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PART-I: Read the text and choose the correct anser accord!n" to the text#
There are many old trees in the Theme Park Forest. Some are more than 800 years old.
They are mostly oak trees.
The Theme Park wants everyone to be able to enjoy these very old trees, now and in the
future. Children can climb and lay in most trees, but there are some trees that you may not
climb or lay in, because they are old.
There is a P&ease Do 'ot D!st(r) si!n, ne"t to these trees in the Forest. These trees are
ancient. They need ros to suort the wei!ht of the branches and a fence to sto the feet of
the visitors from hurtin! the roots of the tree.
#n the forest, there are secial ran!ers and tree doctors that check the health of the old
trees. $f course, trees are like eole, they live and die, but somehow the trees in the Forest
may live for many years to come.
%&'hat kind of trees are there most of(
a) ine b) chestnut c) oak d) male
*&'hat can children do in the trees(
a) They can climb and lay in the trees.
b) They can crawl and lay in the trees.
c) +um and run in the trees.
d) They can disturb the trees.
,&'hat mustn-t children do(
a) They mustn-t walk on the !rass.
b) They mustn-t enjoy.
c) They mustn-t disturb some old trees.
d) They mustn-t lay in this area.
.&'hat does the theme ark do to suort the branches of the old trees(
a) They use tree doctors.
b) They use fence.
c) They use ran!ers.
d) They use ros.
/&'ho check the health of the trees(
a) The forest eole and the tree doctors
b) The ran!ers and the tree doctors
c) The ran!ers and the tourists
d) The children and the eole around
PART-*: +hoose the )est anser#
0&...................... your brother ................. short blonde hair(
a) has1!ot b) have1!ot c) is1!ot d) has1is
2&3 She is waitin! !n ,ront o, the car.3
'hich one is true(
a) The car is on her. b) The car is (nder her. c) The car is )eh!nd her. d) The car is (- her.
8&4le" .................... carry heavy thin!s when he was a little boy, but now, he ............... carry.
a) can-t1could b)haven-t1have c)should1shouldn-t d)couldn-t1can
5&6ou can buy bread at the ........................... .
a) !reen!rocer-s b) florist-s c) butcher-s d) bakery
%0&Sara and +im like tennis. Tennis is ......................... favourite sort.
a) their b) them c) her d) his
%%&+ane has lived with her aunt since she was a baby. So, her aunt ............... her ............ .
a) saw1throu!h b) made1of c) went1back d) brou!ht1u
%*& dustin! the furniture, so he ......................... does it.
a) don-t1never b) doesn-t1usually c) isn-t1sometimes d) doesn-t1never
%,&...............Tim and his family .......................... at that hotel in summers(
a) 7oes1stay b) 7o1stays c) 7o1stay d) 7oes1stays
%.&4n....................... is a erson who finds little known laces and thin!s.
a) ainter b) e"lorer c) athlete d) inventor
%/&8y cousin ........................... to have a icnic. She............................her homework now.
a) doesn-t want1is doin! b)doesn-t wantin!1does c)don-t want1does d)isn-t
%0& 'illiam ................................... for dinner at the moment.
a) cooks b) doesn-t cook c) is cookin! d) are cookin!
%2&+ack.............................wear !lasses, but he doesn-t wear now.
a) didn-t use to b) use to c) doesn-t d) used to
%8&Pandas are endan!ered animals, so we should rotect their..................................... .
a) adventure b) journey c) discovery d) habitat
%5&9ichard ................ down the stairs and ....................... his foot last week.
a) fall1break b) fell1broke c) fallen1broken d) fell1break
*0&Susan wants to have .................... of cake and ....................... of coke.
a) a iece1a can b) some1a jar c) a loaf1a bottle d) a acket1a bo"
*%&.......................... slices of bread should # eat on my diet(
a) :ow much b) 4 lot of c) :ow many d) :ow any
**&That old man will ........................... all of his money to a charity to educate oor children.
a) fi!ht b) ama;e c) dama!e d) donate
*,&6ou ............................... wear casual clothes at school.
a) mustn-t b) don-t have to c) should d) could
*.&'e ...................................move to #taly on ,rd +une.
a) will b) are !oin! to c) have d) are
*/&Son< 7ad= ................... # have a icnic with my friends tomorrow(
7ad< $h dear= >o roblem= ....................your time with your friends tomorrow.
a) Should1Sendin! b) 8ay16ou send c) 7o1Sent d) Can1Send
*0&#.................................a movie yesterday evenin! at 5 o-clock.
a) was watchin! b) have watched c) am watchin! d) will watch
*2&:e .......................... a book, when she ................................. home.
a)read1was arrivin! b)was readin!1arrived c)read1arrived d)was readin!1was arrivin!
*8&#f we.......................... trees, we will rotect our environment.
a) cut b) won-t cut c) don-t cut d) aren-t cuttin!
*5&#f # were you, #.............................. money to buy a new car.
a) will save b) would save c) save d) saved
,0&# ?uickly.......................... a tree, when # saw a bi! do!.
a) watched b) slet c) climbed d) made
,%&Planes are ................................................ trains.
a) more e"ensive than b) the most e"ensive c) e"ensive than d) more e"ensive
,*&China is.................................................. country in the world.
a) more crowded than b) less crowded than c) crowded d) the most crowded
,,&7aniel ...................................... !olf for five years.
a) is layin! b) has layed c) lays d) was layin!
,.&8aria has lived in Turkey ............................ she was a youn! !irl.
a) never b) for c) ever d) since
,/&7id you see my dictionary( # am ...................................... it and # can-t find.
a) waitin! for b) takin! for c) carin! for d) lookin! for
,0&8rs 8ullen, ......................... son is your friend, works at that ost office.
a) who b) which c) whose d) that
,2&+enny< # have a terrible stomachache.
8other< 6ou ............................ eat so much chocolate.
a) shouldn-t b) must c) don-t have to d) can
,8&4<................................... do you !o to the theatre(
@< $nce a month.
a) :ow lon! b) 'hen c) :ow often d) 'hat time
,5& # have an old comuter that doesn-t work. Can you ............................ it(
a) watch b) aint c) act d) reair
.0& 4ndrew does the shoin! ................. Saturdays.
a) on b) in c) at d) to


3-+ *3-+

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