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Water resources of India

Water resources of a country constitute one of its

vital assets. India receives annual precipitation of about
4000 km3. The rainfall in India shows very high spatial and
temporal variability and paradox of the situation is that
ousinram near !herrapun"i# which receives the highest
rainfall in the world# also su$ers from a shortage of water
during the non%rainy season# almost every year. The total
average annual &ow per year for the Indian rivers is
estimated as '()3 km3. The total annual replenish able
groundwater resources are assessed as 43* km3. The
annual utili+able surface water and groundwater resources
of India are estimated as ,(0 km3 and 3(, km3 per year#
respectively. With rapid growing population and improving
living standards the pressure on our water resources is
increasing and per capita availability of water resources is
reducing day by day. -ue to spatial and temporal variability
in precipitation the country faces the problem of &ood and
drought syndrome. .verexploitation of groundwater is
leading to reduction of low &ows in the rivers# declining of
the groundwater resources# and salt water intrusion in
a/uifers of the coastal areas. .ver canal%irrigation in some
of the command areas has resulted in water logging and
salinity. The /uality of surface and groundwater resources is
also deteriorating because of increasing pollutant loads
from 0oint and non%point sources. The climate change is
expected to a$ect precipitation and water availability. 1o
far# the data collection# processing# storage and
dissemination have not received ade/uate attention. The
e$orts initiated under the 2ydrology 0ro"ect 0hase%I and the
development of the -ecision 1upport 1ystem proposed
under 2ydrology 0ro"ect 0hase%II are expected to bridge
some of the gaps between the developed advanced
technologies of water resources planning# designing and
management and their 3eld applications. The paper
presents availability and demands of water resources in
India as well as describes the various issues and strategies
for developing a holistic approach for sustainable
development and management of the water resources of
the country. It also highlights integration of the blue and
green &ows and concepts of virtual water transfer for
sustainable management of the water resources for
meeting the demands of the present# without compromising
the needs of future generations.
Outline of study :-
' .!ontent 4%
Introduction of topic
*. ain content4%
Types of water resources
5ainwater harvesting#
1urface water#
Water resources#
Water re/uirements#
Water transfer.
6raph for water resources
3. Important list of person and places
4. 1ummary

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