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1. Reporter
2. Field Processor
3. Supports Scripting
4. Programming Constructs
5. Defaults delimiter is whitespace (space or tab)
6. Supports: pipes, Files, and STDIN as sources of input

awk 'instructions' file(s)
awk '/pattern/{ procedure }' file
awk -f script_file file(s)

Note: $0 represents the current record or row
1. Print entire row at a time, from an input file (example.txt)
a. awk '{ print $0 }' example.txt or awk '{ print }' example.txt
2. Print specific columnn from example.txt
a. awk '{ print $1 }' example.txt - this prints first columns
3. Print multiple columns from example.txt
a. awk '{ print $1,$2 }' first print 1st column then 2nd column(same line)
b. awk '{ print $2,$1 }' first print 2nd column then 1st column(same line)
c. awk '{print $1; print $2 }' first print 1st column then 2nd column
(separate lines)
4. Print columns from lines containing king
a. awk '/king/{ print $0 }' example.txt
5. Print columns from lines containing numbers
a. awk '/[0-9]/{ print $0 }' example.txt
6. Removing blank lines with sed and pipe output to awk for processing
a. sed -e '/^$/d' example.txt | awk '/^[0-9]*$/{ print $0 }'
7. Print Blank lines
a. awk '/^$/{ print }' example.txt or
b. awk '/^$/{print $0 }' example.txt
8. Print all lines having king/KING/King (case insensitive)
a. awk '/dog/I{ print }' example.txt

### Delimiters ###
Default delimiter: whitespace (space,tabs)
For Changing it user -F

1. Parse /etc/passwd using awk
a. awk -F: '{print $3,$1}' /etc/passwd -- prints uid followed by username
2. Support for character classes in setting the default delimiter
a. awk -F"[:;,.\t]" -- defining range of delimiter

### Awk Script ###
1. Ability to organize patterns and procedures into a script file
2. The patterns/procedures are much neater and easier to read
3. Less information is placed on the command-line
4. By default, loops through lines of input from vafious sources STDIN,
Pipe, files
5. # mark is the default comment charecter

Awk Scripts contains of 3 parts:
1. Before (denoted using: BEGIN) - Executed prior to FIRST line of input
being read
2. During (main Awk loop) - Focuses on looping through lines of input
3. After (denoted using: END) - Executed after the LAST line of input has
been processed
Note: BEGIN and END components af Awk scripts are optional

1. Print some useful information using awk insteed echo
a. awk 'BEGIN { print "Testing Awk without input file,pipe or STDIN" }'
b. awk 'BEGIN { FS = ":" print FS}'
c. awk 'BEGIN { FS = ":"; print "New Field Separator is"; print FS; }'

2. Creating separate script file which will contain all 3 parts of awk
vim awk_script
# This script parses document for items containing deer
#Componet 1 - BEGIN
BEGIN { print "Begin Processing of various records" }
#Component 2 - Main Loop
/dea r/{print} ## Only print those line which contain deer
# Component 3 - END
END { print "Process Complete" }

3. parse ur awk asript file fith script file
a. awk -f awk_script example.txt

4. Parse /etc/passwd
a. print entire line
awk -F: '{ print }' /etc/passwd
{ print }
b. print specific cloumns
awk -F: '{ print $3,$1 }' /etc/passwd
{ print $3,$1 }
c. print specific column of specific users
awk -F: '/root/{ print $3,$1}' /etc/passwd
/root/{ print $3,$1}
d. print specific column of specific users matching a given column $1
awk -F: '$1 ~ /root/ { print $3,$1 }' /etc/passwd
$1 ~ /root/ { print $3,$1 }
e. print only those user info who can login
awk -F: '$7 ~ /root/ { print }' /etc/passwd
$7 ~ /root/ { print }

### Awk Varibles ##
Features 3 Types of Variables
1. System Variables -i.e. FILENAME, RS(record separator), ORS(Output
record sepatater)
2. Scalars - i.e. a = 3
3. Arrays - i.e. variable_name[n]

Note : Variable do not need to be declared. Awk, automatically registers
them in memory
Note : variable name are case sentive
System Variable:
1. FILENAME - name of the current input file
2. FNR - used when multiple input files are used
3. FS - field separater - default to whitespace - can be a single charecter,
including via RegEx
4. OFS - output field separator - default is whitspace
5. NF - number of fields in the current record
6. NR - current record number(it is autosumed when referenced in END
7. RS - record separator - default to newline
8. ORS - output record separator - default to newline
9. ARGV - array of comman line arguments - indexed at 0, begins with $1
10. ARGC - total no to command line arguments
11. ENVIRON - array of enviroment variables for the current user

1. print key system variables
a. print FILENAME --- which will print filename which is parsed
Lets modify our awk_script file
# vim awk_script
This script parses document for items containing deer

#Componet 1 - BEGIN
BEGIN { print "Begin Processing of various records" }
#Component 2 - Main Loop
/root/{print $1$7} ## Only print those line which contain deer
# Component 3 - END
END { print "Process Complete"
print "Filename:" FILENAME}
$ awk -f awk_script /etc/passwd
Begin Processing of various records
Process Complete
Filename:/etc/passwd ### it has printed file name in the END section

1. Lets print different awk variables
a. Lets print number of fields per record (NF)
#Component 2 - Main Loop
{print $1,$7,NF} ## it also print no of field per record
b. Lets print record number (NR)
#Component 2 - Main Loop
{print RN,$1,$7,NF} ## it print record no and also print no of field per
c. Print ARGC which keeps number of argument pased it should not be
includend in BEGIN or MAin Loop section
# Component 3 - END
END { print "Process Complete"
print "Filename:" FILENAME
print ARGC}

#### Scalar Variables #########
1. Always has to be set in BEGIN section
variable = value
#Componet 1 - BEGIN
BEGIN { FS = ":" ; age = 50 ; print "Begin Processing of various records"
2. We can can call it or increment it from Main loop section
#Component 2 - Main Loop
/root/{print NR, $1, $7, NF } ## Only print those line which contain root
{ print "Age is: "age }
{ ++age }

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