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K18 Diversion Road, Lucena City
Review for Midwifery Board Examination
April 2013
Choose the best answer for each of the
following questions.
Situation 1: Diferent Midwifery Concepts
1) In order to enoy SSS sic! lea"e bene#t$
the e%ployee %ust
a) Must ha"e consu%ed the sic! lea"e
bene#t pro"ided by the e%ployer
b) &ot ha"e enoyed the 'hil(ealth
c) )nly be an outpatient
d) *e hospitali+ed for his illness
,) 'aying pri"ilege ta- is required for all
registered %idwi"es practicing their
profession e-cept:
a) 'ri"ate school and %idwife
b) 'ri"ate practice
c) .o"ern%ent agencies
d) /ying0in clinic
1) 2 child is considered a 3ilipino citi+en
based on 'hilippine /aws if:
a) (e grew up in the 'hilippines
b) (is parents reside in the 'hilippines
c) (e was born in the 'hilippines
regardless of parents4 citi+enship
d) 5ither one of the parents is 3ilipino
6) In order to be able to legally wor! in a
foreign country$ a %idwife needs a "isa
a) Is obtained fro% the concerned
b) Is a tourist "isa
c) 2llows her to "isit her country of
d) Is issued by the Depart%ent of
9) 2 passport is obtained fro% which o:ce;
a) 5%bassy of <S2
b) *ureau of I%%igration
c) Depart%ent of 8ouris%
d) Depart%ent of 3oreign 2fairs
=) 2 person who owes allegiance to the state
is called:
a) 2lien c) Citi+en
b) &ational d) Subect
>) 8he trait that a %idwife %ust ha"e which
is shown by saying the right thing at the
right ti%e is
a) 5%pathy c) 'oliteness
b) 8act d) 3idelity
?) 8he highest of %an4s %oti"e w7c is to
ser"e .od directly or indirectly through
the creation is called;
a) 2utocentered c)
b) (u%anitarian d) 5goistic
@) 2 %idwife needs to undergo C'5 e"ery 1
years and this can be through the
following e-cept:
a) 2ttending lectures and conferences on
trends of %idwifery
b) 'articipation in research
c) 2ttending in IM2' annual con"ention
d) Aor!ing in the D)(
1B) Ahat has been deputi+ed to accredit
C'5 progra%;
a) C'5 Council c) D)(
b) IM2' d) *oard of
11) 'rofessional conduct should be
obser"ed by a %idwife that is e-e%pli#ed
in w7c of the following;
a) 'erfor%ing the tas! and function that
are w7in the scope of the practice
b) )perating a lying0in clinic that charges
e-orbitant fees
c) Discouraging patients not to go to
other %idwi"es by telling the% that
she is the %ost e:cient in the locality
d) 'erfor%ing functions of a nurse though
not trained in such
1,) 2ccording to 5) 6@=$ which is gi"en
the pri"ilege to reco%%end to the 'CC
no%inees for the *)M;
a) 2'S)M c) IM2'
b) 3)M d) 22)M
11) 8he code of ethics for %idwi"es is
a) 2 regulatory law efected in 1@@,
b) 2 set of guidelines that go"ern the
beha"ior of professional %idwi"es
c) 2dopted by the *)M
d) &or% of conduct for the %e%bers of
16) 8he following are true state%ents
about infor%ed consent but one:
a) 5-planation is gi"en at the le"el
understandable to the patient
b) 5-planation about the ris! is o%itted
since it will scare the patient
c) 'atient is allowed to clarify her doubts
and fear
d) 5-planation about the possible
alternati"e treat%ent is gi"en
19) Ahich of the following is not true
about the ethical obligation of the
Prepared for t(e i)(tin)ale Review*!+,ena -y .in)o "/ Fernande0
S(o+ld t(ere -e any in,on1i1ten,ie12 omi11ion12 mi1repre1entation12 or mi11tatement fo+nd (erein2 ,a+1ed -y typo)rap(i,al error1 and independent of
mali,io+1 intent2 t(e 1t+dent*examinee i1 advi1ed to determine t(e a,,+ra,y of t(e ,ontent and identify t(e verity ,on,ernin) 1+,( information/
PROFESSIOA! "RO#$% A& &E'E!OPME$ Pa)e 2 of 3
a) Deeps herself updated about the
current %idwifery trends for her
b) Aor!s with concern and considers the
welfare of the %other and the child
c) Ce"eals any infor%ation gi"en by the
d) Cenders ser"ice upon her patients to
the best of her ability
1=) 2 syste% of %oral principles go"erning
desirable hu%an conduct is called:
a) Morals c) 5tiquette
b) 5thics d) Custo%s
1>) Ahich of the following is a "iolation of
the patient4s right to pri"acy;
a) 2 %idwife ga"e a press release of the
patient4s diagnosis
b) 2 %idwife$ by law$ reports to
authorities that the patient has 2IDS
c) 2 %idwife is ordered by the court to
testify concerning the care of patient
d) 2 %idwife is allowed by the patient to
re"eal the infor%ation needed
1?) 2ll are true about induced abortion$ but
a) <nconstitutional b) I%%oral
c) Illegal d) 5ncouraged
1@) 8he code of ethics for %idwi"es guides
the practitioner in her
a) 'ersonal philosophy
b) Scope of practice
c) 5thical conduct
d) 'rofessional duties
,B) 2 practicing %idwife can be
considered ethical and honorable if:
a) She always pleases her colleagues
b) She adheres to both .od4s and hu%an
c) She obeys all orders of the superiors
d) She is egoistic
,1) 2 %idwife is bound by professional ethics
not to re"eal any infor%ation gi"en by her
patient unless:
a) )rdered by the doctor
b) )rdered to testify by the court
c) Cequired by her superior
d) Cequested by the relati"es
,,) )ne of the diferences between C2 ,=66
and C2 >1@, is that the ter% of o:ce of the
%e%bers and chair%an of the *)M in C2
>1@, is
a) 1 years with reappoint%ent
b) > years
c) 1 years with pro%otion
d) > years with renewal
,1) 2ccording to the new %idwifery law$ the
co%position of the *)M is
a) 1 chair%an$ , CMs
b) 1 chair%an$ 1 C&0CMs
c) 1 chair%an0)*$ 1 CMs$ 1 C&
d) 1 chair%an0)*$ 1 C&s$ 1 CM
,6) 2s per this law$ the Certi#cate of
Cegistration of a %idwife is "alid unless
suspended or re"o!ed by a co%petent
a) C2 >1@, b) C2 ?@?1
c) C2 >?>= d) C2 >1@,
,9) Ahich is correct about the Certi#cate of
Cegistration in Midwifery;
a) Ce"o!ed at will by the *)M
b) Ceissued upon ta!ing another e-a%
c) Can be renewed e"ery 1rd year
d) Suspended without due process
,=) If a patient and a pri"ate0duty %idwife
"erbally agreed on the professional fee
to be paid for a ho%e deli"ery$ a contract
e-ists and is called;
a) 5-press c) I%plied
b) 3or%al d)
,>) 2 "alid contract is characteri+ed by these
a) Aith lawful obect
b) Aith parties freely gi"ing their consent
c) Aith parties at the legal capacity to
d) Aith obect respecting euthanasia
,?) Ahen a %other gets a laceration during
deli"ery$ is suturing the laceration an
appropriate inter"ention;
a) Ees$ when the %idwife is authori+ed
and is under the super"ision of an )*
b) Ees$ it is legally allowed so long as she
possesses training to do the act
c) &o$ the %idwife should ust apply cold
co%press as #rst inter"ention
d) &o$ the %idwife will ust worsen the
laceration and should wait for an )*
,@) If a %idwife fails to answer a deli"ery call
because of a tsuna%i$ she can be
e-e%pted f ro% liability because of this
a) .ood Sa%aritan acts
b) 3uer+a %ayor
c) Cespondent superior
d) Ces ipsa loquitor
1B) 8o ensure good wor!ing relationship with
the health professionals$ she should
a) 3ollow the S)'4s of the institution she
is wor!ing at
b) *e loyal to all wor!ers in any
c) *e guided by the scope of %idwifery
d) Cespect the legiti%ate functions of
other health wor!ers
11) If a %idwife !eeps a baby of the %other
who deli"ered in the pri"ate lying0in clinic
because the %other has no su:cient
a%ount to pay the bills$ she is liable for
a) Illegal detention
b) <nlawful i%prison%ent
c) Intentional tort
d) *abynapping
1,) If a %idwife wor!s on a regular legal
holiday with additional o"erti%e$ how
%uch is entitled to be paid;
PROFESSIOA! "RO#$% A& &E'E!OPME$ Pa)e 3 of 3
a) ,9F b) additional 1BBF and
c) ,9F and 1BF d) additional ,9F
and 1BF
11) 2 %idwife is tactful if:
a) She is !ind and considerate
b) She gi"es praises for a good ob
c) She a"oids tal!ing while on duty
d) She is supporti"e of her patient
16) 2 conduct which refers to proper
distribution of ti%e in order to %eet the
obecti"es set:
a) 5cono%ical b) 'unctual
c) 'rocrastinating d) 'rudent
19) 2 conduct when a %idwife uses %edical
supplies properly and only as needed:
a) 5cono%ical b) 'unctual
c) 'rocrastinating d) 'rudent
Situation ,: 3a%iliarity with the Modifying
2na was a%ong the %any pregnant patients
scheduled for chec!0up in Midwife Gose4s
lying0in clinic. 8here$ 2na beca%e suddenly
bothered by an enraged %an in the person of
Dino who was about to gi"e her a blow with
no reason or pro"ocation at all. Gose ca%e to
2na4s aid.
1=) Gose inHicted physical inuries upon Dino
acting in the aid of 2na to a"oid the
attac!$ would he be cri%inally liable;
a) &o$ it was self0defense
b) &o$ it was a defense of a stranger
c) &o$ it was a defense of a relati"e
d) &o$ it was a defense of a property
1>) Ahat if Gose was the husband of 2na$
would he be liable under the sa%e
a) &o$ it was a ustifying act
b) &o$ it was an e-e%pting act
c) &o$ it was a %itigated act
d) &o$ it depends
1?) In reference to question 1>$ what !ind
of defense did Gose act on;
a) 5-e%pting circu%stance$ self0defense
b) Gustifying circu%stance$ defense of
c) Gustifying circu%stance$ defense of
d) 5-e%pting circu%stance$ defense of
1@) If Gose was not a husband but only 6
degree relati"e of 2na$ would your
answer be the sa%e as in that in
question 1?;
a) Ees b) &o c) It depends d) Maybe
6B) 8here would be no cri%e co%%itted
since the gi"en scenario:
a) Is a circu%stance that falls under the
%itigating ones
b) 'ro"ides no penalty at all
c) States that the act is one that is under
ustifying circu%stance
d) 2ll of the abo"e
61) Can there be ci"il liabilities;
a) Ees b) &o c) It depends d) Maybe
8ina$ as a %idwife$ obeyed the orders of Dr.
Mila and ga"e Susan an aborti"e drug.
2ssu%ing that the drug was a new one$ and
that 8ina belie"ed in good faith it was to be
ad%inistered for the bene#t of the patient$
ne"ertheless$ abortion happened.
6,) Aould she be liable for the cri%e of
intentional abortion;
a) &o b) Ees c) Maybe d) I don4t !now
61) She %ay not be liable for under the
a) She acted in the ful#ll%ent of duty
b) She acted in obedience to a superior
c) She acted only with negligence
d) She acted only with carelessness
66) Ahat !ind of %odifying circu%stance is
a) 2lternati"e b) Mitigating
c) 2ggra"ating d) Gustifying
'aula after her hospital duty was raped by
another in the person of Guan$ within the
"icinity of the sa%e place. During the trial$ it
was found out that Guan was with the state of
%ind co%parable to a >0year child when the
incident happened.

69) Guan is
a) I%becile
b) Insane
c) Inutile
d) InHicted
6=) Iuestion 69 spea!s of
a) 5nrage%ent
b) 5-e%ption
c) 5ncourage%ent
d) 5-traction
6>) <nder this %odifying circu%stance$ there
can be
a) no penalty
b) no cri%e to spea! of
c) no ci"il liability only
d) no cri%inal liability but ci"il liability is
8ina during one of her duties quarreled with
one of her colleagues Sally. )nce the shift
had been #nished and it was ti%e for Sally to
go ho%e$ 'auline struc! her with a shallow
blow. 2t the trial$ it was !nown that 'auline
was ordered by 8ina who !ept 'auline4s
daughter with the threat of the !illing the
latter if 'auline would not obey to 8ina4s
order of stabbing Sally.
PROFESSIOA! "RO#$% A& &E'E!OPME$ Pa)e 4 of 3
6?) Is 'auline liable;
a) &o b) Ees c) Maybe d) I suppose
6@) Is she e-e%pted;
a) &o b) Ees c) Maybe d) In her drea%s
9B) Ahat is it that would not %a!e her
cri%inally liable;
a) 2cting under superior order
b) 2cting under irresistible force
c) 2cting under uncontrollable fear
d) 2cting under i%pulse
91) (a"ing learned '.D$ in your opinion$
should 'auline be punished for ha"ing
stabbed Sally;
a) Ees$ the act is punished under our law
b) &o$ the act is one under e-e%pting
c) Ees$ the act cannot be tolerated as
against .od
d) &o$ the act is presu%ed %orally
9,) (ow about 8ina;
a) /iable b) 2cquitted c) Gusti#ed d) I
don4t !now
Maya was found to ha"e co%%itted robbery
inside the lying0in clinic of one Sir Chief.
During the trial it was found out that Maya
was only 1> years old despite her loo!s of
being ,>.
91) Ahat is the rele"ance of Maya4s age in
the state%ent;
a)J8o deter%ine if she is #t to %arry Sir
Chief b) 8o deter%ine whether she could do
the cri%e as that co%%itted
c) 8o deter%ine her capacity to brea! into
the lying0 in clinic
d) 8o deter%ine whether her liability in
the cri%e can be %itigated or not
96) 2s contrasted to aggra"ating
circu%stance$ %itigating is
a) )ne that decreases the liability of the
b) )ne that reduces the penalty of the
c) )ne that ter%inates the liability of the
d) )ne that spea!s of both 2 and *
99) If Maya was really 1> when she
co%%itted the cri%e$ to a"ail of the
bene#t of reducing the penalty it should be
necessary to deter%ine if she acted with
a) 'owers b) Discern%ent
c) .ood attituded) Moral "alues
9=) Ahat if Maya was found to be only 19
years old;
a) 8herefore$ she not suitable to be Sir
Chief4s bride
b) 8herefore$ she is %uch %ore liable
c) 8herefore$ she is e-e%pted
d) 8herefore$ she is usti#ed
9>) If during the incident she was 1? years
old but she "oluntarily surrendered to the
authorities after co%%itting the cri%e$ as
ha"ing learned '.D$ what is your
a) She is liable indeed
b) She is not liable for her "oluntary
surrender is an act of repentance that
the law appreciates
c) She is liable since she is of legal age
but her "oluntary surrender %ust be
ta!en as a %itigating one
d) She is liable insofar as her age is
concerned$ but she should be released
i%%ediately since her "oluntary
surrender %ust be ta!en to acquit her
9?) If during the incident she was really 1?
but she ran away after the co%%ission of
the cri%e and was found to be du%b$ which
conclusion would you support;
a) She is not liable. (er state of health
depri"ed her of reason to understand
what she had done.
b) She is liable but %itigated. (er state of
%ental understanding did not depri"e
her of the udg%ent to !now right or
c) She is liable. (er state of %ental
understanding should be co%parable to
a >0year old child to escape
d) She either liable or not. It depends.
Ahile sufering fro% (IK02IDS$ Gose$ a
secretly aLicted %idwife had raped a patient
inside the hospital pre%ises.
9@) 8he liability of Gose %ay be
a) 2Licted
b) 2ggra"ated
c) 2ssaulted
d) 2cquitted
=B) If we o%it the aLiction of (IK02IDS$
considering Gose as a %idwife e%ployed in
the hospital and with easy access to
e"ery roo%$ would you retain the sa%e
a) &o$ there is no reason he could co%%it
b) Ees$ there is abuse of con#dence
c) Ees$ there is the presence of natural
d) &o$ there is no basis for con"icting hi%
Situation 1: 3a%iliarity with Cri%es
=1) 8he age of an infant necessary to
consider the cri%e of infanticide if
a) 1 days old
b) 1 day old
c) /ess than 1 days old
d) /ess than 1 day old
=,) 8he cri%e of infanticide can be
co%%itted by
a) 8he %other only
b) 8he %idwife and the %other
c) 2nyone
d) 8he )b0.yne
PROFESSIOA! "RO#$% A& &E'E!OPME$ Pa)e 5 of 3
=1) 8he !illing of a spouse regardless of the
presence of intent to ter%inate the life is
a) Spousecide
b) Murder
c) 'arricide
d) 2bortion
=6) 8he !illing of a %other of her baby could
be abortion or infanticide. If she e-pelled the
child inside her wo%b after being pregnant
for 9 %onths is what cri%e;
a) Infanticide
b) 2bortion
c) Murderous infanticide
d) 'arricide
2nna wants to co%%it suicide. Gose ga"e her
a drug M that is !nown to be lethal e"en if
only a drop is swallowedN such is enough to
instantly !ill 2nna. 2nna was then found
dead$ ha"ing in his hand the e%ptied bottle
=9) Ahat is the cri%e co%%itted by 2nna;
a) Co%%itting suicide
b) 2tte%pting to co%%it suicide
c) &one
d) 2 and *
==) Ahat is the cri%e co%%itted by Gose;
a) 2tte%pt to !ill 2nna
b) .i"ing assistance to suicide
c) Dilling 2nna
d) Murder
=>) Ahat is Gose has a long ti%e grudge
against 2nnaN that he deliberated upon his
thoughts and acts on how to induce 2nna to
ta!e in a lethal dose of drug$ e"en before
2nna had as!ed his help;
a) It %ay be ho%icide
b) It %ay be parricide
c) It %ay be %urder
d) It %ay be infanticide
==) Intentional abortion e%ploys "iolence
and intent to abort the fetus inside the
wo%b of the %other.
a) 8rue b) 3alse c) Maybe 3alse d) Maybe
=>) <nintentional abortion is one which uses
"iolence "oluntarily and intent to abort
the fetus inside the wo%b of the
a) 8rue b) 3alse c) Maybe 3alse d) Maybe
=?) 'hysical Inury can be classi#ed into
a) Serious$ /ess Slight$ Slight
b) Serious$ /ess Serious$ /ess Slight
c) Serious$ /ess Serious$ Slight
d) Serious$ /ess Slight$ Slight Serious
=@) In deter%ining the gra"ity of inury$ it is
i%portant to note that serious physical
inury can be per%anent or
a) 10@ days
b) 1B days
c) More than 1B days
d) /ess than 1B days but %ore than @
>B) Ahere will you categori+e an inury of 10@
a) Serious b) /ess Slight c) Slight Serious
d) Slight
>1) 8ina has blinded &ina in one #ght. &ina$
being a for%er bo-er upon one blow$
caused 8ina4s both eyes lost sight
a) /ess serious b) Serious
c) Slight /ess c) (ea"ily Serious
>,) &ina again in another instance$ and after
deliberating on her thoughts and acts$
caused Dante4s genital to be cut of.
8he cri%e is
a) Serious 'hysical Inury b)
b) /ess Serious 'hysical Inury d)
>1) Can a %an co%%it rape against a
a) Ees b) &o c) Maybe d) If she so
>6) Can a wo%an co%%it rape against
another wo%an;
a) Ees b) &o c) Maybe d) If she so desires
>9) Can a %an co%%it rape against another
a) Ees$ as in traditional rape
b) Ees$ as in se-ual assault
c) &o$ only against a wo%an
d) &o$ it is not possible
>=) 'aolo$ a %idwife and after his duty has
found a person lying along his way
ho%eN the person sustained %ortal wounds.
'aolo pretended not to see the person and
continued wal!ing. (e %ay be liable for
a) Snubbing a wounded "icti%
b) 2bandoning a person in danger
c) 2bandoning a wounded "icti% in
d) &o liabilityN scary
>>) It is the burning of trains$ buildings$
"essels$ airplane
a) Destructi"e 2rson b) *la+e
c) Malicious Mischief d) Destructi"e
>?) It the act of da%aging or causing
da%age to the property of another with
hatred or re"enge
a) Destructi"e 2rson b) *la+e
c) Malicious Mischief d) Destructi"e
Maya$ a %arried wo%an to /u!e$ co%%itted
in#delity against the latter. She had a dating
relationship in the person of Sir Chief who
was incidentally %arried to Sabel.
>@) Can you hold Maya liable for adultery;
a) &o b) Ees c) Maybe d) &ot sure
>?) Suppose you suspect the%$ Maya and Sir
Chief of ha"ing se-ual relationship$ and
PROFESSIOA! "RO#$% A& &E'E!OPME$ Pa)e 6 of 3
you chanced upon proof of their inti%acy$
can they be liable for adultery;
a) Ees$ both of the%
b) &o$ only Sir Chief
c) Ees$ but only Maya
d) &o liability
>@) If Maya$ being %arried$ has se-ual
relationship with Sir Chief$ un%arried
%an$ does not !now Maya4s ci"il status.
Ahich state%ent is true;
a) Sir Chief can use as his defense that he
has no !nowledge of Maya being
b) Maya can be liable only as to her acts
of in#delity
c) Sir Chief cannot escape liability for
d) Maya cannot be held liable since she
does not lo"e any%ore the for%er
husband that4s why she is e-e%pted
?B) Sir Chief co%%itted in#delity against her
wife Sabel. (e had been seeing and dating
Doris in public place$ as in %alls and
restaurants. Sabel #led a case for
concubinage. Is Sabel4s basis correct;
a) Ees b) &o c) Maybe d) &ot so sure
?1) Concubinage should be under three
circu%stances. 8he husband is 1)
!eeping a %istress in the conugal
dwelling$ ,) ha"ing se-ual intercourse
with his para%our in a scandalous
circu%stance$ 1) cohabiting with a
%istress in another place. <sing the
%entioned instance$ would you consider Sir
Chief liable for concubinage under the
scenario in question ?B;
a) Ees b) &o c) Maybe Ees d) Maybe &ot
Mario$ wealthy physician$ %arried Gosie a
%idwife in 1@@,. Subsequently they
separated on their own instance. In 1@@>$ he
again contracted a %arriage with Cufa.
<nder the law$ biga%y can be co%%itted
when a #rst "alid %arriage still e-ists$ the
husband or the wife contracts another
second %arriage with another personN the
#rst %arriage not ha"ing been dissol"ed and
the second %arriage is "alid in all
?,) Is Mario liable for biga%y;
a) Ees b) &o c) Maybe d) Maybe not
?1) Ahat if Mario %arried Cufa in (ong
Dong. Is he liable for biga%y;
a) &o$ biga%y is not punishable when
co%%itted outside the country
b) &o$ biga%y is not punishable since
Mario and Gosie ha"e already been
c) Ees$ the cri%inal laws e-tend o"erseas.
d) Ees$ being a wealthy physician does
enoy such pri"ilege of re%arrying another
?6) Ahen a wo%an pretends to be pregnant
and on the day of the supposed deli"ery
she ta!es a child of another as her own
is liable for;
a) Si%ulation of birth
b) Substitution of one child
c) Changing of legiti%ate status
d) 2bandoning a legiti%ate child
?9) It is the public and %alicious i%putation
of a cri%e$ "ice$ defect$ real or i%aginary
tending to dishonor$ discredit$ or
conte%ptN co%%itted through writing$
painting$ engra"ing$ radio$ printing$
cine%atographic e-hibition
a) Slander b) )ral defa%ation
c) /ibel d) )ral /ibel
?=) It is the lac! of foresight or de#ciency in
perceptionN a"oided by paying proper
a) Cec!less i%prudence
b) &egligence
c) Cri%inality
d) Si%ple )"erloo!
Situation 6: 3a%iliarity with the Midwifery
?>) 8he law which was repealed by the
'hilippine Midwifery 2ct of 1@@,
a) C2 ,=66 b) C2 ,=96 c) C2 ,=69 d) C2
??) 8he now go"erning and pre"ailing
Midwifery /aw of the 'hilippines
a) C2 >1?, b) C2 >1,, c) C2 >1@, d) C2
?@) 8he *oard of Midwifery shall be under
the direct super"ision of
a) 8he ):ce of the 'resident
b) 8he Chair%an of the 'CC
c) 8he 'rofessional Cegulation
d) 8he *oard of 'CC Inspectors
@B) 8he Chair%an and Me%bers of the *oard
shall be appointed by the
a) ):ce of the 'resident
b) 'resident
c) Chair%an of the 'CC
d) Chair%an of the *oard
@1) 8he no%inees to the positions of
Chair%an and Me%bers shall be
reco%%ended by the
a) 'CC b) 'resident
c) Chair%an d) *oard of &ursing
@,) If a Me%ber has the quali#cations$ but
still he %ay not be appointed due to his
a) Disquali#cation being a %e%ber of the
faculty of any school where a regular
course in %idwifery is taught
b) Iuali#cation being a %e%ber of the
faculty of any school where a regular
course in %idwifery is taught
c) &on0perfor%ance being a %e%ber of
the faculty of any school where a regular
course in %idwifery is taught
PROFESSIOA! "RO#$% A& &E'E!OPME$ Pa)e 7 of 3
d) I%%oral conduct being a %e%ber of
the faculty of any school where a
regular course in %idwifery is taught
@1) 8he School of Midwifery %ust bear this
twin requisite to operate
a) =B %aternity bedsN hospital a:liation
b) /ess than 9B %aternity bedsN lying0in
c) 2t least 9B %aternity bedsN hospital
d) More than =B %aternity bedsN hospital
@1) 8o qualify for the license$ candidate %ust
obtain a general rating of se"enty0#"e
percent OOO in the written test with no grade
lower than #fty percent OOO in any subect.
a) @B7>9 b) >=76@ c) >979B d) 1BB7?B
@6) 2na$ a hilot$ perfor%ed ga"e intra"enous
Huid during obstetrical ser"ice to Cina.
(a"ing learned of the situation$ you reali+ed
that being a hilot is
a) 2n encourage%ent to continue
professional %idwifery
b) 2n inhibition against unauthori+ed
practice of the profession
c) Included in the e-panded scope of the
%idwifery practice so that 2na cannot be
liable for any other consequences
d) 2n e-ploitation of the pregnant wo%an
@9) 8his principle allows foreign %idwi"es to
a"ail of the bene#ts of the Midwifery /aw
a) 3oreign Celations
b) 3oreign 2rbitration
c) 3oreign Ceciprocity
d) 3oreign Interdependence
@=) 8he pay%ent of dues of the applicant
whose registration and certi#cate was
re"o!ed %ay get a copy of such$ and
%ay be e-e%pted fro%
a) 8a!ing the oath
b) Cri%inal liability
c) 8a!ing another e-a%ination
d) 'assing the subect
@>) Cina appended the post0no%inal CM to
her na%e upon !nowing that she passed
the licensure e-a%ination 2pril ,?
,B11. )n May 6$ she procured a large
tarpaulin displayed it and ad"ertised
her ser"ices for those who are interested.
8he confer%ent of the title was scheduled ,
%onths after.
a) 8he act is punishable under the law
b) 8he act is an e-a%ple of o"er oy
c) 8he act is allowed under the law
d) 8he act is one that is a celebration
@?) )nly after when are you allowed to
append the post0no%inal CM to your na%e;
a) 2fter passing the course
b) 2fter passing the licensure e-a%ination
c) 2fter confer%ent of the title
d) 2fter ad"ertising the ser"ices to the
@@) 8he %ini%u% allowable ratio of clinical
instructor to students in the hospital and in
the co%%unity is
a) 1,: 1 b) 1:1, c) =:1, d) =:19
1BB) 8he %ini%u% age require%ent for the
Me%ber and that of the e-a%inee is
a) 6B71> b) 1B71> c) 1B71? d) 6B71?

Situation 9: 3a%iliarity with Celated /aws
1B1) 8he Mil! Code of the 'hilippines
a) 5) 91 b) 'D 91 c) C2 91 d) C2 91
1B,) 'residential Decree 66,
a) /abor Code b) Sanitation Code
c) 5thics Code d) .arbage Disposal
1B1) 3a%ily Code of the 'hilippines
a) 5) ,B@ b) 'D ,B@ c) 5) 66, d) 'D =>1
1B6) *asic I%%uni+ation /aw
a) 'D @@9 b) 'D @@> c) 'D @@= c) 'D ??=
1B9) 'residential Decree =91
a) *irth and Death Cegistration /aw
b) .arbage Disposal
c) *asic I%%uni+ation
d) 'hilippines Aater 2ct
1B=) 'residential Decree ?9=
a) .arbage Disposal
b) Sanitation Code
c) Solid Aaste Manage%ent /aw
d) Clean 2ir 2ct
1B>) 8he old 'CC /aw
a) 'D ,,1 b) C2 ?@?1 c) C2 >1@, d) C2
1B?) 8he 'CC Moderni+ation 2ct
a) 'D ,,1 b) C2 ?@?1 c) C2 >1@, d) C2
1B@) Child and Eouth Aelfare Code
a) 'D =B9 b) 'D 9B1 c) 'D =B1 d) 'D 9B9
11B) 2nti0Kiolence against Ao%en and their
a) C2 @,=1 b) C2 @,=, c) C2 @1=, d) C2
111) Midwifery Aee!
a) 'roc 1,>9 b) 'roc 1>,9 c) 'roc 19,> d)
'roc 1,9>
11,) Cepublic 2ct 1B?B
a) Ci"il Status 5ligibility b) Ci"il 2"iation
c) Ci"il Ser"ice 5ligibility d) Ci"il &ation
111) Cepublic 2ct @1=9
a) Dangerous Drugs 2ct b) .eneric
&a%e4s 2ct
b) (ospital /icensure d) I%%uni+ation
116) Cepublic 2ct =>11
a) Code of Conduct and 5thical Standards
for 'ublic ):cers and 5%ployees
b) Code of Conduct and 5thical Standards
for 'ublic Midwi"es
c) Code of Conduct and 5thical Standards
for 'ri"ate Midwi"es
d) Code of Conduct and 5thical Standards
for 'ri"ate ):cers
119) 8he 2ge of Maority /aw
PROFESSIOA! "RO#$% A& &E'E!OPME$ Pa)e 8 of 3
a) C2 =@=@ b) C2 =?B@ c) C2 =@B@ d) C2
11=) 8o-ic Aaste and Substances 2ct
a) C2 =@=@ b) C2 =?B@ c) C2 =@B@ d) C2
11>) Coo%ing0in and *reastfeeding 2ct
a) C2 >=1B b) C2 >=BB c) C2 >=,@ d) C2
11?) Magna Carta for Disabled 'ersons
a) C2 >,>> b) C2 >=1B c) C2 >=,@ d) C2
11@) Cepublic 2ct >1=B
a) City (ealth Code b) /ocal 2utono%y
c) Sanitation Code c) 5lection Code
1,B) Cepublic 2ct >1B9
a) MC for 'ublic 5%ployees
b) MC for 'ublic /aborers
c) MC for 'ublic (ealth Aor!ers
d) MC for *arangay (ealth Aor!ers
1,1) Cepublic 2ct 1B196
a) Ceproducti"e (ealth *ill b)
Ceproducti"e C( /aw
c) Ceproducti"e (ealth 2ct d)
Ceproducti"e /aw
Situation =: 3a%iliarity with 'rofessional
1,,) 8he "ery #rst %idwifery association in
the 'hilippines is the:
a) Integrated Midwi"es 2ssociation in the
b) &ational 3ederation of 3ilipino Midwi"es
c) 8he 'hilippine Midwi"es 2ssociation
d) International Con"ention of Midwi"es
1,1) 2 chapter of IM2' %ust ha"e at least
how %any %e%bers to be recogni+ed as
a) 8en %e%bers
b) 8wenty #"e %e%bers
c) 3ifty %e%bers
d) Se"enty %e%bers
1,6) In order to beco%e a %e%ber of the
board of directors of IM2'$ a candidate
a) *e an acti"e %e%ber for three years
b) *e an acti"e %e%ber for the past two
c) Must be practicing a profession in
health related #eld
d) Must be a practicing obstetrician for 1B
1,9) 2n a:liate %e%ber has:
a) Koting pri"ileges
b) (as no "oting pri"ileges
c) (as "oting pri"ileges e"ery 1 years
d) (as "oting pri"ileges after she has
been a %e%ber for two years
1,=) 2 school of %idwifery can beco%e a
%e%ber of:
a) IM2' b) 2'S)M
c) ICM d) &33M
1,>) 8he ter% of o:ce of *oard Directors of
IM2' is:
a) 1 year b) , years c) 1 years d) 6 years
1,?) 2 nurse0%idwife can beco%e %e%ber
of IM2' as:
a) 2cti"e %e%ber b) 2:liate
c) 2ssociate Me%ber d) 'assi"e %e%ber
1,@) 8he e%ble% of IM2' is:
a) 2 %other and child in laurel lea"es
b) 2 breastfeeding %other in laurel lea"es
c) 2 pregnant %other in laurel lea"es
d) 2 %idwife and child in laurel lea"es
11B) 2n honorary %e%ber is:
a) 2 person who ha"e contributed %uch
to the uplift%ent of %idwifery
b) 2 nurse0%idwife
c) 2ny professional who wishes to beco%e
a %e%ber of IM2'
d) 2n obstetrician or for%er %e%ber of
the *oard of Midwifery
111) 8he international association of national
organi+ation of %idwi"es fro% diferent
countries is the:
a) ICM b) IM2' c) I2M d) &33M
11,) 8he %idwifery wee! is celebrated e"ery:
a) 6th wee! of Dece%ber
b) 1rd wee! of )ctober
c) 1st wee! of &o"e%ber
d) ,nd wee! of Gune
111) Self0reliance is a%ong the philosophy of
IM2'. It %eans to say that:
a) 8he i%pro"e%ent of %idwifery as a
profession will co%e pri%arily fro% our
resources and eforts
b) 8he growth and de"elop%ent of
%idwifery profession %ust be reHecti"e on
endea"ors that are truly hu%an rather
than purely %aterialistic pursuits
c) Midwifery %ust re%ain congruent with
changes in better health care deli"ery
and %ust be responsi"e to the country4s
d) 8he IM2'$ Inc. %ust try to bring all
those in"ol"ed in %idwifery into a truly
hu%an co%%unity
116) 8alents and resources %ust be shared
by indi"iduals a%ong educators$
trainers$ between go"ern%ent and
co%%unity and a%ong groups. 8his
pertains to the philosophy of:
a) (o%ini+ation b) Cesponsi"e
c) Sociali+ation d) Sharing
119) 2 graduate registered %idwife can be:
a) 2:liate %e%ber
b) 2ssociate %e%ber
c) 2cti"e %e%ber
d) (onorary %e%ber
11=) 2t present the national organi+ation of
%idwi"es accredited by 'CC is:
PROFESSIOA! "RO#$% A& &E'E!OPME$ Pa)e 3 of 3
a) IM2' b) 2'S)M c) &33M d) ICM
Situation >: 3a%iliarity with Succession and
11>) 2cting as a witness in %a!ing of the will
of a patient is:
a) 2n ethical obligation of a %idwife
b) Koluntary act of a %idwife
c) 2 duty of a %idwife
d) 2 legal responsibility of a %idwife
11?) 3or a testator to be quali#ed to %a!e a
will$ he %ust:
a) *e of good health
b) *e in his death bed
c) *e able to understand what he wants to
d) *e able to sign a testa%ent
11@) If a %idwife has custody of the will of
her patient$ she %ust deli"er it to the court
or the
appointed ad%inistrator within:
a) ,B days b) 1B days c) 69 days d) 1
16B) 8he procedure by which the court
deter%ines whether a will should be
allowed of
disallowed is called a:
a) 5scheat b) 'robate c) Intestate d)
161) 8he following cannot be a witness to a
a) 2 %idwife b) 2 relati"e of a patient
c) *lind person d) 2 person who only
!nows how
to read and write
16,) Ahen the property of a person who did
not left a will beco%es the property of the
State$ it is called:
a) Intestate b) 5scheat c) Cheating d)
161) 'ersons disquali#ed as heir include the
following e-cept:
a) Midwife who last too! care of the
b) 'riest con#dante of the patient who
ga"e the last confession
c) *est friend of the patient
d) 8he patient4s physician
166) 8he person who %a!es a will is called a:
a) Intestate b) 8estator c) 'laintif d)
Situation ?: 3a%iliarity with Celationships
169) 8he 3unda%ental /aw which prohibits
"iolation of the right and pri"acy of
co%%unication is
a) 8he Ce"ised 'enal Code
b) 8he Cybercri%e /aw
c) 8he 1@?> Constitution
d) 8he C( /aw
16=) 2n illegiti%ate child %ay use the
surna%e of his father
a) 2lways b) Ahen ac!nowledged
by the father
c) &e"er d) Ahen bapti+ed in the church
16>) 8he %other of the dead fetus of less
than > %onths %ay register the sa%e
in the ci"il registry under the *irth and
Death Cegistration /aw
a) 2lways b) &e"er c) &ot Sure d) It
16?) 'ersons aspiring to get %arried %ust
a) )f wealthy status
b) )f any age
c) )f the sa%e descent within the #rst
ci"il degree
d) 2 %an and a wo%an
16@) 8he Marriage /aw allows wo%an to
wo%an and %an to %an %arriages
a) 2lways b) )nly now c) &o d) In certain
19B) 8he /aw %andates that night
diferential rates should be gi"en when the
wor! shift is
a) ?a% to 9a% b) ?p% to =a%
b) 1Bp% to >p%d) 1Bp% to =a%
191) In a regular holiday$ an e%ployee is
entitled to recei"e
a) Cegular daily pay plus additional 1BBF
b) )"erti%e pay of 1BF plus regular daily
c) Cegular daily pay plus 1BBF plus 1BF
d) (ourly o"erti%e pay plus 1BF
19,) 2 contract is the %eeting of the %inds
which binds the persons to the obligation.
a) &o b) It depends$ it should be in
c) Ees d) Maybe not
191) 8he contract should not be contrary to
law$ %orals$ good custo%s$ public order or
public policy
a) &o b) It depends$ it should be in
c) Ees d) Maybe not
196) 8he contract can either be oral or in
a) &o b) It depends$ it should be in
c) Ees d) Maybe not
199) 8he contract should be notari+ed
a) It depends b) 2lways
c) &e"er d) &ot sure

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