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67th Year of Independence Day and Transit: What it Fortells

By Jyotish Acharaya
At the out set of the celebrations of the 67th Year of completion of Independence day in Delhi
and the Country,I am analysing the situations arising from the Paksha Kundali of the 10th August
2014 23.39 hrs, 25th August 2014 19.43 hrs and the planetary positions on the 15th August 2014.
I have already written an article Enigma of Saturns Transit in Vishaka Nakshatra: What it
Fortells link For Paksha Kundalis I am writting a separate

In this article I am going to take the horoscope of New Delhi . The
horoscope details have been taken from the Book Mundane Astrology by K.B GopalaKrishnan of
Sagar Publications New Delhi is running the Dasha of Sun-Ketu till 11th Nov 2014 and the
Present dasha is Sun-Ketu-Moon till 21st August and the sub sub dasha Lord Mars We all know that
there have been eclipses in the 1/7 axis in this chart . Rahu and Saturn in Libra brought about the
change in the Chief Minister of New Delhi and then the down fall of the next Chief Minister Arvind
Kejriwal. In the Present scenerio Mars and Saturn are Transitting over the Lagna , Mars aspecting
the 8th house and Saturn aspecting the 8th and Lagna Lord Venus in the 3rd house . See the
Degrees of Mars and Saturn Natal and Transit . Saturn is aspecting Natal Mars in the 3rd house at
almost same degrees Natal Mars 22.59 and Transit Saturn 23.06 and Mars from Lagna
aspecting Natal Sun and Satrun at almost same degrees Mars Transit is 17.11 and Saturn
natal 15.42 and Sun 17.23 will be most crucial in the Present Transit. Mars and Saturn in Lagna as
we all know are capable to create a havoc
Maha Dasha Lord Sun is afflicted in the natal chart and
also afflicted by Saturn in Cancer , Ketu Antar Dasha Lord is Placed in the 9th house in the sign
of Gemini and its dispositor is again afflicted in the 4th house by Saturn and Sun and aspected by
Transit Mars. In Transit also Mercury was afflicted till 12th August 2014 by Saturn . Dispositor of
Natal Ketu is transitting over the Dispositor of Tansit Ketu over natal Jupiter and Transit Ketu is
in the 6th house and its dispositor Jupiter aspecting Mercury, hence this connection can again bring
havoc . Now Sun is the Lord of the 11th house of Amendments in the constitution or Law and Ketu
placed in 9th house is Judiciary, Religon, Foreign Diplomats, Embassies. Long Travel. Sub Sub
Dasha Lord Moon is the 10th lord and afflicted by Transit Saturn and Transit Moon will just enter
Aries on the 15th august 2014 and aspected by both Mars and Saturn . The Next Sub sub Dasha
of Mars can bring untoward happenings as
Sun represents Kings,
PrimeMinisters Head of the Govt. Chief Minister of
the State
Ketu Represents like Mars
karka for destruction, secret plots, espoinage, it also represents sikhs. The Sikh Insurgency
took place in the dasha of Ketu Moon Sub sub Dasha Lord is placed
in the sign of Sagitarius and is afflicted by Saturn in transit and also on the 15th August
2014 it will be badly afflicted . Moon represents common People and
specially Women, Travel agencies, air hostesses etc. It appears that this fortnight from
10th August 2014 is not a favourable one . Saturn will transit the navamsha sign of
Taurus which is the 8th house of New Delhi chart on the 21st August and Mars in Transit
will be in Taurus Navamsha on the 25th August 2014. My Research has been that when ever
Mars and Saturn influence the 8th house/lord and navamsha sign of 8th lord or Mars and
Saturn in Transit navamsha sign or in Navamsha Transit over the 8th house of the natal
chart there are mass happenings. From the above it is clear that any laspe of Security
arrangements in this fortnight could be disasterous for New Delhi and the Country as a whole
. India is also Running the Dasha of Sun-Ketu till 9th Sept. 2014 and as per our experience
when Mars and Satrun were in Libra in 1984 we all know the events Blue star operations and
the Sikh Insurgency took Place Mars and Saturn influenciung the 3rd 4th Lagna and the 8th
house There could be terrorism and Security lapses . Hence Full security Arrangements are
more than required for the Fortnight ending upto 10th Sept 2014. God
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 12th

Diclaimer: The above is an astrological analysis of the
Planets only and noway connected personally or otherwise .

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