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Patching on Windows and WAR file deployment in Linux

Pre Requisites:
DB Backup
App FS Backup
Demantra (demantra73) user with sysdba privileges
Before Starting:
Check the Application version through URL and querying from DB.
1) Select * from demantra73.version_details_history order by upgrade_date desc;
2) Login to Collaborator Workbench using
http://<hostname>:port/demantra/portal/loginpage.jsp and click on About to see the version

Bring down the applications

Enable patch logging

Double click the install.exe file to start the patch installer

Krishnamoorthy Rasappan

Demantra Patching on Windows and WAR file deployment in Linux

Krishnamoorthy Rasappan

Demantra Patching on Windows and WAR file deployment in Linux

Krishnamoorthy Rasappan

Demantra Patching on Windows and WAR file deployment in Linux

Krishnamoorthy Rasappan

Demantra Patching on Windows and WAR file deployment in Linux

Check the log file for the errors.

Generating WAR File:

Please check whether patch installer has generated any WAR file.

Incase of no files generate one by running create_war file as shown below:

This wont takes more than 2 minutes

Krishnamoorthy Rasappan

Demantra Patching on Windows and WAR file deployment in Linux

At the end of fine generation it will prompt you to press any key to continue
as shown below:

Krishnamoorthy Rasappan

Demantra Patching on Windows and WAR file deployment in Linux

Deploying WAR File:

Copy the WAR file from Windows to Linux Machine

Click on Lock and Edit

Delete the existing deployment

Krishnamoorthy Rasappan

Demantra Patching on Windows and WAR file deployment in Linux

Click Activate Changes

Deploy the WAR file

Krishnamoorthy Rasappan

Demantra Patching on Windows and WAR file deployment in Linux

Krishnamoorthy Rasappan

Demantra Patching on Windows and WAR file deployment in Linux

Once you click finish; the following files / directories will be created in the domain
folder (where we have placed our WAR file).

Post Deployment:
Bring up the Demantra services
Login to collaborator workbench and check the version

Krishnamoorthy Rasappan

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