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/ 90170A
/ Cuestionarios
/ Act 6. Reading Comprehension
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Act 6. Reading Comprehension
Question 1
Puntos: 1
According to reading 2 The reading suggests that famous people had tattoos because?
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. They are fashionable

b. They think is a way to make up their bodies

c. hey want to remember someone

d. They are part of a new generation

Question 2
Puntos: 1
According to reading 2 PPD is?
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. A substance that cause health problems

b. None of the aboveyes that is correct.

c. The mark that tattoos leave in the body

d. The ink used in permanent tattoos

Question 3
Puntos: 1
According to reading 1 the fishermen were lost for about?
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Two Months

b. A month

c. Two weeks

d. One long week

Question 4
Puntos: 1
According to reading 1 a typhoon is:
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. A natural phenomenon

b. The last name of one of the fisherma

c. The name of the boat

d. None of the above

Question 5
Puntos: 1
According to reading 2 The word symbol we can infer from the text that is a synonym of :
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Tattoo

b. Souvenir

c. Sailor

d. Voyage

Question 6
Puntos: 1
1.According to reading 1, How long had they planned to be away?
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. They planned to be away on a weekend

b. They planned to be away for a day.

c. They planned to be away for two months

d. They planned to be away for a week-long trip

Question 7
Puntos: 1
According to reading 2 in Polynesia the tattoos were
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Tattoos are in black and white

b. Tattoos are drawings made in clean skin

c. None of the above

d. Tattoos are in black and white and in colors

Question 8
Puntos: 1
According to reading 1 Choose the best headline for this story
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Fishermen found safe and sound

b. The power of sea,

c. Three Taiwanese fishermen

d. A small boat fishing

Question 9
Puntos: 1
According to reading 1 This article can be found in :
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. a gossip magazine

b. A comics magazine

c. A Journal newspaper

d. A crossword magazine

Question 10
Puntos: 1
According to reading 2 there are three types of tattoos
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Not permanent- henna used-permanent

b. Semi permanent-not permanent- henna removed

c. Permanent- inky not permanent

d. Permanent-semi permanent- not permanent

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Act 4. Listening Assignment18/20
Question 1
Puntos: 1
According to Oprah some synonyms for Lance Amstrong are?
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. the leader, the god, the power

b. the leader, the captain, the power

c. the leader, the maximun, the power.

Question 2
Puntos: 1
According to Amstrong to have a level of expectation means that if the team didnt want the same
things he wanted they could not be part of the team?
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. He doesnt admit it but either deny it.

b. YES

c. NO

d. He doesnt know

Question 3
Puntos: 1
To the question: Were you a bully since you were a child? Amstrong reply:

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. No!! Absolutely

b. He didnt answer it clear.

c. Yes!! absolutely

Question 4
Puntos: 1
According to the video interview, answer false or true

The interview is friendly and terms they use are polite.
Verdadero Falso
Question 5
Puntos: 1
To the question of, if He could have fired anyone in the team because they did do what he wants.
Amstrong relied?
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. No, I always count on them

b. No, they were never nice to me.

c. No, there was never a direct order

d. No. I never asked them to leave

Question 6
Puntos: 1
According to the listening, what was last Amstrongs team?
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. U.S postal service team

b. Radio Shark team

c. Discovery Channel pro cycling team

Question 7
Puntos: 1
In the interview Amstrong admit to be a "bully" and his reason for being it was?
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. He was pushing his colleagues

b. He tried to control everything

c. He abuse of them until the end.

Question 8
Puntos: 1
Along the interview Amstrong define himself as:

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Just a simple cyclist

b. The leader of the team

c. An important person

Question 9
Puntos: 1
What was Amstrong answer to Oprah question if the always keep on winning means doing drugs?
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Yes, my sponsor asked me to do it

b. No, thats not what it means

c. Yes,.This was part of my job

d. Yes!! but this is not an acceptable answer

Question 10
Puntos: 1
According to the interview the team was expected to have people with the following features:
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. easy going and strong

b. fit and easy going

c. Fit and strong to perform

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