also access these via the panel and
play them back on the display.
Feed reader:
The "feed reader" enables users to read new s
feeds from the Internet in a com pact form at, e.g.
the current new s, w eather or traffic inform ation.
The "feed reader" can appear as a com pact applica-
tion on the start page.
Home control including multimedia.
In addition to the control of classic building technology functions, the design of the B usch-Com fortTouch

the integration of netw orks via LA N or W LA N . H ere, the device can be used as a gatew ay betw een IP netw orks
and KN X netw orks. For incorporation into a LA N , the netw ork settings can be set statically or the D H C P function
can be used.


C om puter
D SL router /
A ccess point

The B usch-Com fortTouch

can display and control W LA N -based applications. Surveillance cam eras offer quick visual inform ation about w hat is taking place
w ithin their detection range. They can be activated individually and the im age recorded can be displayed on the panel. To do this, the surveillance cam eras
m ust be IP-capable. The w ireless connection of a com puter to the B usch-Com fortTouch

is also of benefit.
The bus is connected to the panel via a pluggable KN X coupler and screw term inals. The panel also has audio outputs, a U SB interface and a slot
for a SD card. Im portant: the panel m ust be able to receive the W LA N signals -- how far aw ay it m ay be installed depends first and forem ost on
the capability of the W LA N netw ork. The W LA N passw ord can be read in via the SD card or the U SB interface.
W LA N router
C om puter
Surveillance cam era
Various menu categories.
A m enu custom ized individually for the user w ith m eaningful buttons ensures intuitive, clear operation. Pictures of the individual
room s can also be im ported and provided w ith buttons. This m akes operation even easier and allow s m essages to be assigned
im m ediately. For the display, there are three basic page types. The start page serves as an entry into the system w ith favourite func-
tions on the first level. U sing the jum p functions on the navigation bar, it is easy to reach operating pages for individual room s or
building sectors w ith their respective functions. C oncrete settings for applications such as the M P3 player can then be m ade via the
application pages.
Functional start page
O perating functions and applications can be
called up directly here. The various correspond-
ing buttons can be arranged on a grid of m axi-
m um 4 x4 elem ents. The sam e applies for the
operating pages. Furtherm ore, the start page
allow s an application to be displayed in com pact
form ; the R SS feed is show n here.
Start page with floor plan
A nother possibility for designing the start page:
w ith a floor plan, it is possible to navigate directly to
the operating pages for individual room s. U p to 6 floor
plans are possible. U p to 2 consum ers states per
room depicted can be displayed. H ow ever, it is not
possible to activate directly from the floor plan view .
Operating pages
W ith the buttons, you can control the room
functions. H ere too, various operating elem ents
can be com bined in a grid of m axim um 4 x4 ele-
m ents. Furtherm ore, it is possible to store up to
2 sub-pages so that a total of 36 operating func-
tions per room are available. These sub-pages are
visualised using so-called sw ap elem ents and they
indicate the current status. For better orientation,
a m iniature view (im age/photo) of the room can
also be inserted instead of a sub-page.
Operating pages with image of room
Thanks to the stored photo, the user can see w hich
operating functions are available in the respective
room as w ell as the status of each consum er.
A nother option is to trigger functions directly using
operating elem ents. The positioning of the buttons
on the im age is not com pletely w ithout restriction;
they m ust be arranged in a grid of 3x4 elem ents.
In order to provide different view s of a room , it is
possible to store up to 5 additional operating pages
w ith im ages.
Floor Lamp
TV Audioplayer
Blindright Temperature E-Mail
Edit Temperature...
Subject: Sender
Subject TitleThree
Sender Two
Subject TitleTwo
Sender One
Subject TitleOne
Sender One
Su07/06/09 10:20 am 19.3 C
Open ...
System Extras Multimedia Memo Security Housecontrol
Floor 1
Floor 2
Floor 3
Floor 4
Floor 5
Floor 6
Su07/06/09 10:20 am 19.3 C
System Extras Multimedia Memo Security Housecontrol
Ceilinglamp 100%
Corridor lamp
TV Right
10:20 19.3 C
Floor lamp 50%
Exterior light
System Extras Multimedia Memo Security Housecontrol
View 1
View 2
View 3
View 4
View 5
View 6
10:20 19.3 C Su07/06/09
System Extras Multimedia Memo Security Housecontrol
Heating setpoint:
Cooling setpoint:
Fan stage:
Thermostat status:
Comfort extension
10:20 19.0 C Su07/06/09
System Extras Multimedia Memo Security Housecontrol
Application pages
These m ap the individual applications in full-page
m ode. A ll application-specific functions can be acti-
vated via these pages, e.g. am bient tem perature
control or M P3 player.
Many easy-to-operate functions.
The B usch-Com fortTouch

form s the sw itching centre for the w hole house, thus replacing individual devices such as tim ers, logic m odules
and tem perature controller. Functions have been integrated w hich not only m ake you m ore com fortable, but also m ean greater security and
m ore econom ical operation for the building. Presence sim ulations, the interface to LA N and W LA N and the storage of com plex scenarios
that also include m ultim edia functions are just a few advantages of this device. End custom ers can trigger individual actions w ith the touch
of a button and set and change functions them selves as needed.
Continue ...
10:20 am 19.3 C Su07/06/09
System Extras Multimedia Memo Security Housecontrol
Heating setpoint:
Cooling setpoint:
Fan stage:
Thermostat status:
Comfort extension
10:20 19.0 C Su07/06/09
System Extras Multimedia Memo Security Housecontrol
Ambient temperature control:
The B usch-Com fortTouch

contains a local
tem perature controller inside the unit. Various
room s can be controlled centrally using the unit.
For this, the unit m ust only know the actual
tem perature of the other room s for exam ple,
as determ ined by an external tem perature sen-
sor. The controlling itself is handled on the panel.
The control of external am bient tem perature
controllers is also possible.
Time/date display:
The navigation bar alw ays displays the current
tim e and date. The sw itching betw een sum m er
and w inter tim e occurs autom atically.
Scenes and sequences:
Scenes and sequences can be com bined as
required to then sim ultaneously call up, one
after another, all functions provided by the panel.
H ow ever, these scenes and sequences m ust
first be created by the electrical installer w ith the
com m issioning tool. Later, users can com bine
them individually on the panel and m ake changes
to them . In total, 64 scenes and sequences can
be stored in the unit. In contrast to scenes the
tim e-delayed processing of sequential actions is
possible w ith sequences. D ifferent pause tim es
can be inserted betw een actions for sequences
and sequences can also be interrupted or
Graphic messages:
U sers can use the B usch-Com fortTouch

leave graphic m essages for other users.
A graphic m essage is a handw ritten text m es-
sage or draw ing created w ith the pen or a
finger on the display. If the graphic m essage
application is called up, the screen show s an
overview of all addressees know n to the sys-
tem . The user can then select an addressee.
If there are graphic m essages present w hich
have not yet been read, then a correspond-
ing sym bol w hich indicates the new m essage
appears on the status line.
Voice messages:
W ith this application, it is possible to leave voice m es-
sages and listen to them later on. The m icrophone
for this is integrated into the B usch-Com fortTouch

If the application is called up, the screen displays an
overview of all addressees in the system . The user
can then select a recipient for the voice m essage.
There are 100 storage spaces w ith a 60-second
recording capacity apiece available for voice m es-
sages. N ew m essages w hich have not yet been
played back are m arked accordingly and indicated by
a sym bol on the status bar.
Start time: Not before: Not after:
13:48 00:00 00:00
Astro function
Info: Weeklyprograms canbemovedinresponseto an
astro function.
Set theastro shift viatheparameters "earliest" and"latest".
System Extras Multimedia Memo Security Housecontrol
19.3 C
The data medium has been removed.
Floor lamp
TV Audio-Player
J alousierechts Temperatur E-mail
Temperatur bearbeiten...
Reference: Source
10:20 19.3 C
System Extras Multimedia Memo Security Housecontrol
User groupwithaccess rights
User groupone
User grouptwo
User groupthree
User groupfour
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Quit OK
Presence simulation:
It scares aw ay burglars because it m akes the
house look lived-in even if nobody is hom e.
The processes and tim es for up to 20 objects
are grouped according to day of the w eek and
recorded to the m inute and they can be called
up autom atically upon presence. This w ay, the
light sw itches on and off, the blinds m ove,
m usic plays, and this not exactly the sam e w ay
every day, but individually on each day of the
w eek according to the user's habits.
Access control:
Various user groups are available; each of these
can be assigned a passw ord. This protects par-
ticular operating buttons, applications and pages
(e.g. video surveillance or operating pages) against
access. 8 such user groups can be created.
Malfunction and alarm display:
It offers protection and inform ation about
m alfunctions and faults. Signal contacts,
sensors and their proper function can
be m onitored as required. The user can
choose how the m essage is actually out-
put. The possibilities include a signal tone,
e-m ail and the running of a scene.
WARNING Su 07/06/09
A collective sensor error has been detected.
Please contact your electrician.
ALARM Su 07/06/09
A cullet has been detected in the groung floor.
Message centre:
M essage circuits/contacts can be m onitored
and their status displayed. This enables the
panel to m onitor the security of the building
and transm it m essages about unauthorised
access. A m axim um of 8 circuits can be
m onitored. The num ber of signal contacts is
lim ited to 30.
Weekly program:
Processes occurring on a w eekly basis (scenes
and sequences) can be set in a clearly arranged
w ay and autom ated in any num ber of w eekly
program m es. These w eekly program m es can only
be set up initially by the electrical installer using
the com m issioning tool. Later, users can com bine
them on the panel and m ake their ow n changes to
them . W eekly program m es can be assigned valid-
ity ranges (e.g. school holidays) outside of w hich
they are not active. This w ay, w eekly program m es
can be activated and deactivated autom atically for
certain tim es. A m axim um of 8 validity ranges can
be defined.
User languages:
In an international environm ent w ith various lan-
guages (hotel, ship), the com plete labelling can
be changed very easily. U p to 255 operating lan-
guages are possible via a translation table.
System languages:
The description and labelling of the system set-
tings on the panel can be sw itched to different
adm inistrator languages. U p to 19 adm inistrator
languages are available.
User language
IPP user account enabled
First dayof theweek
Fractional separator
Thousands separator
Temperature Unit
10:20 am 19.3 C Su07/06/09
System Extras Multimedia Memo Security Housecontrol
G raphic m em o
The design bar of alum inium or chrom e is a pure design elem ent
w hich can be om itted
Entirely practical installation.
The B usch-Com fortTouch

also consists of several com ponents. A special installation box for flush m ounting or
cavity-w all installation form s the basis. The touch display is screw ed tight and then provided w ith a design fram e.
There are 2 variants in black or w hite glass from w hich you can choose. They correspond to the design of the carat

series, so that the panel can be com bined w ith sw itches and sockets from this program m e. To com plete the look,
a design bar can also be fastened on the bottom edge. It is available in alum inium or chrom e and m akes the connec-
tion to interior designs w here m etal elem ents dom inate.
The high-perform ance 16:9 touch display w ith 9" screen offers a resolution of 800 x 480 pixels.
Efficient energy handling R SS
Connecting terminals
B efore installation, the C F card and --
if desired -- the KN X interface are inserted
in the slots provided. W hile the C F card is
included in the scope of delivery, the KN X
interface m ust be ordered separately.
N ext, all required term inals can be
1 LA N connection
2 SD card slot
3 U SB slot
4 KN X/TP connection and audio out
5 Pow er supply, 230 V, 50 H z
For flush m ounting of the panel, B usch-
Jaeger offers a special m ounting box
w hich is installed flush in the w all. The
display is inserted and screw ed in at
the corners. Finally, the design fram e is
fastened by plugging it in.
B ang & O lufsen and B usch-Jaeger
have been cooperating w ith one another
for a long w hile now . The result is products
w hich com m unicate sm oothly w ith one another.
Thus, the panel can be controlled not just w ith the
B usch-Jaeger rem ote control, but also w ith the B & O B eo4
and B eo5 rem ote controls; com plete hom e cinem a sce-
narios can be called up w ith the touch of a button.
Open in all directions.
B usch-Jaeger's new operating solutions are not isolated islands -- they are based on KN X and thus can be com -
bined w ith m any devices. H ow ever the individual com ponents have m ore to offer than just the bus connection.
Via U SB or a SD card, it is easy to read in data. W ireless interfaces such as W LA N and infrared m inim ise the
cabling effort and ensure users m axim um com fort.


B usch-priO n

can be controlled w ith the B usch-Jaeger

IR rem ote control and the B & O B eo5 rem ote control --
infrared interfaces in the end strips m ake this
possible. This w ay, scenarios w hich create the appro-
priate atm osphere in the room can be called up w ith
the touch of a button.
Via W LA N , the building technology and the Internet
can be connected to one another w irelessly. W hether
R SS inform ation or e-m ails: the panel can display all of
this w ithout additional cabling.
SD card
mSD card
USB connection
New paths to commissioning.
W hat is the point if the occupant can operate the system easily but the technician despairs during the
installation? The new , sim ple approach for the user does not stop short of the people w ho install and
start up the B usch-Jaeger solutions. Therefore, there are new paths available -- so that w ork proceeds
quickly and easily.
The planning of B usch-priO n

occurs, as is
generally the case w ith KN X, using the soft-
w are solutions ETS 3F. In order to m inim ise
the dow nload tim es, a special com m ission-
ing adapter can be used, w hich w ill replace
the R S232 and U SB interfaces for the new
generation of bus couplers. A fter transferring
the data from the laptop to a m icro SD card,
the coupler can be program m ed directly
locally using the adapter.
The B usch-Com fortTouch

is started up using
a special tool w hich im ports KN X data from
the ETS 3F. The assignm ent to the buttons is
m ade w ith sim ple drag& drop functions. Floor
plans and graphics can be stored.
C om m issioning
C ard reader
m SD card
C ard reader
m SD card
U SB flash
U SB cable
U SB cable
U SB cable
Sw itch
A member
of the ABB Group
Busch-Jaeger Elektro GmbH
58505 Ldenscheid
Freisenbergstrae 2
58513 Ldenscheid
Central sales service:
Phone: +49 (2351) 956-0
Fax: +49 (2351) 956-1380



Contact us

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