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Task 1 - What topics do Richard and Roger tak a!o"t# $hoose a the right ans%ers&
a) the number of items in the British Library
b) how English has evolved over time
c) the impact of Shakespeare on English
d) the impact of the Industrial Revolution on English
e) the impact of the Internet on English
f) a famous printer
g) the first dictionary of English
h) the first text message ever sent
i) the versatility of English
Task ' - (i in the )issing in*or)ation %ith %ords or n")!ers *ro) the +ideo&
! "he British Library has existed for over ####### years!
$! Every year% they have to add ####### kilometres of shelves to house the new items!
&! "he library has ####### items from all over the world!
'! ( thousand years ago% English was similar to ####### !
)! "he first English book was printed about ####### years ago!
*! +haucer wrote the first ####### in the English language!
,! +axton spells the word -rench as both .####### . and .-renshe. on the same page!
/! ( poem which dates from ####### uses $ for .to. and ' instead of .for.% 0ust like modern S1S
Task , 2The nineteenth cent"r- poet %rote .I %rote ' -o" !/.0 instead o* 1I %rote to -o" !e*ore1&
Ho% good is -o"r S2S Engish# Transate these )essages into 1correct1 Engish0 one %ord in
each space&
! Luv u! + u l/r
I ####### ####### ! ####### ####### ####### !
$! Ru 345 6ls call me asap!
####### ####### 345 ####### call me ####### ####### ####### ####### !
&! 1y hols wr gr/ 2 7 yrs5
1y ####### ####### ####### 2 ####### ####### 5
'! 8ld u like dnr $nite5
####### ####### like ####### #######5
)! I need $ c u b' I leave!
I need ####### ####### ####### ####### I leave!
Task /3 Richard sa-s 1The 4ritish Li!rar-1s coection 5"st keeps on gro%ing1& 16eep on1 is
a phrasa +er! that )eans 1contin"e1& $hoose the !est phrasa +er! in these sentences -
the *irst si7 are *ro) the +ideo&
! Extra shelves have to be ####### every year!
a) built up
b) got in
c) made up
d) put up
$! "he British Library is a good place to come to #######about the English language!
a) find out
b) look up
c) pick up
d) sort out
&! 8e have documents here that ####### a thousand years!
a) go back
b) date from
c) take on
d) turn up
'! In Shakespeare.s period% printing had already ####### !
a) come across
b) come in
c) ended up
d) turned out
)! 8illiam +axton later ####### to print +haucer.s +anterbury "ales!
a) came out
b) got on
c) turned up
d) went on
*! 8illiam +axton often had to ####### how to spell words himself!
a) call up
b) get across
c) make up
d) see to
,! "exts written in 3ld English are very hard to read% and it can be difficult to ####### the meaning!
a) get into
b) work out
c) take on
d) turn out
/! 1any changes have ####### in the English language since the Internet was invented!
a) broken out
b) come about
c) gone through
d) got on
9! spelt .necessary. wrong! ####### the second .s.!
a) left over
b) missed out
c) taken off
d) turned out
;! S1S language has really ####### in the last ten years 2 everyone understands the more
common abbreviations now% even my mum<
a) broken out
b) caught on
c) grown up
d) taken up
Task 1 - 8"t %hat happens in the +ideo in the right order&
a) 1artin explains how technology can help learners of English!
b) Richard asks about different types of English!
c) Richard asks about English as a global language!
d) Richard asks if technology changes language!
e) Richard talks about the importance of English for work and study!
f) Richard visits the British +ouncil!
g) Some people talk about their experiences of studying in Britain!
Task ' - $hoose the !est ans%er according to the +ideo&
! The British Council
a) works to make cultural relationships with other countries!
b) gives help to people who want to learn English!
c) makes resources available for people who teach English!
d) all of the above are true!
$! Martin Peacock
a) teaches English for the British +ouncil!
b) thinks there are many global languages!
c) has a northern English accent!
d) all of the above are true!
&! Martin says that English is a global language because
a) it.s used in a lot of different contexts globally!
b) there are many different varieties of English!
c) it.s spoken by large numbers of people!
d) all of the above are true!
'! Martin says that technology
a) has speeded up the way that languages change!
b) lets people read more authentic English!
c) lets people translate languages!
d) all of the above are true!
)! Clare, Maximiliano, Alexander and Anthony
a) are all studying English in Britain!
b) all agree that British people are nice!
c) all say that English will help them in their careers!
d) all of the above are true
Task , - 8"t the %ords in the right spaces&
a) coined e) resources
b) doors f) scale
c) engage g) turned
d) fields h) widely
! "he British +ouncil provides ######## for people learning English!
$! "here are other languages which are used very ######## and spoken by many people!
&! In the past% new words were ######## by people 2 it might have been in a speech or a
newspaper article or in a book!
'! "he Internet allows people to read and translate languages like English% on a massive #########!
)! 4nowledge of the language is often important in ######## like medicine% business and computing!
*! English opens ######### to employment% education and mobility!
,! English helps teachers and learners ######## across the globe!
/! I 0ust ######### twenty2four last -ebruary and I.m from 1alaysia!
Task / - .Engish is "sed +er- %ide-.& 1Wide-1 is an ad+er!& 4"t not a ad+er!s end in
1-1& Add 1-1 to the ad+er!s in these sentences - !"t on- i* necessar-9
! 6ortuguese is a wide### spoken language!
$! I thought the film was deep### moving!
&! I wanted to sleep late in the holidays% but I was always wide### awake at *!&;!
'! "he thing I hate most### about my boss is her bad temper!
)! "he pirates hid the treasure buried deep### beneath the sand!
*! I wouldn.t say he.s a friend 2 I hard### know the man!
,! "ime goes really fast### when en0oying yourself!
/! I don.t do much on Sunday evenings 2 0ust watch television most###!
9! =e played well% but he didn.t come near### to winning the match!
;! =e threw the ball so hard### that no2one could possibly catch it!
! Stay close### to me at the concert if you don.t want to get lost!
$! I ate near### a whole box of chocolates last night!
&! >on.t get so upset 2 take it easy###!
'! "he actor left the nightclub% close### followed by a crowd of photographers

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