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Human Rights Alert (NGO) (NGO)

Joseph Zernik, PhD "

PO Box 334!, "e# $%i%, &sr'e# "( 334! )"(* +,333,
Embassy of Argentina in Israel
85 Medinat Ha-Yehudim, Tel-Aviv
By hand delivery by email! "eisra#$an$illeria%gob%ar&
RE: NML Capital v The Republic of Argentina (1:08-cv-0698)
To the Honorable 'arlos (austino )ar$ia, Ambassador of the *e+ubli$ of Argentina to
the ,tate of Israel!
The undersigned, -ose+h .erni/, 0h1, res+e$tfully submits to the government of the
*e+ubli$ of Argentina his o+inion regarding litigation of NML Capital v The Republic
of Argentina 23!48-$v-456788 in the 9, 1istri$t 'ourt, ,outhern 1istri$t of :e; Yor/%
My e<+erien$e in su$h matters and further details are +rovided in the atta$hed re$ords%
-ose+h .erni/, 0h1, herein o+ines that fraud is being $ommitted on the +eo+le and the
*e+ubli$ of Argentina by the 9, government and its agen$ies, the 9, 1istri$t 'ourt,
,outhern 1istri$t of :e; Yor/, the 9, 'ourt of A++eals, =nd 'ir$uit, and the 9,
,u+reme 'ourt in the litigation of NML Capital v The Republic of Argentina 23!48-$v-
456788 in the 9, 1istri$t 'ourt, ,outhern 1istri$t of :e; Yor/%
9, -udge Thomas )riesa, 'ler/ of the 'ourt *uby >ra?i$/, and all attorneys, ;ho
filed +a+ers in the $ase, in$luding the la;-firm, ;hi$h filed on behalf of the *e+ubli$
of Argentina, 'leary )ottlieb ,teen @ Hamilton, AA0, should be deemed +art of the
$ons+ira$y to defraud%
Atta$hed +lease find!
3% -ose+h .erni/, 0h1, and Human *ights Alert 2:)B8
=% -ose+h .erni/, C*obbing Argentina in the 9, $ourt in Manhattan - fraud of
medieval style and +ro+ortionsC - +a+er submitted for +ubli$ation
The last se$tion of the +a+er in =%, above, lists several additional ste+s that $ould be
underta/en by the *e+ubli$ of Argentina to further do$ument the fraud%
,igned this date, ,unday, ,e+tember 7, =43D, in Tel Aviv, Israel
-ose+h .erni/, 0h1
3% The Honorable Aud;ig Martin Blauro$/, )eneral 'onsul of the )erman (ederal
*e+ubli$ to Israel F 1aniel (ris$h ,treet, Tel Aviv By hand delivery and by
email! "r/-3#tela%aus;aertiges-amt%de&
=% The Honorable 0an .hanlin, Ambassador of the 0eo+leGs *e+ubli$ of 'hina to
Israel === Ben Yehuda ,treet, Tel-Aviv By hand delivery and by email!
F% The Honorable )ennadii Tarasov, Ambassador of the *ussian (ederation to Israel
3=4 Hayar/on ,treet, Tel Aviv By hand delivery and by email!
D% The Honorable Mi$hael A *atney, )eneral 'onsul of the 9nited ,tates to
-erusalem, -erusalem By email! "*atneyMA#state%gov&
Digitally signed
by Joseph Zernik,
Date: 2014.09.07
17:54:57 +03'00'

Human Rights Alert (NGO) (NGO)
Joseph Zernik, PhD "
PO Box 33407, Tel Aviv, srael "n 33407 x"n, 6133301
Joseph Zernik, PhD, and Human Rights Alert (NGO)
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
The 2010 Human Rights Alert ["HRA"] submission for the UPR of the United States
focused on conditions in os Angeles !ount"# !alifornia$ The submission %ro&ided
documentation of large'scale false im%risonment and real estate and financial
institution fraud b" State of !alifornia (udges in collusion )ith attorne"s and financial
institutions# under %atronage of local# state# and federal la) enforcement authorities$
The submission )as incor%orated b" reference into the Human Rights !ouncil
["HR!"] Professional Staff Re%ort )ith a note referring to *corru%tion of the courts
and the legal %rofession and discrimination b" la) enforcement in !alifornia+$[
The submission )as in %art based on documentation of large'scale fraud in ,T s"stems
of the Su%erior !ourt of !alifornia# !ount" of os Angeles -Sustain.# and in the ,T
s"stems of the os Angeles !ount" Sheriff/s 0e%artment -,nmate ,nformation !enter.$
The 2011 HRA submission for the UPR of the State of ,srael focused on anal"sis of
the ,T s"stems of the Su%reme !ourt# the district courts# and the detainees/ courts in
,srael$ The submission %ro&ided documentation of large'scale fraud in such s"stems#
)hich started in 2002$ The submission )as incor%orated b" reference into the HR!
Professional Staff Re%ort )ith a note referring to *lac2 of integrit" in the electronic
record s"stems of the Su%reme !ourt# the district courts and the detainees/ courts in
,srael$+ [
3ose%h 4erni2# Ph0# the author of instant submission# has s%eciali5ed o&er the %ast
decade in anal"5ing the ,T s"stems of courts# %risons# and ban2s$ His re%orts on these
sub(ects )ere %eer're&ie)ed# %ublished and %resented in international com%uter
science -data mining. and criminolog" conferences$ [
A te6tboo2 on "7achine earning" found 0r 4erni2/s a%%lication of data'mining to
Human Rights research among "8otable uses"# and summari5ed it as follo)s9 [
Data mining of government records - particularly records of the justice system (i.e.,
courts, prisons) - enables the discovery of systemic human rights violations in
connection to generation and publication of invalid or fraudulent legal records by
various government agencies. [
,t is li2el" that the HRA submission for the 2010 UPR of the United States# and e&en
more so the HRA submission for the 2011 UPR of the State of ,srael# are the first'e&er
Human Rights re%orts that are focused on ,T s"stem anal"sis and data mining of such
:hereas the 2010 HRA submission focused on the !alifornia courts and %risons and
their ,T s"stems# the 201; submission focuses on the US federal courts and their
res%ecti&e ,T s"stems$
Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council for the UPR of the United States
(2010), as it appears in the United Nations Human Rights Council site
Human Rights Alert (NGO) Appendix to submission for the UPR of the United States by the United Nations Human
Rights Council
United Nations Human Rights Council Professional Staff Report, referring to Human Rights Alert submission with the
note "corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California" (page 6,
paragraph 45)
Zernik, J: Beyond voting machines - case management systems of the courts - Sustain and the Los Angeles
Superior Court Part
Zernik, J: Beyond electronic voting machines - fraud in case management systems of the courts - Sustain and the Los
Angeles Superior Court - Part
Zernik, J: Beyond voting machines - case management systems of the courts - Sustain - CMS of the Los Angeles
Superior Court - Abstract and Figures s
Zernik, J: Computers & the Courts - Sustain - CMS of the Los Angeles Superior Court - Registers of Action
Zernik, J: Data Mining as a Civic Duty Online Public Prisoners' Registration Systems,
International Journal on Social Media: Monitoring, Measurement, Mining 1: 84-96 (2010)
Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council for the UPR of the State of srael
(2013), as it appears in the United Nations Human Rights Council site:
The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission (2013) for the Universal Periodic Review of israel by the UN Human Rights
Council, as it appears on the UN web site
2013-01-01 The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission, as incorporated into the UN Human Rtghts Council UPR report
with the note "Lack of integrity in the electronic records of the Supreme Court, the district courts and the detainees courts
in srael" (page 4, paragraph 25)
2012-05-10 Human Right Alert, Appendix to Submission; 15th UPR - State of srael - "ntegrity, or lack thereof, of the
electronic record systems of the courts of the State of srael"
Biographical Sketch Joseph Zernik, PhD
Wiki Nerds, "Machine Learning", Google books
Joseph Zernik. "Design and Operation of the Electronic Record Systems of the US Courts are Linked to Failing
Banking Regulation" Data Analytics, 2012
Joseph Zernik, "ntegrity, or Lack Thereof, of the Electronic Record Systems of the Courts of the State of srael",
Data Analytics, 2012!
Human Rights Alert (NGO) (NGO)
Joseph Zernik, PhD "
PO Box 33407, Tel Aviv, srael "n 33407 x"n, 6133301
Robbing Argentina in the US court in Manhattan - fraud of medieval stle and
by Joseph Zernik, PhD, Human Rights Alert (NGO)
No summons, invalid Notice of Assignment for US Judge Thomas Griesa, and denial
of public access to the authentication records in a court that is notorious for fraud in
banking matters... Conduct of the US courts over the past decade should be deemed
an unannounced regime change in the United States. t is also central to abuse of the
people of the United States and failing banking regulation. n the case of N!" v
#epublic of Argentina the US courts reach be$ond the territorial US, to rob the
people of Argentina through fraud of medieval st$le and proportions.
Oupy!"#, $eptember % - for the seon& time in '( years, the )$ is ausing the
ollapse o* the Argentinian eonomy, in*liting po+erty an& misery on millions ] .
,n -..', Argentina sho/e& 0a &eline /ithout parallel01 !he eonomi ollapse o*
Argentina /ipe& out the mi&&le lass an& raise& the le+el o* po+erty to (21(31
4illions in Argentina /ere thro/n into unemployment, po+erty an& hunger1 !hat,
a*ter being "atin Ameria5s star in the '66.s1 7
!he ollapse o* the Argentinian eonomy pu99le& many1111 :ut others o**ere&
e;planations< ,n his book 0Globali9ation an& ,ts Disontent0, none other than Nobel
pri9e /inner Joseph $tieglit9 raise& the suspiion that the ollapse o* the Argentinian
eonomy /as the han&i/ork o* $tanley =isher in his apaity as a senior o**ier o*
the ,nternational 4onetary =un& (later Go+ernor o* :ank o* ,srael, to&ay No - in the
)$ =e&eral Reser+e), at the ser+ie o* )$ agenies1 7
Others state it more learly< >entral to the ollapse /as the implementation o* neo?
liberal poliies /hih enable& the s/in&le o* billions o* &ollars by *oreign banks an&
,n -.'@, the *rau& is more bra9en1 ,n litigation in the )$ Distrit >ourt, $outhern
Distrit o* Ne/ Aork, /hih is opine& here as *rau&, Ju&ge Griesa issue& rulings,
or&ers, an& Bu&gments, /hih &oom the Argentinian eonomy1
NML Capital, Ltd. v. The Republic of Argentina ("#$%-cv-$&'(%) in the US )istrict
*ourt+ Southern )istrict of Ne, -or.
US Judge Thomas Griesa; Street scene from the Argentinian economic collapse of 2001.
"a/ re+ie/ summari9e& the ase as *ollo/s< 7
n 2001, Argentina defaulted on more than ninety-five billion dollars in external debt.
At the time, this constituted the largest sovereign default in history. Argentina initiated
two restructurings in 2005 and 2010, allowing holders of defaulted bonds to exchange
15 / 1
their bonds for new debt at a rate of twenty-five to twenty-nine cents on the dollar,
thus restructuring more than ninety-one percent of the foreign debt on which it had
defaulted in 2001. Hedge funds specializing in trading distressed sovereign debt,
such as Elliott Associates, purchased large amounts of Argentinian debt at a
significant discount on the secondary market, and "held outthey refused to join the
restructurings and sought full collection of their debt.
n February 2012, Judge Griesa of the District Court for the Southern District of New
York issued orders enjoining Argentina from making payments on its restructured
2005 and 2010 debt without making ratable payments to NML Capital, a distressed-
debt hedge fund affiliated with Elliott Associates. n October 2012, a unanimous panel
of the Second Circuit substantially affirmed the orders.6 Argentina was not to make
full payment on its restructured debt without also making full payment to the holdout
plaintiffs... The decision, therefore, would seem to doom consensual sovereign debt
,n plain language, a single hol&?out &ebt hol&er, N4" >apital, an un&ermine the
onsensual agreement o* the Republi o* Argentina an& the maBority o* its &ebt
hol&ers, an& e;tort *a+orable treatment through the ruling o* a )$ Bu&ge in Ne/ Aork1
:eyon& the ommonsense absur&ity o* the situation, one must in suh a ase &oubt the
integrity o* the )$ ourt an& Ju&ge !homas Griesa111 A*ter all, )$ e;perts repeate&ly
pointe& out the entral role o* the orrupt )$ ourts an& Bustie system in the ongoing
*inanial risis<
Conomis Nobel pri9e /inner Paul Drugman /rote, 0 111 a system in /hih only
the little people ha+e to obey the la/, /hile the rih, an& bankers espeially, an
heat an& &e*rau& /ithout onseEuenes10 7
"a/ Pro*essor Raymon& :resia more spei*ially opine&, 0111it5s &i**iult to *in& a
*rau& o* this si9e on the )$ ourt system in )$ history111 /here you ha+e literally
tens o* thousan&s o* *rau&ulent &ouments *ile& in tens o* thousan&s o* ases10 7
,n&ee&, re+ie/ o* the ourt reor&s in N!" Capital, "td. v. The #epublic of Argentina
('<.F?+?.%62F) in the )$ Distrit >ourt, $outhern Distrit o* Ne/ Aork, lea&s to the
onlusion that the ase shoul& be &eeme& $imulate& "itigation an& =rau& upon the
>ourt1 4oreo+er, the same )$ >ourt shoul& be onsi&ere& entral to *ailing banking
regulation un&er the urrent risis1 7
Simulated /itigation and 0raud u!on the *ourt - Organi1ed State-cor!orate
*rime 2
!hrough the implementation an& employment o* in+ali& ,! systems in the )$ ourts
(PA>CR an& >4GC>=), the )$ ourts to&ay issue an& publish Bu&iial an& lerial
reor&s that are in+ali& an& +oi& on their *aes1 ,n suh sham reor&s, )$ Bu&ges
unla/*ully &epri+e the >i+il, >onstitutional, an& Human Rights o* the people1
Regar&less o* the in+ali&ity o* suh reor&s, the ourts in&ue an&Gor e;tort
ompliane /ith suh in+ali&, *rau&ulent Bu&iial reor&s1
!he on&ut o* *rau& in litigation, outline& abo+e, is *urther &etaile& in the Te%as
&enal Code H I-1@F ? $imulating "egal Proess< 7
,ssue Bu&iial an&Gor lerial reor&s that are in+ali&, +oi& on their *aes1
$ign, sen&, &oket an&Gor publish suh Bu&iial an&Gor lerial reor&s by
unauthori9e& persons1
$er+e *alse reor&s that in&ue their reei+er to belie+e that they are +ali& an&
e**etual summonses, omplaints, or&ers, or Bu&gments1
Generate, sen&, an&Gor publish *alse authentiation reor&s *or suh Bu&iial an&Gor
lerial reor&s1
$ign, sen&, an&Gor publish Bu&iial an&Gor lerial reor&s o* +ague an& ambiguous
language, /hih the ourt may &eem patently in+ali&, but the reei+er is in&ue& to
belie+e are +ali&1
,n&ue an&Gor e;tort submission to the *alse authority o* suh reor&s1
15 / 2
,n terms o* )$ la/, the on&ut o* $imulate& "itigation, as &e*ine& in the Te%as &enal
Code I-1@F, shoul& be &eeme& 0=rau& upon the >ourt01 ,n 'ulloch v. United States,
2%I =1-& '''(, ''-' ('.th >ir1 '6F(), the >ourt says<
Fraud upon the court is fraud which is directed to the judicial machinery itself and is
not fraud between the parties or fraudulent documents, false statements or perjury. ...
t is where the court or a member is corrupted or influenced or influence is attempted
or where the judge has not performed his judicial function --- thus where the impartial
functions of the court have been directly corrupted.
!he pratie o* $imulate& "itigation shoul& also be onsi&ere& raketeering un&er the
)$ #acketeer nfluenced and Corrupt (rgani)ations Act ()$> H'6%') ? a onspiray
to on&ut an enterprise through a pattern o* raketeering ati+ity1
!he notion o* Bu&ges an& ourts ating as a raketeering enterprises is not ne/ at all1
,n the most reent e;ample, *ormer Pennsyl+ania Ju&ge >ia+arella /as proseute&
an& on+ite& on raketeering harges in the /ake o* the 0Di&s *or >ash0 orruption
san&al1 7
8 Jhereas the on+ition o* *ormer Bu&ge >ia+arella /as relate& to the
prison in&ustry, the ase o* N!" Capital v #epublic of Argentina an& other ases in
the )$ Distrit >ourt, $outhern Distrit o* Ne/ Aork, are relate& to the banking
=urthermore, the on&ut o* the )$ ourts an& )$ Bustie system, seen in N!"
Capital v The #epublic of Argentina, reahes beyon& the territorial )$1 ,t is not the
only ase o* this nature1 Other notable e;amples inlu&e<
Deriminali9ation o* torture an& the unla/*ul &epri+ation o* "iberty in the
Guantanamo :ay &etention enter an& in a net/ork o* 0blak hole0 prisons /orl&?
/i&eK 7
Deriminali9ation o* the in+ol+ement o* )$ agenies in trans?national &rug an&
*irearms tra**iking, 7
8 an& &eriminali9ation o* the in+ol+ement o* )$ banks
in trans?national money laun&ering *or &rug artels1 7
!here*ore, on&ut o* the )$ ourts shoul& also be re+ie/e& un&er the terms o* the
United Nations Convention against Transnational (rgani)ed Crime (-...)1 7
>on&itions, /here a nation5s Bustie system engages in suh onspiray is also re*erre&
to in riminology as 0$tate Organi9e& >rime0, or 0$tate?orporate Organi9e& >rime01
NML Capital, Ltd. v. The Republic of Argentina - missing summons+ invalid Notice
of Assignment+ denial of access to authentication records+ other missing .e
records5 2
15 / 3
nitial entries in the docket of NML Capital v The Republic of Argentina in the US District
Court, Southern District of New York: [
] a) Summons as issued by the clerk was not
docketed with the Complaint (Dkt #1), neither was it docketed with the Affidavit of Service
(Dkt #4). b) Civil Cover Sheet, required by the Judicial Conference of the United States for
the opening of the civil docket, was not docketed with the Complaint (Dkt #1) [
]. c) Notice of
Case Assignment (Dkt #5) is invalid - bear invalid signature of the Clerk of the Court.
Combined, the initial records in the docket document the commencing of Simulated Litigation.
Missing Summons
!he ser+ie o* a summons is reEuire& *or the ourt to establish its Buris&ition o+er the
party, /ho is being summone&1 !he *ederal #ules of Civil &rocedure, Rule @,
presribes that summons must be signe& by the lerk an& bear the ourt5s seal1 !he
*ederal #ules of Civil &rocedure, Rule 26 presribes that the lerk &oket the
summons as issue&, as /ell as proo* o* ser+ie1
,n blatant &isregar& o* the )$ la/, the )$ ourts to&ay o*ten *ail to issue summonses
that are signe& by the lerk an& bear the ourt5s seal, an& also *ail to &oket the
summons, so that suh *atal &e*ets, /hih un&ermine the +ali&ity o* the entire
litigation, are not transparent to the publi1
,n the )$ Distrit >ourt, $outhern Distrit o* Ne/ Aork, the *ailure to &oket the
summons also stan&s in &isregar& o* the "ocal #ules of Court an& the +lectronic Case
*iling #ules and nstructions o* the )$ Distrit >ourt, $outhern Distrit o* Ne/ Aork1
)nite& Nations reports on strengthening Bu&iial integrity list missing ourt reor&s as
an in&iator o* Bu&iial orruption1 7
15 / 4
6nvalid Notice of Assignment
Notice of Assignment to Judge Thomas Griesa (Dkt #5) - the Notice is unsigned and invalid.
Therefore Judge Griesa was acting in this case with no authority at all. The issuance of
invalid Assignment Notices to judges and Reference Notices to magistrates is a typical initial
step in commencing of Simulated Litigation
!he Notie o* Assignment to Ju&ge !homas Griesa (Dkt L() bears no +ali& signature
o* the lerk, an& is there*ore in+ali&1 !he in+ali&ity o* the Notie o* Assignment
ren&ers the on&ut o* Ju&ge Griesa in the entire ase o* no authority at all, an&
*urther un&ermines the integrity an& +ali&ity o* the the entire litigation1 !he in+ali&ity
o* the Notie o* Assignment to Ju&ge is also typial o* the reor&s employe& *or
ommening $imulate& "itigation in the )$ ourts1
,t shoul& be note& that the -..% attempt to impeah )$ Ju&ge 4anuel Real o* the )$
Distrit >ourt, >entral Distrit o* >ali*ornia, originate& in his on&ut in a ase,
/here he ate& /ith no la/*ul assignment1 7
)enial of !ublic access to authentication records
!he ser+ie o* Bu&iial an& lerial reor&s, as /ell as the &oumentation o* the
ser+ie are essential *or their authentiation an& *or ren&ering them o* *ore an&
e**et1 Aor&ingly, the *ederal #ules of Civil &rocedure, Rule (, presribe that the
>erti*iates o* $er+ie be *ile& an& &okete&1
As sho/n in the ase o* N!" Capital v The #epublic of Argentina, an& in all ases
un&er eletroni *iling in the )$ ourts to&ay, +ali& >erti*iates o* $er+ie are no
longer &okete& an& are not aessible to the publi as part o* the ourts5 reor&s in
PA>CR1 !here*ore, the publi an& e+en parties to litigation annot &istinguish
15 / 5
bet/een +ali& an& +oi& ourt reor&s1
$uh pro*oun& hanges in the *un&amentals o* Due Proess ren&er ourt reor&s an&
the Bu&iial proess +ague an& ambiguous, an& enable the routine on&ut o*
$imulate& "itigation1 !hese pro*oun& hanges in ourt proe&ures /ere implemente&
by the )$ Bu&iiary /ith no la/*ul authority at all, onomitantly /ith the
establishment o* eletroni *iling1
Traditional paper Certificate of Service by the Clerk of the Court in Wright v Bank of America
(10-cv-01723), US District Court, Northern District of California. The record included a
certification statement, " certify., as well as the name and authority of the individual
executing the certification - Deputy Clerk. However, the document shown here is invalid, since
it is missing a valid signature of the Deputy Clerk. The certification records were an essential
part of the public records in the paper court files. n contrast, under electronic filing, the US
judiciary instituted Notices of Electronic Filing (NEFs) as the replacement of the Certificates of
Service, and at the same time deny public access to the NEFs.
Notie o* Cletroni =iling 70NC=08 in the )$ &istrit ourts are onsi&ere& by the )$
ourts the authentiation instruments in the ,! systems, establishe& by the
A&ministrati+e O**ie o* the )$ >ourts through the &ual publi aess an& ase
managementGeletroni *iling systems (PA>CR M >4GC>=, respeti+ely)1 !he NC=
15 / 6
replae& the tra&itional, paper >erti*iate o* $er+ie, or Proo* o* $er+ie1 !here*ore,
the NC= is o* ritial signi*iane relati+e to the +ali&ity, *ore an& e**et o* Bu&iial
minutes, or&ers an& Bu&gments1
Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF), pertaining to Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus - Dkt #1,
in Richard Fine v Sheriff of Lo Angele Count! (2:09-cv-01914), US District Court, Central
District of California. The NEF shown here includes an "Electronic Document Stamp" (an
alpha-numeric checksum string), which pursuant to "eneral #rder 08-02 of that court, verifies
the authenticity of the respective court record. [
] With it, one should note that the NEF is
invalid as a "Certificate of Service" on its face: The record fails to include: a) A certification
statement, " certify., b) The name and authority of the individual who executed it, and c) A
valid signature of such individual. Furthermore, in contrast with the paper Certificates of
Service, which were part of the case docket, the NEFs are excluded from the PACER docket
in disregard of US law, and public access to the NEFs is denied. The 70 year old former US
prosecutor Richard Fine exposed and rebuked the taking by California judges of "not
permitted payments", which were called by media "bribes". Fine was falsely imprisoned for 18
months in solitary confinement in 2009-10 by Sheriff Lee Baca of Los Angeles County, with no
lawful records conforming with the fundamental requirements of law. [
] His Habeas Corpus
15 / 7
petitions were subjected to simulated review by the US District Court, Central District of
California, the US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, and the US Supreme Court.
Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF), pertaining to Mandate of the US Court of Appeals, 9th
Circuit - Dkt #59, in Richard Fine v Sheriff of Lo Angele Count! (2:09-cv-01914), US District
Court, Central District of California. The NEF in this case is invalid, missing the "Electronic
Document Stamp". Numerous, similar, invalid NEFs, missing the "Electronic Document
Stamp" were discovered in other US district courts. The detailed documentation of the cases,
related to the Habeas Corpus actions of Richard Fine in the US courts provide unique
demonstration of the abuse inherent in the design and operation of PACER and CM/ECF: 1.
A simulated Habeas Corpus review was conducted in the US District Court, Central District of
California, where judicial records were filed with NEFs missing the "Electronic Document
Stamp". n such invalid, simulated litigation, Magistrate Carla Woehrle and Judge John
Walter issued abusive judicial records, which did not comply with the US Constitution and the
US law and unlawfully deprived the Liberty of Richard Fine. 2. When Fine filed his actions in
the US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, taken from such simulated litigation records in the US
District Court, the US Court of Appeals responded by conducting a simulated review as well,
and by issuing simulated orders and mandates, colluding in the abuse of rights. 3. When the
US District Court received such simulated Mandates from the US Court of Appeals, the US
District Court docketed them as invalid, simulated judicial records as well, with an invalid NEF,
as shown here.
15 / 8
Docket entry, Dkt #none, pertaining to Deletion of Order of Disbarment - Dkt #4, in $n R%&
Ronald "ottchalk (2:11-mc-00284) in the US District Court, Central District of California. The
text re-affirms that the January 11, 2012 Order of Disbarment/Suspension by Chief Judge
Audrey Collins (dispositive order, akin to judgment in such case) was issued with no NEF, and
was therefore deleted. However, it should be noted that this docket entry is of the "Text only"
type, entered by a person of unknown name and authority, is unsigned and unauthenticated.
Ronald Gottschalk was a Los Angeles Attorney, who like Richard Fine protested judicial
corruption. Like Richard Fine he was falsely arrested in 2009 (albeit for a few weeks only),
and like Richard Fine he also was falsely hospitalized. However, whereas Richard Fine was
kept in solitary confinement for 18 months in the hospital section of the jail, Gottschalk was
kept in an outside psychiatric ward. Gottschalk reported that he was forced to take
psychiatric medications, while being denied critical diabetes medication. Through
communication with the author of this report, Gottschalk was educated regarding the
significance of the NEF and its "Electronic Document Stamp". Therefore, when he received
the Order of Disbarment with an invalid NEF, he filed the request to delete it from the docket.
Chief Judge Audrey Collins apparently consented. [
] t is instructive that both Fine and
Gottschalk, senior, experienced attorneys, who were authorized CM/ECF participants and
passed the mandatory instruction, were entirely unaware of the significance of the NEF and
the "Electronic Document Stamp" for validity, force and effect of judicial records. Such
conditions reflect the lack of authority and ambiguous records, pertaining to the definition of
fundamental court procedures in PACER and CM/ECF - the fraudulent T systems of the US
!o&ay the NC=s are onsi&ere& by the )$ ourts to&ay the >erti*iates o* $er+ie,
Notie o* Cntry o* Ju&gment1 Ho/e+er, publi aess to the NC=s is &enie&, sine
they are not inlu&e& in the PA>CR &okets in &isregar& o* the *ederal #ules of Civil
&rocedure. Jith it, the )$ &istrit ourts o*ten issue an& &oket or&ers an&
Bu&gments /ith no NC=s or /ith in+ali& NC=s1 )n&er suh on&itions, the publi,
an& at times e+en e;periene& attorneys are unable to &istinguish bet/een +ali&
Bu&iial reor&s o* *ull *ore an& e**et, an& in+ali&, +oi& Bu&iial reor&s1
!he )$ Distrit >ourt, $outhern Distrit o* Ne/ Aork, uni+ersally &enies publi
aess to the NC=s o* reor&s in its PA>CR &okets, inlu&ing the reor&s in N!"
Capital v The #epublic of Argentina. !here*ore, there is no /ay *or the publi to
asertain, /hether any o* Ju&ge Griesa5s rulings, or&ers, an& Bu&gments /ere
authentiate&, entere&, an& erti*ie& ? an& there*ore o* any *ore an& e**et1
$uh serious ambiguity regar&ing the +ali&ity an& e**et o* ourt reor&s in N!"
Capital v The #epublic of Argentina, shoul& not &oubt be onsi&ere& a serious
+iolation o* Due Proess rights1
,t shoul& be note& that )nite& Nations reports on strengthening Bu&iial integrity list
&enial o* aess an in&iator o* Bu&iial orruption1
Other missing .e records
Other key reor&s, /hih are missing in the &oket o* N!" Capital v The #epublic of
Argentina inlu&e, but are not limite& to< ,nitial >on*erene (presribe& by Rule -%,
*ederal #ules of Civil &rocedure), an& Notie o* Cntry o* Ju&gment (presribe& by
Rule I%, *ederal #ules of Civil &rocedure)1
15 / 9
0raud in matters is common in the US )istrict *ourt+ Southern )istrict
of Ne, -or.+ and other US courts
Summons as issued by the Clerk of the Court and as executed in S%C v Bank of America
Corporation (1:09-cv-06829) in the US District Court, Southern District of New York. The
PACER docket in S%C v Bank of America Corporation included no copy of the summons in
disregard of US law, as is the case in NML Capital v The Republic of Argentina' The
summons in S%C v Bank of America Corporation was eventually discovered through a
Freedom of nformation request on SEC. As seen here, the summons is unsigned, and fails
to bear the seal of the court, i.e., invalid summons. S%C v Bank of America Corporation was
a landmark court case, relative to banking supervision under the current financial crisis. t
originated in the unlawful taking of $5.8 billions by banking executives. US Judge Jed Rakoff
colluded with Clerk of the Court Ruby Krajick and attorneys for SEC and Bank of America
Corporation and conducted Simulated Litigation in the US District Court, Southern District of
New York, which ended with no executive being held accountable and none of the ill-gotten
funds returned by the offending executives.
As &oumente& in &etail in other ases in the )$ Distrit >ourt, $outhern Distrit o*
Ne/ Aork, on&ut o* $imulate& "itigation in banking matters is a ommon pratie
by )$ Bu&ges in that ourt an& in other )$ ourts to&ay1 7
15 / 10
A notable e;ample is S+C v 'ank of America Corporation ('<.6?+?.%F-6) an& the
relate& ase o* S+C v 'AC ('<'.?+ N..-'(), /hih originate& in the unla/*ul taking
o* O(1F billions by banking e;euti+es &uring the merger o* :ank o* Ameria an&
4errill "ynh in late -..F1 7
8 !he litigation, un&er )$ Ju&ge Je& Rako**, /ho /as
haile& by the Jall $treet Journal as 0tough0 in this ase, en&e& /ith a payment o*
O'II millions by the +itims ? the sharehol&ers ? to themsel+es being impose& by the
>ourt1 No e;euti+e /as hel& aountable, an& no e;euti+e returne& to the
sharehol&ers any o* the ill?gotten *un&s1
As is the ase in N!" Capital v The #epublic of Argentina, the summons in S+C v
'ank of America Corporation /as not &okete&, in &isregar& o* )$ la/1 Ju&ge Je&
Rako** hel& no la/*ul assignment in the ase, an& aess to the NC=s /as &enie&1
!he summons reor& in S+C v 'ank of America Corporation /as e+entually
&iso+ere& through a =ree&om o* ,n*ormation reEuest on $C>1 As sho/n here it /as
in+ali& on its *ae ? bearing no signature o* the >lerk o* the >ourt an& no $eal o* the
>ourt1 !he ase &ouments ollusion o* attorneys ating on behal* o* the )$
go+ernment an& $C>, attorneys *or :ank o* Ameria >orporation, Ju&ge Je& Rako**
an& >lerk o* the >ourt Ruby DraBik in the on&ut o* $imulate& "itigation1
4e&ia reports heere& along111
ReEuests *or ,mpeahment o* Ju&ge Je& Rako** an& >lerk o* the >ourt Ruby DraBik,
/hih /ere *ile& /ith the )$ >ongress, &oument the *ailure o* )$ >ongress to
per*orm its &uties1 7
0raud of medieval stle and !ro!ortions
=rau& in the ourts /as notorious &uring the mi&&le ages, partiularly through the
issuane o* *rau&ulent reor&s by Bu&ges1 !he o**ie o* the >lerk o* the >ourt /as
institute& in the late mi&&le ages an& ourt proe&ures in+ol+ing authentiation an&
erti*iation o* Bu&iial reor&s by the >lerk o* the >ourt ha+e e+ol+e& o+er enturies
to sa*eguar& the integrity o* the ourts an& the Bu&iial proess1 7
,n ontrast, on&itions, /hih ha+e been establishe& in the )$ ourts /ith the
implementation o* their ,! systems ? PA>CR an& >4GC>= ? un&ermine all suh
sa*eguar&s1 7
=rau& in the mi&&le ages /as largely *ailitate& through the illiteray o* the +ast
maBority o* the people1 =rau& in our times is *ailitate& through the illiteray o* the
+ast maBority o* the people regar&ing eletroni reor&s1
US *ongress+ e3!erts+ media betra the trust of the !eo!le
As repeate&ly sho/n, )$ >ongress re*uses to akno/le&ge or at on reEuests *or
impeahment o* )$ Bu&ges, /ho on&ut $imulate& "itigation an& abuse the rights o*
the people o* the )nite& $tates1 )$ me&ia, /hih report on lan&mark ases that are
ob+ious =rau& upon the >ourts, *ail to &islose suh *ats to the publi, e+en a*ter
getting noties, alerting them to the true *ats in the matters being reports1
"ike/ise, )$ la/ pro*essors routinely re*use to opine on the unpree&ente& *rau& in
the ,! systems o* the )$ ourts, PA>CR an& >4GC>=, an& )$ la/ Bournals re*use to
aept *or re+ie/ papers, /hih &isuss suh *rau&1 7
Regar&ing the ase o* N!" Capital v The #epublic of Argentina, a reEuest *or
omments /as *or/ar&e& to Romain Zamour, urrently Assistant "egal >ounsel in
the Permanent >ourt o* Arbitration (P>A) in the Hague, Netherlan&s, /ho publishe&
the sholarly la/ artile, ite& abo+e, in The ,ale Journal of nternational "a-
Notice o!ining fraud ,as filed ,ith the government of the Re!ublic of Argentina
and others
15 / 11
Gi+en the o+erarhing international signi*iane o* the ase o* N!" Capital v The
#epublic of Argentina, notie /as *ile& /ith the go+ernment o* the Republi o*
!he notie in part says<
...fraud is being committed on the people and the Republic of Argentina by the US
government and its agencies, the US District Court, Southern District of New York, the
US Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit, and the US Supreme Court, relative to the litigation
of NML Capital v The Republic of Argentina (1:08-cv-06978) in the US District Court,
Southern District of New York. US Judge Thomas Griesa, Clerk of the Court Ruby
Krajick, and all attorneys, who filed papers in the case, including the law-firms who
filed on behalf of the Republic of Argentina, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, LLP,
should be deemed part of the conspiracy to defraud.
>opies o* the notie /ere *ile& /ith the go+ernments o* the German =e&eral Republi,
People5s Republi o* >hina, Russian =e&eration, an& the )nite& $tates1
7hat could the Re!ublic of Argentina do ne3t8
!he Republi o* Argentina oul& &iretly (not through the la/?*irm o* >leary et al)
a&&ress >lerk o* the >ourt Ruby DraBik o* the )$ Distrit >ourt, $outhern Distrit o*
Ne/ Aork, an& &eman&<
'1 An a**i&a+it stating that the PA>CR &oket in N!" Capital v #epublic of
Argentina is a +ali& an& e**etual &oket o* the >ourt, /hih /as onstrute& un&er
the authority o* the >lerk o* the >ourt an& in ompliane /ith the la/ o* the
)nite& $tatesK
-1 A opy o* the $ummons, erti*ie& 0!rue >opy o* the Original0 by the >lerk o* the
>ourt, an&
I1 >opies o* the Notie o* Assignment an& all Or&ers, Ju&gments an& 4an&ates,
/hih appear in the PA>CR &oket, together /ith the respeti+e NC=s, erti*ie&
0!rue >opy o* the Original0 by the >lerk o* the >ourt1
:ase& on e;periene /ith se+eral lerks o* the )$ ourts, inlu&ing >lerk Ruby
DraBik, it is unlikely that suh &eman&s by the Republi o* Argentina /oul& be
honestly a&&resse&1
=ailure to a&&ress suh &eman&s shoul& be onsi&ere& a&&itional e+i&ene o* the
*rau& being ommitte& in this ase1
,n ase any o* the abo+e re*erene& reor&s are obtaine& *rom >lerk Ruby DraBik,
they are likely to pro+i&e a&&itional e+i&ene o* the *rau& in on&ut o* the ase1
A&&itionally, in ase any suh reor&s are obtaine& *rom >lerk Ruby DraBik, they
shoul& be *urther *or/ar&e& to the O**ie o* Authentiations, )$ Department o* $tate,
/ith a reEuest *or Apostille >erti*iates, pursuant to the .ague Apostille Convention
,t is unlikely that the )$ Department o* $tate /oul& pro+i&e suh Apostille
>erti*iates *or the abo+e re*erene& reor&s1 ,* it &oes, it /oul& pro+i&e a&&itional
e+i&ene o* riminality by the )$ go+ernment1
9N) NO:9S
15 / 12
i 2014-06-30 Joseph Zernik, "ARGENTNA: Again on the verge of economic collapse - again the victim of US
treachery!", #p%dNe('com
ii 2002-02-28 "Argentina's collapse. A decline without parallel", The %conomit
iii 2002-06-06 "Globalisation and its discontents by Joseph Stieglitz", The %conomit
iv Romain Zamour, "NML v. Argentina and the Ratable Payment nterpretation of the Pari Passu Clause", The
)ale *ournal of $nternational La( #nline
v 2011-03-13 Paul Krugman, "Another nside Job", Ne( )ork Time
+i 2011-12-22 "Special Report: The watchdogs that didn't bark", Reuter
vii 2012-09-26 Joseph Zernik, "Large-scale fraud in US court records is linked to failing banking regulation",
+iii 2014-01-06 Joseph Zernik, "Duplicitous US judges: Jed Rakoff, Richard Leon", #p%dNe('com
ix For further detailed discussion, see:
2014-08-31 Human Right Alert (NGO): Draft UPR Submission-United States (2014) "Large-scale fraud in T
systems of the US courts - Unannounced regime change?", Appendix
; The Texas Penal Code 32.48, pertaining to "Simulating Legal Process" says:
Texas Penal Code - Section 32.48. Simulating Legal Process
(a) A person commits an offense if the person recklessly causes to be delivered to another any
document that simulates a summons, complaint, judgment, or other court process with the intent to:
(1) induce payment of a claim from another person; or
(2) cause another to:
(A) submit to the putative authority of the document; or
(B) take any action or refrain from taking any action in response to the document, in
compliance with the document, or on the basis of the document.
(b) Proof that the document was mailed to any person with the intent that it be forwarded to the intended
recipient is a sufficient showing that the document was delivered.
(c) t is not a defense to prosecution under this section that the simulating document
(1) states that it is not legal process; or
(2) purports to have been issued or authorized by a person or entity who did not have lawful
authority to issue or authorize the document.
(d) f it is shown on the trial of an offense under this section that the simulating document was filed with,
presented to, or delivered to a clerk of a court or an employee of a clerk of a court created or established
under the constitution or laws of this state, there is a rebuttable presumption that the document was
delivered with the intent described by Subsection (a).
(e) Except as provided by Subsection (f), an offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.
(f) f it is shown on the trial of an offense under this section that the defendant has previously been
convicted of a violation of this section, the offense is a state jail felony.
Added by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 189, 3, eff. May 21, 1997.
;i 2011-08-11 Dave Warner, "Former judge sentenced to prison for "kids for cash" scheme", Reuter
xii 2006-10-11 " Detainee treatment topic of conference", Stanford News
xiii 1997-12-00 US Department of Justice, Office of nspector General, December 1997 Special Report: CA
Drug Trafficking to Los Angeles, California
xiv 2012-06-20 "Full coverage: ATF's Fast and Furious scandal" , Lo Angele Time
xv 2013-07-03 Christie Smythe, "HSBC Judge Approves $1.9B Drug-Money Laundering Accord ", Bloomberg
;+i 2013-06-20 Tom Blickman, "Deficiencies in financial oversight enable money laundering", Trannational
;+ii 2011-11-27 "nternational banks have aided Mexican drug gangs", Lo Angele Time
;+iii "Organized Crime", +N #ffice on ,rug and Crime
;i; For further detailed discussion, see:
2014-08-31 Human Right Alert (NGO): Draft UPR Submission-United States (2014) "Large-scale fraud in T
systems of the US courts - Unannounced regime change?", Appendix
;; The author has no direct access to PACER at this time. The figure is based on the copy of the docket from
the web site, linked blow. The listing of the docket entries, shown here, and the records linked to the entries in
Dkt #1-5 are believed to be accurate copies of the same entries and records in the respective PACER docket
xxi "CVL COVER SHEET The JS 44 civil cover sheet and the information contained herein neither replace nor
supplement the filing and service of pleadings or other papers as required by law, except as provided by local
rules of court. This form, approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States in September 1974, is
required for the use of the Clerk of Court for the purpose of initiating the civil docket sheet. Consequently, a civil
cover sheet is submitted to the Clerk of Court for each civil complaint filed. "
;;ii 2010-11-07 US District Court, Southern District of New York: a) Local Rules, b) ECF Rules and nstructions,
c) Attorney's ECF Dictionary
xxiii 2001-03-00 "Strengthening Judicial ntegrity Against Corruption",+N $nternational Crime -revention Center
;;i+ 2006-07-19 "House Moves Toward mpeaching Judge Manuel Real", Metropolitan Ne(.%nterprie
;;+ 2008-02-00 US District Court Central District of California: General Order 08-02, Authorizing CM/ECF, Digital
Authentication and Attestation in NEFs
;;+i 2010-01-21 Joseph Zernik, "Attorney Richard Fine - dissident's false hospitalization in Los Angeles County,
California", #p%dNe('com
xxvii 2012-01-11 n RE: R G (2:11-mc-00284) in the US District Court, Central District of California - minutes,
orders, judgments issued with invalid NEFs are invalid court records
;;+iii Zernik, J.: Securities and Exchange Commission v Bank of America Corporation - Simulated Litigation and
Simulated Banking Regulation in the United States
;;i; Joseph Zernik, "Fraud and corruption in the US courts is tightly linked to failing banking regulation and the
financial crisis", /0th World Criminolog! Congre1 Kobe, Japan,2011
xxx 2010-12-04 RE: US Judges JED RAKOFF, VRGNA PHLLPS, JOHN WALTER, US Magistrate CARLA
WOEHRLE - Request for nvestigation, mpeachment Proceedings Where Appropriate
;;;i 2010-12-08 Request No 1 for nvestigation, mpeachment of RUBY KRAJCK, Clerk of the Court, US
District Court, Southern District of New York, in re: Conduct of Securities and Exchange Commission v Bank of
America Corporation(1:09-cv-06829)
;;;ii 2011-01-10 Request No 1 for investigation/impeachment proceedings against US Judge JED RAKOFF and
Clerk RUBY KRAJCK, US District Court, Southern District of New York, in re: Conduct of Securities and
Exchange Committee v Bank of America Corporation (1:09-cv-06829)
;;;iii 2010-12-19 Addendum to Request No 1 for nvestigation/impeachment of JUDGE RAKOFF and Clerk
RUBY KRAJCK, US District Court, Southern District of New York, in re: Conduct of Securities and Exchange
Commission v Bank of America Corporation (1:09-cv-06829)
xxxiv 2011-02-05 Request No 2 for mpeachment of Judge JED RAKOFF Clerk RUBY KRAJCK, US District
Court, Southern District of New York, in Re Conduct of Lindner v Amex (1:10-cv-02228)
xxxv For historical review see: Scott Messinger, "Order in The Court - History of Clerks of United States
Courts", Federal *udicial Center (2002)
;;;+i Joseph Zernik. "Design and Operation of the Electronic Record Systems of the US Courts are Linked to
Failing Banking Regulation" ,ata Anal!tic, 2012
xxxviiFor further detailed discussion, see:
2014-08-31 Human Right Alert (NGO): Draft UPR Submission-United States (2014) "Large-scale fraud in T
systems of the US courts - Unannounced regime change?", Appendix

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