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!"# %&'"( )*++,-.

ulsclalmer: 1hls LuLorlal does noL guaranLee Lo show
you Lhe besL, mosL efflclenL Lechnlques, nor does lL
show all of Lhe meLhods avallable. lL has been
deslgned for ease of use and as such we presenL Lhe
meLhods we Lhlnk wlll work besL for Lhe ma[orlLy of
people wlLh only freely avallable Lools.

Patrick 12/21/11 3:57 PM
Comment [1]: lollowlng Lhe dlsclalmer, lnclude
Lable of conLenLs

34567849 87::4; <7 =4>
1hls LuLorlal wlll show you how Lo make an alrcrafL sLarLlng from scraLch. 1he esLlmaLed Llme of
compleLlon ls 2 hours or so, however once you masLer Lhese Lechnlques Lhe esLlmaLed Llme for Lhe
creaLlon of a full alrcrafL ls 1 hour.

?@;< *A4B !C4 ;4D4@;6C
1he flrsL Lhlng you musL do before maklng your alrcrafL can be summed up ln 3 parLs: Chooslng
your alrcrafL, researchlng your alrcrafL, and obLalnlng a reference.
1o choose your alrcrafL, Lhere are a large varleLy of slLes avallable Lo qulckly browse Lhrough.
?ou can [usL look around Lhe web, look around Lhe ?SlPC.CCM alrcrafL requesLs subforum, Lhe PC
alrcrafL creaLlon pro[ecL, or you can [usL choose any alrcrafL ever made. Peck even flcLlonal sLuff ls
posslble. My personal recommendaLlon for Lhls ls Lo go Lo Lhe vlrLual alrcrafL museum, currenLly found
aL Lhls u8L: hLLp:// Lhls slLe llsLs counLrles, Lhen all Lhe avlaLlon
manufacLurers of LhaL counLry, and subsequenLly shows all alrcrafL per manufacLurer. 1here ls llLLle
lnformaLlon buL lL ls a greaL way Lo browse large quanLlLles of alrcrafL plcLures qulckly, many of whlch
you wlll noL have known of before. 1he alrcrafL we wlll be chooslng ls Lhe Crumman f9f anLher, a
flghLer ln Lhe korean War era uS navy.
researchlng your alrcrafL ls qulLe slmple. ?ou wlll need Lo know Lhlngs llke dlmenslons, fllghL
characLerlsLlcs (LhrusL, welghL, wlng area) Lhlngs llke weapons loadouLs lf lL ls mlllLary and oLher slmllar
lnformaLlon. Cenerally speaklng, ls sufflclenL for research on an alrcrafL. A very good
source for mlllLary alrcrafL ls vecLorslLe: hLLp://www.vecLorslLe.neL/lndexav.hLml and globaldefense ls
also qulLe good. lf you have access Lo books by !ane's, Lhey are also very very good references.
1o geL your reference, you need Lo geL whaL ls known as an orLhographlc pro[ecLlon or 3 vlew of
your alrcrafL, or alrcrafL "blueprlnL". lL looks someLhlng llke Lhls:
Patrick 12/21/11 3:57 PM
Comment [2]: Conna make Lhls parL beLLer.

1o geL a 3 vlew, you can slmply google Lhe alrcrafL name ln lmages, and fllLer for mosLly whlLe lmages.
An equally good source ls hLLp:// ?ou wlll also need Lo flnd plcLures of Lhe
alrcrafL and lLs cockplL layouL, so LhaL you know whaL Lo do wlLh lL more lnsLlncLlvely.

?@;< !E7B !C4 <775D F7GH55 A44:
8lender 2.49x (any varlanL of 2.49): hLLp://
?SfllghL blender scrlpLs: hLLp://
lmproved gepolyx (2010 C++ verslon): ysfllghL.ln.coocan.[p/download/oLher/gepolyx.zlp
Lngllsh unMvlewer: hLLp://
noLepad or some oLher LexL edlLlng program. uon'L use an advanced word processor llke
mlcrosofL word lL wlll muck Lhlngs up.
uownload and lnsLall Lhls sLuff. 1here are lnsLrucLlons for Lhe blender scrlpLs' lnsLallaLlon ln Lhe

?@;< !C;44B !C4 IJ54 <FK4D
!"#$% '( ')* +% ,(--.#"'+ /"$"0 )''1022+%34"5)'%"-6/"$"76,(-2/"$"289:;4"5)':9"-:<"$"
lor Lhe alrcrafL Lo funcLlon perfecLly, you wlll need several flles. 1he .dnm, whlch ls Lhe 3d model for Lhe
alrcrafL, Lhe colllslon, Lhe .daL, Lhe cockplL, Lhe .lsL and a coarse.
Patrick 12/21/11 3:58 PM
Comment [3]: should probably summarlze uses
of programs, and maybe Lalk a blL abouL flle
organlzaLlon whlle you work
Patrick 12/21/11 3:56 PM
Comment [4]: Wlll explaln flle Lypes roles, noL
[usL llnk Lo wlkl buL explaln flle Lypes.

?@;< '7G;B !C4 =@D4 84DC
Culck lnLro Lo blender conLrols, no parLlcular order

- 8 key roLaLes (normally around cenLerpolnL ln ob[ecL mode, around selecLlon cenLer ln edlL mode)
- 1he Lab key swlLches beLween edlL mode and your selecLed mode (ob[ecL and edlL, verLex palnL and
edlL, LexLure palnL and edlL ecL)
- Cllcklng Lhe mouse wheel leLs you sLarL orblLlng
- C key cenLers Lhe camera on cenLer polnL
- S key scales sLuff
- hold shlfL+mouse wheel cllcked Lo pan
- mouse wheel scroll Lo zoom ln and ouL
- lefL cllck Lo selecL
- hold shlfL+lefL cllck Lo supporL mulLlple, cLrl+cllck Lo selecL one more
- 8 key swlLches beLween normal cursor, box selecL (drag) and clrcle selecL. PlL Lhe mlddle mouse
buLLon ln clrcle selecL Lo deselecL Lhe clrcle conLenLs.
- L key can exLrude a verLex, edge or reglon.
- l makes a face ln edlL mode
- W allows for boolean opLlons, and manlpulaLlons ln edlL mode. noLably, W followed by AlL+1
smooLhes verLlces.
- k brlngs up Lhe cuL selecLlon
- CLrl+! wlLh mulLlple meshes selecLed [olns Lhe models
- ShlfL+d dupllcaLes
- ? key spllLs
A key selecLs everyLhlng or deselecLs everyLhlng (Loggle)
- numpad 7 for Lopvlew, numpad 1 for slde vlew, numpad 3 for fronL vlew.

Patrick 12/21/11 3:59 PM
Comment [5]: 1hls parL ls Lerrlble. need Lo add
some help on vlew conLrols and probably demo
some of Lhe conLrols. 1he blender ul ls compleLely
dlfferenL from everyLhlng so lL needs some

llrsL Lhlng we wlll do ls open a background lmage. Cllck as Lhe lmage shows

1hls subwlndow wlll open. Cpen Lhe full 3-vlew background lmage from Lhe load buLLon
Patrick 12/21/11 4:00 PM
Comment [6]: need Lo glve lnLro Lo modellng

as you can see, Lhe background lmage wlll appear, buL only ln perfecL perspecLlves (Lop, slde, fronL ecL.)

ress space, Lhen ln Lhe menus go Lo mesh -> plane and generaLe a 4 verLex plane. Move Lhls plane over
one of your vlews, and brlng lL Lo Lhe cenLer of LhaL vlew by dragglng Lhe arrows. Cpen Lhe menu as
seen above and selecL wlreframe vlew

now swlLch Lo edlL mode, ln whlch you can edlL Lhe verLex layer of your mesh. MosL work ls done ln edlL
mode. ?ou can qulckly swlLch beLween edlL mode and ob[ecL mode (where you [usL were) wlLh Lhe Lab

now we wlll be scallng on axes. 1o scale on an axls, you press Lhe s key, Lhen shorLly afLer leLLlng go of s
press a key for Lhe approprlaLe axls (x, y, z) Lhls wlll scale your selecLlon ln only CnL dlrecLlon. uo Lhls
unLll your plane maLches up wlLh Lhe alrcrafL vlew's edges.

Co back Lo ob[ecL mode, and hlL Lhe n key. 1hls brlngs up Lhe LransformaLlons menu. lL has four boxes
wlLh 3 subdlvlslons each, each box ls for a LransformaLlon Lype and each sub-box ls for LhaL
LransformaLlon on a cerLaln axls. 1he Lop lefL ls for Lhe 3d poslLlon of Lhe cenLer, Lhe boLLom lefL ls for
scallng on a cerLaln axls. 1he Lop rlghL ls roLaLlon on a cerLaln axls and Lhe boLLom rlghL ls Lhe LoLal
lengLh, wldLh and helghL (for our purposes Lhlnk of 1 unlL = 1 meLer, as Lhls ls how Lhe exporL scrlpL
works). use Lhe roLaLlons ln lncremenLs of 90 degrees unLll you have made Lhe plane dlsplayed uprlghL
ln Lhe approprlaLe vlew. (l have made Lhe fronL vlew vlewable ln Lhe fronL vlew)

lollowlng Lhe roLaLlons, seL Lhe cenLer (Lop lefL boxes, remember) Lo 0 ln all flelds, maklng Lhe cenLer
absoluLe (0, 0, 0)

now Lo acLually puL Lhe lmage on your plane. Slnce you have saved cropped verslons of Lhe 3 vlew wlLh
only one of Lhe vlews for each vlew, we wlll be uslng Lhe correspondlng cropped lmage. change your
boLLom wlndow's Lype Lo uv/lmage edlLor

Change your mode Lo LexLure palnL

Change Lo edlL mode. Changlng Lo edlL mode from LexLure palnL glves you a dlfferenL edlL mode Lhan
when you go from ob[ecL mode Lo edlL mode.

ln your boLLom wlndow, selecL lmage -> open. navlgaLe Lo your cropped lmage and open lL.

Change your draw Lype Lo LexLured.

?ou can now see your lmage! Mlne was upslde down, so l used Lhe LransformaLlon properLles Lo geL lL

now repeaL Lhls process (sLarLlng from maklng a new plane wlLh Lhe aspecL raLlo of one vlew) for all 3

?ou should now have someLhlng resembllng Lhls.

ull Lhe Lop vlew downwards, Lhe fronL vlew backwards and Lhe slde vlew ouLwards. 1haL way you can
see Lhem whlle maklng Lhe model ln Lhe space beLween Lhem.

ress spacebar. PlghllghL add, Lhen hlghllghL mesh, Lhen cllck cyllnder. ln Lhe menu LhaL comes up,
change Lhe number of verLlces Lo 12, whlch ls Lhe cap verLex number. 12 ls plenLy enough for a cyllnder
Lo be shown as round ln-game, whlle sLlll belng reasonably unlaggy.

Ck we now have a masslve whlLe blob and can hardly Lell lL's a cyllnder, Lhls ls hardly ldeal. ress Lhe l7

?our boLLom wlndow has changed. ln Lhe Lhlrd caLegory (draw) cllck wlre Lo change how Lhe selecLlon
(ln Lhls case Lhe cyllnder) ls drawn.

As you can see, your cyllnder ls now belng shown ln wlreframe mode whlle Lhe planes are sLlll ln
LexLured mode (overall you are sLlll ln LexLured mode so all new prlmlLlves wlll be ln LexLured mode)

1he cyllnder lsn'L ln an ldeal poslLlon. We're golng Lo wanL Lo have Lhe ablllLy Lo sllce lL perfecLly down
Lhe mlddle laLer on (as ls Lhe case wlLh mosL meshes), whlch ls far easler lf you can deleLe half of lL. 1o
do Lhls, we wlll roLaLe Lhe cyllnder so LhaL Lhere ls an edge dlrecLly over Lhe cenLer axes. Slnce Lhe
exLerlor angle of a 12 polnL polygon ln Lhls conflguraLlon ls 30 degrees (360 degrees/12 polnLs=30) we
wlll roLaLe lL by half LhaL on Lhe z axls, so 13 degrees. 1hls wlll move lL halfway Lo Lhe nexL flaL parL,
whlch means a polnL ls dlrecLly on Lhe axls.

We wanL Lo roLaLe Lhe cyllnder 9 degrees now, buL Lhere's no obvlous way Lo do so slnce lL's roLaLed 13
degrees ln one dlrecLlon ln ob[ecL mode, whlch affecLs furLher roLaLlon. WhaL we're abouL Lo do lsn'L Lhe
besL way Lo do Lhls buL lL ls a handy Lool Lo know for laLer. Co lnLo edlL mode and selecL (rlghL cllck) Lhe
Lop verLex of Lhe cyllnder) [Lhe besL way Lo do Lhe followlng would be (90, 103, 90 roLaLlon, buL uCn'1
uC 1PA1 for Lhe momenL.)

Pold shlfL and press Lhe d key. 1hls wlll creaLe a copy of Lhe selecLlon. move your mouse upwards and
Lhe copy moves wlLh lL. Cllck Lhe lefL mouse buLLon and Lhe copy freezes.

wlLh Lhe copled verLex sLlll selecLed, go ln mesh->verLlces->separaLe. 1hls makes your selecLlon a
dlfferenL ob[ecL from Lhe one currenLly belng edlLed.

1ab back lnLo ob[ecL mode. ?ou can see Lhe separaLed verLex above your cyllnder as a doL. SelecL lL, and
see LhaL lL's Lransform properLles are also 13 degrees on Lhe z axls.

Change Lhe z roLaLlon Lo zero.

unselecL all, Lhen selecL Lhe cyllnder, Lhen hold shlfL and selecL Lhe separaLed verLex. 1hls selecLs boLh

Pold conLrol (CLrl) and press !. 1hls allows you Lo [oln ob[ecLs lnLo a slngle one. Slnce Lhe verLex was Lhe
second selecLlon, Lhe ob[ecL Lransform properLles become Lhose of Lhe lasL selecLlon. ?our cyllnder ls
now consldered Lo be aL 0 roLaLlon ln all axes.

1ab lnLo edlL mode, selecL Lhe exLra verLex and hlL deleLe. A menu appears, selecL verLlces. 1hls menu ls
useful ln Lhe fuLure, and ls self-explanaLory.

seL Lhe cyllnder's ? roLaLlon Lo 90 degrees. 1hls makes lL parallel Lo Lhe alrcrafL reference.

you can see Lhe cyllnder ls now clearly maLched wlLh Lhe alrcrafL's orlenLaLlon. 1ab lnLo edlL mode.

PlL Lhe A key Lo selecL all

PlL Lhe S key Lo scale Lhe selecLlon unlformly (all axes scaled by same amounL)

Scale lL unLll one slde more or less maLches Lhe curvaLure of Lhe flrsL gradaLlon ln Lhe fronL vlew. 1hls ls
how we sLarL maklng your nose cone.

PlL Lhe b key, Lhen hlL lL agaln. 1hls makes a sorL of clrcle, and lf you rlghL cllck wlLh Lhls cursor,
everyLhlng lnslde Lhe clrcle ls selecLed. Make sure you are sLlll ln verLex selecLlon mode. SelecL Lhe Lop
half of Lhe verLlces. PlL Lhe S key and Lhen before movlng your mouse hlL Lhe ? key. 1hls scales on Lhe ?
axls only.

?our mlddllng verLlces maLch Lhe edge now.

unselecL all, Lhen selecL Lhe unmaLched verLlces and pull Lhem up, uslng Lhe double b key selecLlon
brush Lo agaln. Make sure you always use Lhe double b brush selecLor so LhaL you are selecLlng Lhe
verLex aL Lhe fronL of Lhe cyllnder and Lhe back.

ueleLe one half of Lhe cyllnder, and sLarL movlng fronL-back palrs of verLlces one aL a Llme Lo maLch Lhe
nose cone. Make sure you keep uslng Lhe double b brush Lo selecL Lhe fronL and back aL Lhe same Llme.

unselecL all, and make sure you dlsLrlbuLed Lhe verLlces more or less evenly so Lhe shape wlll be round
laLer on.

PlL 7 Lo swlLch Lo Lop vlew.

SelecL all your verLlces and move Lhem forward so Lhe back end of Lhe cyllnder llnes up wlLh Lhe flrsL llne
on Lop (Lhe nose cone)

Co back lnLo edlL mode. WlLh your cyllnder sLlll selecLed, change your subwlndow panel Lo ob[ecLs. PlL
add modlfler, flnd mlrror and cllck.

A mlrror modlfler menu comes up. Cllck on x Lo unselecL mlrrorlng Lhe x axls and hlL ? Lo selecL mlrrorlng
on Lhe ? axls. 1hls makes a copy of whaL ls on one slde of Lhe ? axls Lo whaL ls on Lhe oLher slde of Lhe ?
axls. lL wlll also merge verLlces wlLh Lhe same coordlnaLes so LhaL Lhe mesh ls closed.

?ou have a cyllnder once more, and we can scale lL unlformly from Lhe Lop vlew. Move Lhe fronL end
forwards by selecLlng lL (agaln wlLh Lhe b brush, almosL anyLlme you selecL more Lhan one Lhlng you wlll
do lL wlLh Lhls)

Scale Lhe fronL end Lo flL Lhe ouLllne.

WlLh Lhe fronL end sLlll selecLed, hlL Lhe e key. 1hls wlll brlng up an exLruslon menu. SelecL reglon, whlch
wlll exLrude a cyllnder from our clrcle. When you exLrude, move your mouse Lo Lhe rlghL whlch wlll drag
ouL Lhe cyllnder, and cllck Lo freeze Lhe end. Scale Lhe new end Lo flL Lhe ouLllne, Lhen exLrude agaln and
repeaL Lhe process unLll you're nearly aL Lhe end of Lhe nose. uon'L do Loo many cross secLlons or Lhe
alrcrafL wlll be laggy.

When you reach Lhe Llp, scale Lhe lasL cyllnder end down as much as posslble, Lhen go ln mesh-
>verLlces->merge. Cnce you cllck Lhls a menu wlll appear. 1hls wlll be your seLLlng Lo merge Lhe selecLed

ln Lhe merge menu, hlL aL cenLer. Lhls wlll remove all Lhe verLlces LhaL you dldn'L need and make one
cenLral polnL of connecLlon.

8epeaL Lhe exLruslon process on Lhe back end.

PlL 1 Lo swlLch Lo proflle vlew. Cbvlously Lhe Lop vlew dldn'L maLch Lhe slde vlew, so we need Lo scale ln
Lhls vlew. Powever slnce Lhe Lop vlew was flne, we musL scale ln such a way LhaL Lhe alrcrafL ls
unchanged from Lhe Lop. 1o do so we wlll scale on Lhe z axls. SelecL columns of verLlces wlLh Lhe b brush
and scale on Lhe z axls. (remember, hlL s, leL go of s before movlng Lhe mouse, hlL z, move Lhe mouse,
lefL cllck Lo flnlsh scallng)

1he body of Lhe alrcrafL ls now accuraLe from Lhe Lop and slde. lgnore Lhe facL LhaL Lhe body goes
Lhrough Lhe reference canopy, we wlll flx Lhls laLer.

We can see Lhlngs are sLarLlng Lo look more llke an f9f. Admlre your work a llLLle, Lhen swlLch Lo ob[ecL

Add a cyllnder, do Lhe same Lhlng we dld wlLh Lhe lasL one Lo roLaLe lL 13 degrees and negaLe LhaL, Lhen
roLaLe lL 90 degrees on Lhe y axls. SeL lLs draw Lype Lo wlreframe ln Lhe panel you geL from l7.

ln edlL mode, move Lhe cyllnder back and make lL maLch Lhe exhausL nozzle. We are dolng Lhls because
we wanL lL Lo be perfecLly clrcular. Lrase Lhe fronL end of Lhls cyllnder.

Co back Lo ob[ecL mode, selecL Lhe alrcrafL fuselage, and go lnLo edlL mode. ueleLe Lhe rlghL half of Lhe
alrcrafL. (Lhe boLLom half from Lhls vlew, as ln deleLe everyLhlng beneaLh Lhe x axls, whlch ls Lhe
horlzonLal axls ln Lop vlew)

Co back Lo ob[ecL mode, selecL your cyllnder cap, go lnLo edlL mode and deleLe Lhe same half as you [usL
deleLed on Lhe fuselage.

SelecL boLh and [oln Lhem wlLh cLr+[

1hls Llme lL doesn'L maLLer whaL order Lhey are [olned ln slnce nelLher has LransformaLlons LhaL wlll
damage Lhe flnal producL. 1ab lnLo edlL mode.

SelecL Lwo verLlces on Lhe cyllnder cap, and selecL Lwo verLlces on Lhe fuselage LhaL look llke Lhey

PlL Lhe l key. 1hls wlll make a face wlLh Lhe selecLed verLlces. 8epeaL Lhls on all seLs of 4 verLlces on Lhe
cap and fuselage LhaL look llke Lhey maLch.

Co back Lo edlL mode. l have changed Lhe draw Lype Lo solld, you don'L need Lo do Lhls, buL lL's [usL Lo
glve you an ldea of whaL lL really looks llke ln 3d so far.

Mlrror lL on ?.

Co ln ob[ecL mode, and add a cube. 1ab lnLo edlL mode on Lhe cube.

8oLaLe Lhe cube more or less 43 degrees. ?ou don'L need Lo be preclse.

ueleLe Lhe Lwo verLlces aL Lhe rear end of Lhe cube.

Shrlnk your Lrlangle looklng ex-cube and brlng Lhe Llp of lL Lo Lhe leadlng edge of Lhe wlng [olnL. ?ou may
need Lo zoom ln on Lhls plcLure Lo see lL rlghL.

SelecL one unconnecLed end of your Lrlangular looklng ex-cube and exLrude lL. Make sure you have boLh
verLlces LhaL make up LhaL polnL selecLed, and exLrude "only edges". urag Lhls Lo flL Lhe curve of Lhe
wlng [olnL, and repeaL over and over agaln unLll you have a black llne LhaL maLches Lhe wlng [olnL more
or less. When Lhe end ls abouL Lo reach Lhe end of your orlglnal Lrlangle-looklng ex-cube, selecL all four
verLlces and make a face.

LxLrude your new wlng-[olnL ouLllne and scale unlformly Lo maLch Lhe Lop vlew. Scale lL Lo flL Lhe wlng,
Lhen move lL on Lhe x axls (red arrow) Lo acLually maLch Lhe wlng.

8epeaL unLll you have maLched Lhe wlng from Lop vlew.

PlL 3 Lo swlLch Lo fronL vlew and move Lhe columns of verLlces on Lhe wlng Lo maLch Lhe ouLllne, and
scale Lhem on Lhe z-axls (s Lhen z) Lo flL Lhe reference. 8epeaL for all columns of verLlces on Lhe wlng.


1ab back lnLo ob[ecL mode. l wenL lnLo solld draw Lype Lo show you how Lhlngs progress, and you can
see LhaL we already have Lhe maklngs of a plane.

SelecL Lhe wlng mesh and Lhe fuselage mesh. 1hls brlngs up Lhe boolean menu whlch allows Lo do Lhlngs
llke subLracL one mesh from anoLher, make a shell wlLh Lhe exLerlor of Lhe Lwo meshes, only keep Lhe
lnLersecLlon of Lwo meshes ecL. We wlll use "unlon" whlch removes Lhe lnLersecLlon of Lhe Lwo meshes
and makes Lhem one blg mesh. 1hls serves Lo make our alrcrafL a sorL of "shell" wlLh no floaLlng
geomeLry, whlch ls useful for several Lhlngs, namely palnLlng.

?ou only need your booleaned mesh, buL ln case you mess lL up selecL your fuselage and wlng and go
lnLo ob[ecL->show/hlde opLlons->hlde selecLed. 1hls wlll remove Lhem from your work space wlLhouL
Lhem acLually belng deleLed.

ueleLe Lhe half wlLh no wlng, Lhen mlrror. 1hen ln ob[ecL mode, add a cube and roLaLe lL 43 degrees on
Lhe Z axls.

Move Lhe cube back more or less where Lhe Lall ls. ueleLe Lhe back end.

Move Lhe fronL end of Lhe cube Lo where Lhe fronL of Lhe Lall ls, exLrude Lhe back end Lo more or less flL
Lhe Lall.

Move Lhe Lop end Lo more or less flL Lhe slope of Lhe rear end

use Lhe exLruslon meLhod Lo work your way up, scallng unlformly along Lhe way.

lor Lhe cockplL, make a cyllnder and deleLe Lhe boLLom half.

Make Lhe cyllnder maLch Lhe frame of Lhe canopy, more or less.

Make lL maLch Lhe frame of Lhe canopy from Lhe fronL as well as posslble. My references are crap so l

Move Lhe verLlces along Lhe x axls Lo maLch Lhe canopy frame as well as posslble. ueleLe Lhe cenLral
boLLom verLex.

use Lhe exLrude and scale meLhod. Cnce done, swlLch Lo Lop vlew and make sure lL maLches.

Make sure Lhe fronL vlew maLches Loo.

?ou are baslcally done wlLh Lhe base mesh.

SelecL all verLlces LhaL are non cruclal (Lhls plcLure ls wrong, l selecLed all of Lhem. uonL selecL Lhlngs llke
wlng edges, Lhe nozzle, and Lhlngs LhaL maLch Lhe edges llnes of Lhe plcLure ln general. Cnly plck verLlces
beLween Lhose llke Lhose on Lhe wlng [olnL) Lhen go Lo mesh -> verLlces -> smooLh. Make sure you have
as llLLle floaLlng/unwelded geomeLry as posslble when dolng Lhls, because lL wlll mess lL up. 1he f9f ls a
falrly round plane, so you probably won'L even have Lo deal wlLh verLex shadows.

Co Lo mesh ->faces -> seL smooLh Lo geL someLhlng llke Lhls. Looks good rlghL?

1o qulckly make Lhe lnLake, selecL Lhe faces on Lhe fronL of Lhe leadlng edge, hlL Lhe k ley and selecL

Cllck and leL go, drag Lhe mouse lollowlng Lhe lnLake, cllck somewhere else Lo flnlsh Lhe cuL. 1he faces
selecLed are now cuL along Lhe llne. 8epeaL unLll you have cuL ouL Lhe lnLake.
noLe: whlle l dld noL do lL here, an lnLeresLlng Lrlck ls Lo cllck Lhe mouse wheel whlle performlng a cuL Lo
cuL perfecLly along an axls.

AfLer you are done Lhe lnLake, deleLe Lhe half wlLhouL one, mlrror. !oln all ob[ecLs. 1hls ls your base
mesh, good [ob!
We wlll now exporL Lhe base mesh as your palnLlng blank.

!* +*
CuL ouL parLs, explaln anlmaLlon ln dnmvlewer, lnclude llnk Lo vlnce's blender anlmaLlon LuL
8eposL Lhe ysfhq cla page wlLh credlLs
explaln palnLlng ln gepolyx (l really don'L llke Lhe palnLlng meLhod ln blender, noL sure lf l should
lnclude LhaL aL all) (baslcally a plcLure and LexL verslon of lce's camo LuL, llnk Lo hls LuL as well lf Lhey
wanL vldeo)
palnLlng sLyle Llps and sLuff
Shrlnkwrapplng ln blender (mosLly [usL a redo of kuro's LuL buL more sLralghLforward)
Lxplaln decal layerlng
Lransparencles, shadow, deLalllng ln general
Lhe .daL, reposL Lhe ysfhq .daL masLer llsL and posL an example .daL (because you don'L need Lo use
every Lype of llne)
Lhe .lsL
debugglng your plane
Concluslon of some sorL? erhaps lnclude Lhe alrcrafL produced.
Patrick 12/21/11 4:00 PM
Comment [7]: explaln lmporL/exporL funcLlons,
maybe some of Lhe scrlpLs.

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