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Advanced rules and aperitif scenarios for Belle Epoque

By Pierre Laporte
Great Leaders optional rule
In game terms, Great Leaders represent charismatic personalities; thus, as a rule, only one
Great Leader is allowed per side. Great Leaders presence may enhance units behavior:
If declared attached to one of his units, a leader must remain adjacent to it during the
whole game turn. hereby, that unit benefits from the leaders influence, graded from
! "able# to $ "e%ceptional#, as a bonus added to its reactivity level. &or e%ample, a '(
$ unit will obey automatically if an e%ceptional leader is attached to it. he leaders
professionalism impacts grouped activations as well; for e%ample, ) adjacent units
may be activated jointly to a '( * unit if an e%ceptional leader is attached to it.
+n the other hand:
,n attached leader shares his units fate if destroyed or compelled to fall bac-,
.layer must roll for every stand lost by his unit due to combats, and the attached leader
is -illed if a /01 is rolled.
If declared detached, a great Leader may move freely "2 34 ma%.#, once a game turn has
, detached Leader is captured if he inopportunely comes within ! 34 of an enemy unit.
If a Great Leader is -illed or captured, his whole army is instantly demorali5ed and
conse6uently has no available 7. anymore till the end of the game.
Grande Batterie optional rule
/Grande 'atterie1 units represent mass concentrations of artillery pieces, grouped together in
order to provide ma%imal firepower. 'asic characteristics are as follows:
8a%imum number of stands per Grande Batterie unit: 3
4octrine: as a rule, Grande Batterie are considered as in Loose Order formation
9eactivity Level: BS 3
'asic 8ovement: none ": 34#
ravel 8arch "firing not allowed#: 1 UD, or $ 34 if horse drawn
,ssault (uccessful (core: 1 "defending only#
(pecial: no bac-ward movement allowed in case of /even1 losses
&iring characteristics:
Type/Rane !lose "1UD# $ed% "&UD# Lon "3UD# '(t% ")UD#
(moothbore Guns 2 $ * ;
8u55le Loading 9ifled Guns ) $ * !
'reech Loading 9ifled Guns ) $ $ *
9ecoilless <uic- &iring Guns ) ) ) $
In most scenarios, Grande Batterie units may be added to army lists by mutual agreement
between both players, but for game purpose, it is suggested that a ma%imum ratio of one
Grande Batterie unit per ,rmy 7orps may be added to orders of battle.
*!olenso+ 1,--. "solo a/e#
'ritish force:
!0 stands of infantry ") units#
$ stands of mounted infantry "! unit#
$ stands of cavalry "! unit#
* stands of <uic- &iring Guns "! Grande Batterie unit#
=arly ,nglo;'oer war 'ritish units characteristics summary chart:
Doctrine BS T$ 0irin Assault Special
Infantry 7lose $ * 34 /,1 $ ;
8ounted infantry Loose * $ 34 /,1 * ;
7avalry 7lose $ ) 34 /&1 $ 4ash.>7ons.
Grande Batterie Loose $ $ 34 <& ! ;
'oer force:
!* stands of mounted infantry "2 units#
! stand of 'reech Loading 9ifled guns "! Grande Batterie unit#
'oer units characteristics summary chart:
Doctrine BS T$ 0irin Assault Special
8ounted Infantry Loose * $ 34 /'1 * ;
Grande Batterie Loose $ ! 34 'L9 ! ;
welve counters are distributed face down on the tabletop as shown on the map, si% of which
are decoys; the si% others are numbered $>$>*>*>*>!, each representing a 'oer unit and its
corresponding number of stands "the to-en numbered /!1 represents the Grande 'atterie unit#.
=very time a 'ritish unit is moved, counters within a ) 34 radius are revealed and possibly
replaced with 'oer units, and corresponding 'oer to-ens are added in the bowl.
?hen a 'oer to-en is pic-ed up from the bowl, the activated corresponding unit is chosen
randomly; then roll !d0; that unit is successfully activated if ) ; is rolled, or $ ; if the 'oer
force sustained 2 losses or more.
?hen a 'oer unit is /triggered1 "i.e. successfully activated#, it fires on the nearest 'ritish unit
in sight; if several targets are eligible, the selected one is chosen randomly.
.layer wins if he manages to collect !: @ictory .oints:
! @. per unit crossing the ugela via one of the bridges,
* @.s per unit crossing the ugela via one of the fords,
$ @.s per unit crossing the ugela anywhere else.
he Grande Batterie unit cannot cross the ugela e%cept via the bridges.
.layer loses the game if one of his units is entirely destroyed.
Aopjes are considered /cover1 terrain,
'ridges are treated as /open1 terrain,
&ords are /difficult1 terrain: units must stop when entering a ford, but may fire or
assault, and may perform a /forced march1 when leaving such terrain.
he ugela is /rough1 terrain: units must stop and cannot fire nor assault when
entering such deep riverbed, and cannot perform a /forced march1 when leaving it.
+ption: roll !d0 when entering a ford; if 2>0 is rolled, the riverbed contains barbed wire and is
treated as /rough1 terrain "but brings $ @.s instead of *#.
*Spion1op+ 1-22.
'ritish force:
*B infantry stands "C units#
$ mounted infantry stands "! unit#
$ cavalry stands "! unit#
0 <& Guns stands "* Grande Batterie units#
'oer force:
!2 mounted infantry stands "2 units#
! 'L9 Guns stand "! Grande Batterie unit#
! /able1 Great Leader "'otha, D !#
'oer player deploys first.
he game lasts till total e%haustion of one side or the other; the winner is the player who
manages to -eep control of most part of (pion-op "at least two of the three sectors#.
*3alu River+ 1-2). "solo a/e#
Eapanese force:
!0 Guard infantry stands ") units#
*) infantry stands "0 to B units#
* 'L9 Guns stands "! or * Grande 'atterie units#
9ussian &orce:
0 (iberian 7ossac-s stands "* units#
!0 (iberian 9ifle infantry stands ") units#
* <& Guns stands "! Grande batterie unit#
9usso;Eapanese war units characteristics summary chart:
Doctrine BS T$ 0irin Assault Special
Eap. Guard Infantry 7lose ) * 34 /'1 ) "7hoc# 'old>4ashing
Eap. Line Infantry 7lose $ * 34 /'1 $ "9egulars# 'old>4ashing
Eap. 7avalry 7lose * $ 34 /&1 $ "9egulars# 7onspicuous
Eap. Grande Batterie Loose $ ! 34 'L9 ! ;
9us. (iberian 9ifle. 7lose * * 34 /,1 * "8ilitia# (tubborn
9us. ?est. Infantry 7lose $ * 34 /,1 $ "9egulars# (tubborn
9us. Grande Batterie Loose $ $ 34 <& ! ;
9us. 4ragoons 7lose $ $ 34 /&1 $ "9egulars# 4ash.>7onspicuous
=astern 7ossac-s Loose ! ) 34 /&1 * "8ilitia# 4ashing
en mar-ers are distributed face down on the tabletop as shown on the map, three of which
are decoys; the seven others are numbered )>)>)>)>$>$>!, each representing a 9ussian unit and
its corresponding number of stands "the counter numbered /!1 represents the Grande Batterie
unit, and those numbered /$1 represent 7ossac-s units#.
=very time a Eapanese unit is moved, mar-ers within ) 34 are revealed and possibly replaced
with 9ussian units, in which case the corresponding to-ens are added in the bowl.
?hen a 9ussian to-en is pic-ed up from the bowl, the activated corresponding unit is chosen
randomly; then roll !d0; that unit is successfully activated if ) ; is rolled, or $ ; if the 9ussian
force sustained B losses or more, or *>! if 9ussians suffered !0 losses or more.
?hen /triggered1 "i.e. successfully activated#, a 9ussian unit may perform one action,
according to the priority order below:
!# /a-e cover1: move toward a nearby sector providing better tactical benefit than that
currently occupied "this action possibly being combined with combat, see below#,
*# /7ounter;attac-1: assault any understrength foe within reach "if however that
movement is not hampered because of terrain or other units#,
$# +pen fire on nearest foe in sight and within range.
If several targets are eligible, the selected one is chosen randomly.
(iberian units are rated /stubborn1; thus they dont recoil in case of /even1 losses but
loose one stand instead.
7ossac-s units must perform an /evade1 move if assaulted under disadvantageous
circumstances, and if conditions allow it. If performing the evade move leaves no
other option than leaving the table top, then that unit is eliminated.
*$ornin /ist. and 4!5unc5u. special rules
4uring the first game turn, Line of (ight is reduced to ! 34. Fowever, the player may reveal
!d$ 9ussian mar-ers, in order to simulate the recce role played by Eapanese spies.
In light green: Eapanese deployment area.
he Galu river is /rough1 terrain, but the Eapanese troops benefit from H pontoon bridges
which are treated as /open1 terrain in game terms.
,ll the 9ussian units are entrenched.
Eapanese player wins if he manages to ta-e 8a-au, regardless of lossesI
*Grande Batterie. unit6s 7uic1 reference cards8
*T9liss9+ 1-2).
Eapanese force:
*) infantry stands "0 units#
$ cavalry stands "! unit#
* 'L9 Guns stands "! or * Grande 'atterie units#
9ussian &orce:
0 7ossac-s stands "* units#
!0 (iberian 9ifle infantry stands ") units#
* <& Guns stands "! or * Grande batterie unit#
Eapanese player wins if he ta-es both &ou chou and elissJ; 9ussian player wins if he ta-es
both &ou chou and ?afangtien. +therwise it is a draw.

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