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(;<'or<>r IV. Until i. tin' Uliilc

and I lie Education of Paid ()'\cill

ONSU \\ ! \ \ I H I I.I I Y . I . K l ' H I / 1

.• ••

.s had succeeded at everything he d tried for

as long as he could remember. He just had
it to find a way to make this work.
o He turned to the morning's papers. He
5t wasn't the only one making headlines. A
variety of cabinet members seemed to be
leading the news.
at The first column in The New York Times
t. was a story about Colin Powell winning an
*s agreement from Arab nations to modify
at the Iraqi sanctions by more sharply con-
trolling cash and strategic items sought by
sll Hussein while easing the strictures on ci-
ii- vilian supplies.
r- Beneath the surface was a battle O'Neill
as had seen brewing since the NSC meeting
ig on January 30. It was Powell and his mod-
x- erates at the State Department versus
ct hard-liners like Rumsfeld, Cheney, and
Wolfowitz, who were already planning the
next war in Iraq_and the shape of a post-
Saddam country.
Documents were being prepared by the
iat Defense Intelligence Agency, Rumsfeld's
In intelligence arm, mapping Iraq's oil fields
ut and exploration areas and listing compa-
he nies that might be interested in leveraging
L if the precious asset.
rn One documentjJieadedf^Foreigri Suifor|)
~ lists^onipa-
:-•_•„ •- -..- .-;-.. •.
jiies__from thirty countries ^— including
France, Germany, Russia, and the United
Kingdom - - their specialties, bidding his-
tories, and in some cases their particular
areas of interest. _An attached document
maps Iraq with markings for "supergianL
oilfield," "other oilfield," and "earmarked
for production sharing/' while demarking
the largely undeveloped southwest of the
country into nine "blocks" to designate
areas for future exploration. The desire to
"dissuade" countries from engaging Jn.
"asymmetrical challenges" to the United
States— as Rumsfeld said in his January
articulation of the demonstrative value of a
ptive attack - matched with plans.
for how the world's second largest oil re-
serve might be divided among tV»p wnrlHV
contractors made for an irresistible combi-
O'Neill later said.
C Already by February, the talk was mostly,
about logistics. Not the whv. but the how
and how Quickly. Rumsfeld, O'Neill re-
called, was focused on how an incident
might cause escalated tensions — like the
shooting down of an American plane in the.
regular engagements between US. fighters,
and Iraqi antiaircraft batteries — and what
U.S. responses to such an occurrence
might be. Wolfowitz was pushing for the

arming of Iraqi opposition groups^ and

sending in U.S. troops to support and de-
fend their insurgency. He had written in
Foreign Affairs magazine in 1999 that "the
United States should be prepared to
commit ground forces to protect a sanc-
tuary in southern Iraq where the opposi-
tion could safely mobilize."
During his confirmation hearings,
Powell had said that arming the Iraqi op-
position would be logistically difficult and
ultimately unsuccessful in toppling
Saddam. Since then, Powell had discov-
ered that he was outnumbered.
So, O'Neill marveled as he read the New
York Times story, Powell had taken the
battle public using the issue of sanc-
uons. "The message I've consistently
heard is that overdoing it with the sanc-
nons gives [Saddam] a tool that he is using
against us — and really is not weakening
~:m," Powell told the Times. But he said his
outline of a plan for narrowing the sanc-
nons would be criticized in Washington.
~The charges will come that it is weak- 8
rning," he said. "There will be a lot of
people who will want to hear more."
O'Neill had witnessed many State-
Tersus-Pentagon struggles over the years,
:~en among his own friends — Henry
(judicial W a t c h j Page 1 of 1

Maps and Charts of Iraqi Oil Fields

These are documents turned over by the Commerce Department, under a March 5, 2002 court order as a
result of Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit concerning the activities of the Cheney
Energy Task Force. The documents contain a map of Iraqi oilfields, pipelines, refineries and terminals, as
well as 2 charts detailing Iraqi oil and gas projects, and "Foreign Suitors for Iraqi Oilfield Contracts."The
documents are dated March 2001. Click here to view the press release.

• Iraq Oil Map

• Foreign Suitors for Iraqi Oilfield Contracts - Part 1
• Foreign Suitors for Iraqi Oilfield Contracts - Part 2
• United Arab Emirates Oil Map
• United Arab Emirates: Major Oil and Natural Gas Development Projects
• Saudi Arabia Oil Map
• Saudi Arabia: Major Oil and Natural Gas Development Projects 12/4/2009
Foreign Suitors for Iraqi Oilfield Contracts
as of 5 March 2001

^ (.:>\'i?^,:^fe^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
i-G.SjnirjenS/S.tafi^^^^^^^S^^^W j&SSJ- ^fsSTWry^ >.'
^^^^^^^Ei^^^^B^^S^^BH® SH SHE? SSaHSSSSi'; " '.
Algeria Sonatrach Tuba Discussions. PSC.
Blocks 6 & 7 Collecting data.
Australia BHP Halfaya Discussions PSC.
Block 6 Collected data.
Belgium Petroftna Ahdab Technical/economic studies (China's CNPC awarded PSC).
Block 2 Collected data.
Canada Ranger Block 6, other Signed MOU with Baghdad.
Bow Canada Khurmala Joint proposal w/Czech Republic's Strojexport
Hamrin Joint proposal w/Czcch Republic's Strojexport
Alberta Energy Unidentified None
CanOxy Ratawi Discussions. PSC.
Blocks Collected data.
Chauvco Res. Ayn Zalah Advanced talks by late 1996. Service contract for advanced oil
recovery (gas injection project) in this aging field.
Fsrondido Ratawi Discussions. PSC.
Blocks Collecting data.
Talisman Hamnn, E- Baghdad Service contract negotiations October 1999.
IPC Hamrin Discussions. Service contract.
PanCanadian Unidentified None
China CNPC Ahdab Production Sharing Contract (PSC) signed June 1997.
Halfaya Bid for $4 bn. 23-year PSC.
Luhais & Subba Discussions. Service contract.
Block5 Collected data, discussions.
Norinco Ahdab PSC signed June 1997 (CNPC consortium partner).
Raftdain Discussions. PSC.
Sinochem Rafidain Discussions. PSC.
Czech Republic Strojexport Hainriu Joint project with Bow Canada. Sent team to Iraq in Sepl 1997.
Khurmala Joint project with Bow Canada
Finland Neste Oy Unidentified None
France Total Elf Aquitaine Majnoon PSC "agreed in principle" January !997.
Forasol SA Saddam Feasibility study presented to Baghdad in 1997. updated in 1998.
IBEX Hamrin Technical discussions.
Pcicnco Rafidam Discussions. PSC.
Total Elf Aquitaine Nahr Umr PSC "agreed in principle" January 1997.
Germany Demincx Block 1 Collected data.
Pieussag AhJiib Technical/economic snidies (China's CNPC later awarded PSC).
Block 2 Collected data
Slavneft N. Rumaylah Subcontractor to Lukoil consortium.
Greece Kriti Gharraf Discussions. PSC.
Hungary Hanpctro Block 3 Collected data.
India ONGC Tuba Advanced contract talks in October 1999 (ONGC drilled at least four
wells in Tuba in the 1980s). PSC.
Halfaya Discussions. PSC.
Block 8 Collected data-
Reliance Tuba Discussions.
Indonesia Penamina Tuba Finalized discussions for a PSC in late 1997.
Block 3 Collected data
Ireland Bula Block 4 Discussions.
Italy Agip Nasiriya PSC initialed Apr 97. J2 bn, 23-year project (w/partner Repsol).
Iraq-Turkey gas pipeline Discussions.
Block 1 Collected data, discussions.
Snamprogeui Luhais & Subba Discussions. Service coniract


• •"*-.. ' Firm -: i«gvg^^ioS^^^^o. ^pCSffijnen^tatus , u:«,; '-^^^^g^'. W3fcV !
S?- ".«W££$8£&f81&!%£&
Japan Japex Gharraf Bid and technical/economic oilfield study submitted to Baghdad.
March 1997. PSC.
Mitsubishi Luhais & Subba Discussions. Service contract.
Malaysia Pelrnnas Ratawi Discussions. PSC.
Tuba Discussions. PSC
Block 2 Collected data, discussions
Mexico Pemex Unidentified None.
Netherlands Larmag Subba & Luhais Discussions. Sci vice contract.
Dutch Royal Shell Ratawi Discussions.
Blocks Collected data-
Norway Statnil Block 1 Collected data.
Pakistan Crescent Ratawi Discussions. PSC.
BlockS Collected data.
Romania Petrom Khurmala Dome (Kaikuk) Apparently awarded service contract, project in advanced technical
infrastructure design phase (setting equipment & materials
specifications for project).
Luhais & Subba Discussions. Service contract.
Block 4 Collected data, discussions.
Qayyarah Contract talks. Service contract for well drilling and engineering.
Mol Block 3 Discussions.
Russia Kond Petroleum Rafidain Discussions. Russian firm Sidanko a possible partner. PSC.
Lukoil W. Qurnah PSC signed March 1997. Topographic surveys in 1998.
N. Rumaylah Service contract negotiations to upgrade water injection
facilities, develop additional geologic reservoirs.
Zarubezneft W. Qurnah PSC signed March 1997 (Lukoil consortium partner).
N. Rumaylah Service contract negotiations (w/Lukoti consortium).
Hamrin Invited to bid in mid- 1997. Service contract.
Mashinoimport W. Qurnah PSC signed March 1997 (Lukoil consortium partner).
Luhais. & Subba Discussions. Service contract
N. Rumaylah Service contract negotiations (w/Lukoil consortium).
Talamcfl N. Rumaylah Subcontractor to Lukoil consortium.
Roslneft N. Rumaylah Subcontractor to Lukoil consortium.
Sidanko N. Rumaylali Subcontractor to Lukoil consortium.
S. Korea Sangyong Halfaya Bidding for $4 bii, 23-year PSC. Seoul in
June 1997 invited Iraq Oil Minister to S. Korea for signing ceremony.
Samsung Halfaya Bidding (part of Korean consortium). PSC.
Fed co Halfaya
I tarn bo Halfaya
Yakong Halfaya
Daewoo Rafidain Discussions. PSC.
Spain Repsol Nasiriya PSC initialed Apr 97. $2 bn, 23-year project (w/partner Agip).
Block 4 Collected data.
Taiwan CPC Gharraf Discussions. HSC.
Rafidain Discussions. PSC.
Tuba Discussions. PSC.
Tunisia Sctcar Unidentified None
Turkey TPAO Gharraf Bid for PSC. Oilfield study completed January 1997.
Mansuriya Gas Field Service contract signed May 1997 to develop field, purchase i«as.
Block') Reprocessed seismic data, conducting laboratory studies.
UK Branch Energy Gharraf Discussions. PSC.
Pacific Resources Rafidain Discussions. PSC.
Vietnam PctioVietnam Amara Servicc contract. Near signing Oct 1999

3 5 A S0 7 1 3

Iraqi Oilfields and Exploration Blocks

Supergiant oilfidd
(5 billion barrels in reserves)
Other oilfield
Earmarked for
production sharing ;
Saudi Kuwait J
Oil pipeline
Operational refinery
TanKcr terminal Arabia

» CafBerapry Cenl«r/MPG 755629 (ROO66713-01

35 A S 0 7 1 3

In Part 3 of Obama's Speech Nov 2009 at West Point, he said the
following: (TIME 8:23)
You Tube - Pr. Obama - West Point Afghanistan (3)

"We wiiS not claim another nations resources."

Oh, Really????? Then tell me what happened here?

Cheney's Energy Task Force was Planning, PRIOR to the attack on Iraq
and very early in the Bush admin, to divide up Iraqi oil. Do you call that
not claiming other nations resources, Obama?

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