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8 I8 Course Informat|on

I8 Contact

l8 CoordlnaLor: !ulle SLemple-Poover: sLemplehoover[e[sLaffordschools.neL

School luslon page : hLLp://

l8 aL 8 webslLe: under consLrucLlon - comlng soon!

l8 Ceneral 8egulaLlons (your rlghLs and l8 rules): hLLp://
kequ|red I8
& Lxams

Lach l8 course requlres boLh lnLernal and exLernal l8 assessmenLs. !"#$%"&' &))$))*$"#) (lAs) are Lhose
LhaL are scored by Lhe classroom Leacher uslng l8 scorlng rubrlcs, and Lhen moderaLed by an l8 examlner.
+,#$%"&' &))$))*$"#) are Lhose LhaL are scored only by exLernal l8 examlners. l8 exams" are exLernal
assessmenLs, some courses may have addlLlonal exLernal assessmenLs. See oLher slde for
more lnformaLlon.

-#./$"#) *.)# ).0*1# &'' &))$))*$"#) %$2.1%$/ 03 !4 1" 5%/$% #5 6$# &" !4 )75%$8 9&1'.%$ #5 ).0*1# &"3
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B$16@#$/ 7%$/1# &) B$'' &) !4 #%&")7%1A# /$)16"&#15"C


lf you have speclal assessmenL requlremenLs, Lhe l8 CoordlnaLor wlll requesL arrangemenLs Lhrough l8
based on your usual assessmenL requlremenLs aL school aL 8PS. lL ls lmporLanL Lo ensure LhaL Lhe l8
CoordlnaLor has all lnformaLlon necessary aL Lhe sLarL of Lhe school year so LhaL arrangemenLs for your
l8 assessmenLs can be made ln advance. lease conLacL me so l know Lo puL ln Lhls requesL Lo l8 - you can
do Lhls dlrecLly or vla your l8 Leacher(s).
I||ness or

lf a sLudenL ls lll or oLherwlse experlenclng speclal clrcumsLances aL Lhe Llme of a requlred l8
assessmenL, lL ls very lmporLanL Lo conLacL Lhe l8 CoordlnaLor as soon as posslble - preferably before
Lhe daLe of Lhe assessmenL, when posslble.

1here are no seL make---up daLes for l8 exams. SLudenLs who mlss l8 exams for lllness or speclal
clrcumsLances Lyplcally musL make arrangemenLs Lo compleLe Lhe assessmenLs Lhe followlng year.
-#./$"#) 1" !4 75.%)$) )@5.'/ "5# A'&" #5 0$ 5.# 59 )7@55' 95% 9&*1'3 D&7&#15")E $#7C B@$" !4 &))$))*$"#)
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%$'&#$/ #5 1''"$)) 5% $*$%6$"73C
l8 exams Lake place May 4-22, 2013. 1he speclflc calendar ls avallable on Lhe l8 aL 8 luslon page.

lL ls exLremely lmporLanL Lo be ln aLLendance ln l8 courses every day of class. ALLendance ln class ls one
of Lhe key conLrlbuLors Lo a sLudenL's success ln l8. lan Lo be ln class every day unless Lhere ls an
lllness or emergency LhaL prevenLs you from dolng so. 1ry Lo plan appolnLmenLs and oLher
clrcumsLances so LhaL Lhey do noL fall durlng Lhe day/Llme of your l8 course(s). l8 courses have a
speclflc absenL work pollcy - be sure you recelve Lhls from your l8 Leacher(s) and undersLand lL.
C|ass Grade
& I8 Score
?ou wlll earn a leLLer grade LhaL wlll be reflecLed on your SCS reporL card for each marklng perlod.
1hls grade ls Lhe resulL of acLlvlLles LhaL Lake place such as class work, homework, qulzzes, LesLs,
pro[ecLs, papers, and presenLaLlons. 1hls grade ls used Lo deLermlne your CA and class rank, and ls
welghLed for Lhose purposes. lor 2---year l8 courses, you earn a separaLe leLLer grade each year.

?ou wlll &')5 earn a score from l8 based on Lhe assessmenLs requlred by l8. All requlred l8 assessmenLs
conLrlbuLe Lo your flnal l8 Score (noL [usL Lhe l8 exam). ?ou wlll earn an overall l8 Score of 1---7 based on
Lhese requlred l8 assessmenLs, wlLh a 4 represenLlng passlng." lor 2---year l8 courses, you do noL earn
a separaLe l8 score each year, you earn one l8 score based on boLh years of Lhe course comblned. lf
you are a full l8 ulploma sLudenL, Lhe l8 score for each course ls used Lo deLermlne wheLher you have
earned Lhe l8 ulploma.

I8 Sub[ect
1hls l8 Course lncludes a sub[ecL fee Lo pay for l8 assessmenLs. lf lL ls Lhe flrsL year of a 2---year l8 Course, you
wlll noL pay Lhe sub[ecL fee unLll "$,# year for Lhls course. lf lL ls a 1---year l8 Course or Lhe second year of a 2-
--?ear l8 Course, you wlll reglsLer for Lhe sub[ecL and pay Lhe sub[ecL fee by CcLober 13 of Lhls year. 1he
sub[ecL fee ls $110 for 2014---2013. SLudenLs ln Lhe lree/8educed Lunch rogram wlll have Lhelr l8 Sub[ecL
lees reduced or walved. aymenL plans are avallable Lo any sLudenL, regardless of flnanclal need. In
September, the I8 Coord|nator w||| prov|de you w|th |nformat|on and d|rect|ons about how to reg|ster for
the sub[ect exam and pay the sub[ect fee. noLe: 1here ls no 1ok sub[ecL fee for full l8 ulploma sLudenLs,
1ok for 8lack-Pawk Scholars ls $138 wlLh LL, $33 wlLhouL LL.
I8 Courses
l8 AnLhro.
l8 Lnv. Sys.
l8 hyslcs
l8 sychology
l8 ArL SL
lor slngle---year l8 courses, sLudenLs wlll reglsLer for Lhe exam and pay Lhe exam fee by CcLober 13 of Lhls
year, Lhey wlll Lake Lhe l8 exam for Lhe course ln May. Lach l8 exam ls made up of 2---3 'papers.' ?our
classroom Leacher wlll explaln Lhe requlremenLs of each paper for Lhe course. 1he l8 Score earned by Lhe
sLudenL ln Lhe course wlll be avallable onllne ln early !uly. SLudenLs earnlng a 4 or hlgher (passlng score)
recelve Lhelr l8 CerLlflcaLes afLer compleLlon of Lhe )$"15% year (even lf Lhey Look Lhe course ln Lhelr [unlor
year) aL Lhe l8 Award Ceremony.

LxCL1lCnS: !4 G1).&' H%# -I does noL have an exam ln May, lnsLead, sLudenLs creaLe a porLfollo of work
and parLlclpaLe ln a recorded lnLervlew LhaL ls submlLLed Lo l8 as Lhelr ma[or assessmenL for Lhe course.
I8 Courses
l8 8lology
l8 ChemlsLry
l8 lrench
l8 Cerman
l8 PlsLory
l8 LaLln
l8 LlLeraLure
l8 MaLh SLudles
l8 MaLhemaLlcs
l8 Spanlsh
l8 Muslc
l8 1heaLre
l8 ArL PL
lor Lwo---year l8 courses, sLudenLs may engage ln and compleLe some requlred l8 assessmenLs durlng Lhe
flrsL year of Lhe course, buL all requlred l8 assessmenLs are senL Lo l8 for scorlng ln Lhe second year of Lhe
course. SLudenLs musL compleLe 05#@ years of Lhe course Lo earn an l8 score. SLudenLs recelve a SCS
welghLed credlL for each year (2 LoLal). SLudenLs wlll reglsLer for Lhe l8 sub[ecL exam and pay Lhe exam fee
ln CcLober of Lhe )$75"/ year of Lhe course, Lhey wlll Lake Lhe l8 exam for Lhe course ln May of Lhe )$75"/
year of Lhe course. 1he l8 score earned by Lhe sLudenL ln Lhe course wlll be avallable onllne ln early !uly
afLer Lhe )$75"/ year. SLudenLs earnlng a 4 or hlgher (passlng score) recelve Lhelr l8 CerLlflcaLes (or l8
ulplomas) afLer compleLlon of Lhe senlor year aL Lhe l8 Award Ceremony. Students do not pay sub[ect
fees or s|t for I8 exams dur|ng the f|rst year of a 2---year course.

LxCL1lCnS: !4 G1).&' H%# JI does noL have an exam ln May, lnsLead, sLudenLs creaLe a porLfollo of work
and parLlclpaLe ln a recorded lnLervlew LhaL ls submlLLed Lo l8 as Lhelr ma[or assessmenL for Lhe course. !4
=@$&#%$ does noL have an exam ln May, lnsLead, sLudenLs submlL exLernal assessmenL pro[ecLs. =;K does
noL have an exam, lnsLead, sLudenLs submlL an essay and presenLaLlon.
College credlL ls posslble buL noL guaranLeed. lL ls deLermlned by Lwo facLors: (1) 1he l8 score you earn for
Lhe sub[ecL, and (2) Lhe l8 credlL pollcy of Lhe college or unlverslLy you aLLend. lL ls Lhe sLudenL's
responslblllLy Lo research Lhe l8 credlL pollcy of hls or her college. ?our counselor and Lhe l8 CoordlnaLor
are avallable Lo asslsL you wlLh Lhls.

SepL. 29 LasL day Lo drop a course wlLhouL prlnclpal approval.
CcL. 1-2 1he l8 CoordlnaLor wlll supply you wlLh lnformaLlon abouL reglsLerlng for l8 exam and paylng
l8 sub[ecL fee, lncludlng paymenL plan lnformaLlon.
CcL. 24 l8 exam reglsLraLlon form and sub[ecL fee due Lo Mrs. vasquez ln Lhe maln offlce.
!an. 13 no refunds lssued for fees pald up Lo Lhls polnL.
Aprll MandaLory meeLlng for all sLudenLs Laklng an l8 exam ln May. 1he l8 CoordlnaLor wlll explaln
LesLlng regulaLlons, how Lo access your l8 scores, and Lhe process for havlng your score senL
Lo unlverslLles.
May 4 - 22 l8 exams (speclflc schedule posLed on l8 aL 8PS luslon page)
!uly 6 l8 scores avallable onllne Lo sLudenLs


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