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These 3 books are copyright Ken Behrens. All rights reserved.

There are these mysteries in archeology. Archeologists seldom
mention them, even among themselves. Things that don't quite fit
the theories. Like the crystal skull. Or the measurement of pi, the
size of the circle in the pyramid. Or the human footprint covered
by a dinosaur track in Texas. Or the vessels recovered from the
earliest tombs of Egypt, cut so finely that our technology couldn't
duplicate the result. Or for that matter the cutting on the pyramid
stones themselves. And there are many others.
In a field that has learned to rely on carbon fourteen dating, and
adjusted everything to fit the chronology that it dictates, there is
great pressure to conform. Evolution is assumed to be true, and
data that don't quite fit are altered, or discarded if need be. And
when a researcher claims to have found Noah's Ark, he is sued for
fraud based on the logic that since the Bible is a lie, the Ark cannot
exist, so any attempt to raise money to dig it up is a trick.
And since science cannot entertain any theory except that
carbon fourteen doesn't lie, it forces the stories of the data that
don't fit into the scandal sheet newspapers and the prime time X-
Files clone TV shows, making the gap ever wider. And since
science cannot look at these misfits, the idea that they are leftovers
from ancient UFO pilots continues to gain momentum, and the
pagan UFO cult becomes the new religion of the third millenium.
In fairness to science, certainly there have been pranks, and many
of them, like the Piltdown Man, did get the public's attention,
sometimes for years before being disproved. But human beings
keep forgetting that the only things that we can study are things we
choose to look at. Our world will always be the world of our own
making that we have subconsciously chosen. Science will never
do any more than examine what has been called into existence, or
more precisely into our consciousness, by faith that God has made
it. Ultimately, the scientific quest is a quest not for the totality of
what God has created, but for the small part of it that we choose to
use in any generation.
It is the purpose of this study to lay out another theory of
history broad enough to include the creation of these archeological
misfits. The theory is the theory of the Bible.
Actually, that is not quite accurate. The Bible is first and
foremost a letter from God. Its purpose is to foster and build a
relationship between Him and humankind. So its content is
determined by what is most important to that purpose. The Bible
is not a scientific text, and we are forced to settle only for mentions
of the technology of ancient times, and an evaluation of it. But the
Bible in referring to ancient technology actually proves something
else - that the technology was known to its ancient readers. Based
on this assumption, we are justified in examining ancient literature
in an attempt to reconstruct it.
And the ancient writings do not leave us disappointed. These
authors did indeed know the technology. They are consistent
among themselves. In reading what has survived, a whole other
theory of historical engineering emerges. This is the subject of this
We will see that Eccl. 1:10 is not imagining things when it says
that all inventions have already been created. What Gen. 1:5
evaluates, Gen. 10:5 tells how it was carried, and the newly
revealed Dead Sea scrolls have it surviving into Jesus' own time in
the Urim and Thummim. We will read stories of perverted humans
who became the pagan gods, and of the demons to whom they
gave the dominion of earth. We will read of electricity,
magnetism, genetic manipulation, weather control, flying air cars,
laser cutting tools, and the Faraday cage providing magnetic
shielding to Noah's Ark.
And just when it all seems so impossible, we will get the new
satellite data that shakes modern science to pieces. For two years
scientists have been ignoring it - trying to prove it's being misread,
or that it's some kind of error. But it's rapidly becoming
overwhelming. For we now know that whenever an extended rain
is about to begin somewhere on earth, cosmic ray absorption
increases, creating a positive charge in the clouds. And then there
are the ice pellets that keep hitting earth from space - and don't hit
the moon. And we will see that this means that our current
scientific theories are wrong. That weather is not something that
happens just at random - but that it is linked to electrical events in
space, events that can be manipulated from earth. And so earth is
not just another random point in the universe, but is what the Bible
has always claimed, and what, until recently, people always
believed, the center of it all. But then, the cosmic ray problem
becomes the key to the whole thing, because it proves the earth can
maintain in the atmosphere a long term localized positive -
negative charge balance, and this is weather related. And this
observation answers the ancient reports of technology perfectly
and makes them all make sense to our science. In short, we will
learn that all this is possible, just as the ancient writers claimed.
The new theory will take shape one ancient culture and one
invention at a time. And it is just as the writings say: The evil
"gods", in an ever-growing quest for power, harnessed the cosmic
ray weather control mechanism. The charges laid up propelled air
cars and created something like lasers. They used the lasers to cut
the crystal skull and the pyramid stones, and to alter the genetic
code, shutting off the growth termination instructions in the DNA,
creating dinosaurs experimentally and giants eventually. To feed
the giants they tried to alter the earth's weather, and in their pride
created the doorway that God used to create the flood. The proton
fields altered thought patterns, since our blood is electromagnetic,
and allowed the spread of demons. And best of all, the theory will
suggest experiments that can be performed to finally lay the carbon
fourteen data to rest, and with it the prevalence of the theory of
evolution; for, the ancient technology demands that an atmospheric
charge be built up, which then limits cosmic rays from striking
earth. The absence of the rays for extended periods of time lowers
the carbon fourteen absorption ratio, which then yields to
unsuspecting modern scientists an older date reading for any
creature alive during pre-Noah times. By providing another theory
to explain the data, the necessity of earth being older than six
thousand years simply vanishes, and the work of the creationist
geologists reexplaining the fossil and rock data can then be
accepted as an alternative. In addition, the Bible theory will
explain the errors of the modern UFO cult claiming that God was
simply UFO pilots from another planet.
Before we begin our study, however, we need to be aware of
several things. The evidence is that what we call consciousness
has developed slowly. Much like a lifelong slave suddenly set free
makes little use of his freedom because he simply doesn't know his
options, ancient man had a very different paradigm from our own.
Although there were isolated exceptions, most people, even into
King David's time, had little idea of self-actualization, individual
salvation, or even that time accumulated as it passed. We will read
stories of the few, the leaders, the corruptly proud, and also read
how the others saw them. We will read of science that we can
understand, but not in phrases we know. To the scientists, who
must defend their right to rule our thoughts newly won in the last
four centuries, we will of course be preaching heresy, seeing things
that are not there. But when the issue is that of how should
humans think, we must affirm that they must think with their
whole being, not only with their bodies, which is where science is
founded. We must affirm that science observes and theorizes, but
faith brings about. And we must make the daring jump back to the
level of knowledge that the ancients had - that earth makes sense to
God, and we are the mediators.

This chapter is intended as a survey for the reader who is
unskilled in the scholarly study of ancient texts. Readers who are
so skilled may wish to skim it for bibliographical references, or to
skip it all together.
When we talk about ancient books, we are first of all not talking
about books. We are talking about scrolls, and they are
handwritten. From ancient Egypt until just after the time of Jesus'
earthly ministry, books were written on scrolls made of something
like paper or on animal hide, or, in India, on banana leaves. This
meant that a book was about as long as what we would call a
chapter. The fashion was to get a few friends together for an
afternoon, pick out a scroll at the library and sit in the garden
reading aloud to each other. Publishing a book meant gathering
together a room full of scribes and having one of them read aloud,
while thirty or so others wrote what was said, and then offering the
resulting copies for sale from ox drawn carts in the street, or
depositing copies with the local king who gave them as gifts to
others, or maintained the above mentioned library. So they had
fewer books, shorter books, and books all designed for oral
reading, not for reference as we know it. This is why the books of
the Bible are as they are. By the fourth century people realized
that you could sew several short scrolls together in the middle to
make a book, but with no adequate cutting technology, edges were
uneven. That made page numbering useless, since you couldn't
"flip pages", and hence there were no indexes as we know them.
The closest things to an encyclopedia in Egypt were the long lists
of keywords of knowledge that the scribes used to test themselves,
and the magnificent thirty seven book long "Natural History"
assembled by Pliny just about the time Peter and Paul were
martyred. Certainly, there was no such thing as a data base, or
even a Strong's Concordance, and people learned by remembering,
rather than by data base consultation.
Foremost among our documents from before the fourth century
AD is certainly the Bible, or more precisely the collection of books
that we now sell in one volume. In order to read it properly, we
must understand how it got together. The story will shock most
Christians, who seem to feel that God just handed it to us one day,
but it is true, well known to Scripture scholars, and must be shared
at this point.
To say that Scripture is inspired is quite correct, but to say that
since God doesn't lie it is all true in the modern sense is
misleading. First of all, we must ask how we decided which of
many thousands of similar ancient books are inspired, and then we
must ask what it means to take God at HIS word, not at ours.
The Old Testament was assembled by the Hebrew rabbis in
about 195AD (note that they had been on the run for 125 years,
since the Temple was destroyed by the Romans), who left out any
texts written in any language but Hebrew. The texts they would
otherwise have included are today called the Apocrypha.
In about 150AD, Marcion, today considered a heretic, proposed
the idea of a Christian collection, composed of Luke and Acts.
Eventually, each church had assembled its own choice of books for
its collection, and in about 365AD, the Roman Catholic Church
commissioned Jerome to put together the New Testament, and
check the Old for accuracy. Jerome took a vote of the churches
that the Roman church liked, did some praying, did whatever the
Pope said (and this was an age when bishops regularly sent the
Roman legions into battle to destroy any churches that didn't agree
- This is no exaggeration: in one of the darkest days of Christian
history the pagan woman scientist Hypatia was skinned alive by a
Christian mob while the bishop encouraged and watched; her
crime was accepting a government post without being saved -
which by then meant having had water poured on her head and
signing the appropriate oath). Jerome chose what he thought was
right, edited as he went, and produced the modern Catholic Bible
in Latin.
By 800AD a handful of loyal Jewish scholars had produced the
first Hebrew Bible complete in one volume, called the Masoretic
text. The Hebrew language had undergone many changes from
Abraham's time until Ezra. These Masoretes, in a valiant attempt
to save the Old Testament from any more well meaning Jeromes,
included the vowels and musical symbols, that were added to
Hebrew when the language stopped being spoken daily in about
400BC and after. Aramaic replaced Hebrew, and so the Hebrew
holy books sounded to Jesus and his friends much like the King
James English sounds to us today. No one seriously considers the
vowels inspired, and the poor Masoretes couldn't even read the
musical symbols (more about this in my study on the teamim)
which to this day, the Jews interpret in several different ways
around the world, but the loyal servants of the God of the Jews
copied, counted letters for security, and published what today is
THE Hebrew Bible we use. It matches very well a page of Isaiah
that has turned up in an archeological dig, and which is old enough
to be written by one of his students. But it is much at variance
with the Abraham story found in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Martin Luther reexamined the whole issue, and threw out the
apocrypha. The King James scholars put together the best Greek
New Testament they could find to translate from, but there were
problems. There are almost no Bibles at all from before the critical
365 date, and even the later ones often disagreed on whole lines,
let alone on letters. The Catholics put together their own Greek
New Testament, and the best edition or Textus Receptus is usually
considered to be the King James translators' version, but a real
scholar would use the American Bible Society annotated version
that tells where all the differences occur.
So the first problem with using the Bible, is which one?
Normally, this is no problem, since for spiritual matters, all the
copies agree substantially. But when we get to the ancient
technology problem, the verses of value to us are so few and far
between, that every word, even every missing vowel, could be
important. In Gen. 10:5, "ia" cannot mean "island" since the word
doesn't fit; the Mayan and Egyptian cognates suggest that it is a
standing sheet of lightning; it is certainly the Sumerian god and has
musical overtones; we can prove from the Greek scientific writings
that such a meaning would have lost, and thus the Masoretes MAY
have added the wrong vowels, or MAY NOT have. And were
God's promises to Noah favors granted, or statements of fact?
Surely, literary tone does not survive three thousand years of
upheaval...or does it? And "all" can't mean "all", because if all
(Gen. 7:21) preflood sinners died, what were the giants (Gen 6, 4,
"anakim" in Hebrew) doing in the land of the Amorites (Deut.
1:28)...or does "sons" mean something else? It is to other writings
we must look for direction.
The collections of the early Christians included books called the
Old Testament Pseudepigrapha and the New Testament
Apocrypha. These are all the books that talk about Bible subjects,
in a literary style like the Bible books, and for that reason were
saved by people who thought of themselves as Christians or Jews,
but which are not in the Bible. They range from Bible
commentaries to books that almost might have made it in the
Bible, to some genuine pieces of trash. All of them read like the
Scriptures, in that they are meant to be read aloud, contain material
that sounds more dramatic and mythologically rather than
scientifically oriented, and tend to be more suitable to some
theological standpoints than to others. Some of the more useful
The Book of Jubilees, or the "Little Genesis". Considered
inspired by the defenders of Masada, it retells many ancient stories
from a different slant, and offers material that crosschecks with
other cultures very nicely.
The Christian Sibylline Oracles. The ancient Greeks used to
collect poetic verse supposedly uttered in prophecy by their giant
ventriloquist-dummy idol, and the Jews rewrote much of the true
prophecies of the Messiah in the same format. The Christians
picked it up, and added prophecies about Jesus. The books under
this name are mentioned in the Catholic funeral liturgy up until
1962. They are useful for the "battle of the stars" (end of book 5),
which Velikovsky (Worlds in Collision) couldn't translate
correctly, but tells us precisely how the continents separated at the
flood (Gen. 10:25). It is also useful for details on the rapture, and
the destruction of earth to come.
The Books of Enoch, the Life of Adam and Eve, and Joseph
and Asaneth are all commentary books, which give insights into
how the Christians of that day remember the early civilizations.
The First Book of Enoch, particularly, presents extremely detailed
material in almost scientific terminology (for the time in which it
was written).
The Dead Sea Scrolls, newly published, describe the last
operating vestige of the ancient technology in the Urim and
Thummim of Levi (Deut. 33:8 and other places) and some nice
suggestions of the air cars, the Tsinakot.
Jewish commentaries, now available in English, carry the
precise legends of the shamir, or laser cutting tool, and its easy
proof of existence from the Bible.
The ancient writings of the Greeks and Romans carry many
worthwhile stories of the antediluvian, or pre-flood times, and
The histories. Most notable is the history of the Jews written
for the Romans by Josephus. This is Christian a standard
reference. Josephus mostly followed the Bible, but he adds some
of his own stories that were going around at the time. Some
scholars don't trust him, though; as they think that later Christians
altered the text. Other histories are those of Herodotus, Tacitus,
and many others. It should be noted that Greek and Roman
historians had no interest in being historically accurate. Even the
most uneducated reader cannot help but be impressed by the
fanciful tales in Plutarch's lives, supposedly authentic biography.
And then there is the common preface among the better historians,
who claim that unlike other historians, THEIR work was
researched and is true.
The philosophies. It is difficult to draw the line between
religion, history and science in ancient texts. The purpose of all
writing, even non-fiction, was up-building of the community.
History reports what (should have) happened, science what the
world should be doing, and fiction brings it all to the common,
uneducated slob. But the queen of all writing is philosophy, or the
use of reason to determine the true nature of the world, both seen
and unseen, and then to find man's place in it. Plato's many
dialogs, and Aristotle's in depth treatments of everything are its
basic documents, and provide many insights into some things in
the Bible. Plato reports the story of Atlantis, in particular, and yes,
it is true (the trick, by the way is something no one ever tried - do
what Plato said and translate it into Egyptian - once you do that,
the story is even alluded to in the Bible). Other philosophers had
worthwhile things to say as well, and particularly the Jewish
Alexandrian Philo, who was a contemporary of Jesus, and wrote a
Bible commentary whose purpose was to show that Genesis and
Exodus were better than all the knowledge of the pagans. Philo
was highly treasured by the early Christians, if the first Christian
historian Eusebius is to be believed. Hesiod should probably be
mentioned here, as the first Greek writer on the "gods", although
his writings are somewhere between philosophy and other genres.
Dramas. Long before Greece, history and philosophy were
shared by being acted out in series of dramatic presentation and
major festivals. Some city-states even made attendance at these
spectacles mandatory by law. The Greeks inherited the Iliad and
the Odyssey as their primary documents, almost considered
inspired (Acts 17:28), and continued exploiting their modern
newer philosophies at similar gatherings. We are most indebted to
the entire story of the nephalim in Ovid's Metamorphoses, which
supplies many details left out of the other renditions of the
dinosaur/anakim feeding problem.
Another type of writing usually overlooked is the writings of
the secret societies. Since ancient Egypt, the exploits of particular
nephalim were made the province of secret societies. The man in
question was deified after the flood, and devotees were told the
details of his life orally upon initiation into the sect. Of course,
certain facts were used in recruitment, and, in some cases, we have
a good deal of this information, especially where it was written
down, usually just as a given sect saw the armies about to wipe off
all its priests from the earth. While the procedure was continued
well into Roman times (and in fact gave rise to the Masons and the
Rosicrucians today), two of our more useful ones are the pictures
in the temple of Hathor at Dendera, which actually show the
technology in operation, and the stele (stone historical marker like
object, about the size of a tombstone - see Deut. 27:2) of the god
Khnemu, which lists the components and uses of it
The dramas of the Sumerians about the creation and the flood,
Gilgamesh and the Atra-hasis, date back to before 2500BC and
will be useful. These are the singular exceptions to the statement
that these documents were written on scrolls; lacking materials to
make paper, these cultures wrote on clay tablets, which they then
baked into stones. The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus quotes a
flood legend, and also helps understand the value of pi; it is dated
1500BC, but it is a copy of something older, at least 2100BC, and
the Book of Jubilees suggests that part of it may be antediluvian.
Other Egyptian writings are also useful.
The early Chinese writings, edited by Confucius, have much to
offer, including verification of the air cars, and the dates of the
flood (June 6, 3122BC) and when the sun stood still for Joshua (for
this was a double night in China), which places the Exodus at
1620BC. All of this, of course, assumes you trust their calendar
keeping ability.
The Mayan "Bible", if one wished to assemble it, would consist
of the steles from Palenque, which give the dates probably of the
reoccupation of the technology centers by the anakim (Nov. 16,
3121BC), the tower of Babel (3112), and the dispatching of the
sons of Japheth (2360); the Popul Vuh, the creation epic, which
gives us the sheet lightning hypothesis (and the curious suggestion
that Goliaths descendants are todays Bigfoot); and the Chilam
Balam, or fortune telling charts. No one seriously doubts the
Mayans abilities to keep a calendar, except this author, who has
caught them recording the sunset times for Ireland from an old
Spanish sailor's almanac, which is probably better explained by the
similarities of this data to the same data in the book of Enoch (the
assumption that Enoch lived in Ireland is consistent with the Dead
Sea Scroll passage that mentions the air cars.)
The Hindu Scriptures would be of great use to us, if we could
separate truth from analogy. I have read that they contain a model
for an air car drive mechanism involving a dish of mercury and a
candle that actually is supposed to work (tested at NASA, would
you believe?), but I have a little difficulty believing first that we
are not using it, so efficient it is compared to our rocket fuel, and
second that the flying saucer hordes that supposedly decimated
India in the fifth century AD were not noticed by anyone else, and
third, that the flying saucer pilots who used these craft got to all the
strange worlds mentioned, without first touring this one.
Nevertheless, the stories do prove very nicely that the Hindus
HAD seen air cars, and gotten spiritual enlightenment from their
pilots (sons of Japheth?), and we are indebted to them for the nice
story elsewhere of how time keeps repeating itself. Mostly,
though, Hindu priests are more concerned with the sound of the
words of their scriptures than with their meaning, so we have little
of certain value.
There are certain archeological finds that speak for themselves.
Like the Irish dolmens, Stonehenge, etc., the Telagwi mounds of
America (Telagwi is the name the American Indians gave the
people who lived in America before the Indians themselves. They
built these fantastic mound works in Ohio, etc. Perhaps
coincidentally, or perhaps not, the name "telagwi" in Hebrew
means, "mound people". There are many other such coincidences,
like an Iroquois Indian chief was called a "sachem", which mean
"chief" in Egyptian, and like the name of the founder Kulkucan of
the Mayans, which sounds so much like the Irish hero Cuchalain -
remember those Irish sunset times?) There is, in fact, a good deal
of evidence of ancient commerce between Europe and America:
for example, there are many tons of copper missing from mines in
Michigan and Wisconsin, which have ancient Egyptian
hieroglyphics on their walls, and then there is the curious writing
of the Micmac Indians of Maine documented by Barry Fell, which
seems to suggest that someone taught them some Egyptian
hieroglyphics around 1200AD (a time when no one in Europe
could read the language), and so many Norse and Celtic
inscriptions on the eastern coasts, and linguistic coincidences, that
most early colonists had no trouble accepting the pseudo-Mormon
claim that a tribe of Israel had intermarried with some indians.
And, of course, there are those pesky Egyptian cutting methods
that we can't duplicate. And we mustn't forget the new Noah's Ark

There is no reason to believe that time flows in consecutive
years. I remember reading a book from 1826 (that was a
wonderful year for the Holy Spirit, as is discussed in another
study) on the charismatic gifts that said that there still are a few
people around who remember when time did not flow this way. I
started researching, and discovered that in ancient Egypt,
successive years were more like rooms of a house and you picked
which one you would live in every few years. Not that anyone
ever wrote this down, of course, since it was part of cultural
training, and no one ever knew that it could be any different, just
like we today, can't envision anything other than the orderly flow
of years. It's almost as hard to realize that no one ever measured
temperature until four hundred years ago, and no one ever
measured IQ until the turn of the last century. Gambling never had
mathematical odds until three centuries ago. In fact, the literary
idea of time travel was invented by Mark Twain, and is less than
150 years old (all of these statements apply to our culture's history
- not to the ancients - remember Eccl. 1, 10). In fact, you can trace
the dawning of linear time consciousness in history if you look for
it. No one had the idea in 3000BC, it was half and half by Jesus'
time, and no one knows anything else now.
That inventions reoccur is Biblical dogma. That perception of
time can change is obvious. That time is a human construct is easy
to see - for what is prophecy except knowledge that comes to us
out of proper time sequence and thus proves that God has other
ideas about time than we do? Given all this, why should time
perception change? And why talk about it here?
Julian Jaynes wrote a major best seller some years back, which
alleged that human consciousness originated in the breakdown of
the "bicameral mind". That is, he stated that we became aware we
exist since our brain is in two halves with a narrow connecting
link, called the corpus callosum. The theory goes that the human
being has too narrow a connecting link for the size of the brain
(indeed, all animals have a relatively larger connecting link). As
soon as human desire created thoughts too complex for the link to
carry the whole concept instantaneously, the link started carrying
the thoughts piecemeal, and so each half of our brain started
realizing that there was another half that knew something before it
did, and, voila, we became conscious of ourselves. In the book,
Jaynes traces much of the human historical record to the
developing awareness of consciousness, and civilization's attempt
to cope with it. I have no reason to doubt the theory. Indeed, I
believe language exists because the receiving half-brain stores the
knowledge coming across the link in the auditory processing
center, thus opening the door to hearing sounds with thoughts.
Since the electrical field associated with the as-yet-to-be-
transmitted thought jumps instantaneously and so creates an
unfulfilled expectation in the receiving half, faith in a new piece of
knowledge comes by hearing (Rom. 10:17), and thus demand for a
Bible (the record of what we heard God say) is created. The theory
also explains altruism (which is a trait with no evolutionary
value) - the reason cave people helped each other in caveman times
was the hope that a new friend had new information to share.
In this form, the theory of developing consciousness is
ridiculously easy to prove. It makes predictions. Like there should
be many false Bibles, and many not-quite Bibles, and they should
all develop at the same historical time, since they are part of
developing consciousness. The Hindu Scriptures claim that this is
exactly what happened, and it is historically verifiable. Just look at
the list in the last chapter. All cultures wrote dramas in the same
millennium, then they all wrote prophecies for the same two
centuries, then Scriptures for three centuries, then commentaries
for four. Then they all collected them within a five hundred year
time span.
It makes a prediction about grammar, which comes true, for, as
we grow in our ability to perceive our souls, our language gets
more abstract. Egyptian, Sumerian, Chinese, Mayan, all write in
pictures, all are rebuses. Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Germanic, Hindu,
all have alphabets, all have word endings that change, called
declension, as the principle of abstract meaning is recognized, but
not the principle of individual identities. (Sometimes, you can see
the effects of gradual change of awareness. The first word of the
Hebrew Ten Commandments "anoki" is Egyptian, since Hebrew
had no word for "I" at that time.) All modern languages have
auxiliary words, rather than declension, as individuals realize their
ability to cause change. And the language of the coming
millennium is virtual, consisting of bits of information on the web,
as we create our own universes.
Of course, the progress is not step-by-step. At any time in
history, individuals may have been more or less advanced, but the
language reflects the average of a group of people.
Time, language, human consciousness, and hence the world we
see are all interdependent. A few years ago, the field of
transpersonal psychology discovered seven distinct phases in
human consciousness maturation. The baby is like an animal,
unaware he exists. In the second stage, the terrible twos, the child
thinks only he exists, and everything and everyone else is an
extension of him. As he grows older, in the mythological stage,
the world exists, but not the means to control it. Then, as a junior
high schooler, he learns to respect authority for the public good.
Some people never get any further, and become the "Archie
Bunkers" of the world. Next is the negotiator. Then the mystic.
Finally, the full-fledged servant of God.
Such are the seven thousand years of history. The ignorant
caveman with no knowledge he exists (evolution's monkey). The
all-powerful ruler of earth (Gen. 1; 28), who needs a lesson or two
about law. Then the writer of mythology (the neolithics), but with
no real knowledge of how the myths seek to communicate. Then
the city-states with their deified kings. Then the philosophers, who
negotiate with the earth for its secrets. Then the mystics, who
prophesy and speak in tongues. A thousand years for each, more
or less, since the book of Jubilees (Jub. 6:34) says that sin can alter
the length, which is probably why Jesus couldn't give the date of
the second coming (Matt. 24:36), since the date of the seventh
millennium, when God will rule, is dependent on our readiness.
And thus is our report of history automatically tied to
psychological needs to tell our own collective story of our
When, in the late Middle Ages, the leaders of the world
Christian church were recognized as self-serving, reformers put
forth the idea of individual responsibility before God, and modern
Christianity was born. The earth, which used to be the center of
the solar system, symbolizing the pope as center of God's
kingdom, thus began to revolve around the sun, as one of many
equals (Pliny speaks of the error of those who claim the earth goes
around the sun, proving the idea did NOT originate in the fifteenth
century with Copernicus). Gravity, which symbolized man's sin by
being heaven pushing us down (according to Pliny), became a
universal force, democratically equal on all planets. And science
became the new authority, which was all right as far as
determining what God has done. But it failed to take account of
what God WILL do, as we grow in faith. We have dominion over
the earth, so it responds to our needs, conscious or unconscious,
and thus reforms itself to whatever theory we need to believe, as
we subconsciously select those parts of reality that suit us, and
consign the rest to "adjacent dimensions".
A man named Charles Fort spent his life collecting unexplained
phenomena from newspaper clippings. Perhaps he said it best
when he observed that the universe is neither one way nor the
other, but the way we choose to see it.
If so, then when Erik vonDaniken and Zecharia Sitchin see
UFO's and Nazca lines and apparent UFO's in Babylonian
drawings, and conclude that we were made by spacemen, they are
merely speaking out a subconscious need to make history replace
the God science took away. And maybe that's where a lot of
unexplained phenomena come from. We make them with our
faith, or, rather, choose to perceive them, because we NEED them.
And that would explain why science has such a need to disprove
them: if you establish that we can change the earth, then science,
which looks at the earth, must be submissive to our psychological
needs, and their power over us vanishes.
Whether or not the world is dependent on our needs, history
certainly is. Time travel will probably never be possible, even in
cases where time is believed to be linear, for there is no way to be
certain whether the past that is traveled to is authentic, or merely a
fantasy created by the time travelers need to be there. Hence,
historical research is always simply looking at whatever souvenirs
and theories other people have saved, and trying to draw
conclusions about the past that give meaning to today. But
ultimately, past is just those things we think that we should be able
to remember (as opposed to future being those things we think we
should not be able to), so any conclusion we can draw from
observation of artifacts is just a conclusion about what we want to
have happened. History must necessarily be our own need
reflected in a desire to recreate our memories. All that is necessary
to "prove" something is to have SOME theory that makes sense,
and the best place to get that theory is not from carbon fourteen
dating, which has only been proved to work for about thirty years,
but from the analysis of our own needs that happens as we grow in
maturity into God. And this is the role of the Bible.
Scientists claim evolution is correct because it is the simplest
theory that explains three things: first, the many varieties of
creatures, second, the order in which fossils are stacked in the
ground, and third, carbon fourteen dates. But the first of these
could also be explained by the presence of God's permanent word.
That is, once God said, "Let the earth bring forth..., the earth kept
and keeps bringing forth. Whatever we don't name, leaves our
perception for a place we choose not to see. Our need thus
accounts for the various creatures, and their death and appearance
of new life forms perfectly well. And this theory explains where
UFO's, etc., come from; we recall them as we need them, and
name them as we see fit. (Gen.2: 18. This theory agrees with the
Hebrew meanings, which do not translate well into English.)
The stacking of fossils is only valid on the Atlantic coasts, not
on the Pacific Rim. In a perfect example of the statement made on
the first page of this study, scientists simply ignore the data of the
Pacific, and the texts state that the stacking on the Atlantic is
universal. As we shall see, the flood in the Bible is consistent with
a technological malfunction. Weather control machines linked to
the earths magnetic field, and caused the earths molten iron core
to smash through the joined continents from below. This narrative
completely accounts for the fossils on both coasts and is in
agreement with the Sumerian and Mayan reports. The details are
in the study The Rain Machine.
That leaves the problem of carbon fourteen dating. As we shall
see, there is new evidence that it is simply inaccurate anywhere
near a point where nephalim technology was used.
Scientifically, the simpler theory must be used. The current
theory has a whole list of unexplaineds; the Bible-based one
proposed here answers everything. So scientists must attack it.
They must assume it is wrong and find the flaws. Their rulership
of this society depends on it. They can afford to claim that all
UFO's are frauds; that all satellite data are mistakes; that all
hearing the voice of God is someone's imagination; that the
dinosaur print covering a human footprint isn't there. But it is my
experience that a majority of American adults don't believe them.
After all, the scandal sheets sell far better than Scientific
American, or even Discovery. It's time someone lays out the new,
or rather, the original, theory.

The pivotal event of ancient technology is its destruction (more
or less) in the flood. The Bible gives its famous succinct summary
in Genesis 6. It is usually read that the sons of God saw the
daughters of men, and married them. God cut their lifespan to 120
years, because of evil. It is then taught that they intermarried and
gave rise to giants, and God planned a flood to kill them off. God
warned Noah, who with his sons, their wives and the infamous
floating zoo, survived, and God promised never again to send a
flood because He would see the rainbow, and there would always
be seasons.
This story bears little similarity to the Bibles story when it is
read in Hebrew. First, we have several characters: We have man
Adam and man Aish. According to Philo, Adam is a prototype, the
man God created. Aish is the bodily manifestation. In Gen. 1:28,
adam is both male and female. The Adam calls his Aishah by the
name Eve, and she has been taken from Aish (Gen. 2: 24 and
3:20); by the way, Eve is derived from the Hebrew word for to be,
or to live. So our cast of characters already includes Adamic
prototypes, and regular men. The distinction is in which children
of Adam and Eve choose to follow God, which is why there are
two chronologies, one through Cain and one through Seth. Later,
God wishes to wipe out Adam, but Noah is a righteous Aish. And
this does not prove that there were no other subhuman species that
looked like, and interbred with man. Then there were sons of God,
the nephalim, or heroes. Num. 13:33, traces the anakim to children
of the nephalim. Now, the heroes are the offspring of the sons of
God and daughters of men, the nephalim. The name means
"fallen", or "cast down", and some traditions associate them with
demons. But demons don't have kids. Besides, the Book of
Jubilees (5:3-6) specifically calls the sons of God the demons,
proving that sons means not only blood sons, but also "heirs". The
oldest book of Enoch, ch. 12, tells that they are the ones who
abandoned heaven. Other chapters tell how they gave men
scientific knowledge calculated to do evil, such as astrology,
witchcraft, seduction, and war (ch. 7-8). Another tradition answers
the question nicely. The descendants of Adam at first remained
before the cherubim (which, by the way are not angels; they are
doorways between the heavenlies and material creation, called
living creatures in the traditions) stationed at the garden praying to
God for forgiveness. When God refused to relent, they turned
from God, allowing the demons to possess them, and became the
nephalim. Indeed, that is why there are two words. As Adam
refers to soul, and Aish to body, so does "Sons of God" refer to the
demons who left heaven to possess the "nephalim", who then gave
birth to the heroes, also called the men of name.
Now what is a "god"? Isn't it a hero of legend whose name
involves a principle of life? Such is Isis, Horus, Zeus, and all the
others. In fact, the Greek word for god, theos, comes from an
older word meaning "foundation". Pliny identifies them with the
powers of nature; Plato retells most of the story here in Epinomis.
And now we look at Gen. 1: 5 again, the nephalim were on
earth "even afterwards". In fact, a close look at Gen. 7:23 in
Hebrew yields a shocking result: the Hebrew word for destroyed,
mah, means to strike, NOT to obliterate, and what it acts on is not
all "living things", as translated, but all "hiqum", or causes of
anything worthwhile. So many, but maybe not all Adam died;
some aish, like Noah, made it; and the anakim and demons, if not
the nephalim that housed them, definitely survived. In fact, in the
Book of Jubilees, the demons are later so bothering Noah's sons,
that Noah prays, and God sends nine tenths of them from the earth,
and then teaches Noah medicine to deal with the rest.
Now, about the promises. Gen. 6:3, is interpreted by the
Hebrew scholars to mean that God will not "strive with the earth
through man" forever, but only for 120 years, the normal Egyptian
lifespan for a wise man, again pointing up the difference between
the name for the spirit and the name for the flesh part of both man
and nephalim. If we read the rainbow and the seasons promises
analogously not as promises, but as a report, following the same
logic, we get the conclusion that the flood altered earth's weather.
By the way, the Hebrew does not say "rainbow", but "bow in the
clouds". Ezekiel ch. 1 proves it has only one color, or at most two,
in its appearance there. Philo says specifically that this bow is
NOT the rainbow, and cites as proof the rainbow's fragility and its
infrequent appearance. The Hebrew refers to an arch, and is
probably an ancient technical term for the change of cloud cover
during the passage of a front. This is consistent with Philo, and
shows that the bow, and therefore the seasons in the same passage
were created by God's power as abused in the creation of the flood,
and God is reporting them, not creating them as a separate
The nephalim sinned in what they taught man, but their biggest
sin was in how they killed men to feed the giants they created. By
the way, no legend says that the giants were the product of normal
sexual intercourse. All the legends are completely compatible with
a theory of genetic manipulation, and in utero fertilization, should
we have cause to raise such an idea later. The statement that the
nephalim started killing men to feed the giants is found in Enoch
ch. 7, and again in pagan sources. The Atra-hasis epic speaks of
the gods holding a conference and deciding to create the flood.
Put this together and you get a daring theory: Some children of
Adam turned against God, and invited demons to possess them.
They worked evil on the earth, including genetic manipulation to
make giants. To feed the giants when the people objected to being
killed, they attempted to alter the weather (explaining why Satan
fell from the sky like lightning, Luke 10:18), which made God
angry enough to take matters into his own hands. The flood
resulted. But the demons in the nephlalim survived.
It is a radical theory. But if true, it implies that a type of
technology was involved, that included genetic manipulation,
weather control, and the manipulation of men. It needs proof. We
shall have it.
Let us look at the flood that Noah saw. Every schoolchild
knows that Noah built the boat, and it rained and rained. But what
does the Bible say? In Gen. 7:4, God (Yahweh, the personal God)
was going to make it rain (matir). But in verse 6, the "flood was
water (Heb. plural) on the earth". In verse 10 the water (singular
makes no sense in Hebrew. It could just as well mean someone
brought the flood) of the flood becomes to be on the earth. In
verse 11, the fountains of the deep rise and the windows of heaven
are opened (the Hebrew says the sources of disorganization - the
same word used In Gen. 1 that the earth was formless and void -
and the potentials in the heavens - more like an electrical term).
Now the rain is on the earth, in verse 12, WITHOUT FALLING;
this rain is geshem - or primary substance, not the above promised
matir of God. And FIRST NOW they go into the Ark! Now the
waters (again plural) lift the ark, prevail on earth, and so (only) that
which is still on earth dies. Scholars have tried for centuries to
make this whole thing make sense by trying to rearrange verses.
Common sense (and a little math) prove that enough rain to cover
the highest mountain in 40 days is 6 inches per minute of rain; you
cant pour water into buckets that fast (Ive tried), let alone fill a
cup from a shower. This is not a flood of rain made to punish
The word flood "Mobal" is related to Jubal (who makes music)
and Tubal-cain (who makes metal) and for good reason. The root
means "resonant vibrations" The J of Jubal is for he who captured
them in music, the T is for he who built the magnets to control
them, and the M is the cause of the vibes in the water. The passage
translates perfectly as an attempt to capture and control the
magnetic field of the earth to cause the earth to incline to the
ecliptic so that the farming could be increased to feed the giants,
by spreading the mist (Gen. 2, 6) around a wider portion of the
earth. The intention was to make the earth wobble a bit, but
instead the potential of the heavens and the sources of order
created by God (Elohim - the power God) in Gen. 1:9 shorted out.
Too much magnetic control technology altered the earths
magnetic field, and the molten iron core of the earth began to
oscillate within the center of the earth. As it vibrated up and down,
it struck the continental landmass from below, separating the
western hemisphere from the eastern. The matter from the center
of the earth shot up from earth and rained down or spread over the
earth (as reported in the Popul Vuh). The vibes first resonated the
water (verse 6), then the land (verse 10). God, Noah's friend,
sends a rain, matir, to save the ark, and cool things off before He
loses the planet all together. Gen. 6:13 is the report that God knew
what would happen, and verse 17 is his solution - again it is
Elohim who speaks. Elohim told Noah when to leave the ark, but
Yahweh told him of the change of seasons. Yet Elohim made the
rainbow. Elohim is the power that the nephalim abused, Yahweh
the new promise. Noah's "boat" is not a boat, but a box to ride the
water that God sent to cushion a magnetic storm that split the
continents and overturned the geology of the first epoch, and that is
what David Fasold found and was sued for - a box mounted on an
Egyptian style boat with magnetic shielding.
Enoch ch. 65 talks about the mixing of metals to produce the
magnetic shift, and of the vibes we mentioned. Ch. 67 speaks of
the mixing of water and burning rocks. Ch. 65 mentions the
"running angel" that is the source of repeated motion which causes
resonance. Elsewhere we read of male (sky) and female (ground)
charges. The absence of lightning in such an event can only mean
one thing scientifically - that this was the controlled variable - that
is, the whole mess was caused by a ground to sky STATIC charge.
But how do we know that the nephalim themselves, and not
God, created the static charge in the first place? First the literature
gives them a motive, and the legends with the surviving artifacts
prove they had the means and opportunity. The Rhind
Mathematical Papyrus quotes a legend that the flood was caused
by technological malfunction. But more importantly, we will see
the attempt to rebuild the technology after the flood, and a few
cases in which it was still operating.
But first, let us look at the tools that built it.

The following curious legend was first reported in the
Babylonian Talmud, and most lately in the Haggadah, but it is
stated in the name of sources from the second century AD:
I Kings 6:7 and I Kings 7:9, which deal with the cutting of the
stones in the Temple are contradictory, and both are impossible.
Ch. 6 states that the stones were unbruised, specifically by iron
tools, and ch. 7 that the stones were sawed with saws, which would
certainly have bruised them. The solution is that they were cut
with the shamir. The shamir is a living creature (remember
Enoch's running fire, not to mention Ez. 1, 14, and cherubim?)
made by God after He made man. It looked like a worm, was
about the size of a kernel of barley, and was packed in barley bran
in a lead tube, covered with tufts of wool. Moses had it in the
wilderness, for the contradictory Scriptures Ex. 28:11 and 28:20
say that the names of the tribes were cut on the stones in the ephod
first by engraving, and secondly without any damage (such is the
meaning of the Hebrew word miluo, which means fullness, not
settings, as is often translated). The truth is that they were marked
with ink and cut by the shamir, which cut without damaging. The
shamir quarried stone the same way: they marked the place to be
cut with ink, and the shamir made the stone split there. So much
for the legend as reported.
Fanciful? Two decades ago, you could think so. But what is a
perfect description of laser engraving from a radioactive source
(the lead tube) that turns like a worm (or a hologram) doing
following from the Scriptures? I am reminded of the antikythera
device, that funny box of gears from about 200 BC recovered by
divers in the 1890's that sat in the British Museum unidentified
until we developed one ourselves in the 1950's and were able to
identify it as a navigational computer.
Actually, the theory of the shamir explains a lot. The perfect
stones in some, but not all Egyptian pyramids, as well as in some
meso-American pyramids. The stone engraving that we can
duplicate only with great difficulty, and sometimes not at all.
USSR scientists in a dig in the Ural Mountains have actually
found one. They went there looking for something that kept
causing UFO sightings, and in 1991 came up with this device.
We also now know (due to advances in nanotechnology) that
shamirs form at the micro level on the surface of gold subjected to
certain energy fields. Our name for them is monatomic gold.
But where are the shamirs now, if they existed in the ancient
world in sufficient numbers to cut the stones for the pyramids? It is
my guess the batteries ran out, and they were cannibalized for the
The shamirs were the operating elements in a variety of ray
First, all the legends report the nephalim population at less than
a few hundred for the entire earth. There were 12 leaders, 30
administrators. Surely, there were only a dozen or so shamirs at
the most. A picture of one may be found held by an idol at Tula,
Mexico. It is there called a xiucoatl, or fire serpent, and their
legends say that it could dismember human bodies with its RAYS.
It matches exactly the pictures of the Egyptian nekhba emitters
(below) from Denderah (so much no ancient communication
between the hemispheres, as historians claim). Assuming a half
hour to cut and dress one pyramid stone, three shamirs going 24
hours a day would have cut all the stones in the Valley of the
Kings over the two hundred years or so that the building was going
on. The equivalent Egyptian word Ishmer carries the
determinative (or pictorial classifier) of powder, which has
confused translators for ages into thinking that this means emery
powder on the saws mentioned in the I Kings verse, but it could
mean that these were grains produced by the static charge. If this
is true, than they are matter precipitated by fusion energy (only a
century ahead of us now) and hence would possess energy equal to
the famous MC2 of Einstein. As hybrids of matter and energy, that
would explain the turning like a hologram - they are not quite
Another explanation for the worm may be found in the
Tunguska event of July 30, 1908. It seems that something
destroyed several hundred square miles of forest. There was no
comet crater, or residue. Metal fragments found at the site look
like metal worm gears a couple inches long. It has recently been
suggested that the great and enigmatic scientist Nikola Tesla
created the explosion in rural Russia as an accident of a ray gun
experiment. It is possible that his inventions are based in part on
nephalim technology, as the inventor would have likely had access
to the Book of Enoch since his father was an Orthodox minister,
and the Khnemu documents were published just shortly before that
year; certainly, his famous electrical tower could have been
modeled on the ancient nephalim site described later in this work.)
That gives them enough energy to cut stones for a few centuries
each. This theory also explains why the Great Pyramid has a few
rows of large stones, a few rows of smaller stones, than a few rows
of larger stones, etc.: the stones were stockpiled during idle
decades, and when the big order came through, they used what
they had cut. It also explains the sudden reappearance of rough
carved stones in the fifth dynasty: the batteries in the first shamir
or two ran out (more specifically, the shamir dissolved and no
longer had energy to give), and the last shamir or two were placed
in storage in Pharaohs palace. Moses picked it up as one of the
gifts given by the Egyptians when they had finally had enough
plagues (Ex. 11:2), and that's how it made it to the Exodus and to
Solomon. That the later writers added details about demons and
unclean birds owning the shamir clearly comes from its nephalim
Yet a third explanation may be inferred from the 2700BC story
Enmerkar and the lords of Arattu. Enmerkar is the third king of
post-flood sumeria. The story was to their culture what George
Washington and the cherry tree is to ours. It seems that Enmerkar
wanted some jipar wood from Arattu to make the ceiling of his
temple light up like the primordial sky. This sounds like drivel
unless you assume that jipar is the Sumerian pronunciation of
gopher wood. Arattu is the Egyptian plural of Arat. The Sumerian
plural is Ararat. Now, if the theory outlined here is correct, the
citizens of Arratu were picking the ark clean (Fasolds ark is minus
the top storey), and using the magnetically sensitive concrete
beams for electrical effects. The entire unexplainable story
suddenly makes sense. In the process of describing how his
sushima reed (Sumerian for shamir) operates, Enmerkar
describes a rotating wheel, which is also echoed by hieroglyphs
from Denderah. The plan seems to be to grind gold, silver, and
crystal particles in between two grain grinding stones. If the
bottom stone were grounded, and the top stone exposed to a large
electrical field, piezoelectric effect in the crystals (Crystals really
do that: the relationship between pressure and electricity is what
makes a crystal microphone work.) would liberate electrical
impulses and these would be absorbed by the metals. This is
almost the exact situation uner which our engineers create
monatomic gold, which is a surface deposit holding a one-sided
electrical charge, in the shape of a shimir.
Explaining the saws in I Kings 7 is harder, but it is important if
we are to understand the methods of precision cutting.
Josephus tells how before the flood, the nephalim scientists
recorded the knowledge of their day both in brick and in stone
enclosures, so the destruction of earth would not ruin both. The
point is well taken, since it explains why the pyramids were built.
Before the flood, burial of chiefs in large (ROUND) semicircular
dirt mounds was the rule. Apparently, the purpose was based on
sympathetic magic. The people (not the Biblical patriarchs, we
trust) believed that whatever goodness God had put into what we
would call their DNA that was not manifested by their actions in
this life would be focused as by a lens into the earth after their
death. (And, yes, all educated ancient writings on the subject treat
the earth as round, proving they did know the truth, no matter what
you were taught in school about Columbus. The argument that the
Hebrews thought the earth was flat made from the round
firmament in Genesis misunderstands that the firmament is the
dimensional energy barrier.) The bodies were always placed at the
1/3 height of the mound, the geometric center. If the flood had
washed the mounds away, Egypt would naturally look for a stone
alternative. Building a circular stone mound presents untold
mathematical difficulties if you are using a template to guarantee
the outer curvature. The legend is that Imhotep, a man later deified
for his trouble, solved the problem and created the pyramid.
Archeology bears this out, as one can watch subterranean burial
chambers become piles of stone with the passing of years, and the
piles look more and more the quintessential pyramid of King
Cheops. The problem was a sympathetic magic and mathematical
one: if the stone pile is to function like a round earth, how do you
get the dimension of pi, 3.1416 approximately, which defines the
circle, into the square pyramid? The earlier pyramids are trial and
error attempts, but Cheops solves the problem. We need to learn
The famous legend of King Cheops and the Magicians from the
Westcar Papyrus gives us the following: In the days of Cheops,
magic was quite frequent. Why, hadn't a sorcerer killed a
merchant who seduced his wife in his absence by creating a plastic
crocodile, which expanded in the water and scared him to death
(we have sold expanding plastic dinosaurs since about 1980)? And
couldn't another great sorcerer locate sunken jewelry by folding
water up like so much bread dough (just like Moses at the Reed -
not Red - Sea? You can do this yourself: spin one beater of a
powered egg beater in a cup half full of water and watch it
fold...the Mobal technology at work), and couldn't the greatest
sorcerer of them all put a head back on a decapitated goose (I bet
we could do it too if we had better lasers) although he said he
couldn't do it on a man? (Obal in Egyptian translates as the main
pre-burial ceremony as opening the mouth - a ceremony that
involves two iron serpents that look like those in the picture in the
Dendera Temple, and also involves cutting off a goose's head.) It
was this third sorcerer, Djedi, upon whom we must dwell. The
wisest man in Egypt, his name in Greek is Tlantis, the opposite of
the sinking "Atlantis" of Plato, for it is he who will make Cheops'
soul "firm" as opposed to the nephalim center Atlantis or "unfirm"
(Note how Jesus had the lightningless RAIN AND WIND wash
away the house built on sand, Matt. 7). His hieroglyphic name is
part of the God Khnemu, whose story later will tell us how the
weather control mechnism worked. He it is who finds the magic
measurement, the "measure of the house of the god of wisdom"
and it is CARVED IN WOOD in the ancient royal university
library at Heliopolis. The Egyptians used hinged boxes made of
wood as forms to mold the stones: you cut the stone roughly with
the shamir, then fold the box shut around it, while the inside of the
box has ink on it. Like a modern stamp pad, the ink is left on the
protruding parts of stone. Shine the shamir over the stone, and the
protruding parts are trimmed off. Repeat the process, and in a few
passes, you have a perfect rectangular stone, because the sides of
the box are perfectly straight, having been cut with a metal saw.
What Djedi the sorcerer found, was the right shaped box for the
outside stones of the pyramid, so that the sides sloped at the correct
angle to give the proper measurement. Mathematically, the rest
was automatic - the pyramid rose as desired with no further
Now it is clear, that in I Kings 7, it is not the stones that were
sawed with saws, but the measures, and the Scriptures are

One of the hardest things to prove is the assertion, in many
ancient legends, of the magnetic levitation air cars.
The story starts with a legend from Pacific Island sources,
which I have been unable to trace any further, that in ancient times,
a white race (the Central American Indians are quite clear that the
users of the shamir and first builders of their civilization had white
skin) flew in air cars to all parts of the world to map the earth's
magnetic field. The problem is that, even if true, this does not
prove that the drive in the air cars was magnetic, as so many
authors have supposed. If the flood altered the earth's magnetic
field, there would be plenty of reason to map it anew afterwards,
and Pacific Islanders are not good at the specifics of how ancient
the ancient times were. The same problem of identifying the drive
system will keep haunting us, as we survey other evidence.
The Nazca lines are often hailed as proof of ancient flight.
These elaborate ground tracings in Peru, it is held, could be done
only for pilots to see, and indeed, we did not notice them until well
into the modern age of air flight. Ezekiels vision is often held to
be a flying saucer.
While the explanation of Ezekiels vision is beyond the scope
of these studies, there is no reason to suppose that it is anything
other than a made up story (under God's direction, of course).
Flying in dreams is a very common experience. Since heaven is
up, the logical conclusion is that the gods must fly to have made it
to earth in the first place, and for some cultures, this consideration
would be motivation enough to trace the lines at Nazca.
Likewise the vimanas of the Hindu epics are considered proof of
flight technology, but as stated in the introduction, there are serious
problems there, also. In fact the word vimanas literally means,
"mind expanders" and thus has nothing to do with technology. Let
us look at the literary evidence never yet assembled.
The first problem is the survival of the anakim as already
mentioned. If all flesh on earth died during the flood, anakim
survival implies anakim not being on the earth during the flood and
this implies anakim flight right there. It also suggests that the
flight was NOT magnetically powered, because of the shifting of
the earth's magnetic field produced by the weather control
A much more convincing argument is made by the Atlantis
story. Plato is quite certain that this island was settled before
sailing and ships were invented; he is quite specific (Crit. 113e).
How, then, did he think the island had been traveled to? The point
is he felt no need to speculate. The Atlantis legend is mentioned
by the Egyptian name N-Djedi or Engedi in the Bible, where
places are named in its memory. IIChr.20: 2 is the best of the six
mentions, since the Hebrew Chatstson-Tamar betrays the legend,
for it means partitioned off at the rising up, which is what
happened to Atlantis, that is, it split off and sank when the
continents came apart during the flood.
The same problem occurs in the Dead Sea Scrolls. In 4Q530,
the nephalim Mahway flies to Enoch to ask about the coming
flood. There is no reason for him to fly, as the book of Enoch
presents everyone as living together, and most scholars feel that
this Dead Sea document was originally part of the Book of Enoch.
If we understand that electromagnetism comes from the sun, the
old Greek story of Icharus and son flying too close to the sun and
crashing due to technological difficulties suddenly can be
interpreted as an attempted flight that was messed up by
electromagnetic surges. (The "wax" is the standard name for
plastic, for such was it called in the Djedi story above. Some of
the Arabs who raided the pyramids were looking for glass that
bends without breaking, proving they believed the Egyptians had
it.) The plastic was an electrical condenser dielectric; the magnetic
surge overwhelmed it, and set the craft on fire. But it could
equally well be that the sun set the balloon on fire, the wax being
the sealant on the cloth (?) balloon shell itself.
None of this is any proof. But consider this: If a word is
identical in ancient Chinese, Hebrew, and Egyptian, does this not
prove its ancient origin? In his book "The Ancient Engineers", L.
Sprague deCamp quotes the legend that Hwangdi, the nephalim
who founded China had a Sz-nan-gu or south facing chariot, but
cannot explain its meaning. In Hebrew, tsinakot means
descenders, and in the twentieth century is the standard word for
parachutes. The Egyptian tschenaku means wings, and also is a
homonym (Egyptian has lots of those) meaning to invade (like the
Vimanas in India?).
So, is this a magnetic drive air car, or a hot air balloon with a
compass? I would prefer the latter, especially since as we will see
from studying the urim and thummim, and the rain making
pyramids, the magnetic air car would have had to have a metallic
drive element, and nothing like this has ever been found, although
surely if the nephalim had such a technology, they would all have
tried to ride out the flood in the air, and many would have crashed,
leaving the air car on the ground, eagerly awaiting the modern
hobbyist with his metal detector.
In my scientific book on ancient technology, The
Archeotechnology Primer, I demonstrate from the ancient pictures
of flying craft the use of crystals for balloons (proven possible by
modern science by the use of a variation on the piezoelectric
effect), and in the more popularly aimed The Rain Machine, I
demonstrate that the drive system is the Biefeld-Brown effect
patented in 1929 currently being researched by both Boeing and
But that there was some form of ancient flight is necessary to
assume, if only by how quickly and how far the nephalim spread
out on the earth.

The words mean, both in Egyptian and in Hebrew, the lights
and the changes. But Philo translates them symbolically as
manifestation and truth, arguing that these are the necessary parts
of any worthwhile communication. The Scriptures on them are Ex.
28:30 which proves they are the judgment of God; Lev. 8:8; Dt.
33:8, which significantly speaks of GOD'S Urim and Thummim, as
though there is another, and the dual Ezr.2: 63 and Neh 7:65. The
urim is mentioned by itself in Num 27:21 and I Sam. 28, 6, and in
those two instances the stones are sought out by an individual. In
the Mishnah (Jewish Law/commentary) Sotah9: 12, we read that
they stopped working when the Temple was destroyed by the
Romans, and hence, importantly for us, were working in Jesus'
time. The Haggadah associates the working with the promptings
of the Holy Spirit.
For our purposes we wish to note that the urim and the
thummim came from Egypt, that there may be others not of God,
and that they were in use in the Temple in the time of the Dead Sea
Scrolls, and that they are associated with the Holy Spirit of Acts 2.
Among the Dead Sea scrolls that were kept secret by the
Catholic Church until the scholars got angry enough a few years
ago are 1Q29 and 4Q376. These two parallel texts tell how a
prophet was discerned with the Urim and Thummim. They are a
total shock to all Bible commentaries, which for centuries have
held that the stones were a special type of dice thrown to discern
God's will. In these texts, the use of the Urim and Thummim are
described. While they are fragmentary, the fact that there are two
allows us to piece enough together to be certain of the following:
The priest covered the urim as the prophet spoke. A cloud formed
in the congregation. When the cloud rose, the priest uncovered the
urim and "tongues of fire (this word is used only in two other
places in Christian history. In Enoch it is the fence around God's
throne, and of course in Acts 2. Finally we can know what it
meant.) shot up from the urim into the cloud. Their number and
location told the story. The Urim and Thummim were a
condenser, storing the power of the emotion of worship, and
measuring God's hidden meaning in it! This explains why the
thummim is not used when there is no congregation, but does not
solve the issue of what does the urim shoot into in that case,
although neither of these Scriptures say specifically that it worked,
and one says specifically that it did not.
Can such a thing possibly be correct? Well, the other texts
support that the Dead Sea Scroll people could have seen the thing
in use. Josephus gives the same story. And he goes so far as to say
that everyone he was writing for (70AD) knew what they were.
But we are hypothesizing a psychic charge condenser that gathers
prayer vibes and measures them against reality to discern God's
will. Well, water, as in rain, as in flood, is a bipolar molecule.
That means it is slightly electrically charged. To this day, many
witches believe that a spell cannot cross a rapidly flowing river.
Blood has iron in it. High-energy static field cameras called
Kirlian cameras have been taking pictures of the electromagnetic
interference in the blood for fifty-plus years now, and prayer
"vibes" do photograph, and are well documented. The technology
is consistent, and seems possible, and also predicts that one can
build an urim-thummim pair to measure almost any emotional
state, which is why Levi had to be prayed for to get God's own. If
nothing else, it certainly explains why Jews had to wash
themselves before engaging in worship - to discharge the old vibes
in the water's bipolar molecular field. It thus sheds new light on
Baptism as a symbol of drastic change of allegiance, and explains
the ancient insistence on running water (called living water at that
time. Note the consistency of the relationship between moving and
living. This implies a new possible interpretation for the living
creatures mentioned in the Bible in heaven - they could just be
what we would call atomic forces, for we have seen magnetism
and now water flow referred to as living creatures By comparison,
note that man becomes a living BEING in Genesis. A full
discussion of this is beyond the scope of these writings, but the
interested reader can check our Aristotle's definitions of the soul).
Also note that this explains the why of the "life is in the blood"
concept from Gen. 9:4 until even Christian times in Acts 15:20 and
in many cultures in between. Perhaps this is the not the life that
we mean by the part that goes to heaven when we die, but rather
the "vibes" that the Pharaoh hoped to project into the earth with his
perfect pyramid. If so, it creates an entirely new link between
science and the Bible that includes an answer to the new age
preoccupation with these vibes. It also explains the importance of
blood sacrifice around the world.
Writing before 1910, long before "electricity", let alone "proton
lasers" were household words, E. Wallis Budge, the great
Egyptologist, published the standard hieroglyphic dictionary, and
many volumes of legends. From a stone on an island in the first
cataract of Northern Egypt, comes a curious legend, published in
hieroglyphic and English translation in his "Legends of the
Egyptian Gods". It was probably, so says Prof. Budge, a
politically oriented advertisement to persuade people of the
greatness of the god Khnemu. It is written in late Egyptian, with
some linguistic errors, but reports events from the first dynasty, ca.
2900BC. The legend is simple enough: Egypt, having been
through seven years of famine, sends an emissary to the sanctuary
of the god Khnemu to ask him to make it rain and flood the Nile.
After giving a complete guided tour of the facility, the god does so,
and thus earns the right to be worshipped, and to be remembered
on this stone.
It is the guided tour that is significant, for three reasons.
First are the many allusions to the attempt to rebuild ancient
technology. From the tower of Babel to Mexican pyramids that
have water running down them in serpent like formations, to the
statement in the Chester Beatty IV Papyrus that the early pyramids
were covered with copper, to the discovery of a battery factory in
fifth century BC Persia, to the mysterious Denderah Temple
picture of what looks like electrodes being offered to guests (the
nekhba emitters), there is a clear strand of this technology
surfacing around the world. While we account for this in the next
and final chapter, we must here investigate anything that could be a
detailed description of a nephalim site in operation.
Second, Budge could not translate most of the technical terms.
This is understandable a century ago, but it is most sad that no one
is trying to fill in the gaps now. So, I will offer a tentative solution
that this text describes the definitive power source of ancient
Third is the hieroglyphic name of Khnemu. It consists of the
column of firmness, the djed, or tlantis, discussed above. This is
surmounted by the outstretched arms symbolizing magical power.
Neither of these two is that significant, as the written name of
many gods contains either. But what the hands are holding is a
cartouche, the oval circle that holds the name of a king. In the
cartouche is a line that in our culture could only symbolize a static
electric charge, and is in fact the current electrical symbol for
resistance in a circuit. The same cartouche means horizon or
territory, a good symbol for the mysterious word "ia". In another
hieroglyphic, he is represented as a flying djed column, though this
may be a grammatical error, as Budge lists this hieroglyphic as
meaning Khnum.
The entire story will not be given here. It is analyzed word by
word in The Rain Machine and is shown to be describing
workable science. The patent was issued to Nikola Tesla, after he
demonstrated it to a Congressional subcommittee in 1894.
According to his autobiography, he developed the technology after
research to make rain using electricity, and has its primary value
that of putting high voltage electricity safely into the atmosphere
and allowing it to be reclaimed again at a distance without wires.
The seven main terms for the operational parts are shown identical
in all ancient languages, proving not only world flight, but also the
nephalim administration, and are identical with Teslas 7 main
parts. The remains of an operational center are Indian Mound
National Park in Licking County, Ohio, and may be toured at will.
The Denderah room showing the technology in operation is shown
to be a 280:1 precise reduction of the Ohio site. The stele
describes a half-mile wide Mofset amplifier that serves as an
electrical co-oscillator with the earths magnetic field by
generating and storing lightning.
Several goodies are manufactured at the center including the
thummim, and the following, as stated in the Egyptian words:
living, beating seeds, bring about a representation, eternal youth,
make a farmers field, directing flight, measure, water seeds,
incense seeds, times of seasons. Now what are the technologies
the lasers gave the nephalim: bringing to life giants (by cutting off
the DNA genes that stopped growth), altering seeds, carving
pictures in stone, long life (cf. Gen. 6:3, again gene cutting),
creating fertilizer (more gene cutting), putting compasses in
tsinakot, measuring, seed improvement, seed change (Josephus
states a legend that the flood washed away most of the best food
seeds. The Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh speaks of a plant of
eternal youth given to the hero by Noah. David Fasold found a
plant that only grows by his Ark.), and creating the seasons after
the flood. What a coincidence again!
If this interpretation is correct, we now know that the function
of the technology was to build a standing charge of basic electrical
energy inside a magnetically shielded hut mounted on a ziggurat,
and to control it somehow through flowing water. (Remember the
mobal first occurring on land, then on water? Mobal means that
which causes a resonance.) Could such a charge have generated
enough power to accrete matter from energy on iron filings to
create a shamir? It generates a small charge on monatomic gold.
Could it really have charged whole countries enough to create rain,
as our new satellite data suggests may be possible? And if yes,
would living things in the shadow of the technology really fail to
absorb radioactivity and thus appear millennia older to our carbon
fourteen analysis? Could charging a hundred or more centers at
once flip the earth, split the continents, and cause the flood (there
was a proposal some years ago to do this by atomic bombing the
arctic)? Could the right kind of charge measure human emotion?
If you answer yes, science will hate you.
If you answer no, the unexplained carvings and artifacts, and
most of the first fourteen chapters book of Genesis will stay

The purpose of this chapter is to recount what can be learned of
the social and historical importance of the nephalim technology.
In the beginning were the animals created by God, some of
which, no doubt were human in appearance, such as monkeys, and
what archeologists call cavemen, and maybe even sasquatch or
two. Pliny is clearly uncertain where animals end and humans
begin in his encyclopedia. Then God created Adam, which Philo
tells us, is the prototype of mankind. Jubilees and Enoch suggest
that the nephalim are some of the children of Adam who originally
remained in prayer before the cherubim and the spinning, flaming
sword (note: one sword, many cherubs, but that kind of thing could
fill another book), Gen. 3:24, hoping God would change his mind,
and, when he did not, in their anger and jealousy of the sons of
Adam who had left early and were now partying, invited the
demons to possess them, thus giving them superior intelligence, a
bent towards evil, and eventually the technology to create the
lightning that brought the demons to earth. Thus, the term
"nephalim" or "fallen" means fallen from God's presence. The
nephalim, according to Enoch, Plato, Ovid, and several others,
divided the earth among themselves, taught mankind to sin, forced
mankind to work to feed them, and generally lived like the
millionaires of today, bolstered by human slaves, giants, and
technology. The nephalim created the anakim by cutting the DNA
gene that stopped physical growth at a predetermined age. The
dinosaurs are the first experiments. (By the way, a dinosaur
skeleton was found in Palestine in Jesus' time by the Romans. It
was taken to a museum in Rome, where it was billed as a
manufactured servant of one of the nephalim. So Pliny says.) The
nephalim, to avoid intermarriage carefully selected a pool of wives
(Gen. 6:2. Note the choice came first) from mankind. Mankind, at
the time, may be divided into at least two groups, the sons of
Adam and the offspring of the monkeys they married (for
otherwise, why condemn the practice of sexual intercourse with
animals later? Surely, not many women would want to have
intercourse with claw bearing cats or large-endowed bovines; the
DNA in such cases doesn't combine right, anyway, and so there is
no baby. What man/beast combinations we see painted in Greek
mythology most likely came from an artist's conception of the
reports of the early DNA experiments.) Eventually, the mist was
not enough rain to feed the anakim, and so a weather control
experiment was attempted. Parts of this are stated almost word for
word in the ancient sources. Of course, their terminology was not
negative and positive charges, but male and female serpents. (A
"nachash" or whispering serpent tempted Eve, but it was a "seraph"
or fire serpent that is symbolized at Denderah, though it is called a
nachba, or Egyptian for the Hebrew nachash. The ancient
languages have several words for fire, and this one is most
consistent with electric charge. Aristotle discusses fire as an
element, and provides the consistency.) Noah, being righteous
before God, was able to hear the warning. The book of Enoch
presents Enoch, and some of the giants as hearing it also. When
the project got out of hand, the one land mass split, mountains
sank, continents rose. The mighty Atlantis, having been built on
less than the Rock that Jesus would one day be, since it was a
Nephalim stronghold, disappeared from sight, and became the
myth of the djed column. By the way, if Atlantis was the eastern
third of America, and the Missippi-Missouri basin was under water
before the flood, Plato's description is answered perfectly; there are
even islands off Georgia and the Carolinas that approximate the
concentric ring design of the capital city Plato describes. Since
Noah was not a sailor, he did not realize that the continents were
separating, so he reported that America sank as it disappeared over
the horizon; that is why Plato's shallow seas cannot be found
today, and the Atlantis hunters are confused. The sinking of
Atlantis is exactly complemented in the bringing up of sunken land
to accommodate the wife of the great chief falling from the sky in
the Iroquois creation myth - the same story told from the other
observer's point of view.
So just how did the continents split? That was the first question
everyone wanted to know after civilization was restored. The Sons
of Japheth went to find out. In Gen. 10:5, we meet yet another
mystery. In partial Hebrew, it reads: By these were the ias of the
foreign nations partitioned in their lands, according to their tongues
and families. The correct interpretation hinges on the meaning of
ia. It cannot mean island; that makes no sense. Ea is the god of
Sumeria, and it is to his note that a harp is tuned according to a
2900BC music book, indicating he is part of the Jubal and hence
mobal technology. He is confused in Israel's history with Yah,
short for Yahweh, the assumed pronunciation of the personal name
of God. But God first calls himself Yahweh on Sinai. It is at Sinai
that the first occurrence of the word trumpet occurs in the Bible -
the intimation is that God blew on the mountain, hence shaking the
earth (sound like anything the nephalim did?) The Popul Vuh
speaks of sheets of lightning around the sanctuary of the gods, and
we have seen that nephalim technology could do this. If we
identify the word "ia" as the standing lightning, we get a
translation that makes sense: It is the sons of Japheth who
repartitioned the nations of the Gentiles according to the position
of the old nephalim weather control centers according to their
languages and families. That is they reorganized society along the
positions of nephalim technology. If this is true, it accounts
immediately for flood myths everywhere being similar, but slightly
different, for the ubiquity of pyramids, and for the shamir in
Mexico. The sons of Japheth are the Aryans of the third
millennium BC who spread their culture around the world, creating
the caste system of India, the emperors of China, the early Druids
of Ireland, the white race of the Mayas and Toltecs, etc. They were
running, sailing, or flying around, trying to remap the earth, and
explaining the problem to the indigenous flood survivors and
creating mythology as they went (Gen. 11:10)
But that's impossible, the historians say. They couldn't fly, they
say. But Japheth had seen the tsinakot, had he not? The ark found
by Fasold could have reached America even now, as could the
"death boats" recently dug up by our own archeologists from
ancient pyramid grounds and left in storage without any attempt to
explain how the Egyptians knew how to build such sturdy boats.
There is evidence in Scripture. Genesis 11, the tower of Babel.
The word originally meant "gate of god", and can also mean B plus
bel, or in resonance. Note they used asphalt for asphalt (in
Hebrew) but fired brick for stone - they must not have had a
shamir (another unexplained verse magically accounted for). They
wanted to make a name for themselves, by rebuilding the ancient
technology. But God confused the languages (and we saw how
badly when we were trying to decipher Khnemu. The specific
words confused are supplied in The Rain Machine). A legend in
the Haggadah says that the tower was almost to heaven when this
happened. God destroyed each level of it by separate types of
disintegration, proper to its level of energy. Josephus states that
the leftovers were a standard tourist attraction in his time. The
various ziggurats around the world are smaller scale projects that
never got close enough to working to cause God any concern.
God's concern in verse 5 is accounted for; had they succeeded,
Babel would have been the first of many, and the sons of Japheth
would have been able to build one the same in each country, and
thus would there have been another flood. By the way, the "us"
(see Gen 1:26) is the powers of God implied in the plural elohim.
The language is confused because of their own subconscious fear
of self-destruction that the technology entails, and the world settles
into a lower level of right-brained consciousness. Thus is born
our fear of looking at the hypothesis of this study until near the end
times when we get close to becoming ready to judge with Jesus in
the new Jerusalem, which is the prophetic reason that all this is
coming out now, and thus science that has made it possible by
inventing lasers and electronics, and human cloning becomes a tool
in the hands of the God they propose to replace. They are given
this knowledge not to replace God, but so we may understand
Now what about the splitting earth? The sons of Japheth were
extremely successful in their geographical research. The results
are proved in the ancient maps that even include Antarctica not
covered by ice. The most famous of these early maps is the Piri
Reis map, but there are others. The knowledge came from the
library at Alexandria destroyed by the people who killed Hypatia,
and absolutely proves science wrong on a few things.
But, there are some who deduce from the maps that the
nephalim lived in 12,000 BC, since that is the last time that OUR
science thinks Antarctica was ice-free. They bolster their
argument by archeoastronomy - they measure the alignments of
things like the sphinx, and note that they all line up with their
assumed mythological meaning to 12,000 BC. They err in
assuming the continents never moved around. All these
alignments are the ones in the sons of Japheth's time, since the
continents did not stop shifting until after the sun stood still for
Israel's battle. Further, the absence of any archeological evidence
in America suggests that it may have been under ice until 500 BC
or so. The other evidence they give is that Plato states Atlantis
sank 9000 years before his time. But, I'll say it again, no translator
of the myth has ever even tried to take Plato's advice and translate
it to Egyptian. In Egyptian, there are 3 seasons a year; the first
compiler of the Atlantis story, Solon, may have consulted the
records of the dates himself, and counted seasons - since the
hieroglyphic for both is the same. That would give the date of the
establishment of Atlantis at 3500BC, in perfect agreement with
what we say here
Speaking of counting, scientists attempt to prove the correctness
of carbon fourteen dates by obtaining samples from tree rings, or
from successive levels of bacteria or ameba accumulations, which
they know, happen once a year. Simple counting thus gives an
accurate age and the date can be crosschecked. These dates go
back to about 30,000 BC; for that's how many levels they have
found to count. But they err in the assumption that just because
levels or rings are added annually now, that they were added only
once a year then. In fact, there are only a few such sites where
they have anything to count past 1000BC. If a Khnemu generator
were changing weather enough to cause an deposit cycle that now
look annual to us weekly in those sites for only 700 years (3300BC
till 2600BC, as our reading seem to indicate is possible) in these
areas, this would more than adequately account for the numbers of
"years" they are getting. It would also explain all the unaccounted
for variation in amount of radiation in the air from year to year,
which is something they cannot now do. This unexplained
variation is why they are so interested in the counting as a check
on the mathematics in the first place.
The actual splitting of the earth (Gen. 10:25) is described in the
Sibylline oracles, but is written in Babylonian astrology language,
so no one has been able to read it. It is called the "Battle of the
In the late 1960's, Ivan T. Sanderson, the founder of the Society
for the Investigation of the Unexplained in his book of similar title,
debunked astrology by showing that it was a Babylonian shopping
guide; that is, if you place the astrological signs over Babylon,
with the goat pointing north, all signs refer to what they hunted or
traded for in the directions the signs indicated. If you position the
signs the same way, reassemble the continents, and name each
subcontinent by its star sign via intersecting great circle route, the
Battle of the Stars describes the breakup of continental masses
perfectly, and states that the tip of South America hit the east most
tip of Antarctica, a detail that would have happened automatically
if the continents were floating on lava, since, North-South
America, being half the mass of Europe-Asia-Africa, would have
spun due to earth's centrifugal force twice as fast. The rest of the
translation is uneventful, and matches what we know about modern
geography. Mapping in this way is reasonable, since the Egyptians
treated the stars, the human body, and the earth as copies of each
We need to explore briefly the quality of the mythology. First,
"sons", "beni" in Hebrew refers not to biological act of fathering,
but to the cultural act of leaving an inheritance. It therefore applies
to adopted apprentices, as well as to biological sons. This is what
Shem, Ham, and Japheth were to Noah. Thus is explained the
different races (only Japheth was white), their strange
simultaneous birth (Gen 6:10, when Noah was 500 years old), and
their inability to work together (Gen. 9:25ff). Fasold is right in
stating that Noah needed lots of help in the ark - the sons were his
first mates, which is why they came out before Noah's wife (Gen.8:
18). The different cultures explain the different flood myths.
A word is in order about linear time once again. The Sumerian
king lists make it clear that one year in the life of a servant of God
is like many in the life of a normal caveman - so all the live spans
in the book of Genesis are incorrect, being the product of
mathematical manipulation, reflecting history that should have
been. If you divide each by a prime factor determined by his
ministry (which numbers may be obtained from Plato's Timeus),
and total the true life spans, you get 365 years, from creation until
the start of the flood story. The Jewish calendar, and Philo agree
that the clock started ticking with Enosh, not Adam. Doing all
this, we get 3390BC for the start of the nephalim technology, but
this is of course, an approximation from people who wanted it to
work out so perfectly, and so is not trustworthy numerically. The
details are in The Archeotechnology Primer.
In the process of learning the ancient technology from the sons
of Japheth, different cultures treated it in different ways. The
Egyptians in particular had a head start. We see in Egypt the use
of the Shamir, and we are now able to explain why the pharaohs of
Cheops' time were not buried in the pyramids: they were
disintegrated by the shamir and magically (assumed to be) incanted
into the pyramids with spells. Once the shamir's batteries ran
down, the incantations were written on the later pyramids, hoping
time and writing would do what the nephalim technology was now
unable to. There are several proofs of this. One is that one of the
hieroglyphics for the Egyptian equivalent word Ishmer includes the
curious picture used for the last year of a king's reign. Another is
the curious picture in the Temple of Hathor at Dendera, supposedly
designed by Cheops, showing two slaves holding what appear to
be jars with male- and female-oriented twisted serpents connected
somewhere by electrical coaxial cable. As stated above, this room
is a 1:280 reduction of the rain machine site in Ohio.
There are two values to the study of ancient technology, which
must not be overlooked. One is certainly the possibility that we
may be able to rebuild portions of it and discover worthwhile
principles of science. Of course, the Bible is quite clear in its
treatment of the nephalim who were the first scientists. Perhaps
modern scientists should also heed this warning, as they continue
to talk about human cloning and the design of virtual universes.
The second value remains even for those who refuse to believe
this whole story, and prefer to think that no such technology
existed. It seems quite clear that the ancients believe it existed,
and that belief is helpful in Scripture interpretation. While the
"ancient UFO" theories of man's creation are inconsistent with the
Bible, the ancient technology theories are not.
It is tempting to wonder if the angel that appeared to Manoah
(Judges 13:19) was carrying a shamir with which he heated the
rock to turn the meal into a sacrifice.
Certainly, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 19:24-
26) sounds something like a nuclear blast, especially with the pillar
of salt; but the nuclear blast theory is clearly not quite correct, and
one must wonder if shamir explosives existed, and what they
would look like when ignited. One can make a case for the
Denderah jars having been the agents of destruction.
And then there's the bronze serpent event (Num. 21:4-10),
which sounds like the Israelites stumbled into an old shamir
manufacturing area, or maybe a weather control machine (the river
draining Khnemu was dangerous if touched). The Hebrew is very
confusing, as Hebrew has two common words for snake: Nachash,
or whisperer or enchanter, and Seraph, or fire serpent. Bronze
(like the mirror of the god K, made of copper like covered the
pyramids) in Hebrew is called Nachshat. The serpent Moses made
(which he, not God, designed) could have discharged such river
energy, and was later worshipped as an idol (2Kings 18:4) by the
Hebrews, who should have known better, and who suggested by
the worship that it exhibited some power, until Hezekiah broke it
to pieces, reminding them it is a Nehustan or "just a piece of
brass". The descriptions of cherubim in Ezekiel 1 and of seraphim
in Is. 6:2 are consistent with things like ball lightning, and various
unexplained phenomena now being classified as UFO's. It is clear
that in all these passages, the Hebrew words originate from a later
time, and are a reaction of non-technical people to a technology,
which made sense only to geniuses like Moses and Solomon. But it
is also clear that such words mean more than snakes. The Bible
itself makes it specific that cherubim and seraphim are living
creatures (which word includes magnetic fields, as we have seen),
not necessarily angels, and the implications for Christian Scripture
interpretation and books about angels are staggering. Of the seven
words in the Hebrew Bible meaning snake, only these two and one
other also occur in Egyptian. The one other, as well as all
Egyptian words for snake carry a picture of a snake as a classifier.
The words nachash and seraph carry no such picture. It is more
likely that these two words never meant snake at all, and that our
translators, as well as the ancient Greeks had long forgotten their
original meaning, and just started calling them snakes.
There is much more could be done in a study of this type. The
Internet is full of speculations about the electrical nature of the Ark
of the Covenant, the nature of Moses staff, etc. Much of this is
garbage and can easily be disproved by a close reading of the
Hebrew, or by known principles of science. But forgotten ancient
science WAS provably in use into Jesus time, and a full
understanding of scripture demands that we know its nature. This
study is a first attempt at a non-technical introduction to the

This study makes clear that the Bible accepts the existence of an
ancient technology as advanced as our own. The words of
Scripture, while not technological in themselves, agree with the
existing technical manuals and archeological artifacts that
currently survive. The context of the use of the words in Scripture
is far more consistent with the theory of the ancients regarding the
inventors of the technology. These inventors are humans led by
demons. Not UFO pilots.
The problem wont go away so easily, however, as the
champions of the UFO cult state that we are mistranslating several
key words. Indeed, if we believe, as they teach, that elohim is
the mane of a culture on a faraway planet, and that Yahweh is
the head pilot of the UFO expeditionary force, we are forced to
their conclusion, that our word for demons means discarnate non-
spiritual entities that wish to guide us in this rough historical
The conclusion is wrong for several reasons. In order for their
argument to be valid, they know (and freely admit), that the
ancient people must have had no word for UFO pilots, and hence
mistakenly called them God. This is because they know that the
other ancient documents, apart from the Bible are clear that these
beings are spiritual. That means that if their theory is correct, the
names given to these pilots must have been given in error. The
problem is, that the ancient Greek philosophers freely discuss, and
AFFIRM, the existence of life on other planets. Since they have
stories about Icarus flying to the sun, which they considered
another planet, the Greeks could easily have said that such
residents of other planets landed on earth, had they wished to say
so. Their language includes the words and the necessary concepts.
And the Greeks simply do not say such a thing.
The UFO people answer this by saying that the landing of these
UFO pilots was far more remote in time than the Greeks, and so
proving the linguistic ability for the Sumerians or Egyptians is
what is required. This cannot be done with our current state of
knowledge. They make the mistake of not studying comparative
mythology sufficiently. There is hardly a Sumerian story which
has been found which was not known to the Greeks. And the
Greeks trace their mathematical civilization to Egypt. No one can
read the existing literature of Egypt and Sumeria (tens of thousands
of pages) and then read the existing Greek works, and disagree
with the simple fact, that if any Sumerian or Egyptian source had
stated that the gods came from another planet, the Greeks would
have mentioned it. The Greeks could not have become ignorant in
the intervening millennia; the writings match too closely.
A Scripturally inspirited linguistic approach to the UFO
problem is valid even for current sightings. There is clear
historical evidence that the same multiple UFO sightings were
occurring (and documented) in 1400 BC Egypt. In fact, our best
published catalog of UFO types comes not from current
researchers, but the 70 AD Roman Pliny, who states specifically
that they are NATURAL PHENOMENA. There is no reason to
believe that UFO sightings are new. The only part that is new is
saying they come from outer space. And that statement started in
about 1944, just a few years after the comic book hero Superman
came from the planet Krypton, and HG Wells shocked America
with his War of the Worlds radio show, that convinced many
people that Mars was attacking us. An April Fools Day joke in the
Washington DC paper in 1799 proved people were always ready to
accept other planets as inhabited (it showed a view through a
new telescope the moon was inhabited by humanoids with
wings). But even as late as the 1890s, UFOs landed regularly,
and are written in hundreds of newspapers as experimental
aircraft of inventors from foreign countries. The declassified
Majestik documents support only that in the 1950s many scientists
in the government thought that UFOs landing were possible.
There is simply no evidence that UFOs as craft from other planets
are anything except a form of what science would call mass
hysteria. Even the implants removed from abductees
repeatedly prove to be products of this earth. (In this context, be
aware that there are many mystics, both historical and
contemporary, who exhibit bodily changes as the result of dreams
or religious visions. Wounds similar to Christs on the cross,
bloody welts, etc. are much more common that the average person
knows. It is clear that a psychological mechanism exists to create
these implants)
And we can account for UFOs Scripturally. This is the age
when God promised His Spirit would be poured on all FLESH.
The Hebrew and Greek words are clear: this includes your pet dog
and cat as well. The Spirit is now available in part in the BODIES
of pagans as well as Christians. We have dominion over the earth,
so the earth must respond to what we wish it to become. The
bottom line is you have a lot of loose cannons out there people
with the gift of faith (for that is one of the Holy Spirits gifts),
angry at the churches, and thus rejecting God. They need a new
savior, so they make one out of lights in the sky, and the earth
adjusts by making more lights in the sky and linking them with
dreams of abduction. And this is why the UFO cult satisfies all the
scientific expectations for a new religion that is precisely what
the cult is. Most Christians are quite willing to concede that
people from outer space COULD visit earth (the growing evidence
from the experiments to contact these people already make it
nearly statistically impossible that any have wanted to), and do not
know the answers provided by the Bible, and so there is no
effective evangelism of this group of people.

Ken Behrens

An unidentifiable box of gears is found
on an ancient Greek ship and later proved to
be a computer. A working model airplane is
recovered from an Egyptian tomb. A battery
is recovered in a medical shop in ancient
There are iron pillars in India and
Germany that do not rust. Ancient tribes
show knowledge of astronomy that only our
best telescopes can see. Gigantic stones
stand assembled in ways that would
frustrate our largest construction equipment.
Ancient metal alloys exist that require
manufacturing temperatures that could not
have been created when they were made.
Dinosaur prints cover human tracks in
ancient rock. Science denies, then cowers,
then proves it's all being misinterpreted.
But there are ancient books, in
languages we can read. And they tell of world
wars fought by air, with missiles and
rayguns. And they speak of serpents that
can travel at infinite speed. They mention
laser cutting-tools and mind reading devices.
And they tell us how to build airplanes.
Scholars deny, then cower, then prove we
are mistranslating.
Somewhere, deep in our collective
unconscious, we know better. Common
sense, and all the world's religious literature,
tell of an ancient science, as good as, or
maybe better than, our own.
But while science proves and scholars
reinterpret, popular writers become
millionaires claiming that humanity is a
genetic experiment created by ancient UFO
Here, for the first time in almost four
centuries, is the ancient story, told by
shamans, philosophers, and priests for five
millenia. And now, with new archeological
discoveries, the story can be proven.
Finally, the hidden passages of the Scriptures
and the memories of our collective
unconscious can be restored.
It is almost half a century since Immanuel Velikovsky advanced
his theory that our solar system collided with another five thousand
years ago. Among his cult following, he was hailed as a genius. It
is said Einstein was reading Velikovsky's work when he died. But
the boycott threatened by the academic system against his
publisher forced his scholarly study out of the mainstream.
Ultimately, he was branded part of lunatic fringe
pseudoscience. No matter. Today, top astronomers claim that
the moon was originally part of the earth, and was knocked out by
a collision with another planet! Its funny how all it takes for the
lunatic fringe to become the standard doctrine is to wait until a few
people die.
Science, by its own statement, is the act of observing the world
and theorizing how it gets to be the way it is. But the theories are
just that - theories. Temporary and able to be revised if new data
becomes known. Velikovsky presented few scientific facts,
however. His was a literary study. Yet, a new generation changed
the theory without any supporting facts. One would think science
is something other than the impartial search for truth that it claims
to be.
It is just over thirty years since Erich vonDaniken started on his
path to fame and fortune with his thesis that UFO's visited the
earth regularly throughout the planet's history. In fact, his claims
stated that the spacemen created civilization, and perhaps, even life
on this planet. He presented little literary research. In fact, most
of his arguments are based on physical evidence. In thousands of
pages, Mr. vonDaniken documents hundreds of artifacts and
drawings that look much like we think spaceships ought to look.
And then he suggested that we revise how we read ancient books,
on the theory that the artifacts prove that the word gods must
have meant spacemen.
Science, true to its commitment to theory revision, promptly
responded with books that claimed vonDaniken was crazy, but that
his theory was too long for any real researcher to waste his time
to disprove. Eventually, when the real researchers finally had
time, they wrote a book or two demonstrating that a small portion
of his artifacts were in fact misinterpreted. Of course, only about
half of that generation has died, but it is now acceptable among

some younger scientists to believe that the basic DNA strings got
to earth from space. Of course, for the scientists, they came to
earth not in spaceships, but in the centers of comets. Perhaps, in
twenty years, we will have scientists tell us which spacemen put
the DNA into the comets in the first place. We note, with interest,
that the literary scholars have been silent about the literary portions
of the theories.
Not to be outdone, Mr. Zechariah Sitchin started publishing, at
the same time, the first of his dozens of books, which claimed
much of what vonDaniken had. But Mr. Sitchin was a self-taught
expert in Sumerian, the language thought by some (I do not agree)
to be the oldest written language on earth. By doing a literary
search, Mr. Sitchin found the planet and the astronauts in
Sumerian mythology. The astronauts are called, sure enough,
gods. The planet is called Nubiru, and is a planet in our own
solar system. However, the planet has what is called an
extremely eccentric orbit. That means most of the time, it is so
far out in space, our telescopes can't see it. But once every 3,600
years it returns near our planet, and then its astronauts come to
earth to mine raw materials, and they create civilization and give
us technology in the process. And guess what...coincidentally (?),
Nubiru is due to become visible just beyond Pluto any day now.
There have been others. Graham Hancock, and a few recent
authors like him are worthy of note. Recognizing that science is
not about truth, but about satisfying certain powerful people with a
theory they will pay for, these authors have suggested that all of
this happened, but much further back in history. Say about 12,000
BC. This new tactic is working, too. Science is now claiming that
Noahs flood really happened, at least in a small way. The Biblical
flood is simply a memory of the melting and retracting ice sheet, in
about 12,000 BC. It's funny how scientific theory seems to stand
less on the evidence of physical artifacts than on whether it will
alienate the key institutions of civilization.
Velikovsky is easily proved wrong by a more thorough reading
of the literature he used. Likewise are vonDaniken, Sitchin,
Hancock, and the others. The most ancient texts list all the planets,
proving more were not added, as Velikovsky claims. Plato says
specifically that men live on other planets, proving that ancient

people would not have needed to call them gods, had they seen
any. And the ancients never wrote about any, which, in view of
everything else they wrote about, pretty well proves that none had
visited earth in those times. Nevertheless, that does nothing to
explain the hard evidence of advanced ancient science that these
authors tabulated.
Scientists cannot be criticized too strongly. They are the self-
proclaimed guardians of truth. Yet, the record shows that their
truth depends on who is alive when the research is done, and
which authorities need to be satisfied with the discovery.
Literary scholars should not be criticized at all. If anything,
they should be commended for remaining silent. The literature
search that is needed to determine the truth could not have been
undertaken even ten years ago. We have barely learned to read
Mayan in the last few years. Sumerian is still much of a mystery.
Our knowledge of Egyptian is less than 200 years old. The
psychological research necessary to understand the ancient mindset
is still in its infancy. The computer simulation necessary to verify
ancient technological claims has just now been developed.
In ancient times, there was one theory. It is in all the ancient
religious literature as well as in many other writings. And it is not
about UFOs. It is not mainly about demons, either, although the
Bible does not mince words about their involvement. The ancient
theory fits the data: the magnetic air flight, the power sources, the
wars, the ray guns, the dinosaurs, the destruction of the planet.
And it accounts for all the evidence. I repeat, ALL the evidence.
Of course, science wont like the theory, because it challenges
its pet doctrine of evolution. Literary scholars won't like the
theory, because it calls into question many of their simplistic ideas
of ancient life.
This book will surely be criticized. In the end, where will we
be? Fifty years from now, when certain people die, will this theory
be how the world thinks about history? Or will the academics
disprove it and go on believing that the religious writings of the
world are all myth with nothing of value to say about science? Will
they continue to say that everyone who lived before us was stupid
because they couldnt do the things we can do? The new
millennium is an opportunity for us to redefine ourselves. Science

finds its truth by experiment, but chooses to search only for the
truth it is willing to see. Will the National Enquirer continue to
sell better than Discovery or Christianity Today? Or will faith
and science become united, as they were in ancient times?
We can hide behind the belief that the institutions we have must
be correct. Or we can read the ancient writings, try believing they
could be true, and go do some experiments to find out.

His name is Khnemu. He was there at the dawn of agricultural
society. He saw the beginnings of government, and he watched
Noah's Ark tumble in the flood. More precisely, he CAUSED
these things. Khnemu inspired the pyramids in Egypt and the
tower of Babel in Shinar. It was him who Pharaoh dreamed of as
the seven fat cows. The seven fat years and the seven lean years of
Joseph are of his making. He powered Moses staff, and sailed the
Hindu flying craft through the sky.
Then, he was forgotten. When the telling of stories was
replaced by scientific logic, there was no place for one like
Khnemu. Oh, to be sure, his offspring were still around. They
powered the Pharaohs vision quest at the New Year's celebration.
They cut the stones for Solomon's Temple. And they scared
primitive tribes out of their wits, from New Zealand to
Mesoamerica. But, by the fourth century AD, they had been
forgotten by a world that now communicated in a different, logical,
If we had not learned to read Egyptian, if we had not found the
Dead Sea Scrolls, if we had not pursued the secrets of the
Sumerian and Mayan languages for a century, Khnemu would have
never have been known. But we have done all those things. And
now the ancient story can once again be told.
Khnemu is not a god, as early Egyptologists thought. Khnemu
is a machine. And he makes rain. From the lightning, he stores
energy. With the energy, he makes more rain, flies aircraft, and
powers mind-reading equipment. And he creates a culture that
manipulates the DNA of animals and men, creates androids, and
destroyed the world.

Fantastic? Impossible? Absurd? That's what I thought, too.
How could cavemen have done such things? And, worse yet, if
they really did, how could we have forgotten?
My research began thirty years ago investigating the ancient-
UFO cult of the 1960s. I read everything I could find. And I
became convinced that we were not made by space pilots. But the
Bibles answers from my childhood made no sense. They were all
contradictory. But, then, I started looking at the ancient writings. I
learned that they all said the same thing. From China to Persia to
Europe to Egypt to America, there was one story. And this story
matched the original Hebrew and Greek Bible, not the stories I was
told in church school.
I decided the 1960s theorists of ancient times had been on the
wrong track. The proper question to ask was not how did
civilization get here? The proper direction for the research was to
assume that the ancient super-technology existed, and find out how
it worked.
The task seemed hopeless for many years. Even the best
translators did not expect a technology was to be found. Every
machine name was a god of unknown provenance. The fact that
every ancient language has two words for god was ignored. The
fact that no ancient language had past and future tense slipped by
unnoticed. The absence of any logical phrasing, which would
explain why ancient science sounds strange to our ears, was never
But then what of the flying machines, the lasers, the smart
bombs in the ancient texts? What of vonDaniken's bulldozers and
rocket ship drawings? The more I researched, the more these
misfits kept appearing.
Could they all be misinterpretations? That didn't seem right.
Especially when ancient writings used the ideas without explaining
them. It seemed like they just assumed the readers knew what they
were talking about.
I kept thinking how it would look in 6000 AD, if some
archeologist unearthed a TV set. Its an idol, he would say, a
ventriloquist stood behind it and spoke prophecies. Eventually a
copy of TV Guide would be found, and the programs would
become an ancient pantheon of gods. Maybe somewhere, a

maverick author would dare to suggest that the twentieth century
used radio waves to communicate in pictures. And, of course, he
would lose his job, for daring to suggest that a culture had existed
four millennia earlier that was as smart as the people who paid his
salary were.
It was seventeen years into the quest that I happened on the
footnote. As a mathematician, reading an ancient math text was
something I should be doing. Being able to explore the text was
what motivated me to learn to read hieroglyphics in the first place.
I had long since given up ever finding a clue to the nature of the
ancient technology. But there it was, in black, red, and white. It
was the most ancient flood legend in the world. And it said in
plain, unmistakable Egyptian: The flood was caused by people
working a machine. It even gave two technical terms.
It would be twelve more years before I could find the rest of the
pieces to the puzzle. It was unbelievably hard to get the entire
original Denderah writings. But they were the key to the static
field nature of the technology. In the meantime, the Popul Vuh
(the Mayan history) and the legend of Khnemu, published a
century ago by Budge, helped.
I cannot thank David Fasold enough. That one man could
suffer so much for an idea in this day and age, when he is so
clearly right, is unbelievable. The churches disagree with him
because he says Noahs Ark is in the mountainS (plural) of Arrarat.
(The Hebrew says the same, with the S, mountains, plural. The
church people are looking on top of the impossible mountain_ of
Arrarat.). The scientists sued him for five years because he dared
to claim that the Bible is not a lie. (The suit was thrown out, but it
took all his money.) The Turkish government wont let him dig.
(But they have a sign up: Noahs Ark at the top.) If it had not
been for his book, there would be no hard evidence. He doesnt
even realize how important his gopher wood sample is. Noah's
Ark, as David Fasold accidentally proved barely ten years ago, was
Now, for the first time in 2,500 years, it all fits together again.
This is the story of where we come from. It is the story from every
religious traditions writings on earth. It is the story from the

Greek and Roman classics. It is the truth we mistake for visitors
from space. And now it can be shown to be workable science.
I dont have it all. I barely have a beginning. But it is the first
step to the realization of who we are, good and evil, religious and
political, driven by imagination and science. But it is the paradigm
that will lead the engineer. And it is the courage to face our past
that will set us free from the institutions that rule us for their own

Watching them excavate the foundation of a new building is
always exciting. Who knows what ancient treasures may be dug
up? One of the most usual things that are found when a new
foundation is dug in ancient ground is fossils. These impressions
in rock were made long ago by animals that since decayed into
For many centuries, everyone assumed fossils were the work of
the flood in the Bible. After all, it seemed logical. The flood
killed everything and piled it up at random. Then the mud turned
back to dirt as the water evaporated, and eventually the dirt became
more or less rock-hard, leaving openings where a body of a
creature was entombed.
But in the 1600's, the theorists noticed a problem. The fossils
were not, in fact, piled at random. The simpler creatures (like bugs
and lizards) were at the bottom, the more complex (like farm
animals), at the top. Therefore, something other than a flood had
piled them there.
We are living at the end of the shift in thinking that this
observation created. If the flood did not put those fossils there,
then what did? More importantly, why did the flood not put them
there, unless the flood itself never happened?
There was no hope for the old theory. Logic had replaced
ancient stories, and a new concept had been born. And the new
concept is what we believe today. There was no flood. The Bible
is a collection of myths told for religious purpose. The fossils got
there by millions of years of evolution, as the more complex
creatures replaced the simpler. And, of course, all the ancient

people, who failed to notice the obvious order of the pileup of
fossils, were stupid.
Creationist scholars are still attempting to fight what has
become a losing battle. As new discoveries in radioactive and
chemical dating are made, the millions of years seem to be born
out by more and more evidence.
So we are all taught the new theory. And we are taught just
enough to make us believe it. No one mentions a few sites like the
LaBrea Tar Pits, where the fossils ARE mixed, as the flood would
have done. We forget the woolly mammoths that froze to death in
Siberia with a fresh meal of tropical grass in their stomachs. And
only the most dedicated scientists get far enough into the research
data to realize that the million-year-old dates obtained from the one
dating method often do not agree with the date obtained from
Lets try a daring suggestion: The stupid" ancients are right.
The fossils were put there by Noahs flood. But the flood is not a
flood of water.
It amuses me no end to hear that some great researcher has
found, in the Red Sea, the land bridge where the Israelites crossed
when Moses made the water stand out of the way. He says he has
even found Egyptian soldiers equipment under the water. I laugh,
because the Israelites did not cross the Red Sea, they crossed the
Reed Sea (or maybe, by comparison with Egyptian, the Gulf of
Arabia). You can check it in Hebrew, if you want. The King
James Bible misspelled the word. The guy who found the soldiers
equipment is obviously making the story up.
When people lived by the traditions of the Bible, this kind of
occasional misunderstanding was no problem. It would have been
corrected before it got into print. But beginning in the late 1500s,
people wanted a new life. They wanted to be free from a self-
serving church and pope. Part of this freedom was an English
Bible. King James, who just wanted a divorce and a new
denomination, obliged, quite hurriedly. It mattered little if a few
es got misplaced in words like Reed.
What does the Hebrew Bible actually say about the flood?
Yahweh decides to wipe men off earth (Genesis 6:7), but Elohim

(6:13) sends the flood. Now, Noah had been walking with Elohim
(6:9). In Hebrew, Yahweh is the personal name of God (I am
who am"); Elohim literally means powers that cause being. All
ancient languages have two words for God. One is what we mean
by God the Father Who cares for us. The second is God
manifesting in creation, what we would call scientific powers.
This realization was not possible until we learned to read another
ancient language besides Hebrew. When the Bible says he walks
with Elohim, it is calling Noah a scientist.
The Hebrew does NOT say that earth was destroyed by rain. It
says that all hiqum or things of value (not earth) were mah
or struck (not destroyed) by a mobal, whatever that is. And
the idea that all people were destroyed is contradicted by the Bible,
because the Anakim had children who were alive in Numbers
13:33. All does not mean everyone in the world until logic is
invented some three thousand years later; it simply means
everyone visible to the speaker. This is the regular use in the
Hebrew Old Testament.
The Ark (a box, not a boat) is made of gopher wood. The
latest research says that gopher means an amalgam. Fasold's
discovery shows that gopher is concrete impregnated with metal
filings. We would call that an amalgam. The pyramid stone has
had metal filings added to it (according to Davidovits, the engineer
who proved the stones could be concrete). The gopher wood turns
up again in 2700 BC, when the Sumerian king Enmerkar threatens
war to get some of it from the Lord of Arattu. Now, Arattu is the
Egyptian spelling for Arrarat. The king of that place had stripped
the top story of the ark, and that is why the ark Fasold found was
minus the top story. The gopher wood was put to work creating
electrical effects in a Sumerian temple, where it imitated the
Abzu, or primordial sky.
Rain. which does fall for forty days and nights, is matir in
Hebrew. A simple math calculation will tell you, that to cover the
highest mountain (about 6 miles high), rain would have to fall 6
inches a minute for the 40 days and nights. This calculation is
another reason modern day scientists do not believe the Bible. Its
a good thing thats not what happened.

Gen. 7:5-7, and 10, tell us that the flood was on the earth 7
days before the rain. Actually, it was on the water first, then on the
land. We need to investigate this mysterious word mobal.
The root, obal, is unknown, but is thought to mean flowing.
The progressive j-obal is the creator of music, Jubal, son of
Lamech. (o and u are the same in early Hebrew.)
The name t-obal cain means trader in signs of obal. We call
him Tubalcain, son of Lamech.
The word m-obal, or that which causes obal is the word we
From the Egyptian flood story (below), we understand that the
flood is called tunnu-ka, or sign of possessing the power of
heaven, written with a musical symbol. Lets suppose the word
mobal means heavenly vibes.
That would make Jubal, the first musician, the capturer of the
vibes of nature.
That would make Tubalcain the maker of the gopher wood, as
Fasold suggests. Actually, if you drop the Hebrew prefix T, his
name is Vulcan (b and v are the same in Hebrew), the
metalworking god of the Greeks. Look out, pieces are starting to
Now mobal, with the prefix m, meaning that which causes,
must mean the effects of the machine that causes heavenly vibes.
Remember, God had to reassure Noah that the weather would
never change again (7:22), and that He had cursed the ground
(7:21). The rainbow (9:14) is not a rainbow in Hebrew, just a
bow, or arch. Philo, a great Jewish Bible commentator of
about 30 AD insists it is NOT a rainbow. The word could mean
many things, including weather front. So, weather modification
seems to be consistent, if not actually implied. In the next
chapters, we will learn that the machine operated by discharging
sky vibes into the ground, which is why God is said to have
cursed it (the ground).
To jump ahead, the Bible (not your Sunday school teacher) is
consistent with the following:
The evil Nephalim (Genesis 6) attempted to harness technology
that controlled the weather. The experiment, which depended on
magnetic technology, backfired. By mistake, they created a badly

tuned magnetic wave and fed it into the earth's magnetic field. The
earth responded by having its molten iron center core begin to
bounce back and forth. On one such bounce, it collided with the
continental landmass, and fractured the plate structure. The
continents literally rocked back and forth in the ocean like a boat in
a hurricane. Thats how they got covered with water. The rain
came later, as the planet tried to cool itself off from the friction of
the bouncing molten core. This theory implies, however, that there
was one continent (where North and South America were attached
to Europe and Africa). There is much evidence of this in written
history, once one looks for it. We will examine some of this
evidence later in this book.
In one, nice, neat paragraph, you have a story that explains
everything about Noah. The Bible reported God's perspective, that
He punished the evildoers by sending the mobal. In our
unspiritual, scientific age, we would call it a technical
But, just because this scientific explanation agrees with the
Bible, wheres the evidence? You may ask. Its in the other flood
Let's do a quick tour of the world, and its flood myths.
From China, we learn that the flood was controlled by canals
dug with a serpent. This apparently meaningless drivel will
become clear when we see that serpent is the standard name for
the projection of an electrical field, and that such fields were
routinely stored in canals. We also learn that the flood involved a
ten-day period of daylight. This detail is one of many that supports
the continental split theory; China was one area that spent some
time at the polar region, enjoying its new six-month daylight, as
the split plates sailed around the globe, looking for a way to
balance the magnetic field.
From the Celts, we hear that the flood was a black
This phrase, which many will say is figurative, is supported by
the Mayan Popul Vuh which calls it a rain of resin from the gouged out eyeballs...snapped off heads...ate their
flesh...tore them open...the black rainstorm... This is not
figurative, but clearly the result of the earths core being vomited

up into the sky. The Mayans also tell of the rebuilding after the
flood. There were Mayan gods who lived inside a dome of static
lightning. And the god Seven Macaw rebuilt the machine, a giant
LIGHT made of METAL and CRYSTAL. And he built it when
there was a trace of dawn on the earth, when the moon returned
to the sky before the sun. This last data tells us which part of the
world was at the other pole, during the six-month night. That is a
precise description of the coming of spring in the Arctic.
Plato tells us that Atlantis sank in a day and night of cataclysm,
when the inhabitants of Greece were drowned. He also tells us that
mountains fell, valleys rose, and islands came into being and
ceased to exist.
Ovid, the Greek writer of plays, tells us, Neptune himself
struck the earth with his trident; it trembled, and by its movement
it threw open the channels for the waves. Note the use of a tool
with three points, like a grounded electrical plug has. This same
structure, positive, negative, and ground, will be seen in the
Khnemu machine.
The Book of Enoch is one of those books that is a traditional
early Jewish-Christian commentary dating from around 0 AD. It is
much more specific:
In those days, Noah saw the earth, that she had become
deformed, and that her destruction was at hand...their doom has
arrived because they have acquired the knowledge of all the secrets
of the angels...their most occult powerssilverbronze lead
and tin...their source is a fountain inside (which) stands an angel,
and he is (a) running angel...Because their oppression has been
carried out on the earth...On account of the abstract things which
they have investigated and experienced, the earth shall perish
(together with) those who dwell upon her. There was produced
from that bronze and fire a smell of sulfur (which) blended with
those waters...the temperatures of those fountains of water will be
altered... In the next chapters, we will actually see where in the
machine the metals are used. The implication of temperature
change is what drives the El Nino Ocean current in our own day,
which the weatherman blames for messing up our climate.
Now let's go further back, to 2300 BC, and the Atra-Hasis epic
of Sumeria and the Gilgamesh epic of Babylon:

The gods meet to discuss causing the flood, and are betrayed
by one of their number. We read that silver and gold were carried
on the ark (Noah certainly wasnt saving money to buy things
when the flood was over. The metals worked the technology.) The
flood is called a rain of blight, and tells us about the people who
did not have an ark:
The Annunaki lift up their torches, setting the land ablaze with
their shattered like a pot...the south storm..., and
although they ascended to the heaven of Anu to get away, it did
no good, as they cowered like dogs crouched against the outer
wall. Again, the mention of a machine that creates light and fire.
A reference possibly to flight. The Annunaki - Sumerian plural of
the Anakim of the Bible, the children of the Nephalim. And a new
detail - south.
Now, here is the oldest flood legend in the world. The footnote
from the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus.
Entered at Onu 6-21:
On 1-23, the tunnuka came from the south and enveloped the
city that would be destroyed.
On 2-xx (the age of the paper makes the date unreadable), the
mountains had sounded and the enveloping of the city was about to
begin. For, on the 21st, the children of Seth had manipulated the
controls of the divine water guider. The mesnuti watch the
destruction as the heavens strike with a flood.
This legend is so old, we must make use of all of Egyptologists
research to explain it.
The dates 6-21, 1-23, 2-xx, and 2-21 cannot be decoded without
a year. The Egyptians had two calendars, and the official year
never had a leap year. That put it one day out of phase with the
farming year every four years. In the 3,000 + year history of
Egypt, the two agreed 3 times, once every 4 x 365 years, when the
leap year errors totaled one more whole year. The Chinese sources
give June 6, 3122 BC as the date of the flood. The Mayan date of
Nov. 16, 3121, appears to be the date of leaving the ark. Using
3122 BC makes the Egyptian 2-21 equivalent to our June 16, 3122.
This would be the tenth day, or when the waters reached the
mountains around Sumer. Noah, on a lower mountain, only waited
7 days before he got into the ark. The Mayans also tell us a new

moon occurred on Dec. 2, 3121. That makes the Biblical date
(which sets months by the moon's phases) June 8, plus or minus 2
The flood coming from the south is significant. All sources
from Asia Minor and Africa that list a direction list south. The
Indians of Kansas list north. A computer model developed by
creationists suggests that if the continents split, they did so from
south to north (i.e. South America split from Africa many hours
before Canada split from England). Assuming the fissure caused
by the earth's core took 20-30 hours to travel around the world, the
tsunamis it caused would likely have seemed to come from the
south in Asia, and the from the north in America, some 2 days
The agreement of directions and dates cross-culturally is flat-
out impossible if the flood is a myth. Dates and directions are
only remembered and spoken of by living persons who survive an
event. Just think how different witnesses to an accident can agree
on almost nothing except the date and the street corner where it
The technical term tunnu-ka (music) has been mentioned.
The children of Seth are the Egyptian equivalent of malevolent
beings, and the sources are not clear if they are spirits or people.
They may, in fact, be the Annunaki. Onu is the Egyptian
equivalent of the Smithsonian in our country. It is a museum and
national research center opened in the most ancient times and
maintained for thousands of years by the pharaohs.
The mountains sounding was caused by the vibrations of the
The mesnuti (mistakenly read by early translators as mesniut,
meaning children) are Tubalcain's assistants (this word comes
from the legend of Horus and Seth, where we have pictures of
them and other details).
Khnemu machines were built wherever there was the need of
rainmaking. Sometime around 3125 BC, a meeting was held and a
decision reached to create a permanent weather change. In fact,
the evidence supports that the earth was not originally tilted on its
axis. Multiple interactive generators were built, but the plan
backfired. The (evil of the) builders destroyed the world. The

earth went on a giant roller-coaster ride for days, as the molten
core bounced skyward through the ocean and banged into the
continental land mass. The continents split and roamed around
looking for a place consistent with the new order of magnetism and
gravity. Mountains rose and fell as giant tsunamis pounded
everything. Black rain, molten lava, and red-hot iron fell from the
sky. Even fish died as parts of the surface water became too hot
for them. Insects and crawlers died instantly. Slower-moving
animals ran for hours. Humans ran for days. The gods,
Nephalim, mesnuti, and/or Annunaki (the scientists who
caused the mess), tried to fly away, but the air cars were loaded
down with the falling lava and went crashing into the water. And
the fossils piled up in just the order of non-survival: insects,
crawlers, animals, humans, with birds and fish intermixed. Just as
we find them. The slowest-running creatures at the bottom, the
most intelligent at the top. And the woolly mammoths, caught too
far inland as Asia migrated to the new polar region, were encased
in ice, just after breakfast. And the LaBrea Tar Pits were on the
coast, the first area flooded. No one there had time to run, and the
fossils mixed together.
Of course, the scientists will say the fossil finds dont fit the
pattern I describe. So they wont look. So they wont find out if
they fit or not.
But how many coincidences can be tolerated in comparative
literature before we are forced to admit that there was a flood? We
accept the existence of the last three planets, of many diseases,
even of people we have never met, on far less evidence. In fact, if
you count the number of books that produced the theory of
evolution, we have quoted far more that discredit it just in this
short synopsis.

Once upon a time, there was a famine in Egypt. Now, famines
are very common in Egypt. But this one is of special interest.
That is because it happened in the time of King Tcheser. King
Tcheser was the first Pharaoh of the third dynasty, and he was well
known for many things.

First, he is the pharaoh who started the building of pyramids.
Together with Imhotep, his own personal Leonardo da Vinci, he
got the idea, built the first one, and inspired more than three
hundred years of Egyptians. Their per capita output of taxes,
manpower, and organization could never be equaled in our time.
No one has ever explained why the pyramids were built, either.
The idea of burying people in them came much later. It took
almost two hundred years just to get the shape satisfactory.
Another strange thing about King Tcheser was how he settled
the rebellion. The story is that the rebels halted their aggression
because of an unfavorable omen. The phases of the moon changed
their timing.
Our interest in Tcheser is due to a third story about him,
however. The story has to do with how he dealt with the famine.
He consulted a god named Khnemu, who controlled the height of
the Nile, and therefore, the weather.
Any of these things sounds like so much made up mythology.
But there are coincidences that suggest otherwise. Pyramid
building was only practiced three times in Egypt. First, there was
the centuries-long effort begun by Tcheser. Then pyramids were
abandoned until the twelfth dynasty, about the time of Joseph's
famine. Then, finally, small ornamental pyramids were added as
tombstones to graves in the late period. Note, that large pyramids
always seem connected with a famine, and some kind of
miraculous fix.
Joseph of the Bible, is another connection. Psalm 78:47 states
that part of the Egyptian plagues at Moses time were caused by
Chnemel. This Hebrew word remains unidentified. I don't blame
the commentators. If I thought, as they do, that el means God,
and not scientific power, I too would hate to admit that Moses
had a deal with a pagan Egyptian god (Chnemi is the Hebrew
spelling of Khnemu) to do Gods work of causing those plagues.
So, let's suppose that Khnemu was not a god, but a machine.
Suppose Tcheser learned to work it, and reversed a drought. If the
machine looked anything like the Sumerian cylinder seal supplied
by Sitchin (see plate), it would explain the pyramids. The first,
built by Tcheser, was a monument over his burial chamber to
celebrate his great success at saving Egypt from famine. It would

also explain why no one was buried in them until much later, when
they needed a reason to keep building. It would explain the
strange remark in Papyrus Chester Beatty IV that the ancient
pyramids were covered with copper and had iron antennas. The
serpents coming out of the top (in Sitchins cylinder seal) might
even help us understand why the Chinese say the flood was
controlled by serpents that dug canals: the canals will be seen in
the description of the mechanism. And that, in turn, might explain
the water drainage channels shaped like serpents on the Central
American pyramids, and Sumerian ziggurats.
It might even help explain how the moons phases got mixed
up. Suppose Genesis 2:6 is right and there was no rain in the early
days, but only a mist. Suppose, too, that Job 36: 27 is correct that
the mist can be changed to rain. The mist is Adi in Hebrew.
That is part of Adam. If man had some way to know the secret
instinctively, why could he not have built a machine to do it?
Would not such a device have caused great clouds of mist to rise
into the air as part of its activities? And would not this mist have
bent the rays of the moon striking earth, as water deflects a ray of
light? This was a time when the predictability of the moons timing
gave security to society. Any irregularity meant terror. But bend
the rays of the rising moon just a little, and it would seem to rise or
set an hour or two later or earlier. When the moon in question was
the new moons first crescent, the delay would seem to hold off the
month a whole day, or make it early a day. The same phenomena
could shorten or lengthen the end of the month. Overall, the
normally 29-30-day month could be as long or short as 27-32 days.
Thus, might we create the terror to stop a revolt.
With all of these possibilities in mind, lets tell our story.
The story was found on stone on the island of Sahal, near
Aswan. If it is indeed scientific, as we believe, the stone is a
historical marker.
Once upon a time, there was a bad famine in Egypt. Tcheser,
the King at the time, contacted Madir, his priest of the charge, and
My mind remembers back to the former time...of gods. Where
is the source of the Nile? What Neter (we shall use this word for
the Egyptian hieroglyph of an axe - the word that means scientific

power, but is usually translated god) presides over it. I want to
go to the written records, and enter the house of life. I want to
unfold the written rolls and lay my hands on them.
Actually, he sends Madir, who returns with a report, and tells
All things which men had written concerning it and he
revealed to me the secret openings by which the ancestors had
taken themselves quickly the like of which has not been seen since
the time of Ra (who was on earth before the flood. He is now the
old sun god.) Abu (the fathers city) was its name in the
beginning; it is the city of the beginning. It reaches to uaua
(creation), which is the beginning of the land. There too is a flight
of steps (or ziggurat, or pyramid-shaped construction. Tchesers
pyramid had such steps.) which rears itself to a great height, and is
the support of the charge of the sun (the word charge is from
Denderah. Egyptologists translate the word Ra, thus confusing it
with a half dozen other words.) when he makes his calculation(!) to
prolong life to everyone. Sweet, sweet life is the name of its
abode. The two Qerti is the boundary of the water, and they are
the two breasts from which every good thing comes forth. (The
qerti are called shiddah in Hebrew. They are mentioned in Ecc. 2:
8, where the inventory of the technology in Solomon's palace is
given. The Sumerians call them light and shadow, the same as the
name of Lamechs wives. They are the positive and negative
antipodes, which bring the two ends of the universe, the earth and
sky, near each other.)
Here is the bed of the Nile wherein he renews his youth,
wherein he causes the flooding of the land. He comes and has
union as he journeys, as a man has union with a woman (is this
how Adam learned the secret of the machine?). And he plays the
part of a husband and satisfies his desire....the union there is that of
the god Khnemu in...(too weathered to be read)...with his sandals.
(The Mayan God K - for Khnemu? - spins in his sandal to make
rain - just as a generator motor spins. And spinning through light
and shadow is how Enmerkar creates his light ray for his
showdown with the Lord of Arattu.), and its fullness becomes
abundant, and he opens the bolt of the door with his hand and he

throws open the double door of the opening (sluice gates: see the
left side of the plate) through which the water comes.
He dwells there in the form of the god Shu (earth), as one who
is lord over his own territory, and his homestead, the name of
which is ya (ya is the name of the standing sheet of lightning
mentioned in the Popul Vuh). There he keeps an account of his
output of the land of the south and the land of the north (the
antipodes) to give each god his proper share, and he brings
each...metals (or pieces), stones, ...fowl, fish, and everything they
live on. And the (measuring) cord and tablet of registry are kept
there. (These keep track of how far the ya expands and how much
is manufactured at the assembly sites).
And there is an edifice of (boat)wood there, where he dwells
as one who is lord over his own territory (the control room), and he
makes feathers of the land (copper filings?) to serve as a roof
(magnetic shielding?).
His neter house opens toward the southeast, and Ra (the charge
name. At Denderah, we learn how the rising sun is associated with
the charging of metal) stands immediately opposite every day. The
stream which flows along the south side has danger, and has a
defensive wall, and goes south into the land of Kens. Great
mountains of stone are around its domain on the east to shut it in.
To this place come workmen with tools when they seek to
build...temples, shrines, pyramids, or statues.
They stand in front of the house of the neter and in the
sanctuary chambers and their sweet smelling offerings are
presented before the face of Khnemu during his circuit, as they
bring garden herbs and flowers of every kind. The front is in Abu,
the rear in ...One portion is on the east side of the river, another on
the west, and another in the middle. The stream decks the region
with its waters...and quarries are on the edges of...for the stream
faces Abu and there is granite.
There is then a list of good things that come from the favorable
weather brought by a properly flowing Nile, and a list of Egyptian
gods, who dwell there. (Not other gods, but gods. This alone
suggests Khnemu is other than a god.)
It is the names of the stones that we will use as our guide to
ancient technology. They are:

in the heart of the mountain, some on the east side, some on
the west, some in the stream of Abu. They exist in the heart of
Abu (for each contacts a heavenly power), they exist in the country
on the east mountains, the west mountains, and in the heart of the
stream. They are:
on the east bank bekhen stone, meri stone canal, atbekhab
stone, rages stone, utshi stone. On the west bank is found
pertchanti vase. In the river is teshi stone.
These are the hidden stones on the upper side, among them the
...stone (sadly unreadable. Possibly the en stone of Denderah?)
which has spread abroad for 16 miles, gold pieces, silver pieces,
copper pieces, iron pieces, lapiz lazuli pieces stone, afk (Budge
thinks emerald) pieces, thechen pieces, khnem (not spelled like
Khnemu) stone, giy stone, mennu stone, betga pieces, temi stone,
na pieces.
From the forepart of the land are mehi stone, chemaki stone,
ibheti stone, iron pieces, alabster pieces for statues, mother-of-
emerald pieces, antimony stone, sechi seeds or gum pieces, imem
seeds or gum pieces, incense seeds or gum pieces breath. This is
what I learned from Madir.
Tcheser goes to the site, makes offerings, passes through the
secret places, and then finds the god standing in front of him.
Because of the difference in ancient identity, this means, I got in
touch with how the power worked, (as Julian Jaynes demonstrates
in his Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral
Then he opened his eyes and his heart was inclined to hear me.
He said, I am Khnemu (the top of the earth), who fashioned you.
My two hands were about you and knitted together your members,
and I gave you your heart. (As much as this sounds like a
computer boot-up message, there is no evidence here of a
computer. The language was probably left by the original builders
to remind their servants, the mesnuti, who gave them their jobs and
their food.) Yet the hidden stones are under one another from the
olden times, and no one has worked to build the house of neter, or
to restore what has fallen into ruin, or polished the static field
emitters of the positive and negative charges. (This last line is
using the Denderah translations of the terms shrines of gods of the

north and south.)...I am he who creates himself (because he
causes the storms that build his own charge. Note above that he
makes a circuit), the primeval water...But, with age I am weak. I
will make the Nile rise..."
Tcheser gets the message, and creates a local taxation district,
consisting of thirty miles of Nile Valley, and erects the stone of
which this is a copy. And they all lived happily ever after (until
the famine in the twelfth dynasty).
What is being described is an installation, of 7 metal mounds,
each of considerable height, 3 drainage channels, and a variable
number of manufacturing centers, 22 in this complete center.
Eight are called stones (slabs), since these centers were used for
assembly. Fourteen are called pieces since they were used for raw
parts storage. The theory is that one mound had an iron antenna,
and all were covered with metal. As will be seen in the next
chapter, the first mound gathered lightning from storms and stored
it in metal-laced water in the canals. The 7 mounds together form
a current amplifier. It was a large-scale transistor or MOFSET
amplifier like we use today.
But, of course, Egyptologists will say, this is all imagination.
There is no proof that shrines are static field emitters, that there are
antennas, or that any of my translation is correct.
The current translation, which I have amended based on the
hieroglyphs, and the technological theory, was produced at the turn
of the last century by E. Wallis Budge, a brilliant Egyptologist.
But one who never saw a magnetic standing wave, or even thought
of traveling in space. And he cannot translate one single stone, and
almost none of the place names, which he assumes are geographic.
Is it any wonder that this is thought to be just another ridiculous
myth written by stupid people who are worshipping vague gods?
If you are in this camp, please hang in there. Every stone will be
explained, and the serpent shrines will be explored. And this
translation will be shown to account for many of the missing
pieces of history. For now, we must content ourselves with the
following two questions: Can we prove this ever existed as a real
manufacturing site? Would it work as claimed?
The first white settlers who opened the Ohio frontier found an
amazing site. Apparently built by pre-Indians called the Telagwi

(the name means mound people in Hebrew), there were a series
of mounds. One, hundreds of feet long was in the shape of a
serpent. Another series of mounds was located just southwest of
Newark, in Licking County. White settlers being what white
settlers have always been, progress followed, and mounds began
being leveled for crop fields. Fortunately, the Smithsonian came
in, measured very accurately, made a map, and preserved what was
left as a national park. Today, modern scientists have decided
that the Telagwi never existed, and that American Indians built the
mounds. But, whatever story you believe, you can see at least a
part of the earthworks if you are willing to make the trip. All of
them are described in the map in the plate. North is at the top. The
circle at the northwest held the god house, kept low to avoid
electrical contamination. The square beside it contains mountains
to the east that shut it in (the 8 dots are mounds that block the 8
doorways.) The small circle is the mouth mound toward the south.
The long channel (2-1/2 miles) is the dangerous river that drains
excess charge. The cul-de-sac nearest the square is meri, which is
why it alone is a stone and a canal - it is surrounded by charged
water. Under it, on the upper side (called east or right hand side in
ancient times, are the other six of the first seven (operations),
which will be analyzed in detail in the next chapter. The twelve
dots and one box on the upper side are gold through Na, the box
being the lapis lazuli, and the circle is the unknown stone. The
other square under it has 9 dots for the next 9, mehi to timem. The
tenth, incense, is opposite the cul-de-sac. These will be discussed
in due course, located precisely, and their functions accounted for.
The remaining large circle was workmen's quarters, kept low again
to avoid contamination.
Coincidence? Maybe. There are South American legends that a
machine was created by Viracoccha in Lake Titicaca, to reclaim
that part of the flooded land. Another center may have been west
of Jericho, as the power generation functions (the first seven) are
encoded into the Dead Sea Scrolls treasure map. Also, from
satellite, but still inaccessible even by helicopter, a group of 15
metallic-appearing pyramids have been spotted, in the Qin Ling
Shan mountains, 40 miles southwest of Xian in Shaanxi province
in China. This is near the tomb of Hwangdi, with its metallic

mercury underground river. Counting the tomb, that's 16 metallic
pyramids in all. Then there is the recently discovered group of
pyramids in Greece. Any accessible installation would have been
stripped for metals and plowed under for farms long ago. At this
stage, all that can be hoped is that the theory can be made plausible
enough that someone will try to test the technology.
Would it work? It did. For the U.S. Congress. In the 1890s,
Nikola Tesla demonstrated for a Congressional committee that he
could put static charges in the air, and pull them out again at will.
In fact, even with the primitive 200 amp lines of his day, he got 13
horsepower (10 kilowatts) to travel 13 miles. He easily got money
to build the installations to give the world free electrical power, but
mysteriously tore them down 20 years later. His patents are a
matter of public record, and each element of his patent can easily
be matched to one of our 7, once we get the translations in the next
chapter. The spherical copper antenna he mounted on his 187 foot
high tower remember that number, well see it again in the next
chapter - is even visible in the seal in the plate (which, remember,
is from ancient Sumeria). The Sumerian Department of Oxford
University has surprisingly committed itself to the following
translation of the twelfth line of the story of Enmerkar and the
Lord of Arratu which we have met above: the rains which bring
forth dappled barley were then increased. And, in his
autobiography, Tesla says that although the research ended up
being exploited for electrical generation, his orginal motivation in
doing it was in the hopes of harnessing lightning to make rain fall
where it was needed.
In the introduction, I mentioned that the key to this whole study
is to stop trying to prove that the ancients had technology. The
reader might note that without the technological ASSUMPTION,
these text would have continued to remain an undecipherable
myth and continued to collect dust in our museum libraries. As
we get more texts in succeeding chapters, the new translations of
old words will seem more reasonable. We will see why Egyptian
has so many words for god, north, south, and Ra. Most of them
mean other things, and those other things are technological.

Translating from forgotten languages is no easy matter. One of
the most usual ways of learning what unknown words mean is by
comparing them to known words in other languages. This method
is promising enough for names of foods, common tools, and family
member names.
But, for technological terms, there is no guarantee that we are
on the right track. Ancient people had a totally different, non-
logical way of talking about everything. Since we are logical in
matters of science, we are often baffled by the way they use their
words. If a magnetic ray can be a serpent, a charge can be the
symbol for New Year's Day, and a ray gun can be called a light, a
fire-thing, a torch, or a cigar, how can we ever know if the words
we are looking at are even technological?
We use our language the same way, of course. A battery is also
a crime that goes with assault. Current flows in a river as much as
in an electrical wire. A light bulb may also be a pastel-colored
tulip plant. But it is one thing to communicate in a language you
grew up with. It is quite another to start fresh in a long-forgotten
There is a workable answer, however. Whenever a country
imports technology from another, it seems to import the language
as well. In our own day, volt, amp, and watt are the same words
almost everywhere. Ditto for the names of recently discovered
astronomical objects, chemical elements, and DNA, and even the
Many languages add a word of their own to be able to explain
the term in the vernacular. Thus, we call the watt electrical
POWER, and often substitute the long phrase building blocks of
life for DNA.
Also, it seems to matter little whether the technical term already
exists in the language or not. Under pressure to go metric, the
meter of 100 cm. took its place in English alongside the
electrical meter, and the kilogram wound up becoming a
linguistic relative of a telegram. And the telephone could be
handled by a phony. We know the difference, but imagine what a
scholar would think 5,000 years from now.

We find the same thing in early technology. The technical
term, once found, is the same in every language spoken at that time
that has survived until today. There are cases where the pressure
to use the borrowed term is so strong, that the meaning is adapted
to fit the new language. And of course, the pronunciation always
adjusts to the new accent. For instance, the flying machine is
Tchinaku in Egyptian, and means wings. The Hebrews say
tsinakot, using their own plural ending, and give us the word that
today in Hebrew means parachute. The Chinese were forced to
call it Sz-nan-gu, and redefined it as a south-charge-oriented
chariot to fit the meaning of those words in their language. The
Sumerian Shun-ang-u means to mount atop a measured crystal,
and agrees with their cylinder seal pictures of aviators on crystal-
levitated seats.
Because of the problem of multiple meanings, we will verify
the principle technical terms by such a procedure. For this reason,
we need to be aware of the odds of getting incorrect results by
accident. So here is the mathematical theory of linguistic
There are two reasons a word might be the same in any two
First, the word may be borrowed. Borrowing happens both in
the same historical epoch and even across the ages. When it can be
proved, a borrowed word proves that the speakers could talk to
each other, and history is sometimes built on that fact. For
example, the words sir, six, amen, and carob, are all identical in
Egyptian and English. All came through Hebrew and Greek to
English. Borrowed words often change in sound, or meaning. The
Egyptian technical terms eshmer, cheres, and met er have become
emery, character, and measure respectively. All came through
Greek. The original meanings were the operating element of a
laser-cutting ray, a laser finishing tool, and the purpose of a
There is a limit on borrowing. Because of limitations in the
human brain, people forget old words as they learn new ones.
Linguistic scholars claim that the half-life of a vocabulary is just
under 500 years. If you try to read Shakespeare, you notice many
old words you can barely understand. Really old books, like the

Domesday Book, have only a few words that are still the same in
modern English. By doing math with this number, the result can
be found that after 5000 years, approximately 1 word in 2,000
should not have changed. Since a basic vocabulary for day-to-day
speech is about 6,000 words, exactly 3 words should be the same
around the world. By the way, the three are Oh, mama, and min.
The last means to found a city, and still exists in English as part of
the word administrate.
The other way in which words can be the same is at random.
The word neter means god in Egypt, and is the same as nether
world in English, but that is a coincidence. My own name, Ken,
is happily a great warrior in Egyptian, although it is not a
persons name in that language. Figuring out how many words
should match at random is a difficult business, however. The
problem is that no two people can agree on what is meant by the
same. Words change pronunciation in daily use. In my own life
time, probably is often pronounced pra-ly (dropping the b),
and Mexican Spanish has changed ll from the sound of y into
j and changed s into the sound of th. The word cough was
originally cow-oog as it is spelled. And if old poems are to be
believed, the ending -ly used to rhyme with high. And, of course,
when a word is borrowed, the pronunciation is adapted to the new
speakers native sounds. Linguists have tabulated all these
possible changes. I wont trouble you with the list. The bottom
line is that about 1 word in 100 should match at random in any
two languages, with a similar meaning. Again, figuring 6,500
words for a basic vocabulary, that means 65 words should match at
This is serious problem. The result means that even after only
2,000 years, we cant tell if a word is borrowed or not. Unless we
have a dictionary for the intervening language, our idea to prove
the meanings of the stones in Khemu by comparison to other
language is impossible. And, of course, since the technology was
forgotten, we do not have the dictionary.
Mathematics comes to the rescue here. Although 65 words are
predicted in common between two languages at random, if you
compare 3 unrelated languages, there is less than 1 predicted word
in common. In fact, we shall see below that all the basic technical

terms are the same in all the ancient languages where we can check
them. This is mathematically impossible to happen by accident.
That proves they did borrow.
It is not surprising that words match in Hebrew and Egyptian,
or Hebrew and Sumerian. We know the Hebrews talked to both
groups. The Egyptians almost never talked to the Sumerians
directly, however. So, for Sumerian and Egyptian to match on
technical terms would prove that the Hebrews knew the terms also.
But the Chinese were too far away to talk to anybody. Unless
there was a worldwide attempt to impose the technology, there is
no reason for this only other ancient language on earth to match.
So, how much of a surprise will it be, when we match nearly
ALL the basic terms in all four languages? In fact, it is simple to
prove linguistically that the Egyptians, Sumerians, and Chinese
inherited a common single language. Since there should only be at
most one word in common if they did not, consider the following
list: U (sleep), I (overcome), E (alas), AN (heaven), EN(noble), BI
(cut through), BE (contradict), HU (bird), KA (establish
boundary), KU (raise up), LU (calumny), MA (go), SHA (dry), TA
(gift), MN (repeated), SHEN (shine. Egyptian is tachen). As
predicted mathematically, exactly one, SHEN matches the English
word shine.
We need to look briefly at the Copper Scroll, the treasure map
among the Dead Sea Scrolls kept secret, so the scholars could have
first dibs at the treasure. (Thats not their story. They claim they
just didnt want us lay people spoiling the sites for archeological
Of the 65 treasure sites, 7 and only 7 have mysterious Greek
letters at the end of each. These Greek letters stick out because the
map is written in Hebrew characters. Each word is meaningless in
Greek. But in Egyptian, each word describes the activity of one of
our 7 stones. Lets guess that someone in the Dead Sea
community knew about the technology from a trip to Egypt. Lets
also guess that since his knowledge of Egyptian was not well
developed, whoever explained it to him used a common Egyptian
word for each site, rather than the technical term. Then lets guess
that he thought he saw the remains of an operating Khnemu just
west of Jericho. That would explain how the words got written

into the map. The reason I include this here is that it is one more
way to prove that Khnemu was real. Archeologists only know the
location of one of the 7 sites. If these words encode a rain machine
west of Jericho, the map from Ohio pinpoints the other 6 precisely.
I invite the archeologists to go dig on this admittedly guesswork
Here then, is the precise technical and linguistic description of
the two-mile microchip that controlled the weather.
Its name is Khnemu(-neter) in Egyptian, Chemiel in Hebrew.
In Chinese, Ka-nau-mu or mound which is the source of the
south. Sumerian is Ki-nam-mu, place that causes kindling, or
Within the mechanism at Ohio, all distances are measured in
multiples of 187 feet (the height of Teslas tower, by coincidence?.
This is exactly 7x2x2x2x2 Egyptian cubits.
We describe the 7 parts of the power source, listed first in the
Pharaohs tour.
The power source is a mound built inside the cul-de- sac, so
charged water may surround it. Because of its location, the water
may be fed into the cul-de-sac from either the north or the south
stream. The purpose of the double door is to act as a gate to
control which channel feeds the water in. The spot is called Meri.
In Egyptian, the word M-Ri means acting as a doorway. In
Hebrew Meir means full. The Dead Sea Scroll name is KEN,
meaning fat (treasure site 1). In Chinese, it is Me-wei or full. In
Sumerian meri is capturer of the north wind, or encircled by a
snake. It takes the positive (south) charge from the stream, and
causes the ya field to be set up. Then, when a storm occurs, it
absorbs the energy from the lightning, and projects it into the
The positive plate, 3 units of 187 feet due south, sets up a
condenser charge with the above, causing the charge level to build
up. In Egyptian Utshi means to command the lake. The word in
Hebrew is to repel. It is said to be white since it is coated with
white tchem. We will discuss white tchem at the Dendera
manufacturing station summary in the next chapter. The Dead Sea
Scrolls call it DI, to stand still (treasure 11). Chinese O-shih,
lacking absolute. Sumerian Utu-eshsha, birther of fullness.

The ion cloud, the stone where the adi mist is charged is next.
In Egyptian Tebkhab is to cause many colors to rotate rapidly, so
called because it looks like a strobe light in operation. In Hebrew,
Atbekhab is ark cloud. Dead Sea THE, the essence of God.
Chinese lacks such long words, and Sumerian is window of the
trembling circle. This is the site pictured in the cylinder seal.
Compare this term to the function of the thummim of the Bible
discussed in a later chapter. We will also meet the notion of
shining with many colors again. This is located 3 units east
along the north canal.
Hot plate, the deliverer of current to the above and from the
storage unit below, follows. In Egyptian, it is a contraction of
ragesges, to make to overflow. In Hebrew, Rages means
excitement. Dead Sea HN or renewer (site 6). Sumerian Ru-kas,
giver of speed. Chinese lacks the consonants. It is located 3 units
east of the last.
Monitor. The control gauge. Located 2-1/2 units east of the
last. Egyptian and Hebrew Bekhen, or watchtower. Dead Sea TR,
or guide (site 15). Chinese Pei-kan, meaning sentry of the flow.
Sumerian Ba-ken, or that which apportions the reservoir.
Next is the storage unit, the opposite end of the circuit, 4 units
SE of the last, following the negative canal of the north. Egyptian
pertchanti means to leave feebly. In Hebrew, the word means to
make serious. The vase symbol may refer to a dam at this point, to
avoid allowing the charged water to escape. This is also why the
Tower of Babel needed to be built on a level plain. Dead Sea
SK, to collect (site 18). Chinese Pei-chang-ti, the flow excess
equalizer. There is a cul-de-sac with an outlet at this point(not in
drawing). It was here that scrap metal filings could be fed into the
stream to increase its ability to hold a charge.
The ground, the matching dam for the other stream, 9 units
south, is on the positive south canal. It too is a cul-de-sac meant to
feed metal scrap dust into the south stream. In Egyptian and
Hebrew teshi, leave or to weaken. Dead Sea CHAG, to grieve (site
4). Chinese Tao-shi, full of the absolute (compare to positive.
This is the bottom of the vase, positive the top. The south stream
takes the overflow of the absolute nature of unseparated reality).
Sumerian Ta-eshsha, to approach the absolute.

The names describe, in non-logical fashion, a circuit to create a
great charge and feed it into the sky. The circuit is limited to
nearly a mile of canal by the mounds I have called, for want of
better names, storage and ground on the east, and power source
and positive on the west. The parallel streams, which are relatively
good conductors are insulated by the clay between, which is not.
This makes a large condenser between north and south streams.
Since excess charge is run off to the south, the charge can be
balanced to only what the north stream circuit can take. Charge is
increased by the addition of more scrap metal dust.
This is how the circuit operates:
The power source mound is coated with copper/gold with a
large iron antenna projecting skyward from the tip. The iron
antenna is insulated from the coating by the dirt in the mound. The
mound called ion cloud is the one pictured in the Sitchins cylinder
seal (outlined), and is covered with copper, and a ball-shaped
antenna at the top.
When a lightning storm occurs, the double door is opened to
allow south stream water into the power source cul-de-sac. This
grounds the copper/gold covering positive, and makes the iron
antenna a powerful negative-attracting lightning rod. Since the ion
cloud point and the positive are both grounded negative, the
lightning jumps to them, and thus transfers its charge to the north
To make a storm, the cul-de-sac at the power source is filled
with north stream water. In the water change operation, much
charge is neutralized, and the dangerous water resulting is
drained to the south. The positive utshi mound is now takes all the
charge from the south stream. This repels the north streams
negative charge and forces it into the air between the power source,
ion cloud, and hot plate sites. The serpents in the cylinder seal are
this charge. This negative charge absorbs all cosmic radiation for
several miles around, especially to the west. This ionizes the air
and creates the conditions for a storm.
It is clear from this description that some hoses and wooden
sluice gates are missing from the Ohio site and the Pharaohs tour
description. The hoses will reappear in the next chapter. The

missing pieces were all cloth or wood and would have decayed in a
matter of a century or two.
The potential lightning field surrounding the ion cloud stone
could sometimes be seen as stationary multi-colored sheet
lightning. It is called ya. In Chinese, yao means to be bright and
glorious, or to be a sacred mountain. In Sumerian, it became a
god, Ea. In Egyptian, it is translated boundary (between heaven
and earth). In Hebrew, it is a technical term, mistranslated
The field often built up to tens of trillions of volts because of
the physical size of the circuit. Such voltages are unknown in our
technology. We have developed electromagnetism in a different
direction. Such voltages can do some surprising things if exploited
correctly. This engineering is the subject of the next four chapters.
Of course, this explanation is given in terms of our science.
The ancient texts give us some gleanings to describe the theory
used by their engineers.
First, it is difficult for us to get used to the idea that science and
religion are to be thought of as two aspects of the same thing. Our
science is, in part, a reaction against excesses of the church
leadership in the middle ages. That is part of the reason we are so
insistent that science be kept separate from religion. It is also why
we try to keep our scientific terminology so logical.
But before the late middle ages, it was not that way. Beginning
with the most ancient times, the knowledge of how the universe
ticked was considered part of religion. And scientific truth was,
therefore, part of the story of creation. It betrayed part of the
personality of God.
Creation, in all the ancient cultures, began with chaos and
meaninglessness. God, or the gods, or their agents, intervened
by separating chaos into four meaningful elements, which sorted
themselves into layers. Since God wished to treat everyone
equally, the heavens were spherical, with a round earth at the
center, as far from God as possible. Humans were the agents of
God who were intended to bring earth closer to what He wanted it
to be. They were thus assumed to be empowered with an image of
perfection in their hearts, and the ability to finish forming the earth
according to that image. In fact, it is that assumption, still in our

subconscious minds, that causes us to want to reject science if it
tells us that the earth cannot be changed.
The earth was at the center. Surrounding earth was the divine
water, which included anything that flowed, and therefore the
musical vibes. The reason that there was a piece of land with air
on top for us to stand on, is that God had made it special for us.
Another part of water was gold and copper, which were thought of
as precipitates of water, that had been purified as they flowed
through the rock. These metals were charged by the passage of the
sun overhead. The sun gave heat as it passed, and early metal
workers knew, as do we, that heating and pounding certain metals
magnetizes them.
Above the water was the air. Above that, the fire. Fire was the
closest element to God. Heaven was made of it. Each domain was
populated by creatures. In fact, ancient scientists insisted that all
planets and stars were inhabited. As birds lived in air, stars (equals
angels) lived in fire. But no one ever mentioned beings from other
planets visiting us in spaceships.
Motion happens because, to create moving life, God on purpose
left the separation of the elements incomplete. So, there is some
water, air and fire in earth. There is some earth, air and fire in
water, etc. Each tries to get to its proper place. These movements,
when they rise upwards, are called breaths. For example, waves
are the water breath and wind is the air breath of earth. Magnetism
is the fire breath. The phenomena of lightning and thunder are
such breaths leaving clouds violently. Earthquakes are such
breaths leaving earth violently. And so on for all the various
scientific phenomena.
The structure of matter was described as crystals of five specific
shapes intermingled. This is part of a complex mathematical
theory that also states that elements can change from one into
another as fire or cold is applied to them. This idea was used to
explain boiling, melting and freezing. The idea was that the crystal
lattice shapes would rearrange, and that made them another
In this context, heaven and earth were a reciprocating pair. In
fact, man and woman were symbols of this duality. We saw in the
last chapter that the electrical nature of weather control was

described in these terms. The north charge was the place on earth
that corresponded to the sky charge. Since God made creation
from His sky to our earth, this is what we call negative, the side of
the battery that gives the current out. Since most of the inhabited
world is in the northern hemisphere, the sun seems to heat the
south more vigorously. That made the south be identified with the
receiving end, or what we call the positive pole, the earth charge.
The sun gives heavens energy to earth. The metals absorb it. It
can be extracted by heating and pounding. The charged metal was
called full, or prosperous (tchem, or prosperous, in Egyptian.
Hebrew tsemech, grown.). Because it gave off its charge, it was
called tam in Sumerian, meaning reflective. Because it was
separated in a magnetic centrifuge, the Chinese called it tsa-mi, or
going in a circle many times.
Since heaven was closest to God, the positions of the stars
betrayed His plan. This belief today survives as astrology. But in
ancient times, it was a master list for organizing any data about life
that one might have. In fact, the subcontinents were given names
based on what star they corresponded to.
The theory of operation was thus as follows: the creator made
earth imperfect in many ways. Indeed, rain often falls in the wrong
place. Since the stars are symbols and mediators of heavenly
energy, we can move the rain if we move the stars. Now, each
place on earth corresponds to a certain star. Pick the star you wish
to move, and build a fire breath valve there. Use a mound to get
refined metal up high, and exploit the earth-sky duality. Use the
raised earth charge to draw the heavenly charge near to the ground.
This will create a place of fire. The fire, rising from a selected
place on earth, will cause the corresponding star to rise to a new
location, and give rain to the selected matching earth point.
I have presented this logically. They would have told a story.
Something like the followingOnce there was a wandering star.
He was not disciplined as he might have been. The servants of the
gods raised fire to sky... You can imagine the rest. The point is,
once you know what to look for, you can tell the scientific theory
of the Khnemu in ancient language, and it looks plausible.
How many people did it take to run this thing? The document
found for Pharaoh by Madir makes it sound like one could do it, if

it was fixed properly. The physical size of the plant suggests some
sort of manager, and a security force.
Sitchin has published 3 cylinder seals showing the charged
pyramid. Only one shows the double-door switch. Cylinder seals
were used for identification before people could write. So that
suggests at least three people identified themselves as having
something to do with the installation. There might have been three
people at different times in history. Or, if you believe as I do, that
the seal traveled with the job, there might have been many jobs
there. In fact, archeologists know that we never even find most
cylinder seals. They must have existed by the thousands. That
means, there are probably many more seals like these three. (Some
were even found carved on stones in South America, creating the
new mystery of the Ica Stones.) So, while Pharaoh was apparently
able to get the thing running by himself, we will never know how
many people were deployed there regularly.

Many writers wish to prove that ancient technology was given
to us by spacemen, or stolen by us from them. These writers have
found many examples of ancient devices that we would call ray
There are many ancient caves with a glaze on the walls. A
heated drill has been developed that cuts rock and leaves the same
kind of glaze.
The Mahabharta, the national epic of India, talks about a war at
one point fought with a projectile charged with all the power of
the incandescent column of smoke and fire...the iron
The effect of this weapon was mass confusion. The enemy
could not see or hear one another. A weapon of similar effect was
used in an Egyptian story. The weapon was called the serpent
thing of fire. After using it, the hero, Horus of the Flying Disk,
returned shining with many colors. (Like the ion cloud mound in
the Khnemu translation.) A similar fog raising weapon was used
unsuccessfully against HwangTi.
The Atlantean giants, who, according to the Aztec Indians
founded Tula, Mexico, used a Xiucoatl, or fire serpent, that could

dismember the human body. A carving of one may be seen in the
hands of one of the old statues at Tula.
Bep Kororati, of Brazilian myth, had a kop disintegrator ray.
At one point, he used it to disintegrate several square miles of
Of course, all such stories could just be mythology. But, there
are better stories, which mention the ray guns as a side issue.
Since the technology is not the point of the story, they are less
likely to be making it up. After all, it is only a minor detail.
For instance, there is the Egyptian story of the shipwrecked
sailor. The sailor in question is confronted by a serpent, 50 feet
long, with a 3-1/2 foot beard, plaited with gold, and eyes of lapis
lazuli (blue translucent stone). The serpent places the sailor in his
mouth, and carries him home unharmed. But before the bulldozer
(the obvious explanation, once you see it) operator befriends the
sailor (the beard is the shovel, the windows are blue tinted), he
threatens to disintegrate him. This dragon appears in Roman and
Chinese stories, also.
Or how about Judges 6:21 in the Bible. The angel extends his
staff, and heats the rock that the food was placed on. This burns up
the food.
Or the cheres scepter in the Pyramid Texts. As part of the
pharaohs equipment for the next life, he is given this thing.
Cheres, in both Egyptian and Hebrew, means to carve. It made it
to Greek as charasso, from which we get our word character. The
word is used in the Bible 3 times, but only for artistic carving for
the Temple in the wilderness. The tool is actually quite complex.
As it has a control piece named a sma staff (meaning to straighten).
And it has an illuminator called the white eye of Horus - (which is
written with a picture of tchem), and is said to repel. And then, he
is given the matching uas scepter (remember uaua from the tour).
And of course, Moses and Aarons staffs, and the Ark of the
Covenant have been claimed by many to be technological.
Enmerkar, the third King of Sumeria, petitions the King of
Arattu for material from the Ark. In the negotiations that follow,
the King of Arattu demands that Enmerkar meet him in a contest.
The contest will be between two urs, to see whose is better.
Enmerkar is challenged to produce an ur of a specific color.

Enmerkar responds that it is easy to do, if he has a piece of cloth of
that color. In fact, Enmerkar feels this whole contest will be easy,
as he has been moving his Sushima from light to darkness and
back again for many years now.
Now, this story was as important to Sumerian history as the
story of George Washington and the cherry tree is to us. The
material from the Ark made the roof of the temple like the
primordial sky, once Enmerkar got it. Yet, Kramer, the
Sumerian scholar who first translated this story, was at a total loss
to explain any of this episode. Thats because he thought ur
meant champion. This is correct. But we have seen what
happens when a culture adopts a technical term. The same word
just gets an extra meaning. Ur is the ancient term in all
Mediterranean languages for light. English uses it as a loan word
from Latin, aura. The Lord of Arattu simply wants to make certain
Enmerkar understands electricity before he puts the technology
into his hands. This is how our country is with atomic energy. He
challenges Enmerkar to make a flashlight of a specific color.
Enmerkar can do it easily because his sushima is charged in the
magnetic centrifuge. Once the flashlight is working, he will get it
the color he wants by covering it with a piece of cloth of that color.
Or is this just more mythology?
The real question is what is a sushima? In fact, that is the key to
the whole thing. Sumerian frequently doubles the main consonant
in a word. Drop the middle sh, and you get the Hebrew equivalent
shamir, or, in Egyptian eshmer. This word is the source of our
word emery. It came to mean emery dust when the methods of
gem cutting changed, after the technology was forgotten.
While much of it is just a story, lets approach the following
story with an open mind.
The story is from the Talmud, the monumental Jewish Bible
interpretation encyclopedia.
Since God demanded that the Temple stones could not be cut
with iron, He had to create some other way to cut them. That way
was the shamir. The shamir was the size of a grain of barley, and
shaped like a worm. It could cut anything. In fact, the names of
the tribes of Israel were cut onto jewels with it. The names were
painted on with ink. Then the jewels were passed in front of the

shamir, and they split at the markings of their own accord, like
overripe figs, or the valleys when the rain hits them. The shamir
could not be kept in a metal container unless it was lead. If you
tried to put it into gold, silver, copper, etc., it burst the vessel apart
into pieces. It was produced by rubbing together the two shiddah
(Qerti). It was working until the temple was destroyed. That
means, it was still working in Jesus time.
Mythology again? How did they get such a perfect description
of laser engraving?
Tesla could pull electricity out of the air. Why couldnt the
ancients pull magnetically induced static electricity out of the ya
Several of these things have been found. In 1908, a giant blast
of unknown origin struck Tunguska, Siberia. It lit up the sky for
thousands of miles around for a week before it happened. The
blast leveled everything for 40 miles, and knocked down horses in
Europe. Among the strange pieces of metal recovered from the
blast were some about the size of a barley grain with its beard on.
They were shaped like a worm.
Then, in the Ural Mountains, Russian scientists dug one up
together with some other goodies we will meet in a later chapter.
It was made of metals that supposedly require heat too great to
have been produced in ancient times. Same size, same shape. It
worked like a light filament when tried with our technology. Oh,
yes, the reason they looked for it was to try to find a cause of
repeated UFO manifestations in the area.
In addition, recent research has awakened new interest in
monatomic gold. It seems that in an electric field, gold will sprout
surface growths about the size of a grain of barley in the shape of a
Can we change the question? Instead of trying to prove that ray
guns existed, can we assume they did and find a text that will tell
us how they worked?
It must be very frustrating to know every word in a story and
yet be able to make no sense of it. Yet, that is the case with the
hieroglyphic writing on the walls of South crypt 1c, in the
Egyptian temple of Hathor at Dendera.

It is most frustrating for us. This is because, since about 1970,
the pictures of the serpent bulbs drawn actually in use have been
thought to be light bulbs. And the Egyptologists, refusing to
believe in ray guns in Egypt, cant translate the text.
The complete translation is provided in my book, The
Archeotechnology Primer. These are the highlights.
The trick is to stop calling them serpents, and call them rays.
And to stop calling 7 different words Ra and let two of them
represent the charge of the sun placed on metal. Of course, having
seen canal, north and south, revolution, and a few other
terms in a technological context helps as well.
According to the story, at New Years Day the pharaoh
presented an image of himself to be bathed in a heavenly field so
he might go on a journey to the land of the gods. There, he will
learn to rule better. The bulbs project the sweet sweet life of
the heavenly city to earth. Specifically, the gold radiates the
stability of the city as the gold/copper radiated the stability of the
earth in the Khnemu. The radiations are from the breath of the
first extraction metal. The extraction process is made plain
elsewhere in the Temple. The image of the throne room joins the
waters of the heavenly and earthly cities. Through its breath, the
tchem is charged. This begets the splendor of life through the
revolution calculated by the priest in charge. The scepter which
holds the sun's energy is the great ya. The tchem gives as its gift
to the heavenly city the heavenly canal.
This part will best explain itself. It speaks to the sun god:
Your golden breath is in the place of the horizon. At the instant it
is poured out onto the stones, many are charged as the sun and
moon. The two golden rods breathe the origins of the beginning of
the boundary between heaven and earth. The divine power
connects, and truth radiates as an image of the south. Night and
day join, as earth and heaven become one. The vessel turns on,
creating in the nekhba emitter the radiance of the waters of the
soul. Life, the gift of all life from the current resonates in light.
At this point the en-stone is produced, possibly the missing stone at
Khnemu that spreads out for so many miles.
The text is more than six pages long, but all of it reads
similarly. The point is that the current is built up, and channeled

through the nekhba jars to join earth and heaven, so the pharaoh
may receive guidance.
The word nekh is a technical term for the bulb, or jar. Ba
means fire. In Hebrew, fire is esh, and the thing is called a
nachash, which is later translated to mean the whispering snake
that tempted Eve in the garden. The ancient tradition is that Eve
was the earth-facing side of mankind while Adam faced heaven.
Thus, they were tempted by the revolutions of the power of heaven
interchanging with earth. That is why the nachash was banished
from the skies and forced to crawl in the earth. That is also why
building the Khnemu was considered such a sin - it raised the
nachash back to the heavens. Thus was the flood the deserved
In Mayan, the nekhba emitter is translated directly, as Xiucoatl,
or fire serpent. The Sumerian is Nuki, or earthlight. Chinese is
Neng-Shou, bright power or Nieh-shou, bright whisperer,
translating from the Hebrew nachash. Nachash also goes back into
Egyptian as a loan word, meaning whisperer, and only later does it
come to mean snake.
A nekhjar is a long bulb, about 9 feet long and half a foot wide,
drawn with a serpent writhing in it. It is connected via a hose to
either the earth charge symbol, or the sun-charge symbol. The
base is a lily, and in this way matches the Xiucoatl at Tula.
A matching pair of nekhba is used to raise the static field, a
third jar is used to direct it. An ape holding two knives, literally
bends the beam, to ground it. He is warned you can be
destroyed as surely as if you are on the sacrificial block. In all
cases, precise descriptions of the operating elements are given.
Most are gold rod antennas, one cubit long. But in the matching
pair, the other nekhba is equipped with a basket lined with copper,
i.e. a parabolic reflector. In a booth there is a man holding a long
staff, which ends in a serpents head (the man will be seen later).
The nekh jars are mentioned in China, as well: At a site called
www. paranormalnews. com, in the last week of December, 2000,
Paul Stonehill of the Russian Ufology Research Center P.O. Box
571951Tarzana, CA. 91357-1951, posted an article including the
following curious legend of the nephalim emperor of ancient
China: Mr. Krapiva, a noted Ukrainian researcher of anomalous

phenomena, related in his book "UFOs: a hovering enigma of
history" (Odessa, 1991)
Numerous sources relate that HwangTi manufactured and used
some "miraculous tripods." The "tripods" were not used for water,
nor was there any fire to heat and prepare food in them. The
purpose of such a "tripod" was quite different: it was a "likeness of
the Great Infinite," Tao, the concealed engine of the Universe. A
"tripod" was approximately 3-4 meters in height, but its volume
relatively small: 100 liters. The legs carried most of its weight. A
curious human observer would not be able to glance inside the
"tripod," but sources did say that "hundreds of spirits filled its
insides." The legends of ancient China said that the "tripods"
depicted "dragons, flying in the clouds"; it was the same "dragon"
who eventually arrived and carried off Huang-ti and his colleagues.
The sources listed by Ukrainian scholar are "Records of the
foremost deeds of Huang-ti the Great" and "Glorification of the
three tripods of Huang-ti" written by ZaoJi.
The reader will easily note the similarity to the Denderah
language, the closeness of the measurements, the dragon or
serpent, and the fact that they are used in threes. A picture is
included with the plates.
In the dekans at another part of Denderah, we read how
tchem is made, in a text thought originally to be simply a list of
hours of the day. Gold or copper dust is pulverized. The flakes are
then rotated through a double charge. We would call this a
magnetic centrifuge. The charged particles are separated negative
and positive. The purest tchem is called hetch (white) tchem.
The reader may wonder why we seem to have gone into a new
topic. The reason is simple. This technology is what is
manufactured at the first four stations at Khnemu. The list is gold
particles, silver particles, copper particles, and iron particles. All
four are mentioned specifically in the Denderah story. On top of
that, the drawings on the walls of the Denderah room are an exact
miniature of the measurements of the corresponding stations at
Khnemu in Ohio, in a ratio of 1 to 280 (or 10 cubits per finger in
Egyptian measurement), and done as a mirror image of the
installation on the other side of the globe.

Gold and copper have similar electrical properties, and are
regularly confused in all the texts. Silver and iron are different,
and the three produce conductive, receptive, and emitting
properties relative to the ya field.
The fifth station, storing lapis lazuli, supplies two industries.
Lapis lazuli is always mentioned as a catalyst in the manufacture
of tchem. But it also gets tchinaku airborne. We will discuss it in
the next chapter.

There are times when I doubt the story I am telling as much as
Im sure my readers will. Thirty years of research can collect a lot
of pictures and legends. So much is only barely believable, it is so
easy to call it all mythology. So, a diligent effort reveals a set of
pictures, manuals, and eyewitness accounts that seem to agree.
And the languages seem to tally. I, like everyone of the twentieth
century was raised to believe that we are the bestest with the
mostest technologically.
This chapter is even harder to write than the others. There are
so many eyewitness accounts of ancient flight. There are many
artifacts that look like airplanes. There are manuals on how to
build them, as far back as ancient Babylon. And so many ways to
prove they all myths or wishful thinking, and that the ancients
never really flew.
It would be so simple just to jump on the bandwagon with the
ancient UFO theorists. Of course, I could say all these memories
of ancient flight are just memories of flying saucers coming to
earth to make humans.
But the writings don't support that. UFOs have been seen
constantly, since day one. But they were never considered ships
from the stars. They were always considered natural phenomena.
And, whether the UFO people believe it or not, the ancient people
COULD say space pilots. They did NOT need to call them
gods. Everywhere gods are written about, they live on earth, or
in the sky, as creatures of fire or of air. They are not on some other
ball of dirt orbiting a star. UFOs became spaceships precisely 6
years after Superman comic books appeared. The reader may

recall Supermans real name. He was Kal-el, sent here in a rocket
ship as his planet Krypton exploded.
But I cannot simply deny ancient flight, either. Nor can I
reduce it to elementary hot air balloon experiments, as some have
proposed. Even gliders launched from the top of pyramids wont
do. The legends are consistent. And more, the technological
terminology is there.
Atlantis was going to subjugate half of two continents at a
single blow. One cannot do that with archers and chariots.
South Sea pilots landed to survey the earths magnetic field.
The Mayan Quetzecoatl means blue-green plumed serpent. The
colors match the technology we will see below.
Hwang Di, the first emperor of China, got there in a craft that
translates as wings in most other languages. And, his
descendants built them a Khnemu.
The Hindu epic has an air attack. Similarly, the Egyptian
counterpart we saw in the last chapter. And the weapons name
The Maori god Rongami had a flying machine that made
appropriate noises, and kicked up clouds of dust.
Two Chinese emperors built airplanes in their time of need.
They took them apart afterwards, so they would not fall into the
wrong hands.
Pilots in the Arctic arrived in mythological times on wings of
bronze (copper).
There are many more.
If we assume, as in previous chapters, that flight existed, we can
search for how it was done.
A collection of pictures of flying machines will only help if we
limit it to pictures made more than 3000 years ago. After that,
magic carpets and myths become the order of the day. In the
ancient pictures, we see many flying boats. We also see flying
chairs, flying seats, flying platforms. Even flying suits, with no
vehicle. They are all shapes and sizes. Some are complex, some
are simple. Some are sailed by wind, some by oar. Some leave a
fiery tail behind. Some seem to have no drive system at all. There
is no commonality, except one.

They all have circles. Circles between a foot and three feet in
There are also pyramids shown storing circles, or maybe
charging them. In fact, in the Egyptian pictures of wings, the
circles are frequently shown with the charge that was put on them
at Dendera. Circles could be called feathers. They could be
attached to things with straps, glue, or various types of wax. The
question is, what are the circles?
Thats why I hate to write this chapter. This sounds so Edgar-
Cayce-ish. The circles are crystals. Crystals that have been
exposed to the ya field.
I know how unbelievable it sounds, but it would work. Lets
start with the literary evidence.
Some of the many pictures of flying contraptions are provided
in my book, The Archeotechnology Primer. All of them from
before 1500 BC show the circles. Also, several astronauts
provided by vonDaniken are accompanied by such circles.
In the one case, when a sail is provided, it is attached to the
exact center of the boat. Maybe this is coincidence. A moments
reflection will convince you that if the sail were anywhere else, a
weightless boat would spin in the wind like a pinwheel. And that's
what the circles did. They made things weightless.
In another case, we see the exact same booth as at Dendera on
board the boat. Some Egyptologist will say that the booth is a
religious symbol. Indeed, it may well be. But, it could as well
have been originally technological.
We have already summarized the literary evidence of flight.
But, we have noted earlier that the nekhba jars were carried on
board flying craft in at least one story.
We note the curious linguistic relationships: Egyptian has only
one word for the generic substance crystal. It means to shine, and
is techen. It is one of the 16 words mentioned as having this
meaning in all four ancient languages. But, surprisingly, Egyptian
has two words for one specific crystal. The crystal is lapis lazuli.
The two words are khesbit maat and khesbit erit. The first refers to
naturally occurring stone. The second refers to manmade crystals.
Both were in the Egyptian language from the earliest days. So,

why was a culture that lacks names for most crystals growing one
of them artificially since the most ancient times?
Khesbit means blue crystal. It also means blue cloth. And
blue sky. And a blue god. It just means blue. Likewise, in Greek.
Kuanos. the Greek term for lapis lazuli, also means blue. You
could just as well call this stuff sky-stone.
You would not be remiss in doing so, either. It is quite
impossible to be certain if khesbit and kuanos ever referred to what
we now call lapis lazuli. We know the Egyptians used the word
nwb to refer to any kind of yellow metal that could be pulverized
and charged. Plato combines the two when he discusses how they
are formed. Khesbit and kuanos may have referred to sky
crystals originally. Each country just substituted the nearest
crystalline precious gem they had for the term techen, as it reached
The science is the unbelievable part. Many of us grew crystals
as children. Minerals collect in a skeleton on thread or wire, and
make the curious repeatable geometric shapes. But few non-
scientists know much about the piezoelectric effect. Crystals
change their size when they are around changing voltage. And, if
you squeeze them, they will generate a voltage of their own.
This curious property of crystals is what has led some UFO
theorists to use crystals as an explanation for some sightings.
There are many UFO sightings before earthquakes. It is
reasonable to suppose that some of them are caused by the crystals.
The theory is, as the earth's plates begin to move, they press on the
crystals in the ground, and squeeze them. The resulting electrical
voltages generated interact with the air, and cause the UFO's.
A more common use for piezoelectric effect is in phonograph
needles. As the needle bounces up and down over the grooves in
the record, it presses a crystal. The crystal is thus squeezed, and
generates a voltage. The voltage is then turned into sound by the
electronics. A similar effect works a crystal microphone. The
sound waves coming into the microphone squeeze the crystal, and
that creates a voltage that can be amplified.
Scientists have done a lot of work to understand the
piezoelectric effect. The phenomenon occurs because the
electrical field increases the binding energy in the atoms

themselves. That means the atoms can get bigger without gaining
weight. Our culture seldom generates voltages as large as
Khnemu. But, with what voltages we have tested, we have written
equations. Those equations predict that at the voltages built up
from stored multiple lightning storms, a small crystal could be
made as large as a bushel basket. Since there would be no weight
gain, the crystal would then become lighter than air, like a hot air
balloon. It would thus float, and even pick up some weight.
How much weight? That is most difficult to say. There is one
German experiment done in 1929 that got a crystal expanded to
hand size. It supposedly carried 50 pounds. But being only one
experiment, it could be a fraud. Such things happen. Lets stay
conservative. If a 20-foot hot air balloon can carry 500 pounds,
certainly a crystal of that size could do the same. That translates to
a circular platform 16 feet wide lined around its whole edges with
crystals, which would make it 25-foot wide to carry the same
weight. The precise mathematics in the equations predicts a 3-inch
dish of crystal impressed into a proper type of wax base would
grow to 25 feet square by 15 feet high and displace 500 pounds of
Another observation worthy of note is reversibility. When a
crystal does piezoelectric effect, it both expands and shrinks.
When the field is turned on, it expands. When the field is turned
off, it shrinks back to its former size. We must note that this stops
happening when we get to voltages large enough to get the crystal
to swell to several inches across. The crystal turns white at this
time, and the expansion is permanent.
In use, what would this technology look like? Small crystals
could be pasted in wax to whatever one wished to ride in the air.
When the contraption was placed in the ya field, the crystal would
expand, compressing the wax. As soon as the crystal was large
enough, the lifting would begin. If you had enough of them, the
vessel would rise. To lower the vessel, the pilot has two choices -
Cut a crystal loose, or tie a crystal to a rope and let yourself down
gradually on the rope.
The crystal theory explains all the pictures nicely. And it
explains how the flying boat mentioned in the last chapter was
shining with many colors. White crystals will do that nicely if

the sun hits them just right. Hwang Dis flying machine could just
be a chariot that absorbed enough south charge to get airborne.
And it explains the story of the crash of Icarus. This ancient
Greek pilot and his son died when they flew too close to the sun
and it melted the wax that held the feathers on the craft. For
crystals used in this way to be called feathers would make sense.
It also explains a new ancient flight legend. In the held back
part of the Dead Sea Scrolls is a missing part of the Book of
Enoch. In this story, the giant Mahway goes to consult Enoch
about the upcoming flood. To get there, he uses his hands like
eagles, and flies across the great desert.
The first interpretation would be that Mahway is flapping his
arms. The Hebrew will not support this. His hands are being used
like eagles, not like eagles wings.
One of the cylinder seals showing flight illustrates crystals
strapped to the hands, legs, and arms. Made nearly weightless by
the crystals, a man could cover hundreds of feet with each running
step. Over deserts and tundra, especially, this would be a method
of choice for those lacking time to build a flying boat. Tibetan
monks, it is rumored, have a discipline that allows them to run like
this, taking huge bounds at each step. The reason for the choice of
the eagle is that the ancients thought eagles could absorb
lightning without danger.
But this scenario raises more questions. The nice thing is that
each question solves another problem about ancient technology.
For one thing, if you cut crystals loose, how do you get back in
the air again if you are too far from a Khnemu machine? That
would be a problem, if, as I propose, worldwide flight travel was
common. The obvious answer, is that you would store crystals at
remote sites for later use. But, how can you store anything that is
lighter than air. Wouldnt it rise and get away from you? The
answer is that you would store it under large piles of stone.
The dolmens are such large stone storage areas, for which no
explanation has ever been given. They are located here and there
in the ancient world, with a few in northeast America. But they are
mostly near the coast of England and France. This is exactly
where they would need to be if Atlantis existed and if regular
flights were taken.

If you start thinking about how the expanded crystals got to the
dolmens in the first place, you realize that heavy stones would
have been needed to be used as anchors. Did you know that there
is a legend that some of the stones in Stonehenge and its relatives
came from Africa? Did you know that there is another legend that
they were floated over? Did you know there is a Pacific Island
legend that heavy stones were floated in the air to build some of
their buildings as well?
The theory also explains the mysterious crystal skulls. In the
world today are several skulls made of pure crystal. While a few
tool marks can be seen on them, it is mostly a mystery how they
were carved. The workmanship is very fine.
If you look carefully, the skulls show crystal turned white at
exactly the spots where the shape deviates from a simple sphere. I
propose that the skulls were not carved, but expanded.
Quite simply, when the great leaders died, the people did as
many primitives still do - they entombed their bodies above ground
until the skin decayed. Then they returned for the bones. Such
bone containers are called ossuaries. Some dating from Jesus
time are still recovered occasionally today. In many cases, the
bones were kept in the household, as we keep ashes of loved ones
With the technology to do so, they decided to save the leaders
heads. This is not surprising. Did you know that Einsteins brain
was removed when he died? It is pickled somewhere, awaiting the
science to learn how he got so smart. They knew that crystals
absorb electricity, and they had some idea that electricity and the
soul are related. They simply made a concrete mold of the skull
and expanded a crystal inside each one. This idea also explains the
legends that these skulls somehow have magical powers. It also
explains where the idea for crystal balls comes from.
The hardest question is where are all the crystals that were cut
loose? The flying contraptions themselves would have crashed into
the waters and been entombed in molten rock during the flood.
Several answers are possible. But without research to duplicate the
technology, well never know for sure. One answer is that they
break apart after time, and so fall. Another curious answer is that
they are still there. Remember, if they are still in the air, they are

weightless. The air draft from any airplane would push them aside
as the plane approaches. And there was a new craze about 30
years seems, that if you snap infrared photographs at
random from airplane windows, you sometimes get pictures of
circles floating in the air. Wouldnt it be a riot if some of the
ancient crystals were UFOs, riding wind currents and reflecting
remote lights or electrical fields?
What about propulsion? Wind is certainly a reasonable
possibility. As mentioned, the sail needs to be attached carefully.
A weightless machine can be propelled by any air draft. Perhaps
they used some form of flamethrower. Possible chemical reactions
were used by the Romans in war. That would explain the legends
of fire coming out the back.
But the legends suggest magnetic propulsion also. One of the
pictures shows a booth at Dendera. Several show an oar covered
with an inverted atenu crown. The atenu crown is prominent at
Dendera. The word atenu means repulsors. It is related to the
term tanen, which is the technical term for Aarons staff in the
Bible, and possibly even the root of tunnu-ka. It means vibrator.
In Egyptian mythology, it is one of the creators of the four
elements. In the year 2000, new interest was created in the
Biefeld-Brown Effect. Originally patented in 1929, it has been
ignored for many years as too expensive and uncertain a means of
propulsion, but now both NASA and Boeing are researching it for
certain new types of aircraft. It seems that in a high-instensity
electrical field, it the repulsor part of a condenser is maneuvered
on the outside of an airborne object which is light in weight, the
electrical field will ionize air, creating a breeze which can both
levitate and propel the craft.
There is a term for the oar also. The Egyptians call it nesh-
shentiu. This means the extended ends of the hair of a bird or of
a serpent goddess. Linguistically, it is related to the teshi-stone,
the ground at Khnemu. On top of all this, the hieroglyph for
Shentiu is magical flying boat. All meanings support magnetic
repulsion drive. The Khnemu certainly provides a large field. And
the atenu crown at Dendera is covered with tchem. Solar ray
power is enough to push some small craft through space, according
to early NASA designs. But, it is unknown if the Khnemu north

field would repel a south charged paddle powerfully enough to
push a weightless craft through air.
The technology was created at the next three, four, or five
Khnemu stations, depending what you count. They are:
Lapis Lazuli, the station where the crystals are grown. This was
mentioned in the last chapter, as the lapis lazuli are also used in
metal charging. The actual charger needed to be only a simple
rotating stone flour grinder, with the bottom stone grounded by a
metal plate and the top linked to a skyward antenna. When lapis
lazuli were ground instead of flour, the pressure of the stones
liberated electrical charge. The ground/antenna pair sorted the
charge positive and negative, and created a field in which to charge
metal inserted between the stones at the same time.
Emerald (afk). This word is not quite readable in the original.
If you make the a an m, on the theory that part of the bird was
erased, the word means emerald. If you let it be an arm, the word
could be a contraction for afkfk, which means measured and ready
for flight. If you leave it an a, which is my choice, it means
rejects. Crystal growing creates many rejects, which can be
recycled. This is the lapis lazuli reject pile. We therefore do not
look for the word in other languages, as it is not a technical term.
The next site is KHNM-slab. In Egyptian, it means to breathe
in, In Hebrew, to expand. In Chinese Kai-ni-mi, to overflow
greatly. Sumerian Ki-nim, place of multiplying. This is where the
crystals are expanded. Not surprisingly, its name resembles the
whole center. Khnemu may have originally been an electrical
breath valve installation.
Giy-slab in Egyptian means to form into. In Hebrew, it means
depth. Chinese has KE to chisel into. Sumerian GI to make to
conform. The crystals are pressed into the wax at this point. This
is then the launching pad.
The last stone on this side made, or may not be related. Na
pieces translates in all four languages as propel with force or to go
on a journey. If the atenu oars are manufactured at one of these
sites, it is at na. It is not surprising that it is out of order. The oar
is a optional accessory.

The remaining stations, from the upper part of the stream,
manufacture devices like the urim and thummim of the Bible.
Many such devices were made, as can be seen from Deuteronomy
33:8. Moses prays that Levi may possess YOUR Urim and
Thummim (speaking to God). This is because there were others.
The leftover pieces of a similar construction were found by
Russian scientists in the Ural Mountains.
Like the those of flood, the Biblical legends of the Urim and
Thummim have been very misunderstood. They were not, as
scholars have taught, a pair of dice tossed to discern God's will.
Josephus, in about 80 AD, wrote a history of the Jews for the
Romans. This book is considered a classic Bible commentary.
There is no reason for the following story to be ignored, as it has
For as to those stones, which we told you before, the high
priest bare on his shoulders, which were sardonyx (and I think it
needless to describe their nature, they being known to everybody),
the one of which shined out when God was present at their
sacrifices: I mean that which was in the nature of a button on his
right shoulder, bright rays darting out thence, and being seen even
by those that were most remote; which splendor was not yet before
natural to the great a splendor shone forth from
them...this breastplate and this sardonyx, left off shining two
hundred years before I composed this book.
Dice? Sounds more like technology to me. Sardonyx is a
brown CRYSTAL. Urim means lights in both Hebrew and
Egyptian. Thummim means changes or completions in both
languages. In Egyptian, they both carried the picture of a rolled
scroll of knowledge. And even though they had stopped working,
everyone at Josephus time knew what they looked like.
We don't need to trust only Josephus. The Talmud tells us the
stones stopped working just about the same time he says they did.
The held-back Dead Sea Scrolls proves the text as well.
The stone shall come forth...with tongues of fire. The left
hand stone which is on the left side shall be uncovered before the
whole congregation until the priest finishes speaking, and after the

cloud has been lifted...three tongues of fire from the right hand
Surely, they are not dice. What they are is an electrical pair.
One of them responds to the prayer vibes of the people, and
materializes the vibes as a cloud.
This experience was foreign to our culture for many centuries.
Over the past 30 years, however, some Christians (especially non-
denominational, Charismatic, and/or Pentecostal) have reported
seeing a cloud of worship (generally referred to as the Shekinah
Glory, or Presence of the Lord, which is usually seen as a golden
fog) from time to time during their worship services.
The second device shoots lights into the cloud.
The Scripture verses support this interpretation. The stones are
once consulted when no congregation is present (I Sam. 28:6), and
they fail to work. The exact Talmud statement is that they failed to
work when the last prophets ceased. Without prophets to keep
the message of religion current, there was no fervor to raise the
How did they work? Human blood has iron in it, and iron
carries a magnetic charge. In fact, the human electrical field has
been photographed for many years now. It is done by taking the
picture in a high intensity static field, like a ya field, but much
smaller. The process is called Kirlian photography. The ancients
were very aware of this. They insisted that the life is in the
blood, and always washed themselves before they prayed. The
amount of water often used would scarcely clean a person. The
procedure makes better sense as an attempt to neutralize any
previous vibes. The water grounds the vibes, as it does the
We have recovered one. We met with it before, under the
heading of a shamir. Actually, the story is that there were a great
many UFO sightings in an area of the Ural Mountains. The
Russian government went in to find a cause, and, hopefully, stop
the problem. They dug up a collection of something from an 18-
foot deep ancient layer.
The something consisted of a number of metal whorls of
various colors, and a shamir wound about a cylindrical core. The
thing was made of iridium and molybdenum, so it was high tech

for any age, especially way back when. The shamir behaved like a
lamp element.
The whole thing looked like an earring collection. But what if
it had been something like the breastplate of Aaron. If it had been
mounted in wood or leather, the mounting would have decayed in
the dirt. That would explain the collection as found.
Could there have been thought-readers? We will learn that the
ancient builders of Khnemu tried to control the cavemen. For
Plato, it started as persuasion. By the time of the Sumerians,
people were slaves. Eventually, the builders began eating the
cavemen's children. Thought-readers would be a first step to
thought control.
The manufacturing stations are:
Mennu slab. Egyptian and Hebrew to appoint. Chinese Ming
to engrave. Sumerian image of the ideal. This was the design
Btga pieces. Egyptian examination room. Hebrew to pierce.
Sumerian ba-tag-a means apportioning the decoration (symbolizing
the heavenly water). This is the storage area of pieces, which
could be chosen as needed, depending on which thoughts the
purchaser wanted to read.
Temi slab. In Chinese Tao-mi, completeness. Sumerian Ta-
me, approaching the ideal. This is the word Thummim, and was
the area where the device was assembled.
The overall plan of the Pharaohs tour is now clear.
Operation control is on the north (called east, or left, as was the
operators viewpoint) for the negative. South (called west, or
right) was positive. The common ground was in-between.
The high tech manufacturing was arranged in related groupings
and kept on the upper side, just east of the charged area.
The final, low-tech assembly sites were grouped together in
front of the land. The unskilled workmen thus would not be
tempted to play with the technology.
The remaining front sites cannot be translated with certainty.
First, since they are not technical terms, the comparative language
trick does not work.
Second, the ancients did many low-tech things. They did
farming, building, artistic work, pottery, astronomy, food

preparation, bridge building, even brain surgery. So, we have no
idea what the grouping may symbolize.
Third, Egyptian and Chinese both have many meanings for each
word. Sumerian often has many meanings for each word, and the
Sumerian dictionary is far from complete.
The only course is to present the Hebrew translations:
Mehi stone means living (as in sprouting seedlings).
Chemaki stone means to flail seeds.
Ibheti stone means to represent (as a statue).
Iron pieces could just be storage, though the Egyptian word
translates in Hebrew as eternal youth. Many people today wear
magnetic bracelets for health.
Similarly, alabaster for statues pieces could be storage for
statue builders. The word means to make a field for a farmer.
Mother of emerald pieces is again storage, or it means to direct
Likewise, the antimony slab means to measure (and the
Egyptians were very sophisticated at this).
Sechi pieces means to water seeds.
Timem seeds is a type of incense. Incense seeds also carries
pictures of iron pieces and a nose for breath. It could be charged
particle storage, or incense.
The list plainly could be used for several agricultural purposes,
general storage, and some statue building. Much of it could just be
raw materials storage. We recall that the Pharaoh was told that all
manner of workmen come there to build almost everything. In
fact, there is the precise mention of the offerings the workmen
provide. This is likely a major source of income for the rainmaker.
It surely was expensive to maintain. We would call this an
industrial park.

There is as much confusion about the people who built the
machine as there is about the flood. We must carefully trace back
the historical record, the nature of earth at the time, and then the
nature of the people themselves.
First, there is no reason to believe that the earth is older than
6,000 years. As already stated, the fossil record proves the flood,

not evolution. The Khnemu machine repels the positive ions
normally striking the earth. Anything living near one would test
much older than it is by any form of radiation dating. Likewise,
since the machine controlled the weather, annual climate counts
used to prove evolution are of no value. Since the machine
changed the earths magnetic field around, that, too, is unreliable.
The great age of the earth is proved by those methods: the fossil
record, radioactive and chemical dating, climactic variation counts,
and magnetic flux. Everything must be reexamined in the face of
the new theory.
Actually, the real problem is more philosophical, anyway. The
idea that time passes sequentially was unknown to the ancients.
They saw time as recurring cycles. A nation chose which one it
occupied at the New Years festival. In their eyes, the earth had no
age. It existed only as a reason for man to have been created.
So, it existed as a part of him. From this perspective, it matters not
at all what we think the age of the earth is. Since we invent time,
we can invent any age we want. Modern people try to understand
the evidence of history by placing it on a time-line, as though a
clock is out there somewhere, and we can reference everything
to it. The ancients would not have asked when, but why? They
would have seen our modern theories as what they are. We are not
using time to give order to history; we are using our subliminal
memories of history to give meaning to time.
There are two ancient theories of history that we must discuss.
They were formed well after Khnemu destroyed the world. Still,
the proponents claim they were much older.
The first is the Hindu Yuga theory. The Hindus believe that all
life is circular, and repeats itself. According to this theory, we are
now in the last of four stages. Since the period of repetition is
quite long, the earth must be quite a bit older than 6,000 years.
Upon examination, this theory is seen to be just another way to sort
through the four elements of Plato. It can be shown to have
originated after 2300 BC, in India. Various statements of it made
it around the world to Persia, Greece, the Bible, and even the
Navajo Indians. The central idea is that the passage of time is used
to replace the order of the elements. It is a nice theory to tell us the

meaning of subjective time, but offers nothing as far as what we
would call mathematically correct totals of years.
The second theory was current in ancient Greece, and comes
from Egypt and Sumeria. Various lists of kings give their lengths
of rulership. The totals are often far longer than 6,000 years;
sometimes they reach millions. The full argument is highly
mathematical. The summary is as follows: A king is many times
more gifted than a regular person is. So one of his years is as good
as maybe a hundred of anyone elses. If he rules for 30 kingly
years, he has ruled for 3,000 human years, and that is what is
reported. In The Archeotechnology Primer, the actual
mathematical proof is given for the Sumerian, Egyptian, and
Biblical lists.
The relevant age of the earth begins with human awareness of
its existence. Humans were created to complete the earth. Hence,
the earth exists for us as we exist for it. We were created together.
This is the statement consistent with ancient belief.
The nature of the earth is that it is all of creation below heaven.
In other words, earth is not the ball of dirt. It is all the balls of dirt,
surrounded by all the water, and the air, and all the interactions
between them. That means the planets to which our spaceships
travel are part of earth. The natures of the planets are part of
heaven. We can land a ship on Venus, but not on the goddess of
Within earth, a place called land was made for man. This
happened because the water backed away from it. This is
important, because it implies that the continents were connected
prior to the flood.
Geologists will call this heresy. And they will rely on the
dating of the fossils in the stones to prove it. But it is the
testimony of all the ancient writings.
First, there is the Biblical statement in Genesis 10:25. Dont be
fooled by the scholars trying to misread it. Peleg does not mean
split up among. That word is chalaq. Peleg means cleft. By
misreading it, they hope to keep the scientists happy.
Secondly, there is the missing Atlantis that filled in the middle.
But, as the scientists would say, that is only a myth.

Thirdly is an odd little poem in an old Bible commentary called
the Christian Sybillines. This poem gives the ancient astrological
names of the continents, and actually describes their breakup. It
even includes references to the Khnemu technology. And it seems
to know about the coriolis forces discovered by our scientists,
because it has the continents spin just right.
And then, of course, there is the sundial correction in Isaiah
38: 8. And the 48-hour day in Joshua 11:11. Could those really
just be myths? Then why do the Chinese give the correct date of
the corresponding double sunrise and 48-hour night? Dont tell me
the continents only move 1 centimeter a century.
And thats not even to mention the dear old Piri Reis map. The
map is positive proof that someone mapped Antarctica when it was
ice-free. And way north of where it is now. The data was gathered
from the big library at Alexandria, Egypt. That was before the
library was burned to the ground by the powers that were, so we
couldnt be contaminated by all those nasty old ancient myths.
As we noted in the first chapter, it is unlikely there was much
weather change before the flood. In fact, thats why Khnemu was
one of the first high tech inventions. Weather change happens
because the earth is tilted to the ecliptic. Thats why the sun is
higher in summer than in winter. The earth moves around so
different parts of it face the sun in different seasons.
Now, if the earth was not tilted to the ecliptic, there was no
change of season. There was no change of length of day either.
Winter days were just as long as days of summer. No wonder
agriculture had to be controlled with a machine! But, if there is no
variation, how do you tell when the year begins and ends?
You dont. Thats why the ancient people had so many
different year lengths. Some years were as short as 260 days.
Others were 360 or 364. I offer this to disprove the idea that the
earth went spinning out of its orbit during the flood, as Velikovsky
suggested. But an ancient Egyptian math book proves him wrong.
The length of year has always been 365 and a quarter days, at least
from the time there was change of weather to measure it by.
So, we have an earth created for man in about 4000 BC. It has
no seasons and terribly regular weather. Who lives there?

The Bible was the only source for this information for many
years. The Greeks tried, but got confused. Lets retrace what was
thought then.
The Bible lists assorted animals, etc., of course, including some
ancient ones. These animals, like Leviathan, Behemoth, and the
Ziz bird, etc., are prototypes of what Jung would call the collective
unconscious. In other words, the ancient term animal refers not
to the crawling body we see. It refers to the force of nature (equals
DNA) that makes it take that shape. Since animal is a force, our
evil can be a force. Ditto for our hopes and aspirations. Early
Christian literature calls them living creatures. This category
includes the bouncing molten iron core, the shamir, and even
flowing water.
The humanoid inhabitants are three types of man and three
types of other. The men are called Adam, Aish, and Anshi. The
other are Nephalim, Annakim, and Rephaim. The word Gebarim
is also used, but most people felt that was a title of a job, not a
Without the Sumerian and Egyptian originals to consult, the
confused Greeks really sent us spinning. By translating all the men
as anthropon and all the others as gigantes, they obscured the
ancient builders. While we had the Jewish traditions, they made
no sense to Greek trained ears. Even the authentic traditions in
Plato could not be separated from the phony ones. Have you heard
of his third sex that was a man and woman glued together front-
to-front and turned cartwheels to move? (That was just a party
story. He wasn't serious.)
In retrospect, we can see that the Greeks were influenced by
dinosaur skeletons. Since the giants had died out by Homer's
time, the Greeks could make no sense of the old stories. They
interpreted dinosaur skeletons as the remains of people. The four-
footed ones were their giant pets. The Biblical word Nephalim
means fallen. They read it to mean fallen from heaven. So they
coined the term earth-born, or in Greek, geo-genes. This was
how the Biblical other got confused with the Greek giants. The
early Greek archeologists found the dinosaurs where they were
made, by the Khnemu. Thats why, in Greek mythology, giants
live by fiery mountains and have serpent tails. But it was from

the Greeks that we learned the mistaken idea that the giants were
50 feet tall.
That the Greeks and Romans confused dinosaurs and children
of the others is clear from a story from ancient Rome. It seems a
dinosaur skeleton was found in Judea in Jesus time. It was
shipped to Rome, where it was exhibited in public as a triton. A
triton is an offspring of the nephalim Poseidon.
Lets look at the new data. The Chinese have five first
emperors. They were men who were divinely inspired. They built
the technology that we have been discussing. The Mayans and
other American Indians have various man-gods who did the same.
The Sumerians were created as slaves by the Annunaki. Sitchin
goes to great lengths to prove they were created by genetic
manipulation. I find the arguments all have other explanations. I
will grant that Sumerian is a very strange language. It is like none
other in the world. And it looks like it was designed by a computer
programmer, and the Sumerians were forced to learn it that way.
But all that proves, is that the Sumerians were educated as slaves,
not that they were made. Although, it doesnt disprove it either.
Egyptian seems to know nothing of the various Bible words.
They have the word neter for scientist, and mesnuti. They also
have the children of Seth.
Now we can do some matching.
The Hebrew Adam, Philo insists, is not a human. He is a
prototype. Aish is the man, adam the idealization. But Adam
knows God, and he is made of earth, and of the Adi. So, when a
man builds Khnemu, he does it by his nature as Adam.
Anshi means humanized. It is the Sumerians and others like
them, trained by Adam.
It is likely that the mesnuti are the Anakim. The Mayan legend
is that the race before the flood was made of wood (which is
probably a mistranslation of the Egyptian word mesnuti as
fabricated, and substituting the closest primitive word). The
Mayans also tell us that after the flood these people became
monkeys (Bigfoot?).
The Nephalim, according to tradition, are men. After Adam
sinned, they stayed by the garden gate, and prayed to God to let
them back in. When God refused, they joined the aish to party.

But, their two hundred years of prayer had made them special in
knowledge and skill. They literally fell from God to mankind and
corrupted men with their science.
The Book of Enoch gives some more names. When they stayed
in prayer, they were called the Watchers. When they came to live
with men, God told them to help out. When they sinned, their
geniuses, called angels, because they were messengers of God, fell.
They fell from the realm of fire to the realm of air. They became
demons. That is why some people think the Nephalim are demons.
Both fell together. So both are fallen. It is also why Satan fell
from the sky like lightning. The Khnemu provided the (lightning)
power for their big sin of corrupting mankind. It is also why
demons often appear on scientific measuring equipment as
magnetic fields. The nachash field was condemned to remain in
the earth. The book of Jubilees says the demons were as well.
The nephalim built the sphinx and its chapels in about 3700 BC.
The chapels are where they prayed. That is why there was rain on
the Sphinx before the pyramids were built. They used the first
Khnemu to provide their food before they corrupted mankind. The
sphinx itself is properly a cherub. In spite of modern ideas, a
cherub is not a chubby baby angel with wings. Until a few
generations ago, it was a sphinx. Many more can be seen in old
Assyrian drawings. In fact, the Bible verse, Genesis 3:24, is
included to explain why the pyramids are oriented perfectly north-
south even after the continents spun later. The correct translation
is not He established the cherubim at the east of the Garden of
Eden, and the flaming sword to guard the way to the Tree of Life.
First, how do many cherubim swing one sword? It actually reads:
He fixed things so the cherubim and the oscillating sword of
flames (Khnemu) which bordered the gate of the garden that led to
the tree of life wound up pointing east. This COINCIDENCE
made the pyramids face east, and thus north and south. They had
been lined up to the ancient monument of the Watchers, the
sphinx. This detail is confirmed by the fact that the ancient
Egyptian mathematics book makes no mention of any alignment
for the pyramids. Nor do any early writers.
When the Nephalim joined the hunter-gatherer aish people,
they started mating. Whether by selective breeding, or genetic

manipulation, they created a race of normal size people called
anshi, of whom they made slaves, and trained.
They also bred a race of large people. They were called
raphaiim, or giants. Many did not survive. Most of the ones who
did were made by Anak, hence called Anakim or Annunaki. The
experimental techniques were tried on lizards and birds, and
produced the dinosaurs. All tended to live near Khnemu sites, as
there were never more than 300 or so Nephalim who were
scattered all around the earth.
The giants were 10-12 feet tall. This is the absolute statement
of all sources in all cultures. These sources include written
descriptions, pictures, and tools that have survived to our day.
There were thousands of them.
Meanwhile, as the stories say, the nephalim divided the world
among themselves. Each took a group of aish, and ruled them by
persuasion. After all, they could give rain on demand. And that
meant no more hunting for food. Agricultural societies were
created, and with them governments. When necessary, they
enforced their rule with the Anakim, and thus were confused with
them, as in Sumeria. The Egyptians called them neter, and the
giants mesnuti. When the Nephalim or the giants did something
bad, they were called the children of Seth in Egypt or Gebarim in
Hebrew. These are roles, not types of beings.
So, we have men, builders, and slaves. The men lived as
hunter-gatherers until the builders came. The builders were men,
but with a difference. They were technologically equal to us. The
slaves did as they were told for a while.
But eventually, the system malfunctioned. People got tired of
being told what to do. Groups of them ran away. These are the
cavemen, escapees living in primitive conditions - the street
people of their day. Dinosaurs escaped as well, but died quickly,
as they were just too large to survive.
The builders, now exposed as greedy, were losing control.
With flight being new, they could not corral the escapees fast
enough. Disagreeing among themselves, they fought a world war.
This is Plato's war of Atlantis against Greece. It is also the war of
the Mahabharta. In one skirmish of it, Horus of the flying disk

fired the serpent thing of fire. It is also the war of which the
following Irish legend tells.
The Formorians were sea giants who were warlike and built
towers and later oppressed the Greek Nemedians. The Nemedians
sent home to Greece for reinforcements who appeared with
venomous hurtful animals, and overcame the towers with their
help. They then lived in peace until the great wave came and
drowned and annihilated everyone. This is clearly a skirmish in
the Great War.
The technology was getting too expensive to maintain. They
started demanding more work from the men and the slaves. Not
able to get it, they threatened to eat the slaves children. There was
a general rebellion.
In an attempt to stop the rebellion, they tried a daring scheme.
They built more Khnemu locked into a worldwide resonance
pattern (which survived in the shape of Celtic toys) to try to
redistribute the rain, so more parts of the earth could be inhabited.
That malfunctioned and caused the flood.
But they had learned to write. They wrote the knowledge down
in both brick and stone, hoping that at least one would survive
whatever happened if the flood occurred. And the writing

The flood pretty well destroyed the technology. A moments
reflection will make it clear that Noah and company had to spend
the first several years near the ark. It must have taken that long for
the forests to replant, and the animals to grow to such numbers that
there was a food supply available. The grain fields and gardens
planted near the ark would have had to be food until then. The
portable food supply that would be needed to allow families and
small tribes to move would need to await the maturity of nut trees
and dried fruit. All of that took many years. The Bibles version
of the grape vine and the wine incident is at least a three-year
project under the best conditions.
There are legends from the early days. One concerns the
grandson of Noah, Cainan. He found some of the ancient
Nephalim scientific records, and translated them. Then he used the

knowledge to seize a city. Linguistic evidence suggests he was the
first pharaoh of Egypt.
The Greek legend of the repopulation of the world tells us of
the wife of Noah (called Deucalion by the Greeks). The oracle
told her to raise up new people from the earth. She did this by
throwing rocks over her shoulder. Each rock became a person.
It was also at this time that in response to Noah's prayer, God
forced nine-tenths of the demons into the earth. This was to
prevent them from bothering Noahs grandchildren. At the same
time, God gave Noah herbal medicine to protect them from the
remaining demons. Egyptian medical books show herbs being
used right along with spells and brain surgery.
The one thing all these legends have in common is the existence
of other people on earth besides the immediate family of Noah.
The people were held to originate from the earth itself. Through
interaction with these people, the family of Noah raises them to a
higher level, as they wander the earth.
The state of writing actually recovered from this time illustrates
this nicely. The most advanced writing found is an elementary
form of hieroglyphics. It is roughly equivalent to the written
languages of the American Indians found by the first missionaries.
Any knowledge transmitted by such writing was certainly not in
technical or logical format. Even the mathematics is all done by
trial and error.
Nonetheless, it is clear from the evidence of the legends alone
that Noah and family were the bringers of culture to whoever else
survived the flood. This fact is backed up by the obvious existence
of Egyptian mathematics. The Egyptian words for six, seven,
eight, and nine are all borrowed from Hebrew. This is absolute
proof that mathematics, and therefore science, came to Egypt from
a Semitic source.
There were two general movements of people from the area of
Arattu in ancient history. The culture movement of about 2900 BC
was the first. The second was the Aryan migration of about
1500BC and after. Both were attempts to rebuild the technology of
The arrival of the people is recorded in myth after myth around
the world. They are always light skinned. They always bring

culture. And, if they are allowed, they always build a machine.
This single fact accounts for the worldwide spread of the stories
we have quoted. And it explains the worldwide similarity of
myths. The world was turned upside-down by a weather
modification experiment. The survivors wanted to rebuild.
The Tower of Babel survives as the definitive story. Once the
technology is understood, it could be nothing else, but the building
of a Khnemu. It needed a level plain. It would reach heaven by
raising the earth charge to the sky.
The Hebrew word lebanim means bricks", as is usually
translated. But it means more. It means white bricks, as in
hetch tchem. Burning such bricks meant to coat with fire or
to charge up. This was the metal used for stone.
The next sentence never made sense until now. Saying use
hahamar for hamar sounds like use the mortar for mortar. That
is nonsense, so scholars try to mistranslate use asphalt for
mortar. The literal Hebrew also means let it contract over a heap
of clay. That is how they built Khnemu - they beat out sheets of
metal, and let them cover mounds, as bricks in a tower would have.
The name they wished to make for themselves was the name of
a planet that ruled the land where the Khnemu was to be built.
This is made clear from the Babylonian story of the Tower of
Other stories make it clear that it was real. Josephus states that
the partially destroyed machine was a tourist attraction in his day.
The Talmud provides the information that the destruction occurred
to each part of the machine in different ways. The fire part was
destroyed by fire. The air part by air, etc.
Even the place name Shinar in Egyptian was spelled with the
great circle of the rotation of the sun, a vessel, a sphinx, and either
copper or a serpent. Babel originally was Bab-el, the gate of God.
Or, B-obal, the house of the earth vibes.
The confusion of languages is made plain, as well. We have
seen how each technical term may be extracted from each
language, where it has a half dozen other meanings. You can
almost hear them say Let's work on Meri today, and being heard
as lets go eat until were fat. Or any of the following meanings
for meri: Bring out the sun. The sun's altar. Prosperity. The

canals. The swamps. The banks. Making love. The concubines.
The heroes. The illnesses. The pyramids. Thats just the short list
from Egyptian. Without a detailed knowledge of the technology,
what else could have happened, but such confusion?
The world all spoke one language, the language of the builders.
But it is clear they had different languages as well. Cainan had to
translate what he copied. When unity around the Khnemu failed,
the nations divided.
As the builders traveled around the world, they left artifacts and
legends. The Egyptian shipwrecked sailor, for example,
encountered a bulldozer with a disintegrator ray on board. But,
this bulldozer was originally one of a fleet of 75, destroyed when a
star was turned on. The bulldozer artifacts found by vonDaniken
fit in here, as well.
At least four centers were built and functional. One in China.
One in Greece. One in Lake Titicaca. One in Ohio (USA). And
of course, Tcheser rebuilt the one in Egypt, and obviously got it
Genesis 10: 5 is the Biblical verse about the rebuilders. Once
the correct meaning of ya is known, it reads: By these (the light
skinned sons of Japheth) were the ya fields appointed, so each may
be controlled by families of the same language.
By the sixth dynasty, the true purpose of the machine had been
forgotten. There were no terribly demanding famines to cause it to
be maintained, and most Pharaohs had other things to do than read
the ancient history books for fun.
But the twelfth dynasty produced a new interest in pyramids.
For whatever reason, the Khnemu was rebuilt. As a safety
measure, the Nile-o-meter was installed. From this day onward,
for many years, we have exact flood data for the Nile.
This was the time of the Biblical Joseph. The Nile flood
records show 7 years of excellent Nile floods. But then they show
7 years of beyond excellent Nile floods. Josephs famine was
caused, not by drought, but by flooding. The land did not dry out
in time to plant. Khnemu had done its job too well. If not for
Joseph, Egypt would have perished in flood, as had the world

That Khnemu was operating in various places during the
Exodus is a certainty. For one thing, the earth was spinning out of
control, as Velikovskys books prove.
Moses staff did not turn into a serpent. The Hebrew word is
l-nachash. l means toward or like. The staff got charged up in
the sheet lightning surrounding the burning bush. Every time he
used it, the wind changed. Exodus 9:23, gives rain and hail. In
10:13 and 14:6, we get wind. In 17:6, we get water. Controlling
the battle in 17:9, was just a matter of which archers got the wind
on their side. Eating" the staffs of the Egyptians is a metaphor for
draining them of charge. We will see its use again shortly. A
staff, or rod, is also used in each nekhba jar at Denderah. It is
specified to be one cubit long, and of gold. Moses staff is said in
later Jewish legend to be made of sapphire. Sapphire is the Bibles
version of sky stone or lapis lazuli.
Aarons staff was a vibrator. It scares things out of the water
and the ground. The Egyptians had them too, since Pharaoh had
seen all the water tricks before. A magician of the fourth dynasty
is said to have folded the water in a canal into a heap to recover a
lost hair ornament. The root word tanen has been discussed.
In Numbers 21:7, the Hebrews are bitten by snakes. Moses
makes a snake on a pole and it saves them. Years later (II Kings
18:4), the snake from the pole is being worshipped as an idol.
This story makes no sense in English. In Hebrew, the people
were bitten (the snake eating motif again) by serafic nachashes.
They probably happened onto an old Khnemu (maybe even the one
that destroyed the other bulldozers?). The charges are still on fire
because are still picking up some sky charge. That is the meaning
of seraf in both Hebrew and Egyptian. Moses prays to God to turn
away the nachash. Note, this is NOT plural. Moses knows it all
comes from one machine.
God tells Moses to build a seraf and put it on A pole. Then
anyone who sees it will be healed. This is to discharge the nachash
charge on the people.
But Moses builds instead a nachash, and put it on THE pole.
This discharges the sky charge by absorbing it, and that is why it
starts to glow, and winds up being worshipped as an idol. By the
way, the nachash is made of bronze. In Hebrew, the word for

bronze is nachshat, the feminine form of nachash, literally
implying the receiver of the charge.
It is tempting to question if the golden calf Israel wished to
worship in the desert was an image of the Khnemu cow
hieroglyph. The Jewish legends are clear on the following point: it
was not molded by human hands. The calf came out of the fire in
the form of a cow by its own choice, so some sort of standing wave
is possible.
It is also tempting to ask if Sodom and Gomorrah were
destroyed by nekh jars. There is no proof in Scripture either way,
but the idea would explain what happened to the third man; he was
outside the city operating the ground jar. Precise tuning of a
standing wave could have caused the earthquake and resulting
volcanic-like explosions. In Hebrew, the Sodomites knew who the
men were, and it is only Lot who calls them angels; Scripture calls
them men.
We have already read the Chinese and Mayan stories. It is
likely that Stonehenge and its relatives were built first by the
rebuilders to get their bearings, and later rebuilt in memory of the
Ray guns were in use until early Roman times. In fact, if the
Shroud of Turin is a forgery, it has been proven no later than the
fifth century. A nekhba gold rod inserted into a disemboweled
volunteer could have produced the image. The possession of such
a relic would have proved authenticity of the church that owned
it, and prevented slaughter as heretics by the now-Catholic Roman

How did Khnemu die? Why was he forgotten? Why did not the
Greeks and Romans pick him up? Dendera was operational into
Greek times. It even mentions the Greek kings of Egypt in the
charge room. The Romans were rebuilding Egypt with giant
stones hauled by hand well into the first century AD. Why should
all that is left of the other Egyptian technology be a few cryptic
references that take 30 years of research to put together?
I do not remember my tricycle. My parents told me I hurt my
head quite badly when I fell from it at age 3. But there it is, in the

photograph my mother gave me. Likewise, the first memory I
have of my dad in a vehicle is from age 5. But the pictures prove
he let me drive the big tractor-trailers he supervised for my
Uncle Bill, when I was 3.
Can you remember nursing at your mother's breast? Or
crawling backwards? Or the time when you thought people who
left the room had died?
Psychologists say our brain has levels. As we grow older, we
learn to work with the new level, and thus lose touch with all
memories of the old.
For the first 1,800 years, our knowledge of classical civilization
began with Greece and Rome. The recent discoveries of ancient
languages are proving that much of what we were taught as
children is not right. The Greek civilization, and the Roman that
copied it, were not the originators of human activity. They were
the collectors of it - the pinnacle of centuries of experiment, trying
to make a workable civilization like the builders gave the cavemen.
But they were originators of a new consciousness. Viewed
against the new vision of history that the ancient languages give us,
we can see that the Greeks invented logic. They crystallized the
idea of the progression of time, and taught us precision and cause
and effect.
Khnemu wasnt forgotten. Like our memories of childhood, he
was replaced when we learned to use our brains a different way.
Like the pictures of my tricycle and by father's trucks, the
knowledge was hidden in between the lines of the later experience.
Since it had originally been communicated in stories, it was saved
in stories. And thus, it was called myths.
As a child, I rode a tricycle, and sat in a truck. Now, I ride a
real two-wheeler and ride in cars, and even airplanes. I do not
nurse, but I choose gourmet food at the shop around the corner.
And I can find people who leave the room on my cell phone. I got
everything I lost back and more.
And we have atomic power, and spaceships to the moon. We
manipulate DNA, and take Kirlian photographs. And continue to
search for a perfect government, and to be afraid we will destroy
the world with the push of a button.

It is said that when Charles Darwin came to a certain Pacific
island, the natives could not see his ship. In fact, they insisted he
was a god, since he had just appeared on shore without a vehicle.
And the giant ship was parked right there, in plain sight.
After a month, the witch doctors could see the outline. After
two months, most of the tribe could see the ship. Finally, Darwin
asked why they could not see it at first. The answer was simple:
the ship was covered with iron. And iron does not float. Since an
iron ship could not exist, it was invisible.
Unexplained phenomena are our iron ship. We cannot see what
our education tells us cannot be there. To maintain our self-image,
we hypnotize ourselves into foregoing 90% of our brainpower.
Imagination tells us we can envision and adjust to countless other
realities. Yet, we expend countless hours keeping ourselves
limited to this one, by ignoring the outlines of the others.
It is hard to admit that the button was pressed. We did destroy
the world 5,000 years ago. And we did it because of greed. Greed
for food, for acceptance, for trinkets of jewelry, for a government
to tell us what to do.
Khnemu never stopped working all together. The UFOs in the
Ural Mountains were at least partially caused by his descendants.
How many others are as well? Maybe the weather changes of the
late twentieth century were being caused by a secret government
program experimenting with a Khnemu? Or maybe even a lone
scientist on a big ranch somewhere? The ideas of ancient
technology still fuel the plots of many movies.
I have outlined Khnemu. I did not fully tell how he worked. I
couldnt because I dont know. The writings can only tell us so
much, without a working model.
The job of the armchair archeologist is done. The engineer
must now pick up the quest. The quest is for our history. It is the
quest for who we are.
The outline of the boat that brought us to the twenty-first
century is in the harbor. Why dont we choose to put on the
glasses of an open mind and take a good look at it?

Khnemu Manufacturing Installation
Reconstructed from Sahal marker, Denderah, and Newark Works

Sitchins Cylinder Seal Negative and Positive Nekhba jars
Copied from E. Chassinats report on Denderah
1. On the Trail of the Ancient Raygun
2. Forgotten Communication
3. Theories Great and Wise
4. The Theory
5. Mathematical Considerations
6. The Flood
7. Weather Control
8. Denderah
9. Rayguns and Other Lasers
12.Genetic Manipulation
13.Archeotechnology in the Bible
14.The Archeotechnological History of the World
Appendix The Enmerkar Story

Archeotechnology, if I may be so bold as to coin a term, is one
of the oldest fields of human endeavor. That, despite the fact that
up until just now, it has not had a name.
I refer, of course, to the fact that even before the broadcasting
industry gave us flying saucers, the heroes of the "Perils of
Pauline", the famous 1930's Saturday morning movie serial, faced
cliffhanger after cliffhanger to obtain and protect an ancient
chemical formula which disintegrated humans on contact - the first
doomsday weapon, but, supposedly designed before the Biblical
flood. And that is a recent mention.
The Mahabharata, the national epic of India, implies that the
country was decimated by hordes of attacking flying craft, armed
with missiles and rayguns, and the Egyptian "Contendings of
Horus and Seth", according to Sitchin, gives the hero a similar
The ancient Egyptians tell of weather control. The Mishnah,
the Jewish lawbook on which the Talmud expands, states
specifically that a stonecutting ray device was stored in the Temple
in Jerusalem, and still operating in Jesus' time. Even Plato tells us
that the residents of Atlantis had plans to subjugate the half of two
continents "at a single blow", certainly an impossible feat for the
horse drawn cavalry armed with bows and spears of his day.
Over and over again, ancient literature is dotted with cryptic
references hinting at a technology as advanced as our own. Yet
modern science vehemently denies the possibility that such a thing
might even exist.
But the denials fly in the face of ever increasing numbers of
new discoveries. The antikythera device, the ancient Greek
navigational computer salvaged from a ship that sank in 200BC,
laid in the museum with a "help us identify this" sign, for over 50
years, until a computer programmer (that was back in 1955 when
his job had just been invented) recognized it. Scientists still
attempt to deny that the 2500 year old battery from Iran really is
what it is. Then there is the five year lawsuit David Fasold had to
face for claiming he had found Noah's Ark - based totally on the
fact that scientists believe the Bible is a lie, and so sued him for
fraud. And forget Davidovits' brilliant duplication of pyramid
stone technology. He has proved that the stones were not cut, but
poured, as concrete. In fact, he duplicated the mixture, and
simultaneously solved one riddle after another of indentations,
steps, etc. in the pyramids. And no Egyptologist will attend his
lectures. Nor is this idea new. The ElizabethanWilliam Crowden
credits the stones of Stonehenge to concrete in his book of 1605.
It was barely twenty years ago that laser surveying technology
proved that the Great Pyramid includes the constant pi in its
measurement. They're still rewriting the math textbooks, as it was
gospel for several generations that the measurement of pi in the
pyramids was impossible, because the Egyptians simply couldn't
have computed the value. What are they going to do when they
discover the one-third and one-half wavelengths drawn along the
pyramid sketch in the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus, which were
never copied by the "professional" translators, and so have never
been noticed by academicians? Why should my questions to the
greatest Mayan scholars in the world go ignored, asking why the
Mayans copied in their almanacs not the day length times of their
homeland's Yucatan penisula, but those of Ireland, thereby making
their almanacs useless for farming purposes (the Mayans
knowledge of those times proves the history of America wrong)?
Scientists point to the crazies. Eric vonDaniken and Zechariah
Sitchin are mad they say, for theorizing that God was spacemen
who created human life by genetic manipulation to serve their
purposes. Not that these archeotechnology pioneers are correct.
But they can be proven to be guilty only of incomplete research,
and of jumping to conclusions too fast. The ancient texts disprove
them, and give quite a different theory, which is the subject of this
And what of Immanuel Velikovsky, a linguist, mythology
scholar and researcher of the first rank? His theory that the earth
flipped over as another solar system made a collision with our own
within historical memory is dismissed out of hand as inconsistent
with scientific laws as we know them. And of David Hancock,
who tries to resolve the scientific arguments by pushing all of these
theories' occurences back 9000 years, to substitute the end of the
ice age for the flood? And many others, who never even get into
print? Right or wrong, they must be weighed against the written
record and the archeological evidence, not against modern, recent,
scientific theory.
What is scientific theory, anyway? Science, by definition, is the
act of observing, cataloguing, and making available for use, natural
phenomena. Scientific theory, by the scientists' own definition, is
the generation of temporary, provisional, explanations to account
for observed fact. "Official" science claims to be ready to revise
any theory, once facts contradicting it are presented, and to always
accept the simplest theory explaining the most facts. But scientists
today spend more time trying to prove facts do not exist than to
integrate them into the established paradigm. Something is in our
skies, and it looks like alien spacecraft. The iron pillar in Delhi,
and another near Bonn, Germany, will not rust. Our largest cranes
can barely move one pyramid stone at a time. The shroud of
Turin, even if a forgery, as scientists wish us to believe, is not
possible to duplicate with the technology supposedly known when
it was forged. This is not to mention ghosts, poltergeists, and a
host of other things forgotten by the media since the UFO
abductions showed up. None of it ever explained. And millions of
pages written to prove that it doesn't exist because it can't exist,
because science doesn't see it.
The people are rightfully rejecting science. The circulation of
Discovery, Popular Science, and all the technical journals together
can't touch one issue of one grocery store scandal sheet. What is
watched more, Nova or the X-Files?
There seems to be no reason why science should act so pig-
headed. But there is. We forget that science has been entrusted
with the new priesthood.
It wasn't intentional, of course. The papacy had made some
serious errors in the tenth through fourteenth centuries, and it made
sense to try the experiment of protestantism. But people were still
not ready to trust themselves with individual freedom in matters of
faith; that experiment is barely beginning in American churches
now. They needed something they could be sure of. And in the
intellectual Renaissance, they chose science.
And science, entrusted with more than its proper task of
observing and cataloguing, began obligingly to fulfill its new
mission. Slowly but surely, the earth centered solar system,
reminiscent of the pope centered western world, gave way to the
democratically planned solar system of equally gravity driven
orbiting rocks, ignoring Pliny who said 1500 years earlier that to
claim such a thing was an error for cultural reasons. The earth
became flat, so the superior European intellectuals could be at the
center, ignoring the Greeks who taught consistently its roundness,
and hence equality of all people before God. And gravity became
an impersonal, democratically equal, field, ignoring Pliny's
statement that it was heaven pushing us away. Slowly but surely,
the faith that scientific laws can be changed by the will of a
humanity created to tend and mold the planet was replaced by the
idea of immutability of those laws. Time became not a repeating
framework to allow for many different ideas, but an unfolding
reality binding us to its dictates. The physical world changed from
a reflection of God into an impersonal theatrical stage into which
we were placed by evolutionary coincidence. Ignoring the Hebrew
meaning and the ancient traditions confirming it, the "mabol" flood
of Genesis was replaced by a forty day spell of "matir" rain. And,
when the fossil record was found not to substantiate the new
theory, creation of the world by God was replaced with an ever
lengthening geological history, as more and more errant square
data was pounded into "round holes" by the only method available
- extending the history of the planet until it is big enough to make
room for all the now inexplicably shaped pieces to fit.
So, what are we taught in school? "Let's just throw out
Aristotle - he taught heavy objects fall faster than light ones." No,
he taught that earth falls through water, and water through air.
And, of course, when he envisioned the theories of Einstein and
Darwin, and disproved them, we can't let him expose our stupidity.
And let's forget that he conducted experiments for everything he
taught. And we are taught, "Let's ignore Pliny. He quoted
fantasy." Or maybe, he just used different words. His triton is a
dinosaur skeleton, not his imagination. And now that we have
learned to talk to dolphins, we finally can see he wasn't making
that up either. Maybe, as we finally decide that every other
country on earth isn't too primitive to have anything of value to
contribute to science, we will get into their mindsets and be able to
see his other "made up" animals as well.
People have a right to be angry. Their faith in miracles is
denied by a system that needs to ignore item after item to protect
itself. Science has made itself not a servant, but a religion. And it
has done so by violating its own precepts. Every thinking person
has a right to research the nature of life, and to be listened to when
he has made observations that deviate from the norm of what
"ought to be." The ever widening gap between science and the
people has got to close. Almost no one can tell you what the
letters DNA stand for, but everyone is afraid of the monster that
might be cloned next. Almost no one knows how a videocamera
works, but most are sure big brother is watching and snitching.
And such a list can easily be multiplied.
Why shouldn't people want to counter their fear with millenial
thinking, and possible rescues from earth by alien gods? It's time to
start researching the old way, from ancient texts, and uncontested
archeological finds. And it's time to challenge the priesthood of
science, and put it in its place.
It is impossible to research ghosts, or UFO's. The government
may, or may not, be hiding the key evidence. But not so for the
ancient rayguns, crystal levitation craft, genetic manipulation,
weather control mechnisms and thought readers.
Can we prove anything was real? Can we even prove that the
ancients believed it? If we can, this book is the proof. If not, this
book is the groundbreaker for future generations, who will have
even more evidence than we.
For look how far we've come. Velikovsky's theories are easily
disproved with the light of new discoveries now. VonDaniken and
Sitchin will fall quickly once our religious scholars have all read
the new English Haggadah published a few years ago. The Dead
Sea scrolls withheld for so long have finally been published. The
Nag Hammadi texts are out there. We know where the ark is. We
can prove the concrete theory. We can read Egyptian, and soon the
Sumerian and Mayan dictionaries will be complete. The Denderah
documents will let us reconstruct the theory of magnetism that
Plato and Pliny barely allude to, and which was so garbled by
Lucretius' time, as to set the middle age alchemists on a thousand
year detour into occult fantasy.
And we will face our own destiny. The theory we get from the
ancient texts is not a pretty one. In spite of all the progress, the
airflight, the construction techniques, the thought-reading, weather
control, we see also elite burocracy enslaving mankind, a lust for
power, and the eventual destruction of the planet. We read a story
much like our fears today. And maybe it is the nature of the story
that makes our search for the ancient raygun so hard. Could it be
that none of our results are correct, but that we are only taking a
vague historical record and imposing our hopes and fears onto it?
Or could it be, that the nature of the story is what makes the search
so possible? Maybe we have the archeological record to undertake
the search for the first time in history, because we need it now?
Will knowing that technological world destruction capabilities in
the hands of fanatical, self-serving governments destroyed the
planet and rewrote human history within written historical memory
frighten us, or set us at peace with our fears today? Will knowing
we are not the first to do such great scientific things make us more
humble, or more determined than ever to surpass their renown?
The outcome of the search for the ancient raygun is something
for future generations to know. We do not have a choice but to
continue the quest. The search was started long before our time.
Long before the "Perils of Pauline". Long before the New York
Sun in August 1835 ran its picture of moonmen supposedly seen
through the newest telescope - they looked like angels living in a
lush paradise. Long before even the alchemists who hoped to
reconstruct the "ancient knowledge" of transmutation of lead into
gold. Even Asshurbanipal, the Assyrian general of the Old
Testament times, boasted that in his great wisdom, he could read
the writings before the flood. And Josephus said that those very
writings had been left for us written on stone and brick, by the
truly great ancestors before the flood, so their descendants could
have their knowledge.
It is time, for better or for worse, that the twenty-first century
have the theories that have lain forgotten for five hundred years. It
is time to coin a term - archeotechnology.

In this chapter, we should outline two things. First, there
should be a survey of the ancient writings that are appropriate to
the study of archeotechnology, and a discussion of whether we can
be certain that the documents we propose to read as ancient are not
modern forgeries, or subject to accidental or purposeful alteration
in recent times.
Second, there should be a frank discussion of how difficult it is
to read them. The state of our knowledge of Mayan and Sumerian
needs to be delineated, not to mention the various unsolved
problems in Egyptian, especially in the scientific realm, which has
proven of interest to almost no one in the last century. Then some
mention needs to be made of problems in understanding even
Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, and Chinese. For with these languages,
there are significant problems created by the paradigm shift in
scientific thinking in the last two millenia which has made
uncertain the meanings of technical terms of even these languages
continuously in use through the period. And, of course, if one
proposes to use additional ancient languages, such as ogham or
petroglyphs, even greater difficulties of reading and interpreting
may be present.
Those untrained in linguistic scholarship will perhaps be more
ready to believe that these difficulties are real than will the
professionals. For the professional, who reads ancient documents
regularly, it is a simple question of what may be compared to
receiving a letter in the mail with a twenty year old postmark from
Moscow. The receiver, not knowing how to read Russian, seeks
out a friend who does. The friend responds that although the
Russian in it is somewhat colloquial, and hence he is not quite
certain of every word, that this letter is basically informing the
recipient that he has inherited a large ancient castle in the Baltic,
and needs to claim it immediately. Now, is the translation correct?
Is the letter really that old? Maybe, it is a practical joke by the
recipient's cousin who wishes to pay him back from last April
Fool's Day, and who, by the way, speaks colloquial Russian
fluently, and is known to have several twenty year old envelopes
from Russia in his bureau drawer. Calls to the Russian embassy
are fruitless, as many relevant documents were lost when the
USSR was split up in 1991. The writer of the letter has retired to
the French Riviera and will not answer the phone.
The professionals who read ancient documents have seen such
problems before. They solve them easily, if in ways that are less
than perfect. They, unlike the translator friend, write footnotes for
the words they don't know. If they're rich enough, they hire a
French private dectective to find the writer of the letter, or they
hire someone to go to Russia to check the story. Or, if they are
not, they just write a book telling what they would like to do if
they were rich, and collect their tenure for publishing as much as
they are sure of.
And that's good enough, of course, because that's all anybody
can do. The system of scholarly reading is set up to correct for
these inadequacies. As long as any other scholar can find their
book, and know what words the authors were unsure of, the other
scholar can easily correct the errors as new data comes to light.
Just like the translator friend can only do what he did, and it is the
recipient's job to hire the detective, make the trip to Russia, or wait
and see if the practical joking cousin makes a phone call in a day
or two asking if the recipient has "received any strange mail
But the archeotechnologist must be aware from the beginning
that it is not a letter from Russia he is being asked to read - it is
more like his great-grandfather's diary that he wrote when he was
ten years old detailing where his great-grandfather's grandfather
buried the million dollars in gold that he obtained from the
Hessians slaughtered in his front yard by General George
Washington. (Such legends were common in early America. One
is mentioned by Washington Irving in "The Devil and Daniel
Webster"). What is the evidence? A handwritten diary - with no
provable date. It is written in the native Dutch of the family from
whom the reader is descended. There is a million dollars at stake -
maybe. Or maybe it is fraud. There are language differences,
cultural differences, and the possibility of fraud or mistake. But
now, the real problem becomes obvious. It is so trivial, it escapes
professional notice, but compared to it, all these other problems are
nothing. If the document is what it claims to be, it has been written
by a ten-year old boy. A boy with no legal knowledge, perhaps no
knowledge of how to count or measure a treasure map accurately.
Perhaps a boy given to fantasy. The professional classical scholar
will object to this analogy. The Greek and Latin authors were
educated adults, not children. So were the Hebrew, Mayan and
Sanskrit authors of their scriptures. As were the Egyptian and
Sumerian scribes. Capable of fantasy, maybe, but not without
knowing the difference. Did not Herodotus, Tacitus, and many
other early historians make a point of stating that unlike their
predecessors, THEIR histories were verified and true? It is
precisely here that we must take issue with classical scholarship.
There is increasing evidence in psychology, archeology and in the
classics themselves, that we are closer to the writings of the ten-
year old boy than to the professional writer of today.
The problem is not with the maturity of the classical writers,
but with the immaturity of their culture of communication.
The fact that Herodotus and Tacitus found it necessary to make
the comment above proves that the societal value in writing the
history was not a desire for truth, but for molding the perception of
truth to build social morals. This is hardly a condemnation. 1950's
TV shows had the same goal, and would never allow anything past
the censors where the criminal was anything more than a pitiable
misguided fool. There are other problems. Time, for example. A
marvelous little book called "Magic and the Christian Faith",
published in 1826, makes the statement that "there are still a few
people left in the world who recall when time was not linear".
This is one of the forgotten products of social childhood. As the
adult who does his own accounting has long forgotten the time
when he did not know what addition means, our civilization so
takes for granted that 2002 will follow 2001, that it is impossible
even to envision that the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians, and
even the classical ancients, saw successive years as rooms of a
house, and each city-state selected which it would occupy at the
New Year's festival. This concept is reflected in the ancient
timekeeping methods, which, much to our frustration, begin the
count anew with each king, rather than maintaining a running total
as do we. The Biblical book of Ecclesiates and the Vedas state this
specifically, that all is cyclic, there is nothing new. The Old
Testament doesn't even total years of reigns of different patriarchs,
but lets each patriarch's age stand on its own. Identity is another
problem, and with it, consciousness. Julian Jaynes, in his well-sold
"The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral
Mind" presents incontrovertible evidence of consciousness shift. It
is enough for us to note that there is no literary evidence before the
second millenium BCE that anyone except the king thought of
himself as an individual. The average person was a cog in the
wheel of the state. There are many examples of this, once one
looks for them. A favorite of this author is to note that the "Ten
Commandments" of the Old Testament begin with an Egyptian
word: "anoki", meaning "I". The problem is, that Hebrew lacked
the word for "I", so undeveloped was the sense of identity. So for
God to talk about Himself ("I am the Lord, thy God"), required that
he borrow a word from another language.
These last two problems are easily noted to be reflected in the
language available to the people of the era. Most modern readers
are familiar with the "declensions" and "conjugations" of the
classical languages. These languages omit personal pronouns (like
"I", "you", "they", etc.), thus reflecting the lack of identity. They
prefer instead to integrate these pronouns as endings onto the main
word. This was not always the case. As we go very far back, early
Egyptian and Sumerian had such pronouns, but these were
agglutinizing languages. That means they spelled phrases like "my
books" as one word "thebooksmy", and that is the origin of the
declensions of the later Greek and Latin.
This same thing is well known in Hebrew, with its causative,
and other prefixes and suffixes, showing how words were built up
in the ancient world. The study of comparative grammar thus
gives us our first indication that before ancient times (3000BCE),
the people doing the high level communication had identities as we
do, but the ability to have them was forgotten by Egyptian times.
The fact of the linguistic development of time expression is a
little harder to see, because we have reinterpreted the past. Our
time based expression paradigm leaves us no choice but to produce
translations that make the ancient texts sound time based as well.
There are no true tenses in Egyptian or Sumerian, and only two in
Hebrew. What we know as past, present, and future are more
accurately described as "philosophical state placers". That means,
that rather than caring "when" a thing happened, these languages
care more about "where it fits into the great scheme of why". We
find verb modifiers for causing, being caused, being done,
beginning, maybe not ready to begin, happening soon, etc. The
reader familiar with Greek grammar can see that it is in transition
between the ancient system and ours. Latin, then the old Romance
languages become more like ours, as modifiers are joined by
pronouns and auxiliary verbs. Because we have only discovered
how to read the early languages in the last couple centuries, this
realization is quite new. It matters little for us to conjecture, as did
Jaynes, whether the people who spoke these languages had a
personal consciousness or did not. It is not important to the
reconstructing of the history of science, and is to some extent an
impossible question. A speaker trained only in languages without
words to say his thoughts will never tell anyone he has had those
thoughts. And so the speaker of only Mediterranean languages
will never be able to appreciate the six Eskimo language
distinctions for snow, and will always be unable to wax his skis
correctly except by his own "unexpressible gut level instincts".
The western Christian, never suspecting the six Hebrew or the
eight Egyptian words for parts of the soul, will be forever unable to
know the difference between a vision from God, a fantasy, and a
dream. And the ancient writer from before 2000BCE will never let
us know if he knew he existed as a separate entity.
But even a worse problem awaits us. In a little book called
"The Psychology of Writing" by Ronald T. Kellogg, there is a
discussion of the fact that children (and some less than fully
mature adults) communicate in narrative structures, rather than
logical. For example, an adult, in our official culture, should say,
"The sky is getting cloudy, and the radar on TV shows the doppler
shadows. It will rain." But to a child we say, "The clouds are
coming, and they bring rain." Note how the clouds have been
personnified, a child can almost see them walking across the sky,
each carrying a bucket." To an even younger child, we say
"Thunder is God bowling", and think it's cute. Now, suppose the
sentence, with the radar, had never been uttered to us. We couldn't
say it. No matter how well we understood clouds, radar, and
"scientific law" the words wouldn't come out. Even if they did,
they wouldn't be understood because they weren't a part of our
culture. Then adults would be forced to say "Clouds bring rain",
and creative adults (poets) would be one step away from
personnifying the cloud as part of a retinue of beings (which is
why all ancient languages have at least two words for "god", one
of them is reserved for the real God, the other is for this sort of
being) with buckets that they turn upside down on cue from their
king (since they, like us, have no self-identity, and so need a king
to decide for them). And in stories to children, would not the
beings and their king become pantheons of gods? And would not,
generations later, the concepts get confused, especially as progress
in religion caused them to limit the number of words for God to
only one?
That is exactly what the third millenium BC record shows
happened. Even more precisely, the Greek philosophers can be
placed into this context, as the scholars who waged the five century
conflict of communication change to put the now adult logical
standards into the vocabulary. To be sure, the fact that the conflict
could happen at all proves that people were always potentially
logical, but they could never talk that way until comparatively
recently in history. Worse yet, since science by definition is
logical, it is this communication problem that leads scientists to
think that the ancients were unscientific. I am reminded of a news
item I heard about a new book that explains how Santa gets down
every chimney in the world in one night. The "logical" solution is
that he has a "wormhole generator". One must wonder whether
Santa is more fantasy that needs to be science, or the wormhole is
more science crying out to be fantasy. But then, until we recognize
as a culture that people are not stupid just because their language
doesn't allow them to say everything they're thinking, we will
always have such conflicts and prejudice. At least, having
mentioned it, awareness will be a step to avoidance.
The result of lack of recognition of language potential
differences can be seen in such things as vonDaniken's attempt to
prove his thesis that spacemen landed on earth by an ancient
Chinese archeologist's translation of 12 tablets found with oddly
shaped skeletons at Baian Kara Uka, on the Tibetan-Chinese
border. The professional archeologist apparently managed to learn
to read a 10,000 year old language with no help, and to translate it
as the records of an alien crash. His supervisors naturally refused
permission to publish the translation officially. Von Daniken
accepts it as fact.
The problem of language translation will always be with us, as
well. Most educated speakers of English have studied at least
some of a Romance language, and thus are acquainted with the
system of case endings to include the pronouns we mentioned
above. The classical case endings of Latin and Greek are probably
derived from the much older system evidenced in the ancient sense
of time and identity. Originally, at least as far as written languages
can tell us, words were composed of simple one syllable roots that
were put together to form new meanings. This system is still used
in Chinese today. But rather than a system of Chinese - type tone
inflections, or in addition to it, the early languages changed the
vowels to get shades of meaning. In fact, early musical analysis
suggests that in the minds of some ancients, vowels and tones
meant the same thing. Plato mentions specifically that the
Egyptians used vowels to intone the scale, and in my work on the
Biblical te'amim, I show that vowels are the key to reconstructing
the music written under the text of the Hebrew Bible.
This would not be a problem if it weren't for the simple fact
that the languages of use to us did not write down the vowels with
any regularity. This is true of Egyptian, Sumerian, Akkadian,
Hebrew, etc. The result is, we often do not know if we are looking
a noun, verb or adjective, and whether the word is a common root
or a technical term, since all these would be differentiated in
speech by a different vowel or tone accent, which is not written.
This problem is particularly acute in the Egyptian "nwb", which
from context can be seen to refer to gold of all sorts, in particular
with different types of electrical charge, and often to shiny copper,
and certain alloys. It is of no help at all on "nchsh" and "srph", the
Egyptian and Hebrew terms for types of serpents/natural
phenomena/electrical charges. And it makes even routine readings
of forgotten legendary stories far more difficult. For instance, is
the Sumerian "Gipr" the Biblical "Gophr"? For on this hangs the
proof of the transmission of magnetic technology to Sumer.
Eventually, of course, linguistic progress was towards the case
endings of good old Greek and Latin, and then, as human
consciousness became more individualized, to the auxiliary verbs,
and articles of today. Verb grammar is equally strange. As
already mentioned, the ancient languges lacked a sense of time as
we know it. It is difficult for us to envision another basis on which
to conjugate a verb, but here are some observations:
Hebrew has two tenses, regular and with an "I" on the front.
The first, I suppose, is for what God is still doing, the second for
what He has done. The catch is that whenever a story is being told,
instead of putting the story in quotes, during the story, the tenses
interchange, and the "I" tense is used for what is still being done,
and vice-versa.
Budge, the great Egyptologist, assures us in his Egyptian
Grammar that verbs are a very difficult subject, and then gives
auxiliaries, prefixes, and many examples so the student may learn
for himself, by looking at examples, the nameless types of verb
forms. Of course, most of the confusion is caused by our lack of
names for these things.
Sumerian deserves special attention because it is a language
isolate. That means, no one else on earth, as far as we know, ever
spoke or speaks anything like it. The grammar almost looks like it
was designed by a computer programmer. There are 8 "fields" in
all, and, if you want to make a good verb in Sumerian, you must
provide, in order, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica, first
modal, then tempo, then relational, then causative, then object,
then the verb root, then subject, then present or future elements.
Each element is one syllable. All of this then makes one word.
Then there's the writing style. Writing began, according to
Georges Ifrah in his math book "From One to Zero", with writing
of numbers and picture names for people. Gradually, so standard
history tells us, pictures for nouns were adapted to verbs by
generalization of meaning (i.e. "to go" was picture of legs
walking). Then, they figured out that you could cheat and use
words with equivalent sounds, like in a rebus. (So "bawl" would
be a picture of a ball; "before" would be a of a bee and a number
4). Then, they added an alphabet. (So now "sin" would be a pair
of scissors for the s sound, followed by a picture of a hotel or
"inn") When this got too messy, they added the picture at the end
of the word, called a "determinative", for clarification. (So "lily"
might consist of a picture of a lip (for the li), a lion, which meant l,
and a flower. You had to guess at the missing y). Then, they
reduced all this to cursive handwriting (hieretic in Egypt), or sharp
stick scratchings (Sumerian cuneiform), or artistic circles (Mayan
glyphs), or Chinese brushstrokes (today in its third generation of
changes), accidently making it impossible for an outsider even to
identify the picture. And yes, each writer spelled everything his
own way. Now, the biggest surprise will be that, once you get
initiated to it, this messy sounding system is actually easier to read
than ours, if you are in a culture which does comparatively little
reading, but need to keep the skill alive. Indeed, a pictorial
alphabet, even slightly simplified, is easier to remember than our
abstract ABC, but for an unitiated outsider, it's murder. And we
are all outsiders, removed from the ancient writers by several
millenia of cultural change.
The Greeks, of course, stopped the madness. They adopted the
then standard Phoenician alphabet, and WROTE DOWN THE
VOWELS, and then they set about transmitting to themselves, and
so to us, all the ancient knowledge. At least, so they claim. The
problem with the Greeks, is that they didn't just transmit
knowledge, they resorted, reorganized, theorized first, and
transmitted their results. Once you read the
Sumerian/Egyptian/Hebrew/Phoenician, you can see how the
Greeks changed it, but the Greek writings are of limited value for
the ancient knowledge until that time. And this is why we have all
these legends about ancient electricity, etc., but no real proof. We
read the Greek, and Latin which they inspired, and see the ancient
technology between the lines, but we can't quite be sure of what we
are reading. The archeological discoveries of the last two hundred
years are only beginning to be generally known now, but not to
scientists, who rejected the Greek writings as too primitive to be
scientific long ago, and now will not look at them or their
predecessors again. The Hindu language and writings are
contemporaneous with the Greek, and are the same - early attempts
to write logically the ancient mythological understandings. The
Chinese are only a little more ancient, and separating myth from
logical reporting is difficult there, as well.
It is now time to survey the documents dealing with
archeotechnology. There are three classes of ancient documents
that are used by archeotechnology writers. Primary sources of two
types, called classics and discoveries, and then there are secondary
The secondary sources have been the bane of archeotechnology
research. A secondary source is a book quoting something else,
like Joe said that Mary said. Whatever Joe said is a primary source
for Joe, but secondary for Mary, because you can't know how
closely Joe is repeating what he heard Mary say. The Greek
writings about Egyptian knowledge prove what the Greeks
thought, but not what the Egyptians told them. For example, when
Plato says that Timaeus says that Solon says that the Egyptian
priest says that Atlantis is 9000 years old, that only proves that
that's what Plato (and problably most of Greece, since his writings
were so popular) thought. Writers of today are perfectly justified
to write instead 900 years, 9000 months, 9000 seasons, or 9000
hours, and, since this problem is multiplied many times in each
detail of the original story of Atlantis, no one can know where to
look for the continent today. When it comes to the issue of
Atlantis trying to subjugate half of Africa, Spain, Italy and Greece
at a single blow, we have the Egyptian stories, with pictures, and
they tell us how the flying machines worked. But from Plato all
we could do is get subconscious suspicions that these people flew
by the fact that such a military blow would be impossible any other
way than by air, and by the fact that Atlantis was founded "before
ships and sailing".
Velikovsky did even worse; he quoted from nineteenth century
(before the ancient languages were well known) compilers of
ancient texts, and it led him to mistake after mistake, since even
when he looked at a primary source, he interpreted it in light of the
secondary. It is not surprising, therefore, that he concluded that
most of the ancient cataclysm stories were caused by a stray solar
system colliding with ours - the nineteenth century was one of
great religious uncertainty and millenialism was everywhere, and
the solar system was a new discovery just gaining public attention.
Velikovsky was a behavioral scientist; he responded to peoples'
hidden subconscious ideas believing them to be history. No
wonder Sitchin proves him wrong with elementary reading of the
Sumerian primary sources. The same can be easily done with the
Egyptian, and we shall do it.
Of the primary sources there are two types. The classics are
the books written more than 1600 years ago (for that is the
demarcation of the establishment of the new culture of Christianity
and the burning of the library of Alexandria, and with it the loss of
the ancient writings that would tell us what we wish to know and
make this whole study unnecessary). But it is those classics that
have been recopied and thus passed down to us. Included in the
list are the Bible, the Hindu Scriptures, the Chinese Bamboo Books
(history, etc.), the Greek and Latin classics, like Plato, Aristotle,
Tacitus, Josephus, etc., the Hebrew Mishnah and early Talmud,
several early Jewish and Christian books like Enoch and Jubilees,
end whatever other books you could have found in a large
university library before the great archeological discoveries of
1800AD on. Most of the Greek and Latin have been collected by
Loeb Classical Library, with original language on one side and
English on the facing page. Every few generations the remaining
documents, from Chinese, Syriac, Ethiopic, etc. are published as
separate books. Most of these are regarded as accurate as far as
they go.
Other than difficulties in translation, which affects ANY source
consulted, the problem of transmission corruption is important to
mention. Scholars are quite concerned that in the many times that
these books were copied over during the two thousand years or so
that they were being passed down, copyists made mistakes, either
by error, or even on purpose to get texts to conform to their ideas
of what "should have been written". The wild stories circulated in
certain atheistic pamphlets of massive corruption of the Bible by
the Catholic recompilers in the fourth century are probably a major
exaggeration, however, as the current copies agree better than 99%
with the most ancient we have found for the Bible, as well as for
virtually every classical text. In any event, enough copies almost
always exist that the minor errors can be fixed up by cross
comparison. The cross comparison is quite a job, however, as the
originals are often in different countries, and locked in vaults
because of their age and value. In the end, the work has usually
been done, and written up well, however. So, unless there is good
evidence of unrepaired typographical or copying errors, for most
purposes including ours, we are fairly safe to assume that they are
accurate copies.
The final category of documents is discoveries. That is, the
things we find in archeological digs. Included are Sumerian
tablets, Egyptian Papyrus, old books, and whatever writings or
artifacts that may be of use to us. Modern archeologists have been
very careful, even since the late eighteenth century, and
contamination is most unlikely. The chief problem is reading the
thing, which includes not only questions of translation, but also
filling in the lacunae, or gaps left by wormholes, weather wear and
tear, and disintegration due to age And of course, there is the
perennial problem with artifacts of, what are they? Often there is
little agreement, especially when an archeotechnological claim is
being made.

There are six basic theories as to ancient times in common use
in the world today. Most of them imply a theory of ancient
First is the scientific view. Basically, science teaches that the
earth is billions of years old, and that man is a latecomer. Further,
man has only recently (say from 9000BC) had the brainpower to
produce science any more advanced than a slingshot. From then
on, although there have been localized ups and downs, science has
developed more or less steadily. Discoveries, once made and
sufficiently published, are not forgotten. In fact, a rough sketch
can be made of the order of discoveries based on the logical
considerations of which discovery is necessary for the next to be
thought of. So the wheel and fire come early, then house
construction and clothing, then agriculture, then better and better
metals gradually creating the industrial revolution, which gave the
leisure time to create the modern information age.
The problem with this theory is that it leaves so much
uncertain. Although it is quite provable from 400AD on, recent
discoveries of the non-logicality of the ancient mind, as reflected
in their grammar, make it hard to assume for any earlier period.
Further, we will see that there are ways of explaining all the data
that science uses to "prove" the great age of earth, and these make
it unnecessary to make the earth older than 6000 years. Finally,
there is so much that modern science cannot explain, that many
people have great difficulty with believing its unproven "results"
on history, astronomy, geology, UFO's, and particle physics, just to
name a few things. As we have already said, there is simply no
way to prove science's fundamental tenet - the long term stability
of natural laws.
The second most popular theory is that of creationism. The
theory states that a Supreme Being made one single creative act,
possibly in parts, and set things moving. That Being continues to
intervene in creation whenever He chooses and suspends natural
laws at His convenience (miracles). Further, that everything He
wanted us to know is contained a book. As far as ancient
technology is concerned, the advice of this theory is to just read the
book, and you will know all. Understand here: I am not referring
just to Christian creationism. The Hindus believe in a creationism,
also, although they would prefer "divine Force" to "Supreme
The problem with this theory is that it is not scientific. The
attempt to replace scientific observation with a book is only as
good as your ability to read the book, and that is quite variable in
all Bible based religions, and in scientific matters generally
minimal. Further, it is not a theory, it is a cop out. If this Supreme
Being can change things whenever He wants, there can be no
constant natural law, and it is such law that is the foundation of
Fortunately, while the above statement of the theory of
crationism is the modern statement, it is not the correct statement
or the ancient one. We will consult the primary source texts in the
proper chapter, and fix things up so it is a true scientific theory, as
the original theory of the ancients was.
The third theory is that of the Middle Ages. It is called
spontaneous generation. It is highly scientific as it reads, because
it specifies that things keep coming into existence from other
things, and that collecting a list of things will constitute a list of
scientific laws. Because it was framed in a creationist culture, its
view is that ancient technology came from demons, and is not
science, and cannot be duplicated without buying a one-way ticket
to hell. Witchcraft is its technology, alchemy its scholarly study.
Everyone has learned the trouble with this theory, as it seems
to be a major function of the educational system to denounce it.
The theory generates its list of what comes from what not by
repeated observation, but by hearsay evidence. That is, a peasant
may say "I saw a log there yesterday; today, the log was gone and I
saw a cat sleeping there." The conclusion is logs turn into cats,
possibly with the aid of witchcraft. Of course, repeated
observation has totally disproved the theory, at least on the origin
of cats, and has exposed its uselessness.
It is important that we articulate the lesson learned from the
exposing: The theory may be correct sometimes. For example,
butterflies DO indeed come from caterpillars. But as a general
rule, assuming the theory itself to be true leads to too quick of an
end to the search for the real cause. Bacteria remained unknown
for centuries because some Greek guy was misunderstood to have
said that illnesses come from bad humors. The trick is to check
and recheck, and to allow contradictory theories a right to be
heard, until disproved. This rechecking is what divorces modern
science from such false ideas.
It is this lesson that makes archeotechnological research so
difficult. If scientific laws can change, no ancient experiment need
work today. The best we can ever hope to achieve is to learn of
those ancient scientific skills based on whichever laws haven't
changed. And we have only the ancient texts to help us guess
which ones those are. In "The Free Energy Device Handbook",
there is a statement of the old theory that the Ark of the Covenant
(in the Bible) was an electric condenser that drew energy from the
earth's magnetic field. This theory is what drove the plot in the
movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark". To explain why the Ark cannot
be rebuilt today, the theorist simply states that the earth's field was
different then. And thus we have no experiment to try, and nothing
to learn. It is only through the ancient texts that we can enter the
ancient mindset, and thus determine which laws have not changed,
and then use those as a basis to find the others.
The final three theories are modern attempts to reconcile
scientific unexplaineds with the ancient texts.
Immanuel Velikovsky implies that there is no real ancient
technology, such as we seek. Within the time of written history, an
errant solar system slammed into ours, obliterating a planet to
create the asteroids, creating a new mixed solar system from the
two, and sending earth on a giant roller coaster ride for 1500 years,
periodically shifting its orbit. Whatever ancient scientific
discovery we see evidence for in ancient writings, is either a report
of the event we misread as science, or an ancient attempt to
understand or correct the damage done to earth by this
phenomenon. Thus he accounts for the flood, mammoth
extinction, misplaced fossils, development of religious rites to
placate the gods, etc.
The trouble with Velikovsky is simply that the primary sources
prove him wrong. For example, his belief that the fireball of
1481BC mentioned by Pliny (2, 91) was a comet is proved wrong
by a reading of the original hieretic report, as quoted in "Mysteries
of the Unexplained". The more frequent UFO's of today make it
clearly a week-long multiple sighting, probably caused by
piezoelectric reaction to the rebounding earth in those days. And
again, it is necessary to his theory that at least some planets were
not in the solar system prior to 3000BC. Sitchin shows that the
Sumerians believed in at least as many planets as the Greeks,
proving nothing was added in the interim. Likewise, his theory
predicts a drastically different length of year before 1500 BC. The
Rhind Mathematical Papyrus, a find from the 1600's BC, copied
from an older work, uses a 365-day year without comment.
Further, most of his longer year data is from secondary sources as
stated above. Any legitimate data of day-length change, or
continent orientation change can be explained as the result of iron
core upset during the flood, as we shall do. The rampaging
planet/god theory that he deduces the ancients held, can all be
explained by the change in appearance of the heavens during the
same event, and by use of the weather control generators. The
planetary magnetic "evidence" follows directly from the
subcontinent names as planets before the flood. We shall discuss
all these things in turn.
Erik vonDaniken made a lifework out of his theory.
Regardless of how the planet got here, people were created on it by
ancient astronauts. So ancient technology is simply a search for
the extraterrestrial technology of these beings. And the search will
soon be over, because the saucers are once again back in our skies,
and will soon come and share their secrets, setting our erring
civilization straight. Douglas Addams in his fictional "Hitchhiker's
Guide to the Galaxy" satirizes VonDaniken nicely by claiming the
whole planet was made by higher dimensional white mice as part
of a circuit to assist a supercomputer in its computations.
No scientist takes any of this seriously, of course, which is all
the more reason those opposed to scientists (and that's a lot of
normal people who do not write books) do. VonDaniken himself
spends a whole chapter in "Gold of the Gods" admitting that the
theory is born of his own dissatisfaction with the fruits of religion.
His theory will remain impossible to prove, of course, until, and if,
the extraterrestrial culprits are willing to land and take a bow on
the White House lawn televised by CNN, and, of course, answer
all their primitive experimental creatures' questions. But that
makes it equally impossible to disprove, as well.
The answer to the theory is that archeotechnology was created
by someone, and that someone looked as advanced, and as
dangerous, to the people who wrote the surviving documents as the
supposed UFOnauts do to us. The real culprits, as we will see, are
humans. They were advanced for their time, but humans,
nonetheless. The fact that they flew, which was so scary then, is
not scary to us. Ditto for their rayguns, genetic manipulation, etc.
Okay, maybe the thoughtreaders are a little scary. But otherwise,
as we shall see, even if today's nations were to make the mistake of
giving the ancient rulers permission to rebuild everything (a
century long project, obvious to every nation on earth as it was
being done), and they had world conquest in mind, there would be
a fight only if they had the element of surprise, and were willing to
destroy themselves in the war. Our technology is simply better for
extermination than theirs.
The ancients called flying saucers seraphs and a few other
things. Blumrich's Book on Ezechiel is a fine example of how a
symbolic literary work can be turned into a workable flying-
saucer-type craft by an engineer who wishes to do so. They are
natural phenomena being reinterpreted so we have a voice for our
fear of self-discovery, which will include the discovery of
planetary annihilation as a past reality, rather than an atomic bomb
doomsday of the future.
Theory six is that of Zechariah Sitchin. It combines the best of
the last two. The attacking solar system is just one planet and its
moons. It has been part of the solar system for millions of years,
with an orbit so large that it only gets close enough to earth to be
seen once every 3600 years, but then, it gets close enough to cause
Velikovsky's havoc if a planet is in the wrong place at the wrong
time. Further, when it gets close, it dispatches its inhabitants to
earth in spacecraft for research, and raw materials mining
operations, and they are VonDaniken's astronauts. The current
UFO wave is proof of the planet's getting close again. And its
imminent appearance explains the current perturbations in Pluto's
Sitchin is an amazingly competent scholar of Sumerian. He is
so good in fact, that no other scholar on earth can read the words
that he can read. It is from these words that he derives the right to
interpret certain Sumerian art in this particular way. In a language
that we can scarcely read, many interpretations are possible. But
Sitchin's interpretation is directly contradictory to the statements of
rabbinical scholarship which give these texts an alternate, religious
interpretation. There is no room here for details, but, for example,
Tiamat does not need to be an ancient warring faction of
astronauts. It could just be, as claimed by the rabbis, the disorder
spoken of in Genesis before the creation. In other words, Sitchin
has no textual evidence apart from circumstantial, and while his
Sumerian art does dipict real ancient technology, it is that of
humans, not UFOnauts,. His predictions about what our robot
missions beyond the solar system will find, and indeed have found,
may have been correct. So were Velikovsky's. But the parts of the
two theories that give the relevant predictions are contradictory.
All that proves is that there is a real theory yet to be found.

One of my personal complaints about archeoscience books is
that no author ever summarizes the whole theory in one place. So
here it is:
The only portions of the world worth investigating are things
we can look at. Thus creation is creation of human awareness.
And so, humans have always held that they were given by the
Creator an intermediary's role in shaping the world, as it is by their
perceptions that the world is defined. Since this began in about
4000BC, we will call that year Y0.
Since awareness only occurs by comparison of the thing seen
with something unlike itself, duality is basic. Creation thus
occurred by the separation of the opposites of a duality, actually of
two dualities (moist-dry and hot-cold) generating 4 elements. This
double duality theory was developed to combine two theories: the
nephalim fire-earth (hot-cold) and the Biblical water-earth (moist-
dry) - earth thus became cold and dry. Creation was the act of
forcing the elements apart into 4 regions: earth on the bottom,
water on top of earth, air on top of water, fire on top of air, so they
could be perceived. Motion occurs only because the separation is
not complete, and the elements not yet separated strive to attain
their proper place. Since the creator is perfect, all motion
generated in creation is circular, and thus creation itself is eternal,
and self-repeating.
Mankind's unique self-awareness is caused by his perception of
his brain as a duality. This happens physically because the
connecting fibers between the two halves are too small for
complex thoughts to transfer all at once. They thus transfer in
pieces, and the storing of those pieces in the auditory processing
centers of the receiving half-brain gives rise to language ability.
But the electrochemical field in the transmitting half-brain sets up
a sympathetic field in the receiving half by magnetic induction,
thus creating the expectation of the thought's arrival. This creates
time perception, and eventually causality processing of reality.
Since the cause of self-awareness is electromagnetic, electricity
is perceived immediately on awakening to consciousness as the
unfulfilled potential of any duality to create motion. The nature of
thought thus argues for the importance of ancient technology to
exist and be understood. It also shows why it must have been
developed, as the legends claim it was.
By the year Y200 (3800BC), most humans who had become
conscious began the lifestyle of living to eat and be entertained.
These are the hunter-gatherers, who we call the "cavemen". A
handful remained in contemplation of philosophical realities, and
developed theories like that above. Ultimately, the second, smaller
group joined the first. With their help, the hunter-gatherers learned
to live in cities and keep farms.
The small group, called the nephalim, titheos (gods), annunaki,
immortals, etc., were much smarter than the group they joined. So
much so, that they easily discovered that they could trade
technological innovation for positions of authority, and be fed for
their rulership.
By the year Y400, these nephalim (actually, their cultural
descendants, of course) became greedy, and started applying their
theoretical philosophical knowledge to technological innovation.
The ruled classes percieved this as somewhere between highly
desirable and a necessary evil, and allowed themselves to be
divided into 12 administrative districts, on what was, or what was
percieved as, one continuous landmass, at the time.
The development of concrete, and availability of cheap labor
from the ruled people, made possible the construction of huge,
metallic lightning rods and storage containers (like Leyden jars in
function, only using water or mercury). It was discovered that
tuned circuits could create and maintain standing charges of earth-
compatible electromagnetic fields for weeks. The charges forced
clouds and storms to form, which created rain, and thus food, and
benefitted the increasingly agricultural people. Societies were
created around these energy exchanging metallic-sheeted mounds.
As an accidental biproduct, the charges limited radiation
absorption near them, and thus created the evidence we now
interpret as radiodated artifacts millions of years old.
By year Y600, a new generation had discovered a host of
things the static charges could do. By correctly charging crystals
(which could be grown at convenience), the crystals could be made
larger and lighter than air, like hot air balloons. Thus flight was
By molding metals in the electrical field, small screw-shaped
bits of metal were created that resonated with, and thus
transmitted, rays of power from the standing field. The particles
created carving tools, defensive weapons, and light beams.
With the new "laser" like beams, DNA was studied, and the
growth limiting gene was cut to create giant humanoid beings as
slaves. The dinosaurs were the first experiments. The mixed
human - animal creations were other experiments.
The discovery of the electrical field in blood gave birth to the
blood rites and purification ceremonies of ancient religions. Since
the technology was field based (rather than current based, as is
ours), attempts to control thought were a reasonable direction to
develop, and an important element in control of the ruled subjects,
who by now were beginning to fear the giants. Eventually,
techniques for reading emotions of crowds were developed and
survived into Roman times.
By year Y800 (3200BC) the technology reached its peak, and
the rulers became so greedy that there was no way to meet their
energy demands. In fact, a widely remembered world war was
fought during this period between different factions of rulers.
Ultimately, a desperate attempt was made to chart the entire
planet's magnetic field and to use the weather control technology
to reorient the heavens, which they believed were an extension of
the earth's fire breath symbolized by the magnetic field, through
sympathetic magic, in such a way that rain would fall over most of
the land area of earth automatically forever, without the high
material/manpower maintenance cost of the society based weather
control mounds.
The experiment worked, but not as expected. The combined
focussing of the earth - sky voltage differential in resonance to the
earth's magnetic field caused synchronous wave motion in the
earth's molten metal center. The magnetic iron core of the earth
began oscillating, and struck and split the continental plate.
Mountains rose and fell, creating a several month period of
tsunamis, hurricanes, ice drifts, and lava rains at different points on
the globe. Almost all areas of the world were destoyed, and almost
no humans survived.
In year Y900, civilization (now far less technological)
recovered enough to start a damage assessment program. There
were now regular seasons (the earth did not originally tilt on its
axis), all the directions and constellations appeared to have
changed (for the continental land plates had rearranged
themselves). The earth was surveyed, and there was a general
attempt to reconstruct the technology to "fix things".
In some places the "fixers" were hailed as kings, and rebuilt the
mounds to the best of their ability; this is the origin of the
pyramids, Stonehenge, the zigurrats, etc. Lake Titicaca and the
Tower of Babel survive as the story of the "ideal" rebuilding
attempts, the rest are poor copies of part or all of the technology.
In other places, they were treated with hostility. In still others
areas, the residents were unaware of the causes of what had
happened, and allowed the "fixers" varying amounts of control.
All in all, the rebuilding was tried twice, once in year Y1100
(2900BC) and again in 1500BC. The reuse of the technology
accounts for the unexplained phenomena of these ages, and world
mythology can all be reduced to social interactions of the "fixers"
with the indigenous populations. This also explains similarity of
far flung artifacts and scriptures, like the creation story of the
Bible, the Mayan Popul Vuh, and the Tibetan Book of Dzyan.
Attempts to rebuild were generally unsuccessful
technologically. There were intrinsic mathematical flaws in the
original concept, and there was no hope of ever returning to the
original world order. Here and there bits of technology survived.
In most places, the useless technological devices were stripped for
metals for jewelry or regal splendour or for shelter by people who
did not understand their true use.
The earth spent over 2000 years resetting itself into a continent
arrangement that was stable. This is the source of certain indian
myths, the lateness of North American settlement (the continent
was under ice for 1500 years. This is deduced from the absence of
an archeological record in the interior. The same conclusion is
reached by Velikovsky from Hindu myths and astronomical charts
that place the continents in different places on earth than they are
today, and from the sundials that do not work correctly in the
places for which they were designed.), and the various
observations of 48 hour days and nights at various times.
This is not a new theory. It is THE theory, believed by and
transmitted through the shamans, the philosophers, and the
intelligensia of all the world's cultures for 5500 years, until modern
"science" decided that it knew better during the Renaissance.
Needless to say, the burden of proof is on the proposer of the
theory. Note, two proposals are being made.
The first proposal, that the ancients believed this theory, is the
subject of this book.
The second, harder proposal to prove, that this theory, and not
modern science, is correct, cannot be proven by a book. But,
assuming that the theory delineates a technology that can be
reconstructed, it is the scientist's job to try. And if it works as
claimed, science will then be confronted with two theories - the
current one, and this one. And this one explains more, for it
integrates science with all the earth's religious traditions, and
solves the "unexplaineds". No theory in science can ever be
proven, but science, by its own rules, agrees to accept the one that
explains the greater number of observed facts. And that is the
ancient theory delineated here.
The current state of archeotechnological knowledge is herein
reconstructed by comparing the myths created by, and evidences
for, the social interaction of the "fixers" with the indigenous
populations mentioned above. We shall examine this evidence by
way of summary, and then we shall look at the surviving bits of
technology as described by the few civilixations who understood
them and used them to advantage.

The language of science is mathematics. Just so for the ancient
science. It is therefore necessary that we begin with an exploration
of the mathematics and the philosophy of the ancients. It is most
unfortunate that there has been so little research in this area.
Ancient mathematics was so different from our own, that, in many
cases, science's refusal to accept the clear evidence of the texts and
artifacts is due to their belief that what they suggest is
mathematical nonsense. In due course, we will solve some
millenia old enigmas.
Ancient philosophy, at least from classical Greece onward, is
more or less understood. Aristotle, Plato, and a host of others have
left us dozens of books that agree on basics. The Bibles of the
various religions are of great help as well.
There are, of course, three problems limiting our
understanding, other than the obvious one of translation. First, is
the total lack of recognition of consciousness development
discussed above. Second, is the lack of understanding that the
Greek writings are all secondary sources, derived from ancient
writings that were all lost. Third, is the standard teaching of our
culture that Christianity has superseded everything, and, hence, all
these writers were idiots, since they were not Christian. These
three interact in surprising ways.
For example, in the Talmud there is a story that says: Once the
rabbi was asked why, if rivers flow to the sea, the sea does not fill
up. He answered that, because sea water is special, it can absorb
fresh water indefinitely, without growing in volume. He based his
answer on the fact that in creation as reported in the Old
Testament, God separated the waters. The original waters from
before creation, which being the waters below, are the sea waters.
Since they are eternal, they cannot change in any way, particularly
in volume. The problem is, that, then, to prove his answer, he did
an experiment. He filled a small jar with sea water to the very top.
Then, he poured in several large jars of river water, and, indeed,
the sea water jar did not overflow. This, to my knowledge, is the
first case of a scientist falsifying a report of an experiment to keep
his job.
The fact that the story proves that the ancients believed in
experiments is overlooked. Scientists use such stories to prove that
the ancients were unscientific. And then they conclude that being
unscientific, they never conducted experiments.
The sad part is, that the rabbi's answer is correct, once it is
understood that the waters of creation refer to electrical charge.
Indeed, river water comes from rain, which was caused in ancient
times by the electrical fields, and the charge is dissipated planet
wide by the flowing water, as we can infer from Plato's story in the
Timaeus, which speaks of electromagnetism as the fire breath of
earth, as flowing water is the water breath. The Hebrew culture,
not starting new after the later developments in human
consciousness like the Greek, did not split the difference
linguistically, and so is misunderstood and misjudged. Another
story in the Talmud, only apparently unrelated, tells us that when
the great rabbi reached the first heaven (where scientific laws are
dispatched), he went insane because he thought he saw two kinds
of water, when to advance to the next heaven, he should have seen
only one. By saying that waters divide only below the first heaven,
this supplies the necessary correction to the first story for the
narrative based, though not for logical based, consciousness.
According to Plato, mathematics is the great proof of a soul.
Since everyone knows, without proof, that two and two make four,
such knowledge proves a human ability to perceive and judge a
reality that has a non-earthly basis. The great first philosophical
question of the Greeks is the famous, "If a tree falls in the woods,
and no human is there to hear it, does it make a sound?"
This kind of stuff is dismissed as meaningless drivel by the
scientist, but what we are seeing is the key to an ancient teaching.
The earth is the manifestation, or shadow, of a transcendent reality.
Humans are mediators of that reality to earth. " If we don't care to
listen to a sound, it isn't there" is just another way of saying, what
we don't care to bring to earth from heaven isn't here. This
bringing to earth from heaven is what the Book of Genesis means
by "subduing the earth". From the most ancient times, creation
myths all begin with a separation into duality. Our self-
consciousness gives us the ability to conceive duality, and thus to
conceive an above and below. And by asserting our right to
choose natural laws as we see fit, the theory asserts that natural
laws change, or, rather, are selected by us to fulfill human need
from a wide range of possibilities that creation allows for.
Traditionally, so Aristotle informs us, the below is cold, remote
from the hot above, for heat makes things move, and cold freezes
them. Classical metaphysical explanations of the Bible explain
that we are in the cold spot because we have isolated ourselves
from God, the source of movement, which arises from heat.
For our purposes, the morality of the situation is unimportant.
Understanding that duality is basic is the important thing, and that
sky and earth were perceived from the most ancient times as a
cooperative, interacting pair. The stars were the dots of fire that
told the plan of the gods, whom, as sky dwellers, they were near.
The earth, and the human body were held to be a reflection of
them. Everything had a purpose, and the human being, given time,
could determine that purpose from the stars, find it reflected in his
body, and use it to control the earth. His mind, holding his
consciousness, was the mediator.
Primitive people counted days of the moon's phases, and
learned to write by first writing numbers. Ifrah's book, already
mentioned, shows how the process of writing developed at Ur,
before it became Sumeria, long before the flood.
The state of writing is witnessed by several secondary sources.
Josephus states (Ant.2,3) that the nephalim, before the flood, wrote
their discoveries on two pillars for future generations, but his use
of the word suggests pictographic writing. The Book of Jubilees,
as quoted in my book on Egyptian mathematics, states that the
great-grandson of Noah copied such writing, translated it, and used
the knowledge to seize a city. The second part of the Rhind
Mathematical Papyrus is argued to be this copy, and is shown
consistent with the style of writing found by Ifrah in its late stages.
Josephus' writing seems consistent with archeological finds from
3100BC, which show pictographs developing into hieroglyphys.
Budge, in the preface to his Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary,
proves that the Egyptians had no word-names for the numbers
6,7,8, and 9, but that they used Semitic loan words. Since
Egyptian math is easily proved to be unchanged from at least the
fifth (and probably the third or earlier) dynasty, and, since math
cannot be taught without names for the numbers, the early semitic
contact is proven, as well as the mathematical transmission
claimed by Jubilees. Egypt is thus the cultural heir of Noah and
whatever he saved of the old technology.
It is standard history that all the Mediterranean world used
Egyptian mathematics until late Roman times, and the culture is
thus established as continuous from the nephalim to Rome, through
Egypt. The culture was lost when Christianity banned the
Egyptian language as paganism.
Plato, in the Timaeus, gives a summary of the culture as he saw
it. Remembering that he is a secondary source, we report a
summary only so we may follow it from Greece in imperfect form
to the Americas later:
There are exactly 5 ways in which you can attach a number of
equal length sticks together with glue end to end, to make solid
figues that can be covered with equally shaped pieces of paper on
each side. The cube is the best known of these. 12 sticks,
assembled correctly, make a cube, which accepts 6 squares of
paper as sides to make a "box". The other 4 solids are the
tetrahedron, which is 4 triangles stuck together around 6 sticks, and
the icosahedron and octahedron (20 and 8 triangles respectively),
and the dodecahedron (or 12 five-sided pentagons stuck together).
Plato identifies these shapes with earth, fire, water, and air (in that
order) for the first four, based on which is most likely to pack
better, flow better, etc., and saves the fifth for something special.
What he is saying is that, since chaos was at the beginning, and
creation happened by chaos being separated, the simplest scientific
theory demands that these 4 were the basic things into which chaos
fell as duality created the two-ended stick, and, he states
specifically, that this is the ancient theory as he received it. Thus,
he gives the shape of the atoms. That he speaks for the ancients
before him is easily proved by noting that every ancient culture on
earth that had a theory of atomic structure, uses four or five basic
interlocking elements. The fifth structure, the dodecahedron, he
saves for the vibes around the earth, the biofield that makes earth
seem to be alive. The Dictionary of Symbols tells us that the Celts
were fascinated by this last figure, and that will be of importance
to us later, when we assert the Celts as the bringer of
archeotechnological theory to America.
Plato also states that at the beginning of creation, two harmonic
resonances of 2 and 3 were set up. The Rhind Mathematical
papyrus shows just these two resonance overtones drawn on one of
its pyramid drawings, and these numbers give the exact position of
the King's Chamber and Queen's Chamber in the Great Pyramid.
These resonances arise naturally in musical, or electrical theory, so
it is good to know that they are at least as anciently known as the
Great Pyramid. These numbers are the sources of the Pythagorean
mythology of numbers like 2, 3, 4, 5 ,7 and 12 and their supposed
magical properties. Many mathematicians have pointed to the fact
that the use of 12 constellations in the Zodiac and 360 degrees in a
circle (12X5X3X2) prove the antiquity of the importance of these
numbers for the cosmos, even though arithmetic was always done
by 10's as it is now, except in Babylon, where it was a combination
of 10 and 60(2x2x3x5).
The calendar debate needs to be settled. As already stated,
Velikovsky's presumption that the year had been shorter than 365
days is disproved by the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus. But there is
a great deal of evidence, both from secondary and primary sources,
both of different length years before the flood, and of vastly longer
inhabitation of the earth by conscious people than the 6000 years
proposed here.
The evidence for a shorter year is based on the fact that many
ancient cultures are known to have had one. Many cultures had
360 days. The Mayan's still use a dual calendar, with the older one
being 260 days.
The explanation is simple enough, once it is realized that it was
attempted weather control that caused the flood. Since the earth
was not tilted to the ecliptic before the flood, there were no seasons
with different length of days (explaining God's words to Noah that
seasons would never cease from earth), so there was no way to tell
how long the year was, and every culture picked their own length
of year, based on their favorite magic number.
Length of day is another matter. When continents float on
molten metal, the earth can tumble around like crazy, and days
(sunrise to sunrise) have been as long as 48 hours. Several
traditions speak of a fairly long time when there was no sun in the
sky at all. This merely supports the claim that some continents
spent time in the polar circle, once the earth had tilted.
There is a multiple age theory which is is the primary
competing theory of the ancient world to the one here proposed.
Hinduism believes in a series of creations, with successive ones
being of lesser and lesser moral rectitude. Creation as we now see
it is the last.
In this view, the year Y0 would have been in the third yuga (as
these ages are called), and the flood marked the transition to the
fourth. The Hindus, in fact, give the precise length of these ages in
terms of years, and thus the calendar can be coordinated with them.
The Hindu's statement that the actual date of creation cannot be
traced is not violated by this model, since yugas may be heavenly
as well as earthly, and the date of creation means the earthly date
when the yuga manifests.
This theory is clearly an attempt to remodel the four elements
as four successive stages of fire getting closer to earth. The
appearance of this theory can be traced to about 1200BC, when the
Persians brought the yuga philosophies to the pre-Greeks. The
notion of four consecutive, not concurrent, ages got confused with
the story of man, nephalim, giants, etc., and a second story was
born claiming that these were consecutive groups of people. Thus
is explained Manetho's ideas that the reigns of the pre-Egyptian
gods were consecutive. Since this secondary theory made it to
Ireland and America, and colors the mythology of the Celts,
Mayans, Aztecs, and various southwestern tribes, it is important
that we be aware of it. An amalgam of this theory with an
authentic model of history is the four metal theory of the Bible;
four ages of gold, silver, bronze and iron are used as a model for
the passage of time and cultural development. Its origin, as far as
the ancient documents can trace it, is from Greece, after 400BC,
and it is witnessed in early Christian documents. The fact that the
connection with India can be hypothesized, and the fact that the
idea of consecutive ages or groups does not appear in any stories
before the above dates proves that it is not the original theory.
The claims of longer months than normal deserve comment
here. Manetho, the historian of Egypt, tells us that Ethiopia
surrendered to the first King of the Third Dynasty because the
moon changed its length of month. (Months used to be fixed by
the appearance of the new moon, which is why they have 30 days.)
Velikovsky quotes secondary sources on several other such
occurrences. The fact that the moon's phases indeed were changed
is also proved by the Talmud, which lays down extensive laws for
determining the correct first day of the month; apparently, although
for most judicial matters, two witnesses prove a case, this decision
needs far more evidence than two people saying, "I saw the moon
come out".
The "Prophecies of Neferti were propaganda for King
Ammenemes I, first king of 12th dynasty. Set in the mouth of
prophet of King Sneferu's time (4th dyn.), we read that at the start
of that dynasty, the river had dried up, the winds became confused,
and the sun shone so weakly there was no shadow, although there
is no change in the sun's "accustomed times". Proves that the sun
could change its accusotmed times, and dyn. 12 was founded for
weather related problems.
The explanation is that the electrical charge from a weather
control mechanism raises an electrical field which in turn raises
water molecules (the Biblical "mist") into the atmosphere, which
bend the sun's rays striking the moon. This causes the moon to be
illumined by the sun a day or two late or early, depending on the
relative positions of the field and the sun and moon, thus making
the month 25-35 days long. The same phenomenon is what gives
stars a beard (misinterpreted by Velikovsky as a comet's tail, with
drastically misleading results), noted so often in ancient literature,
and is also what magnifies the planet Venus on the horizon,
making the phases of the planet visible in ancient times without a
telescope (again misinterpreted by Velikovsky, although
vonDaniken's lenses are worthy of note in this regard, as they may
prove that the ancients did have the telescope). The first King of
the Third Dynasty, as we shall see later, is one of the first people
after the flood to work a weather control mechanism. The same
explanation also can be used for the multiple sun phenomena of
ancient times, when several suns were seen, but could be shot
down by arrows (which moved the water vapor around enough to
break up the reflection).
There are many traditions from Greece, some through Egypt,
of ancient dynasties of kings lasting hundreds of thousands of
years in some cases. The Egyptians, in fact, insist that these
lengths of time are correct. While some are mistranslation, there is
a serious problem here for a theory that wishes to provethat
conscious human beings have only lived on earth for 6000 years.
The lists are, of course, of the nephalim before the flood. The
reason that the years are so large is that they are human year
equivalents. The idea is that, if I am a great ruler, I can do in one
year what a mere mortal can do in 100. Therefore the 60 years of
my life is as good as 6000 of anyone else's. Also, if I died and my
son carried on, so my government (Josephus calls Noah's life his
government in Ant. 3) lasted the sum of our lives, say 100 years,
which is as good as 10,000 after I multiply it.
That the idea was forgotten over the centuries the legends were
repeated is easily inferred. For one thing, there are three separate
chronologies of the Bible patriarchs in use in the classical world.
For another, one need only look at Fasold's comparison of the
Greek list of Sumerian kings compiled by Berosus in 284BC with
the original find from Nippur from 2170 BC(already a scondary
source). There are discrepancies of 30,000 plus years, not to
mention extensive corruptions of king's names. People in 2170 BC
barely had thought to add up the passing of years; people in year
800 could care less. Their purpose was to tell how much a king
had accomplished. The Greeks were the ones who started looking
for totals. The totals which archeologists will object may be found
in the King list at Sais do not contradict this, as this list was
constructed after Greek influence began in Egypt.
The Book of Genesis, depending on who you talk to, was
written either by Ezra in 500BC, or by Moses in about 1400BC,
but in any event, it is a secondary source for pre-flood times. Here
is my version of the list of Genesis 5 with the multipliers and
correct values of the patriarchs. Remember, that these years are
arbitrary in terms of number of days. So a lifetime of 180 years of
260 days each, is closer to 120 of our years, certainly tolerable
occasionally, especially if some count father and son together, as a
"government". Also, I suspect that the Bible is not giving us the
nephalim history (their names, as we shall see, are elsewhere), but
a history of the "good people", blown up to show that they were at
least as good as the nephlaim.

Patriarch lifespan multipler had son multiplier
Stated X actual stated X actual
Adam 930 30 31 130 5 26
Seth 912 57 16 105 7 15
Enosh 905 5 181 90 3 30
Cainan 910 26 35 70 5 14
Mehaleel 895 5 17 65 5 13
Jared 962 37 26 162 9 18
Enoch 365 5 73 65 5 13
Methusael 969 19 51 187 17 11
Lamech 777 37 21 182 13 14
Totals 221 613 70 153

The fun part is the column totals. 221 is the Hebrew numerical
value of the word ARK, which means longevity. 613 is the
number of commandments in the Old Testament. 70 is the years
allotted in Daniel until the second coming, and 153 is the number
of fish caught by Peter in his first symbolic attempt to get new
"children" into the new church. So, there was a tradition. And all
the lifespans are possible within reason. The legend, from 2000BC
or so about amomum, the plant of immortality given by
Utnapishtim (Noah) to Gilgamesh does not prove that these people
lived longer, only that they had a plant they took for it, like we use
ginseng (this is what led Josephus to believe they had lived
longer). Likewise, the statement in Genesis that human lifespans
would only be 120 years is not contradicted by the shorter
lifespans; the Jewish rabbis interpret that Scripture verse as a
statement of fact, not a statement of change, as do Christian Bible
scholars. The Egyptians, in fact, considered 110 years the proof of
a worthwhile life, as is evidenced in the third dynasty story of King
Cheops and the Magicians.
We may now note the source of the legend about the nephalim
as watchers, and what may be drawn from it. Since the Bible
states that Adam fathered Seth so late in life, we may ask if there
were other sons. If fact, Cain and Abel are earlier (Gen. 4, 25).
Now, since Gen. 5, 3 states that Seth was created by Adam
"according to his own likeness", and goes straight to Seth (enemy
of Egypt), and then to Enosh the first man (according to Philo), the
next question is "according to whose image were Cain, Abel, and
their descendants created?" Gen 4,1 tells us Yahweh helped, and
5,1 implies that they were in the likeness of the god of powers
Elohim. Since the first of these offered sacrifice regularly(4,1),
which is said of no others until Noah, it may be inferred that they
spent time in prayer near the garden, as the ancient legend says of
the nephalim. It is thus concluded that it is Cain and his sons who
begot the nephalim, who, ultimately, through the cross-breed
Lamech (who appears at the end of a list of almost identical names
in both geneologies, that of nephalim and that of man 3:18 and
5:25), gave rise to the technology that we will see created the flood
in the next chapter. Middle-ages Jewish legend says the demons
were created when Adam had sex with the female demon of the
night Lilith, and these are the sons not according to his own image.
The legend is a rephrasing of the statement in the story that human
- superhuman intercourse produced the demons.
We will trace the sphinx to this line later, and thus see how
Edgar Cayce concluded from the Hebrew of 4:17 (Enoch means
"teacher") that the knowledge of the nephalim is buried below the
sphinx - in fact, the sphinx covers a temple to Osiris built much
The entire tradition is that the geneology of Cain (meaning
"metal worker", a good job for a wanderer over the ground) is
Enoch (teacher), Jarad (urbanize), Methuiel (God's villages),
Methusael (God's philosopher), Lamech (made poor) with his
wives Adah (witness or ornament, the one who is seen), and Zillah
(or shadow), thus establishing the duality(light and shadow). Their
sons are the "Mabol" people. The meaning of Cain as "metal
worker" is important also, since the "mesnuti" in Egypt are metal
workers. The book of Enoch lists the really evil demons who
possessed them. The ten generations analyzed here mean Seth
(foundation), Enosh (man), Kenan (seller), Mehaleel (praiser of
God), Irad (to go down, NOT the same as Jared, but close), Enoch
(the good teacher), Methuselah, the feminine of the above
philosopher, tracing the lineage through the daughters of men,
rather than the sons of God, then the half-breed Lamech, and
finally Noah (peace).
It is sad that we cannot determine the actual span of years that
passed from this kind of computational research.The total of years
until bearing a child, even counting Noah at 50 years (dividing by
10) is barely 200 years. Surely, many people were omitted. Philo
says that Adam and Seth are archetypes, not men, and the Jewish
calendar agrees as it is dated from Enosh, not Adam. Manetho,
after listing, in order, the Greek archetype gods of fire, sun, time,
water, and Osiris and his son, gives 13,900 years of gods (139
years of nephalim), 1255 (250 years of giants, dividing by 5), for a
total of 390, in exact agreement with the chronology of our theory.
He then lists real kings (known to archeologists in some instances,
for 1817 plus 1790 years (actually closer to 200, years Y800 to
Y1000 approx. The strange totals are probably due to different
multipliers being used for each, as they were for the Biblical
Patriarchs). And then he states that spirits of the dead ruled for
5813 years. Using his data, not the real data, the total of everyone,
except the spirits of the dead is 5351 years. The difference,
assuming all the above are pre-logical-conscious Spirits of the
(thus to be considered) Dead, allows 462 years for the first
archetype gods, very close to Philo's period of archetypes in the
Bible. We are clearly looking at similar traditions, and they can all
be remodeled to make them fit the chronology dictated by the
theory herein. And we assume, logically, that the traditions were
corrupt by Manetho's time, which is why he, and his
contemporaries struggled with them as well, and settled for the
consecutive ages theory.
Now here is the story of the Chinese nephalim, 5 men for 5
elements, dated by the Chinese 2900BC-2200BC, but those dates
reflect when the legends were "reprocessed" by the rebuilders.
Fu Hsi or T'ai Hao (name means Great Sight), had a body of
serpent or fish (perhaps shedding light on why the Babylonians
were taught by the Oannes - fish men - the two are the same).
Insituted shepherding, fishing, cooking, iron, marriage, sacrifice,
divination. Wife Nukua repaired pillars of heaven, created
building with stone, and stopped the king of Oxen (like
Gilgamesh's Bull of Heaven). Probably realted to Lamech.
Shu Nung or Yen Ti - built head of bull (sphinx?), invented
cart plow, agriculture. Used fire to clear land. Spoke when 3 days
old, wrote of 365 plant species. Probably related to Enoch.
Shen Huang Ti. Created houses, boats (Hebrew and Greek
legends date these things to ca. Y500), defeated barbarians at
Shensi (Shenti?). Wife discovered silk. Flew in sz-nangu.
Possible Poseidon.
T'ang ti Yao or Yu Ti Shun. Made planets shine. In his time
Ta Yu controlled the flood by digging canals with a serpent, and
Hou I (child of sun and moon) shot down nine of the ten suns.
Note name Yao is Yahoo. Probably Seven Macaw.
Yu Ti Shun - prayed to spirits of earth, divided kingdom into
12 regions, flew in rebuilt aircraft, created weights and measures.
In tradition of Cain and Seth.
The reader can see the processing, and recombining of legends.
The solar system was, as everyone knows, centered at the
earth. In some renditions, the solar system is like an onion, with
earth at the center, and various types of transcendent reality around
it, and around each other. Whether the planets each symbolized
one reality, or whether they all travelled in the lowest level of
reality above earth, varied from culture to culture. But, in all
cultures, they were the leftovers of the primoridal fire that moved
in a circular path to proclaim something of the creator's intention.
Regardless what the reader has been told about Copernicus
discovering the "true" nature of the solar system, with the sun at
the center", Pliny's Natural History, the Roman Encyclopedia,
proves it wrong. Pliny states specifically that "those who put the
sun in the center of the solar system err because they deprive the
gods of their personalities". This proves that the ancients had the
idea long before Copernicus, and that they rejected it on cultural
The reason for adoption of the sun-centered solar system
theory is, as stated above, the political switch to democracy.
Science, of course, says that the reason for the switch was so that
we could use the simpler theory that explains all the facts. The
question seems to be whether the existence of personalities for a
creator(s) is a fact of the current culture or not.
Now, surely, scientists will tell me that the mathematics is
simpler if the sun is at the center. That's true if they mean by
simpler, that the equations are shorter. The Antikythera device, the
Greek navigation computer which calculates the planetary
positions proves that the more complicated was not beyond their
mathematical abilities. And the many astrolabes of the
Renaissance proves that it was not beyond ours, at that time.
But we need to understand a little of how the mathematics of
the old solar system worked, since the weather control mechanisms
were set by it.
The planets, including the sun and moon, all orbited the earth
in circular patterns. But, in the case of the planets, it wasn't the
rock that went around in orbit. It was another orbit. The rock
revolved in that second orbit. And the first orbit revolved around
earth. (Is this what Ezechiel's "Wheel in a wheel" is about?). The
planet, with personality, was the combination of the two orbits, and
only incidentally the rock. So the mathematical calculations of
planetary position involved knowing the dimensions of two
interlocking orbits for each planet. The importance of knowing
this is that Pliny also states that when the sun rose on a planet
already present in the sky, its heat made it rise faster along its
circle. The "circle" is the orbiting orbit.
This gives us the mathematical theory of the weather control
mechanism: Since the creator(s) put rain on earth in inconvenient
places, all that is necessary to redistribute the rain is to locate a
"heat adding engine" at the right spot to give more heat than the
creator originally planned to selected planets. This will cause them
to rise on new predetermined paths, thus bringing them to new
positions in the sky. Since the planets control earthly affairs, this
will move their influence to a different spot on earth, and put the
rain there. To move the heat, all that is necessary is to take the
magnetic field of the earth (already identified as the fire breath),
and raise it higher, and so closer to the planet, to make the planet
hotter. The find the place to locate the heat raising device, simply
use those certain spots of the earth already identified with the
relevant planet. This could be accomplished by storing electrical
charges, and then running them up high poles made of metal. We
will see that that is exactly what the stories and artifacts indicate
happened. The rainmaking worked because the electrical charge
raised by the antenna repels the like cosmic ray charge coming
from space, and keeps it from hitting earth (thereby cutting off
radioactive absorption and creating the false "age of the earth"
artifacts by reducing the radioactivity that can be given off when
our scientists use it to establish a date). That this is a necessary
condition for the creation of monsoons has been recently admitted
(although begrudgingly, since it defies modern weather theory) by
mainline scientists, who have reached the conclusion based on
satellite data. Personally, I think it works by creating a positive
charge in the sky, which pulls up the negative end of the slightly
magnetic water molecule, although much more research is needed.
For our purposes, it is enough that we can demonstrate that an
ancient theory, even if incorrect, could have led to the
implementation of a working technology that the ancients could
have built with what was then available. Thus, we can go looking
for proof that the technology existed.
The theory states that prior to year Y800, and the flood, there
was one continent. We will discuss the evidence in due course.
This is the proper place to investigate the geographical names of
that land mass, since it is those names that were used to fix the
location of the mechanisms.
The land was considered an image of the creator, as was the
sky, and the human body. The images of the goddesses stretched
out belly up over the earth is one proof that the three were related
(although Egypt was unique in having the god belly up). So are
the charts, from almost every ancient culture, tying together the
signs of the Zodiac and the organs of the body for medical
diagnostic purposes. No traditional scholar of the classics would
question the idea of an ancient association along these lines.
Ivan T. Sanderson, in a book called "Investigating the
Unexplained", set out to show the origins of astrology. His theory,
the only one of its kind, also gives us the key to the naming of the
continents. He proved that if you lay the standard astrological
chart on the map, with its center at Ur, and the goat pointing north,
each Zodiacal sign tells you which direction the Babylonians went
to buy, hunt, or trade for the symbolized commodity. For example,
they got their goats at the goat sign, their crabs at the crab sign,
they changed their money at the scale sign, they captured female
slaves at virgo, etc. The Zodiac, as we have received it, is the
Babylonian Yellow Pages.
The trick to naming the continents is to lay the Zodiac,
augmented by as many other stars as you want, over Ur, goat
pointing north, and then to trace each star to the nearest clearly
defined sub-continent on the one rejoined land mass obtained from
piecing together the continents, using Great Circle routes across
the pole if necessary. This gives a name to each region.
And, of course, you would get a name for each region if you
did a million other things too. What makes these names correct?
Velikovsky offers, as one proof of his roller-coaster earth
theory, a quote from the "battle of the stars". Here is the quote, as
published by Charlesworth:
"I saw the threat of the burning sun among the stars
and the terrible wrath of the moon among the lightning flashes
The stars travailed in battle. God made them fight.
For over against the sun long flames were in strife
And the two-horned rush of the moon was changed.
Lucifer fought, mounted on the back of Leo.
Capricorn smote the ankle of the young Taurus,
And Taurus deprived Capricorn of his day of return.
Orion removed Libra so it remained no more.
Virgo changed the destiny of Gemini in Aries.
The Pleiad no longer appeared and Draco rejected its belt.
Pisces submerged themselves in the girdle of Leo.
Cancer did not stand its ground, for it feared Orion.
Scorpio got under the tail because of terrible Leo,
And the Dog Star perished by the flame of the sun.
The strength of the mighty Day Star burned up Aquarius.
Heaven itself was roused until it shook the fighters.
In anger it cast them headlong to earth.
Accordingly, stricken into baths of ocean,
they quickly kindled the whole earth, but the sky remained
This is a Christian pseudo-prophecy from about 100AD. It is
in a book called the Christian Sibylline Oracles, book 5. No one
has ever explained it. Velikovsky said that it described the
appearance of the sky as the earth tipped over. This author tried
for three years to make it work as he claimed - it doesn't. Besides,
the poem itself says the sky was starless at the time. But if you
name the subcontinents as described above, it does give a
reasonable description of how they might have separated, and puts
them in their right place today. In fact, the conflict of the flames of
the sun answers well to the interference patterns created by too
many weather generators operating simultaneously, as the
mathematical errors become apparent. The shift in the moon is the
product of the earth flipping over, and the sunlight bending
phenomena described above. Then, the clouds gather, and the sky
becomes starless, exactly like the other myths describe (the rain
happened AFTER the flood).
While any reconstruction must be conjectural, because of the
question of where to put the great circle routes, the following
seems reasonable: We assume that there was one continental
landmass, with Asia at the north, and Australia affixed in the South
China Sea, with Antarctica between Africa and India.
The identification is:
Capricorn: Goat Europe
Saggitarius Archer Russia
Draco's belt South sea island chain
Scorpio Scorpion New Zealand (N of Australia)
Libra Scales Australia
Virgo Virgin Viet Nam, Burma, etc.
Leo Lion Indian subcontinent
Cancer Crab Southern USA
Gemini Twins Antarctica-South Africa
Sirius Islands off S. Africa, gone
Orion South America
Taurus Bull Central America
Pleiades South Atlantic Ridge
Aries Ram Arabian Peninsula
Pisces Fish N. Atlantic Ridge, America
Aquarius Water Canada
"I saw the threat of the burning solar charge from all the star-
named weather control centers at once
And the terrible wrath of the rebounding lightning
The continents fought with each other as God made them
For to redistribute the heat of the sun, long flames interfered
with each other
And the movement of the moon was changed
The lightning sources attacked, mounted all over India (Is it
just coincidence that it is the Hindus who mount a similar
mechanism on vehicles in the world war?)
The British Isles banged into the Brazilian coast
And the collision made it a separate island
South America detached New Zealand (as Asia-Europe-Africa
spun only half as fast as North/South America, since it is twice as
large. South America swung around and hit New Zealand,
attached to the edge of Australia attached near China, across the
other side of the earth.)
Burma, etc. forced Antarctica from under the Arabian
Peninsula where it used to be attached between Africa and India to
float freely as the ancient unexplained Piri Reis map shows.
The southern Atlantic ridge went under water, and the Pacific
islands detached from the China/Japan coast
The North Atlantic ridge (with Atlantis attached) sank and the
Himalayas rose
The southern US swung around as Brazil shook and detatched
itself from Africa
Australia (separated by South America) went south of India,
detatching New Zealand
An island between South Africa and Buenos Aries sank
The strength of the field caused forest fires in Canada
Heaven itself had been roused until it shook the continents
And cast all the power of the stars to earth (so the weather
control system failed)
Accordingly, buried under a flood, they set the whole earth on
fire, but the sky remained starless"
This is not to say that the description is accurate. The
Sybillines are a secondary source, and perhaps what any of this
best proves is that someone made the story up a millenia or two
after all this happened, assigning names at that point.
Atlantis (Pisces, the fish, always identified with Poseidon and
the nereids of the ocean. Note the picture ID in the chapter on
flight, which associates the pisces fish with a flying warrior with a
sword.) in Greek means "unfirm". The Egyptian name, which no
writer on Atlantis has ever bothered trying to find, although Plato
says that that should be the first thing the reader does, is N-Jeti,
and in that name, it is in the Bible as a place name, Engedi. The
legend may refer to the Eastern third of North America. If the
Mississippi-Missouri basin was under water, Plato's geographical
description is answered perfectly (although some prefer to think it
was in South America). When the continents separated, Noah
would have seen Atlantis sailing away, and assumed it was sinking
as it went over the horizon. The Mohawk indians' creation myth
tells the complementary story, that the land they live on was
brought up from under the ocean.

Every reader is certainly aware that the legends of a flood are
everywhere. So prevalent are they in virtually every culture on
earth, that the concept is one of the most divisive in science. Some
scientists are absolutely certain that no flood of general destruction
could have ever occurred at all; they credit the myths to local
floods at various times, and point to the clear absence of any large
amount of mud with mixed fossilized remains anywhere on earth.
Other scientists are willing to believe in some very ancient
happening that is remembered as the flood - possibly something to
do with the movement of glaciers at the end of the last ice age.
But all explanations are off the point. The most ancient
legends are clear: The flood is not, first, a flood of water. The
(human) gods caused it deliberately, in spite of the fact that the
flood backfired and killed them. It was caused through
technological means. It was caused in frustration over inability to
get enough work out of the people they had enslaved. Velikovsky
quotes an impressive array of other legends, from every part of the
world, all agreeing with the idea that the flood involved a spinning
of the earth. For instance, in China, there was a ten day long
period of daylight, and in the Americas continuous darkness for an
indeterminate period.
First, we must determine the precise nature of the flood. Later
sources, the Greek and Roman writings, and most Bible
translations, suggest that it is a flood of water. But there are many
disagreements. An Irish legend, called the Hawk of Achill,
published in English for the first time in the "Encylopedia of Celtic
Wisdom" calls it a "black outpouring". The Mayan Popul Vuh
concurs:" There came a rain of resin from the sky...gouged out
eyeballs...snapped off heads...ate their flesh...tore them open...the
black rainstorm...everything spoke." These are some of the phrases
The sources whose dates we can place with certainty to being
from the early classical period are more exacting.
Plato states that Atlantis sank in a day and night of cataclysm,
when the inhabitants of Greece were drowned. Ovid's
"Metamorphoses" tells us "Neptune himself struck the earth with
his trident; it trembled, and by its movement threw open channels
for the waves.
The Book of Enoch is very specific, with many worthwhile
details of the technology. From ch.65-67:
"In those days, Noah saw the earth, that she had become
deformed, and that her destruction was at hand...their doom has
arrived because they have acquired the knowledge of all the secrets
of the angels...their most occult powers...silver...bronze...lead and
tin...their source is a fountain inside (which) stands an angel, and
he is running angel...Because their oppression has been carried out
on the earth...On account of the abstract things which they have
investigated and experienced, the earth shall perish (together with)
those who dwell upon her. There was produced from that bronze
and fire a smell of sulfur (which) blended with those waters...the
temperatures of those fountains of water will be altered..."
So we are already taking metals, creating flames, and mixing
with water. We will see this unfold as we continue.
We have already discussed the age of the book of Genesis. But
the flood is clearly not a flood, at least in many parts of the world.
The key chapters are 6-9. Consider the following: Yahweh decides
to wipe off men (6:7), but Elohim (6:13) sends the flood.
Remember the two words for God? It is Elohim with whom Noah
walks (6:9), making him a scientist (for Elohim literally means the
"powers that cause being"). The Hebrew does not say that the
earth was destroyed. What was "mah" or "struck" (not
"destroyed"), was all "hiqum", or "things of value". Nor does it
say that only the ark residents survived; Numbers 13:33, is clear
that the anakim lived to beget descendants. Hebrew has two words
for children, "yalad", and "beni"; the first refers to the biological
act, the second to the inheritance rights - hence, Noah's "sons"
("beni") could be adopted. Fasold suggests they were involved in
the project as mates to help Noah the captain.
Noah makes the ark of Gopher wood. Fasold has found the
ark. Gopher, which means "amalgam" (this is the latest research)
in Hebrew, is concrete laden with metal filings. Davidowits finds
metal filings in the concrete pyramid stone. Metal filings do not
give strength to concrete as do metal rods. This is magnetic
shielding. In line 30 of the Babylonian flood narrative, their Noah
is told to make the ceiling like the Apsu (the heavens - hence
magenetic). Gopher (gipar) wood appears as the material for the
sanctuary at Sumeria desired by Enmerkar, their third king, from
the Lord of Arratu (Ararat, where the Ark landed with the other
type of plural formation). Enmerkar was the third king of Sumeria
after the flood, and he wanted the sanctuary to be covered like the
Apsu. He was willing to go to war over the material, which, we
can thus recognize, the local residents of the ark landing spot, had
been stripping from the ark. (See the appendix for the story). We
shall see in the chapter on Denderah, how magnetic waves were
used to charge the king at the New Year's Festival.
The rain is "Matir" (coincidentally, the name of the viceroy of
the first king of the third dynasty of Egypt, who worked the
weather control mechanism, and altered the moon phases.), but the
flood is Mabol. What does this word mean?
The root "Abol" is not known for certain. Hebrew scholars
think it means a stream, because a stream flows. It could just as
well mean "undulations", or vibes. Derivatives include "Tubal-
Cain", the inventor of bronze and iron working, and "Jubal", the
creator of playing of musical instruments.
Tubal-Cain literally means, "He who does business trading in
evidence of Abol". Fasold believes that it is he who constructed
the gopher wood for Noah. Drop the "T", proper to Hebrew only,
and the god "Vulcan" emerges, the first worker of hot metals and
amalgams. By the way, tradition teaches he had two golden
androids of his own design who helped him work. Gold is far too
soft to mold iron, so by "gold" is probably meant some form of
bronze. Could he have been the first robotics engineer, or are these
androids a form of giant?
Jubal means "vibes being made" and is a good name for a
Ch. 7, verses 5, 7 and 10 tell us that the flood was on the earth
7 days before the rain. Noah is saved by the rain, which God sent
to save the earth from total destruction by the flood. In verse 21,
we learn that God had cursed the "ground", and in verse 22, that
there would always be seasons and that day and night would not
cease. Why the need for reassurance unless there was doubt? So
once again, we see a suggestion that the earth had flipped over, and
was now inclined to the ecliptic, for that is why there are seasons.
Philo states specifically that the "bow" is not a rainbow. In the
context of the storm center description (9:14) it is more likely
some sort of new natural law that dissipates the energy before the
flood can form again. It is a good name for a weather front.
Going still further back, the tablets of the Atra-Hasis Sumerian
flood story and the Babylonian Gilgamesh date to around 2300BC
and give us the story of the dissatisfaction of the gods with men,
their meeting to discuss the flood, and their causing it. They also
report the subsequent betrayal of the plan by one of their number
who whispers the secret plan to a wall, knowing full-well that his
human friend is on the other side of the wall, waiting to hear and
build the ark.
The Gilgamesh story is the more complete, and has some
additional data. It states that silver and gold were carried on the
ark. It calls the flood a rain of blight, mentions that there were
servants on board, and gives the specifics "the annunaki lift up
their torches setting the land ablaze with their was
shattered like a pot...the south storm..." and although they
"ascended to the heaven of Anu" to get away, it did no good,
because they still "cowered like dogs crouched against the outer
The storm comes from the south in all European and Asian
sources that mention a direction. But Velikovsky quotes a Wichita
indian legend that it came from the north. And note, the storm
comes up gradually, giving the continents time to split before the
actual rain shows up, thus accounting for the difference in the
observed direction of onslaught.
More and more, we see that technological fire created this
thing. That it upset the earth, lowered mountains, and tore
continents apart.
It is no wonder that geologists are disappointed when they look
in the fossil record for a flood of water. The event we are
describing would have caused the exact fossil record that they
observe, since the more primitive creatures would be trapped at the
beginning of the storm, whereas, more evolved creatures could
have run for days before dying, and their fossils thus occur on top.
This stratification is what has misled scientists to believe that life
advanced slowly over millions of years. This account also
explains why the several exceptional fossil records quoted by
Velikovsky occur. In some places the more advanced creatures
were taken by surprise. The evolution theory has no way to
account for Velikovsky's exceptions.
There is one more flood legend to consult. It has never been
published in English, except in the first British Museum report of
the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus. It appears as a gloss (probably
like a footnote, although maybe there just accidentally) on the back
of the oldest part of the papyrus, which may be the part copied by
Noah's great-grandson. The technical reference is BM87 of the
Rhind Mathematical Papyrus. It reads:
"Entered at Anu on 6-21 (late Oct.):
On 1-23, the tunnuka came from the south and enveloped the
destroyed city. On day 2- (exact date unreadable) the mountains
had spoken that the enveloping of the city was eminent. For, on
the 21st the children of Seth had manipulated the controls of the
god's water guider. The children see the destruction as heaven
stikes with a flood.
The Chinese sources give June 6, 3122BC, as the date of the
flood. The Mayan Palenque stele says disembarcation (the most
likely meaning, but this does not match the Biblical date.; the
wording suggests the charge had finally dissipated) from the ark
occurred on Nov. 16, 3121BC. The book of Jubilees dates the
flood to Y1118 from Adam or Y834 from Enosh. The dates agree
if our year Y0 is set to Enosh being 45 years old. Jubilees is one of
the books that almost made it into the Bible, and witnesses to one
of the other chronologies mentioned previously. If we accept the
year 3122 as correct, the Egyptian regnal date for the 21st is June
16, and that, we are told here, is when the waters reached the
mountains around Sumer. If we accept the Mayan data, in the
same stele, that a new moon occurred Dec. 2, 3121, and work
backwards, the Biblical and Jubilees date of 2-17 comes out to
June 8 plus or minus 2 days (allowing a day or two for the spinning
earth). If the rain fell as fast as usually beleived, it fell nearly 6
inches a minute, which proves something other than rain was
involved. The fact that the dates from so many continents agree so
well is astonishing after so many millenia, given the primitive state
of writing before 2700BC. Also such specific dates can come only
from living witnesses, which demonstrates that the event must
have occurred, and is not just a legend.
Note the similarity of what is written at Anu to the Sumerian-
Babylonian. Anu is the most ancient depository of Egyptian
records. Also note the detail of south. Tunnuka is composed of
the word Tunnu written in phonetics and two determinatives.
Tunnu means "sign of being". The determinatives are the cow
wich means "ka" or "power", and the reed crossed with a hand that
meanas "music". The word means "earth vibes". Seth is the great
enemy of Egypt. The word for "flood" is pronounced "tannen",
and this, in Hebrew, is the vibrating thing that Moses's staff turned
into (Exodus 7:12) before Pharoah. The literal meaning is "wave
The word "children" is the British Museum translation. It skips
a whole charcter. While the cursive handwritten hieretic can be
tricky, the skipped character could be a adze. If it is, the word
"children - mesiut", could be "mesnuti", which is a variant on
"mesniut", the name given to the metal workers who built and used
Horus' weapons when he flew throught the air. The notes on the
blacksmiths in Ch. 10, and on Bigfoot in Ch. 12 are relevant.
One translation of the word is mes - children, nuti - watchers; and
this name "children of the watchers", is the exact name given to the
sons of the nephalim in the Book of Jubilees.
This is the oldest flood legend we have access to, and it
confirms all the rest. The meaning is quite clear, and it mentions
the weather control mechanism.
We will investigate the mechanism next.

In 1912, Budge first published his "Legends of the Egyptian
Gods", which included the first English translation of a nine foot
high historical marker from the island of Sahal, near Aswan,
Egypt. This rock had been in full view of everyone for many
years, but the writing on it had not been cut, in the usual fashion,
but "stunned", and hence was missed by all passers-by until 1889.
Budge, of course, cannot be held responsible for his failure to
recognize the technological nature of the text. While he had
certainly had Manetho's statement that king Tcheser had been
involved with perturbations of the length of moon phase, electricity
had barely been developeed, and it would be generations until the
notion of standing waves that interact with the earth's magnetic
field could be brought into popular consciousness. He does call
the text "remarkable" twice in his introduction. While he points
out that the nature of the Egyptian makes the date of writing nearer
to classical times, and hence a secondary source, the phenomenal
suggestions it makes are thus the more unbelievable.
Davidowits reprints a portion of the legend, attempting to
derive names of rocks used in concrete manufacture. His results
are minimal, and not convincing. While it seems likely that
several components of pyramid concrete was named for certain
laser effects, and this would account for his minimal success, the
interpretation suggested in this study is probably the correct one.
It is tempting to hypothesize the following as the cultural
reason for the invention of the pyramid: Tcheser piled a mound on
top of his burial museum (mastaba) as a tombstone to
commemorate his life-giving triumph of learning to work the
ancient technology, which itself was shaped like a mound. Third -
fourth dynasty pharoahs copied his mound, trying to build a real
operational model to give rain to the east bank of the Nile (thus is
explained why the "land of the dead" ended up on the west bank.
The fifth dynasty was when the custom of burying pharoahs in the
pyramids actually began, probably out of deference to the need to
find a reason to keep up the now forgotten (and no longer
operating) tradition. The pyramid building stopped soon after,
until dynasty twelve, and we will explore the results in due
The idea contradicts nothing legendary or archeological, and
explains a lot.
1. Cheops never once mentions his burial when he asks Jeti to
find him the correct measurment. He calls the pyramid his
"forever house" or his "horizon", both of which relate directly to
the "everlasting mountains of the horizon" we will see charged at
Denderah, below.
2. The pharoahs of dynasty 3-4 were NOT buried in their
pyramids, making generations of archeologists question the
apparent waste of manpower to build them.
Herodotus informs us that the pharoah became powerful by
charging tolls to get to the pyramids, leaving open the question of
how the pharoahs who built them were powerful enough to do so
before they were built.
3. There were sudden drastic changes in style, size,
construction methods (all for the worse), and painted
ornamentation (vastly greater) in the fifth dynasty, suggesting the
purpose had changed.
4. The Rhind Papyrus does not give the standard Cheops
pyramid size, showing it was not important after the book's
composition date, no earlier than the 10th dynasty.
5. A reason needs to be found for Graham Hancock's
observation that Giza was laid out based on a map of the stars in
the Belt of Orion; carrying the "heavenly energy" will do nicely.
6. There are many legends that the pyramids were energy
storers. If they worked, the copper coverings fed the electrical
charge to/from the iron antennas, and the charge was stored in
7. That, in turn, explains the "air shafts" - they were conduits
for pipes or hoses (like the Dendera coaxial cable below) which
carried charged water (the Egyptians, Sumerians, etc., did have
copper tubing, and could have made hoses from linen covered in
wax), and also explains the round holes in the stones that often
block them. (The ziggurats and MesoAmerican pyramids tried
copying this idea with their serpent shaped drainage channels
along the sides. VonDaniken shows pictures of "drainage
channels" that go in pairs, which is, as he says, a terrible waste of
effort to construct, and suggests they are cable conduits.) The
access channels (normally in pairs - positive/negative) look more
like what we would build for public works than burial access.
The copper coating helps explain the lack of water damage to
the pyramids, as is on the sphinx (see last chapter). The famine
that occurred during the twelfth dynasty was probably caused by
too much rain. Nile flooding records, compiled by the Egyptians,
show that normal high Niles at that time were 17 feet, compared to
12 feet in the modern era, but, that for several years, they exceeded
21 feet. The additional flooding would have caused a famine, as it
made planting in a timely fashion impossible. It is not surprising
that the flooding occurred with the return of pyramid building.
The famous "labyrinth" building was erected at the same time, near
a large pyramid, and it is tempting to suggest that the labyrinth was
an attempt to copy the ancient installation described below. If
David Rohl in Pharoahs and Kings is remotely right, and this
famine was THE FAMINE of Joseph in the Bible, the Herodotus'
story is explained nicely. It was not admission to the burial
pyramids that was charged for by Pharoah, but admission to the
storage areas of grain made by the rainfall from the new pyramids
(before they malfunctioned), and this is verbatim the story in the
Bible: that Joseph bargained the property of the border area
chieftains around Egypt for food, and thus gave Pharoah his power.
If this is correct, we will not be surprised to read in the Bible
chapter that Moses knew how to work the technology. Following
is a selection of many parts of the legend, with extensive

"In the eighteenth year of the Horus, Neter Khat, of the King of
South and North
this is a full king's title, that of Tcheser
of the Lord of the Shrines of Uatchit and Nekhebit
the words are two hieroglyphs. The first means mother, the
second, a serpent, is the phonetic name of the force field directing
antenna used at Denderah - see next chapter. Isis is the giver of
the gifts there, and they are thus spoken of as a heritage of leftover
technology, for in another of Budge's legends, Isis overcomes the
ancient gods, and transmits their names
Neter-Khat, of the Golden Horus
Horus is power for the good of man
we call him Djoser, based on the Greek spelling. He it is who
built the first true pyramid, changing the old idea of a burial
museum, or mastaba, into a mound. Could he have made this
important cultural contribution to history to commemorate the
weather control mound that this story describes him learning to
when Madir was Chy prince
the priests of Dendera are ichy priests, the word is the same, as
Egyptian often appends an I for various reasons of minimal
importance, as we shall see later, that shamir becomes ishmer
and Erpa the governor of temple cities in the land of the south
symbol of positive charge, as we shall see later, and of course,
where the flood came from as it rose to offset the negative sky
charge, and the direction in which the continental split traveled
and director of the Khenti folk in Abu
this is where they are going, hence the inclusion of the officer's
...we are next informed of a major drought ruining the country.
Tcheser says:
"My mind remembers back to the former time, when I had an
advocate, in the time of the gods(rulers), of the ibis god
Thoth, the Egyptian Enoch, who taught writing, mathematics,
and the chief kher-heb priest Imhotep
the guy who created pyramid technology
the son of Ptah of his southern wall
the name Ptah is spelled in letters. Ptah is a creator god.
Southern wall, which we will explore later in the chapter, here
takes the determinative of a ruler-god with the jem staff - see next
"Where is the birth place of Chapi (the Nile)? What god
(power), or what goddess(serpent) presides over it? What manner
of form has he?
A god can take a determinative of power or of rulership. A
goddess takes a serpent or an egg, presumably power or birth.
It is he who establishes revenue for me, and a full store of
grain. I would go to the chief of HatSekhet
actually, he sends Madir. The purpose is to look up the nature
of the weather control mechanism to get the Nile filled again
I would enter into the house of life
so is the weather contol center called.
I would unfold the written rolls, and lay my hand on them
he wants to read the instruction book
Madir goes and returns, and tells Tcheser
all things which men had written concerning it, and he revealed
to me the secret doors
the hieroglyphs are clear. They say secret openings. Only the
explanation is wanting. The ancients believed in floodgates in the
skies. But note the double door in plate 1; it could also be the
"canal charge" switch or "Qerti" below.
to which the ancestors had betaken themselves quickly
another reference to flight?
the like of which has never been to any king since the time of
note Ra is called a king, not a god. We shall read the precise
story later, and see pictures both from Egypt and MesoAmerica of
the flying ships docking
in Hebrew, this means "fathers' city"
was its name in the beginning; it is the city of the beginning. It
reaches to Uaua
spelled phonetically. It takes the feminine ending t and a city
determinative. Uaua means creation. Budge thinks of it
geographically. We are being told that the secret openings, when
opened, effect the matching geographical region
which is the beginnning of the land. There too is a flight of
this is a ziggurat, just like Djoser's first "step pyramid"
which rears itself to a great height, and is the support of Ra
the hieroglyph is a that of the charge generated by the sun. We
will deal with this symbol later
when he makes his calculation
another proof we are dealing with science
to prolong life to everyone. Sweet, sweet life is the name of its
abode. The two Qerti
spelled out, the determinative is a corner of a wall
is the name
the glyph also means island
of the water, and they are the two breasts from which every
good thing comes forth. "Here is the bed of the Nile wherein he
renews his youth, wherein he causes the flooding of the land. He
comes and has union as he journeys, as a man has union with a
the duality again
And he plays the part of husband
from the north, the sun charge, negative polarity
and satisfies his desire...The union there is that of the god

This god has at least four hieroglyphic names. One is the Jed
column, symbol of positive earth charge, and of the stability which
was Atlantis or N-Jedi, holding with magic-spell arms, and means
"apex"), the third is the cow similar to "ka" above, the fourth is a
perfume bottle with sprayer. His name can be translated as
"breather spots". These represent him as magician of the earth
vibes, he who directs earth energy to fly (or to the apex of the
mound), he who captures and holds the sacred bull-energy of the
sky, and he who breathes the electrical breath of air.)
in (next part too weathered to be read. Budge guesses, but I
will leave blank)...with his sandals
In the Popul Vuh, the Mayan god K - for Khnemu? - spins in
his sandal to make rain. The god K has a parabolic reflector with
a torch in it on his head. The flood ending date on the Palenque
stele is when the God K "sets the south sky place", which we
understand as "fills the charge potential", and thus stops the earth
from spinning. Remember the phrase in the Babylonian flood story
about "torches setting the land ablaze with their glare"? Later we
shall see, in the story of Enmerkar and the Lord of Arattu, that
the shamir raygun elements are created by being passed through
alternate charges. We will later see a technological possibility:
The word sandal also can be a technical term for base (as it is
used for a pyramid base). The dynamo will be encountered in the
Dendera chapter. A grounded flour grinder filled with metal
pieces and crystal would create electrical current from the crystal
when it is compressed. This current would charge the metal.
and its fulness becomes abundant, and he opens the bolt of the
door with his hand and he throws open the double door of the
the glyphs show two corners, two charges
through which the water comes

a picture may be seen in a Sumerian cylinder seal quoted by
Note the double door at the left, and the use of the serpent
symbol. Also the round antenna.
He dwells there in the form of the god (power) Shu
earth in Egyptian, fire in Mayan or Hebrew, as in Xiucoatl,
prounounced Shuccoatle, or as in Nachash, the undulating earth
charge, composed of the Nekh, or field directing antenna, plus esh,
or fire
as one who is lord over his own territory, and his homestead,
the name of which is Ya
Sumerian Ea. It is the standing magnetic field which causes
the rain to form
There he keeps an account of the products
the built up relative charges
of the land of the south and the land of the north in order to
give each god
both glyphs, power and rulership, together
his proper share, and he brings each the ...metals (specific non-
readable, thus could also mean particles), the stones (same
problem as metals) the (Budge guesses animals), the fowl the fish,
and eveything they live on. And the cord (for measuring) and the
tablet of registry is kept there
probably to keep track of how much land the Ya covers
And there is an edifice of wood
no hint of gopher, but there is a boat determinative
there, with portals of reeds
Fasold's Ark is a Gopher skeleton, probably covered originally
with wood, sitting on a reed boat
where he dwells as one who is over his territory
this is the control room
and he makes
Budge guesses the foliage of trees. It literally says 'feathers of
the land', and copper filings would answer the glyphs nicely
to serve as a roof. "His god (power) house opens (literally,
presents a stone to; the Ohio model shows both the opening and
the stone) toward the southeast, and Ra (the charge) stands
immediately opposite every day. The stream which flows along
the south side has danger, and has a defensive wall on the south
that enters the region of the men of Kens
to act as a "heat sink" to absorb the charge created by the sun,
dumping it into a stream, which is thus dangerous, and is
maintained by a long wall toward the south
Great mountains
Budge adds "filled with". The hieroglyphs do not say this
of stone
Skipping the word filled is correct, as the model from Ohio
are around its domain on the east, and shut it in. Thither come
quarrymen with things
Budge erroneously assumes "tools", the mountains are not
mined, they are places to get things made using the captured
energy of the Ya field. The things are the unfinished items
when they seek to build...temples or shrines, pyramids, or
statues. They stand in the front of the house of the god (power)
and in the sanctuary chamber, and their sweet smelling offerings
are presented before the face of the god Khnemu (perfume jar plus
seat of rulership, with head of cow with two long horns -antennas?
- and a jem staff) during his circuit (the same word is used
electrically at Denderah) as they bring garden herbs and flowers of
every kind. The front is in Abu, and rear in (s...t city. The key part
is unreadable. Budge guesses Sunt). One portion is on the east
side of the river, another on the west, and another in the middle of
the river. The stream decks the region with its waters...and
quarries are on the edges of (not readable)
This section is not technological. It just summarizes what
people get from the Nile
for the stream faces Abu and there is the granite
thus identifying granite, their chief building stone with Abu.
This misled Davidowits into thinking that the other stones could be
so identified.
Then follows the list of gods who dwell, literally breathe, the
nose glyph is used for electrical breath at Denderah, as well
in the house of the god Khnemu (perfume jar. The list is
unremarkable): Sothis, Anqet, Nile, Shu, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Horus,
Isis, Nephthys. The names of the stones which lie in the heart
the glyph is a literal heart. Aristotle says the heart is where the
spirit attaches to the body.
of the mountains, some on the east side, some on the west side,
and some in the stream of Abu. They exist in the heart of Abu,
they exist in the country on the east bank
the glyph says mountains
on the west bank (mountains) and in the midst (heart) of the
Again showing how mythical reality is identified with the real
stones, as is common among aborigines. The list is of paramount
importance. Davidovits provides a character by character
translation, doing a lot of questionable guessing, and still leaving
many unidentified. As a first approximation, the following list was
prepared by copying in the first column the Egyptian spelling, or
translation when known. The second column notes whether they
are notated by picture symbol (in which case, the English is
provided instead of the Egyptian), or whether the stone is powder
or solid stone, or if there is an exception. The third column lists
the translation of the phonetic in Hebrew. This idea is based on
the fact that almost no stone is identifiable in Egyptian, but, if as
we suppose, these are locations of technological production, whose
products survived into thee fifteenth century BC (which we will
demonstrate below), they should be the same in both languages. In
Egyptian, most phonetic words have multiple meaning, but in
Hebrew each word is unique and matches one Egyptian meaning.
The Hebrew helps in selecting the correct homnym. The fourth
provides an English adaptation of the Hebrew as a technical term,
as is done today in modern Hebrew to make technical terms from
old Biblical words. The fifth is Davidovits translation, for
reference. The totals and summaries are not in the original, but
will be used later:
OPERATION CONTROL; (These titles mine)
1 Bekhen stone watchtower monitor dead
2 Meri or Meli stone&canal full power source
3 Atbekhab stone ark cloud electron cloud
4 Rages stone excitement hot plate
5 Utshi white stone breath repellent positive onion
are found on the east bank

6 Pertchani vase make serious current storage
is found on the west bank
7 Teshi stone weak ground
in the river.
Here are the names of the hard or hidden - the note is Budge's.
Our theory would prefer "enclosed". Each translation is good.
Davidovits translates as "rare"
precious stones, which are found on the upper side
Davidovits says upstream
among them the ...stone
a most sad fact that this is unreadable
which has spread abroad for four atru measures
either 4 miles, or 16 miles, or, as a land area, about 16 square
miles, although the linear measure is suggested by the glyphs)

8 Gold dust cause to sprout gold
9 Silver dust alloy gold silver
a Copper dust warmth copper
b Iron (bia) dust iron iron
Timeaus 59 b-c states that both gold and copper are condensed
c Lapislazuli(khesteb)stone dust secret-good lapislazuli
d Emerald(afk) dust flying vessel turquoise
e Thechen dust shine
f Khnem stone vanity, puff up jasper
g Giy stone depth radish*
h Mennu stone appoint (the land)
i Betga dust pierce (engrave) emerald*
j Temi stone complete (engrave) garlic*
k Na dust moving (hologram)
Thus are provided the uses of a laser, We do in fact sprout
seeds, alloy gold, warm food, magnetize iron, fly small craft, shine
a light, magnify our vanity, measure depths, engrave, and create
moving holograms. Lapis lazuli are the flight crystals we will
discuss below, and the thoughtreaders that were applied to
appointing the land in Israel. Their meaning as componenets will
be discussed in each relevant chapter. Davidovits' turquoise is
related to lapis lazuli as both are blue and were confused in the
Egyptian language. At*, Davidovits alters Budge's readings.
Budge is likely correct, as his work was done a century ago, when
it was undoubtedly less worn and so easier to read. The error is
likely Davidovits'. The vegetables are used by Davidovits in his
claim to identify other ingredients for concrete. The determinative
totals are 8 dust, 4 stone, 1 both). The difference between a
determinative of stone or powder may be whether it is a room for
assembly (on a stone base) or a room for storage of small items
(powder size.)
The following come from the fore part of the land (Budge has
no idea what the "fore part" of the land is)

l Mehi stone living A
m Chemaki stone flail seeds B
n Ibheti stone represent C
p Iron dust eternal youth A
q Alabaster for statues dust make a farmers field B
r Mother-of-emerald dust direct flight D eye
s Antimony stone measure D red ochre*
t Sechi seeds or gum dust water seeds B from shi
u Imem seeds or gum dust incense E
v Incense seeds or gum iron dust nose times of seasons B
(4 stone. 6 dust)
There are 5 agricultural uses at B, plus two more if A, having
to do with long life, is counted as genetically creating the amomum
immortality plant of legend, plus one if incense E is genetically
enginereed. The D listings correlate with the previous use list, as
does the C, if engraving is to create pictures of people. This is a
list of locations producing tools to do certain jobs. The
identifiable tools for engraving, cutting, and shining will be
discused in due course. Measuring times of seasons could be some
sort of sundial, possibly relating to the earth's field. No such
contrivance has been found, unless one counts the gears of the
antikythera device as small iron particle size pieces.* is half
unreadable. It could also be lens manufacture for telescopes to fix
the correct phases of the moon, etc.
These are found in the fore parts of the double city, This is
what I learned from Madir.
The text continues as the king makes offerings and passes
through the secret places, until the god is found "standing in front
of me". Jaynes would wax poetic on how this is ancient language
for "I got in touch with the power and how it worked". We
continue verbatim:
Then he
the machine
opened his eyes
turned on
and his heart was inclined to hear me
asked for input
and his words were strong when he said,"I am Khnemu (the
glyph is "winged firmness"), who fashioned you. My two hands
were about you and knitted together your members, and I gave you
your heart
Microsoft makes no better boot up messages. This was, of
course altered by later religious feeling, once the Ichy priests came
on board
Yet the rare stones are under each other from olden time, and
no man has worked them to build the houses of god (power), or to
restore those which have fallen into ruin, or hewn the shrines (the
glyph is the Denderah nekh jars) of the gods of the south and the
north...I am he who created himself,
Khnemu creates himself because he is an alternator?
waters or electrical fields as the terms are used at Denderah
...(he goes on with a list of titles and how, as the Nile, he gives
health to all)...
With old age comes a condition of weakness. I will make the
Nile rise...
And he goes on to say, how, if the king will fix him up, he will
continue to give the water to the Nile (It was late Roman times
before people realized that the Nile flood comes from melting
snows upstream. Most thought it was a god, showing how they
had forgotten that a machine called a god, using the "other" word,
once existed.) The king then says, echoing the language of the
I woke up at the mention of crops, my courage came back, and
I made the following decree
And a system of land grants of 20 schoini, nearly 30 miles of
Nile bank, with all the cities occupying it, and a taxation system,
and thus caused the original historical marker stone to be erected,
of which this is supposedly a copy. Although, as stated, Budge
thinks the language on the marker we are reading is too recent (ca.
5th century BC) to be an exact copy. This does not rule out copies
being made continuously through the years, with the langugage
being gradually updated.
So, the first question is, would it work? It did. In the 1890's,
Nikola Tesla demonstrated for a congressional panel, who came to
Colorado Springs to see it, that he could set up a static electric
generator in tune with the earth's magnetic field, and pull the
power out of the air with no wires - up to 13 horsepower, that's 10
kilowatts, at 25 miles away. He easily raised the money to get
generators built to give the earth free power, but he tore them
down for mysterious reasons some 20 years later. All this is easily
researched public record. His device had exactly the same number
of components as our first list, and they are easily matched to the
Egyptian terms in the first list. Since Tesla was the son of an
Orthodox minister, he would certainly have had access to the Book
of Enoch as a child, since this book is a standard of their education
in Scripture interpretation.But Tesla had this big round copper ball
antenna, right?
There is no antenna in the list. Papyrus Chester Beatty IV,
writing from about 1200BC, has a lament about the passing of the
great technology of the former times. It states specifically that
pyramids were covered with copper and had iron rods on them.
Now, the copper could just be white paint, which as the color of
the sky symbolized the material the Egyptians thought the sky was
made of. But, Davidovits found gold dust in the pyrmaids' stone,
evidently added on purpose, and the gopher wood, both of Noah's
Ark and Enmerkar's temple, suggests a deliberate attempt to make
certain things absorb magnetic fields. The Egyptians, in electrical
matters, confuse copper and gold all the time. Denderah has iron
rods in golden vessels as part of its technology. Copper, of course,
being paramagnetic, "redirects" magnetism, as iron carries it. The
point is, it would work as described. And the ball is in cylinder
seal picture, just where it should be. But did they use it? Or are we
just reinterpreting something, hoping to find what we wish to see?
Have you toured the Newark works? It's too late now. They
have been mostly plowed under for farm fields. You can still see a
portion of it saved in a National Park. But to see the entire thing,
you need to look at the map made by the Smithsonian in 1849.
Then you can wonder, as have two centuries of American
pioneers, who built this system of mounds, and why. You can, if
you like, believe with Kenneth Frader, in "Frauds Myths and

Mysteries" that they were built by indians. Or, you can accept the
ancient indian stories of the earlier inhabitants called the Telagwi
(which in Hebrew, means, guess what, "mound people") who, no
one knows how long before 1000AD, landed in the Carolinas, and
built mounds everywhere, eventually building the Newark Works
and the quarter mile long serpent (yes, serpent) mound in Ohio.
The indians did not know who they were. But legends have come
and gone about them; that they were somehow purveyors of a great
technology that did something.
It doesn't matter which story you prefer. Compare the map
with the lists above. (That's what the index letters are for.) This
map is two miles on a side. North is roughly at the top. The
weather control center model was copied in the Newark Works.
The circle at the northwest (top right) is the god house, kept low to
avoid electrical contamination. The square beside it contains
"mountains" to the east that shut it in (the 8 dots are mounds that
block the 8 doorway openings). The small circle is the mouth
mound toward the south. The long channel (2-1/2 miles) is the
dangerous river that drains the excess charge. The charge draining
concept also explains the serpentine water channels carved into the
sides of MesoAmerican pyramids - these feed into the river. The a
cul-de-sac nearest the square is #2, the power reservoir (Storing
charged water from the upper stream).Under it, on the upper side a
(or right hand side from the approach from the use sites to the
right, or east side, as the ancients called it, needing two words for
east because the planet flipped over and confused the compass
points) are, in order 5 (repellent, thus making a condenser with 2),
3 (place where cloud is focussed; it is a nekh jar at Denderah), 4
(Hot plate, or place where charge is), 1 (monitor) 2,3, and 5, are a
macro-scale power transistor amplifier when charged. The next is
7(the ground). The rightmost is 6(The positive electrical storage,
completeng the circuit of the two rivers. On the upper side, in the
oddly shaped space by the river bend) is 12 dots (small mounds)
and one box. These are 8-k. The box is c. The circle is the
unknown stone. It is an energy focusser, which is why it is said to
"spread out". The square just under it contains 9 of the 10 dots for
l to u. The tenth is opposite the cul de sac at 7. All are "on the
lower part." The final circle (lower right) was quaters for the
workmen, again kept low to shield from the electrical field. Did
this thing work? Did it do for the Americans what it did for the
ancient Egyptians? The wood house would have decayed long ago.
The metals would have been stripped for jewelry. Or maybe, it
was just a wishful copy, by people who had a piece of the legend,
but not the ability to rebuild it Can we find some more of these?
(Denderah is an exact 1:560 reduction.) The Pyramid Texts speak
of "mounds of Horus, mounds of Seth, and a field of rushes." The
legends state specifically that Lake Titicaca has one (Viracoccha
created Isla del Sol for the purpose of building one; as we shall
read in the chapter on earth movement), but it may be under water.
VonDaniken says that some indians who live on islands in the lake
claim to be from another planet, but that could be a mistranslation
for another continent. In most places, they would have been
plowed under, as civilization increased. There are 15 pyramids
near the tomb of HwangDi in China that appear metallic from
satellite, but cannot be reached even by air. At least we know what
we are looking for.
Linguists claim that the half-life of a word in a language is just
under 500 years. That means, that half of a language changes in
that time. In a thousand years, 3/4 of the language changes, in
1500 years, 7/8, etc. Now, it takes about 6500 basic words,
exclusive of proper names, to have a language; politically rich
countries, like Egypt and the USA, have more. Watching
languages change over the last few centuries, linguists have made
charts of what sounds change into what. By following the
geographic paths of speakers of similar languages, they have
mapped language families based on similar words and grammars.
And this research technique is considered standard method.
When we try to apply all this theory to ancient lost language,
however, we face unexpected difficulty. Language change rules
have shown that words can change so completely, that only about
100 different syllables can be differentiated after only a couple
millenia. That means that if we try to compare unrelated
languages, we would expect, just at random, about 65 words to be
identical. In our own study Egyptian neter (gods) is the nether
world, and tanen is antenna. In both Sumerian and Chinese shen
means shine. And these are all random; the words are not related
historically. The historically provable entymologies of cheres
(laser cutter) to character and eshmer (energy resonator) to emery
are much more different in sound and meaning than the
approximtely 65 random words that could be found by diligent
search. These considerations make any attempt to reconstruct the
ancient languages fruitless on the face; after all, of the 6500 words
spoken by Noah, after 5200 years only 3 should be the same
mathematically (the three are Oh, Mama, and Min, still found in
the English word adMINistrate, meaning to found). However,
the knowledge that one technology was built in all parts of the
world gives us a group of specialized words to look for in the three
ancient languages of mankind: Egyptian, Sumerian, and Chinese.
While the odds of matches in any two languages are about 1 in
100, the same odds across 3 languages become 1 in 10,000.
Chinese has only 6500 words in 400 syllables, and so the following
15 near perfect matches in these three languages prove the cultural
contact claimed for the rebuilders: U(sleep) I(overcome) E(alas)
AN(heaven: Egyptian Onu) EN(noble) BI(cut through)
BE(contradict) HU(bird) KA(establish boundary) KU(raise up)
LU(calumny) MA(go) SHA(dry) TA(gift, favor), MN(repeated)
SHEN(Egyptian Tachen; shine or crystal)
Here then are the technical terms from our study with
explanations, in all the languages. Omissions are caused by
incompatability of alphabets. Chinese lacks multisyllabic words,
and has no B, W, or R, whereas Sumerian lacks F, H, W, J, Q, and
KHNEMU. The computerized (?) interactive weather
reciprocator on which nephalim flood technology is based.
Hebrew CHNMU-EL. Egyptian KHEMU-NETER, god, perfume
sprayer, bull of the sky, and charged jed. Chinese KA-NAU-MU,
mound source of the south. Sumerian KI-NAM-MU, place that
causes kindling, or spinning. The components are listed below in
order from West to East at Newark. The numbers are multiples of
187 feet separating them - this fact was noted by the Smithsonian,
but never explained. The ancient Pyramid Texts Utterance 519
refers to a "boat of 770 cubits which the gods of Pe(earth built for
you, which the eastern gods built for you". It is exactly 7 x 24
Egyptian cubits, providing additional evidence of late Egyptian
cultural heirs settling America (other evidence is courtesy of Barry
Fell, and the early American missionaries. It seems the Micmac
indians of Maine are still writing in Egyptian hieroglyphics, and
the wide similarity of east coast indian words to Hebrew is part of
what motivated the Book of Mormon.) The operation is to create
storms by inverting the charge, collect the lightning, and store it
using streams of water as a conductor in a giant capacitor, with the
clay of the ground acting as the insulating dielectric.
POWER SOURCE. Egyptian/Hebrew MRI, doorway. Dead
Sea scrolls (see below), KEN, fat. Chinese MI-WEI, full and
flourishing. Sumerian MERI Northwind capturer, or encircling
snake.(north of north stream)
POSITIVE (3 due south, thus below north stream)
Egyptian/Hebrew UTSHI commanding the lake. Dead Sea Scrolls
DI to stand still. Chinese O-SHIH, lacking absolute. Sumerian
UTU-ESHSHA, birther of fullness. So named since it acts a
condenser with the above, causing the current to stand still and
build up.
ION CLOUD (3 east along north stream). Egyptian/Hebrew
(A)TBKHAB, repeating light of many colors. Dead Sea Scrolls
THE Essence of God. Chinese lacks such long words, and
Sumerian tb-circle-ab, trembling circle window (compare Horus
Bechodet below); the first A is not in the glyphs.
HOT PLATE. The current deliverer. (3 units east)
Egyptian/Hebrew RAGS,short for ragesges, to make to overflow.
Dead Sea Scrolls HN renew or gift. Chinese lacks the consonants.
Sumerian RU-KAS giver of speed (recall the statement by
Sanchuniaten that the serpent possess unlimited speed).
MONITOR. Egyptian/Hebrew BKHN-watchtower. Dead sea
Scrolls TR guide. Chinese P'EI-KAN, sentry of the flow.
Sumerian BA-KEN apportioner of the reservoir. (2-1/2 east)
STORAGE. The gateway to the north stream east side, thus
completing the self-renewing circuit. Egyptian/Hebrew
PERTCHANI vase - place to leave feebly. Dead Sea Scrolls SK
collect. Chinese P'EI-CHANG-TI flow excess equalizer. This is a
reservoir to hold metal filings so charge in north canal can be built
up if too much water is drained to south. (Water is drained from
either canal as charge gets unbalanced. The double door is a sluice
gate. (4 units SE of last, following stream, thus 6-1/2 units ESE of
RAGES.) Of course, if the Chinese HwangDi burial pyramid is any
indication, the Chinese may have used mercury instead of metal
laced water to hold the charge. This center was then a control
valve for the mercury.
GROUND. Egyptian/Hebrew TSHI to leave. This site does
for south canal what pertchani does for the north. Dead Sea
Scrolls CHAG, grieve. Chinese TAO-SHIH, full of absolute.
Sumerian TA-ESHSHA, approach for absolute. (9 units south,
thus on south stream)
The manufacturing stations for the flight crystals, are, lapis
lazuli and emerald growing stations, and then:
PURITY INSPECTION. Egyptian/Hebrew TCHN shine,
Chinese TAO-SHEN, essence of shining. Sumerian TA-GIN,
make to shine (GIN is the Sumerian word for Lapis lazuli.
EXPANDER. Egyptian/Hebrew KHNM, puff up, or breathe
into; thus Khnemu means beathings. Chinese KAI-NI-MI, to
overflow greatly. Sumerian KI-NIM, place of multiplying. Where
the crystals are expanded?
IMPLANT IN WAX. Egyptian/Hebrew GIY form into.
Chinese KE to chisel into. Sumerian GI stabilize or conform.
The stations for the urim and thummim:
DESIGN: Egyptian/Hebrew MENNU appoint. Chinese MING
to engrave. Sumerian ME-NU image of the ideal.
IMPLANT: Egyptian/Hebrew BTGA, workshop to examine.
Sumerian BA-TAG-A apportioning of the decoration (symbolizing
the heavenly) water.
COMPLETE: Egyptian/Hebrew TMI, complete (Source of the
word Thummim). Chinese TAO-MI perfect completeness.
Sumerian TA-ME, approaching ideal.
The remaining stations cannot be traced without knowing their
function with certainty.
It is possible that the remains of another center was located 5
miles west of Jericho in the biblical period. There is an unsolved
mystery in the so called "Copper Scroll", the treasure map in the
Dead Sea Scrolls. Seven, and only seven, of the 65 sites where the
treasure was buried have unaccounted for Greek letters at the end
of them. The list likely is for real, and represents treasure hidden
from conquerors, but which has been dug up centuries ago by the
Romans, who had a policy of recovering it at all costs.
Included in the above is the list of Greek letters, indexed to
items 1-7 with their translations from Egyptian, and their location
from the trasure map. We suggest that someone who travelled to
Egypt as a young boy, and heard the story of the weather centers
found the need for explanations of the ancient technical terms,
which he wrote down in Greek, as he did not write Egyptian. He
subsequently recognized, or thought he recognized, an operational
center near Jericho, and his tales to the locals provided the legend
of nephalim technology that was notated in the copper scroll:
name meaning treasure# location from scroll
1 TR guide 15 East side, coutyard of ...(lacuna)
2 KEN fat 1 Valley of Achor
3 THE God-essecne 7 Manos reservoir - washer chamber
4 HN gift, anew 6 Manos res.-salt pit under steps
5 DI stand still 11 Matthias' court - mausoleum cistern
6 CHAG grieve 4 Mound of Kohlit
7 SK * 18 Cistern in Kohlit
*collect, destroy, cover, all good names for the ground, the
third is used at Dendera, next chapter
Comparison with the geography of Ohio, predicts the village of
Kohlit and reservoir of Manos will be found one mile and one -
half mile down river from the Valley of Achor respectively. The
discovery would be of use to archeologists and also prove the
existence of the knowledge of the technology in Biblical times.
In operation the double door controls whether meri
communicates with north or south canal. Meri has iron antenna
insulated by mound from copper base. The base touches water
channeled into the cul-de-sac it occupies. Ion cloud is the mound
pictured by Sitchin. To charge in a storm, Meri is south, positive is
north. Meri draws the lightning charge; positive and ion cloud
charge north stream. To make a storm, meri is north, and positive
is funneled to south with a hose. This builds up charge between
meri and ion cloud, and forces it into air. This draws all cosmic
rays for many miles to meri, and thus ionizes the air. This
positioning of meri-positive operating as a dual, and ion cloud
opposite is the set up of the three nekh jars at Denderah. Likely
hot plate controls the current by being a variable ground, like the
Ape of Thoth. Mehi is the living quarters of the low tech assembly
stations, the square in the large circle. Na is where the repelling
oar is built, as na means force or journey in all 4 languages. The a
in Afk cannot be read. Emerald is an error. The most likely
translation is afkfk meaning reject pile of lapis lazuli.

Denderah is a traditional city of the gods. But in the fifth
century BC, it became even more divine, as there was built there a
magnificent temple to the goddess Hathor - the cow with the sun
disk, and probably the "golden calf" of the Biblical book of
Exodus. Supposedly, the temple was designed by King Khufu. If
so, this makes it a primary source for the old kingdom. There is no
way to prove this, however, and so what we have instead is a
primary source for the 5th Century BC. There is some similarity
of terminology, even with the most ancient of writings on earth,
the Pyramid texts, and that suggests that some sort of continuous
tradition may be operating.
Our particular interest is in the room called South Crypt 1,
Chamber C. This room in the basement has been circulating in
archeotechnology circles since the 1970's, when the Society for the
Investigation of the Unexplained ran a picture from its walls in an
issue of its journal, Pursuit. They made the claim then, that,
although we know every single word of the hieroglyphs, we cannot
translate the passages on the walls. They presented it as likely
having something to do with electricity. A picture of the south
wall is reprinted in Time Life Books "Library of Curious and
Unusual Facts", and hints at the theory that these "serpent jars" are
lightbulbs. The room is about 15 feet long and 4 feet wide, with an
8 foot ceiling. The door is toward the west. The writing on the
walls is here presented in translation with running commentary,
and a description of the pictures. The reader familiar with
Egyptian can see, even from the translation, that, without the
electrical hypothesis, or, even with the "lightbulb" idea, the
passage will be meaningless, However, once the static charge of
the weather control mechnism is assumed, the passage makes
sense. What we will read is a story of the pharoah, entering from
the west, and walking through the corridor toward the east, as part
of his reconsecration as god-king, for the new year (theoretically,
the New Year was the time of the annual Nile flood - thus a

connection with Khnemu. Later, the calendar moved out of sync,
as the civil date was set by the appearance of the star Sirius,
beginning in 2780BC, and they forgot leap year.). The static
charges are raised and passed onto him, so that he may make a
vision-quest, a worldwide tradition of taking a journey to the land
of the gods, to determine how best to rule the people in the coming
After the the crypt C passage, we will examine the dekan wall
from Denderah to see how the electrical dynamo (the sandal
spinning) is used to obtain the charges left by the sun god in the
copper mined from the mountains, and thus get our terminology
straight.Was the ceremony performed? The Egyptians were fond of
believing that whatever was written in stone happened in the
soul-world, whether it happened in the material world, or not.
The nekh jars appear from the pictures to require 18 inches
operational clearance, so what is described would not fit into the 4
foot wide room. But that does not mean that the room wasn't
created simply as a reference document. The lotus, holding the
rods in the jars, hid the Hindu rain-god Indra after he had killed the
drought demon, according to Hugh Fox in Gods of the Cataclysm,
and the Olmec petroglyph he prints on page 53 certainly proves
that weather control vibes can emanate from a god in a lotus in
their mythology as well.

The technology seems like it would work as described; the Ichy
priests could have read about the ceremony once a year, and done
it on the front steps outside.
The pharoah enters from the west, facing the rising sun. Since
Egyptian can be written either left-right or right-left without
confusion, he walks with the writing. If he looks behind him, he
can read written on either side of the doorway:
"The hidden throne room (the throne is the built up ya field, on
which the gods sit) becomes the image of the place of joining of
the two thrones
positive and negative
of the ennead
company of 8, most of whom were with Khnemu
above of the great gods. The gold radiates with the stability
the prized Egyptian virtue. Atlantis is its exact opposite, and
means "unstable")
of the city
the feminine of Anu - the heavenly receptor of the knowledge of
the gods, as the earthly masculine Anu is the Egyptian storehouse
of earthly knowledge)
from the breath of the first extraction metal
technical term from dekans below. It is the metal flakes ground
before charging
as it is brought together in the two jars
Budge though this hieroglyph was two shrines. It is an exact
picture of the nekh jars
in this place."
And on the other side:
"The image of the throne room joins the waters of the two
positive and negative streams. South was positive since the sun
ran in the north, and the legends say that Eve was to Adam's south,
hence, the receiver is the south
and the divine rulership. Through its breath, the jem
see dekans. This is the "white gold" carrying the positive
charge. It is the ingredient of the Utshi stone at Khnemu
begets the splendour of life through the revolution
our term is frequency, and is identical with the glyph at the
weather control center
computed by the Ichy. By the holy Ichy
in charge of New Year
priests the south and north of the Khnemu (perfume jar) are
brought into the place that hold them at the New Year's festival
(Basti) to do an offering at the great house of sleep. From the
positive charge is white gold
door one goes through the white light stone to the time of his
soul for the four months of the winter season. The golden scepter
of the sun's energy is the great ya.
The pharoah next looks, we assume, across the room in the
direction of the sunrise. He sees a mirror image with a double
arrangement back to back of an Ichy priest facing a double plumed
Horus. The Horus is the giver of order after the flood, and its
plume looks greatly like the rudder on the flying boat we will
discuss later. This may be its purpose (and not, as supposed by
Egyptologists, that of simple ornamentation). Horus stands on a
stand with the north and south symbols to either side, and has a
whip, symbol of the extracion process. Below this is Hathor as a
woman, crowned with a winged sun and a throne, and holding a
jem staff as she sits on a throne. Below this are throne rooms (we
would say "pictures of throne rooms", but recall, in Egyptian, the
word, the picture, and the reality are all one) which support the
traditional bennu bird, the famous phoenix of rebirth from
destruction, and a pot of flowers, which support a bennu and a
sun. The whole thing is duplicated as a back to back, mirror
image. The pharoah reads:
"The jem
Jem is charged copper or gold, as we shall learn from the
dekans below. The root means "fulfilled" or "contented". Its
opposite "uas" means "drained" of charge. In all the languages:
JEM: Magnetized copper or gold dust. Egyptian Tch'am is the
technical term. Hebrew TSMCH to grow. Chinese TSA-MI, going
in circle many times. Sumerian TAM polished, reflective. This is
the basic magnetic conductor produced by revolution in a bipartite
charged field. The hieroglyph is a vertical staff with two ground
point having a small plate attached to its top diagonally. The
glyph for "ua" is three empty balls tied together like a flower.
"Uaua" was met at the generator as the source of all, which was
drained by the generator.
created by the sun's passage united the north and south, giving
to the city as its gift the heavenly current
the glyph is canal, but of course, refers to the electrical energy
stored in water
Thus the pharoah sees that Horus is going to give him a vision
of stability for the coming year. The pharoah now begins his
journey in. On either side, he sees a long banner line at the top of
each wall. Either line has ornamentation. This is a repeated
pattern of 3 ornamental jars, a Horus with one foot on gold, a sun
for a crown, and his wings spread, embracing an oval - the oval
standing on gold, with an atenu (defined below) crown with the sun
in it, and an ichy priest with the Horus who also has the first
extraction symbol as above. By the Ichy pries pharoah reads:
Horus, uniter of the two lands (charges), divine at the head of
the waters of the heavenly city, crowned with the atenu
not identified in the text here, but it means the plumes. It is the
plural of the standard name of the disk of the sun, made the
exclusive god by Akenaten, causing much confusion in Egyptian
politics, just about the time the Israelite monarchy was getting
underway. It is elsewhere presented with the breath determinative.
This is the boat rudder.
with the computed
these are measured
Atenu (dropping the A) also means repulsors. It is related to
the name of the flood tanen, and to Aaron's staff, and, in one of the
oldest legends of mankind, is one of the 4 forms of Khepera, or
creators of the 4 elemets/ages.
Above the wings we read:
his power, his birth (egg), his current
And by the oval
god of becoming, Lord of heaven.
Under these ornaments, each wall has a banner headline.All
reading is done west to east. On the wall to the left, the pharaoh
Lord of the mountains of the heavenly city, your golden breath
is in the place of the horizon. At the instants it is poured out onto
the stones, many are charged (glyph is sun with serpent) as the sun
and moon. Praise upon divine praise is carried as a growing plant
at the dawning of the powers that destroy the darkness
the light increases as the sun rises, the gold in the hills
increases as the sun precipitates it, and the electircal field
increases as the nekh jars run
Praise by the scepter of the gods. The two golden rods breathe
the origins of the beginnings of the firmament. The divine power
connects, and truth radiates as an image of the south. The sky
charge is complete
literally, double charged sun and moon, which is thought by
Egyptologists to mean New Year. Clearly the New Year is named
instead for the double charge, as we would say "an
ELECTRIFYING experience"
Night and day join, as heaven and earth become one in light,
and so rejoices. The vessel opens its sight
the nekh jar is turned on
creating in the nekhjar the radiance of the waters of the soul.
Life, the gift of all life from the current resonates mfs
(unidentifiable word. Wavelength fits the context) of light.
Through having been pulverized, the pretty powder
the flakes of gold or copper produced by the "whip" at the
dekan station
functions as a tool to produce the beauty of the blessed place.
The banner line to his right reads:
The double charged
this is the north and south Horus stand shown on the east wall.
The reason there are two glyphs with one meaning is that this
stands for the charge now ready to radiate. The double sun is the
abstract concept, this is the practical. Similarly, its usual
translation of "union of the two parts of Egypt" will only work as
far as the word "radiance".
jem is the splendor of life of the two heavenly cities. By means
of the life of the city, the New Year's festival procures radiations of
its stability, bringing them to this room. From the night sky
the duality of night and day, or light and shadow
the young nekh water gives the double charged hetch
refined copper, again produced at the dekans
radiance from the land to the heavenly birthplace of rejoicing.
The ore in wonder at the god's birth shines
of which the nekh jars are the earthly symbol
its waters (current or charge, as usual) into the eternal vessels
brought to his shrine at the throne of the heart of sweetness. At the
New Year's festival of the god, the king in beauty opens with (not
readable in original. Could be "sun", "circle", or word "khf" - the
mouth of his truth). It is the breath itself of the raised serpent fire
the glyphs are the serpent, burning vase, and the height symbol
below. Maybe "fundamental resonance"?
The breath is tuned to the height of the soul power
the "ka" arms that Khnemu uses to hold up the Ya with the
lightning in it
of the gods (power) aligning the serpent with the divine khs
(resonant frequency?), at the time which supplies eternal new
growth. In the two serpent jars (that same word again.) shines
forth the first "in"
this is the Egyptian phonetic spelling. It is "fish" - "n" - and
stone determinative. One of the stones, perhaps like those of the
weather center is being maufactured, but cannot be identified at
this point
The offering of his majesty, the king, causes the sun to rejoice.
Entering the divine magic of the fields of the waters of Khnemu
(cow head) of the high mountains, to the altars of the vessels in the
wavelength (finger plus the height symbol. Maybe harmonics?) of
the land of the gods. The feathers of divine copper
like on the weather center's shack's roof
in breathing raise the divine throne through the mouth of
golden jem to charge to become...(sadly unreadable) forever.
At the bottom of these walls are ornamentation of bennu bird
throne rooms and flower pots with bennu and sun as described on
the east wall. The pharoah begins his journey, and stops at five
successive stations. We will follow him in order. For order's sake,
I will name the stations 1. Pharoah 2. Ichy-Isis 3. Horus-serpent-
lotus 4. Ichy 5. Nekhjars.
Station 1. To his left, pharoah sees a picture of himself,
wearing a double plumed crown with a picture of the sun on it, and
carrying on a string a model of a doll's house, in which are two
Horus with open wings, surrounding an "image" - a doll - holding
a staff. He reads his two titles above himself:
"The double charge (sun with two serpents) is named The god
of the waters substituting itself seen in the mined jem of the north
and south for the scepter of the waters of life. The sun's mate
the Greeks kings of Egypt in the 5th Cent. BC
to him be life, is himself a copy of the throne.
And reads the caption for his picture:
Opener of the waters, to your beauty ...(original unreadable)
rule the workshop of the city's city. Source of the power in the
image of the self-produced dawn in the soul. The ape of Thoth
we'll meet the ape later, and see how he risks his life to ground
the beam
is the life to the jem basket of the south that makes the sun
Thus we learn that the doll's house is to be charged with the
power the sun left in the copper. It's on the string so the pharoah
can hold it without being electrocuted. To his right, he reads the
same two titles. This time he carries in his hands a door with the
double charge (new year) symbol. He reads:
Opener of the waters, to you in your throne in
truth directs the waters of the double charged door
picture of what he carries
in gold according to the plan of the lotus of the living nukh
just a variant of nekh, but we shall keep them separate
in offering at the festival of...eternal birth.
2. At the next station, pharoah sees an ichy priest, arm
extended, pointing the way he is to go,and holding the sistrum, or
rattle, the symbol of his office, in the outstretched arm. To the left,
he reads:
Says the ichy of the house of Horus: Yesterday the child came
to charge
eye plus sun serpent. Eye in Egyptian means "to do"
the bechken-oil vessels
batteries? . A never ending light was once found in a Roman
tomb. It operated on oil.
of the bennu birds, thus causing your image to receive at each
action of the water the strength of the first guides."
Thus the young sun prepared the jars to give to the pharoah the
waters of rebirth. On the right, he is told:
Journey through the double-charged door's waters of the
golden guides
these guides may be the resonant elements in the nekh jars
and the majestic amulet
the thing he carries
of the festival will be fired by the north waters endings in gold.
The chief ichy says: Noble Horus sparkles in the water's beard
this word was misinterpreted by Velikovsky as a comet's tail. It
is the visible aurora of the charged jars.
Hunger for the fire of the bennu bird on high to become the
image to guide you over the guides."
And, to his left and right, across from each other on the
opposite walls, he sees matching statues of Hathor sitting on
thrones. To his left her crown is the charged sun with wings, and
she holds the ankh and a staff of the south (this is the receptor side,
as we shall see). To his right she wears the joint crown of north
and south, but with a sun emblem on it, and holds the ankh and a
jem staff. This is the generator side. In either case the staff is in
the back hand, the ankh in front. To the left (receptor side):
On seeing all of heaven become charged, the great Hathor of
the city says: Lord of the divine vessels, receive the action of the
water of the cities of heaven, giving the double charged hetch the
radiance from the beard of the stars, newly registering the cause of
The staff is marked:
Of gold, 1 cubit (high)
To the right, the generator side:
Says the great Isis
thus identifying the great giver of sweetness of life with Hathor.
She is normally pictured as a woman on a throne
giver of offerings of the place in the city to the fields of the
lands: The ground is pulverized (whip) to create the strength of
shining. First the slivers
glyph is hair, meaning "little pieces", as used in the words
"sher - little bit", or "thenf - to play an instrument in the sense of
plucking little notes"
are given a covering in the presence of lapis luzuli
we will deal with lapis lazuli later
Of gold - 1 cubit.
3. At this station on each side a giant Horus with the double
plume crown with the solar disk faces a boat-shaped stand with a
lotus in it, and a serpent rising from it. On the left, one side of the
boat forms the plant symbol of south Egypt, on the right, the same
side (that closest to the entry way, forms a lotus. On the left,
standing in the "boat", a man holds a long staff with a lotus on top,
and a serpent comes from the lotus, stands up tall and faces its
head to the entrance. On the right, the lotus sits in the center of
the floor of the boat. There is no man, and no staff, but the serpent
is the same. The captions are: To the left:
Says Horus, joiner of the two divine lands on the waters of the
city of Anu: The living soul of the nukh-serpent in the nekhjar is
the water for the morning boat of Ra.
It carries the sun god through the morning sky.
This boat is the boat of the morning sun - the lotus is of gold.
The serpent emitted by the lotus is of iron - height 4 spans (4/7 of a
cubit). The person holding the lotus is of gold. Says Horus the
joiner of the divine lands on the waters of the heavenly city:
Equipped with the circle
or crystal? See the chapter on flight. The hieroglyph matches
the picture there.
of the Bennu bird you fly. Gold - height 1 cubit.
this seems to apply to the Horus crown. On the right:
Says Horus, uniter of the two lands of the great gods in Anu:
Gold-height 4 spans. Lotus in gold with seeds of iron. Says
Horus, uniter of the two lands of the great gods on the waters of
the city: The mansion is the skin and feathers
gipar metal filings?
of heaven. Gold - 1 cubit.
4. At the next station on either side is an ichy priest, right hand
outstretched toward the entrance, holding his sistrum (rattle - a
ritual symbol of his office). His other hand holds a ritual loop of
cord in a handle (symbol of a wish for good luck). On the left this
second hand is straight down, on the right slightly out. On the
right side, he wears the triple crown made of the ornamental jars
at the top of the banner lines. (Could these be batteries? The
battery found at Bagdad is of a different design.) On the right, his
headdress is the double crown of north and south. The captions
Left: Says Horus the (newly reborn) child, joiner of the two
lands in the house of the bennu bird rising: The child's sweetness is
from silver. The lord ichy in Horus sees the charge, truly binding
the ennead of the gods. The body of the lotus (not the same as the
nekhjar glyph - this lacks a stem) is a copy of Horus of the two
lands, thus giving honor to his hidden crown of holiness. Stability
is radiated in the serpent (this one drawn surrounded by its tail)
from land to land outside the city, the living stability of the jem
this is also how you say hello in Egyptian: "ankh, jed, jem" -
"life, stability, prosperity". The common meaning of the jem staff
is "prosperity". This is how we use the phrase "a situation
CHARGED with potential for success".
into your amulet. The south serpent of the world
remember this is the north wall we are reading
is the shuti (light? fire?) serpent of the council of the gods in
the place of the guides. The charged water and the throne are
On the right:
Says the great ichy of birth in the house of the bennu bird: The
charge of the image of creation is in the flow of the divine waters.
The bennu bird, serpent
since he absorbs the heavenly charge
to be reborn of the south jem at the boundary of the cities is in
all the great offerings of the waters of this place. Thus you will be
in the city for millions of years to the end of eternity. Gold -
height 1 cubit
5. Having been thus instructed, the pharoah is now ready to
get charged up. To his right, he sees two nekh jars. A nekh jar
technically the consonants n or nu, then kh, then a burning pot,
then a lotus, horizontally presented with curved stem. If you
pronounce the "pot" phonetically, the name is nekhbi lotus, and the
receiver is the feminine nekhbit) is an antenna radiating a charge.
The lotus is equipped with some sort of transparent oval shaped
bulb, about 8 feet long, and a foot wide at the lotus base to almost
2 feet wide near its top. This is held by a priest near the base. The
lotus stem looks like a coaxial cable. In the bulb is a serpent. The
two jars face each other, and the first has as its base, and "power
source" a jed column (for the earth, positive) which holds the jar in
magic hands, exactly like Khnemu, thus making the whole
contrivance look like his glyph, if the serpent is identified with
lightning.). The second has a humanoid (man, woman, god?) with
a sun (negative) on its head, kneeling on a pedestal. Each jar has
its weight supported in the center by the head of a humanoid
kneeling on the ground. The correct reading of the term nekh jar
is determined as follows: The glyphs could be nekh-ba-lotus or
nekh-fire-lotus. The burning pot is determinative, not phonetic,
hence the second reading is correct. First, words for "lily", like
seshen, serpt, etc. can take either this folded lotus determinative,
or a vertical lotus, But the folded lotus also means joy (as used in
itchi, eaieai, unfi, mer, and rishi, which also can take the
determinative of knowledge or raised arms, showing their correct
translation. Rishi also takes a nose, showing its relationship to
this New Year's (electrical breath) festival - recall the Jewish New
Year is ROSH Hashannah. The folded lily also means music (as in
ches, chagan, aerireu, as proved from the other determinatives
they may take). Seshen, in fact, means to play the sistrum, again
associating it with our scenario. It also occurs in khepri
"miracle", it - "dew", iu irpy - "tavern", and aut ib - "swelling of
the heart with joy", and one of many spellings of "great". The sun-
god Ra is also called a giant "glower". The folded lily properly
means to "emit" as a lily emits a seed spray, or joy is emitted to
others, or dew is emitted from the sky, or greatness emits to those
around via the inspiration to become great in its shadow, and thus
our jars are "emitters". In the Pyramid texts, nekh means to emit.
We adapt "bat" the same way in English, as the stick becomes the
act of hitting (battery) which then becomes the deliverer of shots of
electrical energy. Thus, since our word is not a lily; it is not
derived from nuchab, nehi, nechit, all of which mean lily (Egyptian
would never confuse ch and kh, anyway). It is derived from nikh -
"serpent demon" or nekhek - "to pour out", which also means the
pulverizing flail or whip, or a cutting tool (as of flint, which also
makes fire). In Pyramid Texts 233, the serpent from earth is
equated with the flame from the abyss. So the burning pot is to be
read as "fire", and is, pronounced as ba, related to "ba nekhen", a
synonym for "ya" (having exactly the same glyph. Thus, nekh is
the Egyptian pronunciation for the Mayan "Xiucoatl" or "fire
serpent".) Or, since nekh is the principle part of the famous word
"ankh" or "life", these are jars emitting the fire of life. In related
languages, the word is: Hebrew NACHASH or whispering serpent
(of life fire). Sumerian NUKI-earth light. Chinese NENG-SHOU,
bright power or NIEH-SHOU, bright whisperer. The Mayan
XIUCOATL is indigenous.
On the left is one nekh jar facing east. Its power source is one
of each of the jed and the humanoid with the sun, and it is
supported by 3 humanoids, two kneeling facing each other and
holding hands, and one sitting on the ground. Then there is an ape
holding two knives pointed in the air, and then, a man in a booth
holding a long staff with a serpent head top. (This booth is in the
flying boat. See the chapter on flight.). The captions are:
Right, first jar, positive: "Says Horus, uniter of the two lands of
the great gods on the waters of the city: The soul of the life of the
nukh serpent is in the nukhjar. In the boat of the rising sun seeds
of stability suspend their sweetness. The divine image brings the
magic (like the "ka" hands) of the gods (power) of heaven itself,
bending its shoulders low. Gold great stone basket (or offering)
height 3 spans."
Right second jar, negative:
Says Horus uniter...:(same as the first side above). The breath
of the seeds is in front of the gods (power) in the sekh boat.
Forever glorious and great is its image. The endings of the gods
(rulership) are magnificence and sweetness. The waters radiate in
the radiance of the serpent of the fire (burning ba jar) of heaven.
The waters of its star soul (the star soul concept is fundamental in
the pyramid texts) rejoice on rejoicing to become its image. The
opener completes its revolution. Multitudes of names breathe on
high of the divine image. The scepter of the divine (power) water
charged from the water of the land and jem of the south...(again,
unreadable) is made to lift up. Gold iron - height 4 spans.
And the writing now overflows onto the east wall:
Says Isis the great giver of all the gifts of the city, and mother
of the serpent at its birth: Pulverizing begets that which opens the
sunset ya
(field of standing wave energy)
waters of the magnificent lords' gold jem, and the throne
provides the strength of iron ore to charge the south for the gift of
your waters. Gold -height 1 cubit.
On the left, over the nekhjar:
Says Horus, the joiner of the lands of the ichy on the waters of
the heavenly city: The heavenly waters radiating from the nukhjar
in the image of the soul of life is the magic power of the gods. At
the journey's end on the sweet throne, the morning boat makes its
image firm in the height of heaven. His body descends to the
goddesess and his image there is wisdom. His magic of the gods
and power (same as height glyph) is Khnemu (cow's head). Gold -
height 1 cubit."
Over the ape:
The ya has poured its sweetness out on the waters at the top of
the apes of Thoth. By way of you, the vessel of fire (burning pot)
is the nekh of new birth. By the knife the ray is grounded
literally "supports of coverings" - the charge covering the
earth is supported to the top of the knife - this is how a lightning
rod works; it supports the ground charge up to draw lightning and
change its path
to the earth, for with the knife you cause it to bend. You can
be be destroyed as a sacrifice.
This is a warning about potential electrocution.
And over the booth:
Says Horus the joiner of the two great divine lands on the
waters of the heavenly Anu: The resonant image is the bearer of
the door of transition.
Or support, which is how it is used in the flying boat
Gold - height 1 cubit."
The battery found near Bagdad in 1936 is all but absolute
proof that the ancients used electricity for SOMETHING. There
are many descriptions of the thrones of kings, and their impressive
machinery that produced whirling birds, angels, trumpet fanfares,
moving skies, etc., as the king ascended the throne. That the
ancients could produce such machinery is an established historical
fact. L. Sprague deCamp documents hundreds of pages of such
things in "The Ancient Engineers", and his book represents an
excellent statement of the sum total of mainline science's theories
of archeotechnology. Did the ancients use electricity to charge
things for their kings? The battery suggests they could have, and
the descriptions of the thrones suggest they would have if they
could. Where, then are the many descriptions one would expect to
find of such things? Why do we have only a handful of such texts as
the Khnemu weather control center and the Denderah New Year's
festival?A good guess would be that they are there, but in a form
we do not recognize (like Ecclecsiates 2,8 below). After all, if
electricity is called waters, and if positive and negative are called
south and north, how are we supposed to recognize anything
electrical in these descriptions? The use of common words as
electrical terms should not surprise us. We "get a charge out of a
thing", "he has a short fuse", water has "current", we are
"inducted" into a club (a coil has "inductance"), dew "condenses",
and, of course, "battery" has been mentioned.
Before we leave Denderah, let us explore the dekans, from the
upper floor of the same temple. These 7 consecutive pictures
supposedly illustrate the daily passage of the sun overhead.
Indeed, their names certainly describe the sun. But the pictures are
of electrical manufacturing stages, and the words used are
consistent with that. In a search for the right terminology so that
we may learn to recognize technology when we read about it, let us
read the translations:
1. "First light. The serpent recognizes the land of the south"
and thus is ready to charge it up.) Picture of a god on a throne with
a serpent headdress, holding a staff of the south.
2. "Glorious sight. Pulverize to gold dust." An unidentifiable
humanoid holding the whip.
3." Changer (this is what Pliny describes when says the heat of
the sun changes the circles of the planets.) Through the rotating
double serpents go the gold dust." The picture is of two serpents
crossed at right angles. The vertical one's head is turned to match
the horizontal one, so both face into the normal direction against
the direction of reading.

4. "Orderer. The charged gold dust is removed from the
surface." The picture is of one vertical serpent.
5. "Son of orderer. The gold which was repelled" Picture
identical to number 1.
6."Begetter of sunset. The hetch (white, same glyph) jem of
life" The picture is of a dog-headed human holding a jem staff and
an ankh. The staff is in the back, right hand. The ankh points
down. The dog does not look like normal pictures of Seth.
7. "End of journey. Flashes from the gold from the
surface"(see #4). The picture is a vertical serpent with wings.So
jem is charged metallic particles. The staff has a double prong on
the bottom, as does a cattle prod. Its top is a short line attached
diagonally at about its 2/3 high point. This describes a dynamo
that charges jem that works as follows: First, sandal also means
base, as it is used as the determinative for the base of a pyramid.
This was mentioned above, in Khnemu. A large grinding stone,
like for flour, is set over a base with two metal halves insulated
from each other. One half is attached to each stream with a hose
(hence the Dendera hoses), so the water drains that charge. The
charge is created with the reject lapis lazuli crystals from afk. As
the grinding stone turns, it compresses them, and they generate a
charge by piezoelectric effect. In one half the charge is drained, in
the other it is supplemented. The drained half is "dark". The
charged half is light. The combination of pressure and heat from
the charge is what makes the jem white.
Denderah, by itself, proves nothing. It could just be a cute
picture that we are reading into. After all, unless the technology is
shown to work, it could just be the imaginings of people who had
seen a king's throne lit up by batteries, like neon lights today. But
then again, the moon's phases are supposed to have changed during
Tcheser's time...

In the Bible in Exodus 28:11, the stones of the breastplate of
Aaron are to be engraved, as with a signet. But Exodus 28:20
requires that no tool touches them. The haggadah says that this
dilemma was solved by the use of the shamir. (The word is a
derivative of shamar, which means to show the way, or to protect
the way. It is a field director, possibly related to the "guides" at
Denderah. We will meet this word later in the flipping earth
problem.) The stones "had first to be marked lightly with ink; then,
with the markings on their outer surfaces, they were held up and
passed in front of the shamir. At that, the stones, of their own
accord, split at the markings, like a fig, or like a valley that opens
up during the rainy season."
This is a secondary source for the cutting of the stones, of
course, but it is primary for when it was written, and that was
during the dark ages. So, how did they know what laser engraving
The material about the shamir is all from secondary sources,
but it is just too accurate to be made up.
Solomon, it is said, obtained the Shamir by sending an eagle to
fetch it - we will meet the eagle again in the chapter on flight -
Pliny says it is the only bird that is not injured at a lightning strike
- hence, it can supposedly absorb and hold an electric charge.)
Another version is that Solomon's advisors told him that he
could make one by rubbing together a male and female mound
(and Ecclesiates 2:8 is used to justify that he had them). "Shiddah"
is an obscure word, meaning male and female something, perhaps
mound (like at Khnemu?), singer, or demon. That would seem
meaningless, until one notes that Enmerkar, the third king of
Sumeria, prepared for his showdown with the Lord of Arattu by
moving his reed "Sushima" (drop the reduplicated s, and you get
"shamir") through shade and light alternately for several years,
then cutting it off. This procedure reminds one of spinning in a
sandal, although the speed at which we would run a dynamo is
certainly somewhat faster than that implied here. We have already
noted what a slow rotation in a charged piezoelectric field created
by a grain grinder can do to metal; perhaps these things were
shaped, or tuned, in such a field. The showdown, by the way, is
with a weapon called an "ur", which Kramer guesses wildly means
"champion", but then, he is at a total loss about why the Lord of
Arattu cahllenges him to produce one of a certain color. The word
"ur" means light in many ancient languages, and is the source of
the Latin word "aurum", for gold. Enmerkar responds that he can
get his ur any color he wants, if he has a piece of cloth of that color
to wrap it with. If the "ur" is a flashlight powered by a shamir, the
whole thing makes sense. The Lord of Arattu is simply
challenging Enmerkar to show that he will put the Gipar wood to
the proper electrical use, by showing that he understands
By the way, the verse Ecclesiates 2:8, if read as a translation of
an Egyptian bill of lading, describes the whole technology. In it,
Solomon says that he obtained for himself gold and silver, male
and female singers, the delights of men, and the two shiddah.
Recall that gold is the white hetch that holds the charge, silver
brings the childs sweetness (Denderah), the Egyptian glyph for
singer is also the word for earth vibes (the flood story), and if
shiddah be interpreted as breasts (its primary meaning), the phrase
"the delights of men from the two breasts" is almost word for word
from the phrase describing the two Qerti of the weather control
generator. The entire verse is a summary of the technology we
have been discussing. In context it is the last of a list of higher and
higher technologies (gardens, then slaves, finally electricity), and,
since it follows a verse about slaves, that nullifies the concubine
translation for shiddah that has been assumed for centuries.
The shamir is described as a living creature. But then, flowing
water is described as living in a Christian document called the
Didache, in the discussion on baptism. Maybe it's alive, because
like Enoch's angel in the earth, it is running?
The shamir was, according to Ginzberg's "Legends of the
Bible", a most reliable scholarly source, "as large as a barley corn
(about 1-1/2 inches by 1/2 inch if the hairs are not removed), and
possesses the remarkable property of cutting the hardest of
diamonds...The shamir was also used for hewing into shape the
stones from which the Temple was built, because the law
prohibited iron tools to be used for the work in the Temple. The
shamir may not be put in an iron vessel for safe-keeping, nor in
any metal vessel, it would burst such a receptacle asunder. It is
kept wrapped up in a woolen cloth, and this in turn is placed in a
lead basket filled with barley bran." We also learn that it was in the
shape of a worm, and that it vanished when the temple was
destroyed (Mishnah Sotah 9:12), meaning that it, like the urim and
thummim below, were still around in the first decades AD.
The business about cutting the stones deserves comment. The
Egyptian word for "shamir" is "ishmer"(the i being added for no
important cause at all, as we have mentioned happens, and the
determinative is dust particles. This word is traced etymologically
through the millenia to the English "emery" powder, but a case can
be made that this is incorrect, for, it is just as possible that with the
passing of the original technology, jewelry carving underwent
radical transformation between 1550BC and Greek times; hence,
the word may have changed its meaning.
VonDaniken has found some caves. Lots of caves, and tunnels
reaching under Ecuador, China, etc. They were cut by an unknown
process, he says, because the walls are covered with a glaze. He
reports reserach at Los Alamos in the early 1970's had developed a
wolfram tipped drill with a graphite heating element, which
literally does the same thing, as it cuts through rock fairly rapidly,
and seals the walls as it goes. We will demonstrate the heat
generating ability of the ancients in the thought reading chapter.
This is a modern shamir drill, and the shamir cut those caves.
The legend of the measurement of pi comes in here. In an
archeotechnological tour-de-force called by our scholars "King
Cheops and the Magicians" (quoted in "Ancient Egyptian
Literature", and one of the first hieroglyphic texts made available
on Internet), we read of Cheop's interest in being entertained by
miracles. Magicians of his time make expanding plastic crocodiles
(marketed since the 1980's as a child's toy, but unthinkable before
that time), fold water to find lost objects (sounds like anything in
the Bible? Would a magnetic standing wave do it, say by kicking
up a wind, like Moses did?), and attach the head to a decapitated
goose, although they refuse to try it on a human. The magician Jeti
(same glyph as at Denderah) finds the lost measurement CARVED
IN WOOD at Anu for the Pharoah. The wood carving is later
recovered by the triplets who founded the fifth (and last major
pyramid building dynasty) who were born without a father's seed.
Davidovits' reconstruction of pyramid technology as concrete,
of course, tells us immediately what the wood was for - frames to
pour the concrete into. My work on the Rhind Papyrus give the
mathematical reasons for the choice of the measurement, and a
separate wood frame of specific dimensions is necessary for the
surface stones.
It is the wood frame that the Bible says was sawed with saws.
Looking at the intricate hieroglyphic carving done only after the
fourth dynasty, one can see that it was not done by carving the
concrete mold. It could not have been chiseled in those cases
where the letters protrude from the stones. The simplest way was
to stencil the message, paint the surrounding area black, and use
the shamir. It is standard later Egyptian technique to mine stone
by heating the stone where the cut was wanted, and then pouring
water over the stone: the sudden cooling from the water makes the
stone crack where it was heated. The shamir could have easily
been used in some or all of these instances. To finish stone, it
would be necessary only to take a board (sawed flat), and ink it, as
for a printing press. When the board was pressed against an
uneven stone surface, the ink would transfer to the protrusions.
The shamir would cut anything black off. Repetition of the
process would trim the stone however desired. This is what the
dentist does to polish your fillings to the right height - he has you
bite down on carbon paper, so the carbon betrays the protrusions
which he must drill away.
This is also probably how the mysterious round stone balls
several feet in diameter in South America were manufactured.
When you can ink and trim with a light beam, any shape that you
can draw is trivial to cut into stone, as you need only prepare a
cardboard or wooden template with which to apply the ink. The
oldest comprehensive writing of any length in existence is the
Egyptian Pyramid texts. These are the burial rite texts collected
from pyramid walls. From the fifth dynasty (2600 BC or Y1400),
this booklength funeral rite is a picture of the elaborate burial
rituals of the rich of the period, and is also a fairly good indicator
of what they had and considered important enough to try to take it
with them into the after life. The carving that forms the glyph is so
thorough and exacting, it is difficult to imagine the patience of
workmen carving so much so carefully. Stamping the
hieroglyphics into tacky concrete is also possible, thus predating
the Chinese printing press. The stone balls could have been cast
bottom half in a mold, and the tophalf trimmed when tacky. But
the shamir is a better solution. In equipping the decesaed pharoah
with his vaious scepters, one that stands out is the cheres scepter
(NOT the same word as Horus, the god). Of this scepter, it is said:
"Take the water which is in the eye (in those days, the eye saw by
giving out light, not by taking it in) of Horus...which Thoth
(wisdom) has seen...your son Horus, put him within yourself...may
you love him" and "let your face not be blind (? the question mark
is the translator's), for I place in your hand for you that which
spreads out the cause of the waters - the cheres scepter of Anu."
(utterances 62, 63, 65, 67, 68).
We also have some details as to its components: In 63, it is
associated with a wood (Izr, similar to Hebrew "etz") scepter and a
club. In 66, the king is told to "make the eye of Horus return to
you" and is given a khet-sekhet scepter. (khet means staff, and
sekhet is the female receptor of the boat symbol applied to the
current in the negative nekh jar at Denderah. This is the source of
negative electricity. It is the battery to power the thing.)
In 69-70, we get the operating element: "take the finger of Seth
which causes the white eye of Horus to see - a sma staff (Seth is
the god whose children ran the weather control mechanisms to
make the flood. "Sma" means "to make straight" in Egyptian, and
"dazzle" in Hebrew. It is of course a root of shamir. And probably
of Enmerkar's sushima reed, being the metal corkscrews charged in
the flour grinder rotating sandal. Then he is told "take the white
eye of Horus which illumines the tip of the finger of Seth - 2 lumps
of electrum (so says Faulkner, but the glyphs are jem staff "m"
meaning "of" - egg meaning birth - height, the glyph used at
Denderah, as in "height 1 cubit", this is the light bulb - jem is
placed at the top of the finger of Seth, and must be changed
(reborn) regularly.
As confirmation, 70, 71 state: "take hold of the binder which
drives away - jem scepter (the word is spelled out with the
determinative of the jem staff. Jem is, of course, what is obtained
after the dynamo has repelled - driven away the charge, and, thus it
binds the opposite charge)", and "let him not be far from you - a
uas scepter (uas, as in Uaua, where the weather control center
reaches to, means "ancient", the determinative is a jem staff.)
Cheres means to cut or carve. It is used in the Bible three
times, all in regard to artistic work done in the Temple (Ex. 28:31
and 35), but it is not the word applied to the "engraving as with a
signet"). It appears to be some sort of finishing tool, as many
words in any ancient language meaning to cut or carve. It passes
to Greek as "charasso" - to cut or engrave, and makes it to English
as "character".
Since it is likely that the cheres scepter is the same as the
scepter of the God K in Mayan lore, here is its picture, from
Tedlock. The reader will note that the parts COULD be a
miniature Khnemu. Since Denderah is a miniature Khnemu, it is
likely that this is all one technology.
The God K (Tohil translates in Hebrew as sign of potential of
the powers of God) is pictured from Tedlock's book. One foot is a
serpent; this is the power source. The tie at the back of the head is
the uas scepter in the cheres scepter; it acts as the opposite pole of
the condenser to build the charge. The finger of Seth in the cheres
scepter is the cigar, called sma, sushima, or shamir, the "director"
of the field in the air. The obsidian (volcanic crystal) mirror is in
Egypt a parabolic reflector and is called the white eye of Horus
which illumines the tip. These translations are misleading. The
glyphs suggest "sma teardrop pulverized from gold - life" for
cheres. They state it shines with the water of Onu. The
determinative for the finger of Seth is a teardrop. The mirror reads
literally "tchem lumps mounted at an angle. The determinative on
uas varies as jem or life. In 71B, the phrase "be holy on his
fingers" carries a forked staff with the consonants ebt.

Denderah and the cheres scepter are miniaturized Khnemu, the
first on a scale of 1 finger to 20 cubits, or 560 to 1. The double jar
is the power source, meri. The single jar is the stabilizer. The ape
creates the ark cloud by "raising it". The booth is the power source
director: the current is diverted through the staff and the distance to
the edge of the booth controls the resistance in the magnetic field.
This is thus a RC magnetic oscillator circuit with input at the jars
and output at the ape.
While we will consider the flying craft and the world war later,
we should note now that in the Mahabharata, quoted in "Mysteries
of the Unexplained", mentions a weapon, "neither day or night
could be made out...a blazing missile of smokeless fire, forth upon
creation, encompassing the enemy...all points of the compass were
lost in darkness. Fierce winds began to blow. Clouds roard
upward, showering dust and gravel...the very elements seemed
disturbed. The sun seemed to waver in the heavens. The earth
shook, scorched by the terrible violent heat...flame rained
continuously and fiercely...a single projectile charged with all the
power of the incandescent column of smoke and
fire...the unknown weapon, the iron thunderbolt."
A similar weapon is used by Horus against Seth in an Egyptian
story. (Or is the weapon a memory of the flood? There are gliders
from this period, as well a couple impossible to understand "how
to" manuals, and the Chinese mentions covered previously, but all
these refer back to Nephalim times.) These passage, so obscure for
many centuries, suddenly seem quite clear; about the only thing we
can't explain is whether it was handheld or mounted on the ground.
And the Egyptian account of Horus of the flying machine answers
that, for, after following them by air, Horus finds them and
"attacked with such terrific force...that they could neither see with
their eyes, nor hear with their ears, and each of them slew his
There is a picture of one. It is held by a statue of one of the
"Atlanean giants" said to have founded the ancient city at Tula,

Mexico. Note the Lotus base and the "made straight finger of
Seth" sticking out. In "Fingerprints of the Gods", Hancock says
that these so called "Xuicoatls (or nekh fire jars)" could dismember
the human body with their rays.
VonDaniken reports on Brazilian mythology's Bep Kororoti
with his "kop" disintegrator ray, and his "special tree" that
vanished with an explosion and took people to and from the
locality. The ray was quite powerful, at one point disintegrating
several square miles of terrain.
A recent program in the TV series "Sightings" showed what
could be shamir elements. The program segment dealt with the
Tunguska blast in Russia on June 30, 1908. The blast, or whatever
it was, knocked down all the trees within 20 miles, burned people
for 40 miles around, and knocked down horses 400 miles away. It
was preceded and followed by several nights of colored, glowing
skies "so bright that newspapers could be read at midnight" in
England and Europe (quoted from Mysteries of the Unexplained).
The purpose of the program was to propose a new theory that the
blast was caused by an experiment of Nikola Tesla. On the
program they showed a couple worm shaped pieces of metal about
an inch and a half long and a half inch wide, and stated several had
been recovered from the blast area.
How did these things work? Maybe, if metal was shaped inside
a standing force field, by rotating in and out of the field (light and
shadow), it could pull the power out of the air (like Tesla pulled
power out), and make it available for focussing (like with the help
of the Mayan God K's parabolic mirror)?

Probably the best known, and most debunked statement in
archeotechnology is the assertion that the ancients had some form
of flight. Erich vonDaniken has been much of the problem, of
course. His claims that the fliers were astronauts from other
planets has led to swift and certain discreditation by mainline
science, and has resulted in an array of "proofs" which collectively
are enough to undermine any attempted assembly of narrative data
or artifacts.
Basically, there are two ways used to assert the existence of
ancient flight: narrative and artifactual. We will examine both:
Among the artifacts, none is held to speak so convincingly as
the Nazca Lines, in the deserts of Peru. Stretching for many miles
are pictures cut into the rocky ground, and stones set at various
intervals outlining pictures, all more or less identifiable as people,
spiders, and various other creatures. They are all too large to be
noticed from the ground, and we modern people only saw them
when we ourselves had developed the airplane. How, the early
writers asked, could these have been drawn by primitive people,
and why would they have been, if there were no one to see them?
The how is fairly easy. The Egyptians drew their large wall
paintings by first making a smaller copy, and then making a
gridwork of squares, say an inch across, over it. When a grid of
footlong squares was drawn on the wall meant to receive the copy,
the picture was copied one square at a time, and provided excellent
results. The same plan could have been followed in the desert, by
stretching ropes across the ground to define the gridwork.
The only problem with the how, then, is how did they get the
idea that patterns could be drawn on the ground? That, too is easily
answered. Maps of Sumerian cities exist from 1200BC, so the
notion of bird's-eye-view has been around for quite sometime. It
was probably acquired by some young boy who stood on a bluff
with his father, looking down on the village from above, and being
told: "There is our hut, that is Uncle George's, there is Aunt
Mabel's, etc." An artistically minded child would have drawn the
picture he saw, and the bird's-eye-view would have entered the
consciousness of all who saw it.
The why is easily explained as well. As anthropologists have
pointed out, the great "expense" that a king would be put to in
order to occupy as many laborers as was necessary to create such a
thing is neither unprecedented (pyramids, Stonehenge, etc.) nor
dependent upon the existence of pilots in need of messages to help
them find home base. Note, no one is saying that the constructors
of the Nazca lines did not EXPECT such pilots, but expectation
does not prove, or even remotely suggest, that they had once seen
any. Gods made people, people live on earth, earth is down, and
the gods don't live with us. So they live up. Since they care about
us enough to come for us, they will one day come from the sky.
This perfect logic is enough to motivate two thousand Christian
denominations, many varieties of Hindu and Chinese religions,
Moslems, etc. in our own day to give up personal fortunes and
organize lives around service to religions that contradict each other
in almost anything you care to name. Why would it have not led
people to follow a king who proclaimed a vision, and to unite
themselves around that vision, even if it meant long and arduous
construction projects to make it seem true? The reward for their
participation in the work was immediate and worthwhile - they
BELONGED. They belonged to the tribe that would see them
through the uncertainties of agriculture and life trials, and who
would defend them in attack. The REAL question, and we shall
answer it, is why kings? Why visions? Why gods?
The artifacts quoted by vonDaniken and others are quite
convincing, at first sight. Notably in South America (where Nazca
is), but also elsewhere, are pictures and jewelry from ancient times
in the shape of airplanes, rocket ships, and astronauts. Are not
these proof that people saw airplanes, rockets, and spacemen?
Or are they proof that people saw birds, and fantasized that
gods could ride on them? And that they adopted the obvious
symbol of a male member propelled by fire into a worthwhile
fetish that we mistake for a rocket? Or that their priests wore
outfits and helmets? It is clear the artifacts, at least these, prove
The stories of ancient technologically powered flight (certainly
"flying carpets", etc. are mythology, not technological claims) are
rampant, and, except for one, there are none that suggest the
existence of flight after the flood. We shall examine that one first,
as it is an exception.
In the Hindu Sacred books, I am told, is the story of a
community of yogis who undertook some space travel in about 500
AD. Using yogic breath control techniques, they were able to
enter a state of suspended animation for long space voyages. Their
drive system was a dish of mercury.
Mercury, being a liquid metal, expands when heated, causing
the mercury nearest the flame to expand and flow toward the
colder. (Air does this too. That is what causes wind.) If you take a
round dish of mercury and move a candle under it clockwise, the
resultant flow is massive enough to spin the dish counterclockwise.
If the dish is attached to a wheel free to rotate, like a pottery wheel,
rotary motion results, and you get a motor. I've heard this was
tested at NASA with good results.
There are serious problems. For one thing, rotary motion
might drive a helicopter on earth, but it certainly won't get you
through the vacuum of space. For another, how does a yogi in
suspended animation keep the candle moving to provide the heat?
Yet again, if the cabin has minimal air, what keeps the flame
going? But most of all, if this thing works so well, and NASA
tested it, why are we still wasting all that rocket fuel?
The story betrays that it is made up in yet another way. The
Hindu yogis toured a variety of mythical planets. For example, on
one, there were vegetables and no fruit. On another, people had no
legs, etc. That would be okay, I suppose, if they had first made it
around their native India, and then had dropped in on the Chinese
to say hello. No one else seems to have noticed them in the sky
either. At least, no one wrote about it.
There seems no doubt that the mercury dish idea would drive a
small cart through the street. The Greeks knew about the steam
turbine centuries earlier. But the story is hardly convincing for
Let us survey the stories of flight. A toy glider has been found
from 200BC Egypt, with some form of attachment rear propulsion
(or just a string?) which has been lost. A 486BC Greek scientist is
known to have built such a toy. The Babylonian Halkatha records
speak of nephalim flight. The Sifrala of Chaldea (from 3000BC)
tell how to build flying machine- iron and graphite are used. The
Samara Sutrahasa (1100AD) is the source of the mercury engine
legend. The Ramayana mentions a vimana of light wood powered
by a light yellow liquid - which as we shall see may be just a
crystal growing solution.
It is important that we realize that no one has asserted the
existence of flight between 3100BC and the late 1700's AD. It is
also important that we realize that the hot air balloon is an option.
I have also read that some enterprising young men attempted
some years ago to prove that the indians who carved the Nazca
lines could have made hot air balloons to view them with. These
gentlemen found a local native cloth, stronger and lighter than
anything known until the recent plastic age. They made a balloon
with this cloth, and got pleasantly airborn.
But where are the legends that the indians used it?
Flying saucers are not relevant to the discussion. They are
most likely transient electrical phenomena being misinterpreted.
Of course, neither can the modern Christian theory that UFO's
are demons be dispensed with. The nephalim spirits are associated
by most ancient religious texts with demons, and if that word
includes electrical fields, and the fields are somehow transcending
space and time to create the phenomena we misinterpret, the
possibility is there. Demons are universally accepted to be
creatures of the AIR, not of electrical FIRE, but the breath
determinatives suggest that magnetic fields may have been thought
of as residing in the air. Demons may be formerly angelic
creatures of fire who FELL to the air. (The Greek sources are most
confusing, as they are on many things.) Pliny, and even a 1200BC
Egyptian papyrus mentions UFOs, but they are called portents in
the sky.
In fact, Pliny catalogs 30 types of UFO's, 13 other sky
phenomena, and spontaneous human combustion in book 2, items
22-59 and 111. Here is the list: Of UFO's: Comets, bearded stars,
javelins, daggers, (amber) ring-stars, cask star with a smoky
border, horn-star, torch star, a star with horse manes that revovle in
a circle, a shining comet with a man's countenance, a goat comet
with tangled hair, some that change shape as they are watched, a
coiled ball of fire, torch lights with glowing front part that leaves a
track, missile lights, beams (he gives the untranslateble Greek
word Dokoi), bloodlike opening that drips fire, arc, stars around
the sun that change color, bow, hoop, red ring, multiple suns,
multiple moons, suns at night, a burning shield that scatters sparks,
a star that spit out a spark that became a torch, shooting stars that
change direction back and forth, ball lightning single or in pairs
sometimes around men's heads, and whole armies marching
through the sky. Of sky phenomena: the sky catches fire, the
following things fall from the sky: milk, blood, flesh that does not
rot, iron, porous iron, wool, baked bricks; also clanging armor
sounds, trumpets, and large stones. One of his spontaneous human
combustion occurances was as the man was giving a speech in full
view of hundreds of important people. He considers all of these
natural phenomena. His only point of disagreement with anyone
else is whether or not they are omens to predict the future. He
gives no indication that any have ever been thought of as alien
visitors. Sort of puts modern UFO collections to shame, doesn't it?
Actually, alien flying saucers only appeared in our skies in
1945, suggesting a human need to have them appear, as a
prerequisite for their potential to actualize (one can make the same
argument convincingly for ghosts and poltergeists). 1945 was 6
years after earth was made the home of that heroic, life-saving
alien Kal-El, sent here by his father, Jor-El. as the last survivor of
an exploding planet. In case you are not a fan of Saturday morning
radio serials, his earth name was Superman. So the alien craft idea
was in the collective consciousness.
Of course, the 1890's had its "visitors" also. They landed in
strange craft, talked to local farmers, ate their food, and spoke with
an accent. But their craft were of wood, and they were always
inventors from a foreign country. They appeared not a generation
after Jules Verne's novel took us to the moon, in a strangely similar
looking craft.
Let us review the standard modern literature of ancient flight
The south sea islanders claim that a white race landed in flying
craft for the purpose of mapping the earth's magnetic field. Since
we know that the weather control centers were used to redistribute
the earth's magnetic field, we must take that seriously.
VonDaniken supplies a list of several other cultures whose saviors
arrived by air in "Gods from Outer Space".
The Central American Indians say that their white founder(s),
after building many wonderful things, including the weather
control center at Titicaca, went to the shore, and took off above the
water. This legend happened after the flood, but it is most unclear
as to just how high the ship travelled above the waters, and it could
have been an illusion. After all, white visitors arriving on boats are
very common in their myths.
The Mahabharata, as stated, has the flying citadel legend with
the rayguns. The legend is almost certainly pre-flood, as the Hindu
Vedas, upon which the story comments, were written down, so the
legend goes, during the great war. The Vedas, in fact, are the
spiritual writing that takes the experiences of that war, and applies
them symbolically to derive truths about life - at least, so the
devotees consider them to be.
Here, quoted from vonDaniken, is the Maori equivalent. The
hero god is called Rongamai: "His appearance was like a shining
star, like a fiery flame, like a sun...The ground was stirred up,
clouds of dust blocked our gaze, the noise rolled like thunder, then
like the rushing sound in a mussel shell."
The Greek Icarus and his son escaped a prison by building a set
of wings, but they died when they flew too close to the sun, and the
sun burned the wax that held the feathers on the wings. The
contraption fell apart and crashed. This is important because it
mentions wax, which is what the expanding crocodile was made
of. That the Egyptians possessed plastic seems a certainty, because
Moslem califs who dug into the pyramids were looking for, among
other things, glass that bends without breaking (So says deCamp) .
Such glass is in the same category as laser engraving - it couldn't
have existed when it was reported, but someone had obviously
seen it in use.
The sun, of course, went through the sky in a chariot, or boat,
and thus was supported on the waters of heaven. This is probably
the source of the confusion that led some writers to conclude that
the flying machines were magnetically levitated. It is a simple
symbol to help the ancients deal with the movement of a
personnified sun. The waters of heaven are the back-side of the
firmament, th eenergy barrier between our dimensions and the
But, one day, the sun's son took the reins of the chariot. He
lost control, and almost hit Africa. Which is why Africans are
black skinned, as they got burned. That is not a flight legend, but a
spinning planet legend. It is also racist, and not correct, of course.
(An indian legend says that Coyote tricked God into taking some
people out of the oven too soon - they are the white race. Then he
tricked Him into leaving them in too long - they are the blacks.
Then God got it just right - and those are the indians. But my
favorite is the Jewish legend is quoted by Ginzberg, because if
true, it proves that the mabol field can alter genetic composition:
the legend says that Ham's descendants became black skinned
becuase Ham impiously had sex with his wife in the ark during the
flood - which apparently wasn't shielded well enough by the
gopher timbers to protect the DNA from alteration.)
The other legends are minor, and fall into one of these above
categories, or are derivatives of them. It is clear that any or all of
them could be symbolic of interaction between the gods and men,
or among themselves, and so prove nothing.
Here, then are the never before noted legends, which will put
us on the right track: Plato (Tim 25b states specifically that
Atlantis attempted to subdue "at a blow" many countries, a feat
impossible without air travel. It is in attempting to understand the
courage that repelled the blow that he begins the discussion which
eventually leads to the scientific theories we have looked at. It is
in Crit. 109ff. that we shall later look for our prehistory. In 113e,
he states specifically that ships had not yet been invented. The
only way to get there was to fly, and this does not bother Plato
enough even to mention it. His 9000 years is 9000 seasons, at 3 to
a year, mistakenly counted from the records by Solon, as the
Egyptian word is the same. And he dates it at 3 floods before
Deucalion (1500BC), which happened together with an earthquake
(mabol). The date is thus 3600BC, 3 millenia before Solon's time.
Many books can and have been written about Atlantis. Diodorus
agrees with Plato at 111a, that a piece of Atlantis still exists, and is
frequented by Greek sailors. That Plato agrees with what we have
shown is the ancient story, and that he claims to have translated
this from Solon's PAPERS, make the story worthy of belief, unlike
the Greek mythology and poetry. He also mentions that the land
was rearranged after the flood, mountains becoming plains and
vice-versa. According to the mainline scientific "The Ancient
Engineers", the legendary Chinese emperor (nephalim) Hwangdi
invented a "south facing chariot", which later sources speak of as
having gears (antikythera navigational computer?). No one knows
what this is, but the Chinese word for it "Sz-nan-gu". In Egyptian
this word means (Jinaku) wings, and in Hebrew the equivalent
(Tsinakot) has become the modern word for parachute. In
Sumerian SHUN-ANG-U, to mount atop a measured crystal.
China is a long way from Atlantis. This may be a clue to how
Hwangdi got there.
From Egypt, we have already read how the ancients "betook
themselves quickly", in a definitve technological story. But, let us
read selections from their version of the world war, in the legend
of "Horus of Bechudet" quoted in "Legends of the Egyptian Gods".
(Bechudet is not the correct phonetic rendering. It is spelled tusk -
d - t - determinative of a city. The tusk is either Be or chu. The
word does not translate in any language of which I am aware, with
either spelling. Sitchin translates as "measurer", but I am not
convinced, and it matters not at all to our purpose if he is correct.):
"In the 363rd year of Ra
or "upon opening the 363rd double charge", using the
Denderah translation
Ra Horus Khuti
name of a king, unknown. The glyphs suggest Ra as he charges
the horizon, like in the first Denderah dekan. Budge later
identifies him as Ra, the sun god
his majesty was in Takens
the town dates from ancient times
and his soldiers with him...HeruBechudet was in the boat of
Ra, and said to his father RaHeruKhuti "I see that the enemies are
conspiring aginst their lord; let thy fiery serpent (incese pot - soul -
kh - t -adder, ie. ba-khet, or serpent thing of fire) gain mastery
over them.'"]
The king gives permission and
HeruBechudet flew up into the horizon in the form of the great
Winged Disk...and he attacked with such terrific force those who
opposed him, that they could neither see with their eyes nor hear
with their ears, and each of them slew his fellow...Then,
HeruBechudet, shining with very many colors
or hairs, or slivers, as used at Denderah
came in the form of the winged disk to the boat of
RaHeruKhuti, and Thoth said to Ra
the glyphs call Ra the charge of all waters
Bechudet has returned in the form of the great winged disk (not
readable in original)...children.
Later, the enemies become crocodiles and hippopotami (The
Biblical Leviathan and Behemoth?) and our flying hero goes after
them with metal spears and chains, accompanied by metal
workers, or blacksmiths.The word "blacksmith" is mesniu. In
"Wars of Gods and Men", Sitchin suggests that they were
fabricated. The Egyptian word includes that connotation as a
possibility, as the root is "fabricate". We have already spoken of
Vulcan's "androids". And remember the humanoids at Denderah.
The Rhind Papyrus flood legend is using a similar word (perhaps
mistranslated as "children") for the workers at the weather control
center. It is tempting to propose that this is the missing word for
the Hebrew and Sumerian annunaki, anakim, or giants (Egyptian
has no such word, but it is clear the giants existed.). The jackal
head suggests a "child" of Seth, who is pictured as a jackal, and
may be the source of the American Indian trickster coyote
(although the word itself may come from Hebrew "chayyot", or
living creature.) The serpent tongue is clearly consistent. Greek
and Sumerian drawings often portray gods as giants.
It is the pictures of the battle that are important. See the plates,
copied from Budge. In one, Horus is assisted by Isis with a sun
headdress and a rudder that has a serpent attached to the cord, and
looks suspiciouly like the two plumed headdress from Denderah.
One has a rudder, one does not. Note the sail in one. This time
Isis wears a throne (since they are out of the guidance field, using
the sail for power.). In one, even the boat is expendable, showing
how flexible we need to be in reconstructing the technology. In
another, we see the winged disk for the first time. It is always
written as a picture, so we do not know its pronunciation. It could
be jinaku as well as anything else. Note the double charge in the
center of the wings. Note the charged circle on the head of the
front "penguin"; on another the rear penguin has no charge - yet.
This is an earlier picture than the double charged one. Note also
they are in a protective booth. In another, both penguins are
charged. In another, this booth is identical with the one at
Denderah, except the staff held by the charged Horus is jem, rather
than a serpent, as it is there. In another, the lion wears the crown
of the 3 ornamental jars from Denderah. Note especially the
placement of the sail. A sail attached anywhere else would spin a
weightless ship and over end like a pinwheel. And they appear to
have known thus. While some Egyptologist is certain to say that
his is all symbolic, it is quite a coincidence. The Pyramid Texts
speak of a "harpoon with barbs that are the lightnings of Ra (and
points the claws of Madfet)." Madfet is a leopard or lynx, like the
jaguar which shares with the snake the rulership of MesoAmerica.
In Pyramid Text 378, Horus overcomes the Nachash serpent which
we have extablished also refers to the earth charge.



Let us look at some more pictures of flying craft. This is a
picture from "Gods of the Cataclysm". Hugh Fox asks on p. 74 if
it is the sun god bringing the hawk to the new world. Well, Ra is
the sun god, and Horus (Heru) is the hawk. So, could this be the
flying boat docking with the sun-god? Note the numerous circles
inside the construction of the boat.

The cylinder seal used by Sitchin on his cover is reprinted from
his page 267. It does not show space travel, but instead shows the
use of a collpsible winged suit (left and right figure) opened up
(center), and a platform to sit on to use it. The circles strapped to
the figure at left, and on the platform match those of the boats we

saw, and can be charged. Remember the Pharoah's Bennu bird
circle by which he flies. The fish is pisces, the name of Atlantis
identified from the "Battle of the Stars" poem, and the sword
shows the flying champion ready to strike Plato's "blow", with the
blessing of someone in authority (right)
. The next plates are from p. 184 of Hugh Fox's book, and from
p. 45 of "Genesis Revisited". They trace the winged disk around
the world. If the bottom is what made it to China from Assyria,
and if "south facing chariot" means "chariot prepared to receive the
charge from the sun as does the south", we have one single legend .

.VonDaniken in "Gold of the Gods" provides our next several
plates with cryptic circles:

An Inca pyramid storing or charging some circles may be seen
in the first, and others (the last from "Gods from outer space")
show assorted flying contraptions, and here is one "god".

Note that the farther back we go, the more certain and detailed
the pictures become. The circles are the key. The device can be
sailed, by either sail or oar, which looks like those headdress
plumes. Once that is realized, the name Quetzecoatl (plumed
serpent) of the MesoAmerican indians can be understood.
In fact, there is an Egyptian term for a magical boat oar called
"neshi-shentiu", literally "extended ends of the hair of the 'bird' or
'serpent goddess'". The reference is from the Papyrus of Ani and is
thus quite late, and it is used in a mythological context. The name
is related to the "teshi-stone", #7 at the Khnemu weather control
site, where it is the ground.
Teshi means to separate from (or to lead away, as does an
electrical ground; neshi means hairs. The root - sh - means either
field, or canal, and we have seen "canal" used as a term for
electrical potential. The hieroglyph for shentiu is the magical boat
of Horus in the episode of the Contendings of Horus and Seth,
quoted without source by Sitchin in "Wars of Gods and Men".
Technologically, the oars, being covered with the plumes (atenu -
crown) of Denderah, would have been coated with the separated
and charged copper, and thus reacted to the teshi-charge, as would
an electrical ground. The power of bombardment by the sun's rays
is enough to push a sattelite at zero gravity. But would a charged
paddle provide enough repulsion to drive a (as we shall see below)
weightless boat? The plumes at Denderah are certainly covered
with jem, which is made by magnetic repulsion. The rudders on
plates are likely of jem. The Eskimos speak of nephalim arriving
in flying craft with "bronze" wings. The nephalim who flew to
America (Quezecoatl) was apparently named for the color of his
charged rudder. Apparently also, the boat is optional. People can
fly in a suit, on a boat, on a platform.
Let us check out one more new legend. The reader may be
acquainted with the scandal over the Dead Sea Scrolls. These
documents, unquestionably written between 100BC and 100AD
were found in 1948. Several pages were kept secret by scholars in
Jerusalem, for some apparently selfish reason. While there was a
now discredited trasure map, that does not explain the other pages
that were held back. Finally, a few years ago, a library in
California which had been sent photocopies as a backup against
accidental destruction, became fed up and broke its oath of
secrecy, releasing the held back texts. Two archeotechnology
legends art among them, the first, the following from a long
missing part of the book of Enoch: 4Q530 Col.2. This text
mentions Gilgamesh.
To interpret a dream, the giant Mahway is sent to Enoch: "...he
mounted up in the air like stong winds, and flew with his hands
like eagles...he left behind the inhabited world and passed over
desolation, the great desert..."
There are three things of use to us.The first is that Enoch lived
far from the inhabited world, thus showing that, to the writers of
this secondary source, he may have lived to the far north or south.
The direction will be born out when we discuss the sphinx later.
The point is, the legend provides a reason for the Irish length of
day appearing first, in the Book of Enoch, and later in the Mayan
The second is the mention of STRONG winds, which ties this
together with the flood technology.
The third is the cryptic, "used his hands like eagles". NOT
"used his hands like eagles'", which is a possessive (note the
apostrophe on "eagles"), and could have been followed by the
word "wings". Mahway is not flapping his arms. He is absorbing
a charge, like an eagle, in something he holds in his hands, like our
Sumerian flier in the cylinder seal. This is our key.
If we identify the circles, we identify the technology.
Don't get nervous if this sounds Edgar Cacey-ish. There is
good science behind it. The circles are crystals.
Let's save the scientific proof for later, and consider the literary
and pictorial evidence.
Many of the stories suggest nothing more than a hot air
balloon. Certainly, no claim for speed is ever made (except
"betook themselves quickly" at Khnemu, and any airflight is quick
compared to camel or barge travel), and seldom any great claim for
distance, unless it could have been done by "hops" along islands.
And no legend, when read in the original, ever seems to suggest
two in the sky at the same time, which certainly makes their
number consistent with the number (12 or 30, depending on the
legend) of ruling nephalim. This would also imply that expense of
production is not a factor. On the other hand, some legends (like
the Pacific Island legend) say specifically that magnetic/electronic
tehnology was a factor; the notion of "south faced chariot"
certainly suggests charge absorption as well, perhaps controlled by
the person in the "booth", or in the rudder, or "oar" (which could
be either, depending on the type of boat) as the pictures imply.
It is not generally known, but crystals expand and contract on
the application of an electrical field. This "piezoelectric effect", as
it is called, is the basis of phonograph recording playback (as the
grooves on the record move the needle, it compresses a crystal,
thereby creating a current - the inverse of what we are talking
about), and some of the more expensive microphones. Some
theorists have said that the increase in UFO activity before an
earthquake that is sometimes reported is due to the earth
compressing crystal formations in the crust, and the resulting
electrical current field interacting with the atmosphere.
What is not generally appreciated is that in a really high
intensity field, crystals expand, without gaining weight, as the field
causes the bonding forces between atoms to increase. The Free
Energy Device Handbook reprints from the Sept. 1927 issue of
"Science and Invention", which reports on a German experiment
reported in "Radio Unschau" which accidently discovered the
effect. The experimenters found that after a certain level of
electrical field is reached, the expansion of the crystal is
permanent. It changes its appearance and becomes white. They
claim to have had a crystal barely the size of a grain of rice
increase to large hand size and pick up a 50 lb. weight.
I didn't believe it either, until I checked the Encyclopedia
Britannica. Crystals do expand, the expansion is linear in the
beginning, and greater at higher levels of voltage, and does become
permanent at the levels described in the article. While I doubt the
50-lb, I certainly do not doubt that such a procedure would create
the equivalent of a hot air balloon, since the balloon works because
it displaces a weight of air larger than the weight it is carrying.
Anything which could be made large enough without a weight
increase would eventually rise, just by becoming lighter than air.
The mathematics is: To build a vimana, take a lump of crytal
2in. square by 1 in. thick. Since the atoms in crystal bind with
10exp-6 volts per meter, the 10exp11 volt charge creates a 10exp5
expansion. At 10exp 4, the size becomes nearly 20feet square by
10 feet high. Air weighes 1 lb. per 12 cubic feet, so this lifts 300
lb., not allowing for any potential magentic repellant effect.
So what would this technology look like in operation? A
wooden platform just large enough would be constructed and lined
inside and outside with a layer of wax (plastic?). Crystals would
be grown as required and pressed into the wax. If nekh jars were
carried on board, crystals could be expanded as needed to get more
lift. The oar could be an energy absorbing antenna to recharge the
batteries for the nekh jars. Mentions of the jars of flying craft
occur occasionally. Other crystals could be pre-expanded and
stored in heavy rock laden "root cellars" (this explains those
mysterious dolmens in the British Isles, northeast America, and
northwest France and Spain. They are such stone storage areas,
opening east - to catch the rising Ra - and are exactly where they
need to be to stage the regular water crossing necessitated by the
Atlantean attack mentioned by Plato). These pre-filled crystals
could be worn by the pilot, and could be discarded as needed to
control altitude. There is the danger of the wax melting (what
happened to Icarus), of course. To "take off", just charge the
"boat", and let the crystals expand and fill the wax. To land, tie a
long rope to a couple large crystals, and let them loose; as they rise
from the boat, the boat, now having less lift, will go down ever so
slowly. To take off again, pull yourself up on the ropes. With the
crystals taking most of the weight, movement of large stones
becomes easy (explaining how it was done before the flood). The
technology was lost long before the old Kingdom in Egypt, and
they thus resorted to concrete instead (and, as Davidovits claims,
eventually to actual stone cutting and hauling by the middle
Certain of the flying craft pictures show the boat being steered
with a paddle ending in an atenu crown. Since the crown has
already been identified as carrying one single charge, this was
originally thought to be some sort of magnetic propulsion achieved
by repelling the paddle (and hence the boat) from the standing
electrical field of the Khnemu machine. In 2000AD, the effect,
which was patented in 1929 was again made an object of research
by both NASA and Boeing and can thus be described precisely.
The effect is called the Biefeld-Brown effect, after the teacher and
student who researched it in 1929. If an extremely light floating
object has a hull charged to one side of a condenser, and a small
paddle charged to the other is placed at a distance away from it, the
electrical potential between the object and the paddle ionizes the
air between the two. The ionized air begins to create a wind, and
the wind can levitate or steer the object, depending on the precise
placment of the paddle. The effect was abandoned in 1929 as too
small to be of use on the airplanes of the day, but is now being
researched for satellite propulsion and for certain small
reconnaissance aircraft (to which power may be sent on a laser
beam). Needless to say, the paddle in the ancient boat technology
was used to create a wind between it and the Khnemu machine to
repel the craft.
In one single theory, if it is correct, we explain the dolmens,
the legends of heavy stone movement, and flight. In fact, if there
is any truth to Geoffrey of Monmouth's often requoted statement
that some stones in Stonehenge came from Africa, this theory
explains how they got to England and why they were brought - as
temporary anchors for crystal shipments. And the theory accounts
for the circles in all the flying pictures. But is it possible?
In an era when Tesla barely had a 200 Amp line to work with,
he got voltage of 100,000,000 volts (Source: The Energy Grid).
Lightning, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica, regularly
checks in at 20,000 amps. Scaling up Tesla's rig would give us
10,000,000,000 volts, which is just what the Enclyclopedia
Britannica predicts would be needed to grow a tiny crystal to a
cubic yard in volume, about the largest size a human could
manage. And this is the value used in the mathematical calculation
Our technology works by computer chips and minimization.
Theirs worked on macromization - making things bigger. And the
weather control mechanism set up a ya field - a permanent sheet of
lightning, as alluded to in the Popul Vuh, where lightning, sheet
lightning, and stones created by lightning are all part of the
creation story, and of the gods' living area. These devices were
huge (2 miles across) earth-sky charge reciprocators, that collected
all the charge (that, after the flood, gave us lightning storms) from
probably hundreds of miles around, and stored it in giant
condensers made of water laced with metal and shielded by stone.
Voltages impossible for our technology would have been easy for
theirs. The crystal effect would have been discovered by accident,
as someone brought some inside a field when he came to visit his
friend who worked there, and had his backpack start floating away.
But did they actually do it? Is there any evidence besides the
Egyptian has no word for crystal as we have. They use the
word shining (note that word both in HeruBechudet and at the Isis
station at Denderah). Their chief crystal was the blue "lapis
lazuli". It is the crystalline structure (which, by the way, answers
almost perfectly the story of matter in Plato. It is possible that the
ideas summarized there came not from atoms, where they are
clearly incorrect, but from crystals, where the same structures are
what give it the powers we have discussed). And, as early as we
can read it, Egyptian has a word for both natural and manufactured
lapis lazuli - proving they were manufacturing it from ancient
times. Now both the Egyptian and the Greek words (khesbit and
kuanos) simply mean "blue". So, you could just as well call them
"sky stone". The Hebrew blue stone is spir, which gives us our
word sapphire, and is the root of words pertaining to such esoteric
things as wisdom and knowledge. And, according to middle ages
legend, it was what lighted the ark, and what Moses' staff was
made of. Even the Mayan Queztecoatl has blue-green feathers.
All these linguistic associations cease to be coincidence if the
theory is correct. And lapis lazuli is mentioned at Denderah right
next to the slivers of jem, in a context that could be translated as
the process we do to dope computer chips to create amplifier
circuits and transistors. Lapis lazuli are mentioned in many places
as jewelry, of course, but in the most ancient legends there are
other electrical mentions.
In another Egyptian legend, Ra has gotten old, and his skin is
gold, his bones silver, and his hair (again the glyph for slivers) is
lapis lazuli, proving that in their mind, the sun which charges the
jem creates all these as well.
Enmerkar, seeking the gipar wood from the ark, expects the
Lord of Arattu to retrieve lapis lazuli also. But when the key time
comes to request things of the Lord of Arattu, the lapis lazuli is
strangely not requested with the gipar. The lapis lazuli was part of
the manufacturing process of jem, and Enmerkar knew the Lord of
Arattu would have to have it to make what he wanted. There was
no point in Enmerkar's collecting the crystal, since without the
worldwide network of lightning reciprocators being operative to
expand it, flying would be impossible, and he was not going to be
manufacturing his own jem, but using that which the Lord of
Arattu had made for him.
We can even prove they used it. Recall the list of the items
manufactured at the center, items 8-k. They are: sprout, alloys,
warmth, iron (these refer to making of jem). Then secret (the
meaning of lapis lazuli), flying vessel, shine (as did that of
HeruBechudet with many colors), to "puff up" (this now
explained); and these 4 manufacture the lapis lazuli. The last 5 are
for other things. But now the list, and the order of the list, makes
Where are the crystals now? If I were one of the nephalim, I
would have gotten into my flying boat and tried to ride out the
flood. But with volcanic lava falling from the sky, and nowhere to
run to, I would have soon found my boat overweighed and
grounded, where I would have been buried under tons of lava,
most likely at sea, as sea is 2/3 of the world's surface. Just maybe,
some of the crystals escaped and are still in orbit (wouldn't it be a
riot if some were UFO's?). With only 12 administrative districts,
and very few nephalim, we can figure 30 boats maximum with 100
crystals each, plus a few hundred personal smaller ones. If indeed
they do not disintegrate with time (and we have no way of
knowing), the few that are not buried under the ocean would have
left no more that 1000 or so crystals underground and in the sky
worldwide, and we have never been looking for them, so why
should we have found them? But then again, a few years ago I
remember reading about a new fad in unexplained phenomena: It
seems, that, if you take infrared photos at random from the
windows of airplanes, you frequently get pictures of floating

Our culture has talked about implanted electrodes or computer
chips that might read thoughts for many years. Proving they
existed long ago is quite difficult, but a revelation from the held
back Dead Sea Scrolls puts us on the trail.
We start with a quote from Josephus, Antiquities 3, 9:
"For as to those stones, which we told you before, the high
priest bare on his shoulders, which were sardonyx (and I think it
needless to describe their nature, they being known to everybody),
the one of them shined out when God was present at their
sacrifices: I mean that which was in the nature of a button on his
right shoulder, bright rays darting out thence, and being seen even
by those that were most remote; which splendor yet was not before
natural to the stone...God declared beforehand, by those twelve
stones which the high priest bore on his breast, and which were
inserted into his breastplate, when they should be victorious in
battle; for so great a splendor shone forth from them...that the
people were assured of God's being present...Now this breastplate,
and this sardonyx, left off shining two hundred years before I
composed this book..."
Although the Ark has been alleged to be electrical, there are no
such legends in the Bible, and the only proof is that once a person
who touched it died. Sardonyx is a form of brown crystal, and we
note that Josephus states that everyone knew what it looked like.
He is writing to Romans, and he later mentions the device's fame
among the Greeks, who called it an oracle. The commentary
admits to the shining, but not to the oracle nature of the stones.
The Mishnah at Sotah 9:12, already mentioned for the shamir,
agrees that the stones, called urim and thummim, stopped working
just about the time claimed by Josephus. Traditional Bible
interpretation has held that these stones were a type of dice thrown
to discern the will of God, and dismisses the shining as light
refraction, or as symbolic. The word "urim", the plural of "ur",
was the challenge between Enmerkar and the Lord of Arattu. The
words in Hebrew mean "lights" and "perfections" or "changes".
They mean the same in Egyptian, where they carry the
determinative of a rolled scroll of knowledge.
These are all secondary sources, of course. The people at the
Dead Sea community appear to have seen them in operation:
(1Q29): "the stone shall come forth...with tongues of fire. The
left hand stone which is on the left side shall be uncovered before
the whole congregation until the priest finishes speaking, and after
the cloud has been lifted...three tongues of fire from the right hand
stone...the priest should interpret his will"
(4Q376) "and your urim, and the cloud shall come forth with
him, with tongues of fire. The left hand stone which is upon its left
shall be uncovered before the whole congregation until the priest
finishes speaking. And after the cloud has lifted..."
It simply cannot be doubted that this is saying that fire came
out of the stone of lights and shot into the cloud raised by the stone
of changes. The cloud is unfamiliar to most readers, but is well
known to anyone who worships in a charismatic church. This new
experience of worship was founded, according to current historical
books of these churches, at the stroke of midnight on the eve of the
twentieth century when something called the gift of tongues was
restored to a group praying at a seminary in Kansas.
The history is unimportant to us. What is important is that
these groups regularly experience during church services what they
call the "shekinah glory" or the presence of God as a cloud among
the congregation. The cloud is mentioned in the Bible, and these
people feel that what they experience is the same thing.
Technologically, religious feelings have no import, of course,
unless we are researching the reaction of technology to human
feelings, and that is what is alleged here. The stones seem to be
energized by their emotional experience. That, if true, makes them
If we analyze these passages in terms of such experience, the
cloud is the cloud of the presence of God that originates in "praise
and worship" .If true, it would explain all the Bible verses related
to these cryptic stones. When the stones are consulted when no
congregation is present (1Sam.28:6) they give no answer. When
they are willed in prayer to the Levites, the priestly guardians of
authentic worship, they are called "YOUR urim and your
thummim", speaking to God (Deut. 33:8) as though there were
others. Finally, their failing to function "when the last prophets
ceased" (which is interpreted as leaving less godly people in
charge), as the Mishnah reference tells us, could be explained as
rampant sin creating an inability for a congregation to pray with
sufficient fervor to raise the cloud.
So if we assume they existed, we explain a lot of things. But
could they have worked?
Well, human blood has iron in it, and the body is surrounded
by a weak electrical field, that can be photographed by what is
called Kirlian photography, which is photography in a high
frequency electrical field (like the weather control centers used,
only much smaller). That the ancients were very aware of the
electrical field is suggested by their desire for blood sacrifice, their
unwillingness to eat blood (for blood contains "life"), and their
desire to wash themselves in flowing water (which grounds a
charge) as a sign of change of mindset (the origin of baptism).
On a program called "UFO's Uncovered", produced by The
Learning Channel, we are shown a collection of "spirals", found in
the Ural mountains by Russian government researchers attempting
to explain frequent UFOs in the region. Any one spiral looks like a
metallic cylinder about 2 inches long and 1/16 of an inch or less
thick which has been wound around the fingertip into a circular
shape about 1 inch across, and then pounded into a flat dircle.
Each spiral is a different color, and there is a small pile of them at
each location. Recovered as deep as 18 feet, the whole thing
suggests an ancient earring collection. But each collection has one
or two pieces consisting of a metal corkscrew wound around a
cylindrical core (the reader will recognize the shamir) which is
"just like a modern lamp filament", according to the program.
Except it is made of iridium and molybdenum, which can only be
separated at temperatures that the ancients could not have
possessed (supposedly). Here are pictures from the Internet, of
magnifications of the whole collection, and a detail of the shamir.

But, we have documented parabolic reflectors with torches in
them. If the copper/iron shamir were made first, and a laser
generated by it could be focussed with a large parabola, such
temperatures could be possible. VonDaniken documents several
crystal lenses from ancient times (ca. 700BC) and platinum and
aluminum artifacts that demand high temperatures for being
worked, as well as an ancient metal rod that broke a diamond saw
attempting to cut it. Now, suppose that these spirals were mounted
on a piece of wood, like the Breastplate of Aaron, which has since
decayed; that would explain the pile. And, if this technology is
still turning certain thoughts of communities into light shows in the
sky, that might explain some UFO's.
At this point, we can only raise the question. Thoughtreaders
would have been a logical technological step for the nephalim, as
many sources tell us that the nephalim enslaved the population in
the end. If the list of weather control manufactured products has
anything to do with this, it is found most particularly at item j,
where temi, the root of Thummim is mentioned specifically.
Perhaps this stone is like a modern microchip, composed of layers.
The first station q channels holes in it to a depth, then h appoints
what material goes into each, then it is checked at k if indeed the
lights will pierce it. But it is all conjectural. And it takes us in a
totally new direction, as we are now assuming a microtechnology.
Of course, the shamir is quite small...

There are three important reasons for investigating genetic
manipulation as a possible technology known to the ancients.The
first is that we ourselves have it, and it is reasonable to ask if they
did as well, just out of curiosity.
The second is that Zecharian Sitchin states specifically that
ancient Sumerian writings proves that mankind was created
The third is the difficulty in accounting for much of the ancient
story of the giants in any other way.
We shall address each in turn.
It is not unreasonable to raise the issue of genetic manipulation
just because we can do it. Under the chronology proposed here,
nephalim technology flourished for almost 500 years. By
comparison, our culture, which begins with Copernicus, Galileo,
and Newton, is barely 400 years old. These were an agricultural
people, and plant mutations occur by accident. Deliberate attempts
to harness the technology of selective mutation may have been
inspired by the accidents. In fact, history shows the regular
introduction of new plants throughout time, from prehistory until
late Roman times, and, or course, again in the current era. Cross-
breeding of humans is a logical next step. Proving it was done is
much more difficult however, as any evidence that has been
presented has many alternative interpretations that can be easily
thought of. In fact, Josephus' statement (Ant. 3:9) that the food
before the flood was superior since the flood washed away
essential nutrients from the soil, yielding less, not more, variety of
food. DeCamp argues that science seems to advance whenever
there is cheap food and peace to encourage experimentation - and
the nephalim had both of these.
Sitchin's arguments are simple to summarize. Sumerian
mythology is quite clear. The Annunaki (Anakim without the
reduplicated n - Anak is the one nephalim identified by name in
Numbers 13:33) created mankind (actually, since no other
mythology says this, "mankind" may mean only the Sumerians) as
slaves by impressing the "image of divinity" on a creature that
"already exists". The new creature was created a few at a time, in
molds lined up in a room, and it came forth from the womb of
Ninti the goddess. Woman was made by a separate act, and he
says, this proves that the male was sterile as first created. He
offers ("Genesis...", page 162, 168, and a plate of a cylinder seal
showing a chemist, a mother, and child, with several jars of
something, which he says are test tubes, in the room) as proof of
the chemical nature of the procedure.
But his translations, as already mentioned, are far in advance of
what other Sumerologists can be certain of. There is little
question, from the nature of the Sumerian language and the
uniqueness of the mythology that the Sumerians were in some way
shaped by someone, hoping that they would serve the creators.
But education may be a more correct description of the shaping
process. After all, Plato's Atlantis story says specifically (Crit.
109c) that the nephalim ruled by PERSUASION. The womb is
just symbolic, or may be a misreading. The cylinder seals
certainly depict a chemical technology, but virtually no tribe in
history has been without medicinal herbs extracted by boiling or
oil emulsion, and this fits the pictures on such seals perfectly.
Genetic manipulation is possible, of course, but there is no certain
evidence in anything Sitchin has provided.
It is to the ancient story of the giants that we must turn. This
story is so persistent, and it is often offered as an explanation of
other technology. It is argued that the very existence of the
pyramids proves that slaves of very great size existed to haul the
stone. We have already documented other theories for their
construction. In fact, there are legends that normal size nephalim
floated large stones to some ancient island constructions - certainly
this supports the crystal theory if it supports anything.
The theory of giants was highly developed in Greek times. The
most ancient documents all center around two words, "nephalim"
(the word of the Bible in Genesis 6,4, where the word is translated
"giants" by the 300BC Greek translation of the Old Testament
called the Septuagint), and "Annunaki", the Sumerian word
discussed above.
The Greek secondary sources had much, much trouble
reconciling the technology with the inherited tradition.
First, how big were these people? There are no massive graves
for 50 feet tall humanoids, and Josephus says that bones of giants
were still on display in his day (Ant. 5:2,3). Occasionally, a fifty
footer is announced in the press as a recent discovery (but maybe
fraudulently, or maybe a grave dug for an expected mythical being
who never really showed up to claim it). The words for giant
could just mean people 10 feet tall, of which there have always
been a few. While some legends say specifically that certain
nephalim were over 500 feet tall (like Og the King of Bashan in
the Haggadah), all these legends are latecomers, after Roman
times. Egyptian has no word for giant, unless the term mesniu will
do, as we have noted in the chapter on flight. Plutarch says that the
giant Anteus was 9 feet tall. Goliath is specifically stated to be
about 10 ft. tall in the Bible, and Og's bedstead checks in at 13 ft.
Various pictures from Assyria, Greece, and the Tassili Mountains
all show a scale height of about 11 feet. VonDaniken quotes an
unspecified archeologist as claiming that tool finds suggest about
12 feet.
Then, where do these giants come from? The Greek legends
are very confused. In one case, they are the nephalim, in another,
they are the children of the nephalim, in another, they just appear.
We know that a human being's body can only be so tall. Not
that it is impossible to create a 50 foot tall person - all you need to
do is cut the gene that stops growth and keep the person alive long
enough to make it to that size. That second step is the problem.
Even ten footers are generally sickly, and have difficulty with their
joints, etc. Natural selection has created beings that CAN exist.
New ones, created by whatever means, still need to be tested in the
crucible of time on the planet. And ten footers do not pass that test
well in our day.
Nor can an argument be made from archeology. Yes, there are
temples with big doors and high ceilings. But these are
accompanied by low ceiling houses on the adjacent streets. And,
where they have pictures drawn in them, the pictures show normal
size people under high ceilings passing through giant doors.The
most logical course of action is to ignore the Greek legends as too
confused. There are only two more ancient legends that I am
aware of that mention the problem.
The first was analyzed by Sitchin, and is summarized above.
The second is that of the Bible, and consists of two verses, the
two quoted. Num. 13:33, ties the two legends together.
"Nephalim" is used of the inhabitants of the land, and they are
spoken of as giants, in a word that means "big sized". The produce
recovered from the spying trip is more like ten foot people would
eat, and if it suggests technology at all, it suggests hybridization,
rather than DNA splicing.
The key legend is that which was misunderstood so by the
Greeks. It is in Genesis 6, vs. 2 and 4. Note that verse 3 limits the
lives to 120 years at the same time, suggesting that these people
did NOT live to be 1000 years old. It reads:
"The Sons of God (beni-haelohim) saw the daughters of men
(benot ha-adam) that they were beautiful (tobah) and they took for
themselves wives (nishim) from all whom they chose (bachari).
The giants (nephilim) were in the earth in those days, and even
afterwards, when the sons of god came in to the daughters of men,
and they bore (yalad) to them. They were the heroes (gabarim)
which (existed) from ancient time (olam), the men (anshi) of name
(shem). Since this secondary source is all we have, but it is the
oldest, let us interpret it correctly:
First, "beni" is one of two words that refers to son, daughter, or
beget (depending on the ending). The other "yalad", used later,
refers to the physical act of begetting. Beni refers to the social act
of creating an heir. "Haelohim" means the powers. The "the" is
ignored by all translators. "Elohim" is God as natural laws, as we
mentioned above.
"Tobah" means beautiful or good. "Nishim" means women.
"Bachari" means "chose", but also means "young", and, with the
softer "h" in place of "ch", means "shining" (the Egyptian word for
"Crystal" In fact, it starts like "Bechudet"). The word "gabarim"
means "strong men". The word "existed" is NOT in the Hebrew.
"Olam" means, not "ancient", but "of the ages" ("eternity" in
Hebrew is "olam ha olam", the "ages of ages").
"Anshi" can mean "men", but is also means "those who were
humanized" (like the Sumerians in their own mythology?). Shem
means "name", but carries the sense of "reputation".
The reader may already note how all the Greek legends may, or
may not be, implied in this curious language. Are the haelohim
some of the nephalim, or are they different? Does the "daughters of
men" and "bore" to them imply sex, or implantation in the womb
of a genetically engineered egg? The choice of the word "anshi",
when "adam" and "aish", the normal words for men are available,
is significant, but of what? Non-humans raised to a new level by
genetic alteration, as Sitchin suggests?
And who are the mysterious nephalim? The Hebrew means
"fallen", and, over the centuries there have been many answers:
They are demons who were given bodies. They are people who
remained near the garden, and hence closer to God (the Watchers
of the Book of Enoch). They are giant people. They are a
genetically created race. They are people who ruled by demons
possessing them. They are UFO pilots.
The most logical, since, as we shall see, it is the only one
consistent with the temples by the Sphinx, is the one we espouse
here. That they are humans, who, upon awakening to
consciousness, and feeling the pain of "original sin" (which we
will deal with in the next chapter) remained in prayer for a couple
centuries before joining the rest of mankind. This ancient legend
makes the most sense in terms of the absence from the
archeological record of giant human graves, tools, tablewear, etc.
When they arrived, the rest of mankind held them as beneficent
rulers (hence Plato's statement above), and, with the help of their
technicians, the beni-haelohim, or those who had received from the
God of natural powers, the inheritance due sons, they built a
technology. The demons, as covered in detail in "Ancient
Advanced Technology in the Bible", were brought to earth when
they possessed the nephalim in later centuries, as they became
greedy and evil. The Mayan Popul Vuh says that the first creatures
were made of wood, and their descendants who survived the flood
are monkeys. The "made of wood" could just mean "fabricated"
If so, this answers our questions nicely, and gives us an origin
for Bigfoot. The human nephilim made the giants, by genetic
manipulation, after marrying "normal" wives; and the giants are
like Bigfoot, to serve as slaves.
There is no proof of any of this. By definition, there is no
proof of any theory. This is the only one that explains any known
data - the rest proposed by the Greeks explain nothing. It is
selected as the best among competing theories, but founded on the
weakest evidence of any so far in this book.
So where does that leave genetic manipulation? It is suggested
by items m and p in the list of functions carried on at the weather
control center, but that likewise proves nothing. Some form of
selective breeding seems quite possible, and attempted cross
breeding would explain the Biblical prohibitions against sex with
Herodotus quotes a public woman-goat mating incident and
calls it surprising. Surely, not many women would choose such a
pastime, given the presence of claws, teeth, etc., and we know that
such monsters as the Greeks wrote about (man-fish, man-horse,
etc.) cannot be made to live, no mater how produced, as the genetic
code lengths are incompatible. But the very fact that these
prohibitions are given in later times, suggests that later people
were attempting to duplicate what the nephalim had done, as they
had learned to work the weather control, the shamir, and the gipar.
Have you heard about the dinosaur print in Texas, that covers a
human footprint? A few decades ago, it was considered
incontrovertible proof that dinosuars existed alongside men. Have
you heard that someone counterfeited a bunch more such prints
nearby? They have, supposedly to get some on their property, so
they could charge admission to see them. Of course, now the
mainline scientists are all claiming that the first print was faked
too, and thus do we lose our "incontrovertible evidence". No one
seems to be sure now, if that first print was ever different than the
counterfeit ones, or if it ever even existed before the counterfeit
ones did.
On the theory outlined here, the earth need be no more than
6000 years old. So, the dinosuars had to exist together with men.
So, by accident or on purpose, the growth gene was cut by the
nephalim for some birds and reptiles, and some of them became
The ancients had no problem with this idea. Pliny's Natural
History 9:9 speaks of what could only have been a dinosaur
skeleton, recovered in Judea, over 40 feet long. It was shipped to
Rome, and displayed as the skeleton of a Triton, which Roman
mythology lists as a son on Neptune, the founder (in Roman
language) of Atlantis. So, what we call a dinosaur was, to them, a
giant ben-nephalim. Let us suppose that dinosaur skeletons were
found early in the formative years of Greek civilization, say around
800 BC or so. This would explain the change, in Greek, of the
word "nephalim" to "giant". In many Greek legends, giants have
serpent's tails and hang out around "fiery mountains" (like wather
control centers). If they assumed that the tyranosaurus rex
skeletons were people, ankylosuarus their giant pets, etc., it would
have been natural for them to deduce that these were the "earth
born" (the meaning of "gigani" in Greek, the source of our word
"giant"). And the suggestion is that they came from chemical
procedures - for chemicals are mined from the earth - rather than
"heavenly" sexual intercourse.) products of the nephalim, and
would give them a reason for that name to come to mean "of huge
size". Odysseus and his men escape from the giant by hanging on
to the bottom of pigs - they must have been large pigs for that to
But the reader will answer, what about geological dating?
Surely, radioactive dating proves that dinosuars are much older
than nephalim.
There are three general sources of geological dates. The fossil
record, radioactivity, and weather data.
The fossil record consists of piles of shell, bones, etc., and
impressions of these things in rocks. In fact, it is because the
simpler organisms were noticed, in the 1600's AD, to be always
buried at the bottom, that modern geological theory was born.
Such a distribution is incompatible with a water flood, and so they
chose to discard, in the seventeenth century AD, the ancient
hypothesis that the flood was the cause of these pile-ups at its time,
and thus the modern theory of evolution became the replacement
that began taking shape over the next 400 years.
But, as we have seen, the flood was not of water. The slow
accumulation, over several days, of liquid stone, would have
allowed the more developed creatures to keep running away and so
avoid dying until the very end, and would thus have created the
fossil record as found.
The dates determined by the fossils are checked by radioactive
dating. The theory is that, anything alive absorbs radioactivity as
the energy hits earth from the heavens. When the creature dies, the
absorption stops. Since radioactivity departs from anything at a
certain predictable rate, all that is necessary to figure out when
something died, is to measure how much is left of the radioactivity,
compare it to a known sample, and work out the math.
The trouble with any of the dates obtained this way is that there
is no proof that the radioactive rates are the same in this century,
where the known samples are calibrated, as they were thousands of
years ago. Scientists rest peaceful in the fact that there are many
kinds of radioactivity, and, when the same sample is checked on
several kinds, the results for its date are sometimes similar (and
often not).
The trouble is, as we have seen, that the ancients used ground
to sky, high voltage energy reciprocating mounds to control the
weather. There is an interplay between radioactivity and
electronics, and it is not unreasonable to suppose that the use of
this technology could have cut off radioactive absorption of
anything living near it. With no absorbed radioactivity to give off
for our scientists' tests, things appear much older (since they give
off less radioactivity) than they actually are. VonDaniken actually
says that modern industrial production seems to do the same thing,
and without the electromagnetic field.
Scientists know that, whatever they tell the public, the dates
obtained by various radioactivity checks are often in poor
agreement. They explain this by saying that the radioactivity level
must have changed tens of thousands of years ago. They attempt
to recalibrate the mathematics by cross-referencing annual weather
phenomena in the same areas as they get radioactive samples.
Such things as ice melting and refreezing, tree rings, mud
acculmulations, and certain small creatures' life-cylces all happen
once a year. At around 30 sites on earth, these things can be dug
for, and counted.
But, of course, if, for 700 years (3500BC-2600BC on and off)
someone was controlling the weather, these things would have
changed as the weather changed. Just one storm per week, a good
agricultural requirement, would have, at the outskirts of the
affected landmass, created the appearance of one annual change
per week, for a total of 35,000 apparent years, which,
coincidentally, is just how far back scientists have been able to find
such "annual" data. There are a few more checks they have, as
well, like magnetism shifts in the earth. But, not only are such
checks themselves dated by the above methods, but we have seen
that any form of magnetic data would be unreliable in the face of
the technology here proposed to have existed.
So we have another theory to explain all the data that "proves"
earth is older than 6000 years. Which one will science accept?
Which one explains more? Maybe someone should get out there
and start making some more fake dinosaur prints around this

The Bible certainly has been around longer than any other book
in Western culture. Of the various scriptures of the world, it lays
claim to being the oldest. While the Hindu Vedas claim to be the
result of observations made during the great war, the Bible claims
to have data on the first few hours after creation itself. The Bible
also has the same venerable history of all scriptures, in that it has
been held in trust for millenia as a sacred document, and thus
presents itself as an unchanged accurate primary source. Also,
until not too long ago, it was the oldest source for any knowledge
available to our culture. And so, it shared, with the classical
writings of Greece and Rome, the privilege of being the only
documents treating of ancient matters available for study. For all
these reasons, there has been a great deal of study of the portions
of the Bible dealing with ancient technological claims.
Realistically, of course, we can prove far less than the claims
made for the Bible as a primary source. In the most conservative
view, the Bible's first books (the ones of interest to us) were
written by Moses, Joshua, and the early prophets between 1500BC
and 700BC, but Moses supposedly got his information from God,
and so is perfectly accurate. In the most liberal view, the Old
Testament was compiled in 500BC from unknown older sources,
but probably none older than about 1000BC, and then was changed
an unknown number of times by many different rewriters before
being made available to us in Hebrew in 800AD, or in Latin in
360AD, or in Greek in about 300BC. The translations do not agree
as well as might be hoped, and, religious zeal being the stuff that
wars have always been made of, scientific researchers are rightly
skeptical of drawing too much from any one verse, let alone from
any one word. On top of this, of course, is the fact that the Bible is
not primarily a scientific text, and the Hebrews were hardly a
scientific people. What they saw, they saw, and wrote down their
divinely inspired impression of.
So, when we read that Moses created by technology the
miracles and plagues that pharoah saw (Exodus), or that the Ark of
the Covenant was some kind of energy transmitter, or that Sodom
and Gomorrah were destroyed (Gen 19) by some sort of weapon,
or that Abraham's wife received medical assistance to conceive at
age 90 (Gen 18), or that Jericho's walls fell from synchronous
sound waves, we can get little if anything out of the passages to
determine if they are symbolic or technological in nature, and
certainly no help in pinning down the nature of whatever
technology may have been used.
Many, many commentators have assembled scientific argument
after scientific argument to show that any or all of these COULD
be technological. But to show any of them even PROBABLY was
is made all the harder by the vast number of non-technological
explanations that have been proposed for each event.
It is our contention that the methodology has been
inappropriate to the task. One simply cannot use only the Bible
and the Greek writings to deduce matters that are the primary
purpose of neither, and which were, in fact, written by people
comparatively unsophisticated in, and unaware of, the technologies
they may have reported.
The world owes a great debt to Velikovsky for pioneering a
better method. Older texts must be sought; ones closer to the fact.
These must be searched for the terminology and the procedures of
ancient technology. Then, as we learn from those, the passages in
the Bible will make better sense.
The Scripture scholars cannot be condemned too strongly for
their failure to study the Egyptian language. The Israelites spent
400 years living in Egypt, and were in close contact from
Abraham's time through Solomon's (almost 1000 years). The
Book of Jubilees states that all the Egyptian books of knowledge
came to Israel with Moses (who was an adopted son of the throne)
and were deposited with Levi. We can read Egyptian far better
than Sumerian. The Egyptians were far more sophisticated in
almost anything than the Babylonians and Assyrians. And yet,
scholars read all these other languages, and leave Egyptian
untouched. This must change if the meaning of the Old Testament
is ever to be opened.
The Jews were quick to condemn the Christians for many
years, and held back their tradition of interpretation of the Old
Testament from the "heretics". Happily, these interpretations are
now available to scholars in English in the Talmud and Haggadah,
and we may hope they will be used.
A good deal of archeotechnology texts have never been noted.
We shall do so here:
The Haggadah states that the Book of Job is a scientific text.
Much of great value can be found by a cross comparison of the
symbolic nature of the universe implied here in comparison to that
of Homer and Hesiod, with which is roughly contemporary. We
have already documented the principal deductions in the chapter
on mathematical considerations. Job 36:33 gives a motive for
cattle mutilations. Shamans or hidden giants may have excised
cattle parts to get information on the religious and psychic
developments of the 1970's, using technology similar to that
mentioned here. The Christian idea that rain first fell at Noah's
time (based on Gen. 2:6) is wrong. Job 36:27 proves that mist or
vapor (Hebrew "Adi", first part of "adam") is what rain is when it
is not falling. Adi is the charge obtained by the separation of the
waters (Gen. 1:7). The weather control mechanism is to convert
between adi and rain.
That the sun stood still as stones fell from the sky (Joshua 10:
11-13) is an established fact for Velikovsky, who finds the
corresponding double night in China (the Chinese date, if correct,
places the Exodus at the untenable date of 1620BC. Velikovsky
provides many dates of such things, so this is probably not the
correct one to fix the date of the Exodus by.), and thereby proves
the flipping of the earth at this time.
The sun's ten steps in Isaiah 38:8, similarly matched by a
double SUNRISE in China, proves the minor correction to the
continent's postion in the ninth century BC, and, also proves,
which Velikovsky failed to note, that China was in the Arctic or
Antarctic circle at that time. For if the correction is less than 90
degrees, China is still East of Israel; but since the sun rose at the
same time it was daylight in Israel, China must be far enough north
or south of Israel's latitude to take adavantage of the difference in
day length due to the earth's tilting to ecliptic. This fact further
proves that the pyramids could not have already been sitting facing
due north-south at this time (for a correction of anything other than
90 degrees would not have maintained the alignment), which gives
the solution to the dating of the sphinx (see below).
Genesis 10:5, currently untranslatable, makes perfect sense,
once "ya" is recognized as the name of the reciprocating field set
up by the weather control machine. The old nonsense: "By these
(the sons of Japheth) were the coasts of the nations divided in their
lands, each by their tongue, by their families, in the nations"
becomes "By the sons of Japheth were the ya fields appointed, so
each may be controlled by families of the same language", and this
shows the attempt to rebuild the system after the flood (which is
how the knowledge got to Egypt, so Madir could find it for King
By the way, the meaning of the word ya is clear from the
hieroglyph for Khnemu. The oval he holds is the hieroglyph for ya
(and nekhen) in Egyptian, and the hands he holds it with are the
hands of biofield power (ka). Once the mechanism is understood,
no other interpretation is possible. Further, the word becomes the
god of vibes (as in "tunnuka" in the Egyptian flood story) in
Sumeria, for a 2900BC music theory text says to start tuning your
harp to the note of Ea, and he is a principle god of the area later.
Judges 6:21 is self explanatory: "And the angel of Jehovah put
forth the end of the staff which was in his hand and touched the
meat and the unleavened bread, and fire rose up out of the rock,
and burned up the meat and the unleavened bread." The earliest
case of laser cookery on record (no, I will not make a joke about
the angel's lack of cooking skill, since he burned the food.)
Velikovsky has provided so much primary source evidence that
the earth was flipping and electromagnetic phenomena were
running rampant during the Exodus, it is hardly worth our while to
repeat them. Once the possiblity is suspected, one can find
references throughout the near east, India, MesoAmerica, Europe,
The nature of the technology by which Moses and the
pharoah's magicians tried to outdo each other may never be known,
although we summarize some new research below. The fact that
the magicians could duplicate some feats, and that the feats are
echoed in other Egyptian stories, proves that it was technology,
and not random occurrences resulting from planetary collisions, as
Velikovsky believes.
The miracles of Exodus itself, are thus not caused by planetary
near-misses, but by the failing attempts to rebuild the technology.
The tower of Babel (Gen 11) is an obvious attempt to rebuild a
technology that the flood survivors did not understand. The tower
was to "reach heaven" by joining to it the earth charge. In verse 3,
"bricks" in Hebrew is "labanim", which means "white", as in
"hetch jem". "Burn them" is "seraph", the standard word for the
negative charge (i.e., it was processed exactly as at Dendera).
Note, they used it (charged metal) for stone. They then used
"hahamar" for "hamar". The translation "the asphalt for mortar"
hardly makes sense. It also can mean "let it contract over a heap of
clay", and now we have our weather machine back.
The tower of Babel confusion was due to the multiple
synonyms for each word. The name they wished to make for
themselves was the name of the star or planet which the site
controlled. The level plain was necessary to control stream flow.
By the way, "Shinar" in Egyptian is a god, or goddess, or a
place of a god. The hieroglyphs are of the great circle, a vessel, a
lion for the letter r (or maybe it is being misread and is a sphinx? -
the two are close), sometimes copper, and, either a serpent, or both
god signs (power and rulership). Babel does not translate into
early Egyptian, as there is no l, but in the Semitic languages it
means "Gate of God" and can be identified with "B Abel" or "in
the vibes", involving the root of Mabol. The Palenque stele
suggests this may be dated to 3112 BC.
Genesis 10:25, is the only written account of the earth splitting,
and for that reason is discounted by many as meaning the earth was
"split up" among the survivors of the flood. The meaning of
"peleg" is "cleft", not partitioned. That word is "chalaq".
The most fascinating accounts are that of creation, the sphinx,
and the serpent in the desert. But we need to get the terminology
Surely, any desert people would know how to tell one snake
from another. The Egyptians had half a dozen specific terms for
them, all of them carrying a snake determinative. Israel had four
or five. And, contrary to the translations, two of them were not the
nachash and seraph.
"Nachash" and "Seraph" occur in Egyptian, where they match
the other Israeli meanings of "whisper" (and carries a speaking
determinative to prove it, and "heat" (and carry for a determinative
an incense carrier to prove it.) They also, in Egyptian mean
"restless" and "at peace" respectively, good names for negative and
positive charges as any.
Serpents have a lot of archeotechnological tradition in them
anyway. VonDaniken quotes the 1250BC historian Sanchuniaton
as follows: "The snake has a speed which nothing can exceed (like
light?). It can impart any speed it likes to the spirals it describes as
it moves...Its energy is exceptional...With its brilliance it has
illuminated everything."
Then, there is the Egyptian story of "The Shipwrecked Sailor"
which is a report of ancient technology, likely that of the
rebuilders, so we shall quote in some detail, following the
translation of Simpson (The Literature of the Ancient Egyptinas),
but with reference to the original.
We must note in advance that the alien technology hypothesis
is flat out impossible. The "serpent" speaks a language common
with the sailor, knows the shipping schedule, the trade routes, and
the desired goods of trade; further, he possesses all the same
commodities himself, and wishes to be well regarded in Egypt
(line 160).
Likewise, the "island" cannot be a submarine. There were figs,
dates, cucumbers, birds, fish, etc. The words "the island will turn
to waves" (line 156) do not, in Egyptian, suggest submersion, the
preposition "er em" implies that it will seem to be invisible, as it
will "blend with" the waves.
The story is assumed to be from the eleventh dynasty, well
during the rebuilding period. We believe it is from the late twelfth.
The initial difficulty in communication (line 75-80) may be due to
the "serpent" trying different languages. The name of the island
"Island of the Ka" actually translates as "boundary of the powers of
the soul" and has led some to conclude that the story is
psychological. But sailors at all times have dreaded the "edge of
the world", where they believed the chaos of the primeval waters
awaited. Even the Star Trek crew feared the "energy barrier
separating the galaxies". It is the edge of the boundary of heaven
and earth the the Pacific Northwest indians pushed up when the
call "Yahoo" rang out, to prevent any more of their tribesmen from
walking across it and becoming stars when they entered heaven by
mistake. This term, though uttered in the story by the serpent, is
surely provided by the sailor and placed in the serpent's mouth.
Recall the ancient inability to speak logically. But, it proves that
this is a secondary source reported by someone who understood
virtually none of what he saw.
The story begins with what may be the second paragraph.
Apparently, an expedition had been somewhat unsuccessful, and
the captain was afraid to face the king with the unfavorable report.
His lieutenant attempts to give him confidence by relating a story
that happened to him: During a shipwreck,the lieutenant was
actually the recipient of many gifts and a great experience.Some
years ago, on an expedition in a boat with 120 men, and of a shape
120 by 40 cubits (Noah's Ark is 300 by 50, twice as long per unit
width. Fasold's Ark is in Egyptian cubits, not standard cubits.), he
was shipwrecked in what is assuredly an island off the coast of east
Africa, near the Sinai. To the best of his knowledge he was the
sole survivor. He ate his fill of the produce, and then lit a fire to
make a sacrifice to the gods:
"Then I heard the sound of a thunderclap, but I thought it was
the surf of the sea. The trees were shaking and the ground was
quaking. When I uncovered my face, I discovered that it was a
or worm. The hieroglyph can mean either, and translation
from the cursive hieretic cannot be certain. It is long like a
commuter bus, but it is a digging machine, like a bulldozer
He was 30 cubits (50 feet). His beard was 2 cubits (3-1/2 feet),
and his body was plaited
the hieroglyphs are an arrow and a beating symbol, suggesting
an alloy pounded into another metal
with gold
or copper, as we have noted the two are confused. This is a
metal alloy of pounded bronze
His two eyebrows were of real lapis lazuli
blue tinted windows
and he was coiled up
the glyphs are slope, as at Denderah, and a coil symbol. The
shovel was raised.
He opened his mouth to me while I was on my belly in his
presence, and said to me: Who is it who has brought you...? If you
dealy in telling me...I shall see that you find yourself as ashes
the word ses-fire is a contraction of sesef-fire, and can meana
anything from burned to broiled to melted. The word is thus
unknown, except that it is caused by intense heat. Thge sound
suggests fusing rock. The Egyptians did use onomotopoeia, or
sound words, like "cat" in Egyptian is "Miu".
transformed into one who is not seen
the only possible explanation a a heat disintegrator ray, like
must have dug vonDaniken's caves. Evidently the bulldozer is so
...He placed me in his mouth
the standard mouth symbol - r - is used, which can mean gate
or any opening, it is the shovel bucket
and took me off to his rest house
He set me down without touching me, and I was intact, without
anything being taken away from me."
The sailor repeats the story of the shipwreck word for word.
The serpent says: "
Do not fear, little one, do not turn white. You have reached
me. Indeed, God
note the monotheism
has allowed you to live. He has brought you to this island of
the Ka
defined above
and then goes on to tell how the sailor will be rescued in four
months, by a boat from Egypt. Then, to ease his pain, the operator
of the machine relates his own "shipwreck story": this island
island is a oval, boundary adds a glyph that looks like a Roman
numeral 2. The word boundary is used consistently. Since the
operator expresses no desire to be rescued, we may assume the
island is his home, and is assigned to shoreline construction.
when I was on it with my brothers and sisters and the children
among them. We were seventy-five serpents
a construction fleet
my children and brothers and sisters
all related
And I will not call to mind to you a little daughter whom I as a
wise man
knowing what would happen - the comment is Simpson's. The
point is that the operator predicted the tragedy
brought away.Then a star fell.
This translation is erroneous. The word eche-en is an
auxiliary verb meaning "it rises in order to", or, "it began to". But
that makes the word "sba-star-day" a verb, not a noun. "Star fell"
cannot be right, as the day determinative, which suggests sun, day,
or cycle does not fit. Hence the translator's idea that this is related
to the UFO sightings mentioned by Pliny is wrong. The Hebrew
cognate Seba comes from the root Sebeb, meaning to revolve, or
cycle. The word is thus a technical term meaning that "star-
revolve", in other words, someone just turned on a weather
machine. If the story is one dynasty later, we know the pharoah of
dynasty twelve turned one on, and it caused Joseph's famine. The
very existence of such a term proves they had seen one in
and because of it these went up in fire
the actual translation is 'they went away in the flying fire'
It happened completely, yet I did not burn, for I was not among
He then advises the sailor to be patient. The sailor promises to
return with great gifts, and calls the serpent a god. The operator
refuses the gifts, as he already has much more of all of them,
suggests the sialor is being "crafty" (although word is doubtful) to
suggest the idea, suggests the island will never be found again as it
will "have turned to waves"(explained above), and asks only that
the sailor "place my good repute in your towm" (A Scripture
scholar cannot help but be struck by the Hebraic theology
manifested by the operator. He is monotheistic, calls bribes crafty,
and refuses all but good reputation. While the Hebrew nation
would be several hundred years in the future, the relatives of
Shem, and presumably Ham and Japheth showed such traits
according to legend.) The ship came, the operator sent many gifts
back (ancient custom), and because of the great experience, the
sailor was made lieutenant. We cannot prove with certainty that
seba is the technical term for a weather reciprocator beginning to
operate. A Sumerian cognate has not been noted. Likewise, we
cannot prove that ses is the technical term for the heat ray that
shaped vonDaniken's caves. But the story is quite suggestive.
The story answers a few other archeotechnology problems as
well, if extended family groups were sent together on construction
jobs to remote locations for long periods of time. We have already
stated that this had to have been how the technology was carried
after the flood, but now we have a source.
Also, vonDaniken has several pictures of "astronaut aprons"
and "jet packs" that need to be explained. Such a group, assigned
to island construction, would need life preservers for the sea
voyage to the island. Current life preservers and water wings
were, until the plastics age, made of balsa wood, and they are
exactly what vonDaniken's pictures look like. The "serpent",
meaning more probably the bulldozer operator, knew a lot about
Egyptian culture and shipping in the story, and probably spoke the
language, but the sailor had never seen such a machine before, and
used the best word he could think of to describe it.
The necessity of constructing weather control centers on
islands is clear, if one wishes to build them where the land moved
by the spinning earth used to be, and would have existed long after
flight had been available to reach them with supplies and help.
Now, nachash can be derived from the Egyptian "nekh ba",
since "ba", or "fire" is "esh" in Hebrew. Nachash is thus the Israeli
word for "Xiucoatl" of the Mayas, and is the name of the positive
earth charge. That also is why it is whispering. It is brimming
with "praise upon divine praise" (Dendera), at the approach of the
new day, and the prospect of new expressions of life, which is
what drew Eve to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge - hers was
the physical, earthly desire side of mankind as is witnessed in the
Nag Hammadi texts and the various pictures of her belly up to the
sky to receive the charge (of the river of Khnemu uniting as a man
with a woman) from the sky - or the manly side. She it is who
goes south, and receives - hence positive charge in our terms - the
duality at the basis of life confirmed in the first creation text.
(Egyptian, and only Egyptian reverses the picture, putting the man
belly up. This reversal is caused by the extreme earthiness of
Egyptian spirituality, since their life comes from the Nile below. It
is for this reason they are held as an exception at the end of the
prophet Zechariah, as well. Philo alludes to this numerous times.)
This is also why "copper" in Hebrew is the feminine form
"Nachshat" Thus the earthiness (serpent) tempted the earthy side of
mankind (the woman), and was condemned to never rise
heavenward again, but to forever crawl in the dust. Nachash is
thus the prototype of the serpentine mountain ranges that will
receive the sun charge in Egypt.
"Seraph" is not a serpent, or an angel, in spite of the influence
of Thomas Aquinas in the middle ages. The Haggadah treats it as
a living creature. The word can be composed of "ser", the
Egyptian and Israeli word for prince, and "eph", the Hebrew for
breath. Timaeus 79-80, by introducing magnetism in the context
of breath and motion, establishes the Dendera reading of breath
(the nose glyph) for magnetism. As waves are the water breath,
and winds are the air breath, so magnetism is the fire breath. It is
80c that was so garbled by Pliny 36:127, and Lucretius, showing
how badly understanding had deteriorated in 400 years. It is in Is.
6, that the seraph anoints Isaiah with fire. And then in 14:29,
Isaiah associates the two charges in a destruction motif. A seraph,
if there is such a thing, is probably something like ball lightning,
which is why it has 6 wings - it can go any of the six directions.
Recall, the shamir is called a "living creature" as well
Moses staff in Exodus 4:3, had become charged (lnachash - to
nachash). It is his staff that is raised every time the wind changes:
in Ex. 9:23, we get rain and hail, in 10:13 and 14:6, we get wind,
in 17:6 water, and the remaining use in 17:9 may have involved
wind, though it is not mentioned (changing the wind would
certainly change the success of an army, is the battle were fought
with bows and arrows). Moses has a Khnemu field director. The
details are provided in Psalm 78:47, where the Egyptian sycamore
trees are killed by "Chnemel". This so far untanslatable word is
just "khnemu - el" or "power of khnemu". The derivation parallels
that of nachash from "nekh esh", or "nekh fire", and is thus the
Hebrew equivalent of nekh-ba or the Mayan Xiucoatl - the "lotus"
determinative is absorbed into the word "esh", as it is read as the
Egyptian word "seshen" meaning "lily". Thus "nekh ba seshen"
becomes "nekh esh" or "nachash", and "khnemu neter" is "khnemu
el", in each case keeping the Egyptian technical term, and using a
Hebrew word for the determinative.
Aaron's staff, on the other hand is a "tannin", or vibrator. It
scares things, like frogs when it touches water (Ex. 8:5), which the
priests knew how to do, and lice when it touches the ground (Ex.
8:7), and something that makes the water look like blood (7:19),
which the priests had done. Apparently, the priests had tested this
in the water, but never on land. The tanen is also the cause of the
flood in the Rhind Papyrus. Egyptian TANENEN is the phonetic
reading; the glyphs mean MU, the heavenly flood. Hebrew TNN,
vibrator. Chinese TAO-NAN, south director. Sumerian TA-
NANG, water reflector.
By the way, a staff is "matah", which translates as to make
longer. Maybe long enough to be "gold 1 cubit"? There is a belief
among some sorcerers that the function of a magic wand is to make
the person "longer" so he is the proper length to resonate with the
earth vibes.
The remaining plagues are all done without a staff. Boils are
done by what sounds like pollution with a virus (9:8). The rest are
merely predicted: Darkness (10:22), flies (8:24), cattle death (9:7),
first born death (9:11).
Number 21:7 is a most telling text. In the English, the
Hebrews, wandering in the desert, are bitten by poisonous serpents.
Moses prays to God, and is told to build a bronze serpent, and
mount it on a pole. He does, and whoever looks at the thing is
healed of the snakebite.
But in Hebrew, it's a totally different story. Seraph-ic nachash-
es (plural) bit the people. Moses prayed to have God turn away the
nachash (not plural). Moses is told to build a seraph of his own
design (the Haggadah is most clear on this point) and put it on A
pole, and when anyone SEES it, he will be healed. Moses instead
builds a Nachash of Nachshat (copper) and set it on THE (maybe
like a charged staff?) pole, and anyone who GAZES at it, is healed.
Centuries later (2Kings 18:4) the Israelites are worshipping the
thing as an idol.
What looks like Moses' sin in disobeying God is quite simple
to explain. The Israelites happened upon an old manufacturing site
associated with parts a and b of a mechanism for weather control.
The charged particles left over were "biting "them, and they were
dying. They ask for a positive charger to discharge the nachash
charge into the negative sky. Moses was raised in Egypt, he knows
the technology, and God has him design a negative pole high
above the camp to discharge the area into the sky (so anyone close
enough to just look at it was safe.) Moses instead makes a copper
positive charger and puts it on the right length pole (tuned to
resonance) to draw off the offending negative charge to itself. So
people must have a long enough exposure to be discharged. The
thing lights up with the charge, and gets itself immortalized as a
On a related note, the Haggadah is quite clear that the golden
calf (Khnemu?) chose its own form - it was not molded by human
hands. In fact, Moses holds Aaron blameless in the matter. As
much as seraphs and nachashes are not angels, neither is the
cherubim. A cherub is an Assyrian-Babylonian part lion with
human head and eagle's wings. It is a part of Ezechiel's vision in
Ch. 1, for it was in Babylonia he was in exile at the time.
The sphinx in Egypt was one of the first such built. Several of
them were built by the nephalim so they might pray to God for
forgiveness after they were thrown out of the garden. I have heard
mention of a shinx rock formation in Colorado, supposedly built
by the ancients.
Since it was used for prayer, the sphinx is accompanied by the
three chapels, built at the same time. Genesis 3, 24 "he fixed the
cherubim (plural) at the east of the garden of Eden, and the flaming
sword to guard the way to the tree of life", actually reads "he fixed
it so that the cherubim and the flames of the oscillating sword
which indicated the way to the tree of life which had been pointing
to the garden of Eden, now faced east." The word "indicated" is
"shamar", the source of "shamir".
This translation is offered to solve the problem of dating the
sphinx. The sphinx, and its three chapels, clearly all built at the
same time, have significant rain damage. Nothing else in Egypt
has such damage. Therefore, it rained a lot on the sphinx before
the pyramids, etc., were built. Since 1991, geologists and
Egyptologists have locked horns over this problem. Since the
sphinx is culturally no earlier than 3600BC, and since the
geologists believe no great rains fell on Egypt after 6000BC, the
evidence is impossible. We propose that the sphinx was built ca.
3600BC, as a reminder of where the garden was. The weather
control mechanism (the oscillating sword) did the rain damage.
Later, the pyramids were built in line with the sphinx. The Bible
reports the astounding COINCIDENCE that this sphinx ended up
(after 800BC) facing east, and thus is explained how the pyramids,
lined up with the sphinx faced east (and thus north and south) as
well. Arguments that the pyramids were aligned to certain stars
are impossible, as hardly any two authorities agree on what stars
they are lined up to (just like the old arguments about the
measurement of pi. Will someone please go take a measurement?),
and there are enough stars to make a lot of good arguments
depending how it comes out. There is no mention of cardinal point
alignment of the pyramids in the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus.
In case the reader wonders about the other ancient monuments'
alignments, Stonehenge was only completed after 800BC, and of
the dolmens, only a few do not line up to east, and these are
probably the originals made for crystal storage. The copies, made
after the flood, only aim nearly east anyway, far off enough to
allow for the "ten step correction" of Isaiah. The other pyramids
and zigurrats of China, Central America, etc., mostly do not face
the cardinal points exactly, and were built later, in any event.
Modern archeologists claim Newgrange, England, for example,
dates from beofre the flood, and is aligned precisely with the
winter sunrise. If moved further north and rotated 70 degrees, it
would also line up with summer solstice. Such arguments are
always possible for such claimed alignments.
We must also say a word about the creation story. Scientists
who believe in genetic evolution think generally that man came out
of Africa millions of years ago, and use the variation patterns in
the genetic code to substantiate the assertion. First, they allege that
the genetic variation we see in humanity today would have taken
millions of years to happen. Second, they say that genetic code
comparison from ancient burials, etc., prove how people migrated.
The answer is that the ya field increased the speed of genetic
variation as it decreased radiation absorption. We have the legend
of the black people being formed as a result of sexual intercourse
during the flood to suggest the idea, and the theory does not seem
unreasonable. Experiments could check it.
Pre-humans may have come out of Africa, as creation in the
ancient theory means creation of human consciousness. The Bible,
and other ancient sources, are clear that animals were created first,
and they may have migrated to a "garden" in Asia minor, and so
that is where they awoke to self-awareness

We now present a summary and final comments:
In year Y1 (about 4000BC), people began to become conscious
of their existence. Immediately some craved the earthly, or lower
side, of the duality, and began to eke out a worrisome existence as
organized, and fearful, hunter gatherers. A handful (with their
descendants, never more than several hundred) chose the heavenly,
or higher side, and built huts to worship in.
By year Y200, their biofield reciprocating mound technology
upgraded the building to the first (several?) sphinx(es) as a
memorial of the original unity of the elements (The tradition is
face of man for fire, eagle wings for air, lion paws for the power of
water to conquer, and ox hooves for the plower of the earth, but
that is a later tradition. Part of it is ancient and electrical, for
Pyramid Text Utt. 509 speaks of "iron firmament, iron throne,
lions' faces and bull's leg") and the three chapels.
By year Y300 they gave up (according to all the legends), and
came down from their heavenly preference to join the rest of the
people. Hailed immediately as divinely instituted leaders, they
were called nephalim, or gods. They gave their gifts to the large
group of mankind in exchange for the comforts of royalty.
By Y500 they had become greedy and corrupt. A massive
building program of reciprocators had assured agricultural yield on
demand. They built the dinosaurs and giants as experimental
servants, and tried to develop thought control.
Y600 approximately saw the great war between the nephalim
of the west (Atlantis) and of the East (Greece). This war is the
subject of the Egyptian and Sumerian myths, the story of Atlantis,
and the occasion of composition of the Vedas. Sitchin's book "The
Wars of Gods and Men" covers most of what can be found of the
details of this war. Unfortuantely, his scientific coverage is far
from complete. His retrieval of the phrase "weapon of 30" as a
name for the harpoon need not imply that it is a 30 piece or 30
stage missile, as he suggests. It could simply be 30 as the product
of the 5 edges of the pentagon in the dodecahedron and the 6 edges
of the tetrahedron, and thus a symbol for "earth fire." That makes it
anything from a charged piece of metal, as Horus Bechudet had, to
a Chinese type rocket, known for well over a thousand years in our
era. The so called "nar", is just a picture of a shenti (although
could item k at the Khnemu list, be a drive system? Or maybe the
shenti was a symbolic vehicle, with a symbolic drive. VonDaniken
has a picture matching Sitchin's, from Easter Island . The Hindu
vehicles, the "vimanas", mean a "thought car") dealt with in the
chapter on flight, though the red and blue flashing lights of the nar

bear further study, but may just be symbolic. In any event, Sitchin
fails to give the source. But, as we have mentioned, many parts of
the Horus and Seth contendings lengend are quite late. According
to "The Chinese Roswell", the arriving nephalim came on a shinta.
Na is of course the drive assembly station at Khnemu. This thing
had red and green flashing lights, according to Sitchin, but these
are probably symbolic, as the Pyramid Texts speak of red/greem
bandages or crowns, in a context that may mean fire or grass.
It would be well to quote the Irish lengend at some length. The
"Formorians" were sea giants who were warlike and built "towers"
(with copper spheres on top?), and later oppressed the Greek
Nemedians (sound like Plato's version in Atlantis?). The
Nemedians sent home to Greece for reinforcements, who appeared
with "venemous, hurtful, animals", and, with their help, "overcame
the towers", and later lived in peace until the "great wave"
"drowned and annihilated everyone." (The quotes are from the
Encyclopedia of Celtic Wisdom.)
The people became very afraid. Y700 saw splinter groups of
people founding their own cities away from the nephalim
inhabitations. It is at such places that the "stone age" archeology is
found, and in other places that writing developed. There were thus
some movements of people away from the contolled centers.
Nephalim flight technology was not prolifically distributed enough
to watch everything, and the people had invented ships by this
By Y800 (3200BC) the nephalim had countered with a total
plan for world domination. They had plotted the earth's magnetic
field, and to reunite the runaway people, and solidify their power,
they built a network of reciprocators compatible with the
resonance of the earth's magnetic field. In an attempt to provide
their commodity of rain on demand to all, they tried to incline the
earth to the ecliptic (which it had not been) to create a weather
The experiment backfired. The resonant magnetic field set up
by the configuration of reciprocators caused massive continental
breakup, and destroyed all but bare handfuls of people in a few
pockets of the planet. Most of the technology was destroyed as
By Y900(3100BC), the flood survivors had begun to rebuild
their own lives and to fan out, starting cities. The more
technological ones attempted to get the technology up and running,
with varying results.
In attempting to get the local survivors' permission to rebuild,
they shared some technology, and their culture. Thus is explained
the prevalence of flood stories, desire for divinely instituted
government, hero stories, and other types of world mythological
constants. In some cases they actually ruled for a while (Imhotep
in Egypt, some Sumerian kings. Not surprisingly, Enmerkar could
be an Egyptian name as well.). In others they were completely
rebuffed. In some cases (Ireland) they simply conquered and
displaced the local survivors.
Of course, the earth had changed. Mountains had fallen and
risen, and the continents were all shifted. While we will never
know for certain, it is likely that Antarctica was much further north
(because ancient maps show it there), and North America was at
the north pole. Thus is explained the Central American indian
legends that the moon returned to the sky before the sun. That's
how it looks in spring from the arctic circle. This also gives the
correct interpretation of the legend, misinterpreted by Velikovsky,
that Venus first appeared after the flood (he says it was a new
planet in our solar system that came from the invading one).
Venus is not visible that far north. The specifics of the legend
from the Popul Vuh are that the would-be rescuer, Seven Macaw,
built his "light" when "there was just a trace of early dawn on the
face of the earth". Because his "eyes are metal", his teeth of
"jewels and turquoise" (blue, like lapis lazuli) and his nose "shines
like white into the distance". Since his "nest is metal", it lights up
the face of the earth (meaning at least a part of it)". The arctic
spring and the rebuilding of the reciprocator are clear. He
eventually became the Big Dipper (the arctic constellation). His
sons claim to have made the earth, and to cause earthquakes. They
were "disassmebled" (that is the word that is used) by heroes,
buried, and bound, in that order, by the sun, moon, and Venus
(with its just over 260 day cycle).
Also, thus is explained the relative absence of archeology from
inland North America during this time. It also accounts for the fact
that most Phoenician culture went to SOUTH America, although
Florida is today closer.) The three connected continents of Europe
- Africa - Asia were farther south, explaining the incorrect sundial
alignments and astronomical data noted by Velikovsky, such as the
Hindu Brahman charts that put the North Pole closer to Baffin
Island. For the next 1500 years (until 2000BC-1200BC depending
where), people lived under governments hopefully divinely
inspired, and used whatever of the technology survived.
Copying the reciprocating weather control mounds, they built
stone megaliths, possibly even hoping to reset the earth to its old
A migration from the area of Babylon, called the Aryan
migration by historians, was undertaken at this time as one last
attempt to rebuild the technology and fix the earth. This time, the
expedition was better planned, and sent technicians protected by
soldiers and cultural experts to all ends of the earth. This
migration accounts for the linguistic, musical, and literary
similarities in cultures reached by it. Their remapping of the earth
is what created the Zodiac concept as we have received it.
It is this migration that stalled at the oceanic boundaries of
Europe and reached the America's only after 100BC.
Enough technology was rebuilt close to home to cause the
problems documented by Velikovsky in this period, as another
localized near-flood occurred as the Israelites left Egypt. As a
result, or possibly by coincidence, the Americas were liberated
from the icy north, and began to sail south. Europe-Asia-Africa
moved north to fill the void, and rotated several degrees, to their
present spot.
The continents finally stopped moving more or less, after the
correction of approximately 800BC, and reached their current
positions. The North American ice sheet melted by 300BC, and
the Phoenicians and Druids came to rebuild there. By this point,
the Greeks had invented logical communication, and the old
technology was relegated to fairy tale status.
New results on the Shroud of Turin were aired on a Discovery
Channel program. A form of bacteria exudate has been found on
the shroud and such bacteria has been proven to alter the carbon 14
date. Thus the proof that the shroud is no older than the thirteenth
century has fallen. Artistic comparisons show that the face of
Christ on the shroud was a standard portrait copied by many artists
from the sixth to the ninth century, but not before. In particular, a
face cloth, presumably removed from the body before the shroud
was used, has the same facial structure, and the face cloth is known
to exist from the sixth century, although legends make it older. A
painted picture has been recovered of the shroud from the ninth
century. Plant identification has absolutely placed the origin of the
shroud as Jerusalem in the spring. Additional observations prove
detailed knowledge of both Jewish and Roman crucifixion and
burial procedures. The image remains unexplained, but has some
components of an x-ray, showing the corpse's teeth roots. The
shroud is witnessed in the legend of Abgarus (A king at the fringes
of the Roman empire who appealed to Christ to heal him when He
was alive, but who instead had an apostle sent to him after Christ
died.), where the apostle sent to Abgarus brought a "folded cloth
that had touched Christ".
The following possibility is being overlooked: The detail of the
cloth is NOT in the original Abgarus legend, quoted by Eusebius.
It was added later, after the fourth century. The possibility is thus
opened up that the shroud is a forgery not of the twelfth, but of the
FIFTH century. This explains all evidence. There were many
churches being pursued and killed by the Roman legions, now
controlled by the Catholics by 380AD. The possession of a shroud
such as this by any such church would have been considered proof
of Apostolic founding, and would thus become life-saving security
for the sect possessing it, assuming a legend supported it. In this
age, many people had access to Jerusalem, and many churches
would have had ex-Roman crucifixion experts, as well as rabbi-
trained converted Jews in their fellowship. In view of the high
stakes, obtaining a "volunteer" to crucify would not be difficult,
and legends were rewritten all the time to back the ideas of
whatever sect owned the books. The image could have been
obtained electically using a static nekh-jar field. Merely
disembowel the dead victim, insert an iron rod, place him in a
copper tube (the size and shape of an old iron lung), and switch on.
Instant x-ray negative. One more piece of data about the shroud,
not generally known, from the Encyclopedia Britannica: The first
Pope to have seen the shroud, believed it was a forgery. The
person who showed it to him had met the forger (which is actually
why the thirteenth century date was origianlly put forward). Later
popes considered it genuine. Only a renegade sect hypothesis
could provide for such a long lived forger, and for the popes
having forgotten about him so quickly.
New pictures of the crystal skulls provided by Morton and
Thomas' book from Bear and Co. make it possible to be fairly
certain of the method of creation, once the expanding crystal flight
technology is known. After the founding nephalim died, it was
desired to "save their brains", as some modern science fiction has
suggested be done today. But, for a society that developed and
practiced expensive embalming technology to save the vibes that
remained in dead bodies, and then to project them into the earth in
a pyramid (the fifth dynasty idea, not Tcheser's), that required
saving their head shape in a medium known to be electrically
sensitive, and growing together with the charged copper. Simply
take the skull (today some tribes still put bodies in tombs only until
"dry" and then go back and harvest the bones, which are saved as
mementos) and prepare a clay impression. Bake the clay and use it
as a mold. Surround it with concrete or metal for strength, insert
an appropriate size crytal, and switch on the ya field. The crystal
expands, filling the mold, and turns white when the expansion is
permanent. Some crystal skulls are all white, others are white
except for the original egg shaped crystal used, suggesting the
theory outlined here is correct. The desire to save the nephalim
brains also accounts for the fantastic legends that the crystals
contain the secrets of the ages, are a matched set, etc.
The spread of bookmaking published new theories as fast as
people could pump them out, and people read whatever they liked,
and revisualized the world in those terms. The final rebellion
against the nephalim government is still in progress. We call it
democracy. We call it protestantism. In an attempt to create
certainty for ourselves, we turn to science, and find our spiritual
needs unrewarded. Ancient scientific powers resurface as
unexplained phenomena, exposing our need to unite the two.
Numerous sources relate that HwangTi manufactured and used
some "miraculous tripods." The "tripods" were not used for water,
nor was there any fire to heat and prepare food in them. The
purpose of such a "tripod" was quite different: it was a "likeness of
the Great Infinite," Tao, the concealed engine of the Universe. A
"tripod" was approximately 3-4 meters in height, but its volume
relatively small: 100 liters. The legs carried most of its weight. A
curious human observer would not be able to glance inside the
"tripod," but sources did say that "hundreds of spirits filled its
insides." The legends of ancient China said that the "tripods"
depicted "dragons, flying in the clouds"; it was the same "dragon"
who eventually arrived and carried off Huang-ti and his colleagues.
The sources listed by Ukrainian scholar are "Records of the
foremost deeds of Huang-ti the Great" and "Glorification of the
three tripods of Huang-ti" written by ZaoJi. If the term "tripods" is
a slightly erroneous translation that meant originally that they are
used in threes, the similarity to nekh jars should be obvious, and
proves their use in China.
Shamirs are now being produced routinely by our civilization.
They are called monatomic gold, and arise naturally at the
microscopic level on the surface of gold that is exposed to certain
electrical fields. The gold accepts one side of the charge only, and
precipitates by winding itself into a spiral shape. Our culture does
not use this for anything, but it is clear that if the gold were in a
stone grinder as described in the text, it would fall off, and would
be compatible with the frequency of the creating charge.
We have not yet mentioned one deciding factor in the choice
between the theories. It is imagination. It is to evolution's
disadvantage to take up brainspace enabling us to invent and cope
with realitites that cannot exist. Likewise, it is no advantage to any
universal creator, to make us waste such time creating impossible
stories. The fact that this book could be written, even if it were
fiction, is yet one more proof that either, we are created by
UFOnauts, and our imagination exists to enable us to one day learn
to live on their planet, or, the world is much bigger than the world
we are now using, and, our imagination is the latent mental power
to use the rest of the world.
We use only 10% of our brain power, and our skies and lives
are filled with so much we cannot explain, and we have so many
unfulfilled dreams and needs. The scientific theories we are being
given just won't do. In need of faith, some turn to organized
religion; others make up stories of saviors from the sky. The first
have their virgin and angelic apparitions, and the second their
abductions, and neither are welcome officially in our modern,
democratic, atheistic, unfulfilling society. While we have
demonstrated the likelihood of ancient technology to the point that
the burden of proof must shift to those who deny it, we have not
absolutely proven the theory that the nephalim were human.
Indeed, one can still believe that they were UFOnauts, or that the
world is much older than 6000 years, and find only philosophical
contradictions. Much of this is due, of course, to the difficulty of
reading with certainty the ancient languages.
The humanity of the nephalim follows most easily from the
tone of the documents. Humans had no trouble learning the
technology, so the nephalim must have had roughly similar bodies
to those of humans. But what astronauts, having come here on
purpose, would have wasted generations constructing technology
of stone mounds? Surely, any space travellers could do better? And
why take so long, that there was time for all these wars? And if
they crash - landed in such large numbers, why is there no record
of a ship? If they died in the flood, why do the demons they carried
need to be bound in the earth? The far simpler theory is that they
were humans. What we have done in 400 years, they could have
done in 900. Is not our atomic bomb threat is so like the flood
story, that it MUST be human?
The theories that earth has been visited from space in the
remote past take two forms:
Some tribes claim to be descended from UFO pilots, like the
Dogon of Africa and the indians on the islands in Lake Titicaca.
But in languages spoken by almost no one, how can we know
if we understand them correctly? Therapists have been proven to
create memories of child abuse in many clients; how do we know
our researchers who interview these tribes aren't doing the same?
And the superior knowledge about the stars shown by the Dogons
proves nothing, either. We have already documented ancient
legends of crystal lenses, hence potentially telescopes. We have
mentioned that ya fields could magnify planets and reveal such
data occasionally. Our own culture's novel, Gulliver's Travels, has
astonishingly accurate knowledge of Mars' moons, 150 years
before we invented the telescope. Proof of such claims should
require at the minimum: 1. a clear legend 2. an artifact that cannot
have been produced on earth, and 3. significant demonstrable
genetic differences. If anyone has even tried to test the Dogons'
DNA, I haven't heard about it.
Some people claim that technology was given to us by, or
stolen by us from, space people. When you tell them that there is
no written record of any space people in any culture that used the
technology, they claim that the record is there, but we do not
understand the language enough to read it correctly. So, since
magnetism is snakes, and current is water, why can't space pilots
be called gods?
We understand Greek very well. The Greeks knew the
technology existed. The Greek Ptolemies are mentioned at
Dendara. The Romans were constructing in giant stone at Onu
using the hauling methods of the 12th dynasty. Josephus tells us
the Greeks knew of, and admired, the urim and thummim. The
Khnemu record was written, according to Budge, in an Egyptian
language dated to Greek times, and Solon and Herodotus travelled
in Egypt extensively.
Nor can we say the Greeks had no word for space people. In
his treatise on "Movements of Animals", Aristotle makes a point
by observing that men on the moon would be too far away to be
seen with the naked eye (699b19 is the line reference). Plato, Tim.
42d states specifically that men were "sowed" on the planets, stars,
and moon.
And the Greeks say that technology comes from the giants
(earth born) or from the gods, who live, not in space, but on Mount
Olympus. And there are no stories of any of them ever coming to
earth in a vehicle.
The Greeks collected every theory they could get their hands
on. And their poets added to everything in any imaginable flight
of fancy. And yet, there is not one single reference, even in
fiction, to anyone ever flying to the moon to see these men, or any
of them ever flying here to see us.
People from other planets visiting is a new idea, in the last
century. The theories are born of dissatisfaction with religion. It is
an understandable dissatisfaction. Humans were created to finish
making the earth - instead, members of chuches run around
practicing trying to remake each other - and everyone else. And
their God given "miraculous" power to imagine and create almost
anything goes to waste creating lights in the sky and frightening
bogeymen from space.
I will be the first to admit that this theory is all wrong if the
UFOnauts land on the White House lawn, and take their bow for
CNN. But it is the only theory that people believed for 5500 years.
Are we rats in some extraterrestrial's laboratory? Or, are we
creations of a Supreme being who cares enough about us to give us
the right to use our imagination to change natural laws and
improve our lives?
Assume the first, you hit a dead end, waiting until the UFO's
return to help us out of our mess. Assume the second, and we have
so much more growing to do, so many more great things ahead of
us, whether or not the creator returns in the forseeable future. The
new millenium is our choice, for by our paradigm, we will select
what we can talk about, which will, as it has for the 6 millenia
already past, influence how we live and what we think of
That is the meaning of research - self-definition - looking at the
nature we have formed to see what we believe we are. And that is
the meaning of history - understanding our corporate childhood so
we may lay a foundation for our coming of age.
But this theory is not a religion, although it is in all the Bibles.
It does not predict a god in the sky who will come when he
pleases. It touches only science, and social changes caused by
science. If it is true, and if it has remained hidden for so long
because of our fear to face the truth that we once destroyed the
planet, then there are experiments we can do to prove it will work.
We do not need to assume anything. All we need is a little
time in the labaratory

The text is from The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian
Literature - by Oxford University from the WWW.

Enmerkar and the lord of Aratta: translation
1-24City, majestic bull bearing vigour and great awesome
splendour, Kulaba, ......, breast of the storm, where destiny is
determined; Unug, great mountain, in the midst of ....... There the
evening meal of the great abode of An was set. In those days of
This refers to nephalim times
when the destinies were determined, the great princes allowed
Unug Kulaba's E-ana to lift its head high. Plenty, and carp floods,
and the rain which brings forth dappled barley were then increased
an unmistakeable reference to theKhnemu technology built as
part of establishing a city
in Unug
or Anak
Kulaba. Before the land of Dilmun yet existed, the E-ana of
Unug Kulaba was well founded, and the holy jipar(Italics in
original from Oxford)
The word logically means "shining" or "brilliance". Thus,
Noah's wood is called "gopher" or "shining", since it reflects the
earth's magenetic charge. The sanctuary built from it is the gipar
(Sumerian has no j; gipar is Kramer's spelling) as the place that
shines with the field that is the doorway to the gods' domain (the
field projected by the nekh jars at Denderah). The same "wood"
(concrete) covered the god house at Khnemu, where is it specified
as golden feathers, referring to the imbedded charge-bearing
gold/copper flakes. It is called wood because it is structural. The
wood is thus jipar, the shining field it creates is jipar, the temple
that holds the charged room is jipar, and the anointing of the king,
in his radiance, is jipar.
of Inana in brick-built Kulaba shone forth like the silver in the
lode. Before ...... carried ......, before ......, before ...... carried ......,
before the commerce was practiced; before gold, silver, copper,
tin, blocks of lapis lazuli, and mountain stones were brought down
together from their mountains,
Making it clear that the technology was brought in from the
outside when the city was founded.
before ...... bathed for the festival, ......, ...... time passed.
2 lines missing
25-32...... was colourfully adorned, and ......, the holy place,
was ...... with flawless lapis lazuli, its interior beautifully formed
like a white mes tree bearing fruit. The lord of Aratta placed on
his head the golden crown for Inana.
This is not to imply that the descendents of Noah were
worshipping the pagan goddess. We will see more, below, of the
incorrect Sumerian interpretations of the actions of the people of
But he did not please her like the lord of Kulaba. Aratta did
not build for holy Inana -- unlike the Shrine E-ana, the jipar, the
holy place, unlike brick-built Kulaba.
33-37At that time, the lord chosen by Inana in her heart,
chosen by Inana in her holy heart from the bright mountain,
Enmerkar, the son of Utu, made a plea to his sister, the lady who
grants desires, holy Inana:
38-64"My sister, let Aratta fashion gold and silver
Note that since now, gold and silver, etc. ARE being brought
from the mountains, the issue is not their possession, but the ability
to FASHION them. Apparently, this skill is lacking to Sumeria, but
not to Arrata. This is most surprising, unless the "fashioning" in
question is a proprietary technological process.
skilfully on my behalf for Unug. Let them cut the flawless
lapis lazuli from the blocks, let them ...... the translucence
The lapis lazuli are never shipped. The missing phrase is likely
the word "transfer".
of the flawless lapis lazuli ....... ...... build a holy mountain in
Unug. Let Aratta build a temple brought down from heaven --
your place of worship, the Shrine E-ana; let Aratta skilfully fashion
the interior of the holy jipar, your abode; may I, the radiant youth,
may I be embraced there by you. Let Aratta submit beneath the
yoke for Unug on my behalf. Let the people of Aratta bring down
for me the mountain stones from their mountain, build the great
shrine for me, erect the great abode for me, make the great abode,
the abode of the gods, famous for me, make my me
The technical term means authority of rulership. It is not
prosper in Kulaba, make the abzu
Source of the word "abyss", it is simply the primordial sky
above the firmament of Genesis.
grow for me like a holy mountain, make Eridug gleam for me
like the mountain range, cause the abzu shrine to shine forth for me
like the silver in the lode. When in the abzu I utter praise, when I
bring the me from Eridug, when, in lordship, I am adorned with the
crown like a purified shrine, when I place on my head the holy
crown in Unug Kulaba, then may the ...... of the great shrine bring
me into the jipar, and may the ...... of the jipar bring me into the
great shrine.
Almost word for word from the Denderah ritual.
May the people marvel admiringly, and may Utu witness it in
65-68Thereupon the splendour of holy An, the lady of the
mountains, the wise, the goddess whose kohl is for Ama-ucumgal-
ana, Inana, the lady of all the lands, called to Enmerkar the son of
69-104"Come, Enmerkar! I shall offer you advice: let my
counsel be heeded. I shall speak words to you; let them be heard.
Choose from the troops as a messenger one who is eloquent of
speech and endowed with endurance. Where and to whom shall he
carry the important message of wise Inana? Let him bring it up into
the Zubi Mountains, let him descend with it from the Zubi
Mountains. Let Susin and the land of Ancan humbly salute Inana
like tiny mice.
Regrettably, the mountains are not known with certainty. This
would be the simplest proof of where the herald is going. And thus
of the correctness of the Fasold ark.
In the great mountain ranges, let the teeming multitudes grovel
in the dust for her. Aratta shall submit beneath the yoke to Unug.
The people of Aratta shall bring down the mountain stones from
their mountains, and shall build the great shrine for you, and erect
the great abode for you, will cause the great abode, the abode of
the gods, to shine forth for you; will make your me flourish in
Kulaba, will make the abzu grow for you like a holy mountain, will
make Eridug shining for you like the mountain range, will cause
the abzu shrine to shine forth for you like the glitter in the lode.
When in the abzu you utter praise, when you bring the me from
Eridug, when, in lordship, you are adorned with the crown like a
purified shrine, when you place on your head the holy crown in
Unug Kulaba, then may the ...... of the great shrine bring you into
the jipar, and may the ...... of the jipar bring you into the great
shrine. May the people marvel admiringly, and may Utu witness it
in joy. Because ...... shall carry daily, when ...... in the evening
cool ......, -- in the place of Dumuzid where the ewes, kids and
lambs are numerous, the people of Aratta shall run around for you
like the mountain sheep in the akalag fields, the fields of Dumuzid.
Rise like the sun over my holy breast! You are the jewel of my
throat! Praise be to you, Enmerkar, son of Utu!"
105-107The lord gave heed to the words of holy Inana, and
chose from the troops as a messenger one who was eloquent of
speech and endowed with endurance. (One ms. adds: ...... to his
messenger .......) Where and to whom will he carry the important
message of wise Inana?
108-133"You shall bring it up into the Zubi Mountains, you
shall descend with it from the Zubi Mountains. Let Susin and the
land of Ancan humbly salute Inana like tiny mice. In the great
mountain ranges, let the teeming multitudes grovel in the dust for
her. Messenger, speak to the lord of Aratta and say to him: "Lest I
make the people fly off from that city like a wild dove from its
tree, lest I make them fly around like a bird over its well-founded
nest, lest I requite (?) them as if at a current market rate, lest I
make it gather dust like an utterly destroyed city, lest like a
settlement cursed by Enki and utterly destroyed, I too utterly
destroy Aratta; lest like the devastation which swept destructively,
and in whose wake Inana arose, shrieked and yelled aloud, I too
wreak a sweeping devastation there -- let Aratta pack nuggets of
gold in leather sacks, placing alongside it the kumea ore;
Note the absence of lapis lazuli. Kumea is usually translated
"silver", but that cannot be correct, as the mention at about line
408 shows. It refers to charged metal of the opposite charge of the
gold (hetch jem - one is tempted to wonder is the Egyptian word
jem or tchem became kem became kemea due to a lisp.)
package up precious metals, and load the packs on the donkeys
of the mountains; and then may the Junior Enlil of Sumer have
them build for me, the lord whom Nudimmud has chosen in his
sacred heart, a mountain of a shining me; have them make it
luxuriant for me like a boxwood tree, have them make its shining
horns colourful for me as when Utu comes forth from his chamber,
have them make its doorposts gleam brightly for me." "
134-155"Chant to him the holy song, the incantation sung in its
chambers -- the incantation of Nudimmud: "On that day when
there is no snake, when there is no scorpion, when there is no
hyena, when there is no lion, when there is neither dog nor wolf,
when there is thus neither fear nor trembling, man has no rival! At
such a time, may the lands of Cubur and Hamazi, the many-
tongued, and Sumer, the great mountain of the me of
magnificence, and Akkad, the land possessing all that is befitting,
and the Martu land, resting in security -- the whole universe, the
well-guarded people -- may they all address Enlil together in a
single language! For at that time, for the ambitious lords, for the
ambitious princes, for the ambitious kings, Enki, for the ambitious
lords, for the ambitious princes, for the ambitious kings, for the
ambitious lords, for the ambitious princes, for the ambitious kings -
- Enki, the lord of abundance and of steadfast decisions, the wise
and knowing lord of the Land, the expert of the gods, chosen for
wisdom, the lord of Eridug, shall change the speech in their
mouths, as many as he had placed there, and so the speech of
mankind is truly one." "
Since the multiplicity of languages is to be solved by the
uniform worship of one god, does that answer why the "gods"
confused the languages at Babel? Does this refer to the proposal
of a project to try to build a new, smaller tower?
156-157The lord added further instructions for the messenger
going to the mountains, to Aratta:
158-159"Messenger, by night, drive on like the south wind! By
day, be up like the dew!"
160-175The messenger gave heed to the words of his king. He
journeyed by the starry night, and by day he travelled with Utu of
heaven. Where and to whom will he carry the important message
of Inana with its stinging tone? He brought it up into the Zubi
Mountains, he descended with it from the Zubi Mountains. Susin
and the land of Ancan humbly saluted Inana like tiny mice. In the
great mountain ranges, the teeming multitudes grovelled in the dust
for her. He traversed five mountains, six mountains, seven
mountains. He lifted his eyes as he approached Aratta. He stepped
joyfully into the courtyard of Aratta, he made known the authority
of his king. Openly he spoke out the words in his heart. The
messenger transmitted the message to the lord of Aratta:
176-178"Your father, my master, has sent me to you; the lord
of Unug, the lord of Kulaba, has sent me to you." "What is it to me
what your master has spoken? What is it to me what he has said?"
179-207"This is what my master has spoken, this is what he
has said. My king who from his birth has been fitted for lordship
(1 ms. has instead: for the crown), the lord of Unug, the sajkal
snake living in Sumer, who pulverizes mountains (2 mss. have
instead: heads) like flour, the stag of the tall mountains, endowed
with princely antlers, wild cow, kid pawing the the holy soapwort
with its hoof, whom the good cow had given birth to in the heart of
the mountains, Enmerkar, the son of Utu, has sent me to you." (2
mss. add here: (the lord of Aratta speaks): "What is it to me what
your master has spoken? what is it to me what he has said?") "This
is what my master said: "Lest I make the people fly off from that
city like a wild dove from its tree, lest I make them fly around like
a bird over its well-founded nest, lest I requite (?) them as if at a
current market rate, lest I make it gather dust like an utterly
destroyed city, lest like a settlement cursed by Enki and utterly
destroyed, I too utterly destroy Aratta; lest like the devastation
which swept destructively, and in whose wake Inana arose,
shrieked and yelled aloud, I too wreak a sweeping devastation
there -- let Aratta pack nuggets of gold in leather sacks, placing
alongside it the kumea ore; package up precious metals, and load
the packs on the donkeys of the mountains; and then may the
Junior Enlil of Sumer have them build for me, the lord whom
Nudimmud has chosen in his sacred heart, a mountain of a shining
me; have them make it luxuriant for me like a boxwood tree, have
them make its shining horns colourful for me as when Utu comes
forth from his chamber, have them make its doorposts gleam
brightly for me. Chant to him for me the holy song, the incantation
sung in its chambers -- the Incantation of Nudimmud. " "
208-217"Say whatever you will say to me, and I shall
announce that message in the shrine E-ana as glad tidings to the
scion of him with the glistening beard, whom his stalwart cow
gave birth to in the mountain of the shining me, who was reared on
the soil of Aratta,
Is the king just hyperbolizing, claiming that his upbringing
includes all the goodness of THEIR kingdom, also? Or was
Enmerkar really trained in Ararat? Sumerian legends imply that
either the nephalim, or flood survivors, created the Sumerian
civilization either by genetic manipulation, or more likely by
who was given suck at the udder of the good cow, who is
suited for office in Kulaba, the mountain of great me, to Enmerkar,
the son of Utu; I shall repeat it in his jipar, fruitful as a flourishing
mes tree, to my king, the lord of Kulaba."
218-226When he had spoken thus to him, (the lord of Aratta
replied): "Messenger, speak to your king, the lord of Kulaba, and
say to him: "It is I, the lord suited to purification, I whom the huge
heavenly neck-stock, the queen of heaven and earth, the goddess of
the numerous me, holy Inana, has brought to Aratta, the mountain
of the shining me, I whom she has let bar the entrance of the
mountains as if with a great door. How then shall Aratta submit to
Unug? Aratta's submission to Unug is out of the question!" Say
this to him."
227-235When he had spoken thus to him, the messenger
replied to the lord of Aratta: "The great queen of heaven, who rides
upon the awesome me, dwelling on the peaks of the bright
mountains, adorning the dais of the bright mountains -- my lord
and master, who is her servant, has had them instal her as the
divine queen of E-ana. Aratta shall bow, O lord, in absolute
submission! She has spoken to him thus, in brick-built Kulaba."
236-241Thereupon, the lord became depressed and deeply
troubled. He had no answer; he was searching for an answer. He
stared at his own feet, trying to find an answer. He found an
answer and gave a cry. He bellowed the answer to the message
like a bull to the messenger:
242-273"Messenger! Speak to your king, the lord of Kulaba,
and say to him: "This great mountain range is a mes tree grown
high to the sky; its roots form a net, and its branches are a snare. It
may be a sparrow but it has the talons of an Anzud bird or of an
eagle. The barrier of Inana is perfectly made and is impenetrable
(?). Those eagle talons make the blood of the enemy run from the
bright mountain. Although in Aratta there is weeping ......, water
libations are offered and flour is sprinkled; on the mountain,
sacrifices and prayers are offered in obeisance. With fewer than
five or ten men, how can mobilized Unug proceed against the Zubi
mountains? Your king is heading in all haste against my military
might, but I am equally eager for a contest. (As the proverb goes,)
he who ignores a rival, does not get to eat everything up, like the
bull which ignores the bull at its side. But he who acknowledges a
contest can be the outright winner, like the bull which
acknowledges the bull at its side -- or does he reject me in this
contest? Like ......, ...... can match no one -- or does he still reject
me in this contest? Again, I have words to say to you, messenger: I
have an artful proposal to make to you ......, may it get across to
you ........ Repeat this to your master, to the lord of Kulaba, a lion
lying on its paws in E-ana, a bull bellowing within it, within his
jipar, fruitful as a flourishing mes tree. The mountain range is a
warrior, ...... high, like Utu going to his abode at twilight, like one
from whose face blood drips; or like Nanna, who is majestic in the
high heavens, like him whose countenance shines with radiance,
who ...... is like the woods in the mountains. " "
"If he tries to take it by force, he will lose...I will let him buy
it." The Lord of Arrata later regrets the decision. Enmerkar, he
discovers, has misinterpreted the message and thinks the residents
of Arrata are starving.
274-280""Now if Enmerkar just makes straight for the ...... of
Aratta, for the benevolent protective spirit of the mountain of holy
powers, for Aratta, which is like a bright crown of heaven, then I
shall make my pre-eminence clear, and he need not pour barley
into sacks, nor have it carted, nor have that barley carried into the
settlements, nor place collectors over the labourers."
281-293""But if he were actually to have barley poured into
carrying-nets, and to have it loaded on the packasses at whose
sides reserve donkeys have been placed, and were to have it
heaped up in a pile in the courtyard of Aratta -- were he really to
heap it up in such a manner; and were Inana, the luxuriance of the
grain pile, who is the 'illuminator of the lands', the 'ornament of the
settlements', who adorns the seven walls, who is the heroic lady, fit
for battle, who, as the heroine of the battleground, makes the
troops dance the dance of Inana -- were she actually to cast off
Aratta as if to a carrion-pursuing dog, then in that case I should
submit to him; he would indeed have made me know his
preeminence; like the city, I in my smallness would submit to him.
"So say to him."
294-307After he had spoken thus to him, the lord of Aratta
made the messenger repeat the message just as he himself had said
it. The messenger turned on his thigh like a wild cow; like a sand
fly he went on his way in the morning calm. He set foot joyfully in
brick-built Kulaba. The messenger rushed to the great courtyard,
the courtyard of the throne room. He repeated it word perfect to
his master, the lord of Kulaba; he even bellowed at him like a bull,
and Enmerkar listened to him like an ox driver. The king had him
sit ...... at his right side. As he turned his left side to him, he said:
"Does Aratta really understand the implications of his own
308-338After day had broken and Utu had risen, the sun god of
the Land lifted his head high. The king combined the Tigris with
the Euphrates. He combined the Euphrates with the Tigris.
Probably not a reference to technology, but an idiom
expressing his consulting of all parts of his kingdom.
Large vessels were placed in the open air, and he stood small
vessels beside them, like lambs lying on the grass. ...... vessels
were placed in the open air adjacent to them. Then the king,
Enmerkar, the son of Utu, placed wide apart the ecda vessels,
which were of gold. Thereupon, the tablet ......, the pointed stylus
of the assembly, the golden statue fashioned on a propitious day,
beautiful Nanibgal, grown with a fair luxuriance, Nisaba, the lady
of broad wisdom, opened for him her holy house of wisdom. He
entered the palace of heaven, and became attentive. Then the lord
opened his mighty storehouse, and firmly set his great lidga
measure on the ground. The king removed his old barley from the
other barley; he soaked the greenmalt all through with water; its lip
...... the hirin plant. He narrowed the meshes of the carrying nets.
He measured out in full (?) the barley for the granary, adding for
the teeth of locusts. He had it loaded on the packasses at whose
sides reserve donkeys were placed. The king, the lord of broad
wisdom, the lord of Unug, the lord of Kulaba, dispatched them
directly to Aratta. He made the people go on to Aratta on their
own, like ants out of crevices. Again the lord added instructions
for the messenger going to the mountains, to Aratta:
339-346"Messenger, speak to the lord of Aratta and say to him:
"The base of my sceptre is the divine power of magnificence. Its
crown provides a protective shade over Kulaba; under its spreading
branches holy Inana refreshes herself in the shrine E-ana. Let him
snap off a splinter from it and hold that in his hand; let him hold it
in his hand like a string of cornelian beads, a string of lapis lazuli
beads. Let the lord of Aratta bring that before me." So say to him."
He means: "This is just a small portion of my kingdom's food
wealth, brought about by great political abilities." Remember, he
thinks Arrata is starving.
347-365After he had thus spoken to him, the messenger went
on his way to Aratta; his feet raised the dust of the road, and made
the little pebbles of the hills thud; like a dragon prowling the
desert, he was unopposed. After the messenger reached Aratta, the
people of Aratta stepped forward to admire the packasses. In the
courtyard of Aratta, the messenger measured out in full (?) the
barley for the granary, adding for the teeth of locusts. As if from
the rains of heaven and the sunshine, Aratta was filled with
abundance. As when the gods return to their seats (?), Aratta's
hunger was sated. The people of Aratta covered their fields with
the water-soaked greenmalt. Afterwards, couriers and catam
officials .......
2 lines unclear
The lines are probably "realized Enmerkar had
misunderstood". Lines 371-372 are a statement of what Enmerkar
is expecting them to say next.
366-370The citizens of Aratta were mindful; he revealed the
matter to Aratta. Attentively, in Aratta, from the hand ....... ......
his hand ...... to the lord of Unug.
371-372"As for us, in the direst hunger, in our direst famine,
let us prostrate ourselves before the lord of Kulaba!"
373-377The eloquent elders wrung their hands in despair,
leaning against the wall; indeed, they were even placing their
treasuries (?) at the disposal of the lord. His sceptre ...... in the
palace ....... Openly he spoke out the words in his heart:
378-379"Your father, my master, sent me to you. Enmerkar,
the son of Utu, sent me to you."
380-388"What is it to me what your master has spoken? What
is it to me what he has said?" "This is what my master has spoken,
this is what he has said: "The base of my sceptre is the divine
power of magnificence. Its crown provides a protective shade over
Kulaba; under its spreading branches holy Inana refreshes herself
in the shrine E-ana.Let him snap off a splinter from it and hold that
in his hand; let him hold it in his hand like a string of cornelian
beads, a string of lapis lazuli beads. Let the lord of Aratta bring
that before me. So say to him." "
389-393After he had spoken thus to him, for that reason he
went inside the sanctuary ...... and lay himself down in a fast. Day
broke. He discussed the matter at length, he spoke unspeakable
words; he circulated with this matter as if it were barley eaten by a
394-396And what did one speak to another? What did one say
to another? What one said to another, so indeed it was.
The response, which follows below, is that Arrata has a much
better "sceptre", since they are actaully fed by the technology now
operating. They are clarifying for Enmerkar that all they wanted
was payment. They are not in NEED of food.
397-411"Messenger, speak to your king, the lord of Kulaba,
and say to him: "Let him put in his hand and contemplate a sceptre
that is not of wood, nor designated as wood -- not ildag wood, nor
cim-gig wood, not cedar wood, nor cypress wood, not hacur
cypress, nor palm wood, not hardwood, nor zabalum wood (ome
ms. has instead: -- not ildag wood, nor cim-gig wood, not hacur
cypress, nor palm wood, not cedar wood, nor zabalum wood, not
cypress wood, nor hardwood), not poplar as in a chariot, not
reedwork as in whip handles; not gold, nor copper, not genuine
kumea metal nor silver, not cornelian, nor lapis lazuli -- let him
snap off a splinter from that and hold it in his hand; let him hold it
in his hand like a string of cornelian beads, a string of lapis lazuli
beads. Let the lord of Kulaba bring that before me." So say to
412-443After he had spoken to him thus, the messenger went
off like a young donkey, braying as it is cut off from the chariot
tongue; he trotted like an onager running on dry land, he filled his
mouth with wind; he ran in one track (?) like a long-woolled sheep
butting other sheep in its fury. He set foot joyfully in brick-built
Kulaba. He transmitted the message word for word to his master,
the lord of Kulaba.+++ Now Enki gave Enmerkar wisdom, and the
lord gave instructions to his chief steward. In his house ......, the
king received ....... He wrapped it up like ......, and inspected it.
He pounded ...... with a pestle like herbs, he poured it like oil on
the ...... reed. From the sunlight it emerged into the shade, and
from the shade it emerged into the sunlight. After five years, ten
years had passsed, he split the ...... reed with an axe. The lord
looked at it, pleased, and poured on ...... fine oil , fine oil of the
bright mountains.
Enmerkar's response is to send the Lord of Arrata a sushima
reed - a shamir. Without an operating Khnemu, the manufacture
took five or ten years. Beginning at +++ is a report of the already
completed manufacturing procedure. We would say "had given"
rather than "gave". As mentioned, ancient languages lack time
sense - the verb form just means it was done already. Later, we
learned it was wrapped in sheepskin. The manufacturing was done
by taking pounded metal, ground (in a stone flour grinder) "like
herbs", and lubricated with oil. The sunlighight to shade is the
alternating charge. Once the shamirs are shaped by the field, they
can be broken into smaller pieces. It is encased in a lead
container, in oil, and wrapped in sheep's fleece, as we learn from
the Jewish sources.
The lord placed the sceptre in the hands of the messenger going
to the mountains. The messenger, whose journeying to Aratta was
like a pelican over the hills, like a fly over the ground, who darted
through the mountains as swiftly as carp swim, reached Aratta. He
setfoot joyfully in the courtyard of Aratta, and put the sceptre in
....... He ...... and ...... it. The lord of Aratta, eying the sceptre,
which was ...... in the sanctuary, his holy dwelling -- he, the lord,
called to his catam official:
444-453"Aratta is indeed like a slaughtered sheep! Its roads are
inded like those of the rebel lands! Since holy Inana has given the
primacy of Aratta to the lord of Kulaba, now it seems that holy
Inana is looking with favour on her man who has sent a messenger
to make the severe message as clear as the light of Utu. So in
Aratta where can one go in this crisis? How long before the yoke-
rope becomes bearable? As for us, in the direst hunger, in our
direst famine, are we to prostrate ourselves before the lord of
This is a Sumerian pride-based restatement. The Lord of
Aratta simply said, "oh, they have the technology too. If he were
"as a slaughtered sheep", he would certainly have not issued the
further challenge following below:
454-455The lord of Aratta entrusted a message to the
messenger as if it were an important tablet:
456-461"Messenger! Speak to your master, the lord of Kulaba,
and say to him: "A champion who is not black-coloured, a
champion who is not white-coloured, a champion who is not
brown-coloured, a champion who is not red-coloured, a champion
who is not yellow-coloured, a champion who is not multi-coloured
-- let him give you such a champion. My champion will compete
against his champion, and let the more able one prevail!" Say this
to him."
The word "ur" means champion in Sumerian, but also means
"light" in almost every ancient language. That's why it gets turned
into "garment" below. The color of a falshlight can be controlled
by the color of the cloth that the beam shines through. The Lord of
Aratta is simply checking that Enmerkar not only can get a hold of
a shamir, but that he knows what it does.
462-469After he had spoken to him thus, the messenger set off,
ulum, alam. In brick-built Kulaba, he was speechless, like a .......
He gazed like a goat on the mountain slopes, he ...... as if it were a
huge mir snake coming out of a field. In ...... he lifted his head.
...... of Aratta ....... From his seat, he addressed him like a raging
470-499"Messenger! Speak to the lord of Aratta and say to
him: "A garment that is not black-coloured, a garment that is not
white-coloured, a garment that is not brown-coloured, a garment
that is not red-coloured, a garment that is not yellow-coloured, a
garment that is not multi-coloured -- I shall give him such a
garment. My champion is embraced by Enlil. I shall send him
such a champion. My champion will compete against his
champion, and let the more able one prevail!" Say this to him.
Second, speak to him and say: "Let him immediately pass from
subterfuge ....... In his city, let them go before him like sheep. Let
him, like their shepherd, follow behind them. As he goes, let the
mountain of bright lapis lazuli humble itself before him like a
crushed reed. And let them heap up its shining gold and silver in
the courtyard of Aratta for Inana the lady of E-ana." Third, speak
to him and say: "Lest I make the people fly off from that city like a
wild dove from its tree, lest I smash them like ......, lest I requite (?)
them as if at a current market rate, lest I make ...... them walk in
......, when he goes, let them take the mountain stones, and rebuild
for me the great shrine Eridug, the abzu, the E-nun; let them adorn
its architrave for me ....... Let them make its protection spread over
the Land for me." His speaking ....... Recite his omen to him. At
that time, the lord ......, ...... on the throne daises and on the chairs,
the noble seed, ......."
500-514His speech was substantial, and its contents extensive.
The messenger, whose mouth was heavy, was not able to repeat it.
Because the messenger, whose mouth was tired, was not able to
repeat it, the lord of Kulaba patted some clay and wrote the
message as if on a tablet. Formerly, the writing of messages on
clay was not established. Now, under that sun and on that day, it
was indeed so. The lord of Kulaba inscribed the message like a
tablet. It was just like that. The messenger was like a bird,
flapping its wings; he raged forth like a wolf following a kid. He
traversed five mountains, six mountains, seven mountains. He
lifted his eyes as he approached Aratta. He stepped joyfully into
the courtyard of Aratta, he made known the authority of his king.
Openly he spoke out the words in his heart. The messenger
transmitted the message to the lord of Aratta:
515-517"Your father, my master, has sent me to you; the lord
of Unug, the lord of Kulaba, has sent me to you." "What is it to me
what your master has spoken? What is it to me what he has said?"
518-535 "This is what my master has spoken, this is what he
has said. My king is like a huge mes tree, ...... son of Enlil; this
tree has grown high, uniting heaven and earth; its crown reaches
heaven, its trunk is set upon the earth. He who is made to shine
forth in lordship and kingship, Enmerkar, the son of Utu, has given
me a clay tablet. O lord of Aratta, after you have examined the
clay tablet, after you have learned the content of the message, say
whatever you will say to me, and I shall announce that message in
the shrine E-ana as glad tidings to the scion of him with the
glistening beard, whom his stalwart cow gave birth to in the
mountains of the shining me, who was reared on the soil of Aratta,
who was given suck at the udder of the good cow, who is suited for
office in Kulaba, the mountain of great me, to Enmerkar, the son of
Utu; I shall repeat it in his jipar, fruitful as a flourishing mes tree,
to my king, the lord of Kulaba."
536-556After he had spoken thus to him, the lord of Aratta
received his kiln-fired tablet from the messenger. The lord of
Aratta looked at the tablet. The transmitted message was just nails,
As the technological theory was too much for the messenger,
so was the terminology made up for it by Enmerkar too much for
the Lord of Aratta. Sumerian words which you have not learned to
read look like "just nails". It is clear they both spoke and read the
language of Enmerkar, but this new topic was too much for what
they knew of the language.
and his brow expressed anger. The lord of Aratta looked at his
kiln-fired tablet. At that moment, the lord worthy of the crown of
lordship, the son of Enlil, the god Ickur, thundering in heaven and
earth, caused a raging storm, a great lion, in ....... He was making
the mountains quake ......, he was convulsing the mountain range
......; the awesome radiance ...... of his breast; he caused the
mountain range to raise its voice in joy. On Aratta's parched
flanks, in the midst of the mountains, wheat grew of its own
accord, and chickpeas also grew of their own accord; they brought
the wheat which grew of its own accord into the granary of ......
for the lord of Aratta, and heaped it up before him in the courtyard
of Aratta. The lord of Aratta looked at the wheat. The messenger's
eyes looked askance .......
Finally, the Lord of Aratta had to show them that he had a fully
functional Khnemu operating.
The lord of Aratta called to the messenger:
557-576"Inana, the lady of all the lands, has not run away from
the primacy of her city, Aratta, nor has she stolen it for Unug; she
has not run away from her E-zagina, nor has she stolen it for the
shrine E-ana; she has not run away from the mountain of the
shining me, nor has she stolen it for brick-built Kulaba; she has not
run away from the adorned bed, nor has she stolen it for the
shining bed; she has not run away from the purification for the
lord, nor has she stolen it for the lord of Unug, the lord of Kulaba.
Inana, the lady of all the lands, has surrounded Aratta, on its right
and left, for her like a rising flood. They are people whom she has
separated from other people, they are people whom Dumuzid has
made step forth from other people, who firmly establish the holy
words of Inana. Let the clever champion and the ...... of Dumuzid
whirl about! Quickly, come now, ....... After the flood had swept
over, Inana, the lady of all the lands, from her great love of
Dumuzid, has sprinkled the water of life upon those who had stood
in the face of the flood and made the Land subject to them."
A clear statement that the people of Aratta are the children of
577-587The clever champion, when he came, had covered his
head with a colourful turban, and wrapped himself in a garment of
lion skins.
The shamir was wrapped in sheep skins, and had his head
covered with a colored cloth, as we claimed.
4 lines unclear
Inana ....... Her song was pleasing to her spouse, Ama-
ucumgal-ana. Since that time, she has made it perfect in the holy
ear, the holy ear of Dumuzid, has sung it and has let the words be
588-610When the old woman came to the mountain of the
shining me, she went up to him like a maiden who in her day is
perfect, painted her eyes with kohl, wrapped herself in a white
garment, came forth with the good crown like the moonlight. She
arranged the ...... on her head. She made Enmerkar, her spouse,
occupy the throne-dais with her. She raised up ......, and indeed,
for Aratta, the ewes and their lambs now multiply; indeed, for
Aratta, the mother goats and their kids multiply; indeed, for Aratta,
the cows and their calves multiply; indeed, for Aratta, the donkey
mares and their black, swift-footed foals multiply. In Aratta, they
say together: "Let them heap up and pile up for the grain piles; the
abundance is truly your abundance." After having made ...... for
the lord of Aratta, let him ....... He will ....... He came forth ......,
he set right for her.
3 lines missing
611-625 (An unidentified person speaks:) "...... befitting ......,
...... the ilu song of the heart, ...... your abundance in his .......
Enlil has granted you ......, and may ...... be made known. ...... his
father was not luxuriantly fertile, and poured forth no semen.
Enlil, king of all the lands ....... In accordance with the tasks which
he has now established, the people of Aratta ...... their task of
plying gold, silver and lapis lazuli; the men who ...... golden fruit,
fruit trees, with their figs and grapes, shall heap the fruit up in
great mounds ......; and shall dig out the flawless lapis lazuli from
the roots of the trees, and shall remove the succulent part of the
reeds from the crowns of the trees, and then shall heap them up in
a pile in the courtyard of E-ana for Inana, the lady of E-ana. "
626-636"Come, my king, I shall offer you advice: let my
counsel be heeded. I shall speak words to you; let them be heard.
Let the people choose a man ...... of the foreign lands, and let the
people of Aratta speak ....... When I go from here, the ever-
sparkling lady gives me my kingship. Jectin-ana ....... In that city
......, festivals were not ....... Daily ......."
c. 6 lines missing
But it sounds like he got his jipar running. As claimed in the
text, the technological assumption resolves all of Kramer's

Ages in Chaos. Immanuel Velikovsky. Doubleday, 1981
America, B.C. Barry Fell. Pocket Book, 1989
Ancient Egyptian Construction and Architecture. Somers
Clarke and R. Engelbach. Oxford, 1930
Ancient Egyptian Litertaure. Miriam Lichtheim. University of
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The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts. R.O. Faulkner. Oxford
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The Ancient Engineers. L. Sprague deCamp. Ballantine,
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The Book of Legends. Sefer Ha-Aggadah. ed. Bialik and
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A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the Hebrew
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The Crystal Skulls. Morton and Thomas. Bear and Company
The Dead Sea Scrolls. tr. Wise et al. Harper 1996
The Dialogues of Plato. tr. Jowett. Oxford, 1953
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Earth in Upheaval. Immanuel Velikovsky. Bell, 1955
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The Encyclopedia of Celtic Wisdom. Caitlin and John
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The Energy Grid. Bruce L. Cathie. Adventures Unlimited,
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Fingerprints of the Gods. Graham Hancock. Three Rivers
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A Forest of Kings. Scele and Freidel. William Morrow, 1990
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Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries. Kenneth L. Feder. Mayfield,
The Free Energy Device Handbook. comp. Chidress.
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From One to Zero. Georges Ifrah.
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The History of Atlantis. Lewis Spence. Grammercy, 1996
Hoaxes and Decptions. Time Life Books
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Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings. Charles H. Hapgood.
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Mysteries of the Unexplained. ed. Calkins et al. Readers
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The Nag Hammadi Library. ed. Robinson. Harper, 1988
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The Penguin Dictionary of Symbols, Jean Chevalier and Alain
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no date
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Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain. Ostrander-
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The Psychology of Writing. Ronald T. Kellogg. Oxford,
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Ancient Advanced Technology in the Bible. Ken Behrens.
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The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus. Peet. Hodder and
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The Riddle of the Pyramids. Mendelssohn. Praeger, 1974
Sacred Books and Early Literature of the Near East. Parker,
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The Secret Chamber of the Sanctuary of Thoth. Alan Gardiner.
Journal of Egyptian Archeology, vol. 2, 1925, pp.2-5
Secrets of the Great Pyramid. Tompkins. Harper and Row,
Sightings, TV series of early 1990's produced by the Sci-fi
The Spaceships of Ezechiel. Joseph Blumrich. Bantam, 1974
Stonehenge Decoded. Gerald R. Hawkins, Delta 1965
Strbo: Geography. Loeb Classical Library. Harvard
Le Temple de Dendara. E. Chassinaux
Timaeus. Plato, Warrington, ed. Everyman's Library, 1965
The Vowel Mantra of the Gospel to the Egyptians and the
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UFOs Uncovered, TV series produced by the Learning
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Wars of Gods and Men. Zechariah Sitchin. Bear and
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Worlds in Collision. Immanuel Velikovsky. Delta, 1965
The World's Last Mysteries. Reader Digest, 1976
The Works of Josephus. tr. Whiston. Hendrickson, 1987
The Works of Philo. tr. Yonge. Hendrickson, 1993

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