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Devoir n3

Devoir not sur 40 points.

Activit 1: Correct the five mistakes in the covering letter. (!"points#
Dear $r %im
& 'rite to appl( for the position of cook as
a)vertise) in the *ovem+er e)ition of Hotel &
Catreing Monthly.
& am full( traine) cook 'ith a )iploma in culinar(
arts! an) & have three (ears, e-perience. & currentl(
'orke) as sous chef at the .orre in /isa restaurant.
& 'oul) like to appl( for the positiona)vertise) as &
feel & have the necessar( e-perience for the 0o+. &
have e-perience managing a +us( kitchen 'ith 1
cooks 'hen the e-ecutive chef is in his office or
a'a( on +usiness. & am socia+le an) 'ell
organi2e)! an) & en0o( )ealing 'ith customers.
& enclose a cop( of m( C3 an) a complete)
application form. & look for'ar) to hear from (ou.
4ours faithfull(
Dear $r %im
& 'rite I am writing to appl( for the position of
cook as a)vertise) in the *ovem+er e)ition of Hotel
& Catreing Monthly.
& am a full( traine) cook 'ith a )iploma in culinar(
arts! an) & have three (ears, e-perience. & currentl(
'orke) work as sous chef at the .orre in /isa
& 'oul) like to appl( for the positiona)vertise) as &
feel & have the necessar( e-perience for the 0o+. &
have e-perience managing a +us( kitchen 'ith 1
cooks 'hen the e-ecutive chef is in his office or
a'a( on +usiness. & am socia+le an) 'ell
organi2e)! an) & en0o( )ealing 'ith customers.
& enclose a cop( of m( C3 an) a complete)
application form. & look for'ar) to hear hearing
from (ou.
4ours faithfull( Yours sincerely
Activit : 5)iger votre C3 et une lettre )e motivation correspon)ant 6 un poste au7uel vous
aimerie2 postuler.
5especte2 la )isposition vue )ans le manuel )e cours.
(C3 not sur 8 points et lettre )e motivation note sur 9 points#
Activit 3: comprhension crite.
:;<<* $A54
*e' 4ork! April 9! 004.
=or 3" (ears the :ueen <li2a+eth has +een the gran)est la)( of the lu-ur( cruise 'orl). >n her
final visit to *e' 4ork! she 'as line) up alongsi)e the :ueen $ar( in *e' 4ork har+our. ?he
looke) like a )'arf compare) to her sister ship! the :ueen $ar( .
@ith her1"0!000 tons an) her 1!13 ft long! the :ueen $ar( ! A the largest cruise liner in the
'orl) B is nearl( )ou+le the si2e of her 90!000 tons! 1C3ft sister. .he :< ! 'hich ma)e her
first vo(age in 11C1! has +een the flagship of the Cunar) line for over three )eca)es. =rom ne-t
month! she 'ill hea) into semiAretirement an) take onl( +rief cruises aroun) the *orth ?ea.
.he :$ 'ill take over the lucrative *e' 4orkA ?outhampton route.
.he :ueen $ar( 'as +uilt at a cost of D49" million +( the =rench in ?aintA*a2aire. .he liner
promises her !C00 passengers unparallele) lu-ur(.
.he( 'ill pa( up to D1"!000 a trip to en0o( facilities inclu)ing golf simulators!
theatres! concerts! a +eaut( salon an) an 8!000A+ook li+rar(.
A)apte) from the Dail( $ail! April 9! 004.
&. /rsentation )u )ocument: (! "points#
ne'spaper greatest $ar( a+out 004 ship April 9 the Dail( $ail
pu+lishe) article
.his )ocument is an EEEEE.from a Fritish EEE..E. .he name of the ne'spaper is
.he te-t is E........E.. the launching of the EEEEEE cruise ............................... in the 'orl):
the ..............................
&&.Comprhension (10points#. 5pon)e2 en r)igeant )es phrases.
1. @hen 'as the article 'rittenG
. Ho' long has the :< +een the gran)est la)( in the lu-ur( cruise 'orl)G
3. @hen )i) she start her first vo(ageG
4. @hich other ship is she ne-t toG
". @hich one is +iggerG @h(G
C. Ho' heav( is .he :$G
9. Ho' long is itG &n metresG
8. @hat is the =rench for flagshipG
1. Ho' long has the :< +een the +est ship of the Cunar) lineG
10. @hat is the flagship of the Cunar) line no'G
11. @hat is the future of the :<G
1. @hat 'as her usual routeG
13. Di) she +ring a lot of mone( on that routeG
14. @h(G
1". Ho' much )i) the :$ costG
1C. @ho +uilt itG
19. @here 'as it +uiltG
18. @hat 'ill the liner offerG
11. Ho' man( passengers can she hol)G
0. Ho' much is the trip in eurosG(appro-imatel(#
&. /rsentation )u )ocument:
.his )ocument is an article from a Fritish ne'spaper. .he name of the ne'spaper is
the Dail( $ail. &t 'as pu+lishe) in 004! on April 9
.he te-t is a+out the launching of the greatest cruise ship in the 'orl)! the :ueen $ar(
1. &t 'as 'ritten on April 9! 004.
. .he :< has +een the gran)est la)( in the lu-ur( cruise 'orl) for thirt(Afive (ears.
3. ?he starte) her first vo(age in 11C1.
4. ?he ne-t to the :ueen $ar( .
". the :ueen $ar( is +igger +ecause the :ueen <li2a+eth looks like a )'arf compare) to her
sister ship! the :ueen $ar( .
C. .he :$ is 1"0!000 tons heav(.
9. &t is 1!13 ft long ! so that,s 34" metres long. (one metre is 3! 3 feet#
8. .he =rench for flagship is Ivaisseau ve)etteI
1. .he :< +een the +est ship of the Cunar) line for over three )eca)es.
10. .he :$ is the flagship of the Cunar) line no'.
11. .he :< 'ill hea) into semiAretirement an) take onl( +rief cruises aroun) the *orth ?ea.
1. Her usual route 'as the *e' 4orkA ?outhampton route.
13. 4es! she +rought a lot of mone( on that route.
14. .he te-t sa(s the route 'as lucrative.
1". .he :$ cost D49" million
1C .he =rench +uilt her.
19. ?he 'as +uilt in ?aintA*a2aire.
18. .he liner 'ill offer unparalle) lu-ur(.
11. ?he canhol) !C00 (t'o thousan) an) si- hun)re)# passengers
0. .he trip is D1"!000! so that,s a+out J 18!000 (J 1. in D1#
Activit 4.
Kive si- pieces of information given on foo) la+els.
Donne2 C informations 7ue l,on peut lire sur les ti7uettes )e pro)uits alimentaires. (3 points#
Commence2 votre phrase par: I>n foo) la+els! (ou can rea)...
Activit ".
@hat is the name given to +a) 7ualit( foo) 'ith lots of sugar an) fatG (0!"p#
Kive three e-amples. (1!"#
=in) an a)0ective for foo) that is goo) for (ou: (0!"p#
=in) an a)0ective for foo) that is +a) for (ou: (0!"p#
Complete 'ith Itoo muchI or Itoo man(I (1pt#
I)on,t eat ...................... s'eets.I
Ithere,s ......................... sugar in this cakeI
Kive three pieces of a)vice to someone 'ho 'ants to +e health(. (one affirmative sentence
minimum# @rite full sentences. ()onne2 trois conseils 6 7uel7u,un 7ui veut rester en +onne sant.
(une phrase affirmative minimum.# <crire )es phrases complLtes. (3pts#
Munk foo) (chocolate +ars! crisps! marshmalllo's#
too man(
too much
4ou shoul) eat a lot of fruit an) vegeta+les.
4ou shoul)n,t put too much fat 'ith (our meat.
4ou shoul) look at the <at'ell plate to un)erstan) +etter 'hat is a 'ellA+alance) )iet.

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