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Colegio La Abada

English Department
Name: _________________________________________________________
Grade : _________________________________________________________
Date : _________________________________________________________

Part I Grammar
1. Complete the sentences. Use the past perfect continuous and a phrase from the box.
Wear new shoes cook dinner play on the beach not pay attention
Travel for six hours
use her make-up not sleep very well

1. James looked tired because _______________________________________________________

2. When I got home , there was a lovely smell . Kate _____________________________________

3. When we finally got to London, we _________________________________________________

4. Sam couldn`t do the exercise because _______________________________________________

5. I had sore feet because ___________________________________________________________

6. Stella was cross because her sister __________________________________________________
7. The children were covered in sand because they _______________________________________

Mark______/ 7

8. Complete the sentences. Use the past perfect simple or the past perfect continuous

1. The ground was wet because it
__________________________________________________ (rain)

2. When the bus finally arrived, I __________________________________ (wait) for over half
an hour

3. Jane ___________________________________(change) so much that I hardly recognized

4. Matthew`s hands were covered in oil. He
_________________________________________________(mend) his bike.

5. They ____________________________________ (know) each other for six years when they
got married, but they ________________________ only ________________________ (go)
out for a year

6. Their hands were freezing. They ________________________________ (make) snowmen

7. Tom _________________________________(play) the piano for three years when he took
the exam.

Mark _______/ 7

3 Choose the correct answers.

1 Plasma TVs cost / make a fortune.
2 We splashed out / down on a new car.
3 Pete spent / paid through the nose for his new bike.
4 If you started a sandwich shop at school, youd make / do a killing.
5 I dont mind spending money but I hate being ripped up / off!
Mark: ___/5

4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
precious well-off worthless dirt cheap priceless

1 This old painting is _________ but it means a lot to me.
2 A new play by Shakespeare would be _________ .
3 Only _______ people can afford to stay at that hotel!
4 Jewellers make rings with _________ stones.
5 Sometimes things that are _________ stop working quite quickly.
Mark: ___/5

5. Complete the chart with the corresponding words.
Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
1. 2. economically
Price 1. 2.
worth 1. 2.

6. Complete the sentences with a word formed from the key word in capital.
1. When you run a family business, you have to share the __________________ (EARN) with everyone
2. The restaurant closed after a month because it wasn`t ___________________ (PROFIT)
3. Kate _________________ (PRICE) her old bike in $ 100
4. Economists are predicting that rising interests rates will create __________________ (ECONOMY)
5. A __________________( WORTH) collection of Michelangelo drawings was destroyed in the fire
6. I thought the paintings I inherited from my grandmother was worth a lot of money, but it turned out
to be _____________________ (WORTH)
7. They wanted to buy a house in London, but it would have proved too ____________________ (COST)
8. Trying to improve the live of poor people is a __________________ (VALUE) ambition for any
Mark ______ / 8

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