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Another important Article:
The 666 symbol is actually referring to today's neo-con Christianity and Zionism! See the clear-cut
proofs and images here.
Also see the sub-section: The Israeli 666 symbol.
Also isit: !oes the "ible predict the dividing of Israel? #ho are the nations that diided $srael% And
&hat &ill be their punishment%

Is a nuclear doom prophesied in the Holy Quran (44:10-30), and
the return of the Belieers after the torment that they suffered!
"he sections of this article are:
1- "he #lorious Quran$s %rophecy&
'- "oo much frictions and tensions (et)een the *uclear %o)ers of today&
(a)- +esser and lesser fossil fuel and natural resources to support all of them,
(()- -ossil fuel and natural resources are depletin.&
(c)- "he )orld population )ill (e in too many (illions, and )ill not (e sustaina(le,
3- "he eil /ionists must rule the earth and reach "Mighty Heights" of eil po&er and
eil might' accordin. to the Holy Quran$s %rophecy a(out them&
4- 0onclusion&

1- "he #lorious Quran$s %rophecy:
"he *o(le Quran is filled )ith scientific statements and notions& "hese are statements of 1llah
1lmi.hty descri(in. ho) He created thin.s on earth and in the 2nierse& 3hat$s most ama4in.
is that all of these scientific statements and notions had (een proen to (e in perfect a.reement
)ith science and our modern-day scientific discoeries& 1llah 1lmi.hty made the *o(le Quran
(e %rophet 5uhammad$s (peace (e upon him) 6erlastin. 7iine 5iracle and proof for
%rophethood& "he Holy Boo8 certainly stood the test of time 1,900 years a.o )ith Its 0laims,
%rophecies and 5iraculous elo:uence, and it does a.ain and a.ain in our day today
)ith Its oer)helmin. a.reement )ith science and discoeries that )ere not 8no)n to man
1,900 years a.o&
1llah 1lmi.hty ;aid: <3e )ill soon sho) them Our signs in the Universe and inside their
selves, until it )ill (ecome :uite clear to them that it is the truth& Is it not sufficient as re.ards
your +ord that He is a )itness oer all thin.s! ("he *o(le Quran, 41:93)<
I$d also li8e to mention that I hae learned a(out this %rophecy from the Holy Quran from the
late 7r& 5ustafa 5ahmoud, may 1llah 1lmi.hty rest his soul and .rant him %aradise& 1meen&
His ideo is in 1ra(ic is (elo)& 3ith this said, let us no) loo8 at )hat 1llah 1lmi.hty ;aid in
the *o(le Quran:
*o(le =erse(s) 44:10-44:30
Yusuf Ali:
>044:010? "hen )atch thou for the 7ay that the
s8y )ill (rin. forth a 8ind of smo8e (or mist)
plainly isi(le,
>044:011? 6nelopin. the people: this )ill (e a
%enalty #rieous&

Are these (oble )erses spea*ing about the
(uclear +ushroom Clouds of the nuclear
bombs% This smo*e is:
,- A Smo*e of !oom on a global scale.
-- A .enalty /rieous.
(o smo*e today matches this description
other than the Mushroom Cloud of a
uclear !omb" The ne0t (oble )erses
ma*e this een clearer.

>044:01'? ("hey )ill say:) <Our Lord!
remove the Penalty from us, for )e do really
>044:013? Ho) shall the messa.e (e (effectual)
for them, seein. that an 1postle e@plainin. thin.s
clearly has (already) come to them,-
>044:014? Aet they turn a)ay from him and say:
<"utored ((y others), a man possessed,<
>044:019? We shall indeed remove
the Penalty for a while, ((ut) truly
ye )ill reert (to your )ays)&
>044:01B? Cne day 3e shall sei4e you )ith a
mi.hty 3e )ill indeed (then) e@act

#ill this be the return of the "elieers
after the (uclear 1olocaust% (otice here
that the (oble )erses aren't tal*ing about
2udgment !ay and the 3nd of all Time. The
Clouds of !oom here' or 1olocaust' are
earthly and temporary. They &ill not end
all life on earth.
(ot only that' but Allah Almighty #ill
then remove them and life on earth
#ill continue or resume.

>044:01E? 3e did, (efore them, try the people of
%haraoh: there came to them an apostle most
>044:01F? ;ayin.: <Destore to me the ;erants of
#od: I am to you an apostle )orthy of all trustG
>044:01H? <1nd (e not arro.ant as a.ainst #od:
for I come to you )ith authority manifest&
>044:0'0? <-or me, I hae safety )ith my
+ord and your +ord, a.ainst your inIurin. me&
>044:0'1? <If ye (eliee me not, at least 8eep
yourseles a)ay from me&<
>044:0''? (But they )ere a..ressie:) then he
cried to his +ord: <"hese are indeed a people
.ien to sin&<
>044:0'3? ("he reply came:) <5arch forth )ith
5y ;erants (y for ye are sure to (e
>044:0'4? <1nd leae the sea as a furro)
(diided): for they are a host (destined) to (e

This is a .arable of the destruction of
.haraoh and his army. Allah Almighty
dro&ned them. 4or more details from the
1oly 5uran' please isit:
.haraoh's body presered and
found as the (oble 5uran
.rophecied 6)$!378. #estern
scientists proed that the found
body &as dro&ned and they
strongly beliee he is .haraoh. "y
Shei*h 9usuf 3stes.

.haraoh's body &as presered
and found 6T3:T8.

>044:0'9? Ho) many )ere the .ardens and
sprin.s they left (ehind,
>044:0'B? 1nd corn-fields and no(le (uildin.s,
>044:0'E? 1nd )ealth (and coneniences of life),
)herein they had ta8en such,
>044:0'F? "hus ()as their end), 1nd 3e made
other people inherit (those thin.s),
>044:0'H? 1nd neither heaen nor earth shed a
tear oer them: nor )ere they .ien a respite
>044:030? 3e did delier aforetime the 0hildren
of Israel from humiliatin. %unishment,
$s Allah Almighty here #arning all of
man*ind and assuring them that the
;ighteous "elieers &ill ultimately inherit
all of the earth% This is further supported
in this (oble )erses:
<=-,:,=>? #e' in fact' reealed in the
@ZaboorA B 6the boo* reealed to !aCood8 B
follo&ing 7ur &arnings' that only My
righteous servants shall inherit the earth.

Arabic (ead from right to left! Also" all #ng
image files: $%& $'&(:
44:11 Oab cKdNO efgT hZNO iOaj
44:1' iOakNO Kdj lfmO Kd`W ]Sd\n\ KoO
44:13 YZ[\ pSqW hbJKr _st uvmaNO hwN eoO
44:14 ]Sdx\ hyk\ OSNKst zdj OSNSQ h{
44:19 |Zys iOakNO OS}~Km KoO ]t_Kj hoO
44:1B ]SLVd\ KoO uv[NO f[NO [o RST
44:1E hTvm pSqW hbJKrt ]SjvX RSs hwy[s KdX _VNt
44:1F YZ\O pSqW hN PoO O K[j eNO OtO ]O
44:1H hZQO PoO O eyj OSykQ ]Ot YZ[\ ]KyM`
44:'0 ]SLrvQ ]O h`Wt P`v` aj PoOt
44:'1 ]SNjKX PN OSd\nQ hN ]Ot
44:'' ]S\vx\ RSs Jnb ]O z`W Kj_X
44:'3 ]Sk[\ hoO |ZN K[k` vqKX
44:'4 OSbW v[NO vQOt ]Ssvg\ _dr hwoO
44:'9 ]SZjt Kdr Y\ OSmvQ hm
44:'B hTvm RKV\t tWt
44:'E YZwmKX KwZX OSoKm Lkot
44:'F Nam YTv^O K\Ss KbKd{WtOt
44:'H OSoKmK\t WOt JKLMNO hwZyj ` KLX
44:30 YZwLNO iOakNO Y\ ZOvqO Pd` KdZxo _VNt

7r& 5ustafa 5ahmoud$s ideo in 1ra(ic:
(0lic8 to play ideo clip)

'- "oo much frictions and tensions (et)een
the *uclear %o)ers of today:
"he follo)in. important points are indisputa(le:
1- "oo much .ro)in. frictions and tensions amon. the *uclear %o)ers of today& ;ince this is
an on.oin. escalation in the )orld, it is (est to thorou.hly research it on #oo.le, (ecause )e .et
ne) deelopments a(out this almost eeryday& I hae inputted the research parameters in the
lin8 for your conenience&
'- -urthermore, the fossil fuel and natural resources are depletin.&
3- "he )orld population )ill (e in too many (illions in the ne@t decades and (eyond, and )ill
not (e sustaina(le&

3- "he eil /ionists must rule the earth )ith and eil accordin. to the Holy Quran$s
%rophecy a(out them:
"he follo)in. is a detailed post that I made on my (lo.& -rom http:)))&ans)erin.-

4irst 5uestion:
$ &as &ondering' if daDDal is so important than &hy Allah didn't say anything about
him directly or indirectly in the 5uran% .lease help me &ith this.
As'salamu Alai*um dear brother 4arhan'
/reat Euestion' dear brother. Fi*e brother +ohammed said' there are things that aren't
mentioned in the 1oly 5uran' but are part of the bigger and more encompassing thing.
30ample that the brother gae' from seeral' is Adhan 6the call for .rayer8. $t's not
mentioned in the 1oly 5uran' but it is yet mandatory for all .rayers in $slam.
The issues of +ahdi and anti-Christ are li*e Adhan to .rayer a*hi. They fall under the
return of 2esus Christ' peace be upon him. And .rophet $sa 62esus8 is mentioned to
return in the 1oly 5uran. 1e is no& in a state of #A4AAT. This is the same state that you
go in &hen you sleep. 9ou &ould then either &a*e up to a return bac* to full life' or go
to a state of +A#T 6death8. .rophet $sa &ent through a State of #afaat &hen he &as
raised up to Allah Almighty. "ut Allah Almighty also mentioned in the 1oly 5uran that
eeryone from humans must taste an earthly death. And there are (oble )erses that also
spea* about .rophet 2esus &ill return and then all of the people of the "oo* &ill beliee
in him the $slamic &ay.
$ &ill gie all of the (oble )erses later' $nsha'Allah. This is Dust a Euic* response. So yes'
the +ahdi and anti-Christ fall under .rophet $sa in general' a*hi. "ut as al&ays' Allah
Almighty could decide to end life at anytime. So' the return of Christ in the &ay it's
described to us may not necessarily happen if Allah Almighty Chooses other&ise. To me'
this is the difference bet&een haing a clear cut .romise in the 1oly 5uran from outside
the 1oly 5uran. Gnless Allah Almighty specifically mentions it in the 1oly 5uran as a
!iine .romise' then there is al&ays a possibility for it to not happen. This is &here $
stand on the 1adiths &hen compared to the 1oly 5uran. So it's possible that the +ahdi
&ill not come. $ personally beliee that the +ahdi &ill come' from the 1adiths. "ut it's
al&ays possible that he may not come' because he isn't mentioned in the 1oly 5uran.
And by the &ay' &e are liing in an anti-Christ system today. And his symbol is the 7(3-
393. So the 1adiths' 3nd of Times .rophecies are coming True' by Allah Almighty's #ill.
1ere are some of the po&ers of the anti-christ that .rophet +uhammad' peace be upon
him' mentioned:
,- 1is eil &ill enter eery house. #e see this clearly through the eil media and
le&dness and se0uality and pornography from the internet and T).
-- 1e &ill rule the &orld.
H- 1e is 7(3-393!.
I- Among the po&ers that he &ill hae:
6a8- 1e &ill command the s*y to rain and it &ill rain. ;ead up on Cloud 4ertiliJation
technology today.
6b8- 1e &ill command the earth to Eua*e and it &ill Eua*e. ;ead up on 1AA;.
technology and #eather +odification for #eapons today.
6c8- 1e &ill corrupt the lands and seas of the earth. 6Among others' fu*ushima disaster'
the haJard of #i-4i /oogle them all K added by 9usuf 2ussac8
6d8- 1e &ill cause for so much deaths throughout earth' so much that a person &ould not
*no& &hat the reason of his death. $eaths #ill be done by the #holesale on earth.
>- Also the eil Zionists from the 2e&s &ill be supreme on earth' and they &ill reach
L+ighty 1eightsL of eil po&er and might on earth. See (oble )erses ,M:I-
N. +any +uslims today beliee that &e are in the LsecondL era of the $sraelites' eil.
They are reaching +ighty 1eights of eil on earth' today. And &e are seeing those rotten
filth on their &ay to ruling the entire earth and dominating all of its financial
institutions' &ealth and armies' and they're close to establishing their e# %orld &rder
' &ne %orld (overnment ' )ystem.
This is further supported in this 1oly 5uran !iine .romise from Allah Almighty:
<=,M:,=I? Fater' to the children of $srael #e said' @$nhabit the earth till the promise of
the afterlife is fulfilled. Then* %e #ill bring you out as a cro#d +,.A
,M:,=I !" #$ %&'( )*+ ,-./01/ /231/ 456/ /78 9: &;" <0=6/ >: ?3( @-@+
The 2e&s did inhabit the earth and they are no& coming to .alestine from all oer the
earth in large cro&ds. This is the Time of the Second .unishment .rophecy' from the
1oly 5uran. "ut they must first finish their reaching of the L+ighty 1eightsL of
eil on earth. -oo. at /011 today . It #as 1223 an Israeli Mossad
And by the &ay' L....#e sent against you 7ur serants + , gien to terrible
&arfare....L in (oble )erse ,M:>' aboe' is not Dust limited to the +uslims. in the
1oly 5uran does also include non-+uslims &hom Allah Almighty chose or made to do
something. So the destruction of $srael &on't necessarily be done by the +uslims only. $
beliee that many nations from earth &ill rise against them and annihilate them. To
further proe that is not Dust limited to the +uslims' consider the follo&ing (oble
)erses that use the (oble #ord :
<=H6:=H=? #hat a pity! These human .inds 6A*'+/8! Their only response to the messengers
B &heneer they came to them B &as to moc* and ma*e fun of them!
H6:H= <0BCD E; A*'+/ ?F-GD$ #$ H215 6/ /2IJ K( L"MNFOBD
<=>=:=,,? A sustenance for the servants 6A*'+8' and #e gie life thereby to a dead landO
thus is the rising.
>=:,, !P5 A*'+ --C/" K( <&( O-$ Q+RJ S"0T+/
<=,M:=,M? 1o& many generations hae #e destroyed after (oah% and enough is thy Ford
to note and see the sins of His servants 6%A*;8.
,M:,M ?J" 3U/ #$ L"0V+/ #$ &'( W2I E@J" Q(0( X2IR( %A*; /0-*= /0-Y(
<==-:-=M? Among people are also those' &ho &ould &illingly sell themseles out of the
desire to please Allah. And of course' Allah is full of compassion for 61is8 servants 6A*'+(8.
-:-=M #$" Z+/ #$ [0\D KB@I 9]O(/ <^0$ _/ _/" `"M5 A*'+(
<==6:=NN? Such is the guidance of Allah. 1e guides &hom 1e &ants among His servants 6
%A*;8. 1ad they' 6any of the messengers mentioned aboe8 set up partners 6&ith Allah8'
all their deeds &ould hae come to nothing.
6:NN Q+7 a&U _/ [&FD K( #$ 9\D #$ %A*; 2+" /2J0b/ c*d+ ?F; $ /2IJ L2e'D
6- Also' man*ind &ill Lalter the creation of Allah AlmightyL through Lcutting the farm
animals' earsL. #e'e already seen this in &hat &e call today Cloning. And it'll only get
&orse' and soon man &ill start cloning man*ind.
All of these are .rophecies from the 1adiths and the /lorious 5uran. $ &ill &rite a big
article on this soon' $nsha'Allah. .lease also isit: &&&.ans&ering-
So' $ am not sure ho& the +ahdi and Christ &ill come. Since &e already *no& that the
anti-Christ system 6not a man8 is already in place' and is only getting &orse and &orse'
then &ill Christ and the +ahdi come in form of men or in forms of Systems' perhaps
)piritual )ystems. 7nly Allah Almighty Qno&s. 9ou see' it &as a popular belief among
+uslims that the anti-Christ &ill be a flesh and blood man. "ut this flesh and blood man
couldn't command the earth to Eua*e and for the s*y to rain at his &ill' nor could he
ma*e his eil enter eery home. $t is rather the eil Zionist machine system that &e lie
in that is doing that. Again' they &ill reach L+ighty 1eightsL of eil po&er and
might on earth. This is straight out of the 1oly 5uran! )o ho# #ill the forces of (ood
be li.e% #ill they be flesh and blood% 7r &ill they be /ood Systems that &ill emerge
li*e the eil system that has emerged and has and is reaching L+ighty 1eightsL
of eil po&er and might on earth% 7nly Allah Almighty Qno&s.
$ hope this helps' $nsha'Allah.
Ta*e care'
7sama Abdallah
And in $ further ans&ered the second Euestion:
As'salamu Alai*um dear brother 4arhan'
Another great Euestion' dear brother! Qeep it up. 1ere is the response:
,- As it &as e0plained aboe' some of the things' - side things' - &ere left out of the
1oly 5uran. 4or e0ample' the .rophet' peace be upon him' said that the anti-Christ's
sign is that he &ill be one-eyed. $n fact' the .rophet said that from (oah to 2esus' many
.rophets hae &arned their follo&ers against the anti-Christ' and gae Signs about him.
"ut there is one Sign that &as resered to me 6+uhammad8' and 7(F9 +3' and that is
that he &ill be 7(3-393!:
(arrated $bn Gmar: L7nce Allah's Apostle stood amongst the people' glorified and praised
Allah as 1e desered and then mentioned the !aDDal 6anti-Christ8 saying' Ll &arn you
against him 6i.e. the !aDDal8 and there &as no prophet but &arned his nation against him.
(o doubt' (oah &arned his nation against him but $ tell you about him something
of #hich no prophet told his nation before me. 9ou should *no&
that he is one'eyed' and Allah is not one-eyed.L 6Translation of Sahih
"u*hari' )olume I' "oo* >>' (umber >>H8L
.lease isit: &&&.ans&ering-christianity.comPconertBchristians.htm.
This Sign &asn't mentioned in the 1oly 5uran. "ut the 3nd of Times .rophecies and the
eil Zionists 6$sraelites8 &ere mentioned' dear brother. So obiously' this 7(3-393! Sign
&as left for the details that &ere to be omitted from the 1oly 5uran. The 1oly 5uran
gae highlights and not details' a*hi. This is &hy the 1adiths are important' and this is
also Allah Almighty's #ay to tell us that the 1adiths are also to be upheld.
And as to the t&o (oble )erses that you mentioned aboe' here is my reply to them:
,- ''#e hae reealed upon you a boo* as a clear e0planation of eerything.L 6 Surah: An-
(ahl' Ayah:6R8
9es' a clear e0planation to eerything that has to do &ith Salation. The 1oly 5uran's
+ain Concern is about:
6a8- 7beying Allah Almighty and #orshiping 1im the ;ight #ay.
6b8- !oing /ood.
6c8- Condemning all eil and staying a&ay from it.
$n a nutshell' the 1oly 5uran is concerned about Salation' a*hi. And yes' eerything you
need to *no& about Salation is in the 1oly 5uran. If you #ant to deep dive into
anything' then you use the 1adiths for that' not the 1oly 5uran.
4urthermore' Allah Almighty did Command the .rophet to detail the 1oly 5uran. 4rom
Also isit: http:PP&&&.ans&ering-

4- 0onclusion:
1.ain, the *o(le Quran is filled )ith scientific statements and notions& "hese are statements of
1llah 1lmi.hty descri(in. ho) He created thin.s on earth and in the 2nierse& 3hat$s most
ama4in. is that all of these scientific statements and notions had (een proen to (e in perfect
a.reement )ith science and our modern-day scientific discoeries& 1llah 1lmi.hty made the
*o(le Quran (e %rophet 5uhammad$s (peace (e upon him) 6erlastin. 7iine 5iracle and
proof for %rophethood& "he Holy Boo8 certainly stood the test of time 1,900 years a.o )ith Its
0laims, %rophecies and 5iraculous elo:uence, and it does a.ain and a.ain in our day
today )ith Its oer)helmin. a.reement )ith science and discoeries that )ere not 8no)n to
man 1,900 years a.o&
1llah 1lmi.hty ;aid: <3e )ill soon sho) them Our signs in the Universe and inside their
selves, until it )ill (ecome :uite clear to them that it is the truth& Is it not sufficient as re.ards
your +ord that He is a )itness oer all thin.s! ("he *o(le Quran, 41:93)<
1llah 1lmi.hty seems to hae clearly made a 7iine %rophecy a(out the upcomin. *uclear
Holocaust& "his is indeed terrifyin., But, it is somethin. the eil humanity should e@pect& 1fter
all, the eil /ionists must rule the earth )ith mi.hty eil and po)er, as 1llah 1lmi.hty also
mentioned in the Holy Quran& 1nd )e 8no) )ell that those filthy eil infidels are notorious in
spreadin. mischief and eil on earth& +oo8 at H11& It is 100 an Israeli 5ossad Cperation,
Indeed, all %raise and #lory are due to 1llah 1lmi.hty 1lone for ma8in. the *o(le Quran (e the
%erfect and 6erlastin. 5iracle, for us humans, out of all of His 7iine 5iracles, 1nd may
1llah 1lmi.hty send His %eace, 5ercy and Blessin.s upon our Beloed and Blessed %rophet,
"eacher and Dole 5odel, 5uhammad& 1meen&

Ama)ing Pro#hecies in the *oly +uran!
"he Cer)helmin. ;cientific 5iracles in the Holy Quran&
3hat is the (est )ay to conert a non-5uslim to Islam!
"he BBB sym(ol is actually referrin. to today$s neo-con 0hristianity and /ionism, ;ee the clear-
cut proofs and here&
1lso see the su(-section: ,he -sraeli ... symbol&

7oes the Bi(le predict the dividing of -srael/ 3ho are the nations that diided Israel! 1nd
)hat )ill (e their punishment!

,he O0121Y13 3a44al5s 6igns and Powers according to -slam:

1s8 me any :uestion&
1llah, Islam, Quran, 5uhammad :uestions and ans)ers&
5uhammad peace (e upon him section&
7o 5uslims really )orship the cu(e (uildin. in 5ecca!
7o 5uslims really )orship the (lac8 stone in 5ecca!
Is the circumam(ulation (ta)aaf) around the aa(a seen times, durin. the Islamic HaII
(pil.rima.e), supported in the Bi(le!
,he 7ible also called the #ath to 8ecca 9,*1 PA,* O: *OL-01669
,he detailed story of how the ;aaba was built by Abraham and his son -shmael #eace be
u#on them!
"he date of the yearly %il.rima.e to 5ecca is the date )hen Islam )as <perfected<&

An AU3-O file from 3r! <aghlool Al20a44ar:
,he blac= stone was #roven to be a 8eteorite sent from s#ace!
%rophet 5uhammad, peace (e upon him, claimed that the stone )as sent do)n (y 1llah
1lmi.hty to %rophet 1(raham and his son Ishmael, peace (e upon (oth of them, to .ie the
precise location of )here the aa(a )as to (e (uilt (y them& 3e (eliee that %rophets 1(raham
and Ishmael (uilt the aa(a& 3estern ;cientists hae confirmed that the (lac8 stone, )hich
resides near the aa(a in the Holy 0ity of 5ecca, is an outside 81,1O-,1 O7>1?,!

@@@@ Pro#het 8uhammad forbade us from worshi#ing any stone! @@@@
"he (lac8 stone and the aa(a are not o(Iects of )orship in Islam, %lease isit:
-slam #rohibits the worshi# of the blac= stone" ;aaba" andAor any other ob4ect beside Allah

$oes Muhammad e4ist in the !ible?
Anthony ;ogers
7sama Abdallah
5rophet Muhammad thoroughly prophesied in the !ible 6 &ld )criptures7

Is the !ible the True %ord of (&$ Almighty?
Fouis Fionheart
7sama Abdallah
(ote to +uslims:
As +uslims' &e must be ery careful &hen &e comment on the preious Scriptures' because there is
al&ays a possibility that there might be !iine ;eelations parts in the erses that &e might be
obDecting to. $ *no& that the many of the disbelieers constantly insult and moc* $slam all the time'
and een lie on their o&n Scriptures &ith their L3nd of Times .ropheciesL lies' -&here they hiDac*ed
een the "ible &ith their bigotry' hate and lies' - but still dear brothers and sisters in $slam' &e must
al&ays be ery careful &hen &e deal &ith preious Scriptures' because as +uslims &e do beliee that
they do contain remnants of !iine ;eelations in them. +ay Allah Almighty forgie me' and forgie all
sincere +uslims' for any and all mista*es and errors that &e may hae fell into. Ameen.
See also: The $slamic .rophecies section.

8ionist Israel #ill rule the earth #ith Mighty 9vil"
6$slamic .rophecy8
The /lorious 5uran declared ,'I== years ago that the $sraeli Zionist machine
&ill rule the entire earth &ith mighty eil and po&er. They &ill reach "Mighty
Heights" of eil po&er and might on earth. See (oble )erses ,M:I-N:

Also' .rophet +uhammad' peace and blessings be upon him' made a stunning
prophecy about the one-eyed anti-Christ &ho &ill rule the infidels and the
(arrated $bn Gmar: L7nce Allah's Apostle stood amongst the people' glorified
and praised Allah as 1e desered and then mentioned the !aDDal 6anti-Christ8
saying' Ll &arn you against him 6i.e. the !aDDal8 and there &as no prophet but
&arned his nation against him. (o doubt' (oah &arned his nation against him
but $ tell you about him something of &hich no prophet told his nation before
me. 9ou should *no& that he is one'eyed' and Allah is not one-eyed.L
6Translation of Sahih "u*hari' )olume I' "oo* >>' (umber >>H8L
.rophet +uhammad had many isions about the daDDal' and gae many signs
about him. Some of the things the .rophet said about the daDDal &ere literal'
and some &ere ision-metaphors. The most prominent one is that he &ill be
one-eyed. This is both literal and metaphoric. $t is literal today because the
Jionist anti-Christ system is indeed represented by the &9'9:9 symbol as
seen in the follo&ing images. The metaphors here are Allah Almighty not being
7(3-393!' because nothing can describe Allah Almighty. There is Lnone li*e
unto 1imL 65uran' ,-:I8. 4or ample more details and proofs' please isit lin*
#as the Islamic &9'9:9 5rophecy foretold before $slam in the "ible's
8echariah 11:1; % $ demonstrated using ample "iblical erses that the 7(3-
393! !A22AF 6anti-Christ8 &as neer prophesied in the "ible to be 7(3-393!'
nor &as this Sign eer gien in the "ible to any being.
$ also sho&ed ho& <esus Christ' from among many other erses'
used this "right eye" e4pression. So it &as neer a Sign about the
daDDal before $slam. $t &as no more than a general language of the

The "ible in many erses uses Lright handL and Lright eyeL
e0pressions for people and for /7! Almighty.

(one of these are Signs to anything.
4or ample (oble )erses and 1adiths 6Sayings of the .rophet8' and proofs'
please isit:
The &9'9:9$ !aDDal's Signs and .o&ers according to $slam.

Also isit: RP,, &as ,==T an $sraeli +ossad 7peration!
+any references of this 1adith 6Saying8 e0ist throughout our $slamic Te0ts.
This is one of the most popular 1adiths and .rophecies of .rophet +uhammad'
peace be upon him. And indeed' &e are seeing it come to pass before our ery
eyes. .lease also isit:
The hiDac*ed "ible.

Fisten also to 2eremiah ,N:,-,=!

The 666 symbol is actually referring to today's neo-con Christianity
and Zionism! See the clear-cut proofs and images here.

Also see the sub-section: The $sraeli 666 symbol.

!oes the "ible predict the dividing of Israel? #ho are the nations
that diided $srael% And &hat &ill be their punishment%

The &9'9:9$ !aDDal's Signs and .o&ers according to $slam.

#as the Islamic &9'9:9 5rophecy foretold before $slam in the
"ible's 8echariah 11:1; %
The /ospel Christ:
So' &hat &as the /ospel of 2esus Christ then' i.e.' the $nDil of 2esus Christ% 3en among Christians' this
remains a mystery. "ut the !idacheO a /ospel &hich e0isted een before the current "ible-/ospels 6or
canoniJed /ospels8' contains a great deal of teachings of 2esus Christ. The follo&ing points are
important to al&ays *eep in mind: 6,8- (o single Scripture' the !idache or any other Scripture' is ,==T
pure and accurate. There are al&ays forgeries and alterations. This is the same &ith eery single boo*
and gospel. 6-8- The 7riginal Teachings of Christ e0ist in Scriptures that are in the "ible and outside the
4or ample proofs' &atch the debate-ideo aboe.
6end your comments!
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