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Paid for by Wooten for Congress

Dear Friends:

My name is Chuck Wooten, and I am a conservative Republican running for the U.S. Congress in Arizona. I am
writing to express my commitment to further conservative principles on the Hill.

I look forward to representing the citizens of Arizona in the essential fight for life. I urge all Republicans in
Washington to support the pro-life commitment from conception to natural death.

I completed the online survey the PAC uses to measure each candidates principles across the entire spectrum of
pro-life issues, questions, and legislation. I further understand the AZTRL PAC will monitor my voting record and
public statements while in office. I understood my application questionnaire was in full compliance, yet the PAC
board chose to not endorse me. No explanation was offered.

Our government is for sale, and (let's face it) we'll never have the unlimited funds the left-wing has to buy the
biggest banner. What we do have is the people on our side. Poll after poll shows that Americans support a
conservative agenda, want big money out of politics, want to protect their air and water quality, protect the unborn,
support public schools, and oppose the income inequality currently devastating our country's future.

The Arizona Primary Election is August 26, 2014. This is the chance for constituents to pick the conservative
candidate they trust to represent them. Theres a battle against left-wing candidates, and establishment Republicans
seeking to mandate CCSS in public education, introduce marriage equality, mandate the Affordable Care Act (ACA),
and seek to destroy our Republic through the likes of the GOP.

My plan to represent the issues facing Arizona District 2 and the country include protecting the sanctity of
marriage between a man and a woman, protecting the right to life from conception to natural death,
balancing the federal budget that includes spending cuts, opposing a pathway to citizenship (amnesty) for
illegal immigration to the U.S., and supporting Term Limits.

The professional business experience qualifying my representation of CD 2 include founding owner of the
Corona Consulting Corporation, a Vice Presidency position of Federal Business Development SodexoUSA,
Logistics Strategic Planning leadership for Operation Iraqi and Enduring Freedom and Program
Management at Hewlett-Packard.

I hold a Bachelor of Science Degree in Occupational Education with a minor in Logistics Management from
Wayland Baptist University, in San Antonio, Texas. I am a Life Member of the Air Force Sergeants Association,
member of the National Rifle Association and the American Legion. I live in Tucson with my wife Lora and we
have 3 grown children.
What we have is the votes. But only if we can protect ourselves against an outright, well-financed, and
aggressive strategy to take our votes away.

The GOP has been working overtime to discriminate against conservative voters and actively suppress our
voting opportunities. We see the Democrats and the rank and file Republicans with the influence of
heavyweight endorsements and massive amounts of money behind the scenes; all that was left at that point
was to wait for the low-information electorate to obediently complete the formality in the primary. They

Paid for by Wooten for Congress

have reduced the number of opportunities for the voters to learn about candidates and their position on the
issues. The candidate debate scheduled for July 8 was cancelled due to lack of candidate participation.

The August 26
Republican primary elections are always about their choice of candidates, but this year they
are more about how and if we will fight back against voter suppression. Because our constitutional right to
vote, and our insistence that we will exercise that right in the face of daunting assault, is all we have left.

It's not good enough for them to simply find their personal way to the polls this year. It's their duty
to drag along friends and family. It's important to send a message that we will not have our voices
silenced, that we have the numbers to fight back.

My endorsements include Seeing Red AZ (SRAZ), Northwest Conservatives, Josh Bernstein (The Josh
Bernstein Show); The Tea Party Community and Tea Party Tribune (Tim Selaty, Jr., CEO); Combat Veteran
and Brenner Brief Editor, Paul Gregory Matuszak, U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel (Retired); Everett Ray
Moudy, U.S. Army Highly Decorated, Vietnam Pilot, Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) U.S.A.F.; and Thomas
Norris, U.S.A.F. Legendary A-10 Pilot, Lieutenant Colonel (Retired).

My grass roots campaign is based on principles, not money, and my big challenge is standing up to the progressive
collection of Washington elites. I respectfully request your endorsement of my campaign to help combat the
lawlessness of this administration and the battle against big government.
Regards and thank you,
Chuck Wooten
Wooten 2014 Campaign
PMB 187
8110 S. Houghton Rd. #158
Tucson, AZ 85747

My cell: (520) 360-7696
My website:
Tea Party Community:
Twitter: @chuckwooten

Paid for by Wooten for Congress

CHUCK WOOTEN 2014 Campaign Platform Issues

Border Security Our border with Mexico must be immediately secured. Period. Illegal entry into America has
created major increases in drug cartel activity, violence against American citizens, human trafficking, money
laundering and other criminal activities. Our border communities, ranches and farms are terrorized on a continual
basis while the federal government does nothing to seal the border, which they are required by law to do. I am on
record as making this the number 1 issue of my campaign and I demand the federal government permanently seal
our border immediately. On this issue, I am firm.
Immigration Reform/Amnesty I am opposed to immigration reform, or amnesty for illegal immigrants in any
form. The second they crossed our border illegally, they became criminals. Providing amnesty in any form will
destroy the middle class, lower wages, destroy conservatism and degrade our already scarce job market. Amnesty for
law-breakers is an insult to every legal immigrant who entered our immigration system and obtained citizenship
legally. On this issue, I am firm.
Obamacare I will support and actively participate in legislation to fully repeal Obamacare. Obamacare is an
outright assault on the American people, while its architects and supporters positioned it as healthcare vehicle that
we could not live withoutthat the federal government knows what is best for families and individuals who are
apparently incapable of making their own decisions. The law, passed in a single party vote, without being read by
those who voted for it has proven to be the greatest fraud perpetrated on the American people. It has also
attempted to change the very identity of the American people. We are no longer citizens of our Republic, but rather
subjects of an imperial President. Obamacare must be repealed. It was never designed for repair and has proven
irreparable. But people still need healthcare and it must be replacedbut NOT by the federal government. Our
free-market economy is designed and very capable of offering insurance plans, from basic and inexpensive to
comprehensive and more costly. The missing attribute of our healthcare offering has been the lack of competition.
The healthcare industry must be reorganized for competitiveness and lower costs to America. On this issue, I am
Right To Life My stance on abortion is in firm opposition, likewise on other life issues including, doctor-assisted
suicide, euthanasia (voluntary or otherwise). Although Im not a member of the Catholic faith, I do agree it is
fundamentally acceptable; however, only in specific circumstances that will prevent the death of the mother and the
fetus is lost. Overall, I support the rights of the defenseless, unborn child, regardless of circumstance. I also oppose
federal funding (tax dollars) for abortion practitioners. On this issue, I am firm.
Financial Responsibility The federal government has completely failed the American people as stewards of our
tax dollars. For far too long, the reckless and irresponsible spending by our representatives has resulted in a $17.5
Trillion debt. But thats merely the tip of the iceberg. What doesnt get reported in the news is our additional $125
Trillion of unfunded liability. The federal government has an insatiable appetite for spending and is operating on
continuing resolution in lieu of reining in spending and working diligently toward a balanced budget. Nearly
automatic debt ceiling increases plus budget proposals which increase spending keep the country on an
unsustainable crash course and have exposed the very fabric of our freedom by forcing us to become indebted to
other countries to the point that our national security and our future generations are in dire jeopardy. I
wholeheartedly support a balanced budget amendment by a reduction in spending and I will not vote in favor of a
budget proposal which includes an overall spending increase. On this I am firm.

Paid for by Wooten for Congress

2nd Amendment Rights I will oppose any efforts to undermine or limit our Constitutional right to bear arms.
As with the rest of the Constitution, I will support this right with all my ability. There is an undercurrent of gun
ownership opposition trying to influence federal and state law, which would place a variety of ill-conceived
restrictions on gun and ammunition ownership and use. As a member of Congress, I can be counted upon to
uphold and defend the Constitution as the law of the land. I support our Constitutional right to gun ownership and
use. On this I am firm.
National Security/National Defense The first and primary responsibility of the federal government is to protect
the United States of America. We live in a complex and dynamic world with countries that have conflicting
ideologies, priorities and interests. Americas greatest strength for many generations has been its resolve and
determination to deter aggression by any country or group by maintaining the stronger, more lethal defense
apparatus. Americans are always willing and able to fight for its freedom. What weve seen over the past six years of
the Obama administration is a systematic, intentional weakening of our military might, power and strength. I
oppose any such action. I am in favor of a strong, lethal military presence in the world as a means of deterrence and
swift action, if necessary. Our troops must be ready to fightand win, when called upon. On this I am firm.
The Federal Reserve I support a complete and comprehensive audit of the Federal Reserve. On this I am firm.
Education I do not support federal government involvement in our childrens education, as we are seeing with
Common Core. As with most every federal program, the cost is exorbitant and the results are marginal, if not flatly
negative. Actual stakeholders in a childs education, such as parents and teachers, should be the driving
determinants of the content and quality of what our kids learnhow they learnand where they learn. On this I
am firm.
Federal Regulation While some governmental regulation is necessary for the safety and security of our citizenry,
the federal government has overreached its authority to regulate our people, their private property and their
livelihood. Excessive regulation of our energy industry has nearly destroyed an important element of how we
inexpensively power our nation. Overregulation of land and waterways in the name of activist environmental
protection has destroyed the ability for farming, ranching and small business to continue operation. Oppressive
government has unapologetically and systematically crept into our lives and when in Congress, I will join every
effort to temper federal agencies from infringing on our people and their lives. On this I am firm.
Term Limits It is my opinion that the lack of legislative term limits is the single greatest problem that has caused
our representative form of government to be removed from We The People. Overstaying in office has proven to
breed cronyism and corruption. Without term limits, representatives are free to operate according to their agenda
instead of those who elected them. I support term limits of every elected office. I have signed a Term Limit pledge
stating that I will co-sponsor and vote affirmatively for the U.S. Term Limit Amendment of three (3) House terms
and two (2) Senate terms and no longer limits. On this I am firm.

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