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88 89 90 91

God Adam Eve Satan

Holy Bible Genesis 2 Genesis 2 Bible

Cain & Abel 92 Noah 93

Abraham 95 96

Genesis 6-7 Genesis 12-25 Genesis 13,14,19

Genesis 4
Adversary Matriarch Patriarch God
“The devil...was a  “Then the LORD God  “God formed the man 
murderer from the  made a woman from the  from the dust of the  “In the beginning, God 
beginning, not holding to  rib he had taken out of  ground and breathed  created the heavens and 
the truth, for there is no  the man, and he brought  into his nostrils the  the earth." 
truth in him. When he lies,  her to the man.”  breath of life, and the  Genesis 1:1 
he speaks his native  man became a living 
Genesis 2:22 
language, for he is a liar  being.” 
God is 
and the father of lies.” 
John 8:44 
,Tempted by Satan to 
Genesis 2:7 
, all­powerful 

eat the forbidden fruit 
Eve convinced Adam to 
Adam named the 
, all­knowing 
,Tempts everyone, but  eat the fruit 
animals and God gave 
him authority over the  , everywhere 
can not force anyone to 
do evil  ,Eve’s sin was cursed  earth 
, eternal 
,Will be punished forever 
with painful birth and 
struggle with man’s 
God cursed Adam’s sin 
with hard work for his  , the Father 
with all his followers 

,  ,  daily needs  , the creator 

Name means accuser, 
Bore Cain, Abel, Seth 

Adam lived to be 930  , love 
Bible Clips graphics  6k Bible Clips graphics  6k Bible Clips graphics  6k Bible Clips graphics 

Patriarch Patriarch Patriarch Patriarch

“[God] rescued Lot, a  “All the land that you see  “Noah was a righteous 
“Now Abel kept flocks, 
righteous man, who was  I will give to you and  man, blameless among 
and Cain worked the 
distressed by the filthy  your offspring forever. I  the people of his time,  soil." Genesis 4:2
lives of lawless men.”  will make your offspring  and he walked with 
2 Peter 2:7 like the dust of the  God.” 

, Abram’s nephew 
earth...”Genesis 13:15­16 Genesis 6:9 , Both brothers offered a 
sacrifice to God 
, Lot chose to live near the 
, God sent Abram from 
Ur to Canaan 
, God told Noah to build 
an ark for a coming  , Abel’s offering was 
cities of Sodom and  pleasing to God, Cain’s 
Gomorrah  , Isaac was born when 
Abram was 100  ,
Noah saved his family 
was not 
, God warned Lot that the 
city would be destroyed  , Abraham was willing to  and two of each animal  , Cain was angry at Abel 
rather than repentant 
, sacrifice his only son  , The earth was flooded 
He and his daughters 
escaped  2k , He became the father of  2k for a year  God warned Cain that 
anger leads to sin 

all Israelites  ,  The rainbow is God’s 
Lot’s wife was turned 
into salt for looking back 
,  One of the most faithful 
men who ever lived 
promise not to flood the  5-6k
earth again  , 
Cain killed Abel 
God exiled Cain 
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Bible Clips graphics  Bible Clips graphics Bible Clips graphics  6k

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