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Exclusive Notes For

The Guru
Featuring: Eben Pagan
Session 1 of 12:
Irrationality And Persuasion
People are often afraid to say Give me your money, and Im going to give you
something more valuable than the money.
Every marketing and sales situation is an ethical dilemma, and facing ethical dilemmas
helps us grow up. The reason its difficult also is because its so easy to lie to ourselves
and rationalize almost anything. We often dont want to cross the line into deception.
So conversion can be a sensitive topic. Were talking about how to change the way
people think, their emotions, motivating and activating large groups of humans beings to
do things almost by remote control as we use the internet to do it. Turning prospective
customers into buyers.
The first pillar is The Customer PillarAll the things you do to broadcast the message
out to bring response in indicating themselves as good prospects in some way. The next
pillar is The Conversion Pillartaking those prospective customers youve generated and
get them to make a buying decision, to take action, to exchange their money for what you
sell. The third pillar is The Content Pillaryou create products and services to meet the
needs of your customers and fulfill on all the promises you made in your marketing and
sales and conversion process. The fourth pillar is The Business Management Pillarall
the things to manage the business, managing your time, managing yourself, hire people,
Here, we are focusing on the Conversion Pillar. And this is about a qualified buyer, and
you not screwing it up. Conversion is getting someone who is interested who has
indicated they are a good prospect to take action and buy.
Its important to look at chimps to see some deep corollaries that will become part of the
conversion process:
1. People have very poor impulse control. When an impulse comes up, it takes over,
and they have to go just do something to get it out their system. This is especially true in
areas of procreation and survival.
2. People are instant gratification oriented and not very good at thinking about the future.
They want the most immediate bang for the buck.
3. People are highly emotional. If a highly positive loving emotion comes up, they
immediately want to go love on some human apes. Or they become angry and then
everyone becomes the enemy. Emotional positioning. WE have poor impulse control.
WE are instant gratification oriented. WE are highly emotional.
But theres one more
4. WE are highly intelligent. But with the intelligence the parts of us that are
impulse oriented, instant gratification oriented, and emotionally oriented usually take
over the brilliant intelligence and use it for their own ends. So that essentially all of our
waking time, for all of us, we are using our vast intelligence to satiate and satisfy our
little impulses, to get instant gratification in the moment, and to satisfy our emotions.
Thats what we typically use our intelligence for. All the time. We get the emotion, run
over somewhere, and behave like a chimp. We get three quarters of the way done a bag
of chips and we wonder how we got there.
The power of the human mind to deceive itself is beyond estimation. When you see
this in yourself, youll see it in others, and then really start to be able to
communicate with others.
So as we go through learning about Conversion, remember: Theyre impulse oriented,
theyre instant gratification oriented, theyre highly emotional, and those parts of them
take over the intelligence and logical thinking brain to figure out how to get their needs
and then, after they take over their mind to hi-jack it and get their short term impulse
gratification emotional needs metonce its over they send another message back that
says Okay, go rationalize it all and cover the tracks. Then the circle is complete. We
make up a little story to make it all fit into our life. Whatever the story is. And we keep
going through life asleep.
So we have poor impulse control, we are instant gratification oriented, were highly
emotional, these three parts of us take over our intelligence and use it for their own ends,
and then we rationalize the whole thing by making up a story to cover the tracks of this.
How do we sum this up simply?
Humans Are Irrational
If you think of people as highly rational, youll probably miss the mark in trying to get
them to buy your stuff.
If you remember theyre irrational creatures, taken over, drugged and intoxicated in an
emotional moment thats driving then through impulse to get an instant gratification need
met just so they can stop obsessing about it and get onto the next thing in their life, then
youll be better with communicating with them, and a little closer to reality.
So look for the irrational motivators. Look for the things motivating them that are
irrational, and focus there.
Its also important to note we all have an Emotional Comfort Zone (ECZ) we like to
live. When a human being is outside their ECZ, they will do ANYTHING to get back in.
Remember, they dont know this going on. Remember what we said above with emotion.
When we ask if the prospect is experiencing pain and urgency or irrational passion, is the
prospect proactively looking for a solution, is the prospect from their perspective in a
situation where they have few or no perceived options, were looking for prospects who
are outside their emotional comfort zone!
Were not targeting people with a life where everything is okay, else we have to talk
people into stuff. So seek prospects outside their emotional comfort zone and offer them
a solution to get back in.
Often you dont have to do much except Youre outside your comfort zone, I get that,
Heres the thing that will help you get back in and they do the math and that
rationalization mechanism comes back online and it starts working with you instead of
just inside of them.
So what do we do about all this?
1. Only sell products and services that are worth a lot more than the money youre
charging for them. Preferably at least 10x.
2. If youre really offering that much value and you can really help prospects that
much, then you owe it to them and yourself to use every tool at your disposal to
persuade them to invest in what youre selling with a 100% no questions asked
money back guarantee attached to everything you sell.
Now you can say This thing is worth at least 10x what Im charging for it, and if youre
not convinced Ill give you your money back
Getting the human animal to pull out the wallet and give us money is the hardest skill to
learn. We think of money as bio-survival tickets. But the money is not where its atbut
they think it is. Most humans havent learned that its about creating value and
taking hassle away and that is where the value is so they dont focus therethey
focus on get more bio-survival tickets How do I get the coupons I can trade for
So its a skill and challenge that needs to be learned and mastered.
So do whatever it takes to get your prospect to take action. You have to feel confident
you can sit down, ask some questions, figure out what the emotional drivers are,
understand the irrational need, make a match between your product, and then ask for the
order, get the person to actually take the money out, hold their hand and walk them
through, its going to be okay, its going to be okay, help them take advantage and use the
product and service etc.
People love to buy, but they hate to be sold.
We like feeling like were the ones making the decision, and not being pushed into an
agenda. We stop wanting things where someone is trying to make us do something we
wont benefit from but the other person will benefit from. Instead, BE A BUYING
MENTOR. If you push someone to do something, it should only be because it will be to
their benefit. Help people buy and to get their own needs met. Help them buy, dont sell
Also, understand that persuasion is an unconscious process. You cant do it directly. You
have to go through the conscious mind but youre not operating on the conscious mind.
And what this means is that in the Body Emotion Mind System, there are mechanisms
react instantly and automatically.
We have mechanisms where you push the button and bam, it just happens. As an
example, one of them is Social Proof. When were in a situation and we are in doubt
about the right thing to do, we automatically look around to see what everyone else is
doing, and copy it.
Sometimes we even do it if we do know what to do. The thing is, we dont choose to do
this. We make up a story and make it logicalbut its not. Its just what we do.
ESPECIALLY if we perceive them to be higher status, authoritative or experienced in
some way. So, the point here is, what were doing is not giving exact
directionswere more setting conditions. Were not telling the baby geese now is the
time be afraid, were taking the shape of their predator and flying it over them, and all
the rest of the work gets done. So were operating on this level.
Its important to rememberhumans are irrational and persuasion is unconscious.
You cant do it directly. It doesnt work directly. Its like trying to persuade a baby goose
to feel fear.
Confabulation is where we con ourselves into believing a story that isnt true. We make
the whole story up. We do things, rationalize, create a whole story about why we did it,
and thats the way we really operate on the world. We confabulate reasons why were
doing things and rationalize them.
AlsoAction comes after Emotion. We feel, and then we act. Its emotion driving
action. If your child or parent is ever in danger, you dont sit back and do the math and
calculate the odds you just leap into action immediately.
If you choose a niche based on an emotional need, then you have this working for you.
Theyre feeling, they want to act, but they just dont know how to. They dont know
where to go. And what drives feeling?
Thinking. But the type of thinking that drives feeling is meaning making. Its when we
make things mean something. So, child in danger, we see that and make that mean child
in danger I must go and do something to get them out of danger feel emotion that
fires us up then go act.
Its more complex than this, but this is the simplified version.
We perceive the situation, we make meaning in our minds, that then triggers the feeling,
and then we go and act. So the level we have to concentrate on is the Emotion level, but
we get there through the Meaning Making of the Mind.
Again, we cant say to the baby geese feel fear. But what we can do is show them
something that they will make meaning out of, and then they feel it. Its not easy to
describe and then actually act on like getting to feeling through thinking. So we need to
stay focused here.
Lastly, we only do things out in reality we first imagine ourselves doing inside of our
So the question is What info do I need to give to my prospect, how do I need to
communicate with them, so theyre imagining buying and using my product and service
in their mind? Theyre imaging themselves doing it.
Sometimes, just by painting a picture of what their life is going to look like as they buy,
use, and get, sometimes thats enough. Connect the dots in their mind so they imagine
clicking the button, filling out the form, downloading and reading the book, and getting
the result so now when they do it, it feels much more natural.
Pushing someone into something where they have no experience or know what it is
uncomfortable. When youve thought about it, seen yourself doing it, imagined it, now
its easier. So people will only do things they first see themselves doing in their mind. So
how do you walk them through getting themselves to see themselves doing it in their
Session 2 of 12:
The Prospect / Product Connection
And The Prospects Emotional Needs
Focus on conversion, not name recognition and branding.
The objective is not to get your name out there...the objective is to get their name in here.
Put the customer and their emotional needs on the marketing stage, not the fancy parts of
your product or you, and if you talk about your product or service talk about how it meets
one of their emotional needs.
Do surveys to find out your customers' needs. Look at the words your prospects use.
Selling consultations and coaching sessions to customers is the best way to do
research and get inside the customers mind. Don't advise, facilitate and ask questions.
Guaranteed success is talking to 10 new people a day and asking "what's your biggest
fear and frustration?" "What's your biggest problem?" "What do you desire?" "What's the
outcome you're looking for now?" "What have you tried and didn't work?" "What do you
think the solution is?" and getting inside their minds and figuring out where they're
coming from.
Lastly, remember your customer is under a temporary state of insanity when they're
under the influence of an irrational emotional motivator, and they see their life as having
an actual roadblock in it and they can't get on with their life until they get their irrational
motivator handled. This is true if you've done the 3 question niche test.
EXERCISE: The Prospect / Product Connection:
The most important elements of your Conversion process is the MATCH between the
need of your Prospect and the benefit that your Product offers.
If you havent chosen your niche, identified an unmet need in a group of potential
Prospects and then created a Product that meets those specific needs, then no amount of
fancy marketing will fix the issue. Use this exercise to make sure youve got a good
Prospect / Product Connection.
1. Who is your prospective customer, specifically?
2. Describe the powerful emotional driver that is motivating them to action
3. What is your Product/Service, specifically and how does it solve this key,
specific emotional need?
Explanation of The Prospect / Product Connection:
You must start from where the customer is at, not from where you are at or the product
youd like to create.
Step outside yourself and think from the perspective of your customer. Dont think from
your perspective and what you want to teach and try to make your prospect fit into your
product and rationalize that this makes sense.
Dont use your creative intelligence to keep looking in the wrong end of the telescope.
Instead, figure out who the customer is, what their specific emotional need is the thing
thats driving them to take action and THEN talk about what your product is and how it
meets their need.
Prospect / Product Connection these 2 things need to match so start with where the
Prospect is at and then add in the Product and what the product does to meet the need.
1: Something that helps everyone is a weakness since its too broad and isnt
focused. So the question to ask is who does it help the most?
2: Where do they have an emotion thats driving them creating an impulse to get
their short term needs met?
If you say you sell Speed Reading courses and youve sold thousands of them, and at the
programs you ask people Who are you? Whats your challenge, whats your problem,
whats your desire? and the majority you talk to are people who are successful and in a
career and theyd like to move into a career that theyd enjoy more, not to make more
money, but just to move into a career they enjoy more, and they see Speed Reading as the
bridge that gets them from Point A to Point B.
This is a great start to creating a product or niche or a new way of conceptualizing a
market opportunity.
In conversion we have to think of people in mass as to something that will have broad
appeal, but we also need to think of them individually when we think of how we
communicate with them, what their emotional need is, etc. We need to do both at the
same time and overlay and overlap them.
So the group needs to be large enough to be a good market, and individuals and
thinking about their emotional needs and motivators and how to communicate with
the individual and overlaying so youre talking to all of them but each one feels like
youre talking to them individually.
So we start with Fears & Frustration, and Wants &Aspirations since these are the things
that drive the human chimpanzee. Theres a 2:1 ratio in favor of Fears over Wants, and
often well risk twice as much not to lose than to win, or twice as much to avoid a Fear
than get a Want.
So talking about positive all the time leaves behind 2/3rds of the motivation and were
not communicating with 2/3rds of our audience and were not pushing the hot buttons
that actually get people to act. So place your bet on where people are feeling fear,
frustration, anxiety because where there is anxiety, there is opportunity.
A great question to ask is What worries you? What are you worried about? In fact,
focus fully on anxieties and fears and focus on products that solve those problems, or
look behind whatever youre doing and see where theres fear and frustration and anxiety.
Just below the level of consciousness in the human chimpanzee is a level of angst and
anxiety that is always on and running at full strength and its driving everything and its
often the foundation of peoples operations expecting that around the corner will be
something bad or if something does happen, assuming it is bad.
We also want to focus on the desire and things people are after or pursuing. Greed can
often overcome fear. So were asking what our prospects IRRATIONAL want and
aspiration is.
People dont want to hit a 300 yard drive. Thats simply a placeholder for If I could do
that THEN all these other things would happen (e.g. my boss would be impressed
and then theyd give me a raise, Id beat my friends, all the people I think of as important
in my life would think Im cool cause Im better than them). 300 Yard Drive is the
symbolic placeholder for whatever the REAL thing is.
We have to ask ourselves Whats the REAL thing going on underneath it all? Whats
REALLY happening? Theres always a deeper, more primal, more irrational issue.
EXERCISE 1: Fears & Frustrations, Wants & Aspirations:
The starting point of great marketing, persuasion and conversion processes is your
Prospective Customers EMOTIONAL NEEDS.
Remember, humans are IRRATIONAL creatures - so focus on the irrational aspect of all
needs not the logical aspects. Also, be as SPECIFIC as possible. Specificity
motivates more than ambiguity.
Start out by listing as many Fears & Frustrations and Wants & Aspirations as you can
list. Try for at least 20 in each list. The more needs you list, the more gold youll
uncover. Focus on specificity, emotional, irrational needs and write these as if you were
the customer writing them in their voice:
Fears & Frustrations |Wants & Aspirations
For exampleits not known yet how the Speed Reading customer is thinking about the
connection between Speed Reading and getting onto a career that theyre going to enjoy,
but theres something driving that, something that connects those ideas to each otheran
underlying emotional or irrational fantasy motivation.
Its in there and all we have to do is dig and talk to some of them and then we can figure
it out. Then we can talk to them in their own language, and in a language theyve never
heard anyone talk to them in before most likely.
When you list the needs in the exercise above, youll get the general ones first. Like, the
business owner their fear and frustration may be they dont want to go bankrupt, they
dont want to work so hard. Their wants and aspirations may be they want to make more
money, theyd like to have more free time.
Then youll run out of those, and you then drill down deeper into each of the fears and
frustrations and wants and aspirations. You get more specific and ask Where are they
REALLY at? Whats that specific story theyre making up? Whats that specific fantasy
they have? Whats really driving them?
EXERCISE 2: Fears & Frustrations, Wants & Aspirations:
Next, choose the top 3 from each list of Fears & Frustrations/Wants & Aspirations, and
write a statement of the benefit that your product/service offers that specifically connects
it and implies a direct solution.
The idea here is to train yourself to always think from the perspective of the emotional
needs of your Prospect - and specifically, the most powerful emotional drivers of their
thinking and behavior.
Example: Lets say that you selected an emotional driver that said Fear of staying in
debt so long that Ill never be able to put my children through college. In this exercise,
you might write A step-by-step system for getting out of debt within 3-5 years starting
from scratch - so you can start saving toward important things, like your childrens
college education.
1. Select the top 3 emotional drivers from each of your lists, then write a statement
that includes or implies the specific Fear/Frustration or Want/ Aspiration - as well
as the way your product or service solves it.
Session 3 of 12:
Prospect To Product Match
Theres the idea that were becoming one global culture, one global reality.
But its more like 7 billion different realities were all living in and when each of us
walks through this world where we have our own ideas and taking things off of the
cultural smorgasbord lunch menu, creating our tray, and creating our own little mini-
subculture of one, and hanging out with groups of people and their subcultures we start
to feel like Im the only one that gets it.
But we ALL have felt this way. Thats the irony. Were walking around the world going
Ah nobody gets it, so then you can say something in a certain way where somebody
says Wow, that person, they get it!. But it needs to be said the right way with the right
spin on it so you dont sound too fanatical and you build rapport. Its an art.
Further, its hard to sell prevention (although you can do it with a parents kids), but what
is much more motivating is getting out of a problem that youre already in.
So if you can show how someone might already be in a problem then that is key. If you
can show that they are doing things to say, hurt their own kids and they arent even
aware that its happeningthat is powerful.
Theres a difference between go green and I think or suspect my kid might be sick and
that I might have done something to cause it.
Sometimes you might spend years in terms of trying to position something and
calculating every possible angle and trying every perspective, every way of thinking
about wording and interacting with folks to really get it.
Theres nothing more important than really understand where the customers at.
We dont get an opportunity to really feel understood and like another person understands
us and gets where were at very often, and if you can understand where a large group of
people all experiencing a common fear or frustration or worry or anxiety or a roadblock
in their life or a big desire are at and you can just hit it right on, you can make a big
Also, matching up the prospects needs with the benefit your product offers is
critical. If you cant see this working in your mind, you wont build a successful
marketing campaign, and all the techniques or headline formulas arent going to do
Youve got to really get and see what their big motivator is and see how your benefit,
your product, is a connect for solving that. Connect fear/frustration want/aspiration to
Deep down at the fundamental level were all fearing and desiring very similar things. It
just turns out that the average human sees different paths from where theyre at in that
point of their life to getting those fundamental needs met or getting out of their anxiety,
fear, or worry.
They dont want what you have to offer if they dont feel understood. We start off as an
expert with our way, we then go all the way over to the customers perspective to
understand them and each customers individual case by case issue, and then the next step
is when you see the commonalities.
Example of a Conversion Message:
An idealized example of a fear/frustration, want/aspiration exercise is being a business
owner and you, as your customer, saying Im losing money and I can see bankruptcy
over the horizon. My want/desire is to increase my sales since I think thats the solution.
Im frustrated with my sales people and I think I need to get the sales people working
harder to increase sales so we stop losing money and we stay out of bankruptcy.
And then as the seller you connect with an offer of you saying, as a the seller, I have
The 90-Day Quick Turn Around Process. I want to give you a 90- minute strategy
session worth $1000 where I do an audit of your business and we pinpoint the exact
reason why your business is failing. Ill be able to tell you approximately when youre
going to go bankrupt, and Ill teach you 3 techniques to get your sales people selling right
now so youll be out of this path in 90 days. And this 90-Day Quick Turn Around
session? Ill give it to you for free IF you meet these 3 criteria: 1. x 2. x 3. x. If youre
interested, call me.
This would be a conversion message.
Its lining those things up and coming up with a benefit your product or service offers
that your customer goes This sounds like it was made for me! Thats exactly what I
And it wasnt made for themit was made for all of them.
So the key is to connect the fear or frustration with the benefit you offer and connect
these 2 issues to each and intertwine them so theyre related so theres a bridge between
the humans fear/frustration/anxiety and your solution.
(E.g. Picture of a guy all the women want with a quote The first thing I look at is a
womans smile with an offer to take the free online teeth quiz below the picture.
Woman, looking for romance, doesnt feel the confidence to interact with the guy, hes
the one who has the power in her mind and thus this is the leverage point we want to use
in this conversion process, link to the low threat process of her going in and figuring out
what she would look like and what kind of smile would be best for her to achieve to
attract that guy)
If there isnt a direct connectif you dont really get where your prospect is and
connecting it to your solution in a way that makes sense where the prospect says Right!
That adds up to me! Thats exactly what Im looking for thats my problem
thats the solution I wantthen all the rest of it is just finish work after that. After you
get the Prospect and Product Match, its all finish work.
So connect up that primal irrational/motivational driver with the benefit your product
offers. This is the key to conversion.
Session 4 of 12:
The Roadblock
The following exercises are to help us go deeper into thinking like a customer, really
getting inside of their needs, and really trying to associate into the powerful emotional
drivers that get us to take action.
EXERCISE: The Emotional Comfort Zone:
We each have a zone of comfort we stay within emotionally. If we get outside our
emotional comfort zone well do ANYTHING to get back into it.
When designing a Conversion Process you must identify where and why your prospect is
outside of their Emotional Comfort Zone and what THEY think the path is to get back
into their Comfort Zone. Once youve identified this important leverage point, you can
design your communication around it.
1. Where is your prospect outside of their emotional comfort zone?
2. Why does your prospect think the problem is happening?
3. What does your prospect think they need to do in order to get back inside their
emotional comfort zone?
4. How does your product/service get your prospect back into their emotional
comfort zone quickly and easily that SOUNDS believable, valuable and doable?
Were not talking logic here. Were talking instant gratification to meet an emotional
need. These are fantasies. This is not reality.
Now, the next exercise is about camping out in their nightmares.
EXERCISE: The Worst Than Worst-Case Scenario:
People rarely consider the real worst-case scenario when facing a problem, challenge or
situation in their lives thats affecting them emotionally.
By thinking a few levels deeper you can uncover powerful leverage points and
emotionally-motivating ideas that can help you persuade your Prospect.
1. Whats the worst-case scenario that your Prospect thinks is real world?
2. What are several levels deeper of worst-case scenario that your Prospect hasnt
even considered?
Lastly, the following exercise is kind of where this line of thinking is going
EXERCISE: The Roadblock That Stops Life From Working:
When we run into problems, frustrations, strong desires etc. combined with urgency in
life, our focus begins to narrow and the size of the issue grows right before our eyes -
to the point where it becomes a sort of roadblock that prevents us from being able to
see past it.
When we face strong irrational drives, fears and desires, we often pull in and isolate
ourselves and try to fix or solve our emotional drive in secret (especially when were
facing a problem we perceive as serious or threatening).
If youve ever received an audit letter from the IRS, a notice of a lawsuit being filed
against you, a home foreclosure letter from your bank... or youve had a loved-one who
didnt return home and was missing for a period of time... then youve experienced this
Its important to remember that YOUR Prospect is probably having a similar experience
in their life (if youve done a good job of choosing a niche, a market and a product well).
Use this exercise to pinpoint your Prospects roadblock - so you can use it as your
central communication and leverage point:
1. From your Prospects perspective, what is their Roadblock thats preventing
their life from working and moving forward?
2. What will happen beyond the Roadblock if your Prospect can get past it, and
how can you use this information in your sales and conversion communications?
An example of a roadblock may be the example Eben gave of his cell-phone not working,
or feeling hunger and not being able to think about anything elseso we, as evolved
people trying to help our prospect, need to get into this mindset the prospect is probably
in with their issue probably being the biggest issue in their world.
The illusion of a roadblock in the middle of the road and not being able to get past it until
it is solve it.
Thats what this is all about. Identifying that big deal thing thats becoming larger and
looming in their lives that seems to block them from, not only making progress in their
life, but even seeing the future.
Whatever the roadblock is, how does it materialize out here in the real world that is the
symbolic representation of the roadblock or of the problem? Because when you think
conceptually, you abstract and you talk to no one and they cant hear you.
Breast Cancer: Lump = Symbolic representation of the whole thing so having a
product on How to prevent the next lump from ever showing up rather than a
product on how to prevent recurrence since recurrence is an abstract
conceptual idea and a lump is something thats here now and worried about and
As a woman it makes sense to have a system that prevents lumps from occurring
whereas prevent recurrence sounds less real. If the lump is the issue and she just cant
stop thinking about finding another lump and you say This is the regimen you do to
prevent the next lump and they can sigh and put that lump off and they can get on with
their life. Thats what makes people buy and convert cause its tangible and makes sense.
You want to see if you can find the largest group of your customers that are
homogenous enough that you can talk one on one and all of them feel theyre
being spoken to as an individual.
Prevent lump breast cancer immediately eliminates all men and all people who dont
have breast cancer or that isnt concerned with breast cancer. But the payoff is you can
communicate and talk right to the person. If youre a woman, had breast cancer, are
worried about the lump, and its A step by step system to prevent the next lump from
ever showing up, thats a laser beam talking directly to her since no one else talks like
that, whereas I have a system to prevent cancer recurrence, it doesnt sound to her
like youre talking to her.
Conversation problems with women, the bait is the Pick up Line and that
attracts the target audience (even though its not what solves the problem at all
since the conversation is only the tiniest piece BUT THEY THINK thats the
solution) From their perspective theres always a pick up line or phone
number or some little tiny thing thats not the equation at all but it represents it
in their mind.
A trainer came into a chimp cage and put some food under a rock. The chimp saw
the food being placed under the rock. The chimp was let out of the cage
eventually and tried to get the food out from under the rock but couldnt and then
another trainer came into the cage and the chimp got the human to lift the rock so
it could get the food. All the chimp was thinking about the whole time was Food
Under The Rock. So the question were asking here is: WHATS THE FOOD
UNDER THE ROCK?What gets them outside of the emotional comfort zone?
Roadblock = Little list that needs to be big. [Having a successful product launch
isnt about how big your list is its about how many great partners who have all
their lists that are going to endorse you to their list.
Most people are thinking the wrong thing. They think the problem is their small list. So
you communicate differently to them. As well, you communicate differently to someone
who thinks their problem is they need more JVs and others to promote the list.
For the person who thinks the small list is the roadblock you say How to get a big list,
cause thats what they think the issue is. To them, the whole cause-effect relationship is
If I can get a big list = lots of money. Thats their reality.
The message that makes sense to show up with is I know you tried the PL, I know you
did okay, I know you know you could do $1M PL, and we both know if you had a bigger
list you could do it, and I can help you get the bigger list so we can do the $1M PL.
Then theyll go Thats exactly what I need. And if you do a good pre-launch
and have good content partners want to give to their lists, youll build a big list as
part of the product launch, and youll have a bigger product launch.
So roadblock= little list that needs to be big. And thats what their thinking about. How
do I make my little list bigger. You would need to walk in with a hat on that says Get
Your Bigger List Here. Push button bigger lists for $1M PLs right here. All
the other stuff doesnt make sense to the person who all they think about is the
As experts we want to say No no, no you think its your list but its not its this you got
to get more JV partners and by doing this as an expert you break rapport, youre not in
sync with them anymore, and they go What are you talking about? I did my PL, Im
smart We ALL on average think were smarter, have more social skills, etc than the
average person.
Roadblock = Doctor [No one thinks its their fault or that they caused it or that its
that their responsibility. No one thinks the problem is because they did or didnt
do something. In this case, they think its the Doctors fault cause the doctor
doesnt know how to fix their back.
And the roadblock becomes the doctor, and they have a whole story theyve made up that
they use and they get all sorts of secondary payoffs cause they get to complain so they get
benefits so they dont really want their back fixed else they wouldnt get attention and
sympathy etc.
Session 5 of 12:
Narrowing Your Focus
And Eliminating Non-Prospects
The risk of insult is the price of clarity.
Don't worry about the dogs, concentrate on selling the foxes. Talk to the 1 out of 100 that
will pull out their wallet and buy, and you'll be confident and persuasive to that 1, and it
might offend others. On the surface pushing away non-prospects doesn't seem to make
sense, but when you track, it does.
EXERCISE: Drill Down To Narrow Your Focus:
Youve probably heard of the Pareto Principle. It states that 80% of the results in any
system typically come from 20% of the efforts (and 20% of the results come from 80% of
the efforts).
If you can identify the 20% of your effort that is delivering 80% of the results, you can
get massive LEVERAGE. In the world of Sales and Conversion, one element or aspect of
your message creates most of the impact - while the rest is relatively un-motivating.
To identify the most motivating elements of your Conversion System, Drill Down and
find the 20% of your message that carries the most powerful emotional impact. Then
Drill Down AGAIN.
Keep going until youve gotten to the level where you are SURE youve become too
specific - then zoom back out one level and work from there. This same technique also
works well when choosing a niche, identifying a target audience, etc.
1. Start with the aspect of your message that you feel is most compelling and
motivating - then ask yourself: How can I eliminate 80%, and only leave the most
compelling 20%?
2. Repeat the above exercise again...
3. Repeat one more time... (and keep going until you reach a level that is obviously
too narrow to make sense)
So if you want to go into the Health/Fitness niche, the question is how do we drill down
to the 20% who are most motivated looking for solutions they don't feel they have
options for and you can help them with so its a good prospect to product match?
So, men or women? Age group? What type of health/fitness do you help with? Lose
weight, gain muscle, increase energy, getting sick less? This helps drill down.
Now, what you teach may be good for everyone, but a Man who wants to Put On More
Muscle isn't motivated by 'I help anyone with fitness'.
When you have a headache you want headache medication - not ear medication and not a
jar they says 'medicine' generally. A cure-all is the equivalent of 'medicine'. No good. The
prospect wants the 'headache pill'.
The rub is that the 'medicine' may be way better than the headache pill and may be a
miracle cure, but it doesn't matter because it doesn't SOUND better or perceived better
than the pill at first glance.
The law of evolution is that all categories diverge and niche and become multiple
categories. We're trying to think narrowly here. What is it about your message that's
compelling to your prospect and then drill down to find that 20% that is most emotionally
compelling. Then drill into that to find the sliver that is most emotionally compelling.
EXERCISE: Alienate Everyone But Your Prospect:
Possibly the most common and damaging mistake that experts make when marketing
themselves and their products is trying to be all things to all people.
Most of the solutions that experts offer can help most people in their lives - so the expert
thinks that its logical to try to persuade everyone to buy their advice and products. The
problem with this approach is that people like to buy things that seem like they were
made just for them - not things that were made for everyone.
Consider this idea: If you talk to everyone, no one will hear you. As you create your
Conversion Plan, become so clear about who your prospect is, the benefits you offer them
and the tone you use to communicate that its OBVIOUS to those who arent your
Prospect that THIS ISNT FOR THEM.
1. What would you say and how would you say it if your product was for everyone,
and you were treating all Prospects like one big mass of humans?
2. What would you say and how would you say it if you were talking to ONE
particular prospect that was a representative Avatar of your narrowly targeted
"Headache pill" immediately eliminates and alienates everyone not interested in headache
or pill. 'Breast Lump' immediately eliminates all men and all women that aren't concerned
about breast cancer. Instead of just narrowing focus we're trying to have a figure ground
shift here such that instead of just narrowing focus we're going to eliminate the non-
Were figuring out how to communicate so if someones not a good customer
they immediately know 'this isn't for me'.
The default most people use is talking to their prospect but also leaving it open so other
people who might possibly be interested will keep listening. This just dilutes your
You're talking to everyone, you're unclear, not focused, not taking a point of view, and
you're not showing you have a perspective.
Talk in a way that alienates your non-prospect. Talk in a way to your prospective
customer so as soon as you start talking, anyone who isn't a great prospect for your
business says 'that's clearly not for me'.
The reason you want to say specific, concrete, and material things is they sound more
believable and they can be verified for truth. The ingredients in products are killing you
is one thing, but to say the Sodium Lauryl Sulfate in Pantene is killing you is more
believable because the brain goes I can look right now online and figure out if thats
Its 1000x more credible and believable cause its specific and can be checked out.
So get this: When you say general things, they dont sound believable. Generalizations
sounds fake. Anything abstract or conceptual sounds like puffery AND the prospect has to
decode what you mean. Your message is true, but you have to say it in a way that
SOUNDS trueand specificity, concrete, verifiable things SOUND true. Specific and
measurable sounds true.
Its one thing to say to a man If you dont know how to get a date, you feel lack of
confidence, you dont feel like yourself, and you dont feel like all you can be in life. If
you buy my book Ill show you how to feel great and how to feel confident. Buy it.
But its a whole another thing to say to a man Give me $20 and Ill show you how to
walk up to any woman in any situation and walk away with her phone number in
3 minutes or less.
To the guy who doesnt know you, the latter means the former because thats where
he is right now. A man with the problem isnt even thinking about all that other stuff,
and instead has something, ONE THING, that would symbolize and represent
it all.
This is the thing that means all the other stuff. Thats what they MEAN. So you
have to find the stuff that means my life is back on track.
The symbol for womens weight loss is putting on the pair of skinny jeans that used to fit.
They keep the skinny jeans around thinking one day theyll fit back into them. You need
to find your version of the skinny jeans. Skinny jeans is not abstract like be who I
A woman who types in Google Divorce Recovery, they all on average have something
that represents what recovered means, and its something REAL. Remember how we
put the blame on someone else? Its the Doctors fault I have back pain. Its their
fault out there, its not me in here. Well, most people think the solution to their
problemis something out there.
By definition, when shes typing in Divorce Recovery shes looking outside of herself.
If your prospect is looking for solutions, they believe the solution is outside of them. So
dont give them conceptual stuff. They are not looking for a bunch of concepts. Theyre
looking for something that can be the magic bullet or specific result they want.
In terms of alienating non-prospects you could say For divorced women only or
Divorce recovery for women. Talking to a way thats ONLY to your prospect serves
both purposes. Looked at the other way, saying How do I alienate my non-prospect?
How do I make sure that anyone whos not qualified stops right at the beginning right up
front and doesnt read past the first 3 or 4 words? will have you saying things like For
divorced women only.
This kind of thing works well in marketing. This waves a flag that says This is just for
you. If you could add to this, whatever the cookie it is they really want (the thing that
represents everything) say, its getting asked out you might end up with: For
divorced women only: How to get your first date quickly / How to get your first date after
divorce in less than 30 days.
This talks directly to the prospect, says what it is, and promises them the thing they think
is the solution they want.
If it promises them the benefit they think theyre looking for, this is super
compelling. Asking them what do you think the solution is? What were you looking
for? is key.
Most people with challenges or problems think they understand the problem and to some
extent they think they understand the solution. Even if theyre saying I dont know what
to do, they usually still have some idea of what they think its going to be. So you got to
get into their world.
Session 6 of 12:
Conversion Architecture
Your value proposition is a connection between the need your customer has and the value
you offer them.
These are 2 different things and its your job to build a bridge between these 2 concepts.
Need | Offer
The equation is what are you offering that meets their need and how much does it cost.
A simplified example of value proposition the basic proposition of value:
Need (customer has / wants): fear, approach, phone #, date
Offer (the value you deliver): eBook, download, $20
Value proposition: If youd like to learn to overcome fear, approach women and start
conversations, and get dates, buy my eBook. You can download it in 3 minutes. Its only
$20 and I will teach you step by step how to overcome your fear, approach women, get
phone numbers, get dates. $20 and downloaded in less than 3 minutes gets you all the
stuff you want.
If youre this guy (in the Need section) and I say Give me $20, download my eBook and
youll be reading in 3 minutes how to do all the stuff on the needs side you can go out
and use it tonight money back guarantee
This will work especially if the $20 is Try It Free For A Week. This makes the
proposition of value irresistible. The value proposition talks to exactly what they want,
you get what you need.
So the question is, what is your version of this?
EXERCISE: Conversion Architecture...Your "Value Proposition":
When youre beginning to create a new Conversion process - whether it be a sales
presentation, a sales letter, a telephone script, etc. - its important to be able to see the
bigger picture of how the entire process lines up... and how it will be received by
your prospective customer.
Start out by creating a basic Value Proposition that summarizes your prospective
customer, their need, your story, your product and how it all fits together - in a way that
will make sense to a Prospective Customer.
One of the biggest mistakes I see (and I see it in almost all marketing that I review) is that
the basic need of the customer, the basic marketing/sales message, the basic offer and the
product/service itself dont line up.
In other words, whatever you use as bait to get the customer to come to your website,
when they get there, theyre not seeing the thing they saw in the bait. Theres a
disconnect and it doesnt all line up. There needs to be congruence so you dont lose the
If you know the Needs of your prospect is fear, date, phone #, etc. then everything you
say in your conversion process is going to keep coming back to these things. Your story
from your past must say this is a technique I used to get dates etc. and you keep coming
back to those exact Needs and saying them over and over and over again.
When youre in a roadblock or anxiety in your life and cant imagine getting past it,
you cant hear the object of your desire too much (the Needs). It never gets old. If
you hear it specifically over, and over, and over, and over, at some point you go
wow this person gets me.
Tell them what youre going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what you told them and
be clear about it.
If youre selling a lawnmower, then you need to talk about lawns and lawnmowers in
your headline, your story, your bullets, your offer, your guarantee, your price...
REMEMBER: If you want to get and keep your prospects attention, you must line up
your entire message in a way that both keeps their attention and persuades them from
start to finish. Start with the Value Proposition, and fill in from there.
1. What is the basic summary of your Prospect, their need, your story, your product
and the benefit it offers and your basic Value Proposition?
2. Which part of your Value Proposition is weak or unclear - that could use
tightening up?
To create an experience someone might go through in 10 minutes, it might take you a
year of work to tweak it and tune it and get it to the point where it just really works
optimally. It takes a lot of attention and intention.
Energy Bell Training: Double your energy, Lose weight, and do it in half the
time of normal exercise
Get a proposal before she gets too old + Using your education to your advantage
when attracting Mr Right + Why an older woman whos educated has an
advantage in the marriage market = Buy our video training program. Well
show you how to use your age and education to your advantage and get Mr. Right
to give you a proposal
Session 7 of 12:
Core Persuasion Formula: Pace > Lead
And Consultative Selling
Customers just want the payoffs from the results or outcomes.
Products and techniques and more are just in the way from the customers perspective.
We believe we have the key technique, but to them its not that fancy and valuable.
Having a system that helps people out of their problems is just a ticket that gets you into
the game.
The game itself is attracting prospects to you, convincing them you have the goods, and
in fact building so much value they want to give you money in exchange, and then you
get them to do the things you know are the right things to do.
Its so easy to think we have the answer when it usually comes down to something were
not thinking about a pain, frustration, or obstacle in their path their fixated on, they
dont know what it will take to solve the problem, they have idealized fantasies, and you
go to pull them in, build trust and credibility, show them what they dont know, get them
emotionally motivated to spend money with you, and then deliver a high quality product
or service that gets them to use it.
And NONE OF THIS has anything to do with whether you know what youre talking
about when it comes to their actual problem.
Theyre separate domains of knowledge.
Theoretical knowledge is what you arrive at by moving symbols, stories and math around
in your head and you say this is the way it works in my head, so this is the way it should
be in reality.
Pragmatic knowledge is when you go out and do something a bunch of times, you see
what happens, and say when you do this heres what happens. The point? Get out
there and try this stuff.
Interact and listen to what your customers are saying since theyll give you the pieces of
the puzzle and keys to selling them stuff with their words, voice tone, and gestures. We
mark out / emphasize the words and ideas that are important to us we say them a little
louder or more often.
If you just listen to people, within 5 minutes youll pick up a few of their words that are
their words.
Someones name is the most powerful thing you can say to someone because it is what
represents them to them. Thats the symbol for them (is their name). Thats why using
their name in communication is useful and can increase response by itself. Your
prospects have words their saying and using and theyre marking them out.
By asking whats your biggest fear/frustration want/aspiration? Whats your
desire? Whats the outcome youd like to achieve? What are you worried about?
youll hear the patterns when they tell you. Youll hear them and they wont know
theyre saying them. Youll hear it when you listen. Theyll mark out.
But most of us are in the conversation and not above the conversation watching it and
listening for the elements, so we dont observe this. Your customers are saying things and
youre not hearing them. So listen carefully and look for the patterns.
You need to go on a date with 100s of your prospective customers to understand them
and get it. So, theres a difference between knowledge that is theoretical and pragmatic.
Bet on what works in reality, not what works in your mind. Doing it in your mind and
then it just works that way out in reality is one thing, but were not dealing with
mechanistic and mathematics were dealing with humans.
So lets start learning about persuasion
EXERCISE: The Core Persuasion Formula: Pace > Lead:
Human beings respond well to people that they like and trust - that they feel understand
them and are in sync with them.
The field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming has developed a simple formula for getting
into rapport with another person, and then leading them in the direction you want them
to go.
The formula is: Pace > Lead.
FIRST, pace the other person. Get in sync with the others physical, emotional and
logical realities. Match your physical appearance, posture, breathing, voice tone and
rhythms to them. Next, put yourself in the same mood that theyre in and begin
communicating this mood through your body language, gestures and words.
Finally, put yourself into the frame of mind that the other person is in, and see if you can
THINK like them. Again, communicate this mindset to the other, and combine with the
emotional and physical characteristics that youre mirroring.
SECOND, lead the other person. Choose a baby step that youd like them to take
physically, emotionally or logically - from where they are right now. Make sure that this
step makes sense as a next step for them to take from wherever they are. Remember,
1. What is your Prospects current reality that you could pace and get into
rapport with?
2. What next Baby Step toward buying could you lead your Prospect to take?
A simple version of this could be a headline that says Your back pain is your Doctors
Fault! But if you do this one simple thing it might make your back pain go away
Doctors fault paces the current reality and a simple thing that might work is a
baby step.
Stop just telling people what to do. Start getting into their reality with them and say
Yes Im in here with you, were looking out together on the same side of the table,
we have the same perspective, AND hey, let me show you this other cool little thing
Get in touch with their physical, emotional, and mental realities and rhythms. We have
100s of rhythms and cycles we humans have going on inside us simultaneously. (E.g.
blinking, breath, heart beat, etc.)
Getting into synchronization with the rhythms of other humans on physical, emotional
and mental levels allows you to enter into that reality their living in a tangible way. This
is an abstract version of entering someones house.
After this, you lead them. You dont try to lead someone by telling them youre doing
the wrong thing do this instead, its the right thing. You pace and get into their reality
with them, and then you take a baby step in some direction.
This Pace > Lead formula is so powerful you can do almost anything with people with it.
Once you have rapport with someone, where you feel like you really understand each
other and have some trust built between you, theyll do almost anything you tell them to
do. Part of this involves mirror neurons. Do not use this to just get your own needs met in
ego orchimp fashionconsciously use this.
Mirror neurons allow for a powerful learning process we have. The challenge is that
almost everything we do, feel and think was learned that way from others without our
conscious awareness of it.
And then we stitch together a whole story about how we chose to be the way we are and
how we chose our values and all this kind of stuff. But we didnt. Almost all of us just
got them programmed from other people and then we told our self a story that stitches it
all together and has it make sense to us so we dont feel like were sheep.
Were smart sheep and that allows us to rationalize the whole thing. Gurdjieff said Man
Is A Machine and that we can do NOTHING. But the realization of our machine-ness is
the one way out, of watching it, beginning to observe it, and watching channel self
chimp and watching how we walk through life habitually doing what we always
physically, emotionally, and mentally do.
Same patterns.
And even when we have illusion of choosing things, its just the three choices you had
yesterday mixed up for variety. The only way to wake up from the machine-ness is to
wake up, observe it, and the more you observe it over time, you wake up a little and
realize there I am doing my machine chimp thing again.
And the more constant awareness of it you have, the more you can direct the chimp a
little bit.
Laughing is an example of this as one function to sound to the other human chimps
within a radius I want to bond with you and be social lets be friends as an
unconscious way of saying that to those around you. Thats ONE of the functions of
So next time you laugh, notice yourself laughing and ask: what am I doing right now?
Whats really going on under the surface? Why am I signaling to these human chimps I
want to bond with them? Notice when you laugh at things that arent funny and then
others laugh at the laughter. This is all pacing and leading that naturally happens.
Were machines. Were asleep. Were walking around in this reality thinking were
awake, but were not were in a shared dream we make up that were awake in.
This brings to bare a responsibility for you as you see we all walk through our lives
responding to cues behaving like human chimp sheep, and thus the more control you
have over the situation and the more you need to take responsibility to help all of us to
get to the next level as a lot of the big issues and challenges were facing this is the core
of it. Were mechanistically living our lives as a machine.
EXERCISE: The Consultative Selling Model and Approach:
Most experts think of selling as 2nd-class work.
Theyd rather be shot than have someone think of them as a salesman. The reality is
that professional selling is a process of understanding your Prospect, helping them get
clarity on their situation, finding their underlying motivators, and matching their needs
with a solution that can truly help them.
Use this worksheet to do a Consultative Selling Interview with a partner.
As you ask questions, seek SPECIFICITY. This is critical. Also, note the specific words
that your partner emphasizes and marks out (mark them with a star as you take notes) -
as these are often the words that will most persuade them.
Notice how the process of asking questions gives you all of the information you need to
help your Prospect buy - and helps you to avoid objections and rejection at the same time.
1. Whats your biggest problem or frustration right now?
2. What other problems is that causing or leading to?
3. What have you tried so far to solve your problem?
4. What would happen in your life if you solved [Prospects problem]?
5. What would it be worth to you, or what would you be willing to do to solve
[Prospects problem]?
6. [Summarize and repeat back what you heard, in your Prospects words - then ask
Do you feel like I understand and get your situation?
In the exercise above, notice emotional words and words they mark out.
Before you ask the next questions, say a summarized version of their answer so that
youre always pacing, then leading, pacing, then leading so you communicate I
understand you. Communicate it back in their words. Pace, lead, pace, lead, pace, lead.
I ts a beautiful and amazing experience To Be Asked and To Be Understood
Why dont we do this more? Maybe cause we think we know it all and we get it and
people should do what we want them to do because were really smart.
When you pace people, they dont see you as copying them, they see you as listening to
them and it sounds to them like you get it. If you speak to someone in English, you dont
go uh oh theyre going to know Im speaking English to them.
So, When you use someones voice tone or gestures, its just like you both speaking
English, but a more specific level of understanding and connection.
In terms of expertise, in the scheme of things, it doesnt matter whether you know or
dont know what youre talking about all that matters is your prospect feels like
you know what youre talking about. And it doesnt even matter if they feel like you
know what youre talking about. All that matters is they feel theyre going to get the
result they want. Thats it.
What the SPIN selling methodology allows is for someone who probably has only
considered bits and pieces of a situation to see the gestalt of the situation for the first
time. So it really helps them in a lot of ways.
And what a lot of the above is saying is our expertise is the problem. Its what we know
that aint so thats the issue. Its getting in the way of good marketing. What we know
in our expertise aint so on the marketing side.
You cant solve a relationship problem with a bunch of logic. Different worlds. Our own
expertise gets in our way. In the E-Myth, the entrepreneurial myth is that its
entrepreneurs that start businesses, but its really technicians that often start businesses.
A poodle clipping woman starts a poodle clipping store, or a chef starts a restaurant, and
the technicians say I can do it better and make more money and their expertise is the
To start a poodle clipping business its probably a disadvantage to know how to clip a
poodle well since if you dont then you HAVE to get poodles clipped as part of running
the business which is only a piece of running the business.
Now, being really awesome at what you do has advantages, but we must forget this
for a while and take off our expertise and talk to customers and figure out what they
want cause at this other level your expertise doesnt matter and all that matters is
THEM and where theyre atand only from there, the realization that expertise is
blinding us, do we really have the ability to use both.
Session 8 of 12:
Benefits And Emotional Currency
Theres a distinction between your stuff and their need.
Now we need to see the distinction between Features, Advantages, and Benefits.
EXERCISE: Features Advantages Benefits:
The confusion of Features, Advantages, and Benefits causes business owners to lose a lot
of money because they talk about their products and services in terms that sound good
to themselves but not to Prospects.
Consider this distinction between Features, Advantages, and Benefits: Feature (what it
is): Air Conditioning. Advantage (what it does): Cools the air in your car. Benefit (what
the customer experiences, the payoff): Stay comfortable in your car on a hot day.
When selling info and knowledge, you must remember your Prospect doesnt want to
buy info and knowledge. They want to buy RESULTS.
They want an Outcome that has a Payoff for them. They dont want information. The
information is a means. Just as we dont want money, we want the things money will buy
us. Its a means to buy other stuff.
Wanting just money is like saying I want words. Words arent worth anything
themselves and are a medium of exchange to get knowledge back and forth.
In the information Product Guru world, we could call Features techniques, we could
call Advantages results, and we could call Benefits payoffs. The Guru is fixated on
the technique, and the Prospect is fixated on the result and the payoff they receive. In
fact, to your Prospect, your product and techniques are obstacles to their result and
Use this exercise to turn Features into Advantages and Benefits (in this case, well use
our industry focused language and turn Techniques into Results and Payoffs)
Technique | Result | Payoff
Selling features brings about objections. Objections also come because the prospect
doesnt know how to translate the features into benefits in their mind. Rather than how
awesome you are and the techniques, its more valuable to talk about the outcomes
theyre going to get and how fast and easy its going to be.
Focus on advantages and benefits that are really meaningful to the customer, not just any
advantage or benefitbecause a feature can have many things it does and many different
benefits. So what are the results and payoffs that are very relevant and highly emotional
for your prospect or customer?
Understand: The skills were learning here were calling Conversion and Marketing
Skills, but theyre really Life and Communication Skills.
When we communicate with other human beings we talk about ourselves and what we
know and whats in it for us in words that make sense to us. We dont listen to them and
their reality and speak to them about whats in it for them and the benefit to them.
What do they want and why do they want it and what are their motivations for it? Then
you structure the whole deal around their needs and what they want. They rarely ask what
you want since its just assumed youll get something.
This isnt about a system to set rates so you can feel confident and enjoy life. This
is about how to make $150/Hr with a technique so you can get $150 for every
hour that you work so you can have a cushion so in case something happens
youre okay financially and your family is okay financially.
Speaking his language + Higher probability of him proposing = This Bullet A 5
word phrase to say to a man that will instantly make him think about proposing to
you ... the key here is its so specific. Its a 5-word phrase. Youre so close to it
you can taste it.
On Currency: Now, the main currencies we have to work with when selling info
products are Words and Pictures.
Those are the keys. What were mastering here is the words. We could thus think of the
whole currency of the transaction as words. In our minds we add meaning to words and
associate words to each other and we actually think they mean what we think they mean.
So, we think the word Apple means a shiny pieces of a fruit you get off a tree. We think
thats what it actually means. Most people are unconscious to this process. We dont
realize its an arbitrary sound that we make and that its pretty weird for an animal to be
making a sound and then connecting it to an image in their brain. So we dont think about
this and we just do it and it happens unconsciously.
Now, just as words are the currency of thought and what were using here, money is the
currency of the economy and trade and transactions and business.
$1 and $100 bill are not two different things. They just have a different message printed
on them. Its not like the difference between a match box car and a space shuttle. The
message thats printed on the paper is the difference between a $1 and $100 bill, and the
asset isnt there anymore.
So its a combination of the message printed on the bill and the IMAGINARY VALUE
THAT WE ATTRIBUTE TO IT. The difference isnt that theyre actually worth any
different. Its not like having a chunk of rock and a chunk of gold of the same size. The
gold can be utilized. But the two pieces of paper with the two messages on them, its not
like that.
The difference in value is the message and the imaginary meaning and value we humans
put on it. There isnt any asset it represents, no gold standard, and its ALL
If you had a printing press in your basement and it printed $20 bills, would you go print
some off? Yes. And thats what were doing.
Thats what we do as a country. Oh, an emergency! Fire up the printing presses! $700B?
Whatever, well run an extra shift. But no one says But wait, when we do that, that
makes MY $100 bill worth $93, and it doesnt make sense to me that wed do that
But we dont do that. This is the way its really happening out there. Well, we get to play
on that level in our own individual lives, in our own relationship and business economies,
with words. Because the words are the currency in our info product business. The
words are the currency.
Thats how we translate our information, thats how we translate the value of our
messages, of our information products, and its the main currency we use. If you could
take all the $1 bills you own and instantly turn them into $100 bills, youd do it.
And you CAN do this, except its one level removed.
Instead of using all the words you use that are $1 words, you can start using $100 words.
And it doesnt cost you anything. Same amount of breathits like the difference
between $1 bill and $100 bill.
And when you use $100 words, you get $100 responses so it can actually turn into $100
bills. See, different words have different emotional value and different significance. And
most of the words we use are not that compelling and not that valuable.
You can prove this using a google adwords account and start split testing headlines. One
will outperform the other.
What are the things the customer doesnt want more than anything? What are the
words theyre using to describe them? This is key. So make a list of 20 of the most
emotional words and terms your prospect uses to describe their problem, their
situation, the outcome they want, their frustration, and all of the most emotional
words and terms.
Make a list of 20 now.
Next, go down the list and give each word a value between 1 and 100 to judge its
emotional impact value from the customers perspective. Emotional impact value.
How much does it trigger emotion automatically when your prospect hears it. Youll
notice the higher emotional value words are more specific and real. To add a
dimension to your high emotional value words, make them Crystal Clear
Compelling Communication:
Rational |-------|-------| Irrational
Logical |-------|-------| Emotional
Theory |-------|-------| Result
Abstract |-------|-------| Concrete
Internal |-------|-------| External
General |-------|-------| Specific
Confusing |-------|-------| Clear
Misunderstood |-------|-------| Understood
Anything youre thinking of saying, put it through 2 quick tests
1. Give it a 1 to 100 emotional impact value and
2. Put it on the Crystal Clear Communication list and compare and see if you can
make it irrational, emotional, result oriented, concrete, external, specific, clear and
I f it passes both these tests, youve got a $100bill word or phrase and are operating
with a high value currency.
EXERCISE EXAMPLES (From The 3 Big Niches):
Health Ideal Weight versus Weight versus Fat versus Fat Ass
Relationships Disloyal Relationship versus Disloyal versus Cheat versus
Cheating Bastard
Money Legal Profession versus Legal versus Lawsuit versus Sleazy
and Aggressive Lawyer
Taking words and adding other words can turn them up and down cause theyre always
used in a context. So you can neuter your power words by putting other words around
them that arent that powerful, so make sure you stay in there with those power words.
Session 9 of 12:
Fascinations And Marketable Products
EXERCISE: The Formula For Fascination:
To achieve a high level of success selling info products and knowledge, its not enough to
have a good product, and its not enough to be able to communicate the benefits of your
You must learn to FASCINATE your Prospective Customer. All buying decisions start
first with the capturing and focusing of our attention. Use this formula to capture and lead
your prospects attention, build their curiosity, and create fascination and desire
Begin with one of your techniques that solves a big problem or offers a huge benefit. Add
a generous amount of instant gratification. Finally, put it all together in a phrase that
creates curiosity by promising the payoff but not giving away the entire technique.
The formula for creating FASCINATION is: Specific Benefit + Instant Gratification
+ Intense Curiosity.
A key element of the marketing process is generating a list of bullets that are written in
this style, then building around them. The art involved here has to do with the level of
specificity that you use when describing your benefit and your technique, as well as the
emotional words and phrases you employ in your bullets, headlines or other Fascination
Bullet Formulas:
Start with a problem your prospect would like to solve or an outcome theyd like to
Next, add how you solve it.
Finally, include the result/payoff or benefit that your customer will receive. As an
Problem: Dont know how to tell if a woman is ready to be kissed
Solution: The Kiss Test
Result/Payoff Benefit: Successfully kiss her, avoid rejection and loss of progress
[NOTE: You can communicate in 3 basic ways: Statements, Questions, Actions or
Theory, Questions, Action Steps and well mix them up a bit so you can see how they
FORMULA #1: How To [Get Payoff/Avoid Pain]
Statement: How to tell if a woman is ready to be kissed without being rejected.
Question: How can you tell if a woman is ready to be kissed? Inside, youll learn exactly
what to look for so you know when to kiss her without being rejected.
Action: Try this: If you want to know if shes ready to be kissed, watch her eyes if
shes looking at your lips, then shes probably ready. Inside, Ill show you an even
BETTER way to tell that works every time.
FORMULA #2: Why [Benefit Happens/Pain Happens]
Why women get upset when you try and kiss them (and how to avoid it)
Why do women get upset when you try to kiss them? Heres the MAIN mistake
men make that causes women to reject them on the spot
FORMULA #3: What [Demystifies Benefit/Pain]
What to look for to tell if a woman wants you to kiss her
FORMULA #4: When [To Act To Get Benefit/Avoid Pain]
When to kiss a woman (and when not to) if you dont know when its best to
kiss her, shell probably push you away. Use this simple test to figure out if shes
FORMULA #5: Where [To Go/Move To Get Benefit/Avoid Pain]
Wheres the best place to kiss a woman? On a date? In the car? Ill show you the
one place to never kiss a woman (because it almost always fails) and the one
place that works every time.
FORMULA #6: Number Of [Ways To Get Benefit/Avoid Pain]
3 easy ways to figure out if a woman is ready to be kissed.
FORMULA #7: Benefit-Named Solution [Product/Technique With
Payoff/Pain Avoidance Implied In Name]
The Kiss Test: How easily to tell if a woman is ready to be kissed without risking
Understand that the underlying variations of all 3 communication is How To Get A
Payoff or Avoid A Pain.
And with each bullet you add a little more sophistication and a little more curiosity. And
just like emotion value of words you write a whole bunch of bullets and throw out the
weak ones and just keep the really strong ones.
Also, in the formulas above, we just took the words How, What, Why, How, When,
Where and made 5 bullet formulas just so you can see how these formats can work.
So you use the same concept, but matching their reality and entering his model of
Each of the 7 formulas above appeal to different parts of your psychology and emotions
and push different parts of your brain even though its saying the same thing they have
different sensibilities, yet were saying the same thing.
Keep your eye out for other formulas in magazines, tabloids, and other locations! We
want all these formulas since were communicating with a lot of different people and we
need to say things that will appeal to everyone, but will really push the buttons of the
main styles of learners.
So take the Features Advantages Benefits exercise take the one youve refined the most,
and create 7 fascinations based on these 7 formulas.
What never to eat on an airplane
Bills its okay to pay late
Mel Martin Ads
Two famous cold remedies that make you sicker if taken together
One of Ebens favorite angles when writing marketing is to imply that the thing
your doing to fix the problem is actually making the problem worse.
Normal everyday words being used to arouse such a high level of curiosity that you cant
help yourself. 1 bullet can be more powerful than entire sales letters.
Mel Martin would create 1 bullet per article, and he created sales letters of bullets and
then Boardroom would create the book and find the articles to support the bullets,
because they knew marketing was more important than reality.
Before you create a product, ask: How is this going to be
Because you want to build the product so its marketable. You want to build products that
market themselves. You want to make products that all you have to do is start telling
them whats in it and they go Okay Ill take one - Sold.
If you take on clients, you want a product that sells itself. You want to look for clients
that have products that are amazing, but they dont quite get marketing so they cant
explain the great product.
Whats the secret were trying to communicate here?
The product is the marketing. If you design your product using all the tools were
learning here, itll be easier to sell and itll sell itself.
So if you help people get out of debt and youre designing a 10 step product for them,
take step 1 and use everything were talking about here to actually build the step and
make what they learn pull them in with curiosity, use high emotion value words, engage
them, talk to them in their language, make everything compelling, the whole time through
youre telling them to do something tell them what the payoff is going to be and what
theyll get out of it, keep it right in front of them.
I have a great product and now I just need good marketing = backwards thinking
and why most experts who really know what theyre talking about ending with no
one hearing them and they dont get their knowledge out to the world because it
was designed backwards.
Be an expert in marketing and sales, and then turn loose on the area you want to study
and become an expert in so you bring a sales/marketing paradigm to it. In acquiring
expertise youd think Can I sell this? Would anyone want to buy this?
Okay, then within this niche where are the areas in high demand? Use the words and
ideas that are compelling to other people. This is how you make business successful and
elevate yourself.
We often fail because we prevent ourselves from getting to the next level.
The idea that you cant somehow find a way to say Use my 10 easy steps to become
Spielberg or if the irrational, emotional, result oriented, concrete, external, specific,
clear and understood thing a filmmaker wants is an Academy Award that would be the
icon or symbol that means everything they want, the fact that you dont feel comfortable
saying you could deliver that Benefit to them through your product, it kills the idea
before you even get there.
We havent even arrived there yet and we go oh that doesnt feel right, I couldnt say
that, its no good, I cant promise that and we didnt even get there yet! Were already
objecting to promising it and we havent even figured out what it is.
So in a brainstorm mode in the production of ideas rule #1 is No Judgment.
Free yourself from right, wrong, good, bad, take off the leash, take off the constraints,
and just free flow ideas here. What if Einstein was imagining the beam of light mind-
thought and got criticism and said Oh sorry, youre right, Ill never think of that again?
So, take the constraints off. Dont worry about the How-To. Use I dealized Design.
Figure out what would be perfect in an ideal perfect universe and get it all the way
there, architect the whole thing, build it perfectly, make it like a finely cut gem,
AND THEN FIGURE OUT HOW TO MAKE IT WORK. And then try. And then if
it doesnt work out, keep trying. And then if it doesnt work out, then say I guess it
didnt work out.
Dont make it not work out in your head before you ever figure out what the gem is.
This is just practice here. Were not even testing anything yet or out there talking to the
customers. That comes AFTER this. This is ALL brainstorming. Learning some new
skills you can use out in the real world.
After all, you can always interview the people who DO have the goods and take
yourself out of the equation. SO GET THE IDEALIZED DESIGN FOR YOUR
We simply need to figure out what they want and make it for them. Maybe for the
Academy Award example, you interview 10 Academy Award winners, or you interview
1 and make it a piece of the product, or you do a study on the 7 key aspects of Academy
Award Winning films, or WHATEVER, but if the SYMBOL to them is the Academy
Award then thats what you must tell them how to get.
Another question is: Do they have the self esteem to think they could get an
Academy Award?
Is there something between the Academy Award and where they are that they think if
they could get that then theyll get the Academy Award? For example, as a rock star
the name of the game? Record Deal. The other one? Going On Tour.
Now, what Record Deal REALLY means is something entirely different. But its what
they THINK it means. So whatever your version of this is for them, its key to figure out.
Whats the thing they want? Give yourself permission to figure out what they really
want whether or not your can deliver it. Just figure out what they really want.
Its much better to know and say I cant do that and walk away then it is to kind of try
to make it work and not face it.
Session 10 of 12:
Benefit Within The Benefit
Theres always another level. If you ever think you got it, celebrate, then ask whats
the next level?
EXERCISE: Benefit Within The Benefit:
Writing copy, bullets, headlines, etc youll often dig up some gold looking for a benefit
within the benefit youve already created. Extend it out another level. The benefit within
the benefit.
To play on the Kiss Test example, you might say The Kiss Test: How to tell if a
woman is ready to be kissed, but looking at the benefit within the benefit, we
might say, The Kiss Test: How to tell if a woman is ready to be kissed so you dont
risk being rejected.
You can keep going deeper with this: The Kiss Test: How to tell if a woman is ready to
be kissed without so you dont risk being rejected, and losing all the progress youve
made up to that point with her.
1. Start with a benefit, then go one level deeper to the benefit within the benefit
then try to even go another level deeper.
Translate it into And to me that means / Yes, but what does that mean to me, the
customer. 2/3rd bank financing on silver and gold means you only have to send us a third
of the money. Thats what it means, and what Jay did is actually described it
If gold is selling for $300 an ounce, send us just $100 an ounce and well send you all
the gold you want. If silver is selling for $6 an ounce, send us just $2 an ounce and well
send you all the silver you want. No decoding necessary, and its pure benefit.
So use the exercise above taking your best Fascinations and find the benefit within the
benefit, and then make 3 more variations (one of each of the variations) that goes 2 levels
deep, 2 levels of benefit within the benefit. Benefit could be avoiding pain or getting the
thing you want.
So where do you use everything were talking about here? EVERYWHERE YOU DO
SALES AND MARKETING. Seek to understand where the other person is coming from.
Get into rapport. Pace them. And then communicate with short, impactful ideas that make
your prospect say I want to know that / I need to learn that / That is exactly what I
Use the fascination formula in all the most important parts of your marketing. Headlines,
opening statements, Subheads throughout, Bullets, P.S. It gets into the spirit of tell them
what youre going to tell them, tell them, tell them what you told them.
All summarized, many different angles of the same thing. Create lots of these
fascinations about whatever you do, eliminate the weak ones, then take the very best one
and put it at the top at the beginning. Or take the best ones and combine them. Or put
them in a top subhead.
A person has one iconic symbolic figure in their mind that means success. It could be
looking down and seeing $1M in their bank account, it could be an Academy Award, it
could be looking at their butt in the mirror and it looks like a butt they saw in Cosmo it
could be a lot of different things theres usually one thing thats their fantasy symbol
that means they made it.
We want to find that fantasy symbol, and all the little sub symbols, and we want to
communicate we got them and we can give them to you.
And remember the human chimps low impulse control, likes instant gratification, and is
very emotional. So we want to speak in emotional words, we want to communicate we
can give them the solution they want quickly and easily, and we want to get them excited
so their impulse is to invest in our products. This is the way we do it.
As an aside: Some questions to help drill down may be: Whats the element of,
Whats the most important one?
You dont want something that summarizes everything, you want something that speaks
directly to everything. Dont wrap it up and use an abstract word, figure out the specific
symbolic thing.
All Conceptual Stuff Just Represents Something Else.
None of the superficial things we think are driving buying decisions and buying behavior
none of it is whats really going on. Whats really happening is the older part of our
brain, the emotional part, the physical part, the primal parts of us is what is driving
ALL this. The reason we get roadblocks is because some part of us is triggered.
Our mind is firing off, were feeling fear, we feel hyper vigilant and trapped, and until we
get that feeling gone we cant move forward. So what were saying here is, something
conceptual like religiosity is just the mental symbol to then trigger the feeling of Yes, I
want to be in a relationship with that person, so its triggering a feeling of some kind.
And you can imagine a row of buttons inside the brain, and some are more powerful or
less powerful in a hierarchy but theres something thats a symbol, like a man walking
on the outside of a curb or helping with chores around the house, that says thats who that
guy is that is more than the right man cause the right man is not bad, but youre not
hitting the symbol.
To the degree that something can be interpreted in more than 1 way, that is its level of
weakness. And to the degree that something cannot be misinterpreted, that can only be
interpreted one way, that is its level of strength and power.
So the right man is good since its not the right person or the right sentient being or
the right entitybut to the degree something can be interpreted multiple ways is kind of
its level of weakness.
The ideal is to communicate with no ambiguity.
As aside: Freedom and Fairness and Justice are incompatible ideas, but we all want
them. The rich want more freedom, and the poor want fairness and justice. And so life in
a lot of ways, especially when managing a large society, is balancing everything out so
we get an optimal equation. And thats just kind of part of the way it is.
And leaders of the free world are unpopular with a lot of people with at least 100M
people who dislike them, whoever they are and whatever they stand for. If you want
the highest level of success you have to have the largest number of people really hate
you, cause thats theway the chimp is and how it kind of works.
Instead of saying utter adoration we want to say the symbol of what he does.
In a chick flick movie, the guy doesnt walk in and see the girl and say she is
triggering my feeling of passion and love, and she doesnt look at him and go
Oh, I feel butterflies in my stomach and I feel like I want to make love with that
man. Thats not the way it goes.
There are all these subtle hints. Like, he drops something because he was distracted, and
she doesnt let him see but she smiles as she walks by, and it keeps going on, like he
fumbles cause hes so nervous, and she acts like shes not interested but she really is, and
then he doesnt call cause he thinks she brushed him off, and then she thinks about him
you follow?
All these things are happening, THEY MEAN THE FEELINGS, and most interesting
is how we go and watch these movies because they make us feel those emotions. We
get to feel the emotion because the things happen.
If a movie had a woman go I would love it if a man felt utter adoration for me and the
man looked at her and gasped saying I feel utter adoration for you. So instead, were
looking for what happens out here in reality and is the thing that means utter adoration
and is the symbolic action. Its something out there in the real world, not in here. Rapt
attention, utter adoration is all imaginary. So something like Holds your hand at the
ideal time when you cross the street.
Session 11 of 12:
Translating Value
This is one of the greatest area of leverage for conversion and raising prices
EXERCISE: Translate The Value Of Your Offering:
The value of what youre offering is probably obvious to you.
But most people have a hard time connecting the dots and figuring out how much
something is worth, or what it will be worth in their lives. To increase Conversion, figure
out how to translate the value of what youre offering into terms your prospective
customer can understand and relate to directly.
Focus on primal, emotional, irrational motivators and create a formula that allows you
to demonstrate that youre offering is a NO-BRAINER in terms of investment/reward.
1. What is the currency or coin of the realm that your Prospect is using to value
their problem/desire and the solution?
2. How will your solution translate into saved currency or gained currency with a
specific focus on the IRRATIONAL motivators that drive your Prospect?
Weight loss Pounds is the prospects currency, Lose 50 pounds, $100 product =
$2/pound. Explain in the prospects currency, in their terms, what it will be.
Wake Up Productive save 1 hour per day, you make $50k per year (American
average)means your time is worth $25/hr, thus saving 1 hour a day 5 hours a
week 20 hours per month, and 20 hours x $25 is $500/mo. and $6,000/yr. If
WUP give you just 1 hour a day back, that means its worth $500/mo. to you. In
the first year youll get $6,000 worth of your time back and the program is
$300. Do the math. Where else can you invest $300 and get $6000?
Without making it NO BRAINER this way, theyd have to do all the math. And then we
say If you go and do the exercise in WUP, youll wake up in 90 days TWICE as
productive as you are at least
So weve given them $6,000/yr, but what if theyre twice as productive and it doubles
their results? Then create a killer offer on top of all this saying Sign up, go through the
whole program, if youre not satisfied you can cancel anytime within the next 90 days, so
you could go through the whole program, cancel, and keep the training and you take
away the risk.
Translate the value into terms they can understand. When you put things into terms the
prospect can understand it doesnt sound like blah blah blah please disbelieve me, it
sounds like Give me $300 and you will get $6000
The baby deadline / How to attract a great future dad for your baby and in
this context, how much is it costing to not have what she wants and what would it
be worth to have what she wants? What is she sacrificing right now as currency?
Product Launches they can show up and be brilliant and count the money. The biggest
hassle that prevents them from showing up and being brilliant is writing copy (they all
hate to do it) and getting JVs.
So if youre speaking their language, you say right now youre wasting all your time
trying to get JVs and thats preventing you from just showing up and being the brilliant
marketer you are.
JV can then be the currency, and a JV/affiliate partner/etc is each worth $50k a piece in
sales and if you can bring in 3, and if you want 15% ($22,500) so you dont say I can
manage your launch etc. you say what are your biggest problems, frustrations,
etc. and listen to the whole thing, and then if they say this, cause youve thought
it all through and have it ready, you look at the person and say Look, the biggest
problem you have with PLs is all your time is being wasted trying to get new JV
partners, contacting the JV partners you have, trying to get them to mail, and you
cant just show up and be brilliant and do the marketing like you want to do.
It speaks their language. Then if you said And Im an expert at bringing in really
high value JV partners you dont have, and Id like to work with you on a JV
launch and I can bring you 3 partners, guarantee you youll do an extra $250k in
sales, PLUS Ill bug all your JV partners and well actually increase how much
they sell. By the way, I only charge 15% and that math works out to you making
an extra $100k relative to your last launch if you have me do it, so youll make
$100k more than you would of, so you cant afford not to hire me. Youre gonna
write me a check for $30k, but youre gonna make an extra $100k unless you
want to be the guy whos going back and contacting the JVs and the whole thing
you hate doing.
As aside: You can imagine when naming products and concepts the Oprah Couch
Simulator to run it through.
Sometimes were in denial and we want to make it a little more complex that it really is.
We dont just break it down and face the reality of what it is, and facing reality is a
valuable skill in marketing.
Session 12 of 12:
Risk and Your Story
Risk Removal and Risk Reversal:
On the one hand you have all the value youre offering, and on the other hand you have
your Prospect and what theyre risking.
So you want to keep piling on value on the Value side hence the emotional hot buttons
and power words and translating value and throwing on more and more value, but at the
same time we want to remove risk and the perception of ridiculous cost.
So we must remove the risk, and then go a step beyond and reverse the risk so you take
on the risk yourself.
Risk removal might be Money Back Guarantee Risk reversal might be Free Trial. Get
into what your customer has at risk. What are they risking? Where are they at risk in the
transaction? Then, how can you take the risk away from the situation and eliminate it?
Then, finally, how can you reverse risk where you take on the risk itself so you take on
all the risk and they have none? In the first case youre removing their risk, in the second
case youre taking on their risk.
So list 10 ways theyre taking risk from their perspective.
Forget about reality. What do they think theyre risking? Then come up with 3 ways you
could remove risk and reverse risk. It could be time, energy, effort, money, or anything
specific to your market.
You could have your risk removal be related to the benefit or pain removal (if its not
gone in x time, money back). Risk reversal could be find out if your man is a cheater on
free trial. The point? Specify your guarantees to the result the customer wants. That result
is all theyre interested in.
Sales go up, you can raise your prices, and you make your customer more comfortable.
(The technical aspect of Free Trial is to get their credit card to verify theyre a real person
and dont bill for X days).
EXERCISE: Your Credibility And Conversion Story:
The human mind tends to think in stories.
Pure information without stories, examples, and application tends to roll off and
not stick.
Importantly, when you begin to tell a story, the person listening goes into open
relaxation mode, their defenses come down, and they begin to picture what youre
telling them. Your story is an excellent way to build credibility and trust with your
Prospect which are both critical to persuading them to take action and buy what youre
When creating your story, incorporate elements that your Prospect can relate to directly.
Build your story around THEIR experience. Find the parts of your story that
overlap with their story so you sound like them. And when you get to the part of the
story about magic bullets and finding techniques and success, they say to themselves
The first part sounded like my story and that Second part of the story sounds like
how I want mine to be so lets go.
The more your story matches the reality, experience and world of your Prospect, the more
impact it will have.
Remember, if youre showing credentials, anything you show the prospect makes you
different from them also puts distance between you and them.
Different is distance. Having bedside manner, building rapport, finding commonality, and
building bonding and trust is key. Use this formula when creating your Credibility &
Conversion story:
1. Starting Situation: Where you were when you FIRST started
2. Tried & Failed: Vivid, emotional story of trying and failing
3. Breakthrough: Learned something that miraculously worked
4. Consistent Results: Got it and began having predictable results
5. Created A Method: Refined what you learned into a SYSTEM
6. Others Did It Too: Taught others, and they got consistent results
7. You Can Learn: Now I want to show you this system
Write out the framework for your story here, then add color and detail. And to stay
believable through this whole process, just stay focused on what your prospect wants.
Dont hype it. Stay in that zone of credibility.
To change you have to become not you.
And becoming not you leads you outside your comfort zone. So while most humans
beings will do anything to get back into their comfort zone, what YOU need to do to
grow is push yourself outside your comfort zone and dont go back in, letting the new
space youve moved into become your new comfort zone and then get out of that one
again and continually push yourself outside your comfort zone because thats where
growth, change and development actually occurs.
And remember, by shining your light youre allowing everyone else to shine their light,
and youre an inspiration to those folks.
Really what were trying to do is help improve our life and the lives of others, and youre
probably doing it overall to help your friends and family improve their lives. This is what
its all about in the big picture.
Dont get caught up in the details, how to, manipulation, techniques, and persuasion
cause were all aligned trying to do the same thing and going to the same thing.
Be the change you want to see in the world. Be the change you want to see for your
customers, and actually be that person so they can let their automatic copying
imitation mechanisms just work around you.
Youll have a bigger impact if you become what youre trying to do and what youre
trying to help other people do. If you use your candle to light other candles, you dont
lose anything your candle stays lit.
And with technology, and the cool thing about value, is we can add a tremendous amount
of value and help other people get to the next level in their lives so much faster now. We
can get our voice and expression out there and our unique take on reality and our unique
talents to the collective voice. So stay on that path. Thats what its all about. And thats
what grows joy, fulfillment, enjoyment, and purpose, and all that good stuff we want in
Go out there and help others let their light shine.

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