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Subject: Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) 2015/16-2016/17, Investing In Stockport
Executive Proposals

Report to Executive Meeting Date: 12 August 2014

Report of: (a) The Leader of the Council and the Deputy Leader (Executive Councillor for
Corporate, Customer and Community Services)

Key Decision: (b) Y

Y General Exception Special Urgency (Mark with a Y
if applicable)


At its meeting in July the Executive accepted a Medium Term Financial Forecast that
indicated a budget reduction requirement of 22.453m for 2015/16. Subject to a
number of risks and uncertainties that were outlined to the Executive, that report also
forecast a cumulative reduction requirement of 39.419m in 2016/17, rising to 64.5m
by 2018/19.

In response to those forecasts, and in line with its previous deliberations and
statements of intent, the Executive agreed the strategic framework for Investing in
Stockport (IIS), a single programme of sustainable growth and public service reform
in the Borough over the medium term.

This report sets out the reforms proposed as part of the Investing in Stockport
programme, and their potential implications and impact. Business cases for each
proposal are available as background papers to this report, with each in turn being
supported by an activity and impact schedule; a consultation plan; and a draft
Equalities Impact Assessment. The report also includes indicative cash limit budget
allocations for 2015/16 and 2016/17

Comments/Views of the Executive Councillors: (c)

We would like to thank the Liberal Democrat group for all the work on these proposals,
which go a long way to meeting the very challenging savings target as local authority
budgets reduce. In drawing up these plans we have sought to look at every way to deliver
the outcomes the Liberal Democrats want to achieve for Stockport, working with others
and in very different ways where it is right to do so.

This level of change is not easy to deliver and there are risks involved. It will require
council officers, community groups, members of the public and our partners across
Stockport to work together if we are to achieve the outcomes set out in these proposals. In
many cases it will require changes in culture. We are grateful to all our partners on this
journey, both within and outside the Council.

Recommendations of the Executive Councillors: (d)

The Executive is recommended to:



agree the indicative budget allocations and investment propositions set out in the
report and the associated business cases;

ask the Corporate Leadership team and senior managers, in consultation with the
relevant Executive Councillors, to undertake the appropriate consultation exercises
and to develop implementation plans, including impact and risk assessments, to
facilitate the delivery of the proposals set out in the report

agree that, as appropriate, proposals be resubmitted for the Executives approval as
consultation exercises are completed and/or more detailed plans are prepared

continue with the steps necessary to agree a final balanced budget proposal for
2015/16 and an updated Medium Term Financial Plan to 2016/17 for presentation to
the Council budget meeting in February 2015

report to all scrutiny committees in the next cycle outlining the proposals relating to
each committees remit

Relevant Scrutiny Committee (if decision called in): (e)
Corporate Resource Management and Governance

Background Papers (if report for publication): (f)
Report to Executive meeting 15 July 2014 - Medium Term Financial Plan 2015/16

Contact person for accessing background papers and discussing the report
Officers: Steve Houston / Laureen Donnan Tel: 474 4000 / 3180

Urgent Business: (g) Yes/ No (Please circle)

Certification (if applicable)
This report should be considered as urgent business and the decision exempted from
call-in for the following reason(s):

The written consent of Councillor and the Chief Executive/Monitoring
Officer/Corporate Director for Corporate and Support Services for the decision to be
treated as urgent business was obtained on /will be obtained before
the decision is implemented.

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