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Suggestions for Further Reading TZD Reading 1


There are several oo!s that "over aout the sa#e #aterial as ours at aout the
sa#e level$ A#ong the #ost %o%ular of these are&
'$ A$ TI'(ER and R$A$ ((E)E((*N+ Modern Physics+ ,
ed$ Free#an+ -..-$
S$ T$ THORTON and A$ F$ RE/+ Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers+ -
Saunders+ -...$
0$ S$ 0RANE+ Modern Physics+ -
ed$ 1ohn )ile2+ 1334$
A$ 5EISER+ 6on"e%ts of 7odern 'h2si"s+ 4
ed$ 7"Gra89Hill+ -..:$
Three oo!s 8ith aout the sa#e "overage ut at a #ore advan"ed level are&
1$ 1$ 5REH7 and )$ 1$ 7U((IN+ Introduction to the Structure of Matter$ )ile2+ 13;3$
R$ EIS5ERG and R$ RESNI60+ Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei,
and Particles. )ile2+ 13;<$
R$ ($ S'ROU(( and )$ A$ 'HI((I'S+ Modern Physics. )ile2+ 13;.$
If an2 undergraduate %h2si"s te=t "an e "alled a >"lassi"? @in the laudator2
senseA+ it is
R$ '$ FE*N7AN+ R$ (EIGHTON+ and 7$ SANDS+ The Feynman Lectures on
Physics @: volu#e setA+ Addison9)esle2+ 13B.$ Fe2n#anCs originalit2+ "larit2+ and
sho8#anshi% shine through in these "olle"ted le"tures$ Although originall2 8ritten as a
fresh#en te=t+ these #agnifi"ent+ ut so%histi"ated le"tures are est read 2 students after
their fresh#en 2ear$ Dols$ 1 and - "over >"lassi"al %h2si"s? @u% to 13..A$ Dol$ : "overs
Euantu# #e"hani"s$
;F;F-.1, -,.B.,;4<$do"
Suggestions for Further Reading TZD Reading -
So#e good referen"es on the histor2 of #odern %h2si"s are
I$ ASI7OD+ Asimo!s "iogra#hical Encyclo#edia of Science and Technology, -nd ed$
Douleda2+ 13;-$
H$ 5OORSE and ($ 7OTZ+ The $orld of the Atom, - vol$ 5asi" 5oo!s+ 1344$ An
e="ellent sele"tion of original 8ritings fro# the Gree!s to the 134.s$
G$ GA7O)+ %ne, T&o, Three+ $ $ $ , Infinity' Facts and S#eculations of Science+ Di!ing+
134.+ re%rinted 2 Dover+ 13;;$ A non9te"hni"al+ ut "o#%lete and entertaining
revie8 of %h2si"s u% to aout 13<.$
E$ SEGRE+ From ()*ays to Quar+s+ Free#an+ 13;.$
G$ ($ TRIGG+ Landmar+ E,#eriments in /entury Physics+ 6rane Russa!+ 13B<$
The 8orld is full of "harlatans+ Eua"!s+ and the aggressivel2 unedu"ated 8ho tr2 to
dress u% %seudo9s"ien"e in the Gargon of #odern %h2si"s$ The 8arning signs of %seudo9
s"ien"e are 8onderfull2 des"ried in
R$ ($ 'AR0+ 0oodoo Science' The *oad from Foolishness to Fraud, O=ford Universit2
'ress+ -..1$
An e="ellent list of referen"es that is "ontinuall2 gro8ing is the series of *esource
Letters in the American 1ournal of Physics. *ou "an find the latest of these 2 loo!ing in
the annual inde=$ 7an2 of the# are a""o#%anied 2 a volu#e that in"ludes re%rints of
several of the est referen"es$ @These re%rint oo!s are listed as >R5? in the Products
/atalog of the A#eri"an Asso"iation of 'h2si"s Tea"hers$A A resour"e letter on the
histor2 of %h2si"s @8ith a re%rint oo!+ nu#er R59<.A is
S$ G$ 5RUSH+ >Histor2 of 'h2si"s+? Resour"e (etter H'1+ American 1ournal of Physics,
ol. <<+ %%$ 4;: 9431 @13;BA$
The internationall2 agreed values for the funda#ental "onstants are u%dated at
irregular intervals @on the order of 1. 2earsA$ The latest values+ 8hi"h a%%ear in several
;F;F-.1, -,.B.,;4<$do"
Suggestions for Further Reading TZD Reading :
%la"es+ "an e found in 2and3oo+ of /hemistry and Physics+ 6R6 'ress+ 8hi"h is
u%dated ever2 2ear and is a ri"h sour"e of infor#ation$
So#e fine oo!s devoted entirel2 to relativit2+ and hen"e "onsideral2 #ore "o#%lete
than our a""ount+ are
A$ '$ FREN6H+ S#ecial *elatiity. Norton+ 134.$
N$ D$ 7ER7IN+ S#ace and Time in S#ecial *elatiity. 7"Gra89Hill+ 134;$
E$ F$ TA*(OR and 1$ A$ )HEE(ER+ S#acetime Physics. Free#an+ 1344$
A #ore advan"ed oo! is
)$ RIND(ER+ Essentials of *elatiity. S%ringer9Derlag+ 13BB$
Tests of general relativit2 are des"ried in
6$ 7$ )I((+ $as Einstein *ight4 Putting 5eneral *elatiity to the Test. 5asi" 5oo!s+
A good introdu"tion to general relativit2 at the advan"ed undergraduate level is
E$ F$ TA*(OR+ 1$ A$ )HEE(ER+ E,#loring "lac+ 2oles' Introduction to 5eneral
*elatiity$ 'earson Edu"ation+ -..1$
An entertaining+ non9te"hni"al oo! on general relativit2+ is

0$ S$ THORNE+ "lac+ 2oles and Time $ar#s' Einstein!s %utrageous Legacy. )$ )$
Norton+ 133,$
;F;F-.1, -,.B.,;4<$do"
Suggestions for Further Reading TZD Reading ,
There are #an2 oo!s on Euantu# #e"hani"s at a slightl2 higher level than our
treat#ent$ A %arti"ularl2 fine one is
A$ '$ FREN6H and E$ F$ TA*(OR+ An Introduction to Quantum Physics. )$ )$ Norton+
Histori"al oo!s on Euantu# theor2 and ato#i" %h2si"s are
G$ GA7O)+ The Thirty 6ears That Shoo+ Physics. Douleda2+ 1344$ One of so#e -.
non9te"hni"al oo!s 2 a #aster of %o%ular 8riting+ 8ho 8as hi#self an a"tive
"ontriutor to #odern %h2si"s$
R$ A$ 7I((I0AN+ The Electron. Universit2 of 6hi"ago 'ress+ 134:$ A fa"si#ile "o%2 of
7illi!anHs 131B oo!+ 8ith a histori"al introdu"tion$
G$ '$ THO7SON+ 1. 1 Thomson, 7iscoerer of the Electro+ Douleda2+ 134,$ 5iogra%h2
of >11? 2 his son+ the %h2si"ist G$ '$ Tho#son$
7A/ 1A77ER+ The /once#tual 7eelo#ment of Quantum Mechanics+ A#eri"an
Institute of 'h2si"s+ 13;3$ A ver2 "o#%lete and learned a""ount$
7ore advan"ed oo!s on lasers in"lude
A$ SIEG7AN+ Lasers. Universit2 S"ien"e 5oo!s+ 13;4$
O$ SDE(TO+ Princi#les of Lasers. 'lenu# 'ress+ 13B4$
;F;F-.1, -,.B.,;4<$do"
Suggestions for Further Reading TZD Reading <
A Resour"e (etter on (asers&
D$ 6$ OHSHEA and D$ 6$ 'E60HA7+ >(asers+? Resour"e (etter (1+ American 1ournal
of Physics, ol. ,3+ %%$ 31<93-< @13;1A$
Three "lassi" oo!s on #ole"ules are
G$ HERZ5ERG+ Molecular S#ectra and Molecular Structure' I S#ectra of 7iatomic
Molecules. Dan Nostrand+ 13<.$
7$ 0AR'(US and R$ N$ 'ORTER+ Atoms and Molecules' An Introduction for Students
of Physical /hemistry. Addison9)esle2+ 13B.$
($ 'AU(ING+ The /hemical "ond. 6ornell Universit2 'ress+ 134B$ A readale a""ount
2 a %ioneer of the suGe"t$
A reasonal2 non9te"hni"al oo! on solids is
A$ HO(DEN+ The Nature of Solids. 6olu#ia Universit2 'ress+ 134;$
Four that are a%%re"ial2 #ore advan"ed are
A$ 1$ DE00ER+ Solid State Physics. 'renti"e9Hall+ 13<B$
6$ 0ITTE(+ Introduction to Solid State Physics, 4th ed$ )ile2+ 13;4$
H$ 7$ ROSEN5ERG+ The Solid State. O=ford Universit2 'ress+ 13;;$
R$ TURTON+ The Physics of Solids$ O=ford Universit2 'ress+ -...$ This last te=t
e#%hasiIes devi"e %h2si"s+ and te"hnologi"al a%%li"ations$
An e="ellent+ se#i9te"hni"al introdu"tion to infor#ation theor2 is
1$ R$ 'IER6E+ An Introduction to Information Theory+ -
edition+ Dover+ 13;.$
;F;F-.1, -,.B.,;4<$do"
Suggestions for Further Reading TZD Reading 4
7an2 %ro%erties of #ole"ules and solids are taulated in
2and3oo+ of /hemistry and Physics. 6R6 'ress$
The oo! of HerIerg #entioned aove @and his three "o#%anion volu#esA "ontains
#an2 tales of #ole"ular %ro%ertiesJ si#ilarl2+ the oo! of 0ittel gives #an2 %ro%erties
of solids$
7ore advan"ed oo!s on nu"lear and %arti"le %h2si"s are
D$ GRIFFITHS+ Introduction to Elementary Particles. Har%er K Ro8+ 13;B$
0$ GOTTFRIED and D$ F$ )EISS0O'F+ /once#ts of Particle Physics. O=ford
Universit2 'ress+ 13;,$
0$ S$ 0RANE+ Introductory Nuclear Physics. )ile2+ 13;B$
E$ SEGRE+ Nuclei and Particles. Addison9)esle2+ 13BB$
Resour"e (etters in this area are
O$ )$ GREEN5ERG+ >Luar!s+? Resour"e (etter L1+ American 1ournal of Physics+ vol$
<.+ %%$ 1.B,91.;3 @13;-A$
($ (EDER7AN + >Histor2 of the Neutrino+? Resour"e (etter Neu 1+ American 1ournal
of Physics+ vol$ :;+ %%$ 1-391:4 @13B.A$
1$ ROSNER+ >Ne8 'arti"les+? Resour"e (etter N'1+ American 1ournal of Physics+ vol$
,;+ %%$ 3.91.: @13;.A$
Taulated data on nu"lei and %arti"les "an e found in
;F;F-.1, -,.B.,;4<$do"
Suggestions for Further Reading TZD Reading B
1$ TU(I+ Nuclear $allet /ards, -...$ A %o"!et9siIed oo!let 8ith #ore data than al#ost
an2one "ould need+ availale fro# the National Nu"lear Data 6enter+ 5ldg 13BD+
'$O$ 5o= <...+ U%ton+ N* 113B:9<...$
/hart of the Nuclides. A 8all "hart of nu"lear data+ availale fro# the General Ele"tri"
6o#%an2+ 'rodu"tion Resour"es+1.;. North Seventh Street+ San 1ose+ 6A 3<11-$
'arti"le Data Grou%+ Particle Pro#erties 7ata "oo+let, 133.$ Availale fro# Te"hni"al
Infor#ation De%t+ 7S 3.9-1-<+ (a8ren"e 5er!ele2 (a+ 5er!ele2+ 6A 3,B-.$
There are #an2 non9te"hni"al or se#i9te"hni"al oo!s on nu"lear and %arti"le
%h2si"s$ Three fine ones are
F$ 6(OSE+ 7$ 7ARTEN+ and 6$ SUTTON+ The Particle E,#losion. O=ford Universit2
'ress+ 13;B$ This s%lendid >"offee9tale? oo! 8ith hundreds of eautiful %i"tures
ta!es the stor2 through the #id913;.s$
H$ G$ GRAETZER and D$ ($ ANDERSON+ The 7iscoery of Nuclear Fission. Dan
Nostrand+ 13B1$ This "olle"tion of re%rints of original arti"les 8ith hel%ful editorial
"o##ents gives a fas"inating and readale a""ount of the unfolding of one of the
t8entieth "entur2Hs great dis"overies$
S$ )EIN5ERG+ The 7iscoery of the Su3atomic Particles. Free#an+ 13;:$ An e="ellent
a""ount through aout 13B.$
;F;F-.1, -,.B.,;4<$do"

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