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Organisms) Food
GMOs are plants or animals that have genetically engineered
with bacteria, viruses, plants or animals. This process of genetic
engineering involves the experimental combinations of genes,
which cannot be done in nature.
Methods in genetically modifying organisms include recombinant
DNA, microinjection, chemical poration, electroporation and
bioballistic techniques.
Recombinant DNA techniques involve the use of bacteria and
viruses. In this technique, plasmids (circles of DNA) split
and are augmented with new genetic material from another
organisms. Thus, plasmids are able to move across microbial
cell boundaries in order to genetically modify the arbitrary
organism being experimented with.
Microinjection is a technique that simply involves the
injection of genetic material with a new gene(s) into an
arbitrary organism. The gene(s) finds the host cell genes and
attaches itself among them.
Chemical or electro- poration is a technique that creates
pores or holes in the cells in order to allow new genes to
enter the cell. In this technique, cells are bathed in special
chemicals where the cells are also subjected to a weak
electrical current.
The bioballistic technique involves the use of miniscule metal
slivers. Genetic material is coated around the metal slivers.
After this, the metal slivers are propelled into the cell with
the use of a shot gun, allowing new genetic material to pass
into the arbitrary cell.

Paranoia & Resent
One of the very first genetically modified organisms was the
Flavr Savr tomato. This genetically modified tomato was
genetically modified primarily for growing conditions. The Flavr
Savr tomato was able to grow in cold conditions and grow and
ripe at a more expeditious rate than normal tomatoes. It was
also included resistance genes to the antibiotic kanamycin.
However, the Flavr Savr tomato proved to be a failure. Some
people approved of the tomato, yet other people protested
against genetically modified organisms like the tomato because
it was original. Moreover, people were protesting against the
tomato and all other genetically modified organisms due to some
people who were allergic to them. This also brought about the
paranoia of eating genetically modified organisms. People were
afraid of getting sick and were resentful of genetically
modified organisms. In grocery stores, genetically modified
organisms were not labeled, causing more paranoia and ruckus
from people who rejected genetically modified organisms. This
is due to the fact that people who were allergic to a specific
genetically modified food like the Flavr Savr tomato were not
able to tell the difference from non-gmo or gmo tomatoes. Due
to genetically modified organisms and issues that were
procreated from it, society was engulfed in paranoia and even
rejection of gmos. Tensions grew so fierce that even myriad
riots broke out. Eventually, organic foods became labeled, but
to this day genetically modified foods are still not labeled.

(Organic) Food

Non-genetically modified organism foods are foods that
have been organically grown. This simply means that these
foods have not been genetically modified with in any way.
These foods are grown and made naturally.

Trader Joe: GMO Controversy

Trader Joe is an American store that claims to sell organic or
non-gmo products only. However, this so-called claim is being
challenged. Customers who are gmo-aware are concerned with
Trader Joe selling them gmo foods. Facts that have been
discovered about Trader Joe reveals that 80% of their food
products are manufactured under their own store label in which
they state that their food products are organic. However, for
other 20% is rather vague, making customers surmise that
Trader Joe does sell gmo food products. These food products
are not labeled organic as other food products are, and this
indicates that some Trader Joe food products are either gmo
or uninspected for being organic.

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