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Narendar Samuthiram (Word Count excluding references: 2540)

Colour in Health
Brief History of Colour
From using natural pigments for ritualistic cae paintings oer !0"000 #ears ago
to modern da# therap#" colour has had an immense impact on humans$ %he
therapeutic uses of colour hae a rich histor# dating &ac' to ancient times$
Colour therap#" also 'no(n as chromo therap#" has &een in use for a long time$
)n ancient *g#pt" China and +reece ,colour halls, or rooms (ere painted di-erent
colours in an attempt to treat ailments
$ Colour therap# pla#ed an important role
in man# countr#/s medical practices$ 0ne example are the *g#ptians" (ho loo'ed
at nature and copied the colours the# o&sered 1 the green of the grass (as used
for 2oors
$ %he &lue of the s'# (as often used and cr#stal gems (ere hung in the
(indo(s of their ,healing rooms$, Sunlight (ould 2o( into the rooms through
those cr#stals$ %he +ree's studied colour onl# as a science and ignored its
possi&le healing properties and the 'no(ledge (as nearl# lost later in histor#
Fortunatel#" pap#rus sheets hae &een found dating &ac' to .550 3C (hich hae
a list of colour ,cures$
, %he ,Nei4Ching", the Chinese &oo' of internal medicine"
dating &ac' 2000 #ears" also records colour diagnosis &# reading the 5colour6 of
pulses" complexion" and the appearance of the &od#6s tissues and organs$
7ra&ian" named 7icenna (8901.0!:)" (rote a&out colour therap# in ,%he Canon
of ;edicine$,
<e associated disease s#mptoms (ith colours and deeloped a
chart (hich sho(ed (hat he thought (as the relationship &et(een colour and
the ph#sical condition (temperature) of the &od#$
Colour of Hospitals Heals?
Colour has &een extensiel# researched into hospitals designs to promote
healing$ *idence suggests that &land monotonous enironments cause sensor#
depriation and are detrimental to healing$ White (alls in hospitals hae a
clinical appearance that is unfamiliar and strange to most people i$e$ the
a&sence of colour is eerie$ %he com&ination of (hite (alls" ceilings" and 2oors
create strange perceptual conditions$ %hus" colour can &e a potential item in
ps#chological treatment of patients$ Careful chosen colours not onl# can promote
serenit# of mind and restfulness &ut also contri&utes to patients6 outcome such
as shorter length of sta#" reduced stress" increased patients satisfaction$ =oger
>lrich has inestigated the e-ects of isual stimulation and ho( it impacts
patient recuperation rates and found that patients surrounded in ?i&rant@
surroundings recoered three1Auarters of a da# faster" and needed fe(er pain
'illers" than those (ho did not$
7dditional studies hae conBrmed that een &rief
encounters (ith colour of nature signiBcantl# reduce stress leelsC(hether or
not the nature interaction is real or simulated$
While science ma# not #et
explain the extent to (hich speciBc colours impact indiiduals" or ho( speciBc
colours ma# &e implemented to achiee uniersal results" man# ps#chiatrists
and ps#chologists stud#ing the su&Dect agree that colour has the e-ect of
directing an indiidual6s attention out(ard" proiding a diersion that can reliee
the stress of internal mental tensions$
Colours preiousl# considered ?too &right
for health care settings"@ such as i&rant golds" citrus greens" crimsons" and
Cari&&ean &lues" are no( thought to &e ital therapeutic tools that directl#
promote healing and reduce anxiet# especiall# in (aiting rooms" patient rooms
and examination rooms$
The Colour of Medications
>ntil the middle of the .800s all prescri&ed medications that (ere in pill form
(ere uniforml# (hite and round$ 0er1the1counter drugs (ere also (hite or
pastel in colour$ <o(eer" all that &egan to change in the .8E0s (hen colours
(ere introduced for the Brst time$ %oda# there are oer 90"000 di-erent tint
com&inations aaila&le to the pharmaceutical mar'et$ 3ut does it reall# matter
ho( the# colour #our capsules" ta&lets or pillsF %he ans(er seems to &e a
resounding #es and for man# reasons$
=esearchers hae discoered that humans respond di-erentl# to di-erent colours
and this ps#cholog# has its place een in the (orld of pharmaceuticals$ From a
medical perspectie" an#thing that (ill positiel# reinforce ta'ing necessar#
medications is cruciall# important in recoer#$ Since ph#sical health and
emotional health are so closel# lin'ed" the patient (ho &eliees a particularl#
pleasant1loo'ing pill (ill achiee the results that it conDures up in his4her mind is
much more apt to ta'e the medication faithfull# and receie greater &eneBts
from it$
%his place&o e-ect has &een sho(n to positiel# enhance speed and
totalit# of recoer#$ 7 er# recent stud# found that di-erences in the colour of
prescri&ed medication a-ect (hether a patient (ill stop ta'ing a drug$
reported that patients (ho ta'e generic drugs that di-er in colour are Bft#
percent are more li'el# to stop the inta'e of the drug" producing possi&le
negatie reactions$

When the colour of the pill mentall# matches the intended results greater
&eneBts are enDo#ed$ For example" a mild &lue pill li'e Cele&rex is calmingCthe
perfect (a# to handle the frustration of pain$ 3lue is also masculine and has
successfull# (or'ed in the mar'eting of Giagra" a male sexual enhancement
product$ *lderl# people hae a decided preference for red and the colour reminds
them to ta'e their heart medication$ Children consider pin' to &e a s(eet colour
and medications for little ones are often dressed in this colour$ %he studies on
perceied action of coloured drugs sho(ed that red" #ello( and orange are
associated (ith a stimulant e-ect" (hile green is related to a tranAuilising
Colour a Potential Life-Saver?
)t ma# come as a &ig surprise" &ut there is a good reason to &e afraid of needles$
*er# #ear" .$! million deaths are caused &# unsafe inDections" due to the reuse
of s#ringes$ %he World <ealth 0rganisation (W<0) estimates that up to 40H of
the 40&n inDections administered annuall# are deliered (ith s#ringes that hae
&een reused (ithout sterilisation" causing oer !0H of hepatitis 3 and C cases
and 5H of <)G cases I statistics that hae put the pro&lem at num&er Be on the
W<0 priorit# list$
)t is impossi&le to determine a isual di-erence &et(een a
used s#ringe that has &een (ashed and a sterile s#ringe remoed from its
pac'aging$ %o oercome this issue" Jr Jaid S(ann" reader in design at the
>niersit# of <uddersBeld" into action" to deelop (hat he descri&es as a
,&ehaiour1changing s#ringe, that (ould (arn patients (hen the needle (as
%he principle &ehind this technolog# is simple" a colour change that
(ould explicitl# expose the ris' and could indicate prior use (ithout dou&t$ 0nce
opened and exposed to the air" the s#ringe has a E01second treatment (indo(
&efore turning &right red$ Same principle is also no( further explored for
implementation in medicine pac'aging$ )n' technolog# (ould &e utilised for
eo'ing danger signs (hen medicine expires and no longer safe for human
Art Wor! Colour Psycholo"y
#$Colours are very i%portant in our lives as they directly in&uence our 'ell-(ein"
and %ood$$
Below are my perceptions towards colours which I have gathered
throughout my life experience, culture backgrounds, readings, random
interviews, and simply by daily-life observations:
3lac' is the colour of authorit# and po(er$ )t is popular in fashion &ecause it
ma'es people appear thinner$ )t is also st#lish and timeless$ 3lac' also implies
su&mission$ Kriests (ear &lac' to signif# su&mission to +od$ Some fashion
experts sa# a (oman (earing &lac' implies su&mission to men$ 3lac' outBts can
also &e oerpo(ering" or ma'e the (earer seem aloof or eil$ 7pparentl#" &lac'
Dac'ets seems er# popular among 3ristol people$
3rides (ear (hite to s#m&oliLe innocence and purit#$ White re2ects light and is
considered a summer colour$ White is popular in decorating and in fashion
&ecause it is light" neutral" and goes (ith eer#thing$ <o(eer" (hite sho(s dirt
and is therefore more diMcult to 'eep clean than other colours$ Joctors and
nurses (ear (hite to impl# sterilit#$
%he most emotionall# intense colour" red stimulates a faster heart&eat and
&reathing$ )t is also the colour of loe$ =ed clothing gets noticed and ma'es the
(earer appear heaier$ Since it is an extreme colour" red clothing might not help
people in negotiations or confrontations$ =ed cars are popular targets for thiees$
Jecorators sa# that red furniture should &e perfect since it (ill attract attention$
%he most romantic colour" pin'" is more tranAuiliLing$ Sports teams sometimes
paint the loc'er rooms used &# opposing teams &right pin' so their opponents
(ill lose energ#$
%he colour of the s'# and the ocean" &lue is one of the most popular colours$ )t
causes the opposite reaction as red$ Keaceful" tranAuil &lue causes the &od# to
produce calming chemicals" so it is often used in &edrooms$ 3lue can also &e cold
and depressing$ Fashion consultants recommend (earing &lue to Do& interie(s
&ecause it s#m&oliLes lo#alt#$ Keople are more productie in &lue rooms$ Studies
sho( (eightlifters are a&le to handle heaier (eights in &lue g#ms$
Currentl# the most popular decorating colour" green s#m&oliLes nature$ )t is the
easiest colour on the e#e and can improe ision$ )t is a calming" refreshing
colour$ Keople (aiting to appear on %G sit in ,green rooms, to relax$ <ospitals
often use green &ecause it relaxes patients$ 3rides in the middle ages (ore
green to s#m&oliLe fertilit#$ Jar' green is masculine" conseratie" and implies
Cheerful sunn# #ello( is an attention getter$ While it is considered an optimistic
colour" people lose their tempers more often in #ello( rooms" and &a&ies (ill cr#
more$ )t is the most diMcult colour for the e#e to ta'e in" so it can &e
oerpo(ering if oerused$ Nello( enhances concentration" hence its use for legal
pads$ )t also speeds meta&olism$
%he colour of ro#alt#" purple connotes luxur#" (ealth" and sophistication$ )t is
also feminine and romantic$ <o(eer" &ecause it is rare in nature" purple can
appear artiBcial$
Solid" relia&le &ro(n is the colour of earth and is a&undant in nature$ Oight &ro(n
implies genuineness (hile dar' &ro(n is similar to (ood or leather$ 3ro(n can
also &e sad and (istful$ ;en are more apt to sa# &ro(n is one of their faourite
)ntegratie medicine 1 ?Colour is literall# the /(aelength/ medicine of the future$
)t calls to us and as's us to recogniLe its alue as an alternatie medicine that
the enironment can proide$ =eie(ing at ho( the ancient ciilisation exploited
colour for eo'ing health and (ell1&eing should not &e ta'en for granted &ut
should &e further explored (ith open and critical mind$ Currentl# colour therap#
li'e chromotheraph# are &eing researched thoroughl# for potential therapeutic
e-ects alongside 0rthodox Western medicine$ Chromotheraph# is a holistic
healing modalit# that incorporates di-erent colours in an attempt to positiel#
alter our emotions" moods and oerall (ell&eing$ )t incorporates certain tools
and4or isualiLation techniAues and suggestions to appl# colour to our &odies in
an attempt to heal those parts of our &odies su-ering under ph#sical" emotional"
or spiritual strain$ Kersonall# ) thin' this extensie research on using colour
therap# in an integratie (a# (using all appropriate therapeutic approaches) can
hold a promising 'e# in Blling in the gaps in conentional medicine$
Klace&o e-ectF Colour is functional$ Colour su&liminall# and oertl#
communicates information and proides man# other operational &eneBts$ For
example" colour and shape of ta&lets act as a memor# tag for compliance$
3esides that" colour of a ta&let in2uences patient choice$ Colour are also li'ened
to taste $Kin' ta&lets as tasting s(eeter than red ta&lets (hereas a #ello( ta&let
is perceied as salt# irrespectie of its actual ingredients$ )nterestingl#" these
concepts might hold a clue as to (h# certain drugs (or's &etter than other
despite containing similar ingredients$ Choose an appropriate colour and the placebo
effect gives the pill a boost, improves outcomes and might even reduce side effects. Colour no(
seems to &e integral component of an oer1the1counter (0%C) product given that
compliance in taking medication strongly depends on the patient's perception of that medication.
While most attention is gien to 0%C drugs" ) am not hugel# surprised that
pharmaceutical companies spend enormous amounts of mone# on the most
attractie and appealing dressing for each ne( product &rought to the mar'et$
Creating a =esilient S#stem1 Colour1changing technolog# is increasingl# Bnding
medical applications" as designers loo' to transfer innoations in reactie in'
to(ards potentiall# lifesaing ends$ 3oth the &ehaiour1changing s#ringe and
self1expiring pac'aging could hae far1reaching impacts on glo&al treatment"
suggesting a (orld in (hich no one has to guess if their medicine is safe to use$
;edical prescription drug errors &# doctors" pharmacists and patients account for
as man# as a million deaths a #ear (ith as man# as !0H of these unnecessar#
fatalities attri&uted to misidentif#ing proper drugs and dosages$ For this reason"
healthcare (or'ers appreciate distinctl# coloured" shaped and la&elled
medicines$ %hese e-orts could not onl# potentiall# sae millions of lies &ut also
reduce glo&al medical cost$ *arl# interention as such on glo&al leel (ithin the
s#stem (ould certainl# ena&le patients to &rea' harmful feed&ac' loops (hich
threaten their natural capacit# for self1healing$
;ind13od# ;edicineF 7 health# mind is a health# &od# &ecause energiLing the
mind has direct e-ects on the &od#$ Colours are not Dust tools for treatment &ut
(hen made to (or' hand in hand in healthcare enironments" the# initiate
healing mechanisms and (ould surel# promote good health in the er# near
future$ Kroper colour palette in the health care enironment can reduce stress
on patients and that stress is an important hindrance to recoer#$ )t is
remar'a&le to ac'no(ledge ho( patient stress leel can &e reduced (ith a
simple coat of paint$ <ealth care settings (hich lac' these colour design
elements (ill not meet a patient6s ps#chological needs" and ma# lead to
increased patient anxiet#" eleated &lood pressure leels" and an increased need
for pain1relieing drugs$ Conersel#" therapeutic enironments that foster a
sense of control" proide greater priac# and access to nature along (ith positie
distractions" can induce greater relaxation" (hich in turn can lead to reduced
medication needs" reduced &lood pressure" and a shorter length of sta#$
%he idea of exploring colours (as inspired &# <oli" a colour festial$ ) &ecame
curious and as'ed m#self 5<o( (ould the (orld &e (ithout colours6F ) &egan
reading more a&out colours and decided to &ase m# assignment on this topic$ )
hae chosen to produce an art(or' using arious colours and descri&ed a&out
the 5functionalit#6 of each as perceied &# societ#$ %he entire Auest to search for
colour meanings has &een er# exciting and allo(ed me to see the (orld from
di-erent perspectie$ )t is er# mind &oggling to ac'no(ledge that there is so
much &ehind something that (e commonl# ta'e for granted such as colour$ )
&ecame more appreciatie to(ards colours and Bgured out (a#s of &eneBting it$
) started to use colours to light up m# stud# space and deelop &etter stud#
techniAues using colours$ ) am more conBdent of expressing m# emotions
through painting tooP in fact thin'ing of doing more art(or' as a ho&&#$ )n
general" this assignment has helped me to outline m# strengths and
(ea'nesses$ <aing *nglish as m# fourth language and ina&ilit# to grasp the
concept of WKC at &eginning stages (ere certainl# challenging &ut )
ac'no(ledge them as &uilding &loc' for progress$ =eading from multiple
resources as (ell as lin'ing up m# personal actiit# (ith m# lied experiences
(ere something ) neer imagined of doing &efore" #et the# &rought a ne(
dimension in m# learning and cognitie process$
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=eport to %he Center for <ealth Jesign for the Jesigning the Centur#
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4$ 3aughan1Noung" Tim$ ?Healin" Po'er of Color as Cheap as Coat of Paint$@
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5$ +remillion Consulting: The Color of That Little Pill /oes Mae a /i0erence
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E$ Tesselheim 7S" ;isono 7S" Shran' W<" et al$ 51ariations in Pill Appearance
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:$ 0lier Wain(right: Ho' colour-chan"in" technolo"y could revolutionise the
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9$ )csid Secretariat: ABC Syrin"e Q0nlineR$7aila&le from:
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