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MICB 300 Assignment 3

Group assignment: Poster abstract

Due 9:00 am, 4 Nov. 2009
Submit electronic version of PDF via Vista

An electronic copy in PDF format must be submitted via the Vista site by one group
member (i.e., submit only one electronic copy per group) and will be used for posting
abstracts on line. It is therefore essential to follow the formatting provided on the one-
page template provided on the next page exactly as it is shown. Delete this first page
of instructions, use the following page as a template for your abstract, and submit only
the single-page abstract. The abstract should be concise (maximum 250 words) and
should give readers the main points of your poster, and what they will expect to see. You
can see examples of this format on and other abstract databases. Your
abstract should reflect the content of your poster. Marking of the abstract will be based on
the quality of your research (how well you research the topic and identify important
points) and the clarity of presentation.

The abstract should include a reference section (listed alphabetically), and the three
most relevant references should be listed in bold font to allow students to search for more
information if desired.

The abstracts and reference lists will be compiled and displayed on the course web page.
The abstract should not appear on your poster, as an effective poster does not have such
large blocks of text. Do not exceed the word limit as only the first 250 words will be
used for evaluation. The entire abstract, with references, in 12-point Times (New)
Roman font, should be on a single page. Save in PDF format and submit by
uploading using the Assignment Tool in Vista.

Qualities of a Good Abstract:

• Uses one well developed paragraph that is unified, coherent, concise, and able to
stand alone.
• Uses an introduction/body/conclusion structure.
• Introduces the poster topic to its audience, explains the topic’s significance, states
the main points of the poster with key words, and states any conclusions.
• Provides logical connections (or transitions) between the information included.
• Summarizes the poster without including information not in the poster.
• Is understandable to a general audience.

Abstract and references: 20 marks

 Clearly describes content of poster and outlines major points
 Makes a case for relevance/importance of topic
 References listed are well chosen and most relevant references are
 Abstract does not exceed 250 words
 Abstract plus references do not exceed one page
 Follows correct format
Informative poster title (Times Roman, 14-point, bold)

Group number: (Times Roman, bold and 12-point)

Group members: (list names in Times Roman, bold and 12-point)

The abstract should be a single paragraph following the above subtitle, “Abstract”. The
abstract should be in single-spaced Times Roman, 12-point font. Use a maximum of 250
words. The abstract should be followed by a reference section formatted as below
(examples given). The abstract with references must fit on a single standard (11” x 8.5”
page), so limit the number of references accordingly and list only the most important
references. List the three most important references in bold.


1. Horner-Devine MC, Lage M, Hughes JB, Bohannan BJ (2004) A taxa-area

relationship for bacteria. Nature 432:750-753
2. Hughes JB, Bohannan BJ (2004) Application of ecological diversity statistics in
microbial ecology. In: Kowalchuk (ed.) Molecular Microbial Ecology Manual, 2nd
Edn. Kluwer, London, pp 1321-1344

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