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\deftab1298 \paperw11907 \paperh16443 \margl1701 \margr1701 \margt567 \margb1134
{\header \pard \qc \sa180 {\fs24 \f1 Publications for Ian Young}
\par }
\cols2 \colsx567
\pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b Publications for Ian Young}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2013}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2013). "Loose" Language in 1QIs
aa. In Shani Tzoref, Ian Young (Eds.), \i Keter Shem Tov: Essays on the Dead Se
a Scrolls in Memory of Alan Crown\i0 , (pp. 89-112). Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Pre
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Tzoref, S., Young, I. (2013). Introduction
. In Shani Tzoref, Ian Young (Eds.), \i Keter Shem Tov: Essays on the Dead Sea
Scrolls in Memory of Alan Crown\i0 , (pp. 1-8). Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Tzoref, S., Young, I. (2013). \i Keter She
m Tov: Essays on the Dead Sea Scrolls in Memory of Alan Crown\i0 . Piscataway, N
J: Gorgias Press.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2013). Patterns of Linguistic F
orms in the Masoretic Text: The Preposition M "From". In James K. Aitken, Jerem
y M. S. Clines, Christl M. Maier (Eds.), \i Interested Readers: Essays on the He
brew Bible in Honor of David J. A. Clines\i0 , (pp. 385-400). Atlanta: Society o
f Biblical Literature.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Gilmour, R., Young, I. (2013). Saul's Two
Year Reign in 1 Samuel 13:1. \i Vetus Testamentum\i0 , 63(1), 150-154. <a href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2013). The Contrast Between The
Qumran And Masada Biblical Scrolls In The Light Of New Data. A Note In Light Of
The Alan Crown Festschrift. In Shani Tzoref, Ian Young (Eds.), \i Keter Shem T
ov: Essays on the Dead Sea Scrolls in Memory of Alan Crown\i0 , (pp. 113-119). P
iscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2013). What Do We Actually Know
about Ancient Hebrew. \i Australian Journal of Jewish Studies\i0 , 27, 11-31.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2011}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2011). \i Diversity in Pre-Exil
ic Hebrew\i0 . Tubingen, Germany: Mohr Seibeck.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I., Davey, L. (2011). Pierre Bordre
uil and Dennis Pardee. A Manual of Ugaritic. \i Review of Biblical Literature\i0
, (1), no page numbers-no page numbers.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2009}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2009). "The Old Testament: A Hi
storical and Literary Introduction to the Hebrew Scriptures" by Michael D. Cooga
n, 2006. \i Australian Religion Studies Review\i0 , 22(3), 379-380.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2009). Is the prose tale of Job
in late Biblical Hebrew? \i Vetus Testamentum\i0 , 59(4), 606-629. <a href="htt
p://">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2009). Review of Michael B. Dic
k's "Reading the Old Testament: an inductive introduction". \i Australian Religi
on Studies Review\i0 , 22(1), 124-125.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2009). Review of W. Randoph Tat
e's "Biblical interpretation: an integrated approach". \i Australian Religion St
udies Review\i0 , 22(2), 263-264.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2009). What is 'Late Biblical H
ebrew'? In Ben Zvi, Ehud, Diana Edelman, Frank Polak (Eds.), \i A palimpset: rh
etoric, ideology, stylistics, and language relating to Persian Israel\i0 , (pp.
253-268). Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2008}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2008). Late Biblical Hebrew and
the Qumran Pesher Habakkuk. \i Journal of Hebrew Scriptures\i0 , 8(Article 25),
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I., Rezetko, R., Ehrensvard, M. (20
08). \i Linguistic dating of Biblical texts volume 1\i0 . London: Equinox Publis
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I., Rezetko, R., Ehrensvard, M. (20
08). \i Linguistic dating of Biblical texts. Volumes 1 and 2\i0 . London, UK: Eq
uinox Publishing.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2007}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I., Athas, G. (2007). \i Elementary
biblical Hebrew: a teaching grammar\i0 . Sydney: Ancient Vessel Press.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2007). Textual Stability in Gil
gamesh and the Dead Sea Scrolls. In Joesph Azize and Noel Weeks (Eds.), \i Anci
ent Near Eastern Studies, Supplement 21: Gilgames and the World of Assyria.Proce
edings of the Conference held at Mandelbaum House, University of Sydney, 21-23 J
uly 2004\i0 , (pp. 173-184). Leuven, Paris, Dudley (MA): Peeters Publishers.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2007). The Birth of Monotheism
The Rise and Disappearance of Yahwism, by Andre Lemaire. \i Ancient Near Eastern
Studies\i0 , 44, 160-162.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2005}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2005). Biblical Texts Cannot Be
Dated Linguistically. \i Hebrew Studies: a journal devoted to Hebrew language a
nd literature of all periods\i0 , 46, 341-351.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2005). Israelite Literacy and I
nscriptions: A Reply to Richard Hess. \i Vetus Testamentum\i0 , 55(4), 565-568.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2005). McDonald, Lee Martin, an
d James A. Sanders, eds. - The Canon Debate. \i Review of Biblical Literature\i0
, RBL 04/2005(}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2005). Schenker, Adrian, ed. Th
e Earliest Text of the Hebrew Bible: The Relationship between the Masoretic Text
and the Hebrew Base of the Septuagint Reconsidered. \i Review of Biblical Liter
ature\i0 , RBL 02/2005(}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2005). The Biblical Scrolls fro
m Qumran and the Masoretic Text: A Statistical Approach. In Dacy, M; Dowling J;
Faigan S (Eds.), \i Feasts and Fasts A Festschrift in Honour of Alan David Crow
n\i0 , (pp. 81-139). Sydney: Mandelbaum Publishing.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2004}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2004). \i Radio Script: "Aramai
c, and Mel Gibson's 'The Passion of the Christ'"\i0 . ABC Radio National, Sydney
, Australia: ABC Radio National.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2004). Washburn, David L. A Cat
alog of Biblical Passages in the Dead Sea Scrolls (review). \i Review of Biblica
l Literature\i0 , 5(2004).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2003}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2003). \i Biblical Hebrew: Chro
nology and Typology\i0 . New York: T&T Clark International.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2003). Concluding reflections.
In Young, Ian (Eds.), \i Biblical Hebrew: Chronology and Typology\i0 , (pp. 312
-317). New York: T&T Clark International.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2003). Emanuel Tov, Textual Cri
ticism of the Hebrew Bible, second edition. \i Review of Biblical Literature\i0
,, 1-5.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2003). Introduction: the origin
of the problem. In Ian Young (Eds.), \i Biblical Hebrew: Studies in Chronology
and Typology\i0 , (pp. 1-6). London: T&T Clark International.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2003). Late bibical Hebrew and
Hebrew inscriptions. In Ian Young (Eds.), \i Biblical Hebrew: Studies in Chrono
logy and Typology\i0 , (pp. 276-311). London: T&T Clark International.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I., Athas, G. (2003). \i Text Book:
Highlights of Biblical Hebrew (Second Edition)\i0 . Sydney: Ancient Vessel Pres
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2002}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2002). Book review of Peter W.
Flint (ed), The Bible at Qumran: Text, Shape and Interpretation. \i Review of Bi
blical Literature\i0 .}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2002). Review of Paulson Puliko
ttil, Transmission of Biblical Texts in Qumran: The Case of the Large Isaiah Scr
oll 1QIsa(a). \i Review of Biblical Literature\i0 ,}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2002). The Languages of Ancient
Sam'al. \i Maarav: a journal for the study of the Northwest Semitic languages a
nd literatures\i0 , 9, 93-105.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2002). The stabilization of the
biblical text in the light of qumran and masada: a challenge for conventional q
umran chronology? \i Dead Sea Discoveries: a journal of current research on the
scrolls and related literature\i0 , 9(3), 364-390.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2001}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2001). Edah and Qahal as Collec
tive Nouns in Hebrew Biblical Texts. \i Zeitschrift fuer Althebraistik\i0 , 14,
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2001). Notes on the Language of
4QCant-b. \i Journal of Jewish Studies\i0 , 52(1), 121-131.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2001). Observations on the Thir
d Person Masculine Singular Pronominal Suffix -h in Hebrew Biblical Texts. \i He
brew Studies: a journal devoted to Hebrew language and literature of all periods
\i0 , 42, 225-242.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2001). The Dead Sea Scrolls and
the Old Testament Recent Research on the Text of the Hebrew Bible. \i Anglican
Historical Society Journal\i0 , 46(1), 12-23.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 1993}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (1993). \i Diversity in Pre-Exil
ic Hebrew (1993)\i0 . Tubingen, Germany: Mohr Siebeck.}
}{\rtf\ansi\deff0 \r\n{\fonttbl{\f0 Times new Roman;}{\f1 Arial;}}
\deftab1298 \paperw11907 \paperh16443 \margl1701 \margr1701 \margt567 \margb1134
{\header \pard \qc \sa180 {\fs24 \f1 Publications for Ian Young}
\par }
\cols2 \colsx567
\pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b Publications for Ian Young}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2013}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2013). "Loose" Language in 1QIs
aa. In Shani Tzoref, Ian Young (Eds.), \i Keter Shem Tov: Essays on the Dead Se
a Scrolls in Memory of Alan Crown\i0 , (pp. 89-112). Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Pre
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Tzoref, S., Young, I. (2013). Introduction
. In Shani Tzoref, Ian Young (Eds.), \i Keter Shem Tov: Essays on the Dead Sea
Scrolls in Memory of Alan Crown\i0 , (pp. 1-8). Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Tzoref, S., Young, I. (2013). \i Keter She
m Tov: Essays on the Dead Sea Scrolls in Memory of Alan Crown\i0 . Piscataway, N
J: Gorgias Press.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2013). Patterns of Linguistic F
orms in the Masoretic Text: The Preposition M "From". In James K. Aitken, Jerem
y M. S. Clines, Christl M. Maier (Eds.), \i Interested Readers: Essays on the He
brew Bible in Honor of David J. A. Clines\i0 , (pp. 385-400). Atlanta: Society o
f Biblical Literature.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Gilmour, R., Young, I. (2013). Saul's Two
Year Reign in 1 Samuel 13:1. \i Vetus Testamentum\i0 , 63(1), 150-154. <a href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2013). The Contrast Between The
Qumran And Masada Biblical Scrolls In The Light Of New Data. A Note In Light Of
The Alan Crown Festschrift. In Shani Tzoref, Ian Young (Eds.), \i Keter Shem T
ov: Essays on the Dead Sea Scrolls in Memory of Alan Crown\i0 , (pp. 113-119). P
iscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2013). What Do We Actually Know
about Ancient Hebrew. \i Australian Journal of Jewish Studies\i0 , 27, 11-31.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2011}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2011). \i Diversity in Pre-Exil
ic Hebrew\i0 . Tubingen, Germany: Mohr Seibeck.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I., Davey, L. (2011). Pierre Bordre
uil and Dennis Pardee. A Manual of Ugaritic. \i Review of Biblical Literature\i0
, (1), no page numbers-no page numbers.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2009}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2009). "The Old Testament: A Hi
storical and Literary Introduction to the Hebrew Scriptures" by Michael D. Cooga
n, 2006. \i Australian Religion Studies Review\i0 , 22(3), 379-380.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2009). Is the prose tale of Job
in late Biblical Hebrew? \i Vetus Testamentum\i0 , 59(4), 606-629. <a href="htt
p://">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2009). Review of Michael B. Dic
k's "Reading the Old Testament: an inductive introduction". \i Australian Religi
on Studies Review\i0 , 22(1), 124-125.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2009). Review of W. Randoph Tat
e's "Biblical interpretation: an integrated approach". \i Australian Religion St
udies Review\i0 , 22(2), 263-264.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2009). What is 'Late Biblical H
ebrew'? In Ben Zvi, Ehud, Diana Edelman, Frank Polak (Eds.), \i A palimpset: rh
etoric, ideology, stylistics, and language relating to Persian Israel\i0 , (pp.
253-268). Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2008}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2008). Late Biblical Hebrew and
the Qumran Pesher Habakkuk. \i Journal of Hebrew Scriptures\i0 , 8(Article 25),
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I., Rezetko, R., Ehrensvard, M. (20
08). \i Linguistic dating of Biblical texts volume 1\i0 . London: Equinox Publis
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I., Rezetko, R., Ehrensvard, M. (20
08). \i Linguistic dating of Biblical texts. Volumes 1 and 2\i0 . London, UK: Eq
uinox Publishing.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2007}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I., Athas, G. (2007). \i Elementary
biblical Hebrew: a teaching grammar\i0 . Sydney: Ancient Vessel Press.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2007). Textual Stability in Gil
gamesh and the Dead Sea Scrolls. In Joesph Azize and Noel Weeks (Eds.), \i Anci
ent Near Eastern Studies, Supplement 21: Gilgames and the World of Assyria.Proce
edings of the Conference held at Mandelbaum House, University of Sydney, 21-23 J
uly 2004\i0 , (pp. 173-184). Leuven, Paris, Dudley (MA): Peeters Publishers.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2007). The Birth of Monotheism
The Rise and Disappearance of Yahwism, by Andre Lemaire. \i Ancient Near Eastern
Studies\i0 , 44, 160-162.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2005}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2005). Biblical Texts Cannot Be
Dated Linguistically. \i Hebrew Studies: a journal devoted to Hebrew language a
nd literature of all periods\i0 , 46, 341-351.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2005). Israelite Literacy and I
nscriptions: A Reply to Richard Hess. \i Vetus Testamentum\i0 , 55(4), 565-568.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2005). McDonald, Lee Martin, an
d James A. Sanders, eds. - The Canon Debate. \i Review of Biblical Literature\i0
, RBL 04/2005(}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2005). Schenker, Adrian, ed. Th
e Earliest Text of the Hebrew Bible: The Relationship between the Masoretic Text
and the Hebrew Base of the Septuagint Reconsidered. \i Review of Biblical Liter
ature\i0 , RBL 02/2005(}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2005). The Biblical Scrolls fro
m Qumran and the Masoretic Text: A Statistical Approach. In Dacy, M; Dowling J;
Faigan S (Eds.), \i Feasts and Fasts A Festschrift in Honour of Alan David Crow
n\i0 , (pp. 81-139). Sydney: Mandelbaum Publishing.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2004}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2004). \i Radio Script: "Aramai
c, and Mel Gibson's 'The Passion of the Christ'"\i0 . ABC Radio National, Sydney
, Australia: ABC Radio National.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2004). Washburn, David L. A Cat
alog of Biblical Passages in the Dead Sea Scrolls (review). \i Review of Biblica
l Literature\i0 , 5(2004).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2003}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2003). \i Biblical Hebrew: Chro
nology and Typology\i0 . New York: T&T Clark International.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2003). Concluding reflections.
In Young, Ian (Eds.), \i Biblical Hebrew: Chronology and Typology\i0 , (pp. 312
-317). New York: T&T Clark International.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2003). Emanuel Tov, Textual Cri
ticism of the Hebrew Bible, second edition. \i Review of Biblical Literature\i0
,, 1-5.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2003). Introduction: the origin
of the problem. In Ian Young (Eds.), \i Biblical Hebrew: Studies in Chronology
and Typology\i0 , (pp. 1-6). London: T&T Clark International.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2003). Late bibical Hebrew and
Hebrew inscriptions. In Ian Young (Eds.), \i Biblical Hebrew: Studies in Chrono
logy and Typology\i0 , (pp. 276-311). London: T&T Clark International.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I., Athas, G. (2003). \i Text Book:
Highlights of Biblical Hebrew (Second Edition)\i0 . Sydney: Ancient Vessel Pres
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2002}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2002). Book review of Peter W.
Flint (ed), The Bible at Qumran: Text, Shape and Interpretation. \i Review of Bi
blical Literature\i0 .}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2002). Review of Paulson Puliko
ttil, Transmission of Biblical Texts in Qumran: The Case of the Large Isaiah Scr
oll 1QIsa(a). \i Review of Biblical Literature\i0 ,}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2002). The Languages of Ancient
Sam'al. \i Maarav: a journal for the study of the Northwest Semitic languages a
nd literatures\i0 , 9, 93-105.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2002). The stabilization of the
biblical text in the light of qumran and masada: a challenge for conventional q
umran chronology? \i Dead Sea Discoveries: a journal of current research on the
scrolls and related literature\i0 , 9(3), 364-390.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2001}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2001). Edah and Qahal as Collec
tive Nouns in Hebrew Biblical Texts. \i Zeitschrift fuer Althebraistik\i0 , 14,
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2001). Notes on the Language of
4QCant-b. \i Journal of Jewish Studies\i0 , 52(1), 121-131.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2001). Observations on the Thir
d Person Masculine Singular Pronominal Suffix -h in Hebrew Biblical Texts. \i He
brew Studies: a journal devoted to Hebrew language and literature of all periods
\i0 , 42, 225-242.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (2001). The Dead Sea Scrolls and
the Old Testament Recent Research on the Text of the Hebrew Bible. \i Anglican
Historical Society Journal\i0 , 46(1), 12-23.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 1993}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Young, I. (1993). \i Diversity in Pre-Exil
ic Hebrew (1993)\i0 . Tubingen, Germany: Mohr Siebeck.}

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