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English for Writing 2

Class : September, 29
Ardie Septian
Universitas Terbuka
Korea Selatan
Course Objectives
Mahasiswa mampu menulis wacana dalam berbagai paragraf
1. Menulis dalam bentuk deskripsi
2. Menulis dalam bentuk narasi
3. Menulis surat pribadi
4. Menjelaskan proses
5. Menyampaikan pendapat
6. Menulis naskah pidato dan interview
7. Menulis dalam bentuk prediksi
8. Menulis business letter
Kegiatan Belajar 1: Menjelaskan Proses
Kegiatan Belajar 2: Menulis Percakapan dalam Berbagai Situasi
Kegiatan Belajar 3: Menyampaikan Rasa Simpati secara Tertulis

Writing Proses
Module 4
Kegiatan Belajar 1
1. Untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang baru saja berhenti.
Marry and Jones are in the parking lot:
Marry: Look, you are sweating.
Jones: I have been running.

2. Untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang masih terus berlangsung. Biasanya dipakai for dan since
untuk menerangkan berapa lama kegiatan ini sudah berlangsung.
Jones is driving a car now. He left his house at 7, and now is 10.
Jones: I have been driving for three hours. atau
Jones: I have been driving since 7 oclock.

3. Untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang dilakukan berulang selama kurun waktu tertentu.
Lee Mohawsky is a good actor. He has been acting since he was 10 years old.
I always teach English at SMU 3. I have been teaching at SMU 3 for 15 years.

Kegiatan Belajar 1
Positive Sentence:
I/We/You/They Have (ve=Ive) been V+ing
They have been sleeping since 6

Positive Sentence:
He/She/It Has (s=Hes) been V+ing
He has been speaking for 4 hours

Negative Sentence:
I/We/You/They Have not (havent) been V+ing
I have not been eating since yesterday

Negative Sentence:
He/She/It Has not (hasnt) been V+ing
She has not been talking to me for two days

Kegiatan Belajar 1
Interrogative Sentence:
Have I/We/You/They been V+ing
Have you been jogging, Jones?

Interrogative Sentence:
Has He/she/it been V+ing
Has it been raining?

Kegiatan Belajar 1
Digunakan dalam Present Perfect Continuous Tense

For: digunakan untuk menyatakan kurun waktu tertentu, misalnya: one
minute, one day, one week

Since: digunakan untuk menyatakan satu waktu pada masa yang sudah
lewat, misalnya: since 7 oclock, since 1998 dan seterusnya

Lets practice
Kegiatan Belajar 1
Look at the problems in your Module

Kegiatan Belajar 2
Digunakan untuk menyatakan pilihan, salah satu dari 2 hal.

I will send either a card or call her
Either Sue or Mike borrowed my book

Either the teacher or the student play football.
Either the student or the teacher plays football.

Subjek paling belakang menentukan apakah diikuti oleh kata kerja
tunggal atau jamak.

Lets practice

Kegiatan Belajar 2
Digunakan untuk menyatakan tidak keduanya.

I dont like neither Sue nor Jim
Neither my father nor my mother is coming to celebrate my birthday .

Neither the teacher nor the students play football.
Neither the students nor the teacher plays football.

Subjek paling belakang menentukan apakah diikuti oleh kata kerja
tunggal atau jamak.

Lets practice

Kegiatan Belajar 2
Look at the problems in your Module

Kegiatan Belajar 3
Dibagi dalam dua kategori, yaitu
1. Yes/No-questions yang diawali oleh sebuah kata kerja bantu (auxilary) atau sebuah
2. Wh-question yang diawali oleh kata Wh.
Tense Question forms Examples
Simple Present Is/Am/Are Is she sick?
Am I your friend?
Are they at home?
Do/Does Do you speak English?
Does Anita read Tempo?
Present Progressive Is/Am/Are Is she listening to the radio?
Am I talking to you?
Are they taking the exam?
Simple Past Was/Were Was he here this morning?
Were you absent yesterday?
Did Did Buntee come home on
time last night?
Kegiatan Belajar 3
Dibagi dalam dua kategori, yaitu
1. Yes/No-questions yang diawali oleh sebuah kata kerja bantu (auxilary) atau sebuah
2. Wh-question yang diawali oleh kata Wh.
Tense Question forms Examples
Past Progressive Was/Were Was she washing her clothes
at that time?
Were your children crying?
Present Perfect Have/Has Have you sent your letter?
Has she put off her shoes?
Future Will/Shall Will you come back?
Shall we return?
Modals Can/May/Must/Will/Shall/O
ught to
Can I borrow your pen?
May I sit here?
Kegiatan Belajar 3
Have dan Do memiliki 2 fungsi:

1. Do

They do their homework every night.

Do they do their homework every night?
(Auxiliary) (Verb)

2. Have

I have a car

I have had my breakfast
(Auxiliary) (Verb)

Lets Practice
Kegiatan Belajar 3
Wh- words adalah pertanyaan yang diawali oleh kata tanya wh seperti what, when, who,
dan sebagainya.
Wh-words Subject of question Examples
What Thing What are they?
When Time When does the film begin?
Where Place Where will you go?
Which Choice (person or thing) Which car do you like best?
Who People Who are those people?
Whom People Whom did they see?
Whose Possession (thing) Whose wallet is that
Why Reason Why is the boy crying?
Lets Practice
Kegiatan Belajar 3
Look at the problems in your Module

Please prepare Module 5 for the next class

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