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Kaleth Miguel Morales Troya nacio en Valledupar el 9 de junio de 1984 y

falleci en Cartagena el 24 de agosto de 2005, cantante y compositor

colombiano de msica vallenata ms conocido como el rey de la "Nueva
Ola" en el vallenato, con su xito "Vivo en el limbo". Hijo del cantante Miguel
Morales y de Nevis Troya. Tuvo dos hijos Katrinalieth Morales, conocida
como la "chacha" de las mujeres y Samuel Miguel Morales. Sus hermanos:
Keyner Morales y Kanner Morales conformaron la agrupacin Los K Morales.
Kaleth Miguel Morales Troya was born in Valledupar on June 9 of 1984 and died in
Cartagena on August 24 of 2005, Colombian singer and songwriter of vallenato
music better known as the king of La nueva ola" in vallenato, with his hit Vivo en
el limbo. Son of singer Miguel Morales and Nevis Troya. He had two sons,
Katrinalieth Morales, known as La chacha de las mujeres and Samuel Miguel
Morales. His brothers Kanner Morales and Keyner Morales formed the group Los
K Morales.
Kaleth Miguel Morales Troya guas born in valledupar on yiun nain of naintin eirifor
and daied in cartagena on aguest tuenifor of tuthausendfaiv, Colombian singuer
and songrairer of vallenato miusic berer noun as the king of la nueva ola in
vallenato, gith jis jit vivo en el limbo. Son of singuer Miguel morales and nevis
troya. Ji jad tu sons, kathrinalieth morales, noun as la chacha de las mujeres and
Samuel miguel morales. Jis brothers kanner morales and keyner morales formd de
grup los k morales.

Su vida artstica comenz siguiendo los pasos de su padre; a la edad de 13
aos le pidi que le comprara una guitarra; con esta hizo su primera
composicin titulada Slo he quedado y aunque no la entreg a ningn
artista para que la grabara, porque segn sus propios comentarios le faltaba
pulirle la letra y la meloda, refleja lo que sera el inicio de su carrera. A los 12
su pap lo invit a grabar un tema a do titulado Tu forma de amar.
His artistic career began following the steps of his father, when he was 13 years
asked him to buy a guitar, with this one he made his first composition titled Solo
he quedado and although he didnt give it to any artist to record it, because
according their own comments he still had to get better lyrics and melody, this song
reflects what would be the beginning of his career. At 12 his father invited him to
record a duet titled Tu forma de amar.
Jis artistic carrir bigan fologing de steps of jis father, gen ji was zertn yiars askd
jim to bai a guitar, gith dis uan ji meid jis ferst composishon taireld solo he
quedado and olthou ji dident givit tu eni artist tu recordit, becos according deir oun
coments ji stil jad tu guet berer lirics and mlodi, dis song reflects guat guld be de
biguining of jis carrir. At twelve jis father invaired him tu record a duet taireld Tu
forma de amar.
Kaleth sufri un accidente que ocurri en la carretera que conduce
de Cartagena a Valledupar el 23 de agosto de 2005. Iba en un carro con
su hermano Keyner Morales. La maana del 24 de agosto de 2005 falleci
Kaleth Morales.
Kaleth suffered an accident that occurred on the road from Cartagena to
Valledupar on August 23, 2005. He was in a car with his brother Keyner Morales.
On the morning of August 24, 2005 Kaleth Morales passed away.
Kaleth soferd an accident dat ocurrd on de roud from Cartagena to Valledupar on
aguest tuenithri, tuthausendfaiv. Ji guas in a car gith jis brother keyner morales.
On the morning of aguest tuenifor, tuthausendfaiv kaleth morales pasd agei.

Las composiciones de Kaleth quedaron en manos de otros artistas.
Kaleth compositions are now in the hands of other artists.
Kaleth composishons ar nau in the jands of other artists.

Se dice que Kaleth Morales dej cerca de 105 composiciones, todas muy
hermosas con letras frescas, costumbristas y romnticas, y diferentes como
lo imprimio en sus composiciones Annimo escrita a su guitarra o Escoge
su camino en la que habla sobre su vida que le destacan como la mente ms
brillante del vallenato de la nueva ola.
Its said that Kaleth Morales left written about 105 compositions, All of them very
beautiful with fresh, folkloric and romantic lyrics, and different as he showed it in
his compositions Anonimo written to his guitar or Escoge su camino, this last
one talks about his life. His songs show him as the most brilliant mind of la nueva
ola of vallenato.
Its sed dat kaleth morales left griten abaut uan jondred and faiv composishons, ol
of dem very biuriful gith fresh, folkloric and romantic lirics, and diferent as ji
shoudit in jis composishons anonimo griten to jis guitar or escoge su camino,
dis last uan tolks abaut jis laif. Jis songs shou jim as de most brilliant maind of la
nueva ola of vallenato.

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