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Abstract: Stress management can be defined as intervention planned to decrease the force of
stressors in the administrative center. These can have a human being focus; aimed at raising an individuals
ability to cope with stressors and the implementation of the CRM is essential to establish a better
performance of the Baning sector. Since managing stress and customer Relationship Management is
becoming crucial in the field of management the wor has forecasted it in a wide range of dimension. This
paper organi!es few preliminary concepts of stress and critically analy!es the CRM strategy implemented
by baning sector. "ence the employees of the Baning #ndustry have been ased to give their opinion
about the CRM strategy adopted by Bans. #n order to provide the bacground of the employees$ the
profile of the employees has been discussed initially. The profile of the employees along with their opinion
on the CRM practices adopted at Baning #ndustries has been discussed. %ur wor progress with
consideration of two main parameters change and damage to which stress mainly respond also the paper
envelopes certain valuable stress management tactics and techni&ues that are especially supportive for
people who have woring are with baning sector. 'lso an attempt to diagnose the impact of underside
stress of day today life in mounting a bigger level stress upon the employees has been made. (urther
development have been made with a detailed parametric analysis of employee stress conducted with the
wide range of ey parameters and several round of e)periments has been conducted with techni&ues as
*olmogorow+Smirnov test.$ ,ratter Raning$ 'nova$ the wor ensures to pay way for an accurate measure
in customer handling
Key Words Customer Relationship$ Ban -mployee$ .ob stress$ causes of stress$ attributes initiatives$
disagreement$ illness and baning sector.
#. #/TR%01CT#%/
The implementation of the CRM is essential to establish a better performance of the Baning
#ndustry and to avoid stress of employees. The present study critically analy!es the CRM strategy
implemented by Baning #ndustry and find out the stress level of employees. "ence the employees of the
Baning #ndustry have been ased to give their opinion about the CRM strategy adopted by Bans. #n
order to provide the bacground of the employees$ the profile of the employees has been discussed
initially. #n this research article$ the profile of the employees and their opinion on the CRM practices
adopted at Baning #ndustry has been discussed. The article deals with the systematic presentation of
analy!ed data followed by the interpretation of data. Statistical analysis of data enables researchers to
organi!e$ evaluate$ interpret$ summari!e and communicate numeric information. 0escriptive statistics is
used to describe data and inferential statistics to draw inferences about a population based on collected
sample data.
Baning Sector has not only been playing a leading role within the financial system in #ndia but
also has a significant socio+economic function$ maing intruding into the interiors of the economy and is
being considered as one of the fast developing areas in the #ndian (inancial sector too.
Customer service is an integral part of Baning #ndustry but also while handling the number of
customer the stress level will automatically increases. #t is the duty of research to go in depth study to
identify the ey success factors in Baning #ndustry$ in terms of stress level of the employees so as to
survive in intense competition and increase the maret share.
CRM is a customer focused business strategy that aims to increase customer satisfaction and
customer loyalty by offering a more responsive and customeri!ed service to each customer. CRM is about
managing customers for better understanding and to serve them. *eeping the importance of CRM and its
service e)cellence in view$ this study is an attempt to analy!e management of the customer relationship in
Baning sector particularly$ Baning #ndustry of #ndia 3Bans4 in Madurai district of Tamil /adu.
##. %B5-CT#6-S #S T% '/'78S#S #/(71-/C- T"- CRM ('CT%R
To e)amine the relationship between employees .ob stress and their involvement in
organi!ational wors which in turns in CRM.
To e)amine and understand how the employees now about CRM strategy in Ban.
To analysis the most important category of customers approaching the employees
To analysis the Satisfaction level of the customer services provided by Baning #ndustry and
find out the %ccupational Status of the -mployees
To find out and analysis the %pinion about the CRM System in an #ntegral 9art of the :or in
To analysis and find out stress level while Solving the problem of the 'ccount holders and
Clearing the 0oubts of the 'ccount holders regarding loan 0etails and other operations
###. 7#TR'T1R- R-6#-:
' number of researchers have defined stress in different words such as$ *a!mi$ '$ and *han$
;<<= have defined stress as >a change in ones physical or mental state$ in other words disturbance or
imbalance from normal state. Stress is caused disturbed events in wor environment$ social environment$
and in routine life 3wor$ family and social life4 and also caused by emotional$ psychological$ mental and
physical illness?. Moreover$ >Stress comes from any situation or circumstance that re&uire behavioral
ad.ustment any change either good or bad is stressful or whether its positive or negative change$ the
physiological response is same? 3:. Colligan and M."iggins$ ;<2<4.
5ob stress can arise from different environment of wor lie organi!ational or situational stress it is
from the characteristics of the worers themselves i.e. dispositional stress 3Riggio$ ;<<@4.Stress is a natural
lesson in the life and every employee even e)ecutives and managers should be effected from this
issue.according to survey about 2<< million wordays are being affected due to stress problem among
employees and nearly A<B + CAB due to disease cause stress 3Bashir4.
'bsence and loss of employment are ma.or cause of .ob stress #n the organi!ation.the ratio increase
day after day because of organisation enviorment.they were the main hurdles of achieving goals and
performance 3Treven ;<<;4.
-mployers need to be aware of how the population 3organi!ation4 is changing with respect to age. (or
-)ample$ the new trends in the baning industry show an inclination towards more hiring of young and
fresh business graduates. So in near future$ most .obs$ even top+level e)ecutives would be young people.
This also poses another issue that young individuals are more aggressive and sensitive so they are more
liely to fall prey to 5ob Stress. Dian&ian 0u et$al$3;<<E4
5oanna.7.8 ."$al$3;<<F4 investigates the relationship between compensation benefit of employees
on the basis of performance. Compensation relates with performance of employee in the organi!ation
accordingly show high performance as well as low performance of the employee.
#ncome has a ma.or impact on the living standard of an individual. #n reality$ if this is said that it is
the decider of the life+style of any individual$ it would not be wrong. #ncome has also relationship with
family life cycle which actually moulds the spending pattern of a family. 0ifferent researches have shown
that the person with high income is having a different style of spending than low income groups persons.
#f a person has a family to support and the number of households is large$ then his only criteria of selection
of a .ob would be the money which he would receive. So$ any such individual who is being paid less
whereas$ his e)penditure is more$ he would eventually e)perience 5ob Stress. *iridaran*anagaretnam
5han!eb Shah$et$al$3;<<C4 culture create society and e)change views.its changes from generation to
generation. human nature changes fill the individual gap.culture changes individual behavior also.The
symbols may be intangible 3attitudes$ beliefs$ values$ language4 or tangible 3tools$ housing$ products wors
of art4. Cultures do change over time. -very organi!ation has its own distinct culture. #f an employee fails
to comply with the organi!ational norms and culture$ he would be proving himself one odd against all so
he would be more prone to have stress at his wor place.
'n individual maing a shift from one organi!ation to another has to be fle)ible enough so as to
absorb and mould himself in the new organi!ations culture. -)ecutives must also be alert to these changes
so they can ad.ust their planning to be in step with$ or even a little ahead of$ the times to not let employees
to be affected by cultural factors.
'le.andra et$al$32EEG4 :oring conditions also poses a lot of pressure over employees. The space
they are provided for wor$ the lights and air in the room$ sitting arrangement$ the relationship that the
employee shares with his peers$ sub+ordinates and boss are all the factors that affect the employee retention
as these things become a cause of stress for an employee.
39atira. umara et$al4 The performance is measured on the basis of sill and motivation level of the
individual employee. 0ue to this approach it easily evaluates the employee in the organi!ation. #t show 5ob
Stress and personal life stress are different approaches. They are positively correlated with each other.
#6. T%%7 %( 0'T' C%77-CT#%/ '/0 R-S-'RC" D1-ST#%/
The &uestionnaire where 0istributed to the baning employees direct testing was surveyed
primarily by administrating the &uestionnaire on around 22< numbers of respondents. The particular
information was composed from the baning employees at all three levels in Baning sector. #nterviews
were conducted with the employees for assembly the various in se&uences on their preparedness about
their Ban 3association4 and the troubles which they face both directly and indirectly in the release of their
everyday .obs. The respondents were interview on the issues touching the stress levels of the worers$ bang
of relations pressures on their employment$ e)pectations from their responsibility$ up to what level they are
happy and liely suggestions for overcoming the adversities of stress by evaluating the individual
initiatives and managerial initiatives.
6. '/'78S#S %( 0'T'
The data will be analy!ed to determine any differences between the stress levels of employees and their
impact on reducing stress. so the researcher attempts to analy!e the demographic profiles such as gender$
age$ se)$ marital status$ &ualification$ family si!e$ occupational status$ monthly income$ association with
Baning #ndustry$ number of /ew 'ccount opening and sectioning of 7oans are taen for the mode of the
selected customers. (or the purpose of analysis$ 22< employees were taen into consideration.
6#. R-S17TS '/0 0#SC1SS#%/S
This paper also includes an analysis of data collected by respresenting it in tabular form along with
The information collected were analysed for arriving at proper conclusion on the topic.
Tab! " #$% &$ t#!' ()$% ab$*t CRM strat!+'
#n order to understand how the employees now about CRM strategy of Ban employees ,arret
raning techni&ue was employed and the results are given in the Table 2
K)$% ab$*t CRM Strat!+' $0 Ba)(1)+ S!ct$r
1 2 3 4
Rank Scale How do they know
about R! "trategy
#5 $0 50 40 25
Through training
@; FF 2@ E 2;
22< G@A< AC.C@ ##
;F<< ;GF< GA< @G< @<<
Through 5ournals and
Maga!ines f
A 2@ AG @; F
22< A@@A F=.A ###
@CA C=< ;=<< 2;=< 2<<
@. A@ 2A F @< = 22< GFCA A=.=G #
@ECA E<< ;<< 2;<< ;<<
Through Collegues f
= ;E 2F @G ;@
G<< 2CF< C<< 2FF< ACA
9ersonal -)perience f
2; E ;@ @ G@
F;=A @=.EA 6
E<< AF< 22A< 2;< 2ACA
Total 22< 22< 22< 22< 22<
S$*rc!: c$23*t!&
The above table 2 shows details about how the employees came to now about CRM strategy of
Baning #ndustry in Madurai 0istrict. #t is inferred that orientation given by officials raned first which
represents a mean score of A=.=G$ through training raned second which represent a mean score of AC.C@
$through .ournals and maga!ines raned third which represent a mean score of F=.A $through colleagues
raned fourth which represents a mean score of FA.EA and personal e)perience raned fifth which represent
a mean score of @=.EA.
TABLE 4: Cat!+$r' $0 C*st$2!rs A33r$ac#1)+
The most important category of customers approaching the employees includes farmers$
businessmen$ professionals$ government employees and private employees. The distribution of employees
on the basis of category of customers approaching them is given in Table ;
Cat!+$r' $0 C*st$2!rs A33r$ac#1)+
Sl. No. ategory No. o% &'(loyee" )ercentage to Total
2. (armers 2E 2C.;C
;. Businessmen @A @2.=;
@. 9rofessionals F< @G.@G
F. ,ovt. -mployees 2 <.E2
A. 9rivate -mployees 2A 2@.GF
Total 22< 2<<.<<
S$*rc!: Pr12ar' Data
The analysis infers that the most important category of customers approaching the employees is
professionals and businessmen which constitute @G.@G per cent and @2.=; per cent of the total respectively.
TABLE 5 at %#1c# sta+! t#! c*st$2!rs ar! a33r$ac#1)+
The most important stages at which the customers are approaching the employees is classified to at
the time of opening account and maing 0eposit The distribution of employees on the basis of the stages
at which the customers are approaching is given in Table @
At %#1c# sta+! t#! c*st$2!rs ar! a33r$ac#1)+
No. o%
)ercentage to
F. 't the time of closing the 0eposit in middle 2 <.E2
A. 't the time of getting loan @< ;C.;C
G. 't the time of transfer of Money in 'ccount ; 2.=;
C. 't the time of loan repayment @2 ;=.2=
Total 22< 2<<.<<
S$*rc!: Pr12ar' Data
#t is revealed from Table @ that the most important stage at which the customers are approaching
the employees are at the time of 't the time of opening /ew 'ccount and 7ong term 0eposit is @@.GF per
cent$ 't the time of loan repayment ;=.2= per cent and 't the time of getting loan ;C.;C per cent to the
total respectively.
TABLE 6 Sat1s0act1$) %1t# t#! c*st$2!r s!r71c!s 3r$71&!& b' Ba)(1)+ I)&*str'
The satisfaction with the customer services provided by the Baning #ndustry may also determine
the perception level of employees towards CRM in Baning Sector. The distribution of employees on the
basis of satisfaction with the customer services provided by Baning is given in Table F
Tab! 6
Sat1s0act1$) %1t# c*st$2!r s!r71c!s 3r$71&!& b' Ba)(1)+ I)&*str'
Sl. No. )art*cular" No. o% &'(loyee" )ercentage to Total
2. 8es =F CG.@G
;. /o ;G ;@.GF
Total 22< 2<<.<<
S$*rc!: Pr12ar' Data
The Table F shows that CG.@G per cent of the employees are satisfied with the customer service
provided by the bans while the remaining ;@.GF per cent of the employees are not at all satisfied with the
service provided by the Baning #ndustry.
TABLE - H$% '$* ar! Sat1s01!& %1t# t#! S!r71c!s Pr$71&!& b' Ba)(1)+ I)&*str'
The most important reasons how the employees are satisfied with the services provided by Bans
is classified to &uic response$ innovative service delivery$ building relationship$ good rapport and
financial security. The distribution of employees on the basis of how they are satisfied with the services
provided by Bans using ,arret raning techni&ue is given in Table A
H$% '$* ar! Sat1s01!& %1t# t#! S!r71c!s Pr$71&!& b' Ba)(s
Rank 1 2 3 4
Total Total
#5 $0 50 40 25
Duic Response f F2 FA A 2G ; GC2A G2.G2 #
2<E @<CA ;C<< ;A< GF< A<
#nnovative Service
0elivery f
@ @ G= @2 F
2<E A2FA FC.;< ###
;;A 2=< @F<< 2;F< 2<<
Building Relationship f
G< 2F 2 @< F
GGE< G2.@= ##
FA<< =F< A< 2;<< 2<<
,ood Rapport f
@ ;A 2F @< @C
2<E FAA< F2.CF #6
;;A 2A<< C<< 2;<< E;A
(inancial Security f
; ;; ;2 ; G;
22< F2A< @=.<C 6
2A< 2@;< 2<A< =< 2AA<
Total 22< 22< 22< 22< 22<
S$*rc!: c$23*t!&
/oteH ) I Scale value; f I /umber of -mployees; f) I Score
%n the basis of the rans assigned by the employees the impacting variables are analy!ed through
,arrett Raning Techni&ues. #t is evident from the above table A that the employees have been much
satisfied through customer service provided by Bans in respect of the variables$ &uic response3 G2.G24
mean scores followed by building relationship 3G2.@=4$ innovative service delivery 3FC.;<4$ good rapport
3F2.CF4 and financial security 3@=.<C4 in the order of priority. "ence it can be concluded that as ban is
&uic in responding to all its &ueries the employees are much satisfied with the service offered by Baning
TABLE 8 att!)&!& t#! 2!!t1)+ $0 Ba)(s
The distribution of employees on the basis of meeting attended by them is given in Table G
Att!)&!& t#! 2!!t1)+ $0 Ba)(s
Sl. No. )art*cular" No. o% &'(loyee" )ercentage to Total
2. 8es E; =@.GF
;. /o 2= 2G.@G
Total 22< 2<<.<<
S$*rc!: Pr12ar' Data
#t is inferred from the table G that out of the total employees $=@.GF per cent said that they had
attended the meeting conducted by Bans$ while the rest 2G.@G per cent said that they had not attended the
Tab! / O31)1$) ab$*t CRM Strat!+' 1) Ba)(1)+ I)&*str' a)& A+! $0 t#! E23$'!!s
Ho+ There *" no "*gn*%*cant d*%%erence a'ong the age o% the e'(loyee" w*th regard to the o(*n*on o% R!
To test the above hypothesis one+way analysis of the variance is used.
ANOVA a2$)+ a+! $0 t#! !23$'!!s ab$*t t#! $31)1$) $0 CRM Strat!+' 1) Ba)(1)+ I)&*str' 1)
Ma&*ra1 D1str1ct
Age ,rou(
Su' o%
Between ,roup 2.@;A F <.@@2 @.F@; <.<22pJ.<A
:ithin ,roup 2<.2@= 2<A <.<EC
Total 22.FGF 2<E
S$*rc!: C$23*t!& Data
The table C depicts that there is a significant difference among age with regard to the opinion of
CRM strategy and hence /ull "ypothesis 3"o4 is re.ected. "ence it is concluded that CRM strategy in
Baning #ndustry have significant difference among age.
Tab! 9 O31)1$) ab$*t CRM Strat!+' 1) Ba)(1)+ I)&*str' a)& Occ*3at1$)a Stat*s $0 t#!
Ho+ There *" no "*gn*%*cant d*%%erence a'ong the /ccu(at*onal Statu" o% the e'(loyee" and the
o(*n*on o% R! Strategy *n 0ank*ng 1ndu"try.
To test the above hypothesis one+way analysis of the variance is used
ANOVA a2$)+ $cc*3at1$)a stat*s $0 !23$'!!s ab$*t t#! $31)1$) $0 CRM Strat!+' 1) Ba)(1)+
I)&*str' 1) Ma&*ra1 D1str1ct
Age ,rou(
Su' o%
Between ,roup G.;CA F 2.AGE ;.AF= <.<FFpJ<.<A
:ithin ,roup GF.GF@ 2<A <.G2G
Total C<.E2= 2<E
S$*rc!: C$23*t!& Data
The table = shows that there is a significant difference among the occupational status of the employees
with regard to the opinion of Baning #ndustry strategy and hence /ull "ypothesis 3"o4 is re.ected. "ence
it is concluded that CRM strategy in Bans have significant difference among occupational status.
Tab! : O31)1$) ab$*t CRM Strat!+' 1) Ba)(1)+ I)&*str' a)& Cat!+$r' $0 C*st$2!rs a33r$ac#1)+
Ho+ There *" no "*gn*%*cant d*%%erence a'ong the ategory o% u"to'er" o% the e'(loyee" about
the o(*n*on o% R! Strategy *n 0ank*ng 1ndu"try.
To test the above hypothesis one+way analysis of the variance is used
ANOVA a2$)+ t#! cat!+$r' $0 c*st$2!rs a33r$ac#1)+ !23$'!!s ab$*t t#! $31)1$) $0 CRM
Strat!+' 1) Ba)(1)+ I)&*str' 1) Ma&*ra1 D1str1ct
Age ,rou(
Su' o%
Between ,roup F.FG; F 2.22G 2.CG@ <.2F;pK<.<A
:ithin ,roup GG.FAG 2<A <.G@@
Total C<.E2= 2<E
S$*rc!: C$23*t!& Data
#t is inferred from the table E that there is no significant difference among the category of
customers approaching the employees with regard to the opinion of CRM strategy and hence /ull
"ypothesis 3"o4 is accepted. "ence it is concluded that CRM strategy in Bans does not have significant
difference among category of customers.
Tab! "; S$7! t#! 3r$b!2 $0 t#! Acc$*)t #$&!rs
The distribution of employees with regard to solving the problem of the 'ccount holders is given
in Table 2<
S$7! t#! 3r$b!2 $0 t#! Acc$*)t #$&!rs
Sl. No. )art*cular" No. o% &'(loyee" )ercentage to Total
2. 8es 22< 2<<.<<
;. /o ++ ++
Total 22< 2<<.<<
S$*rc!: Pr12ar' Data
The Table 2< clearly shows that out of the total employees all of them said that they would solve the
problem of the 'ccount holders.
Tab! "" H$% t#!' s$7! t#! 3r$b!2 $0 t#! Acc$*)t #$&!rs
The most important ways by which the problem of the 'ccount holders are solved by the
employees is classified to clearing the doubts of the 'ccount details$ giving advice at the time of facing the
problems$ verifying all 7oan documents$ providing moral support at all levels$ settling the grievance as
&uicly as possible. The distribution of employees on the basis of how they solve the problems of the
'ccount holders using *S Test are given in Table 22.
(or the purpose of analysing whether there is any difference in the importance of ratings given by
the employees on various statements$ the hypotheses have been formulated. The hypothesis has been
tested by the researcher with the help of *olmogorow+Smirnov test 3here after nown as *S L test4.
(ormula 0 I % L -
0 L refers to calculated value
% L refers to cumulative observed proportion and
- L refers to cumulative e)pected proportion.
To assess the employees opinion regarding solving the problem of 'ccount holder in bans five statements
namely$ Clearing the doubts of the loan details$ ,iving advice at the time of facing the problems $6erifying
all loan 0ocuments$ 9roviding moral support at all levels to them and Settling the grievances of the
account holders as &uicly as possible have been used and hypotheses are framed and Tested by applying
M*S Test.
Cumulative observed proportion is calculated on the basis of observed fre&uency that is$ observed
number. The total number of employees is 22<. 'bout 22< employees have given their opinion for
gradation >Strongly 'gree? #n the case of first statement the observed properties are calculated by dividing
G< of total employees. The resultant value 3<.G<4 help us to grade the observed properties. (or all
gradations$ the same method of calculation is followed. %n the basis of observed proportion$ cumulative
observed proportion is calculated.
Cumulative e)pected proportion is calculated on the basis of e)pected proportion. Since there are
five gradations$ each gradation 3that is$ <.;<4 is assigned as e)pected proportion. %n the basis of e)pected
proportion$ the cumulative e)pected proportion is calculated.
(or each gradation$ the difference between cumulative observed proportion and cumulative
e)pected proportion is calculated. The largest difference will be taen as calculated value. The calculated
value is compared with the table value.
#f the calculated value is greater than the table value$ the null hypothesis is re.ected. %n the other
hand if the calculated value is less than the table value$ the null hypothesis is accepted.
C!ar1)+ t#! D$*bts $0 t#! Acc$*)t a)& $a) D!ta1s < KS T!st
0I <.-.
2. Strongly 'gree FA <.F2 <.F2 <.;< <.;< <.;2
;. 'gree GA <.AE 2.<< <.;< <.F< <.G<
@. /o %pinion < <.<< 2.<< <.;< <.G< <.F<
F. 0isagree < <.<< 2.<< <.;< <.=< <.;<
A. Strongly 0isagree < <.<< 2.<< <.;< 2.<< <.<<

Calculated valueH 3largest difference4 I <.G<.
The table value at EA per cent confidence level I
2@ . <
@G . 2
's the calculated value 3<.G<4 is greater than the Table value 3<.2@4$ the null hypothesis is re.ected.
"ence$ there is difference in the importance of ratings given by the employees in clearing the doubts of the
'ccount and loan details in Bans in Madurai 0istrict.
G171)+ A&71c! at t#! T12! $0 Fac1)+ t#! Pr$b!2s < KS T!st
2. Strongly 'gree 2 <.<2 <.<2 <.;< <.;< +<.2E
;. 'gree GG <.G< <.G2 <.;< <.F< <.;2
@. /o %pinion F@ <.@E 2.<< <.;< <.G< <.F<
F. 0isagree < <.<< 2.<< <.;< <.=< <.;<
A. Strongly 0isagree < <.<< 2.<< <.;< 2.<< <.<<
S$*rc!: C$23*t!& Data
Calculated valueH 3largest difference4 I <.F<.
The table value at EA per cent confidence level I
2@ . <
@G . 2
's the calculated value 3<.F<4 is greater than the Table value 3<.2@4$ the null hypothesis is re.ected.
"ence$ there is difference in the importance of ratings given by the employees in giving advice at the time
of facing the problems in Bans at Madurai 0istrict.
TABLE "6 D!+r!! $0 a+r!!2!)t $r &1sa+r!!2!)t 0$r t#! 0$$%1)+ stat!2!)ts
The employees are ased to give their opinion at five point scale ranging from MStrongly 'gree to
MStrongly 0isagree for the following statements and the mean$ standard deviation and co+efficient of
variation is given in Table 2F
>#t is fully accepted that the CRM system is an integral part of wor in ban. The researcher has
identified nine statements to study the opinion about the CRM systems as an integral of part of wor in
C$=!001c1!)t $0 Var1at1$)s
The opinion of the -mployees about the CRM System as an integral part of the wor in Bans has
been analysed through Mean 6alue 3 2 4$ Standard 0eviation 34 and Co+efficient of 6ariation. Table 2F.
shows the details.
O31)1$) ab$*t t#! CRM S'st!2 1) a) I)t!+ra Part $0 t#! W$r( 1) Ba)(s
Sl.No. /(*n*on o% &'(loyee"
2 .3
2. CRM -nhances customers loyalty F.CF <.A< 2<.AA
;. -)istence of CRM 9ractices throughout all the levels @.FF <.A; 2A.2;
@. CRM is undertaen by employee to approach
customers @.=< <.F< 2<.A@
F. CRM ob.ective is to increase better relationship
among the 'ccount holders @.=A <.FA 22.GE
A. CRM ob.ective is to frame customer database ;.=C <.A@ 2=.FC
G. CRM can attract new customers F.CC <.FG E.GF
C. CRM helps to build customer loyalty F.EC <.2G @.;;
=. CRM Boosts Customers Confidence F.<; <.2@ @.;@
E. CRM benefits industry performance and productivity F.<; <.2@ @.;@
SourceH Computed 0ata.
Table 2F e)plicates that MCRM helps to build customer loyalty has got F.EC as mean value$ <.2G
as standard deviation and @.;; as co+efficient of variation$ MCRM enhances customer loyalty has got F.CF
as mean value$ <.A< as standard deviation and 2<.AA as co+efficient of variation$ MCRM can attract new
customers has got F.CC as mean value$ <.FG$ as standard deviation and E.GF$ MCRM Boost Customers
Confidence and MCRM Benefits industry performance and productivity has got F.<;$ as mean values$ <.2@
as standard deviation and @.;@ as co+efficient of variations followed by MCRM ob.ective is to frame
customer database$ MCRM is undertaen by employee to approach customers$ M-)istence of CRM
practices throughout all the level and so on. "ence it is concluded that the opinion of the employees
regarding the CRM System is an #ntegral 9art of their wor in Bans.
6##. (#/0#/,S %( T"- ST108
#t came to now the relationship between employees .ob stress and their involvement in
organi!ational wors which in turns in CRM.
To e)amine and understand how the employees now about CRM strategy in Ban.
To analysis the most important category of customers approaching the employees
To analysis the Satisfaction level of the customer services provided by Baning #ndustry and find
out the %ccupational Status of the -mployees
To find out and analysis the %pinion about the CRM System in an #ntegral 9art of the :or in
To analysis and find out stress level while Solving the problem of the 'ccount holders and
Clearing the 0oubts of the 'ccount holders regarding loan 0etails and other operations
The respondent were overburdened with wor load in their wor place
:or life imbalance is one of the ma.or attribute which contribute to stress for an employee.
The researcher identified few initiatives for effectively handling stress. Meditation was found to be
the essential part of living to decrease stress.
By providing regular and ade&uate training to the employee can help in reducing the wor place
stress. So$ that they can able to manage the situation even if they have too much of wor or
shortage of employee.
:oring at night shifts may be stressful but employee need to have proper diet and sleep$ so that
they can avoid stress in the night shift wors. -mergency situation in hospital is unavoidable$ so
employee needs to adopt some rela)ation techni&ues in order to reduce the stress.
:atching a patient death is unavoidable in hospitals$ so the employee needs to be emotionally
strong enough to have a controlled and rela)ed mind in order to provide better treatment for other
patients without any mistaes.
#t is recommended to the company to initiate a few changes at the wor place such as timely
targets$ distributed worload$ fle)ible wor hours and periodic rela)ation.
By conducting fre&uent recreational programs lie get together in %rgani!ation concerned$ medical
camps$ parties or on the achievements of any particular department$ cultural activities$ sports
pleasure trips etc.

The wor stress management is being implemented in MM"RC from the past years and is
successful in enhancing the employee morale. This can be seen in the employee performance; the
employee avoids absenteeism and is satisfied with his .ob. The techni&ues so implemented have
proved to be positive in nature. The employees are surely benefited from wor stress management.
More the employee morale$ less the chances of leaving the organi!ation$ so this reduces
chances of leaving the organi!ation. 8es$ the different techni&ues adopted boost up confidence of
employee. The &uality of performance is not considered for vertical up graduation. The different
techni&ues used are innovative plans; they are not based on any set standards. The employees are
satisfied with the remuneration what they are paid.
The employees of MM"RC are selected in a step by step procedure$ only the best are
selected and the rest are screened out$ the usual woring hours are = to 2< hours a day$ depending
upon the wor load. The wor is assigned on e&uitable basis. %n achieving the targets$ monetary
incentives and pers are given.
The employees are satisfied with the woring environment$ a friendly environment usually
prevails in the organi!ation. The management maintains both formal and informal relationship with
the employees. There is low participation of employees in the management decisions. The promotion
account and transfer account is favorable to the employees. #f an employee is unable to complete the
.ob he is given constant bac ups.
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N Bill 'shcroft$ The -mpire :rites BacH Theory and 9ractice in 9ost+Colonial 7iterature 32EE<4
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N *umaraswamy$ 9$ R 3March ;<<G4 O:ho am #QH The #dentity Crisis in the Middle -astO The Middle -ast
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N Sadii$ 7. 3;<<F4 The Search for 'rab 0emocracyH 0iscourses and Counter+0iscourses #ndiaH C. "urst R
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N *umaraswamy$ 9.R. 3March ;<<G4 O:ho am #QH The #dentity Crisis in the Middle -astO The Middle -ast
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N/ational 9ingtung #nstitute of Commerce$ R.%.C "ow Changes in Compensation 9lans 'ffect -mployee
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N91SS7-S #/ T"- B-"'6#%R %( 9R%01CT#6#T8$ #/6-STM-/T$ '/0 #//%6'T#%/ Robert 5.
,ordon :oring 9aper 2<GG httpHWWwww.nber.orgWpapersWw2<GG< /'T#%/'7 B1R-'1 %(-C%/%M#C
R-S-'RC" 2<A< Massachusetts 'venue Cambridge$ M' <;2@= 'ugust ;<<F
N*/%:7-0,- M'/',-M-/T$ #//%6'T#%/ '/0 9R%01CT#6#T8H' (#RM 7-6-7
-X97%R'T#%/ B'S-0 %/ (R-/C" M'/1('CT1R#/, C#S@ 0'T' -li!abeth *remp
N5ac&ues Mairesse :oring 9aper 2<;@C httpHWWwww.nber.orgWpapersWw2<;@C /'T#%/'7 B1R-'1 %(
-C%/%M#C R-S-'RC" 2<A< Massachusetts 'venueCambridge$ M' <;2@=.
NT"- #M9%RT'/C- %( "#ST%R8 (%R -C%/%M#C 0-6-7%9M-/T by /athan /unn:oring
9aper 2F=EE httpHWWwww.nber.orgWpapersWw2F=EE /'T#%/'7 B1R-'1 %( -C%/%M#C R-S-'RC"
2<A< Massachusetts 'venueCambridge$ M' <;2@= 'pril ;<<E

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