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September 2008
In the beginning, God created Adam. Adam wa a man. God too! d"t #rom the
gro"nd and created the $rt man. %e ca&&ed him Adam. Adam mean 'red earth'
Adam wa a&one. (o #riend. %e wa p&a)ing with on&) anima& &i!e heep, cow,
&ion, bear and bird &i!e do*e, parrow, parrot and the &i!e.
God wanted to gi*e a #riend +companion, to Adam. God made Adam to &eep.
Adam had *er) deep &eep. God too! one o# Adam' rib and God made a woman
o"t o# that rib. God ca&&ed that woman. She wa named E*e. Adam and E*e
became #riend. -he) were p&a)ing together. God made a *er) bea"ti#"& garden
and ca&&ed it, 'Eden'. Adam and E*e &i*ed in that Garden. -here were .o"r ri*er in
the garden.
A&& the anima& and bird became their #riend. -he) were p&a)ing e*er) da) and
&eeping in the night. Adam ga*e name to a&& the anima&, bird, $h and other
creation &i!e p&ant, tree, /ower and a&& &i*ing and non0&i*ing thing o# in the
God ga*e a"thorit) to Adam to r"&e o*er a&& the creation. -here wa one pecia&
tree in the garden o# Eden. -hat i 1 -ree o# !now&edge1. 2n&) one thing God
commanded Adam wa not to eat that #r"it.
2ne da), the Satan came and tempted E*e to eat that #r"it. E*e &itened to Satan'
ad*ie. E*e ate that #r"it and a&o ga*e to Adam. Adam a&o ate that #r"it. 3oth
Adam and E*e !now that it i a #orbidden #r"it. God c&ear&) to&d them not to eat.
3"t Adam and E*e diobe)ed God and &itened to bad ad*ie o# Satan. -here#ore,
God wa not happ) and a!ed Adam and E*e to go o"t o# the garden o# Eden. -he)
came o"t and tarted &i*ing on the Eat ide o# Eden.
6art 1. -he #ami&) o# Moe
-here &i*ed Amram and hi wi#e, 7oche bed in the &and o# Eg)pt
-hi wa abo"t 1800 )ear 39.
-he) had 2ne da"ghter, Miriam and Aaron.
4ater Moe wa born
6art 2: Danger to Irae&ite
-he n"mber o# Irae& men wa increaing.

September 2008
In the beginning, God created Adam. Adam wa a man. God too! d"t #rom the
gro"nd and created the $rt man. %e ca&&ed him Adam. Adam mean 'red earth'
Adam wa a&one. (o #riend. %e wa p&a)ing with on&) anima& &i!e heep, cow,
&ion, bear and bird &i!e do*e, parrow, parrot and the &i!e.
God wanted to gi*e a #riend +companion, to Adam. God made Adam to &eep.
Adam had *er) deep &eep. God too! one o# Adam' rib and God made a woman
o"t o# that rib. God ca&&ed that woman. She wa named E*e. Adam and E*e
became #riend. -he) were p&a)ing together. God made a *er) bea"ti#"& garden
and ca&&ed it, 'Eden'. Adam and E*e &i*ed in that Garden. -here were .o"r ri*er in
the garden.
A&& the anima& and bird became their #riend. -he) were p&a)ing e*er) da) and
&eeping in the night. Adam ga*e name to a&& the anima&, bird, $h and other
creation &i!e p&ant, tree, /ower and a&& &i*ing and non0&i*ing thing o# in the
God ga*e a"thorit) to Adam to r"&e o*er a&& the creation. -here wa one pecia&
tree in the garden o# Eden. -hat i 1 -ree o# !now&edge1. 2n&) one thing God
commanded Adam wa not to eat that #r"it.
2ne da), the Satan came and tempted E*e to eat that #r"it. E*e &itened to Satan'
ad*ie. E*e ate that #r"it and a&o ga*e to Adam. Adam a&o ate that #r"it. 3oth
Adam and E*e !now that it i a #orbidden #r"it. God c&ear&) to&d them not to eat.
3"t Adam and E*e diobe)ed God and &itened to bad ad*ie o# Satan. -here#ore,
God wa not happ) and a!ed Adam and E*e to go o"t o# the garden o# Eden. -he)
came o"t and tarted &i*ing on the Eat ide o# Eden.
;ing o# Eg)pt, the 6haraoh tho"ght that Irae& wo"&d become a tronger.
So he wanted to !i&& e*er) ma&e bab)
Moe< mother wa ad, beca"e Moe wa a ma&& bab)
She wanted to !eep him a#e
She too! him in a ma&& ba!et and &ow&) p"t it on the water o# (i&e ri*er
6art =: Moe i a*ed
-he da"ghter o# 6haraoh came to the ri*er (i&e
She aw the ba!et /oating
She wanted to ee what i in the ba!et

September 2008
In the beginning, God created Adam. Adam wa a man. God too! d"t #rom the
gro"nd and created the $rt man. %e ca&&ed him Adam. Adam mean 'red earth'
Adam wa a&one. (o #riend. %e wa p&a)ing with on&) anima& &i!e heep, cow,
&ion, bear and bird &i!e do*e, parrow, parrot and the &i!e.
God wanted to gi*e a #riend +companion, to Adam. God made Adam to &eep.
Adam had *er) deep &eep. God too! one o# Adam' rib and God made a woman
o"t o# that rib. God ca&&ed that woman. She wa named E*e. Adam and E*e
became #riend. -he) were p&a)ing together. God made a *er) bea"ti#"& garden
and ca&&ed it, 'Eden'. Adam and E*e &i*ed in that Garden. -here were .o"r ri*er in
the garden.
A&& the anima& and bird became their #riend. -he) were p&a)ing e*er) da) and
&eeping in the night. Adam ga*e name to a&& the anima&, bird, $h and other
creation &i!e p&ant, tree, /ower and a&& &i*ing and non0&i*ing thing o# in the
God ga*e a"thorit) to Adam to r"&e o*er a&& the creation. -here wa one pecia&
tree in the garden o# Eden. -hat i 1 -ree o# !now&edge1. 2n&) one thing God
commanded Adam wa not to eat that #r"it.
2ne da), the Satan came and tempted E*e to eat that #r"it. E*e &itened to Satan'
ad*ie. E*e ate that #r"it and a&o ga*e to Adam. Adam a&o ate that #r"it. 3oth
Adam and E*e !now that it i a #orbidden #r"it. God c&ear&) to&d them not to eat.
3"t Adam and E*e diobe)ed God and &itened to bad ad*ie o# Satan. -here#ore,
God wa not happ) and a!ed Adam and E*e to go o"t o# the garden o# Eden. -he)
came o"t and tarted &i*ing on the Eat ide o# Eden.
She got it and opened
She wa *er) happ) to ee the &itt&e bab)
She ga*e a name to that bab)
-he name i Moe.
Moe mean, 1ta!en o"t o# water1
Moe wa ta!en to 5o)a& pa&ace
Moe &earnt man) !i&& &i!e $ghting with word, pear, >"do, !arate.
%e &earnt pea!ing &ang"age
%e wa the 9ommander o# the war againt Ethiopia
%e won the war
%e wa hono"red b) 6haraoh

September 2008
In the beginning, God created Adam. Adam wa a man. God too! d"t #rom the
gro"nd and created the $rt man. %e ca&&ed him Adam. Adam mean 'red earth'
Adam wa a&one. (o #riend. %e wa p&a)ing with on&) anima& &i!e heep, cow,
&ion, bear and bird &i!e do*e, parrow, parrot and the &i!e.
God wanted to gi*e a #riend +companion, to Adam. God made Adam to &eep.
Adam had *er) deep &eep. God too! one o# Adam' rib and God made a woman
o"t o# that rib. God ca&&ed that woman. She wa named E*e. Adam and E*e
became #riend. -he) were p&a)ing together. God made a *er) bea"ti#"& garden
and ca&&ed it, 'Eden'. Adam and E*e &i*ed in that Garden. -here were .o"r ri*er in
the garden.
A&& the anima& and bird became their #riend. -he) were p&a)ing e*er) da) and
&eeping in the night. Adam ga*e name to a&& the anima&, bird, $h and other
creation &i!e p&ant, tree, /ower and a&& &i*ing and non0&i*ing thing o# in the
God ga*e a"thorit) to Adam to r"&e o*er a&& the creation. -here wa one pecia&
tree in the garden o# Eden. -hat i 1 -ree o# !now&edge1. 2n&) one thing God
commanded Adam wa not to eat that #r"it.
2ne da), the Satan came and tempted E*e to eat that #r"it. E*e &itened to Satan'
ad*ie. E*e ate that #r"it and a&o ga*e to Adam. Adam a&o ate that #r"it. 3oth
Adam and E*e !now that it i a #orbidden #r"it. God c&ear&) to&d them not to eat.
3"t Adam and E*e diobe)ed God and &itened to bad ad*ie o# Satan. -here#ore,
God wa not happ) and a!ed Adam and E*e to go o"t o# the garden o# Eden. -he)
came o"t and tarted &i*ing on the Eat ide o# Eden.
Moe became *er) great man in Eg)pt
6art ?: Moe goe bac! to the co"ntr) o# Irae&
A#ter ometime, Moe "ndertand that he i an Irae&ite and not an Eg)ptian
%e aw the "@ering o# hi own peop&e, Irae&ite
%e wanted to he&p them.
%e wa a#raid o# 6haraoh, to he&p Irae&ite.
%e went awa), bac! to the co"ntr) o# Irae&A
6art 8. God ma!e Moe the &eader o# Irae&

September 2008
In the beginning, God created Adam. Adam wa a man. God too! d"t #rom the
gro"nd and created the $rt man. %e ca&&ed him Adam. Adam mean 'red earth'
Adam wa a&one. (o #riend. %e wa p&a)ing with on&) anima& &i!e heep, cow,
&ion, bear and bird &i!e do*e, parrow, parrot and the &i!e.
God wanted to gi*e a #riend +companion, to Adam. God made Adam to &eep.
Adam had *er) deep &eep. God too! one o# Adam' rib and God made a woman
o"t o# that rib. God ca&&ed that woman. She wa named E*e. Adam and E*e
became #riend. -he) were p&a)ing together. God made a *er) bea"ti#"& garden
and ca&&ed it, 'Eden'. Adam and E*e &i*ed in that Garden. -here were .o"r ri*er in
the garden.
A&& the anima& and bird became their #riend. -he) were p&a)ing e*er) da) and
&eeping in the night. Adam ga*e name to a&& the anima&, bird, $h and other
creation &i!e p&ant, tree, /ower and a&& &i*ing and non0&i*ing thing o# in the
God ga*e a"thorit) to Adam to r"&e o*er a&& the creation. -here wa one pecia&
tree in the garden o# Eden. -hat i 1 -ree o# !now&edge1. 2n&) one thing God
commanded Adam wa not to eat that #r"it.
2ne da), the Satan came and tempted E*e to eat that #r"it. E*e &itened to Satan'
ad*ie. E*e ate that #r"it and a&o ga*e to Adam. Adam a&o ate that #r"it. 3oth
Adam and E*e !now that it i a #orbidden #r"it. God c&ear&) to&d them not to eat.
3"t Adam and E*e diobe)ed God and &itened to bad ad*ie o# Satan. -here#ore,
God wa not happ) and a!ed Adam and E*e to go o"t o# the garden o# Eden. -he)
came o"t and tarted &i*ing on the Eat ide o# Eden.
2ne da), God appeared to Moe.
God aid that peop&e o# Irae& are pra)ing #or he&p
-he) are "@ering in Eg)pt
God wanted Moe to &ead them bac! to Irae&, #rom Eg)pt
Moe got co"rage to go bac! to Eg)pt
%e wa prepared to bring the Irae&ite bac! to Irae&
Moe met the 6haroah and a!ed permiion #or the Irae&ite to go to the 9o"ntr)
o# Irae&
6haroah wa not happ), beca"e there wi&& be no one to wor!, i# Irae&ite go awa)

September 2008
In the beginning, God created Adam. Adam wa a man. God too! d"t #rom the
gro"nd and created the $rt man. %e ca&&ed him Adam. Adam mean 'red earth'
Adam wa a&one. (o #riend. %e wa p&a)ing with on&) anima& &i!e heep, cow,
&ion, bear and bird &i!e do*e, parrow, parrot and the &i!e.
God wanted to gi*e a #riend +companion, to Adam. God made Adam to &eep.
Adam had *er) deep &eep. God too! one o# Adam' rib and God made a woman
o"t o# that rib. God ca&&ed that woman. She wa named E*e. Adam and E*e
became #riend. -he) were p&a)ing together. God made a *er) bea"ti#"& garden
and ca&&ed it, 'Eden'. Adam and E*e &i*ed in that Garden. -here were .o"r ri*er in
the garden.
A&& the anima& and bird became their #riend. -he) were p&a)ing e*er) da) and
&eeping in the night. Adam ga*e name to a&& the anima&, bird, $h and other
creation &i!e p&ant, tree, /ower and a&& &i*ing and non0&i*ing thing o# in the
God ga*e a"thorit) to Adam to r"&e o*er a&& the creation. -here wa one pecia&
tree in the garden o# Eden. -hat i 1 -ree o# !now&edge1. 2n&) one thing God
commanded Adam wa not to eat that #r"it.
2ne da), the Satan came and tempted E*e to eat that #r"it. E*e &itened to Satan'
ad*ie. E*e ate that #r"it and a&o ga*e to Adam. Adam a&o ate that #r"it. 3oth
Adam and E*e !now that it i a #orbidden #r"it. God c&ear&) to&d them not to eat.
3"t Adam and E*e diobe)ed God and &itened to bad ad*ie o# Satan. -here#ore,
God wa not happ) and a!ed Adam and E*e to go o"t o# the garden o# Eden. -he)
came o"t and tarted &i*ing on the Eat ide o# Eden.
6art B: -he -en mirac&e +-en p&ag"e,:
6haroah re#"ed to gi*e permiion to Moe, to ta!e the peop&e o# Irae&'
God howed %i power to 6haroah and the peop&e o# Eg)pt.
God empowered Moe to do mirac&e to be&ie*e the power o# God.
Moe per#ormed -en mirac&e:
Samp&e: Aaron' Sta@ 3ecome a Sna!e..
1. -he Cater -"rn into 3&ood
2. .rog
=. Gnat
?. .&ie
8. Eg)ptian' &i*e toc! die

September 2008
In the beginning, God created Adam. Adam wa a man. God too! d"t #rom the
gro"nd and created the $rt man. %e ca&&ed him Adam. Adam mean 'red earth'
Adam wa a&one. (o #riend. %e wa p&a)ing with on&) anima& &i!e heep, cow,
&ion, bear and bird &i!e do*e, parrow, parrot and the &i!e.
God wanted to gi*e a #riend +companion, to Adam. God made Adam to &eep.
Adam had *er) deep &eep. God too! one o# Adam' rib and God made a woman
o"t o# that rib. God ca&&ed that woman. She wa named E*e. Adam and E*e
became #riend. -he) were p&a)ing together. God made a *er) bea"ti#"& garden
and ca&&ed it, 'Eden'. Adam and E*e &i*ed in that Garden. -here were .o"r ri*er in
the garden.
A&& the anima& and bird became their #riend. -he) were p&a)ing e*er) da) and
&eeping in the night. Adam ga*e name to a&& the anima&, bird, $h and other
creation &i!e p&ant, tree, /ower and a&& &i*ing and non0&i*ing thing o# in the
God ga*e a"thorit) to Adam to r"&e o*er a&& the creation. -here wa one pecia&
tree in the garden o# Eden. -hat i 1 -ree o# !now&edge1. 2n&) one thing God
commanded Adam wa not to eat that #r"it.
2ne da), the Satan came and tempted E*e to eat that #r"it. E*e &itened to Satan'
ad*ie. E*e ate that #r"it and a&o ga*e to Adam. Adam a&o ate that #r"it. 3oth
Adam and E*e !now that it i a #orbidden #r"it. God c&ear&) to&d them not to eat.
3"t Adam and E*e diobe)ed God and &itened to bad ad*ie o# Satan. -here#ore,
God wa not happ) and a!ed Adam and E*e to go o"t o# the garden o# Eden. -he)
came o"t and tarted &i*ing on the Eat ide o# Eden.
B. 3oi&
D. %ai&
8. Grah!opper
9. Dar!ne o*er Eg)pt
10. -he $rt born o# Eg)ptian die
6haroah wa a#raid o# the God o# Irae&.
.ina&&), with the &at mirac&e 6haroah wanted a&& the Irae&ite to go awa) to Irae&,
4i!e thi, Moe de&i*ered the Irae&ite #rom the hand o# 6haroah and the

September 2008
In the beginning, God created Adam. Adam wa a man. God too! d"t #rom the
gro"nd and created the $rt man. %e ca&&ed him Adam. Adam mean 'red earth'
Adam wa a&one. (o #riend. %e wa p&a)ing with on&) anima& &i!e heep, cow,
&ion, bear and bird &i!e do*e, parrow, parrot and the &i!e.
God wanted to gi*e a #riend +companion, to Adam. God made Adam to &eep.
Adam had *er) deep &eep. God too! one o# Adam' rib and God made a woman
o"t o# that rib. God ca&&ed that woman. She wa named E*e. Adam and E*e
became #riend. -he) were p&a)ing together. God made a *er) bea"ti#"& garden
and ca&&ed it, 'Eden'. Adam and E*e &i*ed in that Garden. -here were .o"r ri*er in
the garden.
A&& the anima& and bird became their #riend. -he) were p&a)ing e*er) da) and
&eeping in the night. Adam ga*e name to a&& the anima&, bird, $h and other
creation &i!e p&ant, tree, /ower and a&& &i*ing and non0&i*ing thing o# in the
God ga*e a"thorit) to Adam to r"&e o*er a&& the creation. -here wa one pecia&
tree in the garden o# Eden. -hat i 1 -ree o# !now&edge1. 2n&) one thing God
commanded Adam wa not to eat that #r"it.
2ne da), the Satan came and tempted E*e to eat that #r"it. E*e &itened to Satan'
ad*ie. E*e ate that #r"it and a&o ga*e to Adam. Adam a&o ate that #r"it. 3oth
Adam and E*e !now that it i a #orbidden #r"it. God c&ear&) to&d them not to eat.
3"t Adam and E*e diobe)ed God and &itened to bad ad*ie o# Satan. -here#ore,
God wa not happ) and a!ed Adam and E*e to go o"t o# the garden o# Eden. -he)
came o"t and tarted &i*ing on the Eat ide o# Eden.
6raie the 4ord.

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