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The Indigenous Peoples of the Americs nd the Europens

Describe the migratory and settlement patterns of the indigenous peoples in
the Caribbean up to the arrival of the Spanish in 1492.
Describe the social, political and economic practices of the indigenous
peoples in the Americas up to 1492.
!plain the relationship bet"een the main art forms and beliefs and
technology of the indigenous peoples.
!plain the factors that led to Columbus# voyages.
Assess the impact of the uropeans on the indigenous peoples up to 1$%%.
Assess the impact of the indigenous peoples on the uropeans up to 1$%%.
Cri!!en Econom" nd Sl#er"
!plain the reasons for the change from tobacco to sugar and log"ood and
Assess the social, political and economic conse&uences of the changes in 1
of the above.
!plain the reasons for the enslavements of Africans in the Caribbean
Describe the 'rans(Atlantic 'rade in Africans
Describe the "ays in "hich African labour "as used in areas other than sugar
Describe the organi)ation of a typical sugar plantation.
Describe the manufacturing process on a typical sugar plantation before
,dentify the mar-ets for the products in ./0 above, before 1*1%.
Describe African cultural forms in the Caribbean up to 1*+*.
Describe the social relations in slave society.
Resistnce nd Re#olt
Slave control2 legal, economic, psychological, social, ideological and physical
3orms of resistance .male and female0 insurrectionary and non(
4aroon Societies2 origins and development.
'he 5aitian 6evolution2 causes and course.
Conse&uences of the 6evolution for 5aiti and the "ider Caribbean 7 social,
economic and political.
4a8or revolts .9erbice, 1/$+: 9arbados, 1*1$ Demerara, 1*2+: ;amaica,
1*+10 7 causes nature and conse&uences.
Metropolitn Mo#ements To$rds Emnciption
Assess the e<ects of nineteenth century revolts on the emancipation
Assess the attitudes and arguments advanced by di<erent interest groups, (
conomic, 5umanitarian and 6eligious.
Anti Slavery movements2 early protest, organi)ed campaign, Caribbean
reactions, outstanding personalities.
Amelioration2 aims, features, results.
9ritish mancipation Act2 main causes 7 freedom, apprenticeship,
Apprenticeship2 features, conditions, responses, results.
'he mancipation Act2 attitude to planters, attitude to e!(slaves.
Ad%ustments to Emnciption
!plain the factors that created the crisis in the 9ritish(coloni)ed Caribbean
sugar industry in the late 19
Attitudes to labour2 lando"ners employers, free persons.
Schemes of migration2 uropeans, Africans and 4adeirans, ,ndians and
conomic e<ects of migration2 supply, production, viability: ,mpacts of
migrants on society 7 ,ndians, Chinese 4adeirans.
mergence of 3ree villages2 outstanding personalities attitudes responses,
enabling factors: ,mpact2 labour supply on plantation, utilities social services
Contribution of peasantry2 social, economic and political.
Cro"n Colony government2 =ld 6epresentative >overnment, popular
dissatisfaction, changing Colonial =?ce policy.
Cri!!en Econom" &'()*&+')
!plain the factors that created the crisis in the 9ritish(coloni)ed Caribbean
sugar industry in the late 19
Assess the measures ta-en to resolve the crisis in the 9ritish(coloni)ed
Caribbean sugar industry during the late 19
century and early 2%
Analy)e the factors "hich lead to the gro"th of the Cuban sugar industry in
the 19
!plain the factors that lead to the gro"th of e!tractive services and
industries in the Caribbean up to 19*1.
Assess the e<ects of the industriali)ation on the nglish(spea-ing Caribbean.
The ,nited Sttes in the Cri!!en
Assess the reasons for the @nited States involvement in the Caribbean
bet"een 1//$(19*1 and 1*9*(19*1
Assess the conse&uences of the @nited States# involvement in selected
Caribbean territories in 1*9* 7 19*1.
Aolicies of the Castro 6evolution
@nited States responses to the Castro 6evolution
,mpact on the Caribbean of the Castro 6evolution bet"een 1919(19*1
Assess the impact of the @nited States# involvement in the nglish(spea-ing
Caribbean bet"een 19+9 7 19*1.
Cri!!en Politicl -e#elopment up to &+')
3ailure of the ma8or attempts at uniBcation in the 9ritish(coloni)ed Caribbean
before 19+9.
6elationship bet"een popular protest and political development in the
Caribbean bet"een 19+1(191*.
!plain the reasons for the establishment of a federation of the 9ritish Cest
,ndies bet"een 1941 and 191*.
'he failure of the 9ritish Cest ,ndies 3ederation in 19$2.
Describe the contribution made to Caribbean integration by outstanding
personalities .male and female0 in the nglish spea-ing territories.
Describe constitutional arrangements used by non nglish(spea-ing
Caribbean territories as alternatives to independence.
Cri!!en Societ". &+// 0 &+')
Describe the social and economic conditions e!isting in the Caribbean
bet"een 19%% and 19+1.
=utline the e<orts made to improve social conditions by di<erent agents
Describe various aspects of social life
!plain the reasons for the emergence of various religious groups in the
Assess the implications of membership in the various groups

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