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Fall 2014

CSCI 2843 Introduction to C++

CSCl z8 Sectlon c Cull # 66 Cnllne

lnstructor lnformutlon
Assoc. Prof. Lr. vllllum Smlth
vork hone: (8) ,66
Skye: drwlllsmlth
Cmce Locutlon: Southeust Cumus zc
Cmce hours: 1uesj1hursduy :cc - z:cc

!"#$%&'( *++ ,'- ./0'0$1 by vulter Suvltch (ve ure uslng u seclul bundle thls term. 1he textbook
should be ln u rlng blnder wlth un enclosed uccess code for MyProgrummlngLub. You muy ur
chuse the book und code seurutely but lf you do so the uccess code cun only be urchused on the
ubllsher webslte)

CSC z, (lntro. to C) or lnstructor urovul.

3-&0'* 4*'5026,2-7
Progrummlng technlques ln objectorlented rogrummlng, lncludlng dutu ubstructlon, lnherltunce,
olymorhlsm, und dynumlc object creutlon. Lmhusls wlll be luce on the reusublllty of object
und the focus on object concets us they deul wlth future rogrum mulntenunce.

1he gouls of the lntroductlon to C Progrummlng course ure thut students, by musterlng the to
lcs resented ln thls course, guln vuluuble roblemsolvlng skllls und C knowledge thut wlll en
uble them to become rofclent ln objectorlented rogrummlng wlth C churucterlstlcs.

Uon successful comletlon of the lntroductlon to C course, students wlll be uble to uly the
objectorlented urouch to develo und deslgn robust und hlghly reusuble clusses und ullcu
CSCI 2843 Introduction to C++ - Course Syllabus Fall 2014 1
Spring 2007

CSC 2133 - Introduction to Java Section 390

Instructor Information
Asst. Prof. Dr. William Smith

Work phone: 595-7616
Office Location: Southeast Campus - 4201
Office hours: Mon/Wed 9:30 12:30
Mon/Wed 2:00 3:00

Java, Java, Java: Object-Oriented Problem Solving 3
Edition by Morelli and Wade
CSC 2473 (Intro. to C) or CSC 2843 (Intro. to C++) or instructor approval.

Course Description
An introduction to how Java language is used to develop highly portable applications and applets.
Topics will include data objects, exceptions, threads, and the Abstract Windows Toolkit.

The goals of the Introduction to Java Programming course are that students, by mastering the
topics presented in this course, gain valuable problem-solving skills and Java knowledge that will
enable them to become proficient in object-oriented programming with Java characteristics.

Upon successful completion of the Introduction to Java Programming course, students will be
able to apply the object-oriented approach to develop applications and applets with graphics,
multithreading, multimedia, exception handling, I/O, and networking.

Course Content
The course covers fundamental Java programming and core Java API. Specifically, the following
topics will be included:
1. Fundamental programming concepts, including primitive data types, control structures,
methods, method abstraction, and arrays

Fall 2014
CSCI 2843 Introduction to C++

3-&0'* 3-7,*7,
1he course covers fundumentul C rogrummlng und CbjectCrlented rogrummlng und deslgn
technlques. Seclfcully, the followlng tolcs wlll be lncluded:
. Cbjectorlented rogrummlng: cluss ubstructlon und encusulutlon, und cluss lnherltunce.
z. Polymorhlsm: the ower of vlrtuul functlons und dynumlc blndlng
. Lxcetlon hundllng: how C hundles excetlon und how to lncororute excetlonhundllng
cuublllty lnto rogrums
. ljC: ljC churucter und blnury rogrummlng
. Cerutor Cverloudlng: Lxtendlng oerutors to lntegrute wlth userdefned clusses
6. 1emlutes: bulldlng generlc clusses und functlons

3-&0'* 80$<*
1he course grude wlll be culculuted us follows:
Comletlon of MyProgrummlngLub (MPL) for euch chuter totul 68c ts
z Progrummlng Projects (PP) Q cc ts euch
Comletlon of student lnformutlon forum ost zc ts
Cngolng und meunlngful urtlclutlon ln Llscusslon lorums cc ts
1otul Polnts Posslble: zccc

80$<27= !5$#*
1he stundurd 1CC c8c,c6c grudlng scule wlll be used.

3-&0'* 4*$<#27*'
(Leudllne ls ulwuys ut mldnlght on lrlduy of the lndlcuted week)
MPL = MyProgrummlngLub, PP = Progrummlng Project
4*$<#27* >?@ veek MPL for Ch , PP
4*$<#27* >A@ veek 8 MPL for Ch 8, PP 6
4*$<#27* >B@ veek z MPL for Ch z, PP ,
4*$<#27* >C@ veek 6 MPL for Ch , PP cz

CSCI 2843 Introduction to C++ - Course Syllabus Fall 2014 2
Fall 2014
CSCI 2843 Introduction to C++
!&%D2''2-7 -E /0-=0$DD27= F''2=7D*7,'
All rogrummlng lubs und rogrummlng rojects must be submltted vlu 8luckbourd.

G$,* F''2=7D*7,'
1here ure four deudllnes ln the course us llsted ln the ugendu. Asslgnments due rlor to those
deudllnes wlll not be ucceted for u grude ufter the deudllne hus ussed. 1here ls no lute enulty
for usslgnments submltted rlor to the deudllnes.

H*1&20*< 3-&0'* /$0,2526$,2-7
1hls course requlres regulur urtlclutlon und work throughout the term. lf u student hus not
submltted uny work by the end of the st deudllne of the term, thut student wlll be wlthdruwn
from the course ut the lnstructor's dlscretlon

3-6"02=I, J-,25*
lt ls u vlolutlon of the luw to creute unuuthorlzed dullcutes of coyrlghted mlcrocomuter soft
wure. 1ulsu Communlty College mukes every eort to suort these coyrlght ugreements und
does not suort lllegul dullcutlon of uny coyrlghted muterlul.

)*5I725$# H*1&20*D*7,'
1he student must meet the requlrements us llsted on the 1CC dlstunce leurnlng web slte us well us
uny uddltlonul requlrements llsted on the course 8luckbourd slte.

3-&0'* K2,I<0$L$#
1he deudllne to wlthdruw from u course shull not exceed j the durutlon of uny cluss. Contuct the
Counsellng Cmce ut uny 1CC cumus to lnltlute wlthdruwul from u course ("v' grude) or to
chunge from Credlt to Audlt. Check the 1CC Acudemlc Culendur for deudllnes. Students who sto
urtlclutlng ln the course und full to wlthdruw muy recelve u course grude of "l,' whlch muy
huve fnunclul uld consequences for the student.

Lmull communlcutlons: All 1CC students recelve u deslgnuted "My1CC' emull uddress (ex: june. All communlcutlons to you ubout 1CC und course usslgnments wlll be
sent to your My1CC emull uddress, und you must use My1CC emull to send emull to, und recelve
emull from, the lnstructor regurdlng thls course.
CSCI 2843 Introduction to C++ - Course Syllabus Fall 2014 3
Fall 2014
CSCI 2843 Introduction to C++

lnclement veuther: 1CC rurely closes. lf extreme weuther condltlons or emergency sltuutlons
urlse, 1CC ulwuys glves cuncellutlon notlces to rudlo und televlslon stutlons. 1hls lnformutlon ls
ulso osted on the 1CC webslte (

8*7*0$# M<&5$,2-7 8-$#'
Cenerul Lducutlon courses ut 1CC ensure thut our gruduutes guln skllls, knowledge, und ubllltles
thut comrlse u common foundutlon for thelr hlgher educutlon und u buckdro for thelr work und
ersonul llves. 1CC's Cenerul Lducutlon gouls ure: Crltlcul 1hlnklng, Lectlve Communlcutlon, Ln
guged Leurnlng, und 1echnologlcul Profclency.

3#$''0--D M,21&*,,*
Cen und mutuully resectful communlcutlon of vurled olnlons, bellefs, und ersectlves durlng
clussroom or onllne dlscusslon encouruges the free exchunge of ldeus thut ls essentlul to hlgher
leurnlng und to the ublllty to leurn from euch other. Use of uny electronlc devlce ls ut the dlscre
tlon of the lnstructor.

!"##$%&' 3I$7=*'
Cccuslonully, chunges to the syllubus muy be necessury. Students wlll be notlfed of uny chunges
to the syllubus ln wrltlng.

42'$%2#2," H*'-&05*':
lt ls the ollcy und ructlce of 1ulsu Communlty College to creute lncluslve leurnlng envlronments.
Accommodutlons for quullfylng students ln comllunce wlth the Amerlcuns wlth Llsubllltles Act
(ALA) und Sectlon c of the Rehubllltutlon Act ure uvulluble. 1o request uccommodutlons, con
tuct the Lducutlon Access Center (LAC) ut or cull (8) , (volce). Leuf und
hurd of heurlng students muy text (8) 8c86.

F5$<*D25 42'I-7*',"
Acudemlc dlshonesty (cheutlng) ls defned us the decetlon of others ubout one's own work or
ubout the work of unother. Acudemlc dlshonesty or mlsconduct ls not condoned or toleruted ut
cumuses wlthln the 1ulsu Communlty College system. 1ulsu Communlty College udots u ollcy
delegutlng certuln forms of uuthorlty for dlsclllnury uctlon to the fuculty. Such dlsclllnury uctlons
deleguted to the fuculty lnclude, but ure not llmlted to, the dlsmlssul of dlsresectful or dlsorderly
students from clusses. ln the cuse of ucudemlc dlshonesty u fuculty member muy:
CSCI 2843 Introduction to C++ - Course Syllabus Fall 2014 4
Fall 2014
CSCI 2843 Introduction to C++

requlre the student to redo un usslgnment or test, or requlre the student to comlete u
substltute usslgnment or test,
Record u "zero" for the usslgnment or test ln questlon,
Recommend to the student thut the student wlthdruw from the cluss, or udmlnlstrutlvely
wlthdruw the student from the cluss,
Record u grude of "l" for the student ut the end of the semester.

luculty muy request thut dlsclllnury uctlon be tuken ugulnst u student ut the udmlnlstrutlve level
by submlttlng such request to the Leun of Student Servlces.

N7',2,&,2-7$# !,$,*D*7,
Luch student ls resonslble for belng uwure of the lnformutlon contulned ln the 1CC Cutulog, 1CC
Student Eundbook, Student Code of Conduct Pollcy Eundbook, und semester lnformutlon llsted ln
the cluss schedule. All lnformutlon muy be vlewed on the 1CC webslte:

)-%$55- O0** 3-##*=*
1ulsu Communlty College ls u 1obucco lree college ln uccordunce wlth the Covernor's Lxecutlve
Crder zczc und 1ltle 6 of the Ckluhomu Stututes, Sectlon z whlch rohlblts smoklng or the
use of uny tobucco roducts ln ull ubllc luces, ln uny lndoor workluce, und ull vehlcles owned
by the Stute of Ckluhomu und ull of lts ugencles und lnstrumentulltles. 1hls Crder lncludes roer
ty leused, rented, or owned by 1CC lncludlng, but not llmlted to, ull grounds, bulldlngs, fucllltles,
und urklng lots. 1ulsu Communlty College's ollcy lncludes u tobucco free envlronment on ull
cumus und ocumus locutlons conductlng 1CC credlt or noncredlt clusses. 1he 1CC Cumus
Pollce ls resonslble for ensurlng comllunce wlth the 1obuccolree Lnvlronment Pollcy. vlolu
tlons of the ollcy muy be uddressed through lssuunce of cumus or stute cltutlons.

CSCI 2843 Introduction to C++ - Course Syllabus Fall 2014 5
Fall 2014
CSCI 2843 Introduction to C++
3-&0'* 3$#*7<$0
K**. 3-&0'* P$,*02$#
C 8uslcs
z Chuter z
llow of Control
lunctlon 8uslcs
Purumeters und Cverloudlng
6 Chuter 6
Structures und Clusses
, Chuter ,
Constructors und Cther 1ools
8 Chuter 8
Cerutor Cverloudlng, lrlends, und References
c Chuter c
Polnters und Lynumlc Arruys
z Chuter z
Streums und llle ljC
CSCI 2843 Introduction to C++ - Course Syllabus Fall 2014 6
Fall 2014
CSCI 2843 Introduction to C++

6 Chuter 6
K**. 3-&0'* P$,*02$#
CSCI 2843 Introduction to C++ - Course Syllabus Fall 2014 7

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