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... through Bertha Dudde

The darkness thickens ....
All your thinking has to correspond to the truth as soon as you
put yourselves copletely at !y disposal" as soon as you only
#ant to serve !e and entirely hand yourselves over to !y
direction and guidance. Then you no longer need to #orry that
you #ill $all into !y adversary%s hands" that he can use you $or
his o#n ends" $or then & !ysel$" the eternal 'ssence o$ light" #ill
stand (et#een you and hi. And then you #ill also (e !y true
servants #ho speak in !y nae and advocate the truth.
)et you should kno# that there are still any errors aongst
people ....
that #rong ideas had asserted theselves $or decades and
centuries #hich siply could not (e reoved (ecause they #ere
too $irly anchored and #hich could only have (een recti$ied i$ &
had directly revealed !ysel$ $ro a(ove" and then such
revelations #ould have had to (e (elieved. *o#ever" due to your
$reedo o$ #ill & #as una(le to do this and the tools & used #ere
condened as servants o$ +atan"
$or dignitaries o$ the church had also deli(erated on pro(les
and no,one #as allo#ed to contradict the #ithout endangering
their li$e.
And since they aintained that & !ysel$ decide #hich people
#ould gain (eatitude or (e condened" no ordinary huan
(eing" through #ho !y spirit #as a(le to #ork" #ould have
(een listened to" i$ only (ecause the process o$ the -#orking o$
the spirit #ithin the huan (eing% #as unkno#n to the ....
For i$ a person supported such a #rong doctrine" his thinking
had to (e copletely istaken" thus he #ould have (een #ithout
love #hich could have enlightened his spirit. And they also
presented !y nature such that people received a totally distorted
iage o$ !e and #ere una(le to love !e (ut only a(le to $ear !e
and !y ight.
And so they distanced theselves constantly $urther $ro !e"
(ecause they did not recognise a loving Father in !e and
searching $or the truth (y theselves #as $or(idden" or they
#ould have con$ided in !e and & #ould have revealed !ysel$ to
)et tie and again & have spoken to those #ho #anted to hear
!e through their spirit and have revealed secrets o$ creation to
the #hich only & as the eternal .reator #as a(le to ipart to
the" and & in$ored the a(out the eaning and purpose o$
creation and their earthly e/istence ....
But only a few ever accepted this knowledge since it was
decried as misguided teaching and no,one wanted to
ackno#ledge its divine in$luence.
And so any isguided teachings #ere spread that in the end
every thinking person lost $aith and together #ith the isguided
teachings also re0ected the right teachings" so that he soon lost
all religious contact" unless he #as a thinker #ho pondered a(out
hisel$ and his e/istence and there(y ena(led !e to enlighten
his thoughts ....
1evertheless" !y adversary%s in$luence greatly contri(uted
to#ards the $act that the nu(er o$ those #ho desired light kept
decreasing" that there are only a $e# individuals to #ho & can
reveal !ysel$" and these individuals #ill have great di$$iculty in
recti$ying the #idespread error #hich #as accepted (y the (road
asses ....
&$ huanity kne# the truth" conditions in the #orld #ould never
(e #hat they are no#. *arony and peace #ould reign" since
they are the results o$ truth.
*o#ever" the light does not $orce its #ay and there$ore it is also
a isguided opinion that the light #ill suddenly (reak through
and light up the entire darkness" $or the darkness #ill get even
thicker until the end" and only isolated sparks o$ light #ill shine
$orth and enlighten the hearts o$ those #ho desire it.
2ntil" at the end o$ the days" the 'ternal 3ight &tsel$ #ill shine
upon the earth" (ut only visi(le to those #ho are and #ant to
reain !y O#n" #hile the others #ill descend into the darkness"
$or light cannot e/ist #here it is resisted ....
The #orld" ho#ever" is $ull o$ resistance and" there$ore" engul$ed
(y densest darkness. )et the light #ill shine (rightly on the ne#
earth ....
Then the adversary%s po#er #ill have (een crushed" he #ill (e
(ound again $or a long tie and during this tie there #ill (e
truth on earth" presented (y !y angels #ho #ill (e in constant
contact #ith the people on the ne# earth. Then the light #ill
have penetrated and dispelled all shado#s" (ut it cannot happen
on this earth anyore #hile the adversary is still active and
people #on%t oppose hi.
But anyone #ho is already enlightened here on earth #ill also
retain it" $or the light $ro a(ove cannot (e e/tinguished
anyore once it has (roken through soe#here ....
This is #hy & adonish all (earers o$ light to continue dra#ing
into their idst all those #ho are #illing" #ho do not resist the
light #hen it shines $or the. For the tie dra#s to a close and
anyone #ho doesn%t $ind the light here anyore #ill irrevoca(ly
(e devoured (y the darkness. *e #ill eet #ith the sae $ate as
!y adversary" he #ill (e (ound again $or an in$initely long
tie ....
4u(lished (y $riends o$ ne# revelations o$ God 5 &n$oration"
do#nload o$ all translated revelations" thee,(ooklets at6


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