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* netfreq
* Arduino sketch for measuring AC frequency of power net.
* Inputs:
* analog input 0 = low-voltage 50 Hz AC signal
* digital output 4 = pull low to enable GPS receiver
* digital input 8 = GPS pulse per second
* Serial output:
* Pulse captured (5 bytes):
* byte 0 = 0x01
* bytes 1..4 = (uint32_t) time
* Rising zero-crossing captured (15 bytes):
* byte 0 = 0x02
* bytes 1..4 = (uint32_t) time
* bytes 5..6 = (int16_t) sampled value after zero crossing
* bytes 7..8 = (uint16_t) number of samples in past full period
* bytes 9..10 = (int16_t) sum of samples in past full period
* bytes 11..14 = (int32_t) sum of squared samples in past full period
* Multi-byte values are transmitted with LSB first.

const int16_t zcross_zero_value = 0; // detect zero-crossing at this
sample value
const int16_t zcross_low_value = -256; // detect negative half below this
sample value

volatile uint16_t timecnt = 0; // bits 16..31 of global time counter

volatile uint8_t pulse_pending = 0; // 1 if a captured pulse is pending
volatile uint32_t pulse_time = 0; // time of last captured pulse

volatile uint8_t zcross_pending = 0; // 1 if a zero-crossing is pending
volatile uint32_t zcross_time = 0; // time of last zero-crossing
volatile int16_t zcross_value = 0; // sample value after last zero-
volatile uint16_t zcross_nsample = 0; // number of samples in past full
volatile int16_t zcross_sum = 0; // sum of samples in past full period
volatile int32_t zcross_sumsq = 0; // sum of squared samples in past
full period

uint8_t zc_neghalf = 0; // 1 if signal is in negative half
uint16_t zc_cur_nsample = 0; // number of samples in current full
int16_t zc_cur_sum = 0; // sum of samples in current full
int32_t zc_cur_sumsq = 0; // sum of squared samples in current
full period

// Timer1 input capture interrupt

// get time of captured event
uint8_t t0 = ICR1L;
uint8_t t1 = ICR1H;
uint16_t tcnt = timecnt;

// compensate for pending overflow interrupt
if (t1 < 0x40 && (TIFR1 & bit(TOV1)))

// store time of captured event
pulse_time = ((uint32_t)tcnt << 16) | ((uint32_t)t1 << 8) | t0;

// set flag to indicate pulse captured
pulse_pending = 1;

// Timer1 overflow interrupt
ISR(TIMER1_OVF_vect) {
// increment time counter

// ADC conversion done interrupt
ISR(ADC_vect) {

// fetch current time stamp
uint8_t t0 = TCNT1L;
uint8_t t1 = TCNT1H;
uint16_t tcnt = timecnt;

// compensate for pending overflow interrupt
if (t1 < 0x40 && (TIFR1 & bit(TOV1)))

// fetch sampled value
uint8_t v0 = ADCL;
uint8_t v1 = ADCH;
int16_t v = (((uint16_t)v1 << 8) | v0) - 512;

if (zc_neghalf && v >= zcross_zero_value) {
// this is a zero-cross event
zcross_time = ((uint32_t)tcnt << 16) | ((uint32_t)t1 << 8) | t0;
zcross_value = v; // store first value after zero-cross
zcross_nsample = zc_cur_nsample;
zcross_sum = zc_cur_sum;
zcross_sumsq = zc_cur_sumsq;
zcross_pending = 1; // set flag to indicate zero-cross was
zc_neghalf = 0; // now in positive half
zc_cur_nsample = 0; // reset statistics
zc_cur_sum = 0;
zc_cur_sumsq = 0;
} else if (v < zcross_low_value) {
// the signal is in the negative half
zc_neghalf = 1;

// keep track of average and rms sampled values
zc_cur_sum += v;
zc_cur_sumsq += (uint32_t)v * v;

// clear interrupt flag of timer0 to prepare for next ADC trigger
TIFR0 = bit(OCF0A);

// TODO : maybe I need to enable TIMER0_COMPA_vect) and implement an empty
handler ???

void setup() {

// serial port to 115200 bps

// pull pin 4 low to enable the GPS receiver
pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(4, LOW);

// disable analog comparator, use ICFP1 for input capturing
ACSR = bit(ACD);

// setup timer0 for ADC triggering
TIMSK0 = 0; // disable Arduino timer interrupt
TCCR0A = bit(WGM01); // select clear-timer-on-compare mode
TCCR0B = bit(CS01)|bit(CS00); // select CK/64 prescaling factor (4 us)
OCR0A = 56; // set period to 57 * 4 us = 228 us (4.386

// setup timer1 for time keeping and input capturing
TCCR1A = 0; // normal mode, count to 0xffff
TCCR1B = bit(ICNC1)|bit(ICES1)|bit(CS10); // no prescaling, input capture
on rising edge
TIMSK1 = bit(ICIE1)|bit(TOIE1); // enable interrupt on input capture and on

// setup ADC
ADMUX = bit(REFS1)|bit(REFS0); // select internal 1.1V reference, select
input channel 0
ADCSRB = bit(ADTS1)|bit(ADTS0); // trigger ADC on timer0 output compare
ADCSRA = bit(ADEN) | // enable ADC
bit(ADATE) | // enable auto-triggering
bit(ADIE) | // enable interrupt on conversion done
bit(ADPS2)|bit(ADPS1)|bit(ADPS0); // select prescaling factor 128
(125 kHz clk)
DIDR0 = bit(ADC0D); // disable digital input buffer for analog
input pin 0


// write a 16-bit integer to the serial port (LSB first)
static void serial_write_int16(uint16_t v)
Serial.write(v & 0xff);
Serial.write((v >> 8) & 0xff);

// write a 32-bit integer to the serial port (LSB first)
static void serial_write_int32(uint32_t v)
Serial.write(v & 0xff);
Serial.write((v >> 8) & 0xff);
Serial.write((v >> 16) & 0xff);
Serial.write((v >> 24) & 0xff);

void loop() {
// write pending events to serial port
while (1) {
if (pulse_pending) {
pulse_pending = 0;
if (zcross_pending) {
zcross_pending = 0;

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