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European colonialists conspired to destroy Khilafah

Written by Administrator
Saturday, 18 August 2007 03:27 -
European colonialists conspired to destroy Khilafah

On Monday 3rd March 1924 (28th Rajab 1342AH), the world woke to the news that Mustafa
Kemal in Turkey had officially abolished the Khilafah. That night Abdul-Mejid II, the last
Khaleefah of the Muslims, was bundled in to a car with a suitcase of clothes and money and
exiled from Turkey, never to return. This is how 1342 years of Islamic rule ended. The following
is a historical account of the actions of the colonial powers in first sowing the seeds of disunity
amongst Muslims by implanting the idea of nationalism and then finally administering the
destruction of the Khilafah state by their treacherous agents.
A few months after the destruction of the Khilafah on 24th July, Turkey's independence was
officially recognised with the signing of the Lausanne Treaty. Britain and its allies withdrew all
their troops that had occupied Turkey since the end of the First World War. In response to this,
protests were made in the House of Commons to the British Foreign Secretary Lord Curzon, for
recognising Turkey's independence. Lord Curzon replied, "The situation now is that Turkey is
dead and will never rise again, because we have destroyed its moral strength, the Caliphate
and Islam."
As admitted by Lord Curzon, Britain along with France played a pivotal role in destroying the
Khilafah and carving up the Muslim lands between them. Their plans against the Khilafah were
not just a reaction to the Khilafah siding with Germany in World War I. These plans were set in
motion hundreds of years ago finally coming to fruition when the Uthmani Khilafah began to
rapidly decline in the mid eighteenth century.
The first attempt at destroying the unity of Islam came in the 11th century when Pope Urban II
launched the first crusade to occupy Al-Quds. After 200 years of occupation the crusaders were
finally defeated at the hands of Salahudeen Ayyubi. In the 15th century Constantinople was
conquered and the last stronghold of the Byzantine Empire defeated. Then in the 16th century
the Islamic State swept across southern and eastern Europe carrying Islam to its peoples.
Consequently millions of people in Albania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and other countries embraced
Islam. After the siege of Vienna in 1529 Europe formed alliances to stop the Khilafah's
expansion in to Europe. It was at this point the crusaders animosity towards Islam and the
Khilafah was revived and plans were hatched to deal with this "Oriental Problem" as it became
Count Henri Decastri, a French author wrote in his book entitled Islam' in 1896:
"I cannot imagine what the Muslims would say if they heard the tales of the mediaeval ages and
understood what the Christian orators used to say in their hymns; all our hymns even those
which emerged before the 12th century emanated from one concept which was the cause of the
crusades, these hymns were filled with hatred towards the Muslims due to the total ignorance of
their religion. As a result of those hymns and songs, hatred against that religion became fixed in
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European colonialists conspired to destroy Khilafah
Written by Administrator
Saturday, 18 August 2007 03:27 -
people's minds, and the erroneous ideas deeply rooted, some of which are still carried
nowadays. Everyone used to regard the Muslims as polytheists, disbelievers, idol worshippers
and apostates."
After their defeat the crusaders realised that the cause of Muslims strength and resolve was the
Islamic Aqeeda. As long as Muslims were strongly attached to Islam and the Qur'an the
Khilafah could never be destroyed. This is why at the end of the 16th century they established
the first missionary centre in Malta and made it their headquarters for launching a missionary
onslaught against the Muslim world. This was the beginning of western culture entering the
Muslim world by British, French and American missionaries.
These missionaries worked under the guise of educational and scientific institutions. Initially
their effect on the Muslims was minimal. But during the 18th and 19th centuries when decline
had set in to the Khilafah the missionaries managed to exploit weaknesses in the state and
spread corrupted concepts to the people. In the 19th century Beirut became the centre for
missionary activity. During this time the missionaries exploited civil strife between Christians
and Druze and later Christians and Muslims, with Britain siding with the Druze and France
siding with the Christian Maronites.
The missionaries had two main objectives during this time.
1. To separate the Arabs from the Uthmani state
2. To alienate the Muslims from the bond of Islam
In 1875 the "Secret Association" was formed in Beirut in an attempt to encourage Arab
nationalism among the people. Through declarations and leaflets it called for the political
independence of the Arabs, especially those in Syria and Lebanon. Those in charge repeatedly
accused Turkey in their literature of snatching the Islamic Khilafah from the Arabs, violating the
Islamic Shari'ah, and abusing the Deen.
These seeds of Arab nationalism came to fruition in 1916 when Britain ordered its agent Sharif
Hussein of Mecca to launch the Arab Revolt against the Uthmani Khilafah. This revolt was
successful in dividing the Arab lands from the Khilafah and placing them under British and
French mandates.
At the same time nationalism was being incited among the Turks. The Young Turks movement
was established in 1889 on the basis of Turkish nationalism and achieved power in 1908 after
ousting Khaleefah Abdul-Hamid II. The traitor Mustafa Kemal who went on to abolish the
Khilafah was a member of the Young Turks. This is why Mustafa Kemal later said: "Was it not
because of the Khilafah, Islam and the clergy that the Turkish peasants fought and died for five
centuries? It is high time Turkey looked after her own interests and ignored the Indians and the
Arabs. Turkey should rid itself of leading the Muslims."
Alongside the missionary activities Britain and France along with Russia began to directly
colonise many parts of the Muslim world. This started during the mid eighteenth century when in
1768 Catherine II of Russia fought the Khilafah and successfully occupied the lands of Southern
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European colonialists conspired to destroy Khilafah
Written by Administrator
Saturday, 18 August 2007 03:27 -
Ukraine, Northern Caucasus, and Crimea which became incorporated in to the Russian Empire.
France attacked Egypt and Britain began its occupation of India. In the 19th century France
occupied North Africa and Britain occupied Egypt, Sudan and India. Gradually, the lands of the
Khilafah were receding until the end of the 1st world war when all that was left was Turkey,
which was occupied by allied troops under the command of a British general named Charles
The division of the lands of the Khilafah was a deliberate agreement hatched by Britain and
France in 1916 in the secret agreement known as Sykes-Picot. This plan was negotiated
between French diplomat Franois Georges-Picot and British diplomatic advisor Mark Sykes.
Under the agreement Britain was allocated control of Jordan, Iraq and a small area around
Haifa. France was allocated control of South-eastern Turkey, Northern Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.
The controlling powers were left free to decide on state boundaries within these areas. The
Middle Eastern map today is the legacy of Sykes-Picot with the borders matching Mr Sykes and
Mr Picot's lines drawn using a ruler over the former lands of the Khilafah.
In the years preceeding the destruction of the Khilafah, Britain played the most important role
through nurturing its agent Mustafa Kemal. Through a number of political maneuvers aided by
Britain, Mustafa Kemal was able to establish himself as an authority within Turkey. In 1922, the
Lausanne conference was organised by the British foreign Secretary Lord Curzon to discuss
Turkey's independence. Turkey at that time was under the occupation of the allied forces with
the institution of the Khilafah existing in all but name. During this conference Lord Curzon
stipulated four conditions prior to recognising the independence of Turkey. These conditions
1. The total abolishment of the Khilafah
2. The expulsion of the Khalifah beyond the borders
3. The confiscation of its assets
4. Declaration that Turkey become a secular state
The success of the conference rested on the fulfilment of these four conditions. However, even
with such foreign pressure many Muslims within Turkey still cherished the idea of Khilafah,
which had served Islam so well for so many centuries and found it inconceivable that it could
ever be abolished. Hence, Lord Curzon failed to secure these conditions and the conference
wound up in failure. Yet, the cunning Lord Curzon on behalf of Britain did not give up. On the
3rd March 1924 Mustafa Kemal using force and terrorising his political opponents managed to
push through the Abolition bill that would see the institution of Khilafah officially abolished.
For the colonialists powers destroying the Khilafah was not enough. They wanted to ensure that
the Khilafah could never arise again among the Muslims.
Lord Curzon said, "We must put an end to anything which brings about any Islamic unity
between the sons of the Muslims. As we have already succeeded in finishing off the Caliphate,
so we must ensure that there will never arise again unity for the Muslims, whether it be
intellectual or cultural unity."
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European colonialists conspired to destroy Khilafah
Written by Administrator
Saturday, 18 August 2007 03:27 -
Therefore, they placed a number of obstacles in the path of re-establishing the Khilafah
such as:
1. The introduction of the non-Islamic concepts in the Islamic world such as patriotism,
nationalism, socialism and secularism and the colonialists encouragement of political
movements based on these ideas
2. The presence of educational curriculum set up by the colonial powers, which have remained
in tact for 80 years, that made the majority of the graduated young people and those in the
educational institutions proceed in a direction contradictory to Islam
3. The economic strangulation of the Muslim world by western governments and companies
such that the people live in abject poverty and are forced to focus solely upon feeding
themselves and their families whilst turning away from the true role of the colonialists
4. The deliberate legacy of dividing the Muslim world around contentious borders and territories
such that Muslims would permanently be engaged in petty issues
5. The creation of organisations such as the Arab League and later the Organisation of Islamic
countries (OIC) that diluted the bonds of Islam, continued the disunity of the Muslim world whilst
failing miserably to solve any problem or issue
6. The imposition of a foreign state, Israel, into the heart of the Muslim world that would
spearhead the western powers assault upon defenceless Muslims while perpetuating the myth
of Muslim inferiority
7. The presence in the Muslim countries of tyrant rulers whose allegiance is to their western
masters; whom oppress and torture the Ummah; they are not from the Ummah and hate the
Ummah just as much as the Ummah hates them
Despite these obstacles and the plots and plans of the colonialists the re-establishment of the
Khilafah is once again a reality for the Muslim world. We must take this opportunity on the
anniversary of the destruction of the Khilafah to reflect on the current situation of the Muslims
and ensure that only by working to bring back the Khilafah can we truly achieve success in this
life and the next.

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