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"What has eight eyes and controls a legion of xenophobic cultists?"

* Able to use a 2nd-level [Light] evocation at least once per day (can be a spel
l-like ability, spell, invocation, etc.)
* Able to use a 2nd-level [Darkness] evocation at least once per day (can be a s
pell-like ability, spell, invocation, etc.)
* Silent Spell
* Must have lived in the underdark and made contact (friendly or otherwise) with
creatures who serve Lolth
HD: d6
BAB: 1/2
Good Saves: Reflex
Skills: As the monk
1|Deep magic, speak language, +1 level of existing spellcasting class
2|Sign casting
3||+1 level of existing spellcasting class
4|Spider familiar, +1 level of existing spellcasting class
5||+1 level of existing spellcasting class
6|Deep magic, improved sign casting, +1 level of existing spellcasting class
7||+1 level of existing spellcasting class
8|Spell Resistance, +1 level of existing spellcasting class
9||+1 level of existing spellcasting class
10|Deep magic, expert sign casting, +1 level of existing spellcasting class
Deep Magic (Sp): At level 1, you gain the [Light] and [Dark] evocation effects t
hat you used as prerequisites for this class as spell-like abilities usable once
per day with a caster level equal to your hit dice. If they are already spell-l
ike abilities, you gain an additional daily use of them. You gain more daily use
s of these abilities at levels 6 and 10.
Speak Language: You gain learn drow sign language at level 1, as if you had spen
t skill points to learn it through the speak language skill. If you already know
drow sign language, you gain an additional skill point to spend this level.
Sign Casting (Ex): At level 2, you can use drown sign language to substitute to
the verbal components of your spells. When you cast a spell, you substitute the
verbal components for gestures using drow sign language, which obviates the need
for verbal components. Effectively all eligible spells are treated as though un
der the effects of the Silent Spell feat.
You can only use this ability on spells 2 levels lower than the maximum you can
cast. At level 6, you can use this on spells 1 level lower than the maximum you
can cast. At level 10, you can use this on all spells you can cast. Sign casting
applies to all spells you cast, not just the ones advanced by deep mage.
In addition, you can forgo the above benefit for an eligible spell to increase t
hat spell's save DC by your dexterity modifier. However, the bonus provided by y
our dexterity modifier + the spell level cannot exceed 1/2 your hit dice.
Spider familiar: At level 4, you gain a small monstrous spider as a familiar. If
you already have a familiar, the spider eats it, but the you suffer no experien
ce point loss. The monstrous spider is treated as a normal familiar, using your
deep mage level (plus all levels of classes that grant them the familiar class f
eature) to determine benefits.
Feats that grant different kinds of familiars (such as Improved Familiar) cannot
change your familiar to anything except a monstrous spider. If you have any fea
ts that grant you different kinds of familiars, you may choose feats to replace
them. If you have another prestige class feature which grants a superior familia
r (such as demonologist), you gain both familiars simultaneously.
Spell Resistance (Ex): You gain spell resistance equal to 10 + your hit dice, ex
cept when you use a standard action to reduce your spell resistance, it remains
lowered until you use another standard action to raise it back to the default. I
f you already have spell resistance from a source, pick the higher one and incre
ase it by 2, but its still subject to the restriction above.

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