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I will lift up my eyes to the mountains VOL. 12, NO.l
The 1981-82 school year is finished. We are in the Himalaya Mts. of northern India at
Mussoorie, U.P. Last summer we stayed in Bilaspur and endured the terrific heat. This year
we decided to escape the heat and take a working vacation. The past school year was a good one
in spite of some difficulties. We started in July with 30 students and 10 children, an in
crease over the previous year. Two encouraging things at the outset were that we had 14 new
students; and all of the previous-year students returned. We were very sorry to lose seven of
the students before the year ended. One left to get married and finish his matric studies.
One couple decided they wanted to have their second child born at home in the village. An
other couple had to return home because a parent was seriously ill. Then a month before
school finished we had to dismiss two of the bachelors for disciplinary reasons.
Christian growth has been evident in many. Chewing tobacco, mixed with other harmful
things, is a very prevalent evil throughout India. In the Institute rules it is a dismissal
offence, so we try to help students overcome the habit. Happily all vdio had the habit express
ed a determination to give it up. We need to pray that they will be able to .resist tempta
tions to start again when they return to their homes and former companions. Two of the
couples and one of the bachelors were members of the Lutheran Church when they enrolled. One
of last year's couples from the same area had recruited them. It was a time for real rejoic
ing when one couple, and then the young men, confessed their faith in Jesus and were immersed
into Him. The other couple is under conviction, but some property settlement is holding them
back. Please pray that they will be completely obedient to the Lord, and for the growth of
those who are new in the faith. Two other happy events during the year were the births of two
babies. Samuel and Sarat Das were one of the new couples from Orissa Province. Their little
Susanna was born in November. We were sorry they had to leave a couple of weeks later because
of the severe illness of Samuel's father. Chandansai Tirkey, a second year student, married
Filsita last year. Their son, called "Lover" in their native language, was born in March.
They were especially happy because Indian parents usually prefer sons to daughters!
The Sarguja Convention was another highlight of the year. Bernel and Joan Getter have
evangelistic, educational and agricultural work in this remote area of Madhya Pradesh, which
has been open to the Gospel only in recent years. Most of the Institute students come from
this area to take training. We were able to meet and fellowship with many of the graduates
working in the district. Some are teaching in the large Sitapur boarding school. Others live
in distant villages where they teach in small schools and lead village churches. Paturan_ was_
one of last year's graduates. His wife, Kusum Patti, was a student for only one year and was
illiterate when she came. During the year she learned to read and write and made good pro
gress in her studies. She was a Hindu, but was one of the ones who became a Christian last
year. After graduation they were working in their home village where they were the only
Christians. Around Christmas time we received the very sad news that Kusum had died soon
after the birth of their child, who also died. When we met Patturam during the convention he
said it had been a very sad and difficult time for him, but that he was so glad his wife had
become a Christian. Reports indicate that their lives and witness have had a good influence
in their village. We request your prayers for Patturam that he may continue faithful and that
his life and witness may help to bring members of his family and others to the Savior.
Eight bachelor students, and Subodh Kumar, ex
treme right, the house-father. He is a gradu
ate of the Central India Bible Seminary, (now
the Christian Training Institute). He joined
us this year as a full-time staff member after
working several years in village evangelistic
work. Paradish, second from left, is from a
Lutheran background. He was immersed into
Christ May 1st. Remember the men's hostel
wall that was about to fall down? The new
wall, with a new door, is in the background.
Water system progress report! After instal
ling cement reinforced rings and deepening the
well we continue to have 6 to 7 feet of water.
The pump house, behind William, was finally
completed, and the jet pump installed. But,
it was 6 months before we could secure all the
proper accessories and get it working. We
still have to get the permanent electric con
nection hooked up. The well will probably have
to be deepened more to give sufficient water
flow for all our needs.
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May 2 marked the end of the year with graduation. The class of 1982 started with 9 stu
dents, but for various reasons ended up with only 2. Graduation this year was a part of the
regular morning worship service of the Kududand Church of Christ in Bilaspur. Graduation
speaker was a 1951 graduate of the Bible College. He is now minister of the Church in Manend-
ragarh, M.P.
We thank you again for your faithful support in helping train Christian workers,
continue to pray with us as we look forward to and make plans for another school year.
Staff and students participated in Sarguja Con
vention at Sitapur, where the Bernel Getters
are. The married students made the trip with
William & Jean, through the jungle, in the
truck. This picture was taken during a rest
stop in the forest. It was only a 150 mile
trip, but took 9 hours. The bachelors left Bil
aspur about the same time we did and traveled
by rickshaw, train and bus. They arrived half
an hour ahead of us.
William & Jean in the Himalayas, Landour, Mus-
soorie, U.P. Some buildings of Woodstock
School in background, Jean graduated from
Highschool here. All Roland children attended
here; Mary Esther graduated in 1964. William
& Jean were staff members from 1960-64.
Jean with the children. We maintain a nursery
for children of the married students so wives
can take classes. The first nursery attendant
quit after 5 months and went home. The second
one was in a bicycle/rickshaw accident and
couldn't continue. The mothers took turns
watching the children for the rest of the
year, Jean provided milk for the children
each day.
Eleven first-year students & their children,
Filsita, seated left, is wife of one of advanc
ed students, married just last year.This was
her 1st year in Institute. Standing in back
are 3 teachers: Subodh Kumar, William and

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