Sei sulla pagina 1di 120

240 BC


Translate !" E#A# $all%s B&'e
"Homage to thee, Osiris, Lord of eternity, King of the Gods, whose names are
manifold, whose forms are holy, thou being of hidden form in the temples, whose Ka is
holy. Thou art the governor of Tattu (usiris!, and also the mighty one in "e#hem
(Letopolis!. Thou art the Lord to whom praises are as$ribed in the nome of %ti, thou art
the &rin$e of divine food in %nu. Thou art the Lord who is $ommemorated in 'aati, the
Hidden "oul, the Lord of (errt ()lephantine!, the *uler supreme in +hite +all
('emphis!. Thou art the "oul of *a, his own body, and hast thy pla$e of rest in
Henensu (Hera#leopolis!. Thou art the benefi$ent one, and art praised in ,art. Thou
ma#est thy soul to be raised up. Thou art the Lord of the Great House in Khemenu
(Hermopolis!. Thou art the mighty one of vi$tories in "has-hetep, the Lord of eternity,
the Governor of %bydos. The path of his throne is in Ta-t$heser (a part of %bydos!. Thy
name is established in the mouths of men. Thou art the substan$e of Two Lands
()gypt!. Thou art Tem, the feeder of Kau (.oubles!, the Governor of the /ompanies of
the gods. Thou art the benefi$ent "pirit among the spirits. The god of the /elestial
O$ean (,u! draweth from thee his waters. Thou sendest forth the north wind at
eventide, and breath from thy nostrils to the satisfa$tion of thy heart. Thy heart
reneweth its youth, thou produ$est the.... The stars in the $elestial heights are
obedient unto thee, and the great doors of the s#y open themselves before thee. Thou
art he to whom praises are as$ribed in the southern heaven, and than#s are given for
thee in the northern heaven. The imperishable stars are under thy supervision, and the
stars whi$h never set are thy thrones. Offerings appear before thee at the de$ree of
Keb. The /ompanies of the Gods praise thee, and the gods of the Tuat (Other +orld!
smell the earth in paying homage to thee. The uttermost parts of the earth bow before
thee, and the limits of the s#ies entreat thee with suppli$ations when they see thee.
The holy ones are over$ome before thee, and all )gypt offereth than#sgiving unto thee
when it meeteth Thy 'a0esty. Thou art a shining "pirit-ody, the governor of "pirit-
odies1 permanent is thy ran#, established is thy rule. Thou art the well-doing "e#hem
(&ower! of the /ompany of the Gods, gra$ious is thy fa$e, and beloved by him that
seeth it. Thy fear is set in all the lands by reason of thy perfe$t love, and they $ry out to
thy name ma#ing it the first of names, and all people ma#e offerings to thee. Thou art
the lord who art $ommemorated in heaven and upon earth. 'any are the $ries whi$h
are made to thee at the 2a# festival, and with one heart and voi$e )gypt raiseth $ries
of 0oy to thee.
"Thou art the Great /hief, the first among thy brethren, the &rin$e of the
/ompany of the Gods, the stablisher of *ight and Truth throughout the +orld, the "on
who was set on the great throne of his father Keb. Thou art the beloved of thy mother
,ut, the mighty one of valour, who overthrew the "ebau-fiend. Thou didst stand up
and smite thine enemy, and set thy fear in thine adversary. Thou dost bring the
boundaries of the mountains. Thy heart is fi3ed, thy legs are set firm. Thou art the heir
of Keb and of the sovereignty of the Two Lands ()gypt!. He (Keb! hath seen his
splendours, he hath de$reed for him the guidan$e of the world by thy hand as long as
times endure. Thou hast made this earth with thy hand, and the waters, and the winds,
and the vegetation, and all the $attle, and all the feathered fowl, and all the fish, and all
the $reeping things and all the wild animals therof. The desert is the lawful possession
of the son of ,ut. The Two Lands ()gypt! are $ontent to $rown thee upon the throne of
thy father, li#e *a.
"Thou rollest up into the hori4on, thou hast set light over the dar#ness, thou
sendest forth air from thy plumes, and thou floodest the Two Lands li#e the .is# at
daybrea#. Thy $rown penetrateth the height of heaven, thou art the $ompanion of the
stars, and the guide of every god. Thou art benefi$ent in de$ree and spee$h, the
favoured one of the Great /ompany of the Gods, and the beloved of the Little
/ompany of the Gods. His sister 56sis7 hath prote$ted him, and hath repulsed the
fiends, and turned aside $alamities (of evil!. "he uttered the spell with the magi$al
power of her mouth. Her tongue was perfe$t, and it never halted at a word. enefi$ent
in $ommand and word was 6sis, the woman of magi$al spells, the advo$ate of her
brother. "he sought him untiringly, she wandered round and round about this earth in
sorrow, and she alighted not without finding him. "he made light with her feathers, she
$reated air with her wings, and she uttered the death wail for her brother. "he raised
up the ina$tive members of whose heart was still, she drew from him his essen$e, she
made an heir, she reared the $hild in loneliness, and the pla$e where he was not
#nown, and he grew in strength and stature, and his hand was mighty in the House of
Keb. The /ompany of the Gods re0oi$ed, re0oi$ed, at the $oming of Horus, the son of
Osiris, whose heart was firm, the triumphant, the son of 6sis, the heir of Osiris."
8ollowing is a list of fre9uently-mentioned geographi$al lo$ations, and their
$ommonly-#nown names:
%btu %bydos
%bu )lephantine
%nu Heliopolis
ast ubastis
Hensu Hera#leopolis
Het-#a-&tah 'emphis
Khemenu Hermopolis
&er-'enu &anopolis
(errt )lephantine
"au "ais
"e#hem Letopolis
"uat %syut
Tetu usiris
Two Lands 2pper and Lower )gypt
2nu Hermopolis
ehold, the Osiris %ni, the s$ribe of the holy offerings of all the gods, saith:
Homage to thee, O thou who hast $ome as Khepera, Khepera the $reator of the gods,
Thou art seated on thy throne, thou risest up in the s#y, illumining thy mother 5,ut7,
thou art seated on thy throne as the #ing of the gods. 5Thy7 mother ,ut stret$heth out
her hands, and performeth an a$t of homage to thee. The domain of 'anu re$eiveth
thee with satisfa$tion. The goddess 'aat embra$eth thee at the two seasons of the
day. 'ay *a give glory, and power, and thruth-spea#ing, and the appearan$e as a
living soul so that he may ga4e upon Heru-#huti, to the K% of the Osiris the "$ribe %ni,
who spea#eth truth before Osiris, and who saith: Hail, O all ye gods of the House of
the "oul, who weigh heaven and earth in a balan$e, and who give $elestial food 5to the
dead7. Hail, Tatun, 5who art7 One, thou $reator of mortals 5and7 of the /ompanies of the
Gods of the "outh and of the ,orth, of the +est and of the )ast, as$ribe ye praise to
*a, the lord of heaven, the K6,G, Life, "trength, and Health, the ma#er of the gods.
Give ye than#s unto him in his benefi$ent form whi$h is enthroned in the %tett oat1
beings $elestial praise thee, beings terrestial praise thee. Thoth and the goddess 'aat
mar# out thy $ourse for thee day by day and every day. Thine enemy the "erpent hath
been given over to the fire. The "erpent-fiend "ebau hath fallen headlong, his forelegs
are bound in $hains, and his hind legs hath *a $arried away from him. The "ons of
*evolt shall never more rise up. The House of the %ged One #eepeth festival, and the
voi$es of those who ma#e merry are in the Great &la$e. The gods re0oi$e when they
see *a $rowned upon his throne, and when his beams flood the world with light. The
ma0esty of this holy god setteth out on his 0ourney, and he goeth onwards until he
rea$heth the land of 'anu1 the earth be$ometh light at his birth ea$h day1 he
pro$eedeth until he rea$heth the pla$e where he was yesterday. O be thou at pea$e
with me. Let me ga4e upon thy beauties. Let me 0ourney above the earth. Let me
smite the %ss. Let me slit asunder the "erpent-fiend "ebau. Let me destroy %epep at
the moment of his greatest power. Let me behold the %btu 8ish at his season, and the
%nt 8ish with the %nt oat as it piloteth it in its la#e. Let me behold Horus when he is in
$harge of the rudder 5of the oat of *a7, with Thoth and the goddess 'aat on ea$h
side of him. Let me lay hold of the tow-rope of the "e#tet oat, and the rope at the
stern of the 'atett oat. Let *a grant to me a view of the .is# (the "un!, and a sight of
%h (the 'oon! unfailingly ea$h day. Let my a-soul $ome forth to wal# about hither
and thither and whithersoever it pleaseth. Let my name be $alled out, let it be found
ins$ribed on the tablet whi$h re$ordeth the names of those who are to re$eive
offerings. Let meals from the sepul$hral offerings be given to me in the presen$e 5of
Osiris7, as to those who are in the following of Horus. Let there be prepared for me a
seat in the oat of the "un on the day wheron the god saileth. Let me be re$eived in
the presen$e of Osiris in the Land of Truth-spea#ing- the Ka of Osiris %ni.
(8rom the &apyrus of ,e#ht, rit. 'us. ,o. ;<=>;, "heet ?;!
HY(N OF PRAISE TO RA, and saith:- Homage to thee, O thou glorious eing, thou
who art dowered 5with all sovereignty7. O Tem-Heru-Khuti (Tem-Harma#his!, when
thou risest in the hori4on of heaven a $ry of 0oy goeth forth to thee from all people. O
thou beautiful eing, thou dost renew thyself in thy season in the form of the .is#,
within thy mother Hathor. Therefore in every pla$e every heart swelleth with 0oy at thy
rising for ever. The regions of the "outh and the ,orth $ome to thee with homage, and
send forth a$$lamations at thy rising on the hori4on of heaven, and thou illuminest the
Two Lands with rays of tur9uoise-5$oloured7 light. O *a, who art Heru-Khuti, the divine
man-$hild, the heir of eternity, self-begotten and self-born, #ing of the earth, prin$e of
the Tuat (the Other +orld!, governor of %u#ert, thou didst $ome from the +ater-god,
thou didst spring from the "#y-god ,u, who doth $herish thee and order thy members.
O thou god of life, thou lord of love, all men live when thou shinest1 thou art $rowned
#ing of the gods. The goddess ,ut embra$eth thee, and the goddess 'ut enfoldeth
thee at all seasons. Those who are in thy following sing unto thee with 0oy, and they
bow down their foreheads to the earth when they meet thee, the lord of heaven, the
lord of the earth, the King of Truth, the lord of eternity, the prin$e of everlastingness,
thou sovereign of all the gods, thou god of life, thou $reator of eternity, thou ma#er of
heaven wherin thou art firmly stablished. The /ompany of the Gods re0oi$e at thy
rising, the earth is glad when it beholdeth thy rays1 the people who have been long
dead $ome forth with $ries of 0oy to behold thy beauties every day. Thou goest forth
ea$h day over heaven and earth, and thou art made strong ea$h day be thy mother
,ut. Thou passest over the heights of heaven, thy heart swelleth with 0oy1 and the
La#e of Testes (the Great Oasis! is $ontent thereat. The "erpent-fiend hath fallen, his
arms are hewn off, the Knife hath severed his 0oints. *a liveth by 'aat (Law!, the
beautiful@ The "e#tet oat advan$eth and $ometh into port. The "outh and the ,orth,
and the +est and )ast, turn to praise thee. O thou 8irst, Great God (&%2T%!, who
didst $ome into being of thine own a$$ord, 6sis and ,ephthys salute thee, they sing
unto thee songs of 0oy at thy rising in the boat, they stret$h out their hands unto thee.
The "ouls of the )ast follow thee, and the "ouls of the +est praise thee. Thou art the
*uler of all the gods. Thou in thy shrine hast 0oy, for the "erpent-fiend ,a# hath been
0udged by the fire, and thy heart shall re0oi$e for ever. Thy mother ,ut is esteemed by
thy father ,u.
% Hymn of &raise to Osiris 2n-,efer, the great god who dwelleth in %btu, the
#ing of eternity, the lord of everlastingness, who traverseth millions of years in his
e3isten$e. Thou art the eldest son of the womb of ,ut. Thou was begotten by Keb, the
)rpat. Thou art the lord of the 2rrt /rown. Thou art he whose +hite /rown is lofty.
Thou art the King (%ti! of gods 5and7 men. Thou hast gained possession of the s$eptre
of rule, and the whip, and the ran# and dignity of thy divine fathers. Thy heart is
e3panded with 0oy, O thou who art in the #ingdom of the dead. Thy son Horus is firmly
pla$ed on thy throne. Thou hast as$ended thy throne as the Lord of Tetu, and as the
He9 who dwelleth in %bydos. Thou ma#est the Two Lands to flourish through Truth-
spea#ing, in the presen$e of him who is the Lord to the 2ttermost Limit. Thou drawest
on that whi$h hath not yet $ome into being in thy name of "Ta-her-sta-nef." Thou
governest the Two Lands by 'aat in thy name of ""e#er." Thy power is wide-spread,
thou art he of whom the fear is great in thy name of "2sar" (or "%sar"!. Thy e3isten$e
endureth for an infinite number of double henti periods in thy name of "2n-,efer."
Homage to thee, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and &rin$e of &rin$es. Thou hast
ruled the Two Lands from the womb of the goddess ,ut. Thou hast governed the
Lands of %#ert. Thy members are of silver-gold, thy head is of lapis-la4uli, and the
$rown of thy head is of tur9uoise. Thou art %n of millions of years. Thy body is all
pervading, O eautiful 8a$e in Ta-t$hesert. Grant thou to me glory in heaven, and
power upon earth, and truth-spea#ing in the .ivine 2nderworld, and 5the power to7 sail
down the river to Tetu in the form of a living a-soul, and 5the power to7 sail up the river
to %bydos in the form of a enu bird, and 5the power to7 pass in through and to pass
out from, without obstru$tion, the doors of the lords of the Tuat. Let there be given unto
me bread-$a#es in the House of *efreshing, and sepul$hral offerings of $a#es and ale,
and propitiatory offerings in %nu, and a permanent homestead in "e#het-%aru, with
wheat and barley therein- to the .ouble of the Osiris, the s$ribe %ni.
The Osiris %ni, the Osiris the s$ribe %ni saith:- Homage to thee, O ull of
%mentet, Thoth the #ing of eternity is with me. 6 am the great god by the side of the
divine boat, 6 have fought for thee, 6 am one of those gods, those divine $hiefs, who
proved the truth-spea#ing of Osiris before his enemies on the day of the weighing of
words. 6 am thy #insman Osiris. 6 am 5one of7 those gods who were the $hildren of the
goddess ,ut, who ha$#ed in pie$es the enemies of Osiris, and who bound in fetters
the legion of "ebau devils on his behalf. 6 am thy #insman Horus, 6 have fought on thy
behalf, 6 have $ome to thee for thy nameAs sa#e. 6 am Thoth who proved the truth of
the words of Osiris before his enemies on the day of the weighing of words in the great
House of the &rin$e, who dwelleth in %nu. 6 am Teti, the son of Teti. 'y mother
$on$eived me in Tetu, and gave birth to me in Tetu. 6 am with the mourners 5and with7
the women who tear out their hair and ma#e lament for Osiris in Taui-*e#hti, proving
true the words of Osiris before his enemies. *a $ommanded Thoth to prove true the
words of Osiris before his enemies1 what was $ommanded 5for Osiris7, let that be done
for me by Thoth. 6 am with Horus on the day of dressing Teshtesh. 6 open the hidden
water-springs for the ablutions of 2rt-ab. 6 unbolt the door of the "hetait "hrine in *a-
stau. 6 am with Horus as the prote$tor of the left shoulder of Osiris, the dweller in
"e#hem. 6 enter in among and 6 $ome forth from the 8lame-gods on the day of the
destru$tion of the "ebau fiends in "e#hem. 6 am with Horus on the day5s7 of the
festivals of Osiris, at the ma#ing of offerings and oblations, namely, on the festival
whi$h is $elebrated on the si3th day of the month, and on the day of the Tenat festival
in %nu. 6 am the 2% priest (libationer! in Tetu, *era, the dweller in &er-%sar. 6 e3alt
him that is upon the high pla$e of the $ountry. 6 loo# upon the hidden things (the
mysteries! in *a-stau. 6 re$ite the words of the liturgy of the festival of the "oul-god in
Tetu. 6 am the ")' priest, and 5perform7 his duties. 6 am the 2*-KH)*&-H)' priest
on the day of pla$ing the Henu oat of "e#er upon its divine sledge. 6 have ta#en in
my hand the digging tool on the day of digging up the earth in Hensu. Hail, O ye who
ma#e perfe$t souls to enter into the House of Osiris, ma#e ye the well-instru$ted soul
of the Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose word is true, to enter in and to be with you in the
House of Osiris. Let him hear even as ye hear1 let him have sight even as ye have
sight1 let him stand up even as ye stand up1 let him ta#e his seat even as ye ta#e your
seats. Hail, O ye who give $a#es and ale to perfe$t souls in the House of Osiris, give
ye $a#es and ale twi$e ea$h day (in the morning and in the evening! to the soul of the
Osiris %ni, whose word is true before the gods, the Lords of %bydos, and whose word
is true with you. Hail, O ye who open up the way, who a$t as guides to the roads 5in
the Other +orld7 to perfe$t souls in the House of Osiris, open ye up for him the way,
and a$t ye as guides to the roads to the soul of the Osiris, the s$ribe, the registrary of
all the offerings made to the gods, %ni, 5whose word is true7 with you. 'ay he enter the
House of Osiris with boldness, and may he $ome forth therefrom in pea$e. 'ay there
be no opposition made to him, and may he not be sent ba$# 5therefrom7. 'ay he enter
in under favour 5of Osiris7, and may he $ome forth gratified 5at the a$$eptan$e of7 his
true words. 'ay his $ommands be performed in the House of Osiris, may his words
travel with you, may he be glorious as ye are. 'ay he be not found to be light in the
alan$e, may the alan$e dispose of his $ase.
(6n the Turin &apyrus, ed. Lepsius, this /hapter ends with the following.!
&ermit thou not me to be 0udged a$$ording to the mouths of the multitude. 'ay
my soul lift itself up before 5Osiris7, having been found to have been pure when on
earth. 'ay 6 $ome into thy presen$e, O Lord of the gods1 may 6 arrive at the ,ome of
'aati (Truth!1 may 6 rise up on my seat li#e a god endowed with life1 may 6 give forth
light li#e the /ompany of the Gods who dwell in heaven1 may 6 be$ome li#e one of
you1 may 6 lift up my footsteps in the town of Kher-%ha1may 6 loo# upon the "e#tet
oat of the god, "aah, the holy one, as it passeth a$ross the s#y1 may 6 not be
repulsed1 may 6 loo# upon the Lords of the Tuat, or, a$$ording to another reading, the
/ompany of the Gods1 may 6 smell the savour of the divine food of the /ompany of the
Gods1 may 6 sit down with them1 may my name be pro$laimed for offerings by the
KH)*-H) priest at the sa$rifi$ial table1 may 6 hear the petitions whi$h are made
when offerings are presented1 may 6 draw nigh unto the ,eshem oat1 and may
neither my Heart-soul nor its lord be repulsed. Homage to thee, O /hief of %mentet,
thou god Osiris, who dwellest in the town of ,ifu-ur. Grant thou that 6 may arrive in
pea$e in %mentet. 'ay the Lords of Ta-T$hesert re$eive me, and may they say unto
me: "Hail, hail1 wel$ome, wel$ome@" 'ay they ma#e ready for me a seat by the side of
the &resident of the /hiefs1 may the ,ursing-goddesses re$eive me at the seasons,
and may 6 $ome forth into the presen$e of 2n-,efer true of word. 'ay 6 be a 8ollower
of Horus in *a-stau, and of Osiris in Tetu1 and may 6 perform all the transformations
whi$h my heart may desire to ma#e in every pla$e wherein my .ouble (K%! wisheth to
*2*6/: 6f this te3t be #nown 5by the de$eased7 upon earth or if he $auseth it to
be done in writing upon 5his7 $offin, then will he be able to $ome forth on any day he
pleaseth, and to enter into his habitation unrepulsed. /a#es and ale and 0oints of meat
from those whi$h are on the altar of *a shall be given unto him, and his homestead
shall be among the fields of the 8ield of *eeds ("e#het-%aru!, and wheat and barley
shall be given unto him therein, and he shall flourish there even as he flourished upon
(8rom the &apyrus of ,e#htu-%men, ed. ,aville, 6, C!
to thee, O thou who dwellest in the Holy Hill ("et-T$hesert! of %mentet@ The Osiris, the
royal s$ribe, ,e#htu-%men, whose word is true, #noweth thee, he #noweth thy name.
.eliver thou him from the worms whi$h are in *a-stau, whi$h live upon the bodies of
men and women, and feed upon their blood, for Osiris, the favoured servant of the god
of his $ity, the royal s$ribe ,e#htu-%men, #noweth you, and he #noweth your names.
Let the order for his prote$tion be the first $ommand of Osiris, the Lord to the
2ttermost Limit, who #eepeth his body hidden. 'ay he give him release from the
Terrible One who dwelleth at the bend of the *iver of %mentet, and may he de$ree the
a$ts that will ma#e him to rise up. Let him pass on to him whose throne is pla$ed
within the dar#ness, who giveth light in *a-stau. O thou Lord of Light, $ome thou and
swallow up the worms whi$h are in %mentet. Let the Great God who dwelleth in Tetu,
and who is himself unseen, hear his prayers, and let those who $ause affli$tions hold
him in fear as he $ometh forth with the senten$e of their doom to the .ivine lo$#. 6
the Osiris, the royal s$ribe, ,e#htu-%men, $ome, bearing the de$ree of ,eb-er-t$her,
and 6 am the Horus who ta#eth possession of his throne for him. His father, the lord of
all those who are in the oat of his 8ather Horus, hath as$ribed praise unto him. He
$ometh bearing tidings....... let him see the town of %nu. Their $hief shall stand on the
earth before him, the s$ribes shall magnify him at the doors of their assemblies, and
thy shall swathe im with swathings in %nu. He hath led heaven $aptive, and he hath
sei4ed the earth in his grasp. ,either the heavens nor the earth $an be ta#en away
from him, for, behold, he is *a, the firstborn of the gods. His mother shall nurse him,
and shall give him her breast on the hori4on.
*2*6/: The words of this /hapter shall be said after 5the de$eased7 is laid to
rest in %mentet1 by means of them the region Tenn-t shall be $ontented with her lord.
%nd the Osiris, the royal s$ribe, ,e#htu-%men, whose word is truth, shall $ome forth,
and he shall embar# in the oat of *a, and 5his7 body upon its bier shall be $ounted
up, and he shall be established in the Tuat.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 G6D6,G % 'O2TH TO TH) O"6*6" %,6, TH) "/*6),
%,. T)LL)* O8 TH) O88)*6,G" +H6/H %*) '%.) TO %LL TH) GO.", HO")
+O*. 6" T*2), +HO "%6TH:- 6 rise up out of the )gg in the Hidden Land. 'ay my
mouth be given unto me that 6 may spea# therewith in the presen$e of the Great God,
the Lord of the Tuat. Let not my hand and my arm be repulsed in the presen$e of the
/hiefs (T$hat$hau! of any god. 6 am Osiris, the Lord of *a-stau. 'ay 6, the Osiris, the
s$ribe %ni, whose word is true, have my portion with him who is on the top of the "teps
(Osiris!. %$$ording to the desire of my heart 6 have $ome forth from the 6sland of
,esersert, and 6 have e3tinguished the fire.
5The following passage is ta#en from the "aite *e$ension7
$HO SAITH1:- Homage to thee, O thou lord of brightness, Governor of the Temple,
&rin$e of the night and of the thi$# dar#ness. 6 have $ome unto thee. 6 am shining, 6
am pure. 'y hands are about thee, thou hast thy lot with thy an$estors. Give thou unto
me my mouth that 6 may spea# with it. 6 guide my heart at its season of flame and of
*2*6/: 6f this /hapter be #nown by the Osiris the s$ribe %ni, upon earth, 5or if
it be done7 in writing upon 5his7 $offin, he shall $ome forth by day in every form whi$h
he pleaseth, and he shall enter into 5his7 abode, and shall not be repulsed. %nd $a#es,
and ale, and 0oints of meat 5from those whi$h are on7 the altar of Osiris shall be given
unto him1 and he shall enter in pea$e into "e#het-%aru, $onformably to the de$ree of
the .weller in usiris. +heat and barley (dhura! shall be given unto him therein, and
he shall flourish there 0ust as he did upon earth1 and he shall do whatsoever it pleaseth
him to do, even as do the /ompany of the Gods who are in the Tuat, regularly and
$ontinually, for millions of times.
(8rom the &aprys of ,ebseni, "heet E!
THROUGH THE A(EHET: ehold, the s$ribe ,ebseni, whose word is truth, saith:-
Homage to you, O ye Lords of Kau, ye who are without sin, and who live for the
endless and infinite aeons of time whi$h ma#e up eternity. 6 have opened up a way for
myself to you. 6 have be$ome a spirit in my forms, 6 have gotten the mastery over my
words of magi$al power, and 6 am ad0udged a spirit1 therefore deliver ye me from the
/ro$odile 5whi$h liveth in7 this /ountry of Truth. Grant ye to me my mouth that 6 may
spea# therewith, and $ause ye that sepul$hral offerings shall be made unto me in your
presen$e, for 6 #now you, and 6 #now your names, and 6 #now also the name of the
mighty god before whose fa$e ye set your $elestial food. His name is "Te#em." 5+hen7
he openeth up his path on the eastern hori4on of heaven, 5when7 he alighteth towards
the western hori4on of heaven, may he $arry me along with him, and may 6 be safe
and sound. Let not the 'es9et ma#e an end of me, let not the 8iend ("ebau! gain the
mastery over me, let me not be driven away from the doors of the Other +orld, let not
you doors be shut in my fa$e, for my $a#es are in the $ity of &e, and my ale is in the
$ity of Tep. %nd there, in the $elestial mansions of heaven whi$h my divine father Tem
hath stablished, let my hands lay hold upon the wheat and the barley, whi$h shall be
given unto me therein in abundant measure, and may the son of my own body ma#e
ready for me my food therein. %nd grant ye unto me when 6 am there sepul$hral
meals, and in$ense, and unguents, and all the pure and beautiful things whereon the
god liveth, in every deed for ever, in all the transformations whi$h it pleaseth me 5to
perform7, and grant unto me the power to float down and to sail up the stream in the
8ield of *eeds ("e#het-%aru!, 5and may 6 rea$h "e#het-hetepet (the 8ield of
Offerings!7. 6 am the twin Lion-gods ("hu and Tefnut!.
;. *a Harma#his, the Great God in his boat.
?. Temu.
E. "hu.
=. Tefnut.
C. Keb.
F. ,ut, the Lady of Heaven.
>. 6sis.
G. ,ephthys.
H. Horus, the Great God.
;<. Hathor, Lady of %mentet.
;;. Hu.
;?. "a.
'y heart, my mother1 my heart, my mother@ 'y heart whereby 6 $ame into being@
'ay nought stand up to oppose me at 5my7 0udgment, may there be no opposition to
me in the presen$e of the /hiefs (T$hat$hau!1 may there be no parting of thee from me
in the presen$e of him that #eepeth the alan$e@ Thou art my K%, whi$h dwelleth in
my body1 the god Khnemu who #nitteth together and strengtheneth my limbs. 'ayest
thou $ome forth into the pla$e of happiness whither we go. 'ay the "heniu offi$ials,
who ma#e the $onditions of the lives of men, not $ause my name to stin#, and may no
lies be spo#en against me in the presen$e of the God. 5Let it be satisfa$tory unto us,
and let the Listener god be favourable unto us, and let there be 0oy of heart (to us! at
the weighing of words. Let not that whi$h is false be uttered against me before the
Great God, the Lord of %mentet. Derily, how great shalt thou be when thou risest in
THE SPEECH OF THOTH:- Thoth, the 0udge of right and truth of the Great
/ompany of the Gods who are in the presen$e of Osiris, saith: Hear ye this 0udgment.
The heart of Osiris hath in very truth been weighed, and his Heart-soul hath borne
testimony on his behalf1 his heart hath been found right by the trial in the Great
alan$e. There hath not been found any wi$#edness in him1 he hath not wasted the
offerings whi$h have been made in the temples1 he hath not $ommitted any evil a$t1
and he hath not set his mouth in motion with words of evil whilst he was upon earth.
&ay good heed, O righteous Iudge to the alan$e to support 5the testimony7 thereof.
Dariant: &ay good heed to the weighing in the alan$e of the heart of the Osiris, the
singing-woman of %men, %nhai, whose word is truth, and pla$e thou her heart in the
seat of truth in the presen$e of the Great God.
THE SPEECH OF THE GODS:- The Great /ompany of the Gods say to Thoth
who dwelleth in Khemenu: That whi$h $ometh forth from thy mouth shall be de$lared
true. The Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose word is true, is holy and righteous. He hath not
$ommitted any sin, and he hath done no evil against us. The devourer %m-mit shall not
be permitted to prevail over him. 'eat offerings and admittan$e into the presen$e of
the god Osiris shall be granted unto him, together with an abiding habitation in the
8ield of Offerings ("e#het-hetepet!, as unto the 8ollowers of Horus.
the son of 6sis, saith: 6 have $ome to thee, O 2n-,efer, and 6 have brought unto thee
the Osiris %ni. His heart is righteous, and it hath $ome forth from the alan$e1 it hath
not sinned against any god or any goddess. Thoth hath weighed it a$$ording to the
de$ree pronoun$ed unto him by the /ompany of the Gods, and it is most true and
righteous. Grant thou that $a#es and ale may be given unto him, and let him appear in
the presen$e of the god Osiris, and let him be li#e unto the 8ollowers of Horus for ever
and ever.
THE SPEECH OF ANI:- %nd the Osiris %ni saith: ehold, 6 am in thy presen$e, O Lord
of %mentet. There is no sin in my body. 6 have not spo#en that whi$h is not true
#nowingly, nor have 6 done anything with a false heart. Grant thou that 6 may be li#e
unto those favoured ones who are in thy following, and that 6 may be an Osiris greatly
favoured of the beautiful god, and beloved of the Lord of the Two Lands, 6 who am a
veritable royal s$ribe who loveth thee, %ni, whose word is true before the god Osiris.
DESCRIPTION OF THE BEAST A(.(IT:- Her forepart is li#e that of a $ro$odile, the
middle of her body is li#e that of a lion, her hind 9uarters are li#e those of a
The Osiris the s$ribe %ni saith after he hath arrived in his haven of rest- now it is
good for 5a man7 to re$ite 5this wor# whilst he is7 upon earth, for then all the words of
Tem $ome to pass-
"6 am the god Tem in rising. 6 am the Only One. 6 $ame into e3isten$e in ,u. 6 am
*a who rose in the beginning, the ruler of this 5$reation7."
+ho is thisJ
"6t is *a, when at the beginning he rose in the $ity of Hensu, $rowned li#e a #ing
for his $oronation. The &illars of the god "hu were not as yet $reated, when he was
upon the steps of him that dwelleth in Khemenu. "6 am the Great God who $reated
himself, even ,u, who made his names to be$ome the /ompany of the Gods as
+ho is thisJ
"6t is *a, the $reator of the names of his limbs, whi$h $ame into being in the form
of the gods who are in the train of *a.
"6 am he who $annot be repulsed among the gods."
+ho is thisJ
"6t is Temu, the dweller in his dis#, but others say that it is *a when he riseth in
the eastern hori4on of the s#y.
"6 am Kesterday, 6 #now To-day."
+ho is thisJ
"Kesterday is Osiris, and To-day is *a, when he shall destroy the enemies of
,eb-er-t$her (the lord to the uttermost limit!, and when he shall establish as prin$e and
ruler his son Horus.
"Others, however, say that To-day is *a, on the day when we $ommemorate the
festival of the meeting of the dead Osiris with his father *a, and when the battle of the
gods was fought, in whi$h Osiris, the Lord of %mentet, was the leader."
+hat is thisJ
"6t is %mentet, 5that is to say7 the $reation ofthe souls of the gods when Osiris
was leader in "et-%mentet.
"Others, however, say that it is the %mentet whi$h *a hath given unto me1 when
any god $ometh he must rise up and fight for it. "6 #now the god who dwelleth therein."
+ho is thisJ
"6t is Osiris. Others, however, say that his name is *a, and that the god who
dwelleth in %mentet is the phallus of *a, wherewith he had union with himself.
"6 am the enu bird whi$h is in %nu. 6 am the #eeper of the volume of the boo#
(the Tablet of .estiny! of the things whi$h have been made, and of the things whi$h
shall be made."
+ho is thisJ
"6t is Osiris.
"Others, however, say that it is the dead body of Osiris, and yet others say that it
is the e3$rement of Osiris. The things whi$h have been made, and the things whi$h
shall be made 5refer to7 the dead body of Osiris. Others again say that the things whi$h
have been made are )ternity, and the things whi$h shall be made are )verlastingness,
and that )ternity is the .ay, and )verlastingness the ,ight.
"6 am the god 'enu in his $oming forth1 may his two plumes be set on my head
for me."
+ho is thisJ
"'enu is Horis, the %dvo$ate of his father 5Osiris7, and his $oming forth means
his birth. The two plumes on his head are 6sis and ,ephthys, when these goddesses
go forth and set themselves thereon, and when they a$t as his prote$tors, and when
they provide that whi$h his head la$#eth.
"Others, however, say that the two plumes are the two e3$eedingly large uraei
whi$h are upon the head of their father Tem, and there are yet others who say that the
two plumes whi$h are upon the head of 'enu are his two eyes.
"The Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose word is true, the registrar of all the offerings
whi$h are made to the gods, riseth up and $ometh into his $ity."
+hat is this 5$ity7J
"6t is the hori4on of his father Tem
"6 have made an end of my short$omings, and 6 have put away my faults."
+hat is thisJ
"6t is the $utting of the navel string of the body of the Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose
word is true before all the gods, and all his faults are driven out.L
+hat is this J
"6t is the purifi$ation 5of Osiris7 on the day of his birth.
"6 am purified in my great double nest whi$h is in Hensu on the day of the
offerings of the followers of the Great God who dwelleth therein."
+hat is the "great double nest"J
"The name of one nest is A'illions of years,A and AGreat Green 5"ea7A is the name
of the other, that is to say ALa#e of ,atronA and ALa#e of "alt.A
"Others, however, say the name of the one is AGuide of 'illions of Kears,A and
that AGreat Green La#eA is name of the other. Ket others say that Aegetter of 'illions of
KearsA is the name of one, and AGreat Green La#eA is the name of the other. ,ow, as
$on$erning the Great God who dwelleth therein, it is *a himself.
"6 pass over the way, 6 #now the head of the 6sland of 'aati."
+hat is thisJ
"6t is *a-stau, that is to say, it is the gate to the "outh of ,erutef, and it is the
,orthern Gate of the .omain (Tomb of the god!. ",ow, as $on$erning the 6sland of
'aati, it is %btu.
"Others, however, say that it is the way by whi$h 8ather Tem travelleth when he
goeth forth to "e#het-%aru, 5the pla$e7 whi$h produ$eth the food and sustenan$e of
the gods who are 5in7 their shrines.
",ow the Gate T$hesert is the Gate of the &illars of "hu, that is to say, the
,orthern Gate of the Tuat.
"Others, however, say that the Gate of T$hesert is the two leaves of the door
through whi$h the god Tem passeth when he goeth forth to the eastern hori4on of the
"O ye gods who are in the presen$e 5of Osiris7, grant to me your arms, for 6 am
the god who shall $ome into being among you."
+ho are these godsJ
"They are the drops of blood whi$h $ame forth from the phallus of *a when he
went forth to perform his own mutilitation. These drops of blood sprang into being
under the forms of the gods Hu and "a, who are in the bodyguard of *a, and who
a$$ompany the god Tem daily and every day.
"6, Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose word is truth, have filled for thee the ut$hat (the
)ye of *a, or of Horus!, when it had suffered e3tin$tion on the day of the $ombat of the
Two 8ighters (Horus and "et!."
+hat was this $ombatJ
6t was the $ombat whi$h too# pla$e on the day when Horus fought with "et,
during whi$h "et threw filth in the fa$e of Horus, and Horus $rushed the genitals of
"et. The filling of the ut$hat Thoth performed with his own fingers
"6 remove the thunder-$loud from the s#y when there is a storm with thunder and
lightning therein."
+hat is thisJ
"This storm was the raging of *a at the thunder-$loud whi$h 5"et7 sent forth
against the *ight )ye of *a (the "un!. Thoth removed the thunder-$loud from the )ye
of *a, and brought ba$# the )ye living, healthy, sound, and with no defe$t in it to its
"Others, however, say that the thunder-$loud is $aused by si$#ness in the )ye of
*a, whi$h weepeth for its $ompanion )ye (the 'oon!1 at this time Thoth $leanseth the
*ight )ye of *a.
"6 behold *a who was born yesterday from the thighs of the goddess
'ehurt1 his strength is my strength, and my strength is his strength."
+ho is thisJ
"'ehurt is the great /elestial +ater, but others say that 'ehurt is the image of
the )ye of *a at dawn at his birth daily.
"5Others, however, say that7 'ehurt is the ut$hat of *a.
",ow Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose word is truth, is a very great one among the
gods who are in the following of Horus1 they say that he is the prin$e who loveth his
+ho are the gods who are in the train of HorusJ
"5They are7 Kesta, Hapi, Taumutef, and (ebhsenuf.
"Homage to you, O ye lords of right and truth, ye sovereign prin$es (T$hat$ha!
who 5stand7 round about Osiris, who do away utterly sins and offen$es, and who are in
the following of the goddess Hetepse#hus, grant ye that 6 may $ome unto you. .estroy
ye all the faults whi$h are within me, even as ye did for the "even "pirits who are
among the followers of their lord "epa. %npu (%nubis! appointed to them their pla$es
on the day 5when he said unto them7,
"/ome ye hither."
+ho are the "lords of right and truth"J
"The lords of right and truth are Thoth and %stes, the Lord of %mentet.
"The T$hat$ha round about Osiris are Kesta, Hapi, Tuamutef, and (ebhsenuf,
and they are also round about the /onstellation of the Thigh (the Great ear!, in the
northern s#y.
"Those who do away utterly sins and offen$es, and who are in the following of
the goddess Hetepse#hus, are the god "ebe# and his asso$iates who dwell in the
"The goddess Hetepse#hus is the )ye of *a.
"Others, however, say that it is the flame whi$h a$$ompanieth Osiris to burn up
the souls of his enemies.
"%s $on$erning all the faults whi$h are in Osiris, the registrar of the offerings
whi$h are made unto all the gods, %ni, whose word is truth, 5these are all the offen$es
whi$h he hath $ommitted against the Lords of )ternity7 sin$e he $ame forth from his
motherAs womb.
"%s $on$erning the "even "pirits who are Kesta, Hapi, Tuamutef, (ebhsenuf,
'aa-atef, Kheribe9ef and Heru-#henti-en-ariti, these did %nubis appoint to be
prote$tors of the dead body of Osiris.
"Others, however, say that he set them round about the holy pla$e of Osiris.
"Others say that the "even "pirits 5whi$h were appointed by %nubis7 were
,et$heh-net$heh, %at9et9et, ,ertanef-besef-#henti-hehf, %9-her-ami-unnut-f, Tesher-
ariti-ami-Het-anes, 2bes-her-per-em-#het#het, and 'aaem-#erh-annef-em-hru.
"The $hief of the T$hat$ha (sovereign prin$es! who is in ,aarutef is Horus, the
%dvo$ate of his father.
"%s $on$erning the day wherein 5%nubis said to the "even "pirits7, A/ome ye
hither,A 5the allusion here7 is to the words A/ome ye hither,A whi$h *a spa#e unto
Derily may these same words be said unto me in %mentet.
"6 am the .ivine "oul whi$h dwelleth in the .ivine Twin-gods."
+ho is this .ivine "oulJ
"6t is Osiris. 5+hen7 he goeth into Tetu, and findeth there the "oul of *a, the one
god embra$eth the other, and two .ivine "ouls spring into being within the .ivine
(8rom the &apyrus of ,ebseni, rit. 'us. ,o. HH<<, "heet ;=, ll. ;Fff.!
"%s $on$erning the .ivine Twin-gods they are Heru-net$h-her-tefef and Heru-
#hent-en-%riti (Horus the %dvo$ate of his father 5Osiris7, and Horus the sightless!.
"Others say that the double .ivine "oul whi$h dwelleth in the .ivine Twin-gods
is the "oul of *a and the "oul of Osiris, and yet others say that it is the "oul whi$h
dwelleth in "hu, and the "ould whi$h dwelleth in Tefnut, and that these two "ouls form
the double .ivine "oul whi$h dwelleth in Tetu.
"6 am the /at whi$h fought near the &ersea Tree in %nu on the night when the
foes of ,eb-er-t$her were destroyed."
+ho is this /atJ
"This male /at is *a himself, and he was $alled A'auA be$ause of the spee$h of
the god "a, who said $on$erning him: AHe is li#e (mau! unto that whi$h he hath madeA1
therefore, did the name of *a be$ome A'au.A
"Others, however, say that the male /at is the god "hu, who made over the
possessions of Keb to Osiris.
"%s $on$erning the fight whi$h too# pla$e near the &ersea Tree in %nu 5these
words have referen$e to the slaughter7 of the $hildren of rebellion, when righteous
retribution was meted out to them for 5the evil7 whi$h they had done.
"%s $on$erning the Anight of the battle,A 5these words refer to7 the invasion of the
eastern portion of the heaven by the $hildren of rebellion, whereupon a great battle
arose in heaven and in all the earth.
"O thou who art in thine egg (*a,! who showest from thy .is#, who risest on thy
hori4on, and dost shine with golden beams in the height of heaven, li#e unto whom
there is none among the gods, who sailest above the &illars of "hu, who sendest forth
blasts of fire from thy mouth, 5who illuminest the Two Lands with thy splendour, deliver7
thou ,ebseni, the lord of fealty 5to Osiris7, from the god whose form is hidden, and
whose eyebrows are li#e unto the two arms of the alan$e on the night when the
senten$es of doom are promulgated."
+ho is this invisible godJ
"6t is %n-a-f (he who bringeth his arm.!.
"%s $on$erning Athe night when the senten$es of doom are promulgated,A it is the
night of the burning of the damned, and of the overthrow of the wi$#ed at the lo$#,
and of the slaughter of souls."
+ho is this 5slaughterer of souls7J
"6t is "hesmu, the headsman of Osiris.
"5/on$erning the invisible god7 some say that he is %apep when he riseth up
with a head bearing upon it 5the feather of7 'aat (Truth!. ut others say that he is
Horus when he riseth up with two heads, whereon one beareth 5the feather of7 'aat,
and the other 5the symbol of7 wi$#edness. He bestoweth wi$#edness on him that
wor#eth wi$#edness, and right and truth upon him that followeth righteousness and
"Others say that he is Heru-ur (the Old Horus!, who dwelleth in "e#hem1 others
say that he is Thoth1 others say that he is ,efer-Tem1 and others say that he is "ept
who doth bring to nought the a$ts of the foes of ,ebert$her.
".eliver thou the s$ribe ,ebseni, whose word is truth, from the +at$hers, who
$arry murderous #nives, who possess $ruel fingers, and who would slay those who are
in the following of Osiris."
'ay these +at$hers never gain the mastery over me, and may 6 never fall under
their #nives@
+ho are these +at$hersJ
"They are %nubis and Horus, 5the latter being7 in the form of Horus the sightless.
Others, however, say that they are the T$hat$ha (sovereign prin$es of Osiris!, who
bring to nought the operations of their #nives1 and others say that they are the $hiefs
of the "heniu $hamber.
"'ay their #nives never gain the mastery over me. 'ay 6 never fall under the
#nives wherewith they infli$t $ruel tortures. 8or 6 #now their names, and 6 #now the
being, 'at$het, who is among them in the House of Osiris. He shooteth forth rays of
light from his eye, being himself invisible, and he goeth round about heaven robed in
the flames whi$h $ome from his mouth, $ommanding Hapi, but remaining invisible
himself. 'ay 6 be strong on earth before *a, may 6 arrive safely in the presen$e of
Osiris. O ye who preside over your altars, let not your offerings to me be wanting, for 6
am one of those who follow after ,ebert$her, a$$ording to the writings of Khepera. Let
me fly li#e a haw#, let me $a$#le li#e a goose, let me lay always li#e the serpent-
goddess ,eheb-#a."
+ho are those who preside over their altarsJ
"Those who preside over their altars are the similitude of the )ye of *a, and the
similitude of the )ye of Horus.
"O *a-Tem, thou Lord of the Great House 5in %nu7, thou "overeign (life,
strentgh, health 5be to thee7! of all the gods, deliver thou the s$ribe ,ebseni, whose
word is truth, from the god whose fa$e is li#e unto that of a greyhound, whose brows
are li#e those of a man, who feedeth upon the dead, who wat$heth at the end of the
La#e of 8ire, who devoureth the bodies of the dead, and swalloweth hearts, and who
voideth filth, but who himself remaineth unseen."
+ho is this greyhound-fa$ed godJ
"His name is A)verlasting .evourer,A and he liveth in the .omain 5of 8ire7 (the
La#e of 2nt!.
"%s $on$erning the .omain of 8ire, it is that %at whi$h is in ,aarutef, and is near
the "heniu $hamber. The sinner who wal#eth over this pla$e falleth down among the
#nives 5of the +at$hers7.
LOthers, however, say that the name of this god is A'ates,A and that he #eepeth
wat$h over the door of %mentet1 others say that his name is Aeba,A and that he
#eepeth wat$h over the end 5of the stream7 of %mentet, and yet others say that his
name is AHerisepef.A
"Hail, Lord of Terror, /hief of the Lands of the "outh and ,orth, thou Lord of the
.esert, who dost #eep prepared the blo$# of slaughter, and who dost feed on the
intestines 5of men7@"
+ho is this Lord of TerrorJ
"6t is the Keeper of the end 5of the stream7 of %mentet."
+ho is this KeeperJ
"6t is the Heart of Osiris, whi$h is the devourer of all slaughtered things.
"The 2rrt /rown hath been given unto him, with gladness of heart, as Lord of
+ho is thisJ
"He to whom the 2rrt /rown hath been given with gladness of heart as Lord of
Hensu is Osiris. He was bidden to rule among the gods on the day of the union of
earth 5with earth7 in the presen$e of ,ebert$her.
L+ho is thisJ
"He who was bidden to rule among the gods is the son of 6sis (Horus!, who was
appointed to rule in the room of his father Osiris.
"%s $on$erning 5the words7 Aday of the union of earth with earth,A they have
referen$e to the union of earth with earth in the $offin of Osiris, the "oul that liveth in
Hensu, the giver of meat and drin#, the destroyer of wrong, and the guide to the
everlasting paths."
M+ho is thisJ
"6t is *a himself."
"5.eliver thou the Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose word is truth7 from the great god
who $arrrieth away souls, who eateth hearts, who feedeth upon offal, who #eepeth
wat$h in the dar#ness, who dwelleth in the "e#er oat1 those who live in sin fear him."
M+ho is thisJL
"6t is "uti, but others say that it is "mamur, the soul of Keb.
"Hail, Khepera in thy boat, the two /ompanies of the Gods are in thy body.
.eliver thou the Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose word is truth, from the +at$hers who
pass senten$es of doom, who have been appointed by the god ,ebert$her to prote$t
him, and to fasten the fetters on his foes, and who slaughter in the torture $hambers1
there is no es$ape from their fingers. 'ay they never stab me with their #nives, may 6
never fall helpless into their $hambers of torture. 6 have never done the things whi$h
the gods hate. 6 am he who is pure in the 'es9et $hamber. %nd saffron $a#es have
been brought unto him in Tannt."
M+ho is thisJ
"6t is Khepera in his boat1 it is *a himself.
"%s $on$erning the +at$hers who pass senten$es of doom, they are the %pes
6sis and ,ephthys.
"%s $on$erning the things whi$h the gods hate, they are a$ts of de$eit and lying.
He who passeth through the pla$e of purifi$ation within the 'es9et $hamber is %npu
(%nubis!, who is hard by the $offer whi$h $ontaineth the inward parts of Osiris. He to
whom saffron $a#es have been brought in Tannt is Osiris.
"Others, however, say that the saffron $a#es in Tannt represent heaven and
earth, and others say that they represent "hu, the strengthener of the Two Lands in
Hensu1 and others say that they represent the )ye of Horus, and that Tannt is the
burial-pla$e of Osiris.
"Tem hath builded thy house, and the double Lion-god hath laid the foundations
of thy habitation. Lo@ medi$aments have been brought. Horus purifieth "et and "et
strengtheneth, and "et purifieth and Horus strengtheneth.
"The Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose word is truth before Osiris, hath $ome into this
land, and he hath ta#en possession thereof with his two feet. He is Tem, and he is in
the $ity.
"Turn thou ba$#, O *ehu, whose mouth shineth, whose head moveth, turn thou
ba$# before his strength."
L%nother reading is, ATurn thou ba$# from him who #eepeth wat$h, and is himself
unseen.A Let the Osiris %ni be safely guarded. He is 6sis, and he is found with her hair
spread over him1 it is sha#en out over his brow. He was $on$eived by 6sis, and
engendered by ,ephthys, and they have $ut away from him the things whi$h should
be $ut from him.
"8ear followeth after thee, terror is about thine arms. Thou hast been embra$ed
for millions of years by arms1 mortals go round about thee. Thou smitest down the
mediators of thy foes, and thou sei4est the arms of the power of dar#ness. Thy two
sisters (6sis and ,ephthys! are given to thee for thy delight. Thou hast $reated that
whi$h is in Kher-aha, and that whi$h is %nu. )very god feareth thee, for thou art
e3$eedingly great and terrible1 thou 5avengest7 every god on the man who $urseth him,
and thou shootest arrows at him. Thou lives a$$ording to thy will. Thou art 2at$het, the
Lady of 8lame, evil befalleth those who set themselves up against thee."
M+hat is thisJL
"AHidden in form, given of 'enhu,A is the name of the "tomb. AHe who seeth what
is on his handA is the name of (erau, or, as others say, it is the name of the lo$#.
",ow, he whose mouth shineth and whose head moveth is the phallus of Osiris,
but others say it is 5the phallus7 of *a. AThou spreadest thy hair, and 6 sha#e it out over
his brow" is said $on$erning 6sis, who hideth in her hair, and draweth it round about
"2at$het, the Lady of 8lames, is the )ye of *a."
T2e F%rst Ar%t#
The name of the .oor#eeper is "e#het-her-asht-aru. The name of the +at$her
is "metti. The name of the Herald is Ha#heru.The Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, shall
say when he $ometh unto the 8irst %rit:
"6 am the mighty one who $reateth his own light. 6 have $ome unto thee, O
Osiris, and, purified from that whi$h defileth thee, 6 adore thee. Lead on. ,ame not the
name of *a-stau to me. Homage to thee, O Osiris, in thy might and in thy strength in
*a-stau. *ise up and $on9uer, O Osiris, in %btu. Thou goest round about heaven, thou
sailest in the presen$e of *a, thou loo#est upon
all the beings who have #nowledge. Hail, *a, thou who goest round about in the s#y, 6
say, O Osiris in truth, that 6 am the "ahu ("pirit-body! of the god, and 6 besee$h thee
not to let me be driven away, nor to be $ast upon the wall of bla4ing fire. Let the way
be opened in *a-stau, let the pain of the Osiris be relieved, embra$e that whi$h the
alan$e hath weighed, let a path be made for the Osiris in the Great Dalley, and let the
Osiris have light to guide him on his way."
T2e Se34n Ar%t#
The name of the .oor#eeper is 2nhat. The name of the +at$her is "e9t-her.
The name of the Herald is 2st. The Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, shall say 5when he
$ometh to this %rit7:
"He sitteth to $arry out his heartAs desire, and he weigheth words as the "e$ond
of Thoth. The strength whi$h prote$teth Thoth humbleth the hidden 'aati gods, who
feed upon 'aat during the years of their lives. 6 offer up my offerings 5to him7 at the
moment when he ma#eth his way. 6 advan$e, and 6 enter on the path. O grant thou that
6 may $ontinue to advan$e, and that 6 may attain to the sight of *a, and of those who
offer up 5their7 offerings."
T2e T2%r Ar%t#
The name of the .oor#eeper is 2nem-hauatu-ent-pehui. The name of the
+at$her is "eres-her. The name of the Herald is %a. The Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose
word is truth, shall say 5when he $ometh to this %rit7:
"6 am he who is hidden in the great deep. 6 am the Iudge of the *ehui, 6 have
$ome and 6 have done away the offensive thing whi$h was upon Osiris. 6 tie firmly the
pla$e on whi$h he standeth, $oming forth from the 2rt. 6 have stablished things in
%btu, 6 have opened up a way through *a-stau, and 6 have relieved the pain whi$h
was in Osiris. 6 have balan$ed the pla$e whereon he standeth, and 6 have made a path
for him1 he shineth brilliantly in *a-stau."
T2e F4&rt2 Ar%t#
The name of the .oor#eeper is Khesef-her-asht-#heru. The name of the
+at$her is "eres-tepu. The name of the Herald is Khesef-at. The Osiris the s$ribe %ni,
whose word is truth, shall say 5when he $ometh to this %rit7: "6 am the ull, the son of
the an$estress of Osiris. O grant ye that his father, the Lord of his god-li#e
$ompanions, may bear witness on his behalf. 6 have weighed the guilty in 0udgment. 6
have brought unto his nostrils the life whi$h is ever lasting. 6 am the son of Osiris, 6
have a$$omplished the 0ourney, 6 have advan$ed in Khert-,eter."
T2e F%5t2 Ar%t#
The name of the .oor#eeper is %n#hf-em-fent. The name of the +at$her is
"habu. The name of the Herald is Teb-her-#ha-#heft. The Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose
word is truth, shall say 5when he $ometh to this %rit7:
"6 have brought unto thee the 0awbone in *a-stau. 6 have brought unto thee thy
ba$#bone in %nu. 6 have gathered together his manifold members therein. 6 have
driven ba$# %apep for thee. 6 have spit upon the wounds 5in his body7. 6 have made
myself a path among you. 6 am the %ged One among the gods. 6 have made offerings
to Osiris. 6 have defended him with the word of truth. 6 have gathered together his
bones, and have $olle$ted all his members."
T2e S%6t2 Ar%t#
The name of the .oor#eeper is %te#-tau-#eha9-#heru. The name of the +at$her
is %n-her. The name of the Herald is %tes-her-5ari7-she. The Osiris the s$ribe %ni,
whose word is truth, shall say 5when he $ometh to this %rit7:
"6 have $ome daily, 6 have $ome daily. 6 have made myself a way. 6 have
advan$ed over that whi$h was $reated by %npu (%nubis!. 6 am the Lord of the 2rrt
/rown. 6 am the possessor 5of the #nowledge of7 the words of magi$al power, 6 am the
%venger a$$ording to law, 6 have avenged 5the in0ury to7 his )ye. 6 have defended
Osiris. 6 have a$$omplished my 0ourney. The Osiris %ni advan$eth with you with the
word whi$h is truth."
T2e Se7ent2 Ar%t*
The name of the .oor#eeper is "e#hmet-em-tsu-sen. The name of the +at$her
is %a-maa-#heru. The name of the Herald is Khesef-#hemi. The Osiris the s$ribe %ni,
whose word is truth, shall say 5when he $ometh to this %rit7:
"6 have $ome unto thee, O Osiris, being purified from foul emissions. Thou goest
round about heaven, thou seest *a, thou seest the beings who have #nowledge.
5Hail7, thou, O,)@ ehold, thou art in the "e#tet oat whi$h traverseth the heavens. 6
spea# what 6 will to his "ahu ("pirit-body!. He is strong, and $ometh into being even
5as7 he spa#e. Thou meetest him fa$e to fa$e. &repare thou for me all the ways whi$h
are good 5and whi$h lead7 to thee."
*2*6/: 6f 5these7 words be re$ited by the spirit when he shall $ome
to the "even %rits, and as he entereth the doors, he shall neither
be turned ba$# nor repulsed before Osiris, and he shall be made to
have his being among the blessed spirits, and to have dominion among
the an$estral followers of Osiris. 6f these things be done for any
spirit he shall have his being in that pla$e li#e a lord of eternity
in one body with Osiris, and at no pla$e shall any being $ontend
against him.
TH) &KLO," O8 TH) HO2") O8 O"6*6"
The following shall be said when one $ometh to the 86*"T &KLO,.
The Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose word is truth, saith: "Lady of
tremblings, high-walled, the sovereign lady, the lady of
destru$tion, who uttereth the words whi$h drive ba$# the destroyers,
who delivereth from destru$tion him that $ometh." The name of her
.oor#eeper is ,eruit.
The following shall be said when one $ometh to the ")/O,. &KLO,. The
Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose word is truth, saith: "Lady of heaven,
'istress of the Two Lands, devourer by fire, Lady of mortals, who
art infinitely greater than any human being." The name of her
.oor#eeper is 'es-&tah.
The following shall be said when one $ometh to the TH6*. &KLO,.
The Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose word is truth, saith: "Lady of the
%ltar, the mighty lady to whom offerings are made, greatly beloved one
of every god sailing up the river to %bydos." The name of her
.oor#eeper is "eb9a.
The following shall be said when one $ometh to the 8O2*TH &KLO,. The
Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose word is truth, saith: "&revailer with
#nives, 'istress of the Two Lands, destroyer of the enemies of the
"till-Heart (Osiris!, who de$reeth the release of those who suffer
through evil hap." The name of her .oor#eeper is ,e#au.
The following shall be said when one $ometh to the 868TH &KLO,.
The Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose word is truth, saith: "8lame, Lady of
fire, absorbing the entreaties whi$h are made to her, who permitteth
not to approa$h her the rebel." The name of her .oor#eeper is
The following shall be said when one $ometh to the "6BTH &KLO,.
The Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose word is truth, saith: "Lady of light,
who roareth mightily, whose breadth $annot be $omprehended. Her li#e
hath not been found sin$e the beginning. There are serpents over whi$h
are un#nown. They were brought forth before the "till-Heart." The name
of her .oor#eeper is "emati.
The following shall be said when one $ometh to the ")D),TH &KLO,.
The Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose word is truth, saith: "Garment
whi$h envelopeth the helpless one, whi$h weepeth for and loveth that
whi$h it $overeth." The name of her .oor#eeper is "a#tif.
The following shall be said when one $ometh to the )6GHTH &KLO,. The
Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose word is truth, saith: "la4ing fire,
un9uen$hable, with far-rea$hing tongues of flame, irresistible
slaughterer, whi$h one may not pass through fear of its deadly
atta$#." The name of her .oor#eeper is Khut$hetef.
The following shall be said when one $ometh to the ,6,TH &KLO,.
The Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose word is truth, saith:
"/hieftainess, lady of strength, who giveth 9uiet of heart to the
offspring of her lord. Her girth is three hundred and fifty #het,
and she is $lothed with green feldspar of the "outh. "he bindeth up
the divine form and $lotheth the helpless one. .evourer, lady of all
men." The name of her .oor#eeper is %risut$hesef.
The following shall be said when one $ometh to the T),TH &KLO,.
The Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose word is truth, saith: "Goddess of the
loud voi$e, who ma#eth her suppliants to mourn, the awful one who
terrifieth, who herself remaineth unterrified within." The name of her
.oor#eeper is "e#henur.
,u, the steward of the #eeper of the seal, saith when he $ometh to
the )L)D),TH &KLO, of Osiris: "6 have made my way, 6 #now you, and 6
#now thy name, and 6 #now the name of her who is within thee: "he
who slayeth always, $onsumer of the fiends by fire, mistress of
every pylon, the lady who is a$$laimed on the day of dar#ness" is
thy name. "he inspe$teth the swathing of the helpless one.
The Osiris ,u, the steward of the #eeper of the seal, saith when
he $ometh to the T+)L8TH &KLO, of Osiris: "6 have made my way, 6
#now you, and 6 #now thy name, and 6 #now the name of her who is
within thee: 6nvo#er of thy Two Lands, destroyer of those who $ome
to thee by fire, lady of spirits, obeyer of the word of thy Lord" is
thy name. "he inspe$teth the swathing of the helpless one.
The Osiris ,u, the steward of the #eeper of the seal, saith when
he $ometh to the TH6*T)),TH &KLO, of Osiris: "6 have made my way, 6
#now you and 6 #now thy name, and 6 #now the name of her who is within
thee: Osiris foldeth his arms about her, and ma#eth Hapi (the
,ile-god!, to emit splendour out of his hidden pla$es" is thy name.
"he inspe$teth the swathing of the helpless one.
The Osiris ,u, the steward of the #eeper of the seal, saith when
he $ometh to the 8O2*T)),TH &KLO, of Osiris: "6 have made my way, 6
#now thee, and 6 #now thy name, and 6 #now the name of her who is
within thee. Lady of might, who trampleth on the *ed .emons, who
#eepeth the festival of Haa#er on the day of the hearing of faults" is
thy name. "he inspe$teth the swathing of the helpless one.
TH) 868T)),TH &KLO,. The Osiris Heru-em-#hebit, whose word is truth,
shall say when he $ometh to this pylon: "8iend, red of hair and
eyes, who appeareth by night, and doth fetter the fiend in his lair.
Let her hands be given to the "till-Heart in his hour, let her advan$e
and go forward" is thy name. "he inspe$teth the swathing of the
helpless one.
TH) "6BT)),TH &KLO,. The Osiris Heru-em-#hebit, whose word is truth,
shall say when he $ometh to this pylon: "Terrible one, lady of the
rain-storm, destroyer of the souls of men, devourer of the bodies of
men, orderer, produ$er, and ma#er of slaughter" is thy name. "he
inspe$teth the swathing of the helpless one.
TH) ")D),T)),TH &KLO,. The Osiris Heru-em-#hebit, whose word is
truth, shall say when he $ometh to this pylon: "Hewer-in-pie$es in
blood, %hibit, lady of hair" is thy name. "he inspe$teth the
swathing of the helpless one.
TH) )6GHT)),TH &KLO,. The Osiris Heru-em-#hebit, whose word is
truth, shall say when he $ometh to this pylon: "8ire-lover, pure
one, lover of slaughterings, $utter off of heads, devoted one, lady of
the Great House, slaughterer of fiends at eventide" is thy name. "he
inspe$teth the swathing of the helpless one.
TH) ,6,)T)),TH &KLO,. The Osiris Heru-em-#hebit, whose word is
truth, shall say when he $ometh to this pylon: "Light-giver for
life, bla4ing all the day, lady of strength 5and of7 the writings of
the god Thoth himself" is thy name. "he inspe$teth the swathings of
the +hite House.
TH) T+),T6)TH &KLO,. The Osiris Heru-em-#hebit, whose word is truth,
shall say when he $ometh to this pylon: ".weller in the $avern of
her lord, her name is /lother, hider of her $reations, $on9ueror of
hearts, swallower 5of them7" is thy name. "he inspe$teth the swathings
of the +hite House.
TH) T+),TK-86*"T &KLO,. The Osiris Heru-em-#hebit, whose word is
truth, shall say when he $ometh to this pylon: "Knife whi$h $utteth
when 5its name7 is uttered, slayer of those who approa$h thy flame" is
thy name. "he possesseth hidden plans.
(8rom the Turin &apryus, ed. Lepsius, l. F=, the te3t referring
to the twenty-first &ylon.!
TH) O"6*6" %28%,KH, +HO") +O*. 6" T*2TH, "%6TH: Hail, saith Horus, O
Twenty-first pylon of the "till-Heart@ 6 have made the way. 6 #now
thee. 6 #now thy name. 6 #now the name of the goddess who guardeth
thee. ""word that smiteth at the utteran$e of its own name, stin#ing
fa$e, overthrower of him that approa$heth her flame" is thy name. Thou
#eepest the hidden things of the avenger of the god, thou guardest
them. %mam is his name. He ma#eth the ash trees ($edars! not to
grow, and the shenu trees (a$a$ias! not to blossom, and preventeth
$opper from being found in the mountain. The T$hat$ha (/hiefs! of this
&ylon are "even Gods. T$hen, or %nth$h (%t!, is the name of the one at
the door. Hetepmes is the name of another there. 'essep is the name of
another there. 2t$hara is the name of another there. e9 is the name
of another there. %np (%nubis! is the name of another there.
6 have made the way. 6 am 'enu-Heru, the avenger of his father,
the heir of his father 2n-,efer. 6 have $ome. 6 have given 5offerings7
to my father Osiris. 6 have overthrown all his enemies. 6 have $ome
daily with the word of truth, the lord of fealty, in the house of my
father Tem, the Lord of %nu, 6, the Osiris %uf-an#h, whose word is
truth in the southern heaven. 6 have done what is right for him that
made the right, 6 have $elebrated the Ha#er festival to the lord
thereof. 6 have a$ted as the leader of the festivals. 6 have given
$a#es to the Lords of the %ltar. 6 have been the leader of the
propitiatory offerings, $a#es, ale, o3en, geese, to my father Osiris
2n-,efer. 6 am the prote$tor of the a-soul, 6 have made the enu bird
to appear 5by my7 words. 6 have $ome daily into the house of the god
to ma#e offerings of in$ense. 6 have $ome with the shenti tuni$. 6
have set the ,eshem oat afloat on the water. 6 have made the word
of Osiris Khenti %menti to be truth before his enemies. 6 have $arried
away in a boat all his enemies to the slaughter-house of the )ast, and
they shall never es$ape from the wardship of the god Keb who
dwelleth therein. 6 have made the Kefaiu gods of *a to stand up, 6
have made his word to be truth. 6 have $ome as a s$ribe. 6 have
e3plained 5the writings7. 6 have made the god to have power over his
legs. 6 have $ome into the house of him that is upon his mountain
(%nubis!. 6 have seen the /hief of the "eh hall. 6 have entered into
*a-stau. 6 have made myself invisible. 6 have found for myself the
boundary. 6 have approa$hed ,erutef. 6 have $lothed the na#ed. 6
have sailed up the river to %bydos. 6 have performed the $eremonies of
Hu and "a. 6 have entered the house of %stes. 6 have made suppli$ation
to the Khati gods and to "e#hmet in the temple of ,et (,eith!, or
the %ged Ones. 6 have entered *a-stau. 6 have made myself invisible. 6
have found the frontier. 6 have approa$hed ,erutef. 6 have $lothed the
na#ed. 6 have sailed up the river to %bydos. 6 have performed the
$eremonies of Hu and "a. 6 have re$eived. 6 have risen li#e a #ing
$rowned. 6 fill my seat on the throne in the pla$e of my father, the
God +ho was at the beginning. 6 have praised the 'es#hen of
Ta-t$hesert. 'y mouth is full of 'aat (Truth!. 6 have overwhelmed
the %#he#hau serpents. 6 have $ome into the Great House with 5my7 body
in a flourishing $ondition. 6 have $aused myself to travel in the oat
of Hai. The myrrh unguent of..... is in the hair of men (*e#hit!. 6
have entered into the House of %stes. 6 have approa$hed with worship
the two Khati gods and "e#hmet, who are in the temple of the %ged
One 5in %nu7.
5%nd the god Osiris saith:7 "Thou hast $ome, thou shalt be a
favoured one in Tetu, O Osiris %uf-an#h, whose word is truth, the
son of the lady "hert-en-'enu, whose word is truth."
TH) &*6)"T" %,'2T)8 %,. "%')*)8
TH) "&))/H O8 TH) &*6)"T %,'2T)8.
6 have $ome unto you, O ye great T$hat$ha /hiefs who dwell in
heaven, and upon earth, and in Khert-,eter, and 6 have brought unto
you the Osiris %ni. He hath not $ommitted any a$t whi$h is an
abomination before all the gods. Grant ye that he may live with you
every day.
The Osiris the s$ribe %ni adoreth Osiris, Lord of *asta, and the
Great /ompany of the Gods who live in Khert-,eter. He saith: "Homage
to thee, Khenti %menti, 2n-,efer, who dwellest in %btu. 6 $ome to
thee. 'y heart holdeth Truth. There is no sin in my body. 6 have not
told a lie wittingly, 6 have not a$ted in a double manner. Grant
thou to me $a#es, let me appear in the presen$e, at the altar of the
Lords of Truth, let me go in and $ome forth from Khert-,eter 5at
will7, let not my Heart-soul be driven away 5from me71 and grant me
a sight of the .is# and the beholding of the 'oon for ever and ever.
TH) "&))/H O8 TH) &*6)"T "%')*)8.
6 have $ome unto you, O ye T$hat$ha /hiefs who dwell in *asta, and 6
have brought unto you the Osiris %ni, grant ye unto him $a#es, and
water, and air, and a homestead in "e#het-hetep as to the followers of
The Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose word is truth, adoreth Osiris,
the Lord of everlastingness, and the T$hat$ha /hiefs, the Lords of
*asta. He saith: "Homage to thee, O King of Khert-,eter, thou Governor
of %#ert@ 6 have $ome unto thee. 6 #now thy plans, 6 am e9uipped
with the forms whi$h thou ta#est in the Tuat. Give thou to me a
pla$e in Khert-,eter, near the Lords of Truth. 'ay my homestead be
lasting in "e#het-hetep, may 6 re$eive $a#es in thy presen$e."
TH) I2.G)" 6, %,2
Hail, Thoth, who madest to be true the word of Osiris against his
enemies, ma#e thou the word of the s$ribe ,ebseni to be true against
his enemies, even as thou didst ma#e the word of Osiris to be true
against his enemies, in the presen$e of the T$hat$ha /hiefs who are
with *a and Osiris in %nu, on the night of the "things of the
night," and the night of battle, and of the fettering of the "ebau
fiends, and the day of the destru$tion of the enemies of ,eb-er-t$her.
,ow the great T$hat$ha /hiefs in %nu are Tem, "hu, Tefnut, 5Osiris
and Thoth7. ,ow the "fettering of the "ebau fiends" signifieth the
destru$tion of the "maiu fiends of "et, when he wrought ini9uity a
se$ond time.
Hail, Thoth, who didst ma#e the word of Osiris to be true against
his enemies, ma#e thou the word of the Osiris %ni to be true against
his enemies, with the great T$hat$ha /hiefs who are in Tetu, on the
night of setting up the Tet in Tetu.
,ow the great T$hat$ha /hiefs who are in Tetu are Osiris, 6sis,
,ephthys, and Horus the avenger of his father. ,ow the "setting up
of the Tet in Tetu" signifieth 5the raising up of7 the shoulder of
Horus, the Governor of "e#hem. They are round about Osiris in the band
5and7 the bandages.
Hail, Thoth, who didst ma#e the word of Osiris to be true against
his enemies, ma#e thou the word of the Osiris %ni to be true against
his enemies, with the great T$hat$ha /hiefs who are in "e#hem, on
the night of the "things of the night" in "e#hem.
,ow the great T$hat$ha /hiefs who are in "e#hem are
Heru-#henti-en-ariti and Thoth who is with the T$hat$ha /hiefs of
,erutef. ,ow the night of the "things of the night festival"
signifieth the dawn on the sar$ophagus of Osiris.
Hail, Thoth, who didst ma#e the word of Osiris to be true against
his enemies, ma#e thou the word of the Osiris the s$ribe %ni to be
true against his enemies, with the great T$hat$ha /hiefs who are in
the double town &e-Tep, on the night of setting up the ""enti" of
Horus, and of establishing him in the inheritan$e of the possessions
of his father Osiris.
,ow the great T$hat$ha /hiefs who are in &e-Tep are Horus, 6sis,
Kesta ('esta! and Hapi. ,ow the "setting up of the A"entiA of Horus"
hath referen$e to the words whi$h "et spa#e to his followers, saying
""et up the "enti."
Hail, Thoth, who didst ma#e the word of Osiris to be true against
his enemies, ma#e thou the word of the Osiris the s$ribe %ni to be
true, in pea$e, against his enemies, with the great T$hat$ha /hiefs
who are in the Lands of the *e#hti (Taiu-*e#hti!, in the night when
6sis lay down, and #ept wat$h to ma#e lamentation for her brother
,ow the great T$hat$ha /hiefs who are in Taiu-*e#hti are 6sis,
Horus, Kesta ('esta! 5%npu and Thoth7.
Hail, Thoth, who didst ma#e the word of Osiris true against his
enemies, ma#e thou the word of Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose word is
truth, in pea$e, to be true against his enemies, with the great
T$hat$ha /hiefs who are in %btu, on the night of the god Ha#er, when
the dead are separated, and the spirits are 0udged, and when the
pro$ession ta#eth pla$e in Teni.
,ow the great T$hat$ha /hiefs who are in %btu are Osiris, 6sis,
and 2p-uat.
Hail, Thoth, who didst ma#e the word of Osiris to be true against
his enemies, ma#e thou the word of the Osiris, the s$ribe and assessor
of the sa$red offerings whi$h are made to all the gods, %ni, to be
true against his enemies, with the T$hat$ha /hiefs who e3amine the
dead on the night of ma#ing the inspe$tion of those who are to be
,ow the great T$hat$ha /hiefs who are present at the e3amination
of the dead are Thoth, Osiris, %npu and %sten (read %stes!. ,ow the
inspe$tion (or, $ounting! of those who are to be annihilated
signifieth the shutting up of things from the souls of the sons of
Hail, Thoth, who didst ma#e the word of Osiris true against his
enemies, ma#e thou the word of the Osiris the s$ribe %ni to be true
against his enemies, with the great T$hat$ha /hiefs who are present at
the digging up of the earth 5and mi3ing it7 with their blood, and of
ma#ing the word of Osiris to be true against his enemies.
%s $on$erning the T$hat$ha /hiefs who are present at the digging
up of the earth in Tetu: +hen the "maiu fiends of "et $ame 5there7,
having transformed themselves into animals, these T$hat$ha /hiefs slew
them in the presen$e of the gods who were there, and they too# their
blood, and $arried it to them. These things were permitted at the
e3amination 5of the wi$#ed7 by those 5gods7 who dwelt in Tetu.
Hail, Thoth, who didst ma#e the word of Osiris to be true against
his enemies, ma#e thou the word of the Osiris 5the s$ribe7 %ni to be
true against his enemies, with the great T$hat$ha /hiefs who are in
,erutef on the night of the "Hidden of 8orms."
,ow the great T$hat$ha /hiefs who are in ,erutef are *a, Osiris, "hu
and ebi.
,ow, the night of the "Hidden of 8orms" referreth to the pla$ing
on the sar$ophagus 5of Osiris7 the arm, the heel, and the thigh of
Osiris 2n-,efer.
Hail, Thoth, who didst ma#e the word of Osiris true against his
enemies, ma#e thou the word of the Osiris, whose word is truth, to
be true against his enemies, with the great T$hat$ha /hiefs who are in
*asta, on the night when %npu lay with his arms on the things by
Osiris, and when the word of Horus was ma#e to be true against his
The great T$hat$ha /hiefs who are in *asta are Horus, Osiris, and
6sis. The heart of Osiris is happy, the heart of Horus is glad, and
the two halves of )gypt (%terti! are well satisfied thereat.
Hail, Thoth, who didst ma#e the word of Osiris true against his
enemies, ma#e thou the word of the Osiris the s$ribe %ni, the assessor
of the holy offerings made to all the gods, to be true against his
enemies, with the Ten great T$hat$ha /hiefs who are with *a, and
with Osiris, and with every god, and with every goddess, in the
presen$e of the god ,ebert$her. He hath destroyed his enemies, and
he hath destroyed every evil thing whi$h appertained to him.
*2*6/: 6f this /hapter be re$ited for, or over, the de$eased, he
shall $ome forth by day, purified after death, a$$ording to the desire
of his heart. ,ow if this /hapter be re$ited over him, he shall
progress over the earth, and he shall es$ape from every fire, and none
of the evil things whi$h appertain to him shall ever be round about
him1 never, a million times over, shall this be.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 O&),6,G TH) 'O2TH O8 TH) O"6*6" %,6. To be said:- The
god &tah shall open my mouth, and the god of my town shall unfasten
the swathings, the swathings whi$h are over my mouth. Thereupon
shall $ome Thoth, who is e9uipped with words of power in great
abundan$e, and shall untie the fetters, even the fetters of the god
"et whi$h are over my mouth. %nd the god Tem shall $ast them ba$# at
those who would fetter me with them, and $ast them at him. Then
shall the god "hu open my mouth, and ma#e an opening into my mouth
with the same iron implement wherewith he opened the mouth of the
gods. 6 am the goddess "e#hmet, and 6 ta#e my seat upon the pla$e by
the side of %mt-ur the great wind of heaven. 6 am the great
"tar-goddess "aah, who dwelleth among the "ouls of %nu. ,ow as
$on$erning every spell, and every word whi$h shall be spo#en against
me, every god of the .ivine /ompany shall set himself in opposition
TH) /H%&T)* O8 *6,G6,G +O*." O8 &O+)* TO TH) O"6*6" %,6, who
saith:- 6 am Tem-Khepera who produ$ed himself on the thighs of his
divine mother. Those who dwell in ,u have been made wolves, and those
who are among the T$hat$ha /hiefs have be$ome hyenas. ehold, 6 will
gather together to myself this $harm from the person with whom it is
5and from the pla$e7 wherein it is 5and it shall $ome to me7 9ui$#er
than a greyhound, and swifter that light. Hail, thou who bringest the
8erry-oat of *a, thou holdest thy $ourse firmly and dire$tly in the
north wind as thou sailest up the river towards the 6sland of 8ire
whi$h is in Khert-,eter. ehold, thou shalt gather together to thee
this $harm from wheresoever it may be, and from whomsoever it may be
with 5and it shall $ome to me7 9ui$#er than a greyhound, and swifter
than light. 6t (the $harm! made the transformations of 'ut1 it
fashioned the gods 5or7 #ept them silent1 by it 'ut gave the warmth
5of life7 to the gods. ehold, these words of power are mine, and
they shall $ome unto me from wheresoever they may be, or with
whomsoever they may be, 9ui$#er than greyhounds and swifter than
light, or, a$$ording to another reading, "swifter than shadows."
TH) /H%&T)* +H6/H '%K)TH % '%, TO *)')')* H6" ,%') 6,
KH)*T-,)T)*. 5The de$eased7 saith:- Let my name be given to me in
the Great House (&er-ur!, and let me remember my name in the House
of 8ire (&er ,eser!, on the night wherein the years are $ounted up,
and the number of the months is told. 6 am dwelling with the .ivine
One, 6 ta#e my seat on the eastern side of the s#y. 6f any god
$ometh after me, 6 shall be able to de$lare his name forthwith.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 G6D6,G % H)%*T TO TH) O"6*6" %,6 6, KH)*T-,)T)*. He
saith:- Let my heart be with me in the House of Hearts. Let my
heart-$ase be with me in the House of heart-$ases. Let my heart be
with me, and let it rest in 5me or7 6 shall not eat the $a#es of
Osiris in the eastern side of the La#e of 8lowers, nor have a boat
wherein to float down the river, nor a boat to sail up the river to
thee, nor be able to embar# in a boat with thee. Let my mouth be to me
that 6 may spea# therewith. Let my legs be to me that 6 may wal#
therewith. Let my arms be to me that 6 may overthrow the foe
therewith. Let the two doors of the s#y be opened to me. 'ay Keb,
the )rpat of the gods, open his 0aws to me. 'ay he open my two eyes
whi$h are blinded by swathings. 'ay he ma#e me to lift up my legs in
wal#ing whi$h are tied together. 'ay %npu ma#e my thighs to be$ome
vigorous. 'ay the goddess "e#hmet raise me, and lift me up. Let me
as$end into heaven, let that whi$h 6 $ommand be performed in
Het-#a-&tah. 6 #now how to use my heart. 6 am master of my heart-$ase.
6 am master of my hands and arms. 6 am master of my legs. 6 have the
power to do that whi$h my K% desireth to do. 'y Heart-soul shall not
be #ept a prisoner in my body at the gates of %mentet when 6 would
go in in pea$e and $ome forth in pea$e.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 ,OT L)TT6,G TH) H)%*T O8 TH) O"6*6", TH) %"")""O*
O8 TH) .6D6,) O88)*6,G" O8 %LL TH) GO.", %,6, +HO") +O*. 6" T*2TH
)8O*) O"6*6", ) .*6D), %/K 8*O' H6' 6, KH)*T-,)T)*. He saith:- 'y
heart of my mother. 'y heart of my mother. 'y heart-$ase of my
transformations. Let not any one stand up to bear testimony against
me. Let no one drive me away from the T$hat$ha /hiefs. Let no one ma#e
thee to fall away from me in the presen$e of the Keeper of the
alan$e. Thou art my K%, the dweller in my body, the god Khnemu who
ma#est sound my members. 'ayest thou appear in the pla$e of
happiness whither we go. Let not ma#e my name to stin# "henit
/hiefs, who ma#e men to be stable. 5Let it be satisfa$tory unto us,
and let the listening be satisfa$tory unto us, and let there be 0oy of
heart to us at the weighing of words. Let not lies be told against
me before the Great God, the Lord of %mentet. Derily, how great
shalt thou be when thou risest up in triumph@7
*2*6/ 6: These words are to be said over a s$arab of green stone
en$ir$led with a band of refined $opper, and 5having7 a ring of
silver1 whi$h shall be pla$ed on the ne$# of the Khu (the de$eased!,
*2*6/ 66 (8rom the &apyrus of ,u, "heet ?;!: 6f this /hapter be
#nown 5by the de$eased7 he shall be de$lared a spea#er of the truth
both upon earth and in Khert-,eter, and he shall be able to perform
every a$t whi$h a living human being $an perform. ,ow it is a great
prote$tion whi$h hath been given by the god. This /hapter was found in
the $ity of Khemenu upon the slab of ba, whi$h was inlaid with
5letters of7 genuine lapis-la4uli, and was under the feet of 5the
statue7 of the god, during the reign of His 'a0esty, the King of the
"outh and ,orth, 'en#aura ('y$erinus!, true of word, by &rin$e
Herutataf, who found it during a 0ourney whi$h he made to inspe$t
the temples. One ,e#ht was with him who was diligent in ma#ing him
to understand it, and he brought it to the #ing as a wonderful
ob0e$t when he per$eived that it was a thing of great mystery, 5the
li#e of7 whi$h had never 5before7 been seen or loo#ed upon. This
/hapter shall be re$ited by a man who is $eremonially $lean and
pure, who hath not eaten the flesh of animals, or fish, and who hath
not had inter$ourse with women. %nd behold, thou shalt ma#e a s$arab
of green stone, with a rim 5plated7 with gold, whi$h shall be pla$ed
above the heart of a man, and it shall perform for him the "opening of
the mouth." %nd thou shalt anoint it with myrrh unguent, and thou
shalt re$ite over it the following words of magi$al power. 5Here
follows the te3t of the /hapter of ,ot Letting the Heart of %ni e
Ta#en from Him.7
TH) /H%&T)* O8 ,OT L)TT6,G TH) H)%*T-"O2L O8 % '%, ) ",%T/H).
%+%K 8*O' H6' 6, KH)*T-,)T)*. The Osiris the s$ribe %ni saith:--6,
even 6, am he who $ometh forth from the /elestial +ater (%#eb!. He
(%#eb! produ$ed abundan$e for me, and hath the mastery there in the
form of the *iver.
(This is a portion of a longer /hapter whi$h is in$luded in the
(The following is from the &apyrus of ,efer-uben-f, ,aville, op.
$it., 6, l. >?.!
TH) /H%&T)* O8 .*6,K6,G +%T)* 6, KH)*T-,)T)*. The am #hent priest,
,efer-uben-f, whose word is truth, saith:- 6, even 6, am he who $ometh
forth from the god Keb. The water-flood is given to him, he hath
be$ome the master thereof in the form of Hapi. 6, the am #hent
,efer-uben-f, open the doors of heaven. Thoth hath opened to me the
doors of (ebh (the /elestial +aters!. Lo, Hepi Hepi, the two sons of
the "#y, mighty in splendour, grant ye that 6 may be master over the
water, even as "et had dominion over his evil power on the day of
the storming of the Two Lands. 6 pass by the Great Ones, arm to
shoulder, even as they pass that Great God, the "pirit who is
e9uipped, whose name is un#nown. 6 have passed by the %ged One of
the shoulder. 6 am ,efer-uben-f, whose word is truth. Hath opened to
me the /elestial +ater Osiris. Hath opened to me the /elestial +ater
Thoth-Hapi, the Lord of the hori4on, in his name of "Thoth, $leaver of
the earth." 6 am master of the water, as "et is master of his
weapon. 6 sail over the s#y, 6 am *a, 6 am *u. 6 am "ma. 6 have
eaten the Thigh, 6 have sei4ed the bone and flesh. 6 go round about
the La#e of "e#het-%r. Hath been given to me eternity without limit.
ehold, 6 am the heir of eternity, to whom hath been given
(The following two /hapters are from the &apyrus of ,u, "heets > and
TH) /H%&T)* O8 .*6,K6,G +%T)* %,. O8 ,OT )6,G 2*,T 2& K 86*)
56, KH)*T-,)T)*7. ,u saith:- Hail, ull of %mentet@ 6 am brought
unto thee. 6 am the paddle of *a wherewith he transported the %ged
Gods. Let me neither be burnt up nor destroyed by fire. 6 am eb,
the firstborn son of Osiris, to whom every god ma#eth an offering in
the temple of his )ye in %nu. 6 am the divine Heir, the 'ighty One,
the Great One, the *esting One. 6 have made my name to flourish.
.eliverer, thou livest in me 5every day7.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 ,OT )6,G O6L). 6, 86*). ,u saith:- 6 am the
paddle whi$h is e9uipped, wherewith *a transported the %ged Gods,
whi$h raised up the emissions of Osiris from the La#e of bla4ing fire,
and he was not burned. 6 sit down li#e the Light-god, and li#e Khnemu,
the Governor of lions. /ome, $ut away the fetters from him that
passeth by the side of this path, and let me $ome forth therefrom.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 G6D6,G %6* 6, KH)*T-,)T)*. The Osiris %ni saith:- 6
am the )gg whi$h dwelt in the Great /a$#ler. 6 #eep ward over that
great pla$e whi$h Keb hath pro$laimed upon earth. 6 live1 it liveth. 6
grow up, 6 live, 6 snuff the air. 6 am 2t$ha-aab. 6 go round about his
egg 5to prote$t it7. 6 have thwarted the moment of "et. Hail, "weet
one of the Two Lands@ Hail, dweller in the t$hefa food@ Hail,
dweller in the lapis-la4uli@ +at$h ye over him that is in his
$radle, the abe when he $ometh forth to you.
(8rom the &apyrus of ,u, "heet ;?!
TH) /H%&T)* O8 G6D6,G %6* TO ,2 6, KH)*T-,)T)*. He saith:- Hail,
thou God Temu, grant thou unto me the sweet breath whi$h dwelleth in
thy nostrils@ 6 am the )gg whi$h is in Ken#en-ur (the Great
/a$#ler!, and 6 wat$h and guard that mighty thing whi$h hath $ome into
being, wherewith the god Keb hath opened the earth. 6 live1 it liveth1
6 grow, 6 live, 6 snuff the air. 6 am the god 2t$ha-aabet, and 6 go
about his egg. 6 shine at the moment of the mighty of strength,
"uti. Hail, thou who ma#est sweet the time of the Two Lands@ Hail,
dweller among the $elestial food. Hail, dweller among the beings of
blue (lapis-la4uli!, wat$h ye to prote$t him that is in his nest,
the /hild who $ometh forth to you.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 G6D6,G %6* 6, KH)*T-,)T)*. ,u saith:- 6 am the 0a$#al
of 0a$#als. 6 am "hu. 6 draw air from the presen$e of the Light-god,
from the uttermost limits of heaven, from the uttermost limits of
earth, from the uttermost limits of the pinion of ,ebeh bird. 'ay
air be given unto this young divine abe. 5'y mouth is open, 6 see
with my eyes.7
TH) /H%&T)* O8 ",2886,G TH) %6* +6TH +%T)* 6, KH)*T-,)T)*. Hail,
Tem. Grant thou unto me the sweet breath whi$h dwelleth in thy
nostrils. 6 am he who embra$eth that great throne whi$h is in the $ity
of 2nu. 6 #eep wat$h over the )gg of Ken#en-ur (the Great /a$#ler!.
6 grow and flourish as it groweth and flourisheth. 6 live as it
liveth. 6 snuff the air as it snuffeth the air.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 ,OT L)TT6,G TH) H)%*T O8 % '%, ) ",%T/H). %+%K
8*O' H6' 6, KH)*T-,)T)*. The Osiris %ni, whose word is truth,
saith:- Get thee ba$#, O messenger of every god@ %rt thou $ome to
5snat$h away7 my heart-$ase whi$h livethJ 'y heart-$ase whi$h liveth
shall not be given unto thee. 5%s7 6 advan$e, the gods hear#en unto my
propitiation 5prayer7 and they fall down on their fa$es 5whilst7
they are on their own land.
(8rom the &apyrus of ,u!
TH) /H%&T)* O8 ,OT %LLO+6,G TH) H)%*T.... TO ) /%**6). %+%K .)%.
KH)*T-,)T)*. 5,u, whose word is truth, saith7:- 'y heart is with me,
and it shall never $ome to pass that it be $arried away. 6 am the Lord
of Hearts, the slayer of the heart-$ase. 6 live in truth, 6 have my
being therein. 6 am Horus, the .weller in Hearts, 56 am7 in the
.weller in the body. 6 have life by my word, my heart hath being. 'y
heart-$ase shall not be snat$hed away from me, it shall not be
wounded, it shall not be put in restraint if wounds are infli$ted upon
me. 56f7 one ta#e possession of it 6 shall have my being in the body
of my father Keb and in the body of my mother ,ut. 6 have not done
that whi$h is held in abomination by the gods. 6 shall not suffer
defeat 5for7 my word is truth.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 ,OT L)TT6,G TH) H)%*T-/%") O8 % '%, ) T%K), %+%K
8*O' H6' 6, KH)*T-,)T)*. The Osiris %ni saith:- Hail, ye who steal and
$rush heart-$ases 5and who ma#e the heart of a man to go through its
transformations a$$ording to his deeds: let not what he hath done harm
him before you7. Homage to you, O ye Lords of )ternity, ye masters
of everlastingness, ta#e ye not this heart of Osiris %ni into your
fingers, and this heart-$ase, and $ause ye not things of evil to
spring up against it, be$ause this heart belongeth to the Osiris
%ni, and this heart-$ase belongeth to him of the great names
(Thoth!, the mighty one, whose words are his members. He sendeth his
heart to rule his body, and his heart is renewed before the gods.
The heart of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, is to him1 he hath
gained the mastery over it. He hath not said what he hath done. He
hath obtained power over his own members. His heart obeyeth him, he is
the lord thereof, it is in his body, and it shall never fall away
therefrom. 6 $ommand thee to be obedient unto me in Khert-,eter. 6,
the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, in pea$e1 whose word is truth
in the eautiful %mentet, by the .omain of )ternity.
(8rom the &apyrus of ,u, "heet C!
TH) /H%&T)* O8 ,OT L)TT6,G TH) H)%*T O8 ,2, +HO") +O*. 6" T*2TH,
) /%**6). %+%K 8*O' H6' 6, KH)*T-,)T)*. He saith:- Hail, thou
Lion-god@ 6 am 2nb (the lossom!. That whi$h is held in abomination to
me is the blo$# of slaughter of the god. Let not this my heart-$ase be
$arried away from me by the 8ighting Gods in %nu. Hail, thou who
dost wind bandages round Osiris, and who hast seen "et. Hail, thou who
returnest after smiting and destroying him before the mighty ones@
This my heart weepeth over itself before Osiris1 it hath made
suppli$ation for me. 6 have given unto him and 6 have dedi$ated unto
him the thoughts of the heart in the House of the god (2se#h-her!,
have brought unto him sand at the entry to Khemenu. Let not this my
heart-$ase be $arried away from me. 6 ma#e you to as$end his throne,
to fetter heart-$ases for him in "e#het-hetep, 5to live7 years of
strength away from things of all #inds whi$h are abominations to
him, to $arry off food from among the things whi$h are thine, and
whi$h are in thy grasp through thy strength. %nd this my heart-$ase is
devoted to the de$rees of the god Tem, who guideth me through the
$averns of "uti, but let not this my heart, whi$h hath performed its
desire before the T$hat$ha /hiefs who are in Khert-,eter, be given
to him. +hen they find the leg and the swathings they bury them.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 ,OT L)TT6,G TH) H)%*T O8 ,2, +HO") +O*. 6" T*2TH,
) .*6D), %+%K 8*O' H6' 6, KH)*T-,)T)*. He saith:- 'y heart of my
mother. 'y heart of my mother. 'y heart-$ase of my e3isten$e upon
the earth. Let no one stand up against me when 6 bear testimony in the
presen$e of the Lords of Things. Let it not be said against me and
of that whi$h 6 have done "He hath $ommitted a$ts whi$h are opposed to
what is right and true," and let not $harges be brought up against
me in the presen$e of the Great God, the Lord of %mentet. Homage to
thee, O my heart (ab!. Homage to thee, O my heart-$ase. Homage to you,
O my reins. Homage to you, O ye gods, who are masters of 5your7
beards, and who are holy by reason of your s$eptres. "pea# ye for me
words of good import to *a, and ma#e ye me to have favour in the sight
of ,eheb#au.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 *)%TH6,G TH) %6* %,. O8 H%D6,G &O+)* OD)* +%T)*
KH)*T-,)T)*. The Osiris %ni saith:- Open to me@ +ho art thouJ
+hither goest thouJ +hat is thy nameJ 6 am one of you. +ho are these
with youJ The two 'erti goddesses (6sis and ,ephthys!. Thou separatest
head from head when 5he7 entereth the divine 'es9en $hamber. He
$auseth me to set out for the temple of the gods Kem-heru.
"%ssembler of souls" is the name of my ferry-boat. "Those who ma#e the
hair to bristle" is the name of the oars. ""ert" ("Goad"! is the
name of the hold. ""teering straight in the middle" is the name of the
rudder1 li#ewise, 5the boat7 is a type of my being borne onward in the
la#e. Let there be given unto me vessels of mil#, and $a#es, and
loaves of bread, and $ups of drin#, and flesh, in the Temple of %npu.
*2*6/: 6f the de$eased #noweth this /hapter, he shall go into,
after $oming forth from Khert-,eter of 5the eautiful %mentet7.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 ",2886,G TH) %6*, %,. O8 H%D6,G &O+)* OD)* TH)
+%T)* 6, KH)*T-,)T)*. The Osiris %ni saith:- Hail, thou "y$amore
tree of the goddess ,ut@ Give me of the 5water and of the7 air whi$h
is in thee. 6 embra$e that throne whi$h is in 2nu, and 6 #eep guard
over the )gg of ,e#e#-ur. 6t flourisheth, and 6 flourish1 it liveth,
and 6 live1 it snuffeth the air, and 6 snuff the air, 6 the Osiris
%ni, whose word is truth, in 5pea$e7.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 ,OT .K6,G % ")/O,. T6') 6, KH)*T-,)T)*. The Osiris
%ni saith:- 'y hiding pla$e is opened, my hiding pla$e is opened.
The "pirits fall headlong in the dar#ness, but the )ye of Horus hath
made me holy, and 2puati hath nursed me. 6 will hide myself among you,
O ye stars whi$h are imperishable. 'y brow is li#e the brow of *a.
'y fa$e is open. 'y heart-$ase is upon its throne, 6 #now how to utter
words. 6n very truth 6 am *a himself. 6 am not a man of no a$$ount.
6 am not a man to whom violen$e $an be done. Thy father liveth for
thee, O son of ,ut. 6 am thy son, O great one, 6 have seen the
hidden things whi$h are thine. 6 am $rowned upon my throne li#e the
#ing of the gods. 6 shall not die a se$ond time in Khert-,eter.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 ,OT *OTT6,G 6, KH)*T-,)T)*. The Osiris %ni saith:-
O thou who art motionless, O thou who art motionless, O thou whose
members are motionless, li#e unto those of Osiris. Thy members shall
not be motionless, they shall not rot, they shall not $rumble away,
they shall not fall into de$ay. 'y members shall be made 5permanent7
for me as if 6 were Osiris.
*2*6/: 6f this /hapter be #nown by the de$eased he shall never
see $orruption in Khert-,eter.
(8rom the &apyrus of ,u, "heet ;G!
TH) /H%&T)* O8 ,OT L)TT6,G TH) O.K &)*6"H. The Osiris ,u saith:-
Homage to thee, O my divine father Osiris@ 6 $ome to embalm thee. .o
thou embalm these my members, for 6 would not perish and $ome to an
end 5but would be7 even li#e unto my divine father Khepera, the divine
type of him that never saw $orruption. /ome then, strengthen my
breath, O Lord of the winds, who dost magnify these divine beings
who are li#e unto thyself. "tablish me, stablish me, and fashion me
strongly, O Lord of the funeral $hest. Grant thou that 6 may enter
into the land of everlastingness, a$$ording to that whi$h was done for
thee, along with thy father Tem, whose body never saw $orruption,
and who himself never saw $orruption. 6 have never done that whi$h
thou hatest, nay, 6 have a$$laimed thee among those who love thy K%.
Let not my body be$ome worms, but deliver thou me as thou didst
deliver thyself. 6 pray thee, let me not fall into rottenness, as thou
lettest every god, and every goddess, and every animal, and every
reptile, see $orruption, when the soul hath gone out of them, after
their death.
%nd when the soul hath departed, a man seeth $orruption, and the
bones of his body $rumble away and be$ome stin#ing things, and the
members de$ay one after the other, the bones $rumble into a helpless
mass, and the flesh turneth into foetid li9uid. Thus man be$ometh a
brother unto the de$ay whi$h $ometh upon him, and he turneth into a
myriad of worms, and he be$ometh nothing but worms, and an end is made
of him, and perisheth in the sight of the god of day ("hu!, even as do
every god, and every goddess, and every bird, and every fish, and
every $reeping worm, and every reptile, and every beast, and every
thing whatsoever. Let 5all the "pirits fall7 on their bellies 5when7
they re$ogni4e me, and behold, the fear of me shall terrify them1
and thus also let it be with every being that hath died, whether it be
animal, or bird, or fish, or worm, or reptile. Let life 5rise out
of7 death. Let not the de$ay $aused by any reptile ma#e an end 5of
me7, and let not 5enemies7 $ome against me in their various forms.
Give thou me not over to the "laughterer in this e3e$ution-$hamber,
who #illeth the members, and ma#eth them rot, being 5himself7
invisible, and who destroyeth the bodies of the dead, and liveth by
$arnage. Let me live, and perform his order1 6 will do what is
$ommanded by him. Give me not over to his fingers, let him not
over$ome me, for 6 am under thy $ommand, O Lord of the Gods.
Homage to thee, O my divine father Osiris, thou livest with thy
members. Thou didst not de$ay, thou didst not be$ome worms, thou didst
not wither, thou didst not rot, thou didst not putrefy, thou didst not
turn into worms. 6 am the god Khepera, and my members shall have being
everlastingly. 6 shall not de$ay, 6 shall not rot, 6 shall not
putrefy, 6 shall not turn into worms, and 6 shall not see $orruption
before the eye of the god "hu. 6 shall have my being, 6 shall have
by being1 6 shall live, 6 shall live1 6 shall flourish, 6 shall
flourish, 6 shall flourish, 6 shall wa#e up in pea$e, 6 shall not
putrefy, my intestines shall not perish, 6 shall not suffer in0ury. 'y
eye shall not de$ay. The form of my fa$e shall not disappear. 'y ear
shall not be$ome deaf. 'y head shall not be separated from my ne$#. 'y
tongue shall not be removed. 'y hair shall not be $ut off. 'y eyebrows
shall not be shaved away, and no evil defe$t shall assail me. 'y
body shall be stablished. 6t shall neither be$ome a ruin, nor be
destroyed on this earth.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 ,OT &)*6"H6,G %,. O8 )6,G %L6D) 6, KH)*T-,)T)*.
The Osiris %ni saith:- Hail ye $hildren of the god "hu. The Tuat
hath gained the mastery over his diadem. %mong the Hamemet "pirits may
6 arise, even as did arise Osiris.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 ,OT GO6,G 6, TO TH) LO/K O8 TH) GO.. The Osiris
%ni saith:- 'y head was fastened on my body in heaven, O Guardian of
the )arth, by *a. 5This7 was granted 5to me7 on the day of my being
stablished, when 6 rose up out of a state of wea#ness upon 5my7 two
feet. On the day of $utting off the hair "et and the /ompany of the
Gods fastened my head to my ne$#, and it be$ame as firm as it was
originally. Let nothing happen to sha#e it off again@ 'a#e ye me
safe from the murderer of my father. 6 have tied together the Two
)arths. ,ut hath fastened together the vertebrae of my ne$#, and 567
behold them as they were originally, and they are seen in the order
wherein they were when as yet 'aat was not seen, and when the gods
were not born in visible forms. 6 am &enti. 6 am the heir of the great
gods, 6 the Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose word is truth.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 ,OT )6,G T*%,"&O*T). TO TH) )%"T 6, KH)*T-,)T)*.
Osiris %ni saith:- Hail, &hallus of *a, whi$h advan$eth and beateth
down opposition. Things whi$h have been without motion for millions of
years have $ome into life through aba. 6 am stronger thereby than the
strong, and 6 have more power thereby than the mighty. ,ow, let me not
be $arried away in a boat, or be sei4ed violently and ta#en to the
)ast, to have the festivals of "ebau .evils $elebrated on me. Let
not deadly wounds be infli$ted upon me, and let me not be gored by
horns. Thou shalt neither fall 5nor7 eat fish made by Tebun.
,ow, no evil thing of any #ind whatsoever shall be done unto me by
the "ebau .evils. 56 shall not be gored by7 horns. Therefore the
&hallus of *a, 5whi$h is7 the head of Osiris, shall not be swallowed
up. ehold, 6 shall $ome into me fields and 6 shall $ut the grain. The
gods shall provide me with food. Thou shalt not then be gored,
*a-Khepera. There shall not be then pus in the )ye of Tem, and it
shall not be destroyed. Diolen$e shall not be done unto me, and 6
shall not be $arried away in 5my7 boat to the )ast to have the
festivals of the "ebau .evils $elebrated on me in evil fashion.
/ruel gashes with #nives shall not be infli$ted upon me, and 6 shall
not be $arried away in 5my7 boat to the )ast. 6 the Osiris, the
assessor of the holy offerings of all the gods, %ni, whose word is
truth, happily, the lord of fealty 5to Osiris7.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 ,OT L)TT6,G TH) H)%. O8 % '%, ) /2T O88 8*O' H6"
O.K 6, KH)*T-,)T)*. The Osiris %ni saith:- 6 am a Great One, the
son of a Great One. 56 am7 8ire, the son of 8ire, to whom was given
his head after it had been $ut off. The head of Osiris was not removed
from his body, and the head of Osiris %ni shall not be removed from
his body. 6 have #nitted myself together, 6 have made myself whole and
$omplete. 6 shall renew my youth. 6 am Osiris Himself, the Lord of
TH) /H%&T)* O8 '%K6,G TH) "O2L TO ) IO6,). TO 6T" O.K 6,
KH)*T-,)T)*. The Osiris %ni saith:- Hail, thou god %niu@ Hail, thou
god &ehreri, who dwellest in thy hall, the Great God. Grant thou
that my soul may $ome to me from any pla$e wherein it may be. )ven
if it would tarry, let my soul be brought unto me from any pla$e
wherein it may be. Thou findest the )ye of Horus standing by thee li#e
unto those beings who resemble Osiris, who never lie down in death.
Let not the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, lie down dead among those
who lie in %nu, the land wherein 5souls7 are 0oined to their bodies in
thousands. Let me have possession of my a-soul and of my "pirit-soul,
and let my word be truth with it (the a-soul! in every pla$e
wherein it may be. Observe then, O ye guardians of Heaven, my soul
5wherever it may be7. )ven if it would tarry, $ause thou my a-soul to
see my body. Thou shalt find the )ye of Horus standing by thee li#e
5the +at$hers7.
Hail, ye gods who tow along the boat of the Lord of 'illions of
Kears, who bring it over the s#y of the Tuat, who ma#e it to 0ourney
over ,ent, who ma#e a-souls to enter into their "pirit-bodies,
whose hands hold the steering poles and guide it straight, who grasp
tightly your paddles, destroy ye the )nemy1 thus shall the oat
re0oi$e, and the Great God shall travel on his way in pea$e. 'oreover,
grant ye that the a-soul of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth
before the gods, may $ome forth with your navel $ords in the eastern
part of the s#y, and that it may follow *a to the pla$e where he was
yesterday, and may set in pea$e, in pea$e in %mentet. 'ay it ga4e upon
its earthly body, may it ta#e up its abode and its "pirit-body, may it
neither perish nor be destroyed for ever and for ever.
*2*6/: These words shall be said over a model of the a-soul made
of gold, and inlaid with pre$ious stones, whi$h shall be pla$ed on the
breast of the Osiris.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 ,OT L)TT6,G TH) "O2L O8 % '%, ) H)L. /%&T6D) 6,
KH)*T-,)T)*. The Osiris %ni saith:- Hail, thou who art e3alted@
Hail, thou who art adored@ Hail, 'ighty One of "ouls, thou divine "oul
who inspirest great dread, who dost set the fear of thyself in the
gods, who are enthroned upon thy mighty seat. 'a#e thou a path for the
"pirit-soul and the a-soul of the Osiris %ni. 6 am e9uipped with
5words of power7. 6 am a "pirit-soul e9uipped with 5words of power7. 6
have made my way to the pla$e where are *a and Hathor.
*2*6/: 6f this /hapter be #nown by the de$eased he shall be able to
transform himself into a "pirit-soul who shall be e9uipped with 5his
soul and his shadow7 in Khert-,eter, and he shall not be shut up
inside any door in %mentet, when he is $oming forth upon the )arth, or
when he is going ba$# into 5Khert-,eter.7
TH) /H%&T)* O8 O&),6,G TH) TO' TO TH) %-"O2L %,. TH) "H%.O+,
O8 /O'6,G 8O*TH K .%K, %,. O8 H%D6,G '%"T)*K OD)* TH) T+O L)G".
Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose word is truth, saith:- The pla$e whi$h is
$losed is opened, the pla$e whi$h is shut (or sealed! is sealed.
That whi$h lieth down in the $losed pla$e is opened by the a-soul
whi$h is in it. y the )ye of Horus 6 am delivered. Ornaments are
stablished on the brow of *a. 'y stride is made long. 6 lift up my two
thighs 5in wal#ing7. 6 have 0ourneyed over a long road. 'y limbs are
in a flourishing $ondition. 6 am Horus, the %venger of his 8ather, and
6 bring the 2rrt /rown 5and set it on7 its standard. The road of souls
is opened. 'y twin soul seeth the Great God in the oat of *a, on
the day of souls. 'y soul is in the front thereof with the $ounter
of the years. /ome, the )ye of Horus hath delivered for me my soul, my
ornaments are stablished on the brow of *a. Light is on the fa$es of
those who are in the members of Osiris. Ke shall not hold $aptive my
soul. Ke shall not #eep in duran$e my shadow. The way is open to my
soul and to my shadow. 6t seeth the Great God in the shrine on the day
of $ounting souls. 6t repeateth the words of Osiris. Those whose seats
are invisible, who fetter the members of Osiris, who fetter
Heart-souls and "pirit-souls, who set a seal upon the dead, and who
would do evil to me, shall do no evil to me. Haste on the way to me.
Thy heart is with thee. 'y Heart-soul and my "pirit-soul are e9uipped1
they guide thee. 6 sit down at the head of the great ones who are
$hiefs of their abodes. The wardens of the members of Osiris shall not
hold thee $aptive, though they #eep ward over souls, and set a seal on
the shadow whi$h is dead. Heaven shall not shut thee in.
*2*6/: 6f this /hapter be #nown by the de$eased he shall $ome forth
by day, and his soul shall not be #ept $aptive.
(8rom the &apryus of ,ebseni, "heet F!
That whi$h was shut hath been opened 5that is7 the dead. That
whi$h was shut fast hath been opened by the $ommand of the )ye of
Horus, whi$h hath delivered me. )stablished are the beauties on the
forehead of *a. 'y steps are long. 'y legs are lifted up. 6 have
performed the 0ourney, my members are mighty and are sound. 6 am
Horus, the %venger of his 8ather. 6 am he who bringeth along his
father, and his mother, by means of his staff. The way shall be opened
to him that hath power over his feet, and he shall see the Great God
in the oat of *a, when souls are $ounted therein at the bows, and
when the years also are $ounted up. Grant that the )ye of Horus, whi$h
ma#eth the adornments of splendour to be firm on the forehead of *a,
may deliver my soul for me, and let dar#ness $over your fa$es, O ye
who would imprison Osiris. O #eep not $aptive my soul. O #eep not ward
over my shadow, but let a way be opened for my soul and my shadow, and
let them see the Great God in the shrine on the day of the $ounting of
souls, and let them hold $onverse with Osiris, whose habitations are
hidden, and those who guard the members of Osiris, and who #eep ward
over the "pirit-souls, and who hold $aptive the shadows of the dead,
and who would wor# evil against me, so that they shall 5not7 wor# evil
against me. % way shall be for K% with thee, and thy soul shall be
prepared by those who #eep ward over the members of Osiris, and who
hold $aptive the shadows of the dead. Heaven shall not #eep thee fast,
the earth shall not hold thee $aptive. Thou shalt not live with the
beings who slay, but thou shalt be master of thy legs, and thou
shalt advan$e to thy body straightway in the earth, 5and to7 those who
belong to the shrine of Osiris and guard his members.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 L68T6,G 2& TH) 8))T, %,. O8 /O'6,G 8O*TH O, TH)
)%*TH. The Osiris %ni saith:- &erform thy wor#, O "e#er, perform thy
wor#, O "e#er, O thou who dwellest in thy $ir$le, and who dwellest
in my feet in Khert-,eter. 6 am he who sendeth forth light over the
Thigh of heaven. 6 $ome forth in heaven. 6 sit down by the Light-god
(Khu!. O 6 am helpless. O 6 am helpless. 6 would wal#. 6 am
helpless. 6 am helpless in the regions of those who plunder in
Khert-,eter, 6 the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, in pea$e.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 8O*/6,G % +%K 6,TO %'),T)T 5%,. O8 /O'6,G 8O*TH7
.%K. The Osiris %ni saith:- The town of 2nu is opened. 'y head is
sealed up, Thoth. &erfe$t is the )ye of Horus. 6 have delivered the
)ye of Horus whi$h shineth with splendours on the brow of *a, the
8ather of the gods, 56 am7 that self-same Osiris, 5the dweller in7
%mentet. Osiris #noweth his day, and he #noweth that he shall live
through his period of life1 6 shall have by being with him. 6 am the
'oon-god %ah, the dweller among the gods. 6 shall not $ome to an
end. "tand up therefore, O Horus, for thou art $ounted among the gods.
(,aville, op. $it., 6, l. B!
TH) /H%&T)* O8 8O*/6,G % +%K 6,TO TH) T2%T. The %m Khent priest
,efer-uben-f, whose word is truth, saith:- Hail, "oul, thou mighty one
of terror. ehold, 6 have $ome unto thee. 6 see thee. 6 have for$ed
a way through the Tuat. 6 see my father Osiris. 6 drive away the
dar#ness. 6 love him. 6 have $ome. 6 see my father Osiris. He hath
$ounted the heart of "et. 6 have made offerings for my father
Osiris. 6 have opened all the ways in heaven and on earth. 6 love him.
6 have $ome. 6 have be$ome a "pirit-body and a "pirit-soul, who is
e9uipped. Hail, every god and every "pirit-soul, 6 have made the ways.
6 am Thoth....
%,OTH)* /H%&T)* O8 TH) T2%T %,. O8 /O'6,G 8O*TH K .%K.
Open is the land of 2nu. "hut is the head of Thoth. &erfe$t is the
)ye of Horus. 6 have delivered the )ye of Horus, the shining one,
the ornament of the )ye of *a, the 8ather of the Gods. 6 am that
same Osiris who dwelleth in %mentet. Osiris #noweth his day, whi$h
$ometh to an end. 6 am "et, the 8ather of the Gods. 6 shall never $ome
to an end.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 /O'6,G 8O*TH K .%K %,. O8 L6D6,G %8T)* .)%TH. The
Osiris %ni saith:- Hail, thou One, who shinest from the moon. Hail,
thou One, who shinest from the moon. Grant that this Osiris %ni may
$ome forth among thy multitudes who are at the portal. Let him be with
the Light-God. Let the Tuat be opened to him. ehold, the Osiris %ni
shall $ome forth by day to perform everything whi$h he wisheth upon
the earth among those who are living 5thereon7.
(8rom the &apyrus of ,u, "heet ;E!
Hail, thou god Tem, who $omest forth from the Great .eep, who
shinest gloriously under the form of the twin Lion-gods, send forth
with might thy words unto those who are in thy presen$e, and let the
Osiris ,u enter into their assembly. He hath performed the de$ree
whi$h hath been spo#en to the mariners at eventide, and the Osiris ,u,
whose word is truth, shall live after his death, even as doth *a every
day. ehold, most $ertainly *a was born yesterday, and the Osiris ,u
was born yesterday. %nd every god shall re0oi$e in the life of the
Osiris ,u, even as they re0oi$e in the life of &tah, when he appeareth
from the Great House of the %ged One whi$h is in %nu.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 /O'6,G 8O*TH K .%K %8T)* 8O*/6,G %, ),T*%,/)
TH) %%'H)T. The Osiris %ni saith:- Hail, "oul, thou mighty one of
terror@ Derily, 6 am here. 6 have $ome. 6 behold thee. 6 have passed
through the Tuat. 6 have seen 8ather Osiris. 6 have s$attered the
gloom of night. 6 am his beloved one. 6 have $ome, 6 have seen my
8ather Osiris. 6 have stabbed the heart of "uti. 6 have made offerings
to my 8ather Osiris. 6 have opened every way in heaven and on the
earth. 6 am the son who loveth his 8athers (si$! Osiris. 6 am a
"pirit-body. 6 am a "pirit-soul. 6 am e9uipped. Hail, every god and
every "pirit-soul. 6 have made the way 5to Osiris7. 6 the Osiris the
s$ribe %ni, whose word is truth.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 '%K6,G % '%, TO *)T2*, TO LOOK 2&O, H6" HO2") O,
)%*TH. The Osiris %ni saith:- 6 am the Lion-god who $ometh forth
with long strides. 6 have shot arrows, and 6 have wounded my prey. 6
have shot arrows, and 6 have wounded my prey. 6 am the )ye of Horus, 6
traverse the )ye of Horus at this season. 6 have arrived at the
domains. Grant that the Osiris %ni may $ome in pea$e.
%,OTH)* /H%&T)* O8 TH) /O'6,G 8O*TH O8 % '%, K .%K %G%6,"T H6"
),)'6)" 6, KH)*T-,)T)*. 5The Osiris %ni saith:-7 6 have divided the
heavens. 6 have $left the hori4on. 6 have traversed the earth
5following in7 his footsteps. 6 have $on9uered the mighty "pirit-souls
be$ause 6 am e9uipped for millions of years with words of power. 6 eat
with my mouth. 6 eva$uate with my body. ehold, 6 am the God of the
Tuat@ Let these things be given unto me, the Osiris %ni, in perpetuity
withou fail or diminution.
(8rom the &apyrus of ,u, "heet ?;!
TH) /H%&T)* O8 /O'6,G 8O*TH %G%6,"T ),)'6)" 6, KH)*T-,)T)*. The
Osiris ,u saith:- Hail, %m-a-f ()ater of his arm!, 6 have passed
over the road. 6 am *a. 6 have $ome forth from the hori4on against
my enemies. 6 have not permitted him to es$ape from me. 6 have
stret$hed out my hand li#e that of the Lord of the 2rrt /rown. 6
have lifted up my feet even as the 2raei-goddesses lift themselves up.
6 have not permitted the enemy 5to be saved7 from me. %s for mine
enemy, he hath been given to me, and he shall not be delivered from
me. 6 stand up li#e Horus. 6 sit down li#e &tah. 6 am strong li#e
Thoth. 6 am mighty li#e Tem. 6 wal# with my legs. 6 spea# with my
mouth. 6 $hase my enemy. He hath been given unto me, and he shall
not be delivered from me.
% HK', O8 &*%6") TO *% +H), H) *6")TH 2&O, TH) HO*6NO,, %,. +H),
H) ")TT)TH 6, TH) L%,. O8 L68). Osiris the s$ribe %ni saith:- Homage
to thee, O *a, when thou risest as Tem-Heru-Khuti. Thou art to be
adored. Thy beauties are before mine eyes, 5thy7 radian$e is upon my
body. Thou goest forth to thy setting in the "e#tet oat with 5fair7
winds, and thy heart is glad1 the heart of the 'atet oat re0oi$eth.
Thou stridest over the heavens in pea$e, and all thy foes are $ast
down1 the stars whi$h never rest sing hymns of praise unto thee, and
the stars whi$h are imperishable glorify thee as thou sin#est to
rest in the hori4on of 'anu, O thou who art beautiful at morn and at
eve, O thou lord who livest, and art established, O my Lord@
Homage to thee, O thou who art *a when thou risest, and who art
Tem when thou settest in beauty. Thou risest and thou shinest on the
ba$# of thy mother 5,ut7, O thou who art $rowned the #ing of the gods@
,ut wel$ometh thee, and payeth homage unto thee, and 'aat, the
everlasting and never-$hanging goddess, embra$eth thee at noon and
at eve. Thou stridest over the heavens, being glad at heart, and the
La#e of Testes is $ontent. The "ebau-fiend hath fallen to the
ground, his fore-legs and his hind-legs have been ha$#ed off him,
and the #nife hath severed the 0oints of his ba$#. *a hath a fair
wind, and the "e#tet oat setteth out on its 0ourney, and saileth on
until it $ometh into port. The gods of the "outh, the gods of the
,orth, the gods of the +est, and the gods of the )ast praise thee, O
thou .ivine "ubstan$e, from whom all living things $ame into being.
Thou didst send forth the word when the earth was submerged with
silen$e, O thou Only One, who didst dwell in heaven before ever the
earth and the mountains $ame into being. Hail, thou *unner, Lord, Only
One, thou ma#er of the things that are, thou hast fashioned the tongue
of the /ompany of the Gods, thou hast produ$ed whatsoever $ometh forth
from the waters, thou springest up out of them above the submerged
land of the La#e of Horus. Let me breathe the air whi$h $ometh forth
from thy nostrils, and the north wind whi$h $ometh forth from thy
mother ,ut. 'a#e thou my "pirit-soul to be glorious, O Osiris, ma#e
thou my Heart-soul to be divine. Thou art worshipped as thou
settest, O Lord of the gods, thou art e3alted by reason of thy
wondrous wor#s. "hine thou with the rays of light upon my body day
by day, upon me, Osiris the s$ribe, the assessor of the divine
offerings of all the gods, the overseer of the granary of the Lords of
%bydos, the real royal s$ribe who loveth thee, %ni, whose word is
truth, in pea$e.
&raise be unto thee, O Osiris, the Lord of )ternity, 2n-,efer,
Heru-Khuti (Harma#his!, whose forms are manifold, whose attributes are
ma0esti$ 5&raise be unto thee7, O thou who art &tah-"e#er-Tem in
%nu, thou Lord of the hidden shrine, thou /reator of the House of
the K% of &tah (Het-#a-&tah! and of the gods 5therein7, thou Guide
of the Tuat, who art glorified when thou settest in ,u (the "#y!. 6sis
embra$eth thee in pea$e, and she driveth away the fiends from the
entran$es of thy paths. Thou turnest thy fa$e towards %mentet, and
thou ma#est the earth to shine as with refined $opper. Those who
have lain down in death rise up to see thee, they breathe the air, and
they loo# upon thy fa$e when the dis# riseth on the hori4on. Their
hearts are at pea$e sin$e they behold thee, o thou who art )ternity
and )verlastingness.
TH) "OL%* L6T%,K
Homage to you, O ye gods of the .e#ans in %nu, and to you, O ye
Hememet-spirits in Kher %ha, and to thee, O 2nti, who art the most
glorious of all the gods who are hidden in %nu,
O grant thou unto me a path whereover 6 may pass in pea$e, for 6
am 0ust and true1 6 have not spo#en falsehood wittingly, nor have 6
done aught with de$eit.
Homage to thee, O %n in %ntes, Heru-#huti, who dost with long
strides mar$h a$ross the heavens,
O grant thou unto me a path whereover 6 may pass in pea$e, for 6
am 0ust and true1 6 have not spo#en falsehood wittingly, nor have 6
done aught with de$eit.
Homage to thee, O )verlasting "oul, thou "oul who dwellest in
Tetu, 2n-,efer, the son of ,ut, who art the Lord of %#ert,
O grant thou unto me a path whereover 6 may pass in pea$e, for 6
am 0ust and true1 6 have not spo#en falsehood wittingly, nor have done
aught with de$eit.
Homage to thee in thy dominion over Tetu, upon whose brow the 2rrt
/rown is established, thou One who $reatest the strength to prote$t
thyself, and who dwellest in pea$e,
O grant thou unto me a path whereover 6 may pass in pea$e, for 6
am 0ust and true1 6 have not spo#en falsehood wittingly, nor have 6
done aught with de$eit.
Homage to thee, O Lord of the %$a$ia Tree, whose "e#er oat is set
upon its sledge, who turnest ba$# the 8iend, the )vildoer, and dost
$ause the )ye of *a (ut$hat! to rest upon its seat,
O grant thou unto me a path whereover 6 may pass in pea$e, for 6
am 0ust and true1 6 have not spo#en falsehood wittingly, nor have 6
done aught with de$eit.
Homage to thee, O thou who art mighty in thine hour, thou great
and mighty &rin$e who dost dwell in %nrutef, thou Lord of )ternity and
/reator of the )verlastingness, thou Lord of Hensu,
O grant thou unto me a path whereover 6 may pass in pea$e, for 6
am 0ust and true1 6 have not spo#en falsehood wittingly, nor have 6
done aught with de$eit.
Homage to thee, O thou who restest upon Truth, thou Lord of %btu,
whose limbs form the substan$e of Ta-t$hesert, unto whom fraud and
de$eit are abominations,
O grant thou unto me a path whereover 6 may pass in pea$e, for 6
am 0ust and true1 6 have not spo#en falsehood wittingly, nor have 6
done aught with de$eit.
Homage to thee, O thou who dwellest in thy boat, who dost bring Hapi
(the ,ile! forth from his $avern, whose body is the light, and who
dwellest in ,e#hen,
O grant thou unto me a path whereover 6 may pass in pea$e, for 6
am 0ust and true1 6 have not spo#en falsehood wittingly, nor have 6
done aught with de$eit.
Homage to thee, O thou /reator of the gods, thou King of the "outh
and ,orth, Osiris, whose word is truth, who rulest the world by thy
gra$ious goodness, thou Lord of the %tebui,
O grant thou unto me a path whereover 6 may pass in pea$e, for 6
am 0ust and true1 6 have not spo#en falsehood wittingly, nor have 6
done aught with de$eit.
(8rom the "aite *e$ension, ed. Lepsius, l. D!
Homage to thee, O thou who $omest as Tem, who didst $ome into
being to $reate the /ompany of the Gods.
Homage to thee, O thou who $omest as the "oul of "ouls, the Holy One
in %mentet.
Homage to thee, O &resident of the Gods, who illuminest the Tuat
with thy beauties.
Homage to thee, O thou who $omest as the Light-god, who travellest
in thy .is#.
Homage to thee, O thou greatest of all gods, who are $rowned King in
heaven, Governor in the Tuat.
Homage to thee, O thou who ma#est a way through the Tuat, who dost
lead the way through all doors.
Homage to thee, O thou who art among the gods, who dost weigh
words in Khert-,eter.
Homage to thee, O thou who dwellest in thy se$ret pla$es, who dost
fashion the Tuat with thy might.
Homage to thee, O great one, O mighty one, thine enemies have fallen
in pla$es where they were smitten.
Homage to thee, O thou who hast ha$#ed the "ebau-fiends in pie$es,
and hast annihilated %apep.
Grant thou the sweet bree4e of the north wind to the Osiris
%uf-an#h, whose word is truth.
% HK', O8 &*%6") TO *% +H), H) *6")TH 6, TH) )%"T)*, &%*T O8
Those who are in his following re0oi$e, and the Osiris, the s$ribe
%ni, whose word is truth, saith:- Hail, thou .is#, thou lord of
rays, who risest on the hori4on day by day. "hine thou with thy
beams of light upon the fa$e of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth,
for he singeth hymns of praise to thee at dawn, and he ma#eth thee
to sit at eventide 5with words of adoration7. 'ay the soul of the
Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, $ome forth with thee into heaven@ 'ay
he set out with thee in the 'atet oat 5in the morning7, may he $ome
into port in the "e#tet oat 5in the evening7, and may he $leave his
path among the stars of heaven whi$h never rest.
The Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, being at pea$e 5with his
god7, ma#eth adoration to his Lord, the Lord of )ternity, and
saith:- Homage to thee, O Heru-#huti, who art the god Khepera, the
self-$reated. +hen thou risest on the hori4on and sheddest thy beams
of light upon the Lands of the "outh and of the ,orth, thou art
beautiful, yea beautiful, and all the gods re0oi$e when they behold
thee, the #ing of heaven. The goddess, the Lady of the Hour, is
stablished upon thy head, her 2raei of the "outh and of the ,orth
are upon thy brow, and she ta#eth up her pla$e before thee. The god
Thoth is stablished in the bows of thy boat to destroy utterly all thy
foes. Those who dwell in the Tuat $ome forth to meet t
ee, and they
bow to the earth in homage as they $ome towards thee, to loo# upon thy
beautiful 8orm. %nd 6, %ni, have $ome into thy presen$e, so that 6 may
be with thee, and may behold thy .is# every day. Let me not be #ept
$aptive 5by the tomb7, and let me not be turned ba$# 5on my way7.
Let the members of my body be made new again when 6 $ontemplate thy
beauties, even as are the members of all thy favoured ones, be$ause
6 am one of those who worshipped thee upon earth. Let me arrive in the
Land of )ternity, let me enter into the Land of )verlastingness. This,
O my Lord, behold thou shalt ordain for me.
%,. 'O*)OD)*, TH) O"6*6" %,6, +HO") +O*. 6" T*2TH, 6, &)%/), TH)
T*2TH-"&)%K)*, "%6TH:- Homage to thee, O thou who risest on thy
hori4on in the form of *a, who restest upon Law, 5whi$h $an neither be
$hanged nor altered7. Thou passest over the s#y, and every fa$e,
wat$heth thee and thy $ourse, for thou thyself art hidden from their
ga4e. Thou dost show thyself 5to them7 at dawn and at eventide ea$h
day. The "e#tet oat, wherein Thy 'a0esty dwelleth, setteth forth on
its 0ourney with vigour. Thy beams 5fall7 upon all fa$es, thy light
with its manifold $olours is in$omprehensible 5to man7, and thy
brilliant rays $annot be reported. The Lands of the Gods see thee,
they $ould write 5$on$erning thee71 the .eserts of &unt $ould $ount
thee. Thy $reation is hidden. 6t is one by the opening of thy mouth.
Thy form is the head of ,u. 'ay he (%ni! advan$e, even as thou dost
advan$e, without $essation, even as Thy 'a0esty 5$easeth not to
advan$e7 even for a moment. +ith great strides thou dost in one little
moment pass over limitless distan$es whi$h would need millions and
hundreds of thousands of years 5for a man to pass over1 this7 thou
doest, and then thou sin#est to rest. Thou bringest to an end the
hours of the night, even as thou stridest over them. Thou bringest
them to an end by thine own ordinan$e, and dawn $ometh on the earth.
Thou settest thyself before thy handiwor# in the form of *a, and
thou rollest up on the hori4on....... Thou sendest forth light when
thy form raiseth itself up, thou ordainest the in$rease of thy
splendours. Thou mouldest thy limbs as thou advan$est, thou bringest
them forth, thou who wast never brought forth, in the form of *a,
who rolleth up into the height of heaven. Grant thou that 6 may
rea$h the heaven of eternity, and the region where thy favoured ones
dwell. 'ay 6 unite with those holy and perfe$t "pirit-souls of
Khert-,eter. 'ay 6 $ome forth with them to behold thy beauties as thou
rollest on at eventide, as thou 0ourneyest to thy mother ,ut (the
,ight-s#y!, and dost pla$e thyself at the right hand (in the +est!. 'y
two hands are raised to thee in praise and than#sgiving when thou
settest in life. ehold, thou art the /reator of )ternity, who art
adored when thou settest in ,u. 6 have set thee in my heart, without
wavering, O thou who art more divine than the gods.
The Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, saith:- &raise and than#sgiving
be unto thee, O thou who rollest on li#e unto gold, thou 6lluminer
of the Two Lands on the day of thy birth. Thy mother brought thee
forth on her hand, and thou didst light up with splendour the $ir$le
whi$h is travelled over by the .is#. O Great Light who rollest
a$ross ,u, thou dost raise up the generations of men from the deep
sour$e of thy waters, and dost ma#e to #eep festivals all distri$ts
and $ities, and all habitations. Thou prote$test 5them7 with thy
beauties. Thy K% riseth up with the $elestial food hu and t$hefau. O
thou mightily vi$torious one, thou &ower of &owers, who ma#est
strong thy throne against the sinful ones, whose risings on thy throne
in the "e#tet oat are mighty, whose strength is widespread in the
%tett oat, ma#e thou the Osiris %ni to be glorious by virtue of his
word, whi$h is truth, in Khert-,eter. Grant thou that he may be in
%mentet free from evil, and let 5his7 offen$es be 5set7 behind thee.
Grant thou that he may 5live there7 a devoted slave of the
"pirit-souls. Let him mingle among the Heart-souls who live in
Ta-t$hesert (the Holy Land!. Let him travel about in the "e#het-%aru
(the )lysian 8ields!, $onformably to 5thy7 de$ree with 0oy of heart-
him the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth.
5%nd the god ma#eth answer7:--Thou shalt $ome forth into heaven,
thou shalt sail over the s#y, and thou shalt hold loving inter$ourse
with the "tar-gods. &raises shall be made to thee in the oat. Thy
name shall be pro$laimed in the %tett oat. Thou shalt loo# upon *a
within his shrine. Thou shalt ma#e the .is# to set 5with prayer7 every
day. Thou shalt see the %nt 8ish in his transformations in the
depths of the waters of tur9uoise. Thou shalt see the %btu 8ish in his
time. 6t shall be that the )vil One shall fall when he deviseth a plan
to destroy thee, and the 0oints of his ne$# and ba$# shall be ha$#ed
asunder. *a saileth with a fair wind, and the "e#tet oat
progresseth and $ometh into port. The mariners of *a re0oi$e, and
the heart of the Lady of the Hour is glad, for the enemy of her Lord
hath been $ast to the ground. Thou shalt behold Horus standing on
the pilotAs pla$e in the oat, and Thoth and 'aat shall stand one on
ea$h side of him. %ll the gods shall re0oi$e when they behold *a
$oming in pea$e to ma#e the hearts of the "pirit-souls to live, and
the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, the assessor of the holy
offerings of the Lords of Thebes, shall be with them@
TH) /H%&T)* O8 TH) ,)+ 'OO,
TH) 8OLLO+6,G 6" TO ) *)/6T). O, TH) .%K O8 TH) 'O,TH (,)+ 'OO,
.%K!. The Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose word is truth, in pea$e,
whose word is truth, saith:- *a as$endeth his throne on his hori4on,
and the /ompany of his Gods follow in his train. The God $ometh
forth from his hidden pla$e, 5and7 t$hefau food falleth from the
eastern hori4on of heaven at the word of ,ut. They (the gods!
re0oi$e over the paths of *a, the Great %n$estor 5as7 he 0ourneyeth
round about. Therefore art thou e3alted, O *a, the dweller in thy
"hrine. Thou swallowest the winds, thou drawest into thyself the north
wind, thou eatest up the flesh of thy seat on the day when thou
breathest truth. Thou dividest 5it among7 the gods who are 5thy7
followers. 5Thy7 oat saileth on travelling among the Great Gods at
thy word. Thou $ountest thy bones, thou gatherest together thy
members, thou settest thy fa$e towards eautiful %mentet, and thou
$omest there, being made new every day. ehold, thou art that 6mage of
Gold, thou hast the unitings of the dis#s of the s#y, thou hast
9ua#ings, thou goest round about, and art made new ea$h day. Hail@
There is re0oi$ing in the hori4on@ The gods who dwell in the s#y
des$end the ropes 5of thy oat7 when they see the Osiris %ni, whose
word is truth, they as$ribe praise unto him as unto *a. The Osiris %ni
is a Great /hief. 5He7 see#eth the 2rrt /rown. His provisions are
apportioned to him- the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth. 5His7 fate is
strong from the e3alted body of the %amu gods, who are in the presen$e
of *a. The Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, is strong on the earth and
in Khert-,eter. O Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, wa#e up, and be
strong li#e unto *a every day. The Osiris %ni, whose word is truth,
shall not tarry, he shall not remain motionless in this land for ever.
*ight well shall he see with his two eyes, right well shall he hear
with his two ears, the things whi$h are true, the things whi$h are
true. The Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, is in %nu, the Osiris
%ni, whose word is truth, is as *a, and he is e3alted by reason of
5his7 oars among the 8ollowers of ,u. The Osiris %ni, whose word is
truth, $annot tell what he hath seen 5or7 narrate 5what he hath heard7
in the House of the God of 'ysteries. Hail@ Let there be shouts of
a$$lamation of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, the divine body of
*a in the oat of ,u, who beareth propitiatory offerings for the K% of
the god of that whi$h he loveth. The Osiris %ni, whose word is
truth, in pea$e, whose word is truth, is li#e Horus, the mighty one of
*2*6/: This /hapter is to be re$ited over a boat seven $ubits long,
made of green stone of the T$hat$hau. 'a#e a heaven of stars, and
purify it and $leanse it with natron and in$ense. 'a#e then a figure
of *a upon a tablet of new stone in paint, and set it in the bows of
the boat. Then ma#e a figure of the de$eased whom thou wilt ma#e
perfe$t, 5and pla$e it7 in the boat. 'a#e it to sail in the oat of
*a, and *a himself shall loo# upon it. .o not these things in the
presen$e of any one e3$ept thyself, or thy father, or thy son. Then
let them #eep guard over their fa$es, and they shall see the
de$eased in Khert-,eter in the form of a messenger of *a.
% HK', TO *% 5+H6/H 6" TO ) "2,G7 O, TH) .%K O8 TH) 'O,TH (TH)
.%K O8 TH) ,)+ 'OO,! 5+H),7 TH) O%T O8 *% "%6L)TH. 5The Osiris the
s$ribe %ni, whose word is truth, saith:-7 Homage to thee, O thou who
dwellest in thy oat. Thou rollest on, thou rollest on, thou sendest
forth light, thou sendest forth light. Thou de$reest re0oi$ing for
5every7 man for millions of years unto those who love him. Thou givest
5thy7 fa$e to the Hememet spirits, thou god Khepera who dwellest in
thy oat. Thou hast overthrown the 8iend %apep. O ye "ons of Keb,
overthrow ye the enemies of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, and
the fiends of destru$tion who would destroy the oat of *a. Horus hath
$ut off your heads in heaven. Ke who were in the forms of geese,
your navel strings are on the earth. The animals are set upon the
earth..... in the form of fish. )very male fiend and every female
fiend shall be destroyed by the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth.
+hether the fiends des$end from out of heaven, or whether they $ome
forth from the earth, or whether they advan$e on the waters, or
whether they $ome from among the "tar-gods, Thoth, 5the son of
%ner7, $oming forth from %nerti shall ha$# them to pie$es. %nd the
Osiris %ni shall ma#e them silent and dumb. %nd behold ye, this god,
the mighty one of slaughters, the terror of whom is most great,
shall wash himself $lean in your blood, and he shall bathe in your
gore, and ye shall be destroyed by the Osiris %ni in the oat of his
Lord *a-Horus. The heart of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, shall
live. His mother 6sis giveth birth to him, and ,ephthys nurseth him,
0ust as 6sis gave birth to Horus, and ,ephthys nursed him. 5He7
shall repulse the "mait fiends of "uti. They shall see the 2rrt
/rown stablished upon his head, and they shall fall down upon their
fa$es 5and worship him7. ehold, O ye "pirit-souls, and men, and gods,
and ye dead, when ye see the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, in the
form of Horus, and the favoured one of the 2rrt /rown, fall ye down
upon your fa$es. The word of the Osiris %ni is truth before his
enemies in heaven above, and on earth beneath, and before the
T$hat$hau /hiefs of every god and of every goddess.
*2*6/: This /hapter shall be re$ited over a large haw# standing
upright with the +hite /rown upon his head, 5and over figures of7 Tem,
"hu, Tefnut, Keb, ,ut, Osiris, 6sis, 5"uti7 and ,ephthys. %nd they
shall be painted in $olour upon a new tablet, whi$h shall be pla$ed in
a boat, together with a figure of the de$eased. %noint them with he#en
oil, and offer unto them burning in$ense, and geese, and 0oints of
meat roasted. 6t is an a$t of praise to *a as he 0ourneyeth in his
boat, and it will ma#e a man to have his being with *a, and to
travel with him wheresoever he goeth, and it will most $ertainly $ause
the enemies of *a to be slain. %nd the /hapter of travelling shall
be re$ited on the si3th day of the festival.
(8rom the Turin &apyrus!
%,OTH)* /H%&T)* +H6/H 6" TO ) *)/6T). +H), TH) 'OO, *),)+)TH
O, TH) .%K O8 TH) 'O,TH 5+H)*)O, 6T .O)TH TH6"7. Osiris unfettereth
the storm-$loud in the body of heaven, and is unfettered himself1
Horus is made strong happily ea$h day. He whose transformations are
many hath had offerings made unto him at the moment, and he hath
made an end of the storm whi$h is in the fa$e of the Osiris, %uf-an#h,
whose word is truth. Derily, he $ometh, and he is *a in 0ourneying,
and he is the four $elestial gods in the heavens above. The Osiris
%uf-an#h, whose word is truth, $ometh forth in his day, and he
embar#eth among the ta$#le of the boat.
*2*6/: 6f this /hapter be #nown by the de$eased he shall be$ome a
perfe$t "pirit-soul in Khert-,eter, and he shall not die a se$ond
time, and he shall eat his food side by side with Osiris. 6f this
/hapter be #nown by the de$eased upon earth, he shall be$ome li#e unto
Thoth, and he shall be adored by those who live. He shall not fall
headlong at the moment of the intensity of the royal flame of the
goddess ast, and the Great &rin$e shall ma#e him to advan$e happily.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 %.D%,/6,G TO TH) T/H%T/H%2 /H6)8" O8 O"6*6". The
Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, saith:- 6 have built a house for my
a-soul in the san$tuary in Tetu. 6 sow seed in the town of &e (uto!.
6 have ploughed the fields with my labourers. 'y palm tree 5standeth
upright and is7 li#e 'enu upon it. 6 abominate abominable things. 6
will not eat the things whi$h are abominations unto me. +hat 6
abominate is filth: 6 will not eat it. 6 shall not be destroyed by the
offerings of propitiation and the sepul$hral meals. 6 will not
approa$h filth 5to tou$h it7 with my hands, 6 will not tread upon it
with my sandals. 8or my bread shall be made of the white barley, and
my ale shall be made from the red grain of the god Hapi (the
,ile-god!, whi$h the "e#tet oat and the %tett oat shall bring
5unto me7, and 6 will eat my food under the leaves of the trees
whose beautiful arms 6 myself do #now. O what splendour shall the
+hite /rown ma#e for me whi$h shall be lifted up on me by the
2raei-goddesses@ O .oor#eeper of "ehetep-taui, bring thou to me that
wherewith the $a#es of propitiation are made. Grant thou to me that
6 may lift up the earth. 'ay the "pirit-souls open to me 5their7 arms,
and let the /ompany of the Gods hold their pea$e whilst the Hememet
spirits hold $onverse with the Osiris %ni. 'ay the hearts of the
gods lead him in his e3alted state into heaven among the gods who
appear in visible forms. 6f any god, or any goddess, atta$# the Osiris
%ni, whose word is truth, when he setteth out, the %n$estor of the
year who liveth upon hearts 5Osiris7 shall eat him when he $ometh
forth from %bydos, and the %n$estors of *a shall re$#on with him,
and the %n$estors of Light shall re$#on with him. 5He is7 a god of
splendour 5arrayed in7 the apparel of heaven, and he is among the
Great Gods. ,ow the subsisten$e of the Osiris %ni, whose word is
truth, is among the $a#es and the ale whi$h are made for your
mouths. 6 enter in by the .is#, 6 $ome forth by the god %hui. 6
shall hold $onverse with the 8ollowers of the Gods. 6 shall hold
$onverse with the .is#. 6 shall hold $onverse with the
Hememet-spirits. He shall set the terror of me in the thi$#
dar#ness, in the inside of the goddess 'ehurt, by the side of his
forehead. ehold, 6 shall be with Osiris, and my perfe$tion shall be
his perfe$tion among the Great Gods. 6 shall spea# unto him with the
words of men, 6 shall listen, and he shall repeat to me the words of
the gods. 6, the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, in pea$e, have
$ome e9uipped. Thou ma#est to approa$h 5thee7 those who love thee. 6
am a "pirit-soul who is better e9uipped than any 5other7 "pirit-soul.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 '%K6,G TH) T*%,"8O*'%T6O, 6,TO % "+%LLO+. The
Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, saith:- 6 am a swallow, 56 am7 a
swallow. 56 am7 that "$orpion, the daughter of *a. Hail, O ye gods
whose odour is sweet. Hail, O ye gods whose odour is sweet. Hail,
8lame, who $omest forth from the hori4on. Hail, thou who art in the
$ity. 6 have brought the +arder of his $orner there. Give me thy two
hands, and let me pass my time in the 6sland of 8lame. 6 have advan$ed
with a message, 6 have $ome having the report thereof 5to ma#e7.
Open to me. How shall 6 tell that whi$h 6 have seen thereJ 6 am li#e
Horus, the governor of the oat, when the throne of his father was
given unto him, and when "et, that son of ,ut, was 5lying7 under the
fetters whi$h he had made for Osiris. He who is in "e#hem hath
inspe$ted me. 6 stret$h out my arms over Osiris. 6 have advan$ed for
the e3amination, 6 have $ome to spea# there. Let me pass on and
deliver my message. 6 am he who goeth in, 56 am7 0udged, 567 $ome
forth magnified at the Gate of ,ebert$her. 6 am purified at the
Great 2art. 6 have done away my wi$#ednesses. 6 have put away
utterly my offen$es. 6 have put away utterly all the taints of evil
whi$h appertained to me 5upon the earth7. 6 have purified myself, 6
have made myself to be li#e a god. Hail, O ye .oor#eepers, 6 have
$ompleted my 0ourney. 6 am li#e unto you. 6 have $ome forth by day.
6 have advan$ed on my legs. 6 have gained the master over 5my7
footsteps. 5Hail, ye7 "pirit-souls@ 6, even 6, do #now the hidden
roads and the Gates of "e#het %aru. 6 live there. Derily, 6, even 6,
have $ome, 6 have overthrown my enemies upon the earth, although my
body lieth a mummy in the tomb.
*2*6/: (,aville, op. $it., 66, l. ?<?!
6f this /hapter be #nown by the de$eased, he shall enter in after he
hath $ome forth by day.
*2*6/: ("aite *e$ension!
6f this /hapter be #nown by the de$eased, he shall $ome forth by day
from Khert-,eter, and he shall go 5again7 after he hath $ome forth. 6f
this /hapter be not #nown 5by the de$eased7, he shall not go in
again after he hath $ome forth 5and he7 shall not #now 5how7 to $ome
forth by day.
5TH) /H%&T)*7 O8 '%K6,G TH) T*%,"8O*'%T6O, 6,TO % H%+K O8 GOL..
The Osiris %ni saith:- 6 have risen up out of the seshett $hamber,
li#e the golden haw# whi$h $ometh forth from his egg. 6 fly, 6
alight li#e a haw# with a ba$# of seven $ubits, and the wings of whi$h
are li#e unto the mother-of-emerald of the "outh. 6 have $ome forth
from the "e#tet oat, and my heart hath been brought unto me from
the mountain of the )ast. 6 have alighted on the %tet oat, and
there have been brought unto me those who dwelt in their substan$e,
and they bowed in homage before me. 6 have risen, 6 have gathered
myself together li#e a beautiful golden haw#, with the head of the
enu, and *a hath entered in 5to hear my spee$h7. 6 have ta#en my seat
among the great gods, 5the $hildren of7 ,ut. 6 have settled myself,
the "e#het-hetepet (the 8ield of Offerings! is before me. 6 eat
therein, 6 be$ome a "pirit-soul therein, 6 am supplied with food in
abundan$e therein, as mu$h as 6 desire. The Grain-god (,epra! hath
given unto me food for my throat, and 6 am master over myself and over
the attributes of my head.
5TH) /H%&T)* O87 '%K6,G TH) T*%,"8O*'%T6O, 6,TO % .6D6,) H%+K. The
Osiris %ni saith:- Hail, thou Great God, $ome thou to Tetu. 'a#e
thou ready for me the ways, and let me go round 5to visit7 my thrones.
6 have laboured. 6 have made myself perfe$t. O grant thou that 6 may
be held in fear. /reate thou awe of me. Let the gods of the Tuat be
afraid of me, and let them fight for me in their halls. &ermit not
thou to $ome nigh unto me him that would atta$# me, or would in0ure me
in the House of .ar#ness. /over over the helpless one, hide him. Let
do li#ewise the gods who hear#en unto the word 5of truth7, the Khepriu
gods who are in the following of Osiris. Hold ye your pea$e then, O ye
gods, whilst the God holdeth spee$h with me, he who listeneth to the
truth. 6 spea# unto him my words. Osiris, grant thou that that whi$h
$ometh forth from thy mouth may $ir$ulate to me. Let me see thine
own 8orm. Let thy "ouls envelop me. Grant thou that 6 may $ome
forth, and that 6 may be master of my legs, and let me live there li#e
,ebert$her upon his throne. Let the gods of the Tuat hold me in
fear, and let them fight for me in their halls. Grant thou that 6
may move forward with him and with the %riu gods, and let me be firmly
stablished on my pedestal li#e the Lord of Life. Let me be in the
$ompany of 6sis, the goddess, and let 5the gods7 #eep me safe from him
that would do an in0ury unto me. Let none $ome to see the helpless
one. 'ay 6 advan$e, and may 6 $ome to the Henti boundaries of the s#y.
Let me address words to Keb, and let me ma#e suppli$aion to the god Hu
with ,ebert$her. Let the gods of the Tuat be afraid of me, and let
them fight for me in their halls. Let them see that thou hast provided
me with food for the festival. 6 am one of those "pirit-souls who
dwell in the Light-god. 6 have made my form in his 8orm, when he
$ometh to Tetu. 6 am a "pirit-body among his "pirit-bodies1 he shall
spea# unto thee the things 5whi$h $on$ern7 me. +ould that he would
$ause me to be held in fear@ +ould that he would $reate 5in them7
awe of me@ Let the gods of the Tuat be afraid of me, and let them
fight for me 5in their halls7. 6, even 6, am a "pirit-soul, a
dweller in the Light-god, whose form hath been $reated in divine
flesh. 6 am one of those "pirit-souls who dwell in the Light-god,
who were $reated by Tem himself, and who e3ist in the blossoms of
his )ye. He hath made to e3ist, he hath made glorious, and he hath
magnified their fa$es during their e3isten$e with him. ehold, he is
%lone in ,u. They a$$laim him when he $ometh forth from the hori4on,
and the gods and the "pirit-souls who have $ome into being with him
as$ribe fear unto him.
6 am one of the worms whi$h have been $reated by the )ye of the Lord
One. %nd behold, when as yet 6sis had not given birth to Horus, 6
was flourishing, and 6 had wa3ed old, and had be$ome pre-eminent among
the "pirit-souls who had $ome into being with him. 6 rose up li#e a
divine haw#, and Horus endowed me with a "pirit-body with his soul, so
that 567 might ta#e possession of the property of Osiris in the
Tuat. He shall say to the twin Lion-gods for me, the /hief of the
House of the ,emes /rown, the .weller in his $avern: Get thee ba$#
to the heights of heaven, for behold, inasmu$h as thou art a
"pirit-body with the $reations of Horus, the ,emes /rown shall not
be to thee: 5but7 thou shalt have spee$h even to the uttermost
limits of the heavens. 6, the warder, too# possession of the
property of Horus 5whi$h belonged7 to Osiris in the Tuat, and Horus
repeated to me what his father Osiris had said unto him in the years
5past7, on the days of his burial. Give thou to me the ,emes /rown,
say the twin Lion-gods for me. %dvan$e thou, $ome along the road of
heaven, and loo# upon those who dwell in the uttermost limits of the
hori4on. The gods of the Tuat shall hold thee in fear, and they
shall fight for thee in their halls. The god %uhet belongeth to
them. %ll the gods who guard the shrine of the Lord One are smitten
with terror at 5my7 words.
Hail, saith the god who is e3alted upon his $offer to me@ He hath
bound on the ,emes /rown, 5by7 the de$ree of the twin Lion-gods. The
god %ahet hath made a way for me. 6 am e3alted 5on the $offer7, the
twin Lion-gods have bound the ,emes /rown on me and my two lo$#s of
hair are given unto me. He hath stablished for me my heart by his
own flesh, and by his great, two-fold strength, and 6 shall not fall
headlong before "hu. 6 am Hetep, the Lord of the two 2raei-goddesses
who are to be adored. 6 #now the Light-god, his winds are in my
body. The ull whi$h stri#eth terror 5into souls7 shall not repulse
me. 6 $ome daily into the House of the twin Lion-gods. 6 $ome forth
therefrom into the House of 6sis. 6 loo# upon the holy things whi$h
are hidden. 6 see the being who is therein. 6 spea# to the great
ones of "hu, they repulse him that is wrathful in his hour. 6 am Horus
who dwelleth in his divine Light. 6 am master of his $rown. 6 am
master of his radian$e. 6 advan$e towards the Henti boundaries of
heaven. Horus is upon his seat. Horus is upon his thrones. 'y fa$e
is li#e that of a divine haw#. 6 am one who is e9uipped 5li#e7 his
lord. 6 shall $ome forth to Tetu. 6 shall see Osiris. 6 shall live
in his a$tual presen$e.... ,ut. They shall see me. 6 shall see the
gods 5and7 the )ye of Horus burning with fire before my eyes. They
shall rea$h out their hands to me. 6 shall stand up. 6 shall be master
of him that would sub0e$t me to restraint. They shall open the holy
paths to me, they shall see my form, they shall listen to my words.
5Homage7 to you, O ye gods of the Tuat, whose fa$es are turned ba$#,
whose powers advan$e, $ondu$t ye me to the "tar-gods whi$h never rest.
&repare ye for me the holy ways to the Hemat house, and to your god,
the "oul, who is the mighty one of terror. Horus hath $ommanded me
to lift up your fa$es1 do ye loo# upon me. 6 have risen up li#e a
divine haw#. Horus hath made me to be a "pirit-body by means of his
"oul, and to ta#e possession of the things of Osiris in the Tuat. 'a#e
ye for me a path. 6 have travelled and 6 have arrived at those who are
$hiefs of their $averns, and who are guardians of the House of Osiris.
6 spea# unto them his mighty deeds. 6 made them to #now $on$erning his
vi$tories. He is ready 5to butt with his7 two horns at "et. They
#now him who hath ta#en possession of the god Hu, and who hath ta#en
possession of the &owers of Tem.
Travel thou on thy way safely, $ry out the gods of the Tuat to me. O
ye who ma#e your names pre-eminent, who are $hiefs in your shrines,
and who are guardians of the House of Osiris, grant, 6 pray you,
that 6 may $ome to you. 6 have bound up and 6 have gathered together
your &owers. 6 have dire$ted the &owers of the ways, the wardens of
the hori4on, and of the Hemat House of heaven. 6 have stablished their
fortresses for Osiris. 6 have prepared the ways for him. 6 have
performed the things whi$h 5he7 hath $ommanded. 6 $ome forth to
Tetu. 6 see Osiris. 6 spea# to him $on$erning the matter of his
Great "on, whom he loveth, and $on$erning 5the smiting of7 the heart
of "et. 6 loo# upon the lord who was helpless. How shall 6 ma#e them
to #now the plans of the gods, and that whi$h Horus did without the
#nowledge of his father OsirisJ
Hail, Lord, thou "oul, most awful and terrible, behold me. 6 have
$ome, 6 ma#e thee to be e3alted@ 6 have for$ed a way though the
Tuat. 6 have opened the roads whi$h appertain to heaven, and those
whi$h appertain to the earth, and no one hath opposed me therein. 6
have e3alted thy fa$e, O Lord of )ternity.
(6n the &apyrus of ,u, "heet ;=, the /hapter ends with the
)3alted art thou on thy throne, O Osiris@ Thou hast heard fair
things, O Osiris@ Thy strength is vigorous, O Osiris@ Thy head is
fastened on thy body, O Osiris@ Thy ne$# is made firm, O Osiris@ Thy
heart is glad, 5O Osiris@7. Thy spee$h is made effe$tive, O Osiris@
Thy prin$es re0oi$e Thou art established the ull in %mentet. Thy
son Horus hath as$ended thy trrone, and all life is with him. 'illions
of years minister unto him, and millions of years hold him in fear.
The /ompany of the Gods are his servants, and they fold him in fear.
The god Tem, the Governor, the only One among the gods, hath spo#en,
and his word passeth not away. Horus is both the divine food and the
sa$rifi$e. He made haste to gather together 5the members of7 of his
father. Horus is his deliverer. Horus is his deliverer. Horus hath
sprung from the essen$e of his divine father and from his de$ay. He
hath be$ome the Governor of )gypt. The gods shall wor# for him, and
they shall toil for him for million of years. He shall ma#e millions
of years to live through his )ye, the only one of its lord,
(8rom the Turin &apyrus, l. BBB!
)3alted is thy throne, O Osiris. Thou hearest well, O Osiris. Thy
strength flourisheth, O Osiris. 6 have fastened thy head 5on thy7 body
for thee. 6 have stablished thy throat, the throne of the 0oy of thy
heart. Thy words are stable. Thy shenit prin$es are glad. Thou art
stablished as the ull of %mentet. Thy son Horus hath as$ended thy
throne. %ll life is with him. 'illions of years wor# for him. The
/ompany of the Gods fear him. Tem, the One &ower of the Gods, hath
spo#en, and what he hath said is not $hanged, Hetu %abi. Horus hath
stood up. 6 have gone about $olle$ting his father. Horus hath
delivered his father. Horus hath delivered 5his mother7. 'y mother
is Horus. 'y brother is Horus. 'y un$le is Horus. 6 have $ome. Horus
followeth his father.... there the dirt of his head. The gods shall
serve him. 'illions of years...... in his )ye, the Only One of its
Lord, ,eb-er-t$her.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 )6,G T*%,"8O*'). 6,TO TH) &*6,/) O8 TH)
/H6)8". The Osiris ,u, whose word is truth, saith:- 6 am the god
Tem, the ma#er of the s#y, the $reator of the things whi$h are, who
$ometh forth from the earth, who made the seed of man to $ome into
being, the Lord of things, who fashioned the gods, the Great God,
who $reated himself, the Lord of Life, who made to flourish the Two
/ompanies of the Gods. Homage to you, O ye divine Lords of things,
ye holy beings, whose seats are veiled@ Homage to you, O ye Lords of
)ternity, whose forms are $on$ealed, whose san$tuaries are
mysteries, whose pla$es of abode are not #nown@ Homage to you, O ye
gods, who dwell in the Tenait (/ir$le of Light!@ Homage to you, O ye
gods of the /ir$le of the $ountry of the /atara$ts@ Homage to you, O
ye gods who dwell in %mentet@ Homage to you, O ye gods who dwell
within ,ut@ Grant ye to me that 6 may $ome before you, 6 am pure, 6 am
li#e a god. 6 am endowed with a "pirit-soul. 6 am strong. 6 am endowed
with a Heart-soul. 6 bring unto you in$ense, and spi$e, and natron.
6 have done away with the $hidings of your mouths. 6 have $ome, 6 have
done away the evil whi$h was in your hearts, and 6 have removed the
offen$es whi$h appertained to you 5against me7. 6 bring to you deeds
of well-doing, and 6 present before you truth. 6 #now you. 6 #now your
names. 6 #now your forms whi$h are not #nown. 6 $ome into being
among you. 'y $oming is li#e unto that god who eateth men, and who
feedeth upon the gods. 6 am strong before you even li#e that god who
is e3alted upon his pedestal, unto whom the gods $ome with
re0oi$ing, and the goddesses ma#e suppli$ation when they see me. 6
have $ome unto you. 6 have as$ended my throne li#e your Two .aughters.
6 have ta#en my seat in the hori4on. 6 re$eive my offerings of
propitiation upon my altars. 6 drin# my fill of seth wine every
evening. 6 $ome to those who are ma#ing re0oi$ings, and the gods who
live in the hori4on as$ribe unto me praises, as the divine
"pirit-body, the Lord of mortals. 6 am e3alted li#e that holy god
who dwelleth in the Great House. The gods re0oi$e greatly when they
see my beautiful appearan$es from the body of the goddess ,ut, and
when the goddess ,ut bringeth me forth.
5TH) /H%&T)* O87 '%K6,G TH) T*%,"8O*'%T6O, 6,TO TH) ")*&),T "%T%.
The Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, saith:- 6 am the serpent "ata
whose years are infinite. 6 lie down dead. 6 am born daily. 6 am the
serpent "a-en-ta, the dweller in the uttermost parts of the earth. 6
lie down in death. 6 am born, 6 be$ome new, 6 renew my youth every
5TH) /H%&T)* O87 '%K6,G TH) T*%,"8O*'%T6O, 6,TO TH) /*O/O.6L)-
The Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, saith:- 6 am the /ro$odile-god
("eba#! who dwelleth amid his terrors. 6 am the /ro$odile-god and 6
sei4e 5my prey7 li#e a ravening beast. 6 am the great 8ish whi$h is in
Kamui. 6 am the Lord to whom bowings and prostrations are made in
"e#hem. %nd the Osiris %ni is the lord to whom bowings and
prostrations are made in "e#hem.
(8rom the &apyrus of ,ebseni!
ehold, 6 am the dweller in his terrors, 6 am the $ro$odile, his
firstborn. 6 bring (prey! from a distan$e. 6 am the 8ish of Horus, the
Great One in Kamui. 6 am the lord of bowings in "e#hem.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 '%K6,G TH) T*%,"8O*'%T6O, 6,TO &T%H. The Osiris %ni
5whose word is truth, saith7:- 6 eat bread. 6 drin# ale. 6 gird up
my garments. 6 fly li#e a haw#. 6 $a$#le li#e the "men goose. 6 alight
upon that pla$e hard by the "epul$hre on the festival of the Great
God. That whi$h is abominable, that whi$h is abominable 6 will not
eat. 5%n abominable thing7 is filth, 6 will not eat thereof. That
whi$h is an abomination unto my K% shall not enter my body. 6 will
live upon that whereon live the gods and the "pirit-souls. 6 shall
live, and 6 shall be master of their $a#es. 6 am master of them, and 6
shall eat them under the trees of the dweller in the House of
Hathor, my Lady. 6 will ma#e an offering. 'y $a#es are in Tetu, my
offerings are in %nu. 6 gird about myself the robe whi$h is woven
for me by the goddess Tait. 6 shall stand up and sit down in
whatsoever pla$e it pleaseth me to do so. 'y head is li#e unto that of
*a. 6 am gathered together li#e Tem.
Here offer the four $a#es of *a, and the offerings of the earth.
6 shall $ome forth. 'y tongue is li#e that of &tah, and my throat is
li#e unto that of Hathor, and 6 remember the words of Tem, of my
father, with my mouth. He for$ed the woman, the wife of Keb,
brea#ing the heads near him1 therefore was the fear of him there.
5His7 praises are repeated with vigour. 6 am de$reed to be the Heir,
the lord of the earth of Keb. 6 have union with women. Keb hath
refreshed me, and he hath $aused me to as$end his throne. Those who
dwell in %nu bow their heads to me. 6 am 5their7 ull, 6 am stronger
than 5the Lord7 of the hour. 6 unite with women. 6 am master for
millions of years.
5TH) /H%&T)* O87 '%K6,G TH) T*%,"8O*'%T6O, 6,TO TH) "O2L O8 T)'.
Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, saith:- 6 shall not enter into the
pla$e of destru$tion, 6 shall not perish, 6 shall not #now 5de$ay7.
6 am *a, who $ame forth from ,u, the "oul of the God who $reated his
own members. +hat 6 abominate is sin1 6 will not loo# thereon. 6 $ry
not out against truth, nay, 6 live therein. 6 am the god Hu, the
imperishable god, in my name of ""oul." 6 have $reated myself with ,u,
in the name of "Khepera." 6 e3ist in them li#e *a. 6 am the Lord of
(8rom the &apyrus of ,u!
That whi$h is an abomination unto me is death1 let me not go into
the $hamber of torture whi$h is in the Tuat. 6 am the delight of the
Khu of Osiris. 6 ma#e to be $ontent the heart5s7 of those who dwell
among the divine things whi$h are beloved 5by me7. They $ause the fear
of me 5to abound7, they $reate the awe of me to be in those divine
beings who dwell in their own $ir$les. ehold, 6 am e3alted on my
own standard, and upon my throne, and upon my seat whi$h is assigned
5to me7. 6 am the god ,u, and those who $ommit sin shall not destroy
me. 6 am the firstborn of the primeval god, and my soul is the "ouls
of the )ternal Gods, and my body is )verlastingness. 'y $reated form
is 5that of7 the god )ternity, the Lord of Kears, and the &rin$e of
)verlastingness. 6 am the /reator of the .ar#ness, who ma#eth his seat
in the uttermost limits of the heavens, 5whi$h7 6 love. 6 arrive at
their boundaries. 6 advan$e upon my two legs. 6 dire$t my resting
pla$e. 6 sail over the s#y. 6 fetter and destroy the hidden serpents
whi$h are about my footsteps 5in going to7 the Lord of the Two %rms.
'y soul is the "ouls of the )ternal Gods, and my body is
)verlastingness. 6 am the e3alted one, the Lord of the Land of Tebu. 6
am the /hild in the $ity: "Koung man in the $ountry" is my name.
"6mperishable one" is my name. 6 am the "oul /reator of ,u. 6 ma#e
my habitation in Khert-,eter. 'y nest is invisible, my egg is not
bro#en. 6 have done away the evil whi$h is in me. 6 shall see my
8ather, the Lord of the )vening. His body dwelleth in %nu. 6 am made
to be the Light-god, a dweller in the Light-god, over the +estern
.omain of the Hebt bird.
5TH) /H%&T)* O87 '%K6,G TH) T*%,"8O*'%T6O, 6,TO TH) ),2 6*.. The
Osiris, the s$ribe %ni, whose word is truth, saith:- 6 flew up out
of primeval matter. 6 $ame into being li#e the god Khepera. 6
germinated li#e the plants. 6 am $on$ealed li#e the tortoise 5in his
shell7. 6 am the seed of every god. 6 am Kesterday of the 8our
5(uarters of the )arth, and7 the "even 2raei, who $ame into being in
the )astern land. 56 am7 the Great One (Horus! who illumineth the
Hememet spirits with the light of his body. 56 am7 that god in respe$t
of "et. 56 am7 Thoth who 5stood7 between them (Horus and "et! as the
0udge on behalf of the Governor of "e#hem and the "ouls of %nu. 5He
was li#e7 a stream between them. 6 have $ome. 6 rise up on my
throne. 6 am endowed with Khu. 6 am mighty. 6 am endowed with
godhood among the gods. 6 am Khensu, 5the lord7 of every #ind of
*2*6/: 56f7 this /hapter 5be #nown by the de$eased7, he shall
$ome forth pure by day after his death, and he shall perform every
transformation whi$h hs soul desireth to ma#e. He shall be among the
8ollowers of 2n-,efer, and he shall satisfy himself with the food of
Osiris, and with sepul$hral meals. He shall see the .is# 5of the "un7,
he shall be in good $ase upon earth before *a, and his word shall be
truth in the sight of Osiris, and no evil thing whatsoever shall
have dominion over him for ever and ever.
5TH) /H%&T)* O87 '%K6,G TH) T*%,"8O*'%T6O, 6,TO % H)*O,. The
Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose word is truth, saith:- 6 am the master of
beasts brought for sa$rifi$e, 5and7 of the #nives whi$h are 5held7
at their heads 5and7 their beards1 those who dwell in their emerald
5fields7, the %ged Gods, and the "pirit-souls, are ready at the moment
for the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, in pea$e. He ma#eth slaughter
on the earth, and 6 ma#e slaughter on the earth. 6 am strong. 6 follow
the heights unto heaven. 6 have made myself pure. 6 wal# with long
strides to my $ity. 6 have be$ome an owner of land there. 6 advan$e to
"epu...... is given to me in 2nu. 6 have set the gods upon their
roads. 6 have made splendid the houses and towns of those who are in
their shrines. 6 #now the stream of ,ut. 6 #now Tatun. 6 #now Teshert.
6 have brought along their horns. 6 #now He#a. 6 have hear#ened to
this words. 6 am the *ed ull-$alf whi$h is mar#ed with mar#ings.
The gods shall say when they hear 5of me7: 2n$over your fa$es. His
$oming is to me. There is light whi$h ye #now not. Times and seasons
are in my body. 6 do not spea# 5lies7 in the pla$e of truth, daily.
The truth is hidden on the eyebrows. 5y7 night 567 sail up the
river to #eep the feast of him that is dead, to embra$e the %ged
God, and to guard the earth, 6 the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth.
(8rom the "aite *e$ension!
*2*6/: 6f this /hapter be #nown 5by the de$eased7, he will live
li#e a perfe$t "pirit-soul in Khert-,eter1 no evil thing whatsoever
shall overthrow him.
5TH) /H%&T)* O87 '%K6,G TH) T*%,"8O*'%T6O, 6,TO TH) LOT2". The
Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, saith:- 6 am the holy lotus that
$ometh forth from the light whi$h belongeth to the nostrils of *a, and
whi$h belongeth to the head of Hathor. 6 have made my way, and 6
see# after him, that is to say, Horus. 6 am the pure lotus that $ometh
forth from the field 5of *a7.
(,aville, op. $it., 6, l. B/666!
/hapter of ma#ing the transformation into a lotus. The Osiris, the
lady of of the house, %ui, whose word is truth, in pea$e, saith:-
Hail, thou Lotus, thou type of the god ,efer-Temu@ 6 am the man who
#noweth your names. 6 #now your names among the gods, the lords of
Khert-,eter. 6 am one among you. Grant ye that 6 may see the gods
who are the Guides of the Tuat. Grant ye to me a seat in
Khert-,eter, near the Lords of %mentet. %ssign to me a habitation in
the land of T$hesert. *e$eive ye me in the presen$e of the Lords of
)ternity. Let my soul $ome forth in whatsoever pla$e it pleaseth.
Let it not be re0e$ted in the presen$e of the Great /ompany of the
5TH) /H%&T)* O87 '%K6,G TH) T*%,"8O*'%T6O, 6,TO TH) GO. +HO
L6GHT),)TH TH) .%*K,)"". The Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose word is
truth, saith:- 6 am the girdle of the garment of the god ,u, whi$h
giveth light, and shineth, and belongeth to his breast, the
illuminer of the dar#ness, the uniter of the two *ehti deities, the
dweller in my body, through the great spell of the words of my
mouth. 6 rise up, but he who was $oming after me hath fallen. He who
was with him in the Dalley of %btu hath fallen. 6 rest. 6 remember
him. The god Hu hath ta#en possession of me in my town. 6 found him
there. 6 have $arried away the dar#ness by my strength, 6 have
filled the )ye 5of *a7 when it was helpless, and when it $ame not on
the festival of the fifteenth day. 6 have weighed "ut in the $elestial
houses against the %ged One who was with him. 6 have e9uipped Thoth in
the House of the 'oon-god, when the fifteenth day of the festival $ome
not. 6 have ta#en possession of the 2rrt /rown. Truth is in my body1
tur9uoise and $rystal are its months. 'y homestead is there among
the lapis-la4uli, among the furrows thereof. 6 am Hem-,u, the
lightener of the dar#ness. 6 have $ome to lighten the dar#ness1 it
is light. 6 have lightened the dar#ness. 6 have overthrown the
ashmiu-fiends. 6 have sung hymns to those who dwell in the dar#ness. 6
have made to stand up the weeping ones, whose fa$es were $overed over1
they were in a helpless state of misery. Loo# ye then upon me. 6 am
Hem-,u. 6 will not let you hear $on$erning it. 56 have fought. 6 am
Hem-,u. 6 have lightened the dar#ness. 6 have $ome. 6 have made an end
to the dar#ness whi$h hath be$ome light indeed.7
TH) /H%&T)* O8 ,OT .K6,G % ")/O,. T6'). The Osiris %ni, whose word
is truth, saith:- Hail, Thoth@ +hat is it that hath happened to the
$hildren of ,utJ They have waged war, they have upheld strife, they
have done evil, they have $reated the fiends, they have made
slaughter, they have $aused trouble1 in truth, in all their doings the
strong have wor#ed against the wea#. Grant, O might of Thoth, that
that whi$h the god Tem hath de$reed 5may be done@7 %nd thou
regardest not evil, nor art thou provo#ed to anger when they bring
their years to $onfusion, and throng in and push in to disturb their
months. 8or in all that they have done unto thee they have wor#ed
ini9uity in se$ret. 6 am they writing-palette, O Thoth, and 6 have
brought unto thee thine in#-0ar. 6 am not of those who wor# ini9uity
in their se$ret pla$es1 let not evil happen unto me.
The Osiris, the s$ribe %ni, whose word is truth, saith:- Hail, Temu@
+hat manner of land is this unto whi$h 6 have $omeJ 6t hath not water,
it hath not air1 it is depth unfathomable, it is bla$# as the bla$#est
night, and men wander helplessly therein. 6n it a man $annot live in
9uietness of heart1 nor may the longings of love be satisfied therein.
ut let the state of the "pirit-souls be given unto me instead of
water and air, and the satisfying of the longings of love, and let
9uietness of heart be given unto me instead of $a#es and ale. The
god Tem hath de$reed that 6 shall see thy fa$e, and that 6 shall not
suffer from the things whi$h pain thee. 'ay every god transmit unto
thee his throne for millions of years. Thy throne hath des$ended
unto thy son Horus, and the god Tem hath de$reed that thy $ourse shall
be among the holy prin$es. 6n truth he shall rule from thy throne, and
he shall be heir to the throne of the .weller in the fiery La#e
5,eserser7. 6n truth it hath been de$reed that in me he shall see
his li#eness, and that my fa$e shall loo# upon the fa$e of the Lord
Tem. How long then have 6 to liveJ 6t is de$reed that thou shalt
live for millions of years, a life of millions of years. Let it be
granted to me to pass on to the holy prin$es, for indeed, 6 have
done away all the evil whi$h 6 $ommitted, from the time when this
earth $ame into being from ,u, when it sprang from the watery abyss
even as it was in the days of old. 6 am 8ate and Osiris, 6 have made
my transformations into the li#eness of divers serpents. 'an #noweth
not, and the gods $annot behold the two-fold beauty whi$h 6 have
made for Osiris, the greatest of the gods. 6 have given unto him the
region of the dead. %nd, verily, his son Horus is seated upon the
throne of the .weller in the fiery La#e 5of ,eserser7, as his heir.
6 have made him to have his throne in the oat of 'illions of Kears.
Horus is stablished upon his throne 5among his7 #insmen, and he hath
all that is with him. Derily, the "oul of "et, whi$h is greater than
all the gods, hath departed. Let it be granted to me to bind his
soul in fetter in the oat of the God, when 6 please, and let him hold
the ody of the God in fear. O my father Osiris, thou hast done for me
that whi$h thy father *a did for thee. Let me abide upon the earth
permanently. Let me #eep possession of my throne. Let my heir be
strong. Let my tomb, and my friends who are upon the earth,
flourish. Let my enemies be given over to destru$tion, and to the
sha$#les of the goddess "er9. 6 am thy son. *a is my father. On me
li#ewise thou hast $onferred life, strength, and health. Horus is
established upon his tomb. Grant thou that the days of my life may
$ome unto worship and honour.
(8rom the Leyden &apyrus of *a!
*2*6/: This /hapter shall be re$ited over a figure of Horus, made
of lapis-la4uli, whi$h shall be pla$ed on the ne$# of the de$eased. 6t
is a prote$tion upon earth, and it will se$ure for the de$eased the
affe$tion of men, gods, and the "pirit-souls whi$h are perfe$t.
'oreover it a$teth as a spell in Khert-,eter, but it must be re$ited
by thee on behalf of the Osiris *a, regularly and $ontinually millions
of times.
5TH) /H%&T)* O87 ),T)*6,G 6,TO TH) H%LL O8 '%%T6 TO &*%6") O"6*6"
KH),T6-%'),T6. The Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose word is truth, saith:-
6 have $ome unto thee. 6 have drawn nigh to behold thy beauties (thy
benefi$ient goodness!. 'y hands are 5e3tended7 in adoration of thy
name of "'aat." 6 have $ome. 6 have drawn nigh unto 5the pla$e
where7 the $edar-tree e3isteth not, where the a$a$ia tree doth not put
forth shoots, and where the ground produ$eth neither grass nor
herbs. ,ow 6 have entered into the habitation whi$h is hidden, and 6
hold $onverse with "et. 'y prote$tor advan$ed to me, $overed was his
fa$e.... on the hidden things. He entered into the house of Osiris, he
saw the hidden things whi$h were therein. The T$hat$hau /hiefs of
the &ylons were in the form of "pirits. The god %npu spa#e unto
those about him with the words of a man who $ometh from Ta-mera,
saying, "He #noweth our roads and our towns. 6 am re$on$iled unto him.
+hen 6 smell his odour it is even as the odour of one of you." %nd 6
say unto him: 6 the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, in pea$e, whose
word is truth, have $ome. 6 have drawn nigh to behold the Great
Gods. 6 would live upon the propitiatory offerings 5made7 to their
.oubles. 6 would live on the borders 5of the territory of7 the "oul,
the Lord of Tetu. He shall ma#e me to $ome forth in the form of a enu
bird, and to hold $onverse 5with him.7 6 have been in the stream 5to
purify myself7. 6 have made offerings of in$ense. 6 betoo# myself to
the %$a$ia Tree of the 5divine7 /hildren. 6 lived in %bu in the
House of the goddess "atet. 6 made to sin# in the water the boat of
the enemies. 6 sailed over the la#e 5in the temple7 in the ,eshmet
oat. 6 have loo#ed upon the "ahu of Kamur. 6 have been in Tetu. 6
have held my pea$e. 6 have made the god to be master of his legs. 6
have been in the House of Teptuf. 6 have seen him, that is the
Governor of the Hall of the God. 6 have entered into the House of
Osiris and 6 have removed the head-$overings of him that is therein. 6
have entered into *asta, and 6 have seen the Hidden One who is
therein. 6 was hidden, but 6 found the boundary. 6 0ourneyed to
,erutef, and he who was therein $overed me with a garment. 6 have
myrrh of women, together with the shenu powder of living fol#.
Derily he (Osiris! told me the things whi$h $on$erned himself. 6 said:
Let thy weighing of me be even as we desire.
%nd the 'a0esty of %npu shall say unto me, "Knowest thou the name of
this door, and $anst thou tell itJ" %nd the Osiris the s$ribe %ni,
whose word is truth, in pea$e, whose word is truth, shall say,
"Kherse#-"hu" is the name of this door. %nd the 'a0esty of the god
%npu shall say unto me, "Knowest thou the name of the upper leaf,
and the name of the lower leafJ" 5%nd the Osiris the s$ribe %ni7 shall
say: ",eb-'aat-heri-retiu-f" is the name of the upper leaf and
",eb-pehti-thesu-menment" 5is the name of the lower leaf. %nd the
'a0esty of the god %npu shall say7, "&ass on, for thou hast #nowledge,
O Osiris the s$ribe, the assessor of the holy offerings of all the
gods of Thebes %ni, whose word is truth, the lord of loyal servi$e 5to
(8rom the &apyrus of ,u, rit. 'us. ,o. ;<=>>, "heet ??!
5TH) 8OLLO+6,G7 +O*." "H%LL ) "%6. K TH) "T)+%*. O8 TH) K))&)*
O8 TH) ")%L, ,2, +HO") +O*. 6" T*2TH, +H), H) /O')TH 8O*TH TO
O8 '%%T6, "O TH%T H) '%K ) ")&%*%T). 8*O' )D)*K "6, +H6/H H) H%TH
/O''6TT)., %,. '%K )HOL. TH) 8%/)" O8 TH) GO.". The Osiris ,u,
whose word is truth, saith: Homage to thee, O great God, Lord of
'aati@ 6 have $ome unto thee, O my Lord, and 6 have brought myself
hither that 6 may behold thy beauties. 6 #now thee, 6 #now thy name, 6
#now the names of the 8orty-two Gods who live with thee in this Hall
of 'aati, who live by #eeping ward over sinners, and who feed upon
their blood on the day when the $ons$ien$es of men are re$#oned up
in the presen$e of the god 2n-,efer. 6n truth thy name is
"*ehti-'erti-,ebti-'aati." 6n truth 6 have $ome unto thee, 6 have
brought 'aati (Truth! to thee. 6 have done away sin for thee. 6 have
not $ommitted sins against men. 6 have not opposed my family and
#insfol#. 6 have not a$ted fraudulently in the "eat of Truth. 6 have
not #nown men who were of no a$$ount. 6 have not wrought evil. 6
have not made it to be the first 5$onsideration daily that
unne$essary7 wor# should be done for me. 6 have not brought forward my
name for dignities. 6 have not 5attempted7 to dire$t servants 56
have not belittled God7. 6 have not defrauded the humble man of his
property. 6 have not done what the gods abominate. 6 have not vilified
a slave to his master. 6 have not infli$ted pain. 6 have not $aused
anyone to go hungry. 6 have not made any man to weep. 6 have not
$ommitted murder. 6 have not given the order for murder to be
$ommitted. 6 have not $aused $alamities to befall men and women. 6
have not plundered the offerings in the temples. 6 have not
defrauded the gods of their $a#e-offerings. 6 have not $arried off the
fen#hu $a#es 5offered to7 the "pirits. 6 have not $ommitted
forni$ation. 6 have not masturbated 5in the san$tuaries of the god
of my $ity7. 6 have not diminished from the bushel. 6 have not fil$hed
5land from my neighbourAs estate and7 added it to my own a$re. 6
have not en$roa$hed upon the fields 5of others7. 6 have not added to
the weights of the s$ales. 6 have not depressed the pointer of the
balan$e. 6 have not $arried away the mil# from the mouths of $hildren.
6 have not driven the $attle away from their pastures. 6 have not
snared the geese in the goose-pens of the gods. 6 have not $aught fish
with bait made of the bodies of the same #ind of fish. 6 have not
stopped water when it should flow. 6 have not made a $utting in a
$anal of running water. 6 have not e3tinguished a fire when it
should burn. 6 have not violated the times 5of offering7 the $hosen
meat offerings. 6 have not driven away the $attle on the estates of
the gods. 6 have not turned ba$# the god at his appearan$es. 6 am
pure. 6 am pure. 6 am pure. 'y pure offerings are the pure offerings
of that great enu whi$h dwelleth in Hensu. 8or behold, 6 am the
nose of ,eb-nefu (the lord of the air!, who giveth sustenan$e unto all
man#ind, on the day of the filling of the 2t$hat in %nu, in the se$ond
month of the season &ert, on the last of the month, 5in the presen$e
of the Lord of this earth7. 6 have seen the filling of the 2t$hat in
%nu, therefore let not $alamity befall me in this land, or in this
Hall of 'aati, be$ause 6 #now the names of the gods who are therein,
5and who are the followers of the Great God7.
TH) ,)G%T6D) /O,8)""6O,
Hail, 2se#h-nemmt, who $omest forth from %nu, 6 have not $ommitted
Hail, Hept-#het, who $omest forth from Kher-aha, 6 have not
$ommitted robbery with violen$e.
Hail, 8enti, who $omest forth from Khemenu, 6 have not stolen.
Hail, %m-#haibit, who $omest forth from (ernet, 6 have not slain men
and women.
Hail, ,eha-her, who $omest forth from *asta, 6 have not stolen
Hail, *uruti, who $omest forth from heaven, 6 have not purloined
Hail, %rfi-em-#het, who $omest forth from "uat, 6 have not stolen
the property of God.
Hail, ,eba, who $omest and goest, 6 have not uttered lies.
Hail, "et-9esu, who $omest forth from Hensu, 6 have not $arried away
Hail, 2tu-nesert, who $omest forth from Het-#a-&tah, 6 have not
uttered $urses.
Hail, (errti, who $omest forth from %mentet, 6 have not $ommitted
adultery, 6 have not lain with men.
Hail, Her-f-ha-f, who $omest forth from thy $avern, 6 have made none
to weep.
Hail, asti, who $omest forth from ast, 6 have not eaten the heart.
Hail, Ta-retiu, who $omest forth from the night, 6 have not atta$#ed
any man.
Hail, 2nem-snef, who $omest forth from the e3e$ution $hamber, 6 am
not a man of de$eit.
Hail, 2nem-bese#, who $omest forth from 'abit, 6 have not stolen
$ultivated land.
Hail, ,eb-'aat, who $omest forth from 'aati, 6 have not been an
Hail, Tenemiu, who $omest forth from ast, 6 have not slandered
5no man7.
Hail, "ertiu, who $omest forth from %nu, 6 have not been angry
without 0ust $ause.
Hail, Tutu, who $omest forth from %ti (the usirite ,ome!, 6 have
not debau$hed the wife of any man.
Hail, 2amenti, who $omest forth from the Khebt $hamber, 6 have not
debau$hed the wife of 5any7 man.
Hail, 'aa-antuf, who $omest forth from &er-'enu, 6 have not polluted
Hail, Her-uru, who $omest forth from ,ehatu, 6 have terrori4ed none.
Hail, Khemiu, who $omest forth from Kaui, 6 have not transgressed
5the law7.
Hail, "het-#heru, who $omest forth from 2rit, 6 have not been wroth.
Hail, ,e#henu, who $omest forth from He9at, 6 have not shut my
ears to the words of truth.
Hail, Kenemti, who $omest forth from Kenmet, 6 have not blasphemed.
Hail, %n-hetep-f, who $omest forth from "au, 6 am not a man of
Hail, "era-#heru, who $omest forth from 2naset, 6 have not been a
stirrer up of strife.
Hail, ,eb-heru, who $omest forth from ,et$hfet, 6 have not a$ted
with undue haste.
Hail, "e#hriu, who $omest forth from 2ten, 6 have not pried into
Hail, ,eb-abui, who $omest forth from "auti, 6 have not multiplied
my words in spea#ing.
Hail, ,efer-Tem, who $omest forth from Het-#a-&tah, 6 have wronged
none, 6 have done no evil.
Hail, Tem-"epu, who $omest forth from Tetu, 6 have not wor#ed
wit$h$raft against the #ing.
Hail, %ri-em-ab-f, who $omest forth from Tebu, 6 have never
stopped 5the flow of7 water.
Hail, %hi, who $omest forth from ,u, 6 have never raised my voi$e.
Hail, 2at$h-re#hit, who $omest forth from "au, 6 have not $ursed
Hail, ,eheb-#a, who $omest forth from thy $avern, 6 have not a$ted
with arrogan$e.
Hail, ,eheb-nefert, who $omest forth from thy $avern, 6 have not
stolen the bread of the gods.
Hail, T$heser-tep, who $omest forth from the shrine, 6 have not
$arried away the #henfu $a#es from the "pirits of the dead.
Hail, %n-af, who $omest forth from 'aati, 6 have not snat$hed away
the bread of the $hild, nor treated with $ontempt the god of my $ity.
Hail, Het$h-abhu, who $omest forth from Ta-she (the 8ayyum!, 6
have not slain the $attle belonging to the god.
(8rom the &apyrus of ,ebseni!
Hail, 2se#h-nemmt, who $omest forth from %nu, 6 have not $ommitted
Hail, Hept-"het, who $omest forth from Kher-aha, 6 have not robbed
with violen$e.
Hail, 8enti, who $omest forth from Khemenu, 6 have done no violen$e.
Hail, %m-#haibitu, who $omest forth from (errt, 6 have not stolen.
Hail, ,eha-hau, who $omest forth from *asta, 6 have not slain men.
Hail, *uruti, who $omest forth from heaven, 6 have not made light
the bushel.
Hail, %rti-f-em-tes, who $omest forth from "e#hem, 6 have not
a$ted de$eitfully.
Hail, ,eba, who $omest and goest, 6 have not stolen the property
of the god.
Hail, "et-9esu, who $omest forth from Hensu, 6 have not told lies.
Hail, 2at$h-nesert, who $omest forth from Het-#a-&tah, 6 have not
$arried away food.
Hail, (erti, who $omest forth from %menti, 6 have not uttered evil
Hail, Het$h-abhu, who $omest from Ta-she, 6 have atta$#ed no man.
Hail, 2nem-snef, who $omest forth from the e3e$ution $hamber, 6 have
not salin a bull whi$h was the property of the god.
Hail, 2nem-bes#u, who $omest 5forth from the 'abet $hamber7, 6
have not a$ted de$eitfully.
Hail, ,eb-maat, who $omest forth from 'aati, 6 have not pillaged the
lands whi$h have been ploughed.
Hail, Thenemi, who $omest forth from ast, 6 have never pried into
matters 5to ma#e mis$hief7.
Hail, %ati, who $omest forth from %nu, 6 have not set my mouth in
Hail, Tutuf, who $omest from from %, 6 have not been wroth e3$ept
with reason.
Hail, 2amemti, who $omest forth from the e3e$ution $hamber, 6 have
not debau$hed the wife of a man.
Hail, 'aa-anuf, who $omest forth from &er-'enu, 6 ahve not
polluted myself.
Hail, Heri-uru, who $omest forth from 5,ehatu7, 6 have terrori4ed no
Hail, Khemi, who $omest forth from %haui, 6 have not made atta$#s.
Hail, "het-#heru, who $omest forth from 2ri, 6 have not been a man
of anger.
Hail, ,e#hem, who $omest forth from He9-at, 6 have not turned a deaf
ear to the words of truth.
Hail, "er-Kheru, who $omest forth from 2nes, 6 have not stirred up
Hail, asti, who $omest forth from "hetait, 6 have made none to
Hail, Her-f-ha-f, who $omest forth from thy $avern, 6 have not
$ommitted a$ts of se3ual impurity, or lain with men.
Hail, Ta-ret, who $omest forth from %#h#hu, 6 have not eaten my
Hail, Kenmti, who $omest forth from Kenmet, 6 have $ursed no man.
Hail, %n-hetep-f, who $omest forth from "au, 6 have not a$ted in a
violent or oppressive manner.
Hail, ,eb-heru, who $omest forth from T$hefet, 6 have not a$ted
5or 0udged7 hastily.
Hail, "ere#hi, who $omest forth from 2nth, 6 have not.... my hair, 6
have not harmed the god.
Hail, ,eb-abui, who $omest forth from "auti, 6 have not multiplied
my spee$h overmu$h.
Hail, ,efer-Tem, who $omest forth from Het-#a-&tah, 6 have not a$ted
with de$iet, 6 have not wor#ed wi$#edness.
Hail, Tem-"ep, who $omest forth from Tetu, 6 have not done things to
effe$t the $ursing of 5the #ing7.
Hail, %ri-em-ab-f, who $omest forth from Tebti, 6 have not stopped
the flow of water.
Hail, %hi-mu, who $omest forth from ,u, 6 have not raised my voi$e.
Hail, 2tu-re#hit, who $omest forth from thy house, 6 have not
$urse God.
Hail, ,eheb-,efert, who $omest forth from the La#e of ,efer, 6
have not a$ted with insufferable insolen$e.
Hail, ,eheb-#au, who $omest forth from 5thy7 $ity, 6 have not sought
to ma#e myself unduly distinguished.
Hail, T$heser-tep, who $omest forth from thy $avern, 6 have not
in$reased my wealth e3$ept through su$h things are 50ustly7 my own
Hail, %n-a-f, who $omest forth from %u#er, 6 have not s$orned 5or
treated with $ontempt7 the god of my town.
%..*)"" TO TH) GO." O8 TH) T2%T
(8rom the &apyrus of ,u, rit. 'us. ,o. ;<=>>, "heet ?=!
TH) 8OLLO+6,G %*) TH) +O*." +H6/H TH) H)%*T O8 T*2TH TH%T 6"
"H%LL "%K +H), H) /O')TH +6TH TH) +O*. O8 T*2TH 6,TO TH) H%LL O8
'%%T61 TH)K "H%LL ) "%6. +H), H) /O')TH TO TH) GO." +HO .+)LL 6,
TH) T2%T1 %,. TH)K %*) TH) +O*." +H6/H %*) 5TO ) "%6.7 %8T)* 5H)
/O')TH 8O*TH 8*O'7 TH) H%LL O8 '%%T6.
,u, the steward of the #eeper of the seal, whose word is truth,
saith:- Homage to you, O ye gods who dwell in your Hall of 'aati@ 6
#now you, 6 #now your names. Let me not fall under your #nives of
slaughter, and bring ye not forward my wi$#edness to this god in whose
following ye are. Let not evil hap $ome upon me through you. "pea#
ye the truth $on$erning me in the presen$e of ,eb-er-t$her, for 6 have
done what is right and 0ust in Ta-'era. 6 have not $ursed the god, and
my evil hap did not $ome upon him that was #ing in his day.
Homage to you, O ye who dwell in your Hall of 'aati, who have
nothing false in your bodies, who live upon Truth, who feed yourselves
upon Truth in the presen$e of Horus who dwelleth in his .is#,
deliver ye me from eba, who feedeth upon the livers of the great ones
on the day of the Great Iudgment. Grant ye that 6 may $ome before you,
for 6 have not $ommitted sin, 6 have done no a$t of de$eit, 6 have
done no evil thing, and 6 have not borne 5false7 witness1 therefore
let nothing 5evil7 be done to me. 6 have lived upon truth, 6 have
fed upon truth, 6 have performed the ordinan$es of men, and the things
whi$h gratify the gods. 6 have propitiated the god by doing his
will, 6 have given bread to the hungry man, and water to him that
was athirst, and apparel to the na#ed man, and a ferry-boat to him
that had no boat. 6 have made propitiatory offerings and given $a#es
to the gods, and the "things whi$h appear at the word" to the "pirits.
.eliver then ye me, prote$t then ye me, and ma#e ye no report
against me in the presen$e 5of the Great God7. 6 am pure in respe$t of
my mouth, and 6 am $lean in respe$t of my hands, therefore let it be
said unto me by those who shall behold me: "/ome in pea$e, /ome in
pea$e." 8or 6 have heard that great word whi$h the "ahu spa#e to the
/%T, in the House of Hapt-ra. 6 have borne witness to Her-f-ha-f,
and he hath given a de$ision 5$on$erning me7. 6 have seen the things
over whi$h the &ersea tree whi$h is in *asta, spreadeth its
bran$hes. 6 have made petitions to the gods, 5and 67 #now the things
5whi$h appertain to7 their bodies. 6 have $ome, travelling a long
road, to bear righteous testimony, and to set the alan$e upon its
supports within %u#ert.
Hail, thou who art e3alted high upon thy standard, thou Lord of
the %tef /rown, who dost ma#e thy name to be "Lord of the +inds,"
deliver thou me from thy divine )nvoys who punish and affli$t
a$$ording to 5thy7 de$rees, and who ma#e $alamities to arise, and
whose fa$es are without $overings, for 6 have done what is right and
true for the Lord of Truth. 6 am pure. 'y breast is purified by
libations, and my hinder parts are made $lean with the things whi$h
ma#e $lean, and my inner parts have been dipped in the La#e of
Truth. There is no single member of mine whi$h la$#eth truth. 6 have
washed myself $lean in the La#e of the "outh. 6 have rested myself
in the /ity of the ,orth, whi$h is in "e#het "anhemu (the 8ield of the
Grasshoppers!, where the mariners of *a wash themselves $lean at the
se$ond hour of the night, and at the third hour of the day. The hearts
of the gods are gratified when they have passed over it, whether it be
by night or whether it be by day, and they say unto me, "Let thyself
advan$e." They say unto me, "+ho art thouJ" %nd they say unto me,
"+hat is thy nameJ" 5%nd 6 reply7, ""ept-#heri-nehait-ammi-be9-f" is
my name. Then they say unto me, "%dvan$e straightway on the $ity whi$h
is to the ,orth of the Olive Tree. +hat dost thou see thereJ" The
Leg and the Thigh. +hat dost thou say unto themJ Let me see re0oi$ings
in these lands of the 8en#hu. +hat do they give unto theeJ % flame
of fire and a s$eptre-amulet 5made7 of $rystal. +hat dost thou do with
themJ 6 bury them on the furrow of 'Anaat, as things for the night.
+hat dost thou find on the furrow of 'aatJ % s$eptre of flint, the
name of whi$h is "Giver of winds." +hat now didst thou do with the
flame of fire and the s$eptre-amulet 5made7 of $rystal, after thou
didst bury themJ 6 said a spell over them, and 6 dug them up. 6
9uen$hed the flame of fire and 6 bro#e the s$eptre-amulet, and 6
made a la#e of water. 5Then shall the Two and forty gods say unto me7:
"/ome now, pass in over the threshold of this door of the Hall of
'aati, for thou hast #nowledge of us." "+e will not allow thee to
enter in over us," say the bars of this door, "unless thou tellest
us our names." 5%nd 6 reply7, "Te#h-bu-maa" is your name. The right
lintel of this door saith: "6 will not allow thee to pass over me
unless thou tellest me my name." 5%nd 6 reply7, "Hen#u-en-fat-maat" is
thy name. The left lintel of this door saith: "6 will not allow
thee to pass over me unless thou tellest me my name." 5%nd 6 reply7,
"Hen#u-en-arp" is thy name. The ground of this door saith: "6 will not
allow thee to pass over me unless thou tellest me my name." 5%nd 6
reply7, "%ua-en-Keb" is thy name. %nd the bolt of this door saith:
"6 will not open the door to thee unless thou tellest me my name."
5%nd 6 reply7, ""aah-en-mut-f" is thy name. The so$#et of the
fastening of this door saith: "6 will not open unto thee unless thou
tellest my name." 5%nd 6 reply7, "The Living )ye of "ebe#, the Lord of
a#hau," is thy name. The .oor#eeper of this door saith: "6 will not
open to thee, and 6 will not let thee enter by me unless thou
tellest my name." 5%nd 6 reply7, ")lbow of the god "hu who pla$eth
himself to prote$t Osiris" is thy name. The posts of this door say:
"+e will not let thee pass in by us unless thou tellest our name."
5%nd 6 reply7, "/hildren of the uraei-goddesses" is your name. The
.oor#eeper of this door saith: "6 will not open to thee, and 6 will
not let thee enter in by me unless thou tellest my name. 5%nd 6
reply7, "O3 of Keb" is thy name. 5%nd they reply7, "Thou #nowest us,
pass in therefore by us." The ground of this Hall of 'aati saith: "6
will not let thee tread upon me 5unless thou tellest me my name7,
for 6 am silent. 6 am holy be$ause 6 #now the names of two feet
thou wouldst wal# upon me. .e$lare, then, them to me."
5%nd 6 reply7, "esu-%hu" is the name of my right foot, and
"2npet-ent-Het-Heru" is the name of my left foot. 5The ground
replieth7: "Thou #nowest us, enter in therefore over us." The
.oor#eeper of this Hall of 'aati saith: "6 will not announ$e thee
unless thou tellest my name." 5%nd 6 reply7, ".is$erner of hearts,
sear$her of bellies" is thy name. 5The .oor#eeper saith7: "Thou
shalt be announ$ed." 5He saith7: "+ho is the god who dwelleth in his
hourJ "pea# it" 5%nd 6 reply7, "%u-taui." 5He saith7: ")3plain who
he is." 5%nd 6 reply7, "%u-taui" is Thoth. "/ome now," saith Thoth,
"for what purpose hast thou $omeJ" 5%nd 6 reply7: "6 have $ome, and
have 0ourneyed hither that my name may be announ$ed 5to the god7."
5Thoth saith7: "6n what $ondition art thouJ" 5%nd 6 reply7, "6, even
6, am purified from evil defe$ts, and 6 am wholly free from the $urses
of those who live in their days, and 6 am not one of their number."
5Thoth saith7: "Therefore shall 5thy name7 be announ$ed to the god."
5Thoth saith7: "Tell me, who is he whose heaven is of fire, whose
walls are living serpents, and whose ground is a stream of waterJ
+ho is heJ" 5%nd 6 reply7, "He is Osiris." 5Thoth saith7: "%dvan$e
now, 5thy name7 shall be announ$ed to him. Thy $a#es shall $ome from
the 2t$hat ()ye of Horus or *a!, thy ale shall $ome from the 2t$hat,
and the offerings whi$h shall appear to thee at the word upon earth
5shall pro$eed7 from the 2t$hat." This is what Osiris hath de$reed for
the steward of the overseer of the seal, ,u, whose word is truth.
*2*6/: TH) '%K6,G O8 TH) *)&*)"),T%T6O, O8 +H%T "H%LL H%&&), 6,
TH6" H%LL O8 '%%T6. This /hapter shall be said by the de$eased when he
is $leansed and purified, and is arrayed in linen apparel, and is shod
with sandals of white leather, and his eyes are painted with antimony,
and his body is anointed with unguent made of myrrh. %nd he shall
present as offerings o3en, and feathered fowl, and in$ense, and
$a#es and ale, and garden herbs. %nd behold, thou shalt draw a
representation of this in $olour upon a new tile moulded from earth
upon whi$h neither a pig nor any other animal hath trodden. %nd if
this boo# be done 5in writing, the de$eased7 shall flourish, and his
$hildren shall flourish, and 5his name7 shall never fall into
oblivion, and he shall be as one who filleth the heart of the #ing and
of his prin$es. %nd bread, and $a#es, and sweetmeats, and wine, and
pie$es of flesh shall be given unto him 5from among those whi$h are7
upon the altar of the Great God. %nd he shall not be driven ba$#
from any door in %mentet, and he shall be led along with the #ings
of the "outh and the #ings of the ,orth, and he shall be among the
bodyguard of Osiris, $ontinually and regularly for ever. 5%nd he shall
$ome forth in every form he pleaseth as a living soul for ever, and
ever, and ever.7
TH) /H%&T)* O8 TH) .)686/%T6O, O8 TH) ')')*"
The hair of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, is the hair of ,u.
The fa$e of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, is the fa$e of *a.
The eyes of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, are the eyes of
The ears of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, are the ears of
The lips of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, are the lips of
The teeth of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, are the teeth of
The $hee#s of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, are the $hee#s of
The arms of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, are the arms of
The ne$# of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, is the ne$# of
The throat of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, is the throat
of 'ert.
The breast of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, is the breast
of the Lady of "ais.
The ba$#bone of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, is the ba$#bone
of "et.
The trun# of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, is the trun# of
the Lords of Kher-aha.
The flesh of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, is the flesh of
The belly of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, is the belly of
The butto$#s of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, are the
butto$#s of the )ye of Horus.
The phallus of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, is the phallus
of Osiris.
The thighs of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, are the thighs of
The feet of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, are the feet of
The fingers of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, are the
fingers of "aah.
The toes of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, are the toes of the
Living 2raei.
(8rom the &yramid of &epi 6, ll. CFCff.!
The head of this 'eri-*a is the head of Horus1 he $ometh forth
therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
The s#ull of this &epi is the .e#an star of the god1 he $ometh forth
therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
The brow of this 'eri-*a is the brow of..... and ,u1 he $ometh forth
therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
The fa$e of this &epi is the fa$e of 2p-uatu1 he $ometh forth
therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
The eyes of this 'eri-*a are the eyes of the Great Lady, the first
of the "ouls of %nu1 he $ometh forth therefore and as$endeth into
The nose of this &epi is the nose of Thoth1 he $ometh forth
therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
The mouth of this 'eri-*a is the mouth of Khens-ur1 he $ometh
forth therefore, and as$endeth therefore, and as$endeth therefore into
The tongue of this &epi is the tongue of 'aaa (Truth! in the 'aat
oat1 he $ometh forth therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
The teeth of this &epi are the teeth of the "ouls of 5%nu71 he
$ometh forth therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
The lips of this 'eri-*a are the lips of........1 he $ometh forth
therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
The $hin of this &epi is the $hin of ,est-#hent-"e#hem (the throne
of the 8irst Lady of "e#hem!1 he $ometh forth therefore and
as$endeth into heaven.
The thes bone of this &epi is the thes bone of the ull "ma1 he
$ometh forth therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
The soulders of this &epi are the shoulders of "et1 he $ometh
forth therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
5The...... of this &epi7.........1 he $ometh forth therefore and
as$endeth into heaven.
5The......of this &epi7 ........of aabu1 he $ometh forth
therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
The breast of this 'eri-*a is the breast of ast1 he $ometh forth
therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
The belly of this 'eri-*a is the belly of ,ut1 he $ometh forth
therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
5The........of this &epi7 ........1 he $ometh forth therefore and
as$endeth into heaven.
5The........of this &epi7 .......of the two /ompanies of the gods1
he $ometh forth therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
The two thighs of this &epi are the two thighs of He9et1 he $ometh
forth therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
The butto$#s of this 'eri-*a are li#e the "em#tet oat and the
'ant$het oat1 he $ometh forth therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
The phallus of this &epi is the phallus of the Hep ull1 he $ometh
forth therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
The legs of this 'eri-*a are the legs of ,et (,eith! and "er9et1
he $ometh forth therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
The #nees of this 'eri-*a are the #nees of the twin "ouls who are at
the head of the "e#het-T$her1 he $ometh forth therefore and
as$endeth into heaven.
The soles of this 'eri-*a are li#e the 'aati oat1 he $ometh forth
therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
The toes of this &epi are the toes of the "ouls of %nu1 he $ometh
forth therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
,ow this &epi is a god, the son of a god1 he $ometh forth
therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
This &epi is the son of *a, who loveth him1 he $ometh forth
therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
*a hath sent forth 'eri-*a1 he $ometh forth therefore and
as$endeth into heaven.
*a hath begotten 5this7 &epi1 he $ometh forth therefore and
as$endeth into heaven.
*a hath given birth to &epi1 he $ometh forth therefore and as$endeth
into heaven.
This spell therefore is in the body of 'eri-*a1 he $ometh forth
therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
This 'eri-*a is the &ower, the Great &ower, among the Great
/oun$il of /hiefs in %nu1 he $ometh forth therefore and as$endeth into
He wor#eth the boat1 &epi $ometh forth therefore and as$endeth
into heaven.
5&epi is7 Horus, the nursling, the $hild1 'eri-*a $ometh forth
therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
&epi hath not had union with ,ut, she hath not given her hands to
him1 he $ometh forth therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
Keb hath not removed the obsta$les in his path1 he $ometh forth
therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
,o god hath smitten the steps of this 'eri-*a1 he $ome forth
therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
5Though7 &epi is not $ensed is not mourned, hath not washed
himself in the vessel, hath not smelt the haun$h, hath not $arried the
meat-offering, hath not ploughed the earth, hath not dedi$ated an
offering, he $ometh forth therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
ehold, it is not this &epi who hath said these things to you, O
ye gods, it is He#a who hath said these things to you, O ye gods,
and this 'eri-*a is the support whi$h is under He#a1 he $ometh forth
therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
)very god smiteth the feet of &epi1 he $ometh forth therefore and
as$endeth into heaven.
He plougheth the earth, he dedi$ateth an offering, he bringeth the
vessel of 5blood7, he smelleth the haun$h, and he bringeth the meat
offering1 he $ometh forth therefore and as$endeth into heaven.
)very god graspeth the hand of 'eri-*a in heaven,
He $ondu$teth him to the House of Horus in the s#y.
The word of his .ouble is truth before Keb.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 *)&2L"6,G "L%2GHT)* 6, H),"2
(8rom the &apyrus of ,u, "heet F!
TH) /H%&T)* O8 .*6D6,G %/K TH) "L%2GHT)*" +H6/H %*) &)*8O*').
H),"2. The Osiris ,u, whose word is truth, saith:- O thou land of
the "$eptre@ O thou +hite /rown of the divine form@ O thou rest of the
ferry-boat@ 6 am the /hild. (*epeat four times!. Hail, %bu-ur@ Thou
sayest daily: "The slaughter-blo$# is made ready as thou #nowest,
and thou hast $ome to destru$tion." 6 am *a, who stablisheth those who
praise him. 6 am the Knot of the god in the %ser tree, the twi$e
beautiful one, who is more splendid to-day than yesterday. (*epeat
four times!. 6 am *a, who stablisheth those who praise him. 6 am the
Knot of the god within the %ser tree, and my appearan$e is the
appearan$e 5of *a7 on this day.
'y hair is the hair of ,u. 'y fa$e is the fa$e of the .is#. 'y
eyes are the eyes of Hathor. 'y ears are the ears of 2p-uat. 'y nose
is the nose of Khenti-Khabas. 'y lips are the lips of %npu. 'y teeth
are the teeth of "er9et. 'y $hee#s are the $hee#s of the goddess 6sis.
'y hands are the hands of a-neb-Tet. 'y forearms are the forearms
of ,eith, the Lady of "ais. 'y ba$#bone is the ba$#bone of "uti. 'y
phallus is the phallus of eba. 'y reins are the reins of the Lords of
Kher-aha. 'y $hest is the $hest of %a-shefit. 'y belly and ba$# are
the belly and ba$# of "e#hmet. 'y butto$#s are the butto$#s of the )ye
of Horus. 'y hips and legs are the hips and legs of ,ut. 'y feet are
the feet of &tah. 5'y fingers7 and my toes are the 5fingers and7
toes of the Living gods. There is no member of my body whi$h is not
the member of a god. Thoth prote$teth my body altogether, and 6 am
*a day by day. 6 shall not be dragged ba$# by my arms, and none
shall lay violent hold upon my hands. %nd shall do me hurt neither
men, nor gods, nor the "pirit-souls, nor the dead, nor any man, nor
any pat-spirit, nor any re#hit-spirit, nor any hememet-spirit.
6 am he who $ometh forth advan$ing, whose name is un#nown. 6 am
Kesterday. ""eer of 'illions of Kears" is my name. 6 pass along, 6
pass along the paths of the divine $elestial 0udges. 6 am the Lord
of )ternity: 6 de$ree and 6 0udge li#e Khepera. 6 am the Lord of the
2rrt /rown. 6 am he who dwelleth in the 2t$hat and in the )gg, and
it is granted unto me to live therein. 6 am he who dwelleth in the
2t$hat when it $loseth, and 6 e3ist by the strength thereof. 6 $ome
forth and 6 shine1 6 enter in and 6 $ome to life. 6 am in the
2t$hat, my seat is upon my throne, and 6 sit in the tent $hamber
before it. 6 am Horus. 567 traverse millions of years. 6 have
de$reed 5the stablishing7 of my throne, and 6 am the ruler thereof1
and in very truth my mouth #eepeth an even balan$e both in spee$h
and in silen$e. 6n very truth my forms are inverted. 6 am 2n-,efer,
from one period even unto another, and what 6 have is within me. 6
am the only One, who pro$eedeth from an only One, who goeth round
about in his $ourse. 6 am he who dwelleth in the 2t$hat. ,o evil thing
of any shape or #ind shall spring up against me, and no baleful
ob0e$t, and no harmful thing, and no disastrous thing shall happen
unto me. 6 open the door in heaven. 6 rule my throne. 6 open the way
for the births whi$h ta#e pla$e on this day. 6 am the $hild who
traverseth the road of Kesterday. 6 am To-day for untold nations and
peoples. 6 am he who prote$teth you for millions of years. +hether
ye be deni4ens of heaven, or of the earth, or of the "outh, or of
the ,orth, or of the )ast, or of the +est, the fear of me is in your
bodies. 6 am he whose being hath been wrought in his eye. 6 shall
not die again. 'y moment is in your bodies, but my forms are in my
pla$e of habitation. 6 am "He who $annot be #nown." The *ed 8iends
have their fa$es dire$ted against me. 6 am the unveiled one. The
period when the heavens were $reated for me and were enlarged the
bounds of earth, and multiplied the progeny thereof, $annot be found
out. They shall fail and not be united again. y reason of the
spee$h whi$h 6 address to you, my name setteth itself apart from all
things evil whi$h are in the mouths of men. 6 am he who riseth and
shineth, a wall whi$h $ometh out of a wall, an only One who pro$eedeth
from an only One. There is never a day that passeth without the things
whi$h appertain unto him being therein1 passing, passing, passing,
passing. Derily 6 say unto thee, 6 am the &lant whi$h $ometh forth
from ,u, and my mother is ,ut. Hail, my $reator, 6 am he who hath no
power to wal#, the Great Knot who dwelleth in Kesterday. The might
of my strength is within my hand, 6 am not #nown 5by thee7, but 6 am
he who #noweth thee. 6 $annot be held in the hand, but 6 am he who $an
hold thee in his hand. Hail, O )gg@ Hail, O )gg@ 6 am Horus who liveth
for millions of years, whose flame shineth upon you, and bringeth your
hearts unto me. 6 am master of my throne. 6 advan$e at this season.
6 have opened a path. 6 have delivered myself from all evil things.
6 am the golden dog-headed ape, three palms and two fingers 5high7,
whi$h hath neither arms nor legs, and whi$h dwelleth in Het-#a-&tah. 6
go forth as goeth forth the dog-headed ape who dwelleth in
*2*6/: ehold the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, arrayed in
fine linen, and shod with sandals of white 5leather7, and anointed
with the very finest myrrh unguent. There are offered unto him a
fine bull, and in$ense, and ra geese, and flowers, and ale, and $a#es,
and garden herbs. %nd behold, thou shalt draw a representation of a
table of offerings on a $lean tile with pure $olours, and thou shalt
bury it in a field whereon no swine hath trodden. %nd if a $opy of
this boo# be written upon it, he shall rise 5again7, and his
$hildrenAs $hildren shall flourish and prosper, li#e unto *a,
without $essation. He shall be in high favour with the #ing, and
with the shenit nobles of his $ourt, and there shall be given unto him
$a#es and $ups of drin#, and portions of flesh, upon the altar-table
of the Great God. He shall not thrust aside at any door in %mentet1 he
shall travel in the train of the Kings of the "outh and the Kings of
the ,orth, and he shall abide with the followers of Osiris near
2n-,efer, for ever, and for ever, and for ever.
(8rom the &apyrus of ,u, "heet ?=!
The steward of the overseer of the seal, ,u, whose word is truth,
begotten of the steward of the overseer of the seal, %men-hetep, whose
word is truth, saith:- Hail, ye 8our %pes who sit in the bows of the
oat of *a, who $onvey truth to ,ebert$her, who sit in 0udgment on the
oppressed man and on 5his7 oppressor, who ma#e the gods to be
$ontented by means of the flame of your mouths, who offer holy
offerings to the gods, and sepul$hral meals to the "pirit-souls, who
live upon truth, and who feed upon truth of heart, who are without
de$eit and fraud, and to whom wi$#edness is an abomination, do ye away
with my evil deeds, and put ye away my sins 5whi$h deserved stripes
upon earth, and destroy ye every evil thing whi$h appertaineth to me7,
and let there be no obsta$le whatsoever on my part towards you. O
grant ye that 6 may ma#e my way through the %mehet, let me enter
into *asta, let me pass through the hidden pylons of %ment. O grant
that there may be given unto me shens $a#es, and ale, and persen
$a#es, even as to the living "pirit-souls, and grant that 6 may
enter into and $ome forth from *asta.
5The 8our %pes ma#e answer, saying7: /ome thou, for we have done
away with thy wi$#edness, and we have put away thy sin, along with thy
sins upon earth whi$h deserved stripes, and we have destroyed every
evil thing whi$h appertained to thee upon earth. )nter, therefore,
unto *asta, and pass through the hidden pylons of %mentet, and there
shall be given unto thee shens $a#es, and ale, and persen $a#es, and
thou shalt $ome forth and shalt enter in at thy desire, even as do
those who are favoured 5of the God7, and thou shalt be $alled 5to
parta#e of offerings7 ea$h day in the hori4on.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 % T)T O8 GOL.. The Osiris %ni, whose word is truth,
saith:- Thou risest up for thyself, O "till-heart@ Thou shinest for
thyself, O "till-heart@ &la$e thou thyself on thy base, 6 $ome, 6
bring unto thee a Tet of gold, thou shalt re0oi$e therein.
(8rom the &apyrus of ,ebseni and the &apyrus of ,u!
*ise up thou, O Osiris, thou hast thy ba$#baone, O "till-heart, thou
hast thy ne$# vertebrae and thy ba$#, O "till-heart@ &la$e thou
thyself on thy base. 6 put water beneath thee, and 6 bring unto thee a
Tet of god that thou mayest re0oi$e therein.
*2*6/ (8rom the &apyrus of ,u!: 5This /hapter7 shall be re$ited
over a Tet of gold set in a stand made of sy$amore wood whi$h hath
been steeped in a tin$ture of an#hamu flowers, and it shall be
pla$ed on the ne$# of the de$eased on the day of the funeral. 6f
this amulet be pla$ed on his ne$# he shall be$ome a perfe$t Khu in
Khert-,eter, and at the festivals of the ,ew Kear he shall be li#e
unto the 8ollowers of Osiris $ontinually and for ever.
*2*6/ (8rom the Turin &apyrus!: 5This /hapter7 shall be said over a
Tet of gold fashioned out of the trun# of a sy$amore tree, and it
shall be pla$ed on the ne$# of the de$eased. Then shall he enter in
through the doors of the Tuat. His words whall be silen$ed. He shall
pla$e himself on the ground on ,ew KearAs .ay among the 8ollowers of
6f this /hapter be #nown by the de$eased he shall live li#e a
perfe$t Khu in Khert-,eter. He shall not be sent ba$# from the doors
of %mentet. There shall be given to him the shens $a#e, and a $up of
wine, and the persen $a#e, and sli$es of meat on the altars of *a,
or as some read, Osiris 2n-,efer. %nd his word shall be truth before
his enemies in Khert-,eter $ontinually, and for ever and for ever.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 % T)T O8 /%*,)L6%,. The Osiris %ni, whose word is
truth, saith:- The blood of 6sis, the spells of 6sis, the magi$al
powers of 6sis, shall ma#e this great one strong, and shall be an
amulet of prote$tion 5against him7 that would do to him the things
whi$h he abominateth.
*2*6/ (8rom the &apyrus of ,u!: 5This /hapter7 shall be said over a
Tet of $arnelian, whi$h hath been washed in a tin$ture of an#hamu
flowers, and is fashioned out of the trun# of a sy$amore tree. 6t
shall be pla$ed on the ne$# of the de$eased on the day of the funeral.
6f this be done for him the magi$al powers of 6sis will prote$t his
members. Horus, the son of 6sis, shall re0oi$e when he seeth him. 5,o7
road shall be blo$#ed to him. His hand shall be to heaven, his hand
shall be to earth, for ever. .o not let anyone see him. Derily....
*2*6/ (8rom the "aite *e$ension!: 5This /hapter7 shall be said over
a Tet of $arnelian, anointed with a tin$ture of an#hamu flowers,
made from the trun# of a sy$amore tree. 6t shall be pla$ed on the ne$#
of the Khu. 6f this boo# be done for him, the magi$al spells of 6sis
shall prote$t him, and Horus the son of 6sis shall re0oi$e 5when7 he
seeth him. ,o road shall be blo$#ed to him. His hand shall be to
heaven, his hand shall be to earth....... 6f this boo# be #nown by him
he shall be in the following of Osiris 2n-,efer, and his word shall be
truth in Khert-,eter. The doors in Khert-,eter shall be opened to him.
+heat and barley shall be given to him in "e#het-%anru. His name shall
be li#e 5the names of7 the gods who are there, the 8ollowers of
Horus who reap.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 % H)%*T O8 ")H)*T "TO,). The Osiris %ni, whose word
is truth, saith:- 6 am the enu bird, the Heart-soul of *a, the
guide of the gods to the Tuat. Their Heart-souls $ome forth upon earth
to do what their K%2 wish to do, and the Heart-soul of the Osiris
%ni shall $ome forth to do what his Ka wisheth to do.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 TH) H)%.-*)"T, whi$h is to be pla$ed under the head
of the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth. %wa#e out of thy sufferings, O
thou who liest prostrate@ %wa#e thou@ Thy head is in the hori4on. 6
lift thee up, O thou whose word is truth. &tah hath overthrown thine
enemies for thee. Thine enemies have fallen, and they shall never more
e3ist, O Osiris.
(8rom the &apyrus of ,ebseni, "heet ?;!
TH) /H%&T)* O8 TH) H)%.-*)"T 5O* &6LLO+7. %wa#e out of thy
sufferings, O thou who liest prostrate. They (the gods! #eep wat$h
over thy head in the hori4on. Thou art lifted up, thy word is truth in
respe$t of the things whi$h have been done by thee. &tah hath $ast
down headlong thine enemies. This wor# was ordered to be done for
thee. Thou art Horus, the son of Hathor, ,esert, ,esertet, who
giveth ba$# the head after it hath been $ut off. Thy head shall not be
$arried away from thee, after 5it hath been $ut off71 thy head shall
be $arried away from thee, never, never@
TH) T)BT" 6, TH) 82,)*%L /H%')*
"&))/H O8 6"6". 6sis saith:- 6 have $ome to be a prote$tor unto
thee. 6 waft unto thee air for thy nostrils, and the north wind
whi$h $ometh forth from the god Tem unto thy nose. 6 have made whole
for thee thy windpipe. 6 ma#e thee to live li#e a god. Thine enemies
have fallen under thy feet. 6 have made thy word to be true before
,ut, and thou art mighty before the gods.
"&))/H O8 ,)&HTHK". ,ephthys saith unto the Osiris %ni, whose word
is truth:- 6 go round about thee to prote$t thee, O brother Osiris.
6 have $ome to be a prote$tor unto thee. 5'y strength shall be near
thee, my strength shall be near thee, for ever. *a hath heard thy $ry,
and the gods have made thy word to be truth. Thou art raised up. Thy
word is truth in respe$t of what hath been done unto thee. &tah hath
overthrown thy foes, and thou art Horus, the son of Hathor.7
"&))/H O8 TH) T)T. 6 have $ome 9ui$#ly, and 6 have driven ba$# the
footsteps of th god whose fa$e is hidden. 6 have illumined his
san$tuary. 6 stand near the god Tet on the day of repelling
disaster. 6 wat$h to prote$t thee, O Osiris.
"&))/H O8 K)"T% ('esta!. 6 am Kesta, thy son, O Osiris %ni, whose
word is truth. 6 $ome to prote$t thee. 6 will ma#e thy house to
flourish, permanently, even as &tah hath $ommanded me, and as *a
himself hath $ommanded.
"&))/H O8 H%&6. 6 am Hapi, thy son, O Osiris %ni, whose word is
truth. 6 $ome to prote$t thee. 6 bind together thy head and the
members of thy body. 6 smite down for thee thine enemies under thee. 6
give unto thee thy head for ever and for ever, O Osiris %ni, whose
word is truth, whose word is truth in pea$e.
"&))/H O8 T2%'2T)8. Tuamutef saith:- 6 am thy son Horus, who
loveth thee. 6 $ome to avenge thee, O my father Osiris, upon him
that did evil unto thee. 6 have set him under thy feet for ever and
for ever, permanently, permanently, O Osiris %ni, whose word is truth,
whose word is truth.
"&))/H O8 ()H"),28. (ebsenuf saith:- 6 am thy son, O Osiris %ni,
whose word is truth. 6 $ome to prote$t thee. 6 have $olle$ted thy
bones and 6 have gathered together thy members. 56 have brought thy
heart, and 6 have pla$ed it upon its throne within thy body. 6 ma#e
thy house to flourish after thee, O thou who livest for ever.7
"&))/H O8 TH) 8L%'). 6 prote$t thee with this flame. 6 drive him
5the foe7 away from the valley of the tomb. 6 $ast the sand about 5thy
feet7. 6 embra$e the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, in pea$e.
"&))/H O8 TH) 8L%'). 6 $ome to hew in pie$es. 6 have not been hewn
in pie$es, and 6 will not permit thee to be hewn in pie$es. 6 $ome
to do violen$e 5to thy foe7, but 6 will not permit violen$e to be done
unto thee. 6 prote$t thee.
% "O2L "%6TH:- The Osiris %ni, whose is truth, praiseth *a when he
rolleth up into the s#y in the eastern hori4on of heaven.
% "O2L "%6TH:- The Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, in pea$e in
Khert-,eter, praiseth *a when he setteth in the western hori4on of
heaven, 5and saith7, "6 am a perfe$t soul."
"&))/H O8 %,6. The Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, saith:- 6 am a
perfe$t soul dwelling in the divine egg of the %btu 8ish. 6 am the
Great /at whi$h dwelleth in the "eat of Truth, wherein the god "hu
"&))/H O8 TH) 2"H%T6 86G2*) 5TH) /H%&T)* O8 ,OT .O6,G +O*K 6,
KH)*T-,)T)*7. 6llumine the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth. Hail,
"habti 8igure@ 6f the Osiris %ni be de$reed to do any of the wor#
whi$h is to be done in Khert-,eter, let everything whi$h standeth in
the way be removed from him- whether it be to plough the fields, or to
fill the $hannels with water, or to $arry sand from 5the )ast to the
+est7. The "habti 8igure replieth: 6 will do it, verily 6 am here
5when7 thou $allest.
(8rom the &apyrus of ,u and the &apyrus of ,ebseni!
The "pee$h of %npu: %nubis the dweller in the mummy $hamber,
Governor of the .ivine House, layeth his hands upon the lord of
life, the s$ribe, the draughtsman of &tah, ,ebseni, the lord of
fealty, begotten of the s$ribe and mason Thena, born of the lady of
the house 'ut-rest, whose word is truth, and devoting himself to him
as his guardian, saith:- Homage to thee, thou happy one, lord@ Thou
seest the 2t$hat. &tah-"e#er hath bound thee up. %npu hath e3alted
thee. "hu hath raised thee up, O eautiful 8a$e, thou governor of
eternity. Thou hast thine eye, O s$ribe ,ebseni, lord of fealty, and
it is beautiful. Thy right eye is li#e the "e#tet oat, thy left eye
is li#e the %tet oat. Thine eyebrows are fair to see in the
presen$e of the /ompany of the Gods. Thy brow is under the
prote$tion of %npu, and thy head and fa$e, O beautiful one, are before
the holy Haw#. Thy fingers have been stablished by thy s$ribeAs
$raft in the presen$e of the Lord of Khemenu, Thoth, who hath bestowed
upon thee the #nowledge of the spee$h of the holy boo#s. Thy beard
is beautiful in the sight of &tah-"e#er, and thou, O s$ribe ,ebseni,
thou lord of fealty, art beautiful before the Great /ompany of the
Gods. The Great God loo#eth upon thee, and he leadeth thee along the
path of happiness. "epul$hral meals are bestowed upon thee, and he
overthroweth for thee thine enemies, setting them under thy feet in
the presen$e of the Great /ompany of the Gods who dwell in the House
of the Great %ged One whi$h is in %nu.
5H)*)7 )G6, TH) /H%&T)*" O8 ")KH)T-H)T)&)T, %,. TH) /H%&T)*" O8
/O'6,G 8O*TH K .%K, O8 ),T)*6,G 6,TO %,. /O'6,G 8O*TH 8*O'
KH)*T-,)T)*, O8 %**6D6,G 6, ")KH)T-%%,*2, %,. O8 L6D6,G 6, &)%/) 6,
TH) G*)%T /6TK, TH) L%.K O8 +6,.". 5The Osiris the s$ribe %ni, whose
word is truth, saith:-7 Let me be master there. Let me be a #hu there.
Let me plough there. Let me reap there. Let me eat there. Let me drin#
there. 5Let me beget there7. Let me do there all the things whi$h
one doeth upon earth. The Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, saith:-
Horus van9uished "et when 5he7 loo#ed at the building of
"e#het-Hetepet. 5He7 spread air over the .ivine "oul in its )gg, in
its day. He delivered the interior of the body of Horus 5from the
%#eru Gods7. 6 have $rowned him in the House of "hu. His house is
the stars. ehold, 6 ta#e up my pla$e in its nomes. He hath guided the
hearts of the /ompany of the 8irstborn Gods. He hath re$on$iled the
Two 8ighters (Horus and "et!, the guardians of life. He hath done what
is fair, bringing an offering. He hath re$on$iled the Two 8ighters
with him that belongeth to them. He hath $ut off the hairy s$alp of
the Two 8ighters. He hath destroyed the revolts of 5their7 $hildren. 6
have done away all the evil whi$h atta$#ed their souls. 6 am master in
5"e#het-Hetepet7. 6 #now it. 6 have sailed over its la#es that 6 might
arrive at the $ities thereof. 6 have made strong my mouth. The
"pirit-souls are ready 5to fight7, but they shall not gain the mastery
over me. 6 am e9uipped in thy 8ields, O god Hetep. +hat thou wishest
thou shalt do, 5saith this god7.
(8rom the &apyrus of ,ebseni, "heet ;>!
H)*) )G6, TH) /H%&T)*" O8 ")KH)T-H)T)&)T, %,. TH) /H%&T)*" O8
/O'6,G 8O*TH K .%K1 O8 GO6,G 6,TO %,. O8 /O'6,G 8O*TH 8*O'
KH)*T-,)T)*1 O8 %**6D%L 6, ")KH)T-%%*21 O8 L6D6,G 6, ")KH)T-H)T)&)T,
TH) '6GHTK /6TK, TH) L%.K O8 +6,."1 O8 H%D6,G &O+)* TH)*)6,1 O8
)/O'6,G % "&6*6T-"O2L TH)*)1 O8 &LO2GH6,G TH)*)1 O8 *)%&6,G
TH)*)1 O8
)%T6,G TH)*)1 O8 .*6,K6,G TH)*)1 O8 '%K6,G LOD) TH)*)1 %,. O8
)D)*KTH6,G TH)*) )D), %" % '%, .O)TH 2&O, )%*TH. ,)"),6, TH)
%,. .*%2GHT"'%, O8 &T%H, "%6TH:- "et vanguished Horus, who was loo#ing
at the building in "e#het-Hetepet. 6 set free Horus from "et. "et
opened the paths of the Two )yes (the "un and 'oon! in the s#y. "et
e0e$ted water with air upon the soul of his )ye, whi$h dwelt in the
town of 'ert1 he delivered the interior of the body of Horus from
the hands of the %#eru Gods. ehold me@ 6 paddle this great boat
over the La#e of the god Hetep1 6 sei4ed upon it in the mansion of
"hu. The mansion of his stars reneweth youth, reneweth youth. 6 paddle
over the La#es thereof so that 6 may arrive at the towns thereof. 6
sail up to the town of the god Hetep.... ehold, 6 am at pea$e with
his times, and with his guidan$e, and with his will, and with the
/ompany of the Gods, who are his firstborn. He ma#eth the Two 8ighters
(Horus and "et! to be at pea$e 5with ea$h other7, and to #eep ward
over the living whom he hath $reated in fair form, and he bringeth
pea$e1 he ma#eth the Two 8ighters to be at pea$e with those who
wat$h over them. He $utteth off the hair from their divine fighters,
he driveth away storm from the $hildren. He guardeth from atta$# the
"pirits. 6 have gained power therein. 6 #now it. 6 have sailed over
its La#es so that 6 might arrive at its towns. 'y mouth is strong. 6
am e9uipped against the "pirits. They shall not gain the mastery
over me. 6 am rewarded 5with7 these thy 8ields, O god Hetep. +hat thou
wishest that do thou, O lord of the winds. 6 shall be a spirit
therein. 6 shall eat therein. 6 shall drin# therein. 6 shall plough
therein. 6 shall reap the grain therein. 6 shall be strong therein.
6 shall ma#e love therein. 'y words shall be strong therein. 6 shall
not be in sub0e$tion therein. 6 shall be a man of might therein.
Thou hast made strong the mouth and throat. Hetep (ettbu is its
name. 56t is7 stablished upon the pillars of "hu, and is lin#ed with
the pleasant things of *a. He is the divider of years, the hidden of
mouth1 silent is his mouth, hidden is what he uttereth, he
fulfilleth eternity, he ta#eth possession of everlastingness of
e3isten$e as Hetep, ,eb-Hetep. Horus ma#eth himself strong li#e unto a
haw# whi$h is one thousand $ubits in length, and two thousand $ubits
in life. He that e9uipments with him, he 0ourneyeth on, he $ometh to
the pla$e where his heart would be, among the La#es whi$h are in its
towns. He begetteth in the birth-$hamber of the god of the town, he is
satisfied with the food of the god of the town1 he doeth what ought to
be done there, in the 8ield of "mas-er-Khet..... everything of the
birth-$hamber of the god of the town. ,ow 5when he7 setteth in the
5land of7 life li#e $rystal he performeth everything therein, 5whi$h
things are7 li#e unto the things done in the La#e ,eserser, wherein
there is none that re0oi$eth, and wherein are evil things of all
#inds. The god Hetep goeth in and $ometh out, and mar$heth hither
and thither in the 8ield of "mas-er-Khet, the Lady of the
birth-$hamber of the god of the town. 5Let me7 live with the god
Hetep, $lothed, and not despoiled by the Lords of the ,orth, and may
the Lord of things bring food unto me. 'ay he ma#e me to go forward.
'ay 6 $ome forth. 'ay he bring to me my &ower there, may 6 re$eive it,
and may 6 be rewarded by the god Hetep. 'ay 6 be master of the great
and mighty word in my body in this my pla$e. 'a#e me to remember it.
Let me 5not7 forget it. Let me go forward, let me plough. 6 am at
pea$e with the god of the town. 6 #now the water, the towns, the
nomes, and the la#es whi$h are in "e#het-Hetepet. 6 live therein. 6 am
strong therein. 6 shine therein. 6 eat therein. 6..... therein. 6 reap
the harvest therein. 6 plough therein. 6 beget $hildren therein. 6
am at pea$e therein with the god Hetep. ehold 6 sow seed therein. 6
sail about on the la#es thereof, and 6 arrive at its towns, O god
Hetep. ehold my mouth is e9uipped, it possesseth horns . Give unto me
the abundan$e of the K%2 (.oubles! and "pirit-souls. He who $ounteth
me is "hu. 6 #now him not. 6 $ome to its towns. 6 sail over its la#es.
6 wal# about in "e#het-Hetepet. ehold, it is *a who is in heaven.
ehold, it is Hetep 5who is7 its double offering of pea$e. 6 have
advan$ed to its territory. 6 have put on my apparel. 6 have $ome
forth. 6 have given what it was upon me to give. 6 have made glad in
5my7 heart. 6 have $on9uered. 6 am strong. 6 have given dire$tions
to Hetep.
5Hail7, 2nen-em-hetep, 6 have $ome to thee. 'y soul followeth me.
The god Hu is on my hands. 5Hail7, ,ebt-taui, in whom 6 remember and
forget, 6 have be$ome alive. 6 have atta$#ed none, let none atta$# me.
6 have given, give thou to me gladness. 'a#e thou me to be at pea$e,
bind thou up my veins, let 5me7 re$eive air. 5Hail7, 2nen-em-hetep,
the Lord of +inds. 6 have $ome there. 6 have opened my head. *a
sleepeth. 6 wat$h not, 5for7 the goddess Hetemet is at the door of
heaven by night. Obsta$les have been put before, but 6 have
$olle$ted his emissions. 6 am in my $ity. O ,ut-urt (Great /ity!, 6
have $ome into thee. 6 have $ounted up my abundant stores. 6 advan$e
on my way to 2a#h. 6 am the ull whi$h is tied with a rope of
lapis-la4uli, the lord of the 8ield of the ull, the lord of the words
of the god, the goddess "eptet ("othis! at her hours. O 2a#h, 6 have
$ome into thee. 6 have eaten my food. 6 am master of $hoi$e pie$es
of the flesh of o3en and of feathered fowl, and the birds of "hu
have been given unto me. 6 follow the gods, and 6 $ome 5after the
.oubles7. O T$heft, 6 have $ome into thee. 6 array myself in
apparel, and 6 gird about myself the sat garment of *a. ehold the
/ourt of the s#y, and the followers of *a who dwell in heaven. O
2n-em-hetep, the lord of the Two Lands, 6 have $ome into thee. 6
have plunged into the La#es of T$hesert1 behold, impurity of every
#ind hath removed from me. The divine Great One flourisheth therein.
ehold, 6 have found 5him7. 6 have netted geese, and have fed full
upon the finest of them. O (en9entet, 6 have $ome into thee. 6 have
seen the Osiris 5my father7. 6 have saluted my mother. 6 have begotten
$hildren. 6 have snared the serpents, and 6 am delivered. 6 #now the
name of the god who is with the goddess T$hesert, and who hath
straight hair, and is e9uipped with horns 5ready to gore7. He reapeth,
and 6 both plough and reap. O Hetemet, 6 have entered into thee. 6
have approa$hed the lapis-la4uli. 6 have followed the winds of the
/ompany of the Gods. The Great God hath given my head unto me. He
who hath bound my head on my body for me is the 'ighty One, with
eyes of lapis-la4uli, namely, %ri-en-ab-f ("He doeth as he pleaseth"!.
O 2sert, 6 have $ome into thee, to the house wherein food is brought
unto me. O "mam, 6 have $ome into thee. 'y heart wat$heth, my head
is e9uipped with the +hite /rown. 6 a$t as the guide of the
$elestial beings. 6 ma#e to flourish terrestrial beings. There is
0oy of heart for the ull, and for the $elestial beings, and for the
/ompany of the Gods. 6 am the god, the ull, the Lord of the gods, who
ma#eth his way over the tur9uoise. O wheat and barley of the nome of
the god, 6 have $ome into thee. 6 have $ome forward. 6 have lifted
5you7 up, following the best offerings of the /ompany of the Gods. 6
have moored my boat to the tying-up post in the la#es of the $elestial
beings. 6 have pulled up the typing-up post. 6 have re$ited words, and
6 have as$ribed praises unto the gods who dwell in "e#het-Hetepet.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 &*OD6.6,G TH) .)/)%"). +6TH ')%T, '6LK, )T/.
The Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, saith:- Homage to thee, O *a,
the Lord of Truth, the Only One, the Lord of )ternity and 'a#er of
)verlastingness. 6 have $ome before thee, O my Lord *a. 6 would ma#e
to flourish the "even /ows and their ull. O ye who give $a#es and ale
to the "pirit-souls, grant ye that my soul may be with you. Let him be
born on your thighs. Let him be li#e unto one of you for ever and
for ever. Let the Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, have glorious power
in the eautiful %mentet.
The ,ames of the "even Holy /ows and their ull:
;. Het-Kau ,ebtert$her.
?. %#ert#hentetasts.
E. Khebitetsahneter.
=. 2rmertusteshertshenti.
C. Khnemteman#hanuit.
F. "e#hmetrensemabats.
>. "henatpetuthestneter.
ull: Kathaihemt.
%..*)"")" TO TH) 8O2* *2..)*" O8 H)%D),
Hail, thou eautiful &ower, thou eautiful *udder of the ,orthern
Hail, thou who $ir$lest, Guide of the Two Lands, eautiful *udder of
the +estern Heaven.
Hail, "plendour, .weller in the temple of the %shemu gods, eautiful
*udder of the )astern Heaven.
Hail, .weller in the temple of the *ed gods, eautiful *udder of the
"outhern Heaven.
%..*)"")" TO TH) 8O2* /O'%&,6)" O8 TH) GO."
Hail, ye gods who are above the earth, ye Guides of the Tuat.
Hail, ye 'other-goddesses, who are above the earth in Khert-,eter,
in the House of Osiris.
Hail, ye gods who guide Ta-t$hesert, who are above the earth and are
guides of the Tuat.
Hail, ye 8ollowers of *a, who follow in the train of Osiris.
(8rom the &apyrus of ,u!
*2*6/: 5These words7 shall be said when *a appeareth over 5figures7
of these gods written in $olour upon a tablet, and thou shalt pla$e
offerings of t$hefau food before them, $a#es, ale, flesh, geese, and
in$ense. They shall $ause the de$eased to en0oy the "offerings whi$h
$ome forth at the word 5of $ommand7" before *a1 and they shall give
the de$eased an abundan$e of food in Khert-,eter, and shall deliver
him from every evil thing whatsoever. %nd thou shalt not re$ite this
oo# of 2n-,efer in the presen$e of anyone e3$ept thine own self. 6f
this be done for the de$eased *a shall be a rudder for him, and
shall be to him a strong prote$ting power, and he shall destroy all
his enemies for him in Khert-,eter, and in heaven, and upon earth, and
in every pla$e whereinsoever he may enter, and he shall en0oy
$elestial food regularly and $ontinually for ever.
(8rom the "aite *e$ension!
TH) OOK O8 '%K6,G &)*8)/T TH) KH2 in the heart of *a, of ma#ing him
to have the mastery before Tem, of magnifying him before Osiris, of
ma#ing him mighty before Khent-%mentet, and of setting awe of him
before the /ompany of the Gods. 6t shall be re$ited on the day of
the ,ew 'oon, on the si3th day festival, on the fifteenth day
festival, on the festival of 2a#, on the festival of Thoth, on the
irthday of Osiris, on the festival of 'enu, on the night of He#er,
5during7 the 'ysteries of the Tuat, during the $elebration of the
'ysteries in %#ertet, at the smiting of the emissions, at the
passage of the 8unerary Dalley, 5and7 the 'ysteries...... 5The re$ital
thereof7 will ma#e the heart of the Khu to flourish and will ma#e long
his strides, and will ma#e him to advan$e, and will ma#e his fa$e
bright, and will ma#e it to penetrate to the God. Let no man witness
5the re$ital7 e3$ept the #ing and the Kherheb priest, but the
servant who $ometh to minister outside shall not see it. Of the Khu
for whom this oo# shall be re$ited, his soul shall $ome forth by
day with the living, he shall have power among the gods, and it will
ma#e him irresisitible for ever and ever. These gods shall go round
about him, and shall a$#nowledge him. He shall be one of them. 5This
oo#7 shall ma#e him to #now how he $ame into being in the
beginning. This oo# is indeed a veritable mystery. Let no stranger
anywhere have #nowledge of it. .o not spea# about it to any man. .o
not repeat it. Let no 5other7 eye see it. Let no 5other7 ear hear
it. Let no one see it e3$ept 5thyself7 and him who taught 5it to
thee7. Let not the multitude 5#now of it7 e3$ept thyself and the
beloved friend of thy heart. Thou shalt do this boo# in the seh
$hamber on a $loth painted with the stars in $olour all over it. 6t is
indeed a mystery. The dwellers in the swamps of the .elta nad
everywhere there shall not #now it. 6t shall provided the Khu with
$elestial food upon in Khert-,eter. 6t shall supply his Heart-soul
with food upon earth. 6t shall ma#e him to live for ever. ,o 5evil7
thing shall have the master over him.
TH) %..*)"")" O8 TH) 8O2* *2..)*"
Hail, &ower of Heaven, Opener of the .is#, thou eautiful *udder
of the ,orthern Heaven.
Hail, *a, Guide of the Two Lands, thou eautiful *udder of the
+estern Heaven.
Hail, Khu, .weller in the House of the %#hemu gods, thou eautiful
*udder of the )astern Heaven.
Hail, Governor, .weller in the House of the Tesheru Gods, thou
eautiful *udder of the "outhern Heaven.
Grant ye $a#es, and ale and t$hefau food to the Osiris %uf-an#h,
whose word is truth.
Hail, 8ather of the Gods@ Hail, 'other of teh Gods in Khert-,eter@
.eliver ye the Osiris from every evil thing, from every evil
obstru$tion, from every dire atta$# of an enemy, and from that
deadly snarer with #nife-li#e words, and from men, and gods, and
"pirit-souls, and the damned, on this day, on this night, on this
present festival of the fifteenth day, and in this year, and from
the things of evil thereof.
HK', TO O"6*6" KH),T6-%'),T6 2,-,)8)*
The Osiris %ni, whose word is truth, praiseth Osiris Khenti-%menti
2n-,efer, and saith:- Hail, my Lord, who dost hasten through eternity,
whose e3isten$e is for ever, Lord of Lords, King of Kings,
"overeign, God of the Gods, who live in their shrines,.... gods....
men. 'a#e thou for me a seat with those who are in Khert-,eter, who
adore the forms of thy K%, and who traverse millions of millions of
years....... 'ay no delay arise for thee in Ta-mera. Let them $ome
to thee, all of them, great as well as small. 'ay this god give the
power to enterin and to $ome forth from Khert-,eter, without
repulse, at any door of the Tuat, to the K% of the Osiris %ni.
(8rom the &apyrus of "utimes!
"2T6')", TH) L6%T6O,)* %,. &*)"6.),T O8 TH) %LT%* /H%')* O8 TH)
%&T", .6*)/TO* O8 TH) "/*6)" O8 %'),, +HO") +O*. 6" T*2TH,
O"6*6", %,. .O)TH HO'%G) TO TH) LO*. O8 )T)*,6TK, %,. "%T6"86)TH
+6LL O8 TH) GO., %,. "&)%K)TH T*2TH, TH) LO*. O8 +H6/H 6"
2,K,O+,, %,.
"%6TH:- Homage to thee, O thou Holy God, thou mighty and benefi$ent
being, thou &rin$e of )ternity, who dwellest in thy abode in the
"e#tet oat, whose risings are manifold in the %tet oat, unto whom
praises are rendered in heaven and upon earth. &eoples and nations
e3alt thee, and the awe of thy terror is in the hearts of men, and
"pirt-souls, and the dead. Thy soul dwelleth in Tetu, and the awe of
thee is in Hensu. Thou settest the visible emblems of thyself in
%nu, and the ma0esty of thy transformations in the holy pla$e. 6
have $ome unto thee. Truth is in my heart, and in my breast there is
neither $raft nor guile. Grant thou that 6 may have my being among the
living, and that 6 may sail up and down the river among those who
are in thy following.
TH) /H%&T)* O8 TH) &*%6") O8 H%THO*, L%.K O8 %'),T)T
Hathor, Lady of %mentet, the .weller in the Great Land, the Lady
of Ta-T$hesert, the )ye of *a, the .weller in his breast, the
eautiful 8a$e in the oat of 'illions of Kears, the "eat of &ea$e
of the doer of truth, .weller in the oat of the favoured ones.....
TH) /H%&T)* O8 TH) 8O2* TO*/H)"
(8rom the &apyrus of ,u, "heets ?F and ?>!
TH) /H%&T)* O8 TH) 8O2* L6GHT). L%'&" +H6/H %*) '%.) 8O* TH)
"&6*6T-"O2L. ehold, thou shalt ma#e four re$tangular troughs of
$lay wherein thou shalt s$atter in$ense, and thou shalt fill them with
the mil# of a white $ow, and by means of these thou shalt e3tinguish
the lamps. The Osiris ,u, the steward of the overseer of the seal,
whose word is truth, saith:- The fire $ometh to thy K%, O Osiris
Khenti-%menti@ The fire $ometh to thy K%, O Osiris ,u, whose word is
truth. The ordering of the night $ometh after the day. 5The fire
$ometh to thy K%, O Osiris, Governor of those who are in %menti7,
and the two sisters of *a $ome li#ewise. ehold it (the fire! riseth
in %btu, and it $ometh1 6 $ause it to $ome, the )ye of Horus. 6t is
set in order upon thy brow, O Osiris Khenti-%menti1 it is set in thy
shrine and riseth on thy brow1 it is set on thy brow, O Osiris ,u,
it is set on thy brow. The )ye of Horus prote$teth thee, O Osiris
Khenti-%menti, and it #eepeth thee in safety1 it $asteth down headlong
all thine enemies for thee, and all thine enemies have fallen down
headlong before thee. O Osiris ,u, the )ye of Horus prote$teth thee,
it #eepeth thee in safety, and it $asteth down headlong all thine
enemies. Thine enemies have fallen down headlong before thy K%, O
Osiris Khenti-%menti. The )ye of *a prote$teth thee, it #eepeth thee
in safety, and it hath $ast down headlong all thine enemies. Thine
enemies have fallen down headlong before thy K%, O Osiris ,u, whose
word is truth. The )ye of Horus prote$teth thee, it #eepeth thee in
safety, it hath $ast down headlong for thee all thine enemies, and
thine enemies have fallen down headlong before thee. The )ye of
Horus $ometh. 6t is sound and well, it sendeth forth light even as
doth *a in the hori4on. 6t $overeth the powers of "uti with
dar#ness, it mastereth him, and it bringeth its flame against him by
its own $ommand. The )ye of Horus is sound and well, thou eatest the
flesh thereof, thy body possesseth it. Thou a$$laimest it. The 8our
8ires enter into thy K%, O Osiris Khenti-%menti, the 8our 8ires
enter into thy K%, O Osiris ,u, the steward of the overseer of the
seal, whose word is truth.
Hail, ye sons of Horus, Kesta, Hapi, Tuamutef, and (ebhsenuf, ye
have given your prote$tion to your divine 8ather Osiris Khenti-%menti,
give ye your prote$tion to the Osiris ,u, whose word is truth. ,ow
therefore, inasmu$h as ye have destroyed the Opponent of Osiris
Khenti-%menti, who liveth with the gods, having smitten "uti with
his right hand and arm when dawn $ame upon the earth, and Horus hath
be$ome master 5of "uti7, and hath avenged his divine 8ather himself1
and inasmu$h as your divine 8ather hath been made to flourish
through the union of the K% of Osiris Khenti-%menti, wh$h ye effe$ted,
and the )ye of Horus hath avenged him, and hath prote$ted him, and
hath $ast down headlong for him all his enemies, and all his enemies
have fallen down before him, even so do ye destroy the Opponent of the
Osiris ,u, the steward of the overseer of the seal, whose word is
truth. Let him live with the gods, let him smite his enemy, let him
destroy him, when light dawneth on the earth. Let Horus be master
and avenge the Osiris ,u, and let the Osiris ,u flourish through his
union with his K% whi$h ye have effe$ted. O Osiris ,u, the )ye of
Horus hath avenged thee. 6t hath $ast down headlong all thine
enemies for thee, and all thine enemies have been $ast down headlong
before thee.
Hail, Osiris Khenti-%menti, grant thou light and fire to the perfe$t
Heart-soul whi$h is in Hensu. %nd 5O ye "ons of Horus7, grant ye power
unto the living heart-soul of the Osiris ,u by means of his fire.
Let him not be repulsed, and let him not be driven ba$# at the doors
of %mentet@ Let his offerings of bread and of linen garments be
brought unto him among the lords of funeral oblations. O offer ye
praises, as unto a god to the Osiris ,u, the destroyer of his Opponent
in his form of Truth, and in his attributes of a god of truth.
*2*6/: 5This /hapter7 shall be re$ited over four tor$hes of atma
$loth, whi$h hath been anointed with the finest Thehennu unguent,
and the tor$hes shall be pla$ed in the hands of four men who shall
have the names of the pillars of Horus written upon their shoulders,
and they shall burn the tor$hes in the beautiful light of *a, and this
shall $onfer power and might upon the "pirit-soul of the de$eased
among the stars whi$h never set. 6f this /hapter be re$ited for him he
shall never, never perish, and he shall be$ome a living soul for ever.
These tor$hes shall ma#e the "pirit-soul to flourish li#e Osiris
Khenti-%menti, regularly and $ontinually for ever. 6t is a struggle.
Thou shalt not perform this $eremony before any human being e3$ept
thine own self, or thy father, or thy son, be$ause it is an
e3$eedingly great mystery of the %mentet, and it is a type of the
hidden things of the Tuat. +hen this $eremony hath been performed
for the de$eased, the gods, and the "pirit-souls, and the dead shall
see him in the form of Khenti-%menti, and he shall have power and
dominion li#e this god.
6f thou shalt underta#e to perform for the de$eased that whi$h is
ordered in this "/hapter of the four bla4ing tor$hes," ea$h day,
thou shalt $ause the form of the de$eased to $ome forth from every
hall 5in the Tuat7, and from the "even Halls of Osiris. %nd he shall
live in the form of the God. He shall have power and dominion
$orresponding to those of the gods and the "pirit-souls for ever and
ever. He shall enter in through the se$ret pylons and shall not be
turned ba$# in the presen$e of Osiris. %nd it shall $ome to pass,
provided that the following things be done for him, that he shall
enter in and $ome forth. He shall not be turned ba$#. ,o boundary
shall be set to his goings, and the senten$e of the doom shall not
be passed upon him on the .ay of the +eighing of +ords before
Osiris- never, never.
%nd thou shalt perform whatsoever 5is written in7 this boo# on
behalf of the de$eased, who shall thereby be$ome perfe$t and pure. %nd
thou shalt "open his mouth" with the instrument of iron. %nd thou
shalt write down these things in a$$ordan$e with the instru$tions
whi$h are found in the boo#s of &rin$e Herutataf, who dis$overed
them in a se$ret $offer (now they were in the handwriting of the god
5Thoth7 himself and had been deposited in the Temple of the goddess
2nnut, the Lady of 2nu! during a 0ourney whi$h he was ma#ing in
order to inspe$t the temples, and the temple-estates, and the
san$tuaries of the gods. %nd thou shalt perform these $eremonies
se$retly in the Tuat-$hamber of the tomb, for they are mysteries of
the Tuat, and they are symboli$ of the things whi$h are done in
%nd thou shalt say: 6 have $ome, 6 have advan$ed hastily. 6 $ast
light upon his (the de$easedAs! footsteps. 6 am hidden, but 6 $ast
light upon his hidden pla$e. 6 stand up $lose to the Tet. 6 stand up
$lose to the Tet of *a, 6 turn ba$# the slaughter. 6 am prote$ting
thee, O Osiris.
*2*6/: This /hapter shall be re$ited over a Tet of $rystal, whi$h
shall be set upon a bri$# made of $rude mud, whereupon this /hapter
hath been ins$ribed. Thou shalt ma#e a $avity in the west wall 5of the
tomb7, and having turned the front of the Tet towards the east, thou
shalt wall up the $avity with mud whi$h hath been mi3ed with e3tra$t
of $edar. This Tet shall drive away the enemies of Osiris who would
set themselves at the east wall 5of the tomb7.
%nd thou shalt say: 6 have driven ba$# thy foes. 6 #eep wat$h over
thee. He that is upon his mountain (%npu! #eepeth wat$h over thee
ready for the moment when thy foes shall atta$# thee, and he shall
repulse them for thee. 6 will drive ba$# the /ro$odile at the moment
when it atta$#eth thee, and 6 will prote$t thee, O Osiris ,u.
*2*6/: This /hapter shall be re$ited over a figure of %npu made
of $rude mud mi3ed with in$ense. %nd the figure shall be set upon a
bri$# made of $rude mud, whereupon this /hapter hath been ins$ribed.
Thou shalt ma#e a $avity in the east wall, and having turned the
fa$e of the figure of %npu towards the west wall 5therein7 thou
shalt wall up the $avity. This figure shall repulse the enemies of
Osiris, who would set themselves at the south wall.
%nd thou shalt say1 6 am the belt of sand round about the hidden
$offer. 6 turn ba$# the for$e of the bla4ing fire of the funerary
mountain. 6 traverse the roads, and 6 prote$t the Osiris ,u, the
steward of the overseer of the seal, whose word is truth.
*2*6/: This /hapter shall be re$ited over a bri$# made of $rude mud
whereon a $opy of this /hapter hath been ins$ribed. %nd thou shalt
pla$e a reed in the middle thereof, and thou shalt smear it with
pit$h, and set light thereto. Then thou shalt ma#e a $avity in the
south wall, and, having turned the front of the bri$# towards the
north, thou shalt wall the bri$# up inside it. 56t shall repulse the
enemies of the Osiris ,u7 who would assemble at the north wall.
%nd thou shalt say: O thou who $omest to set fire 5to the tomb or
mummy7, 6 will not let thee do it. O thou who $omest to $ast fire
5herein7, 6 will not let thee do it. 6 will burn thee, and 6 will $ast
fire upon thee. 6 prote$t the Osiris ,u, the steward of the overseer
of the seal, whose word is truth.
*2*6/: This /hapter shall be re$ited over a bri$# of $rude mud,
whereon a $opy of this /hapter hath been ins$ribed. 5%nd thou shalt
set upon it7 a figure of the de$eased made of palm wood, seven fingers
in height. %nd thou shalt perform on it the $eremony of "Opening the
'outh." Then thou shalt ma#e a $avity in the north wall, and having
5pla$ed the bri$# and the figure inside it7, and turned the fa$e of
the figure towards the south, thou shalt wall up the $avity. 56t shall
repulse the enemies of the Osiris ,u7, who would assemble at the south
%nd behold, these things shall be done by a man who is washed $lean,
and is $eremonially pure, and who hath eaten neither meat nor fish,
and who hath not 5re$ently7 had inter$ourse with women. %nd behold,
thou shalt ma#e offerings of $a#es and ale to these gods, and shalt
burn in$ense on their fires. )very "pirit-soul for whom these things
shall be done shall be$ome li#e a holy god in Khert-,eter, and he
shall not be turned ba$# at any gate in %mentet, and he shall be in
the following of Osiris, whithersoever he goeth, regularly and

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