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Caminhos de menu e Cdigos de Transao

Navegando no sistema R / 3 pode ficar confusa. Uma maneira de navegar no sistema atravs do
sistema de menus no canto esquerdo da tela. Por exemplo, para introduzir uma ordem de venda,
o usurio pode clicar na seta na frente de og!stica, que expandir o menu para mostrar as
seguintes op"#es em og!stica$
% usurio pode, ent&o, ampliar vendas e distri'ui"&o, que fornecem uma lista de op"#es para o
m(dulo de vendas e distri'ui"&o$
)ome material * )+P +, -ret .. /agner
% oo6s 7avoritos Pode, entao, ampliar 8endas e 9istri'ui"&o, t:at fornecem U;+ ista de
op"#es de para o ;(dulo de 8endas e 9istri'ui"&o$
<licando duas vezes so're a lin:a <riar vai a'rir a tela de entrada do pedido.
%'serve que o menu da rvore=estrutura desapareceu. +gora voc> est na rea do programa )+P
onde voc> vai entrar em uma transa"&o de venda.
)ome material * )+P +, -ret .. /agner
<lique duas vezes
Nestas instru"#es, a srie anterior de camin:os de menu ser descrito usando texto em negrito,
com setas indicando cada uma das op"#es de menu. +ssim, os camin:os de menu para c:egar ?
tela de entrada de pedido do cliente ser mostrado a seguir$
Logstica - Vendas e Distribuio - Vendas - Ordem - Criar
caracter!stica importante
7req@entemente os rvore=estrutura camin:os de menu pode ficar um pouco confuso. Auando isso acontece, o !cone

do menu )+P padr&o pode ser utilizado para recol:er o menu de volta ao seu ponto de partida original.
%s usurios do sistema R / 3 normalmente usam apenas alguns dos mil:ares de telas de transa"&o
dispon!veis, e eles tendem a us=los com freq@>ncia. Por exemplo, pessoas que executam a
entrada do pedido do cliente podem usar telas para entrar inquritos, cota"#es e pedidos de
vendas e verificar o status do material, mas eles provavelmente n&o vai estar realizando fun"#es
de recursos :umanos ou determinar as programa"#es de manuten"&o da planta. Para esses
usurios, o sistema )+P R / 3 fornece uma maneira mais fcil de navegar no sistema.
Primeiro, podemos salvar essa opera"&o em nossa pasta de favoritos. <lique no !cone

volta para retornar ao menu estruturado em rvore. + estrutura em rvore ainda deve ser a'erto
para a opera"&o <riar ordem do cliente. Para adicionar este para a nossa pasta 7avoritos, clique
simples na lin:a de criar e arraste=o para a pasta de favoritos$
Bsto ir criar um lin6 para a opera"&o <riar %rdem de 8endas no menu 7avoritos$
)ome material * )+P +, -ret .. /agner
9rag Create to Favorites
7avoritos tam'm podem ser adicionados e exclu!dos usando o adicionar e excluir !cones
% t!tulo deste novo corte curto deixa algo a deseCar, mas podemos edit=lo. <lique no novo atal:o
<riar, a seguir o camin:o do menu 7avoritos suspenso ;udan"a$
Note t:at in t:ese instructions pull=doDn menu pat:s Dill 'e given using arroDs rat:er t:an
triangles. E:e FavoritesChange menu pat: Dill produce t:e folloDing pop=up DindoD$
Fdit t:e transaction description so t:at it reads G<reate )ales %rderH and t:en clic6 on t:e enter
icon . E:e 7avorites menu Dill noD :ave t:e transaction Create Saes Order.
E:e Change a !avorite pop=up DindoD can also 'e accessed 'I clic6ing on t:e c:ange favorites
icon . Eest t:is s:ortcut 'I clic6ing on it. E:is s:ould 'ring Iou directlI to Create Saes
Order" #nitia Screen.
Transaction Codes
+not:er DaI to navigate in t:e R/3 sIstem is t:roug: Transaction Codes. FverI transaction in
t:e R/3 sIstem is given a code num'er, and t:e R/3 sIstem alloDs for users to enter t:ese code
num'ers as anot:er means of going directlI to a transaction. )+P :as 'een trIing to move users
aDaI from using transaction codes and :ad t:reatened to remove t:is option, 'ut manI users are
used to t:em, so entering transaction codes as a means of navigation is still availa'le.
)ome material * )+P +, -ret .. /agner
Eo find t:e transaction code for t:e Create Saes Order process, ma6e sure Iou are at t:e screen
Create Saes Order" #nitia Screen$ E:en select t:e pull=doDn menu pat:$
and t:e folloDing screen Dill appear$
E:is screen gives a lot of information a'out t:e )+P installation including t:e version of )+P
J)+P R/3 FnterpriseK, t:e data'ase t:e sIstem is using J%racleK and t:e operating sIstem of t:e
server J/indoDs NEK. +dditionallI, it gives t:e Transaction Code of t:e transaction associated
Dit: t:e current screen, D:ic: in t:is case is V&'(. E:is code can 'e used to get to t:e order
entrI screen from anID:ere in t:e R/3 sIstem. Eo illustrate t:is, De must first get 'ac6 to t:e
main screen. Eo do t:is, clic6 on t:e cancel icon .
)+P provides t:ree DaIs to move G'ac6H in t:e R/3 sIstem, tDo of D:ic: are t:e )ac* and +,it
commands. E:e 'ac6 command can 'e invo6ed using eit:er t:e 'ac6 icon or t:e F- 6eI.
E:e exit command is invo6ed using t:e exit icon or t:e 'I :olding t:e Shi!t 6eI D:ile
:itting t:e F- 6eI. E:e functions of t:ese tDo 6eIs differ depending on D:ere t:eI are used. Bn
general t:e Fxit 6eI moves Iou fart:er out of t:e module or transaction Iou are currentlI in, 'ut
t:is isnLt alDaIs t:e case. E:e Cance command is invo6ed Dit: t:e cancel icon or Dit: t:e
)ome material * )+P +, -ret .. /agner
Eransaction <ode
F(. 6eI. E:e cancel command alloDs t:e user to exit a transaction Dit:out saving anI data.
7requentlI t:e Cance and +,it commands Dor6 identicallI.
Eo see :oD to use t:e transaction code, use t:e )ac*/ +,it or Cance commands to get 'ac6 to
t:e main menu. Bf Iou exit too far, Iou Dill log off t:e )+P R/3 sIstem, 'ut not 'efore getting a
Darning message$
Eransaction codes are entered in t:e command field at t:e top=left of t:e R/3 screen$
Bf t:e command field is not visi'le, it maI 'e opened 'I clic6ing on t:e triangle$
/e can use t:e transaction code V&'( to go directlI to t:e sales order entrI screen. Eo do t:is,
enter 0nva'( into t:e command field as folloDs$
)ome material * )+P +, -ret .. /agner
<ommand 7ield
<lic6 :ere to access
command field
E:e 0n tells )+P Iou Dant to cancel t:e current transaction and go to a neD one. Oou can enter
t:e transaction code in upper or loDer case. <lic6 on t:e enter icon or :it t:e return 6eI and
Iou Dill go directlI to t:e sales order entrI screen.
<lic6 on t:e exit icon to exit t:is screen. NoD t:at De :ave entered t:e V&'( transaction in
t:e command field it is availa'le from a pull=doDn menu.
)elect t:e transaction code from t:e pull=doDn menu and clic6 on t:e enter icon

or :it t:e
enter 6eI to go to t:e create sales order screen one more time. <lic6 on t:e 'ac6 icon

or exit
icon , to go 'ac6 to t:e main screen.
#m1ortant #cons
Bn t:e last section Iou Dere introduced to t:ree of t:e most common )+P icons. /:ile
t:ere are manI icons used t:roug:out t:e R/3 sIstem, t:e most common ones are summarized
'eloD. Bf Iou are unsure of t:e function of a particular icon, Cust :old t:e mouse pointer over t:e
icon for a feD seconds and a description of t:e icon Dill appear$
+nter" E:is icon is tIpicallI used to move to t:e next step in a transaction process
after some 'asic data is entered in an initial screen of a transaction. 7or example, in
)ome material * )+P +, -ret .. /agner
<lic6 on t:e page icon to get
a list of transaction codes t:at
IouLve used.
t:e initial create sales order screen, t:e user :as to enter initial data a'out t:e order
tIpe Jsales organization, distri'ution c:annel and divisionK 'efore t:e actual order
entrI can 'egin. %nce t:at data is entered, t:e user can t:en clic6 on t:e enter icon
D:ic: signals t:e R/3 sIstem to go to t:e next screen in t:e sales order process,
retrieving anI required information from t:e data'ase.
Pitting t:e enter 6eI Dill ac:ieve t:e same result as clic6ing on t:e enter icon.
#m1ortant 1oint" The enter icon doesn2t cause transactions to be saved$ #t moves
the 1rocess aong and retrieves data !rom the database$ To save a transaction i*e a
customer order/ %ou 3i have to cic* on the save icon$ The 40- s%stem 3i 3arn
%ou i! %ou tr% to eave a transaction 3ithout saving$
)ac*" +s descri'ed previouslI, t:e 'ac6 icon alloDs t:e user to exit a transaction
Dit:out saving data.
Cance" E:e cancel icon functions verI similarlI to t:e 'ac6 and exit icons.
+,it" +s descri'ed previouslI, t:e exit 'utton alloDs t:e user to exit a transaction and
tIpicallI moves t:e user closer to t:e main screen t:an t:e 'ac6 or cancel icon.
+,ecute" E:e execute icon is used to initiate a process t:at is tIpicallI time consuming,
li6e creating a report or calculating a neD material requirements plan.
Save" E:is icon is used to save a completed transaction. Bt is important to remem'er t:at
not:ing is saved until t:is icon is clic6ed.
)asic #nter!ace Customi5ation
)ome configuration options can 'e set 'I folloDing t:e pull=doDn menu pat:$
S%stem6ser 1ro!ieO3n data
7irst, note t:at folloDing t:is menu pat: Dill create a neD session JDindoDK. )elect t:e De!auts
ta'. <onfirm t:e folloDing entries on t:is screen$
)ome material * )+P +, -ret .. /agner
Bn an enterprise=Dide sIstem, managing output JprintingK is a significant tas6. 7or our purposes,
De Dill Cust tell t:e sIstem to send anI printed output immediatelI to t:e default /indoDs
+s t:e )+P R/3 sIstem is used internationallI, it must 'e adapta'le to ot:er languages and
practices. Bn Furope, for example, commas are used D:ere De use decimal points and vice=
versa. 9ates are specified in t:e form 99.;;.OOOO instead of ;;/99/OOOO as in t:e U)Q
E:e )+P R/3 sIstem can 'e configured to accommodate t:ese differences. Cic* on the save
icon 7 8 to save these settings$
Note" Some changes made in this screen 3i not ta*e e!!ect unti the user ogs o!! and ogs
on again$
)ome material * )+P +, -ret .. /agner
<onfirm t:at t:e %utput9evice JprinterK is
set to LOCL Dit: Out1ut #mmediate%
and Deete &!ter Out1ut selected
<onfirm t:e num'er and date format are
set properlI for t:e 6S
%ne ot:er c:ange s:ould 'e made to t:e interface. +s transaction codes are useful, De can tell
t:e R/3 sIstem to displaI t:e transaction codes as part of t:e menu pat:s. Eo do t:is, from t:e
)+P FasI +ccess screen folloD t:e pull=doDn menu pat:$
/:ic: Dill produce t:e folloDing pop=up screen$
<:ec6 Dis1a% technica names and t:en clic6 on t:e continue icon . Eo see t:at t:e
transaction codes are noD displaIed, folloD t:e tree=structure menu pat:$
Logistics Saes and Distribution Saes Order
+nd notice t:at t:e transaction code V&'( is listed in front of t:e Create option.
)ome material * )+P +, -ret .. /agner
<:ec6 Dis1a% technica names
9uti1e Sessions
)ome times it is useful to 'e loo6ing at tDo Jor moreK different screens in )+P simultaneouslI.
Eo do t:is, t:e R/3 sIstem alloDs Iou to start up to six interactive sessions under one User B9. Bn
some cases, li6e folloDing t:e menu pat: S%stem6ser 1ro!ieO3n data, t:e sIstem
automaticallI creases a neD session. Eo create anot:er session, folloD t:e pull doDn menu pat:$
S%stemCreate Session
and anot:er session Dill 'e started. Oou can sDitc: 'etDeen sessions using t:e Eas6 -ar in
NOT+" #! %ou have more than three sessions o1en at one time/ this 3i usua% ead to
)ome material * )+P +, -ret .. /agner
)elect session using Eas6 -ar 'uttons

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