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Michael Smethurst | 14:03 UK time, Thursday, 29 January
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How we make websites
Designing and building data driven dynamic web
applications the one web, domain driven, RESTful,
open, linked data way
For the past few months I've been touting a presentation around the BBC entitled 'How we
make websites'. It's a compendium of everything our team has learned from long years
developing /programmes, the recent work on /music and the currently in development
As a warning there's very little original thinking in here. For those familiar with the concept
of one web, the importance of persistent URIs, REST, Domain Driven Design and Linked
Open Data it'll probably be old news. Possibly it's interesting to see all these threads tied up
in one place!?! Maybe it's interesting to see them all from a user experience point of
view?!? Anyway, as ever, it's built on the thinking and achievements of many clever people
over many years who are too numerous to mention here. Although obviously I'll make an
exception for Paul Clifford and TimBL. :)
The presentation is here and the (slightly) expanded text is below for the sake of
accessibility and Google.
How We Make Websites
View more presentations or upload your own. (tags: bbc a&m)
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Explore the domain
This should be clear
from the business
requirements - it
might be food or
music or gardening
Employ a domain
expert. Get them to
sketch their world
and sketch back at
them. Concentrate
on modelling real
(physical and
things not web
pages - try to blank
from your mind all
thoughts of the
resulting web site.
This work should never stop - you need to do this through the lifetime of the project as you
refine your understanding.
Identify your domain objects and the relationships
between them
As you chat and
sketch with your
domain expert you
should build up a
picture of the types
of things they're
concerned with.
Make a list of these
As your knowledge
of the domain
increases you'll
build up a picture of
how your objects
interlink. You can
sketch basic entity
diagrams with your
domain expert and
keep sketching until the picture clears. Bear in mind you're trying to capture the domain
ontology - this isn't about sketching database schemas. The resulting domain model will
inform the rest of your project and should be one of the few artifacts your project ever
Check your domain model with users
Run focus groups and speak to users. Get them to sketch their understanding of the domain
and again sketch back at them. After several round trips you should be able to synthesise
the expert model and the user model. User-centric design starts here - if you choose to
model things and relationships between those things that users can't easily comprehend no
amount of wireframes or personaes or storyboards will help you out.
Check to see if your website already deals with some
of your domain objects
If it does then reuse this functionality by linking to these pages - you don't want to mint
new URIs for existing objects. Having more than one page per thing confuses users and
confuses Google. Try to think of your website as a coherent whole; not as a collection of
individual products. And as ever, don't expose your internal organisational structures
through your website. Users don't care about departments or reporting lines.
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The glory will
always come from
building skyscrapers
- the real challenge
lies in decent town
planning. It's more
difficult to build new
services that stitch
into your site and
stitch into the web
than build shiny,
shrink wrapped, self
contained products.
Design your
Translate your
domain model into a
physical database
Source your
Check if there are
business systems in
your organisation
able to populate
your schema. Check
if there are existing
websites outside
your organisation
you can use to
populate your
schema. Give
treatment to any
websites that offer
their data under a
liberal licencing
agreement - you
can buy in data to
help you slice and
dice your own data
but if you do this
you might not be
able to provide an
open data API
without giving away
the 3rd party's
business model. If
your organisation
AND an open data
website can provide
the data, consider
the danger in
minting new
identifiers for your own data - can you easily link out / can you easily get links in?
Data licensing is one of those areas that often gets ignored in project planning. If you fail to
consider it or get it wrong it can severely curtail your plans further down the line.
Pipe in your data
Whether you choose to use your business data or buy data or use open data you'll need a
way of piping it into your database schema. You'll probably have to reshape it to make it
suitable for publishing.
Make your models
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In an MVC
framework your
models should
contain all your
business logic. This
mean they should
capture all the
constraints of your
database schema
plus all the extra
constraints implied
by your domain
Design your
URI schema
Your URI schema
should follow
naturally from your
domain model. As
an example if you're
dealing with books
and a book can
have many authors
should list all the
authors of that
book. At Audio and
Music we tend to
use large walls and
lots of post-its to
design our URIs.
Add some string to
show links and
journeys and there's
no need to ever
draw another site
This isn't just about
designing URIs for
resources you link
to - sometimes your
pages will be made
up of other
resources - all of
these subsidiary
resources should be
addressable too. It
means you can
easily change your user experience layer by taking out transcluded resources and linking to
them instead or removing links and transcluding.
By making every nugget of content addressable you allow other sites to link to it, improve
your bookmarkability and increase your SEO - cf. an individual 'tweet'. Bear in mind that
some representations (specifically mobile) will need smaller, more fragmented
representations with lower page weight - designing your subsidiary resources to be
addressable allows you to easily deal with this requirement - transclude the content on a
desktop machine, link to it on a mobile.
This is where we begin to talk about one web and REST. Each thing should be one resource
with one URI - the representation you get back (whether desktop HTML or mobile XHTML
MP or RDF or YAML or JSON) should depend on what your user agent asks for via content
negotiation. It means I can send a link to a friend from a desktop machine, they can click
on that link from a mobile and they'll get back a representation appropriate to their device.
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Or vice versa. One
web with no mobile
It's important not to
confuse URI design
with site structure
and user journeys.
If you're used to
working on
hierarchical silo
sites then the URI
structure often
determines the
navigation. This isn't
true here. Think of
the individual
resources as tent
poles - the user
journeys are the
canvas that gets
draped over later.
It's nice if URIs are
human readable.
It's also nice if
they're hackable.
It's an absolute
prerequisite that
they're persistent.
Don't sacrifice
persistence for the
sake of prettiness or
misguided SEO.
URIs are your
promise to the web
and your users - if
you change them or
change their meaning you break that promise - links break, bookmarks break, citations
break and your search engine juice is lost.
Remember: Cool URIs don't change.
Make hello world pages for your primary domain
For now all they
need is an h1 with
the title of the
Make hello
pages for
For now all they need is an h1 with the title of the aggregation and a linked list of things
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Define the
data you
need to
build each
of your
wireframes lump
together data
requirements (via
annotations), page
layout and (by
document design.
It's best to split
these out into 3
distinct tasks. The
first task is to define
the data
For each URI define
the data needed to
build all
representations of
the thing. Just
because the HTML
doesn't need to
show the updated
date doesn't mean
the RSS or Atom or
RDF don't need it.
Some resources will
transclude others.
There's no need to define the data required for these - just reference the transcluded
Build up your HTML pages and other representations
Now you know what
data you need you
can begin to surface
this in your
If you're working in
HTML make sure
you design your
document to be
semantically correct
and accessible. Try
not to think about
page layout - that's
the job of CSS not
markup. Document
design should be
independent of page
layout. In general
your page should be
structured into title, content, navigation - screen readers don't want to fight through
calendar tables etc to get to the content.
Add caching and search sitemaps
Knowing what can be cached and for how long is a vital part of designing your user
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experience. Cache
for too long and
pages go stale.
Don't cache for long
enough and you
send unnecessary
traffic across the
wires and place
extra strain on your
Cached pages will
also be faster and
smoother to render
in a browser. And if
your users are
paying for data on a
mobile every extra
connection means
bigger bills, which is
definitely a user experience issue.
An example: if you're creating a schedule page for today's TV you want to cache for
performance reasons but you don't want to cache it for too long since schedules are subject
to change. But you can cache yesterday's schedule more aggressively and last week's
schedule more aggressively still.
Creating XML search sitemaps helps search engines know which bits of your site have been
updated. Which helps them to know which bits to re-index. Which helps to make your
content more findable.
Apply layout CSS
Add layout CSS to
your HTML pages.
Experiment with
different layouts for
your markup by
moving elements
around the page.
You're wireframing!
Test and
You should be
testing with real
users at every stage
of development but
it's particularly
important to
conduct usability
AND accessibility
tests now. It's like testing traditional wireframes but you're testing on the real application
with real application behaviours and real data (no lorum ipsum nonsense).
Sometimes the results of your testing will require changes to layout CSS, sometimes to
markup, sometimes to the data you need to surface and sometimes to the underlying
domain / data model. Bear in mind if you're using data from existing business systems
there may need to be heavy investment to make changes to that data model and employ
the staff to admin those changes. Occasionally it might even mean renegotiating contracts
with outside data providers. All design and usability issues are fixable - some just need
more lawyers than others : )
Apply decor CSS
Over the top of your wireframe application you can now start to add visual design and
branding. This is exactly the same process as taking a paper wireframe and applying design
treatments over the top except you're mainly working in CSS.
Experiment with different treatments - see how far you can stretch the design with the
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markup given.
Sometimes you'll
need to add
additional markup to
hook your CSS off.
Now's the time to
add background
imagery for
headers, dividers,
buttons, list items
etc so best to open
Photoshop /
Illustrator to make
your design assets.
And test
and iterate
Never stop testing.
Remember that
personas are just
abstractions of
people - it's always
better to use real
Ideally you should
be able to adjust
your code / markup
/ CSS to respond to
user requests. If
you can afford the
recruitment /
developer time
there's no better
way to test than
with a user sitting
alongside a
developer - the
developer can react
to user requests,
tweak the
application and gain
instant feedback
without the
ambiguity that
sometimes comes
from test reports.
Again you should
accessibility test -
some of the design /
decor changes may
affect font sizes etc
- make sure your
users can still read
the page.
Add any JavaScript / AJAX
By designing your browsable site first and adding in Javascript / AJAX over the top you
stand a better chance of making an accessible web site - one that degrades gracefully.
As ever Google et al are your least able users - search bots don't like forms or JavaScript -
sites that degrade well for accessibility also degrade well for search engines.
Making every subsidiary resource addressable and providing these resources serialised as
XML or JSON makes adding AJAX relatively trivial.
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Sign in
You'll probably need
to tweak your CSS
to adjust to life with
JavaScript / AJAX.
And test
and iterate
Again test your site
for accessibility and
usability with
JavaScript turned on
and off.
Follow the same
steps for each
development cycle.
Some development
cycles will just be
about surfacing new
views of the existing
domain model;
some will require
expanding your
domain model.
Now you know your
domain model and
have made each
domain object
addressable layering
over new views and
more subtle user
journeys should be
And keep testing!
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1. At 23:14 29th Jan 2009, trailbehind wrote:
I agree with all you have said, except for the bit about javascript/ajax. For a site like
mine (, all we have is javascript and ajax, along with some data
embedded in the static pages for the search engines specifically.
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2. At 02:44 30th Jan 2009, ckorhonen wrote:
complain about this comment
3. At 13:26 31st Jan 2009, Alan Ogilvie wrote:
complain about this comment
4. At 23:16 1st Feb 2009, oudineche wrote:
complain about this comment
5. At 01:04 2nd Feb 2009, dradford wrote:
But the ajax/Javascript can't just be a tacked on thing. We have thousands of lines of
Javascript. It's fundamental.
@trailbehind I see what you are saying, but I think in most cases the approach outlined
works - with most websites you need to consider your data and the views you create
atop of that data, which can be translated into your run-of-the-mill HTML/CSS.
If we look at your site, you have what looks like a google map with data - something
which could otherwise be represented as data in a table.
Where Ajax/JavaScript/Flash/Flex/Silverlight comes in is where you start considering
how the user will be interacting with the data. Not fundamental at any way to the data
structure or how the backend works.
Same goes for video players, or any other kind of rich interface.
In the case of the article, I'd say that whilst it is keeping with the principles of
progressive enhancement, it makes sense to start thinking about the need for these
rich-frontend-technologies a bit earlier, around the same time you are designing your
decor/layout CSS, since the frontend-experience will make or break your website.
In my days as a web-developer I remember giving a presentation at the Design Council
about 7 years ago with colleagues from information architecture and design. We
presented how important it is to make sure all areas are represented when starting to
build a website.
Michael's presentation, as I understand it, is from a stage further on from the beginning
- as there obviously has to be input from engineering about what is possible.
By maintaining collaboration effort between the disciplines during development -
engineering, design, information architecture and the 'business' - successful delivery can
be achieved. In the same way as one wouldn't wish to end up with something that looks
fantastic, but performs so poorly that is unusable - we wouldn't want to have something
that has all the amazing engineering to make it top-performing but the interface is
I remember working for an agency where we worked on a key implementation of a new
CMS system for a big organisation. If it hadn't been for engineering work with
information architecture we wouldn't have used all the facilities that CMS had available
as the engineers were able to interpret the CMS and explain those features to the
Information Architects. In the other direction - the IAs pushed the engineers to make
the CMS 'sing' so we could implement, what was described by the CMS company, the
most innovative use of their technology at the time.
Team work.
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6. At 23:11 18th Feb 2009, Andy Mabbett wrote:
complain about this comment
7. At 16:00 19th Feb 2009, afrodigital wrote:
complain about this comment
8. At 09:55 25th Feb 2009, tristanf wrote:
complain about this comment
9. At 18:50 2nd Apr 2009, Monker09 wrote:
complain about this comment
10. At 17:13 3rd Jun 2009, bigalanbuchanan wrote:
Hi there,
I was first introduced to domain driven software design about five or six years ago,
building enterprise software. A group of us started really getting into the Fowler ideas
through the PoEAA and Analysis Patterns books. It's great to see the methods applied to
web application design.
The BBC work is looking really good at the moment, with the Comet-based radio
visualisation, the iPlayer and the music beta site. Can't wait to see the new events site!!
web developer, triple j radio (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
And not a single mention of microformats!
Nice work, Michael.
This is fascinating. Well done. Not only is the thinking lucid and logical -- the fact that
coherent, conscious thought happens in this aspect is very satisfying to know.
Question: WHO makes the decision(s) as to what content is publiched online -- and HOW
(i.e. on what bases)?
PS: E.g. particular bugbear of mine for years: Why does Moral Maze have neither a
podcast nor an archive?
PPS: From your exposition, it seems that you (info arch) go get the domain expert:
would that be upon your having been commissioned for the site etc?
@afrodigital - Decisions on what sites are built and what content is published are
generally taken by a combined team of technical staff (who design and build things) and
editorial staff (who work closely with the radio networks and audiences) based on our
strategy and the requirements of the radio networks.
As you suggest, this will happen before the process described above, but it won't
necessarily be a completely different set of people.
Hi there,
I liked your clearly presented account, you make it sound so simple ! I would add that
you should bear in mind rendering issues between browsers especially internet explorer
because it is riddled with bugs.
Link Building Specialists
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11. At 13:52 26th Jun 2009, HughDP wrote:
complain about this comment
12. At 12:59 8th Sep 2009, Saurav_Rimal wrote:
complain about this comment
13. At 18:08 8th Sep 2009, dextacy10-13 wrote:
complain about this comment
14. At 19:46 9th Sep 2009, Jon-Jauncey wrote:
complain about this comment
15. At 11:46 11th Nov 2009, Mark Cronin wrote:
complain about this comment
16. At 20:04 12th Nov 2009, i_amGeorge123 wrote:
complain about this comment
17. At 22:10 28th Dec 2009, Tico wrote:
Although I enjoy making my websites at home it would be great to be part of such a
huge organisation like BBC and be part of the web design team. I'm jealous.
Interesting article but why do the BBC (and many other sites) still insist on fixed width
Screens are getting wider and wider yet many sites still use a thin strip of content down
the middle.
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Another good read, "If you're working in HTML make sure you design your document to
be semantically correct and accessible" In regards to this section I read a couple of
articles in dot net magazine one about reset browser styling to help ensure cross
platform usability and another about printing out a design of the page with the most
complex layout and then writing the html elements such as "img, h1, h2, a " on the page
ignoring elements such as div so as to guage the best way to create a uniform site
layout with tidy css pages. The articles was in dot net may 2009 entitled "slicing like a
pro" and "css/reset documents".
James Myers
Website Designer
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This is awesome stuff. I have been web building for quite a while now, and i would love
to get into the nooks and crannies of the BBC site. Dynamic pages are always going to
be the way forward, and learning things like ASP and PHP are a given.
I'm just going to enjoy my Egypt holidays, until i must return to the dreary office from
whence i came! :)
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