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How to learn remote influence through mental telepathy

Doctors and researchers use hypnosis for everything from helping people lose weight, quit
smoking and overcome fears to developing ESP capabilities and healing incurable diseases.
Studies done in parapsychology labs show that PSI scores are higher when the subject is in a
state of psychological inadequacy according to Dr. Jan Ehrenwald. He named the state the
“minus function”. It is a state where the conscious mind relaxes or doesn’t function and allows
the subconscious to work. Subjects achieve the state when asleep or under hypnosis. Of course,
when the subject is under hypnosis there’s a possibility for researchers to speak with them.

The Soviets have always been proponents of continuous research into PSI. As early as 1920
professor Lionid Vasiliev from the Leningrad University Department of Physiology began to
experiment with mental suggestion. He first hypnotized subjects then without speaking a word,
mentally gave a command to have the subject move a specific muscle or their arm or leg. As he
worked, he found that he could even be successful with great distances separating him from the

The research into remote manipulation continued at the Institute of Cybernetics of the Ukrainian
Academy of Science and another in the Soviet Union. Instead of selecting trained people to
experiment upon, the studies focused on using unsuspecting subjects or even large groups as
their experiment. They also used the mind studies to see the effect they could have on bodily
functions of both animals and individuals. In one case, a researcher stopped the heart of a frog by
simply using his mind. Another Soviet PSI researcher controlled the blood flow to other’s brains
and created situations where his influence was so great on his unsuspecting subjects, many
nearly passed out.

For a period, there was a group that charged the Soviet government with attempting to control a
large portion of the population’s minds with the use of a mechanical device that basically
hypnotized them into following orders. The group never got very far since many of them had
mental problems and the fact negated their efforts. Some wore tin foil caps in order to block the
rays they believed came from the government. Did this really occur? Those knowledgeable about
the studies of the government aren’t saying but it did do one thing. It unfortunately created the
symbol of the tin foil cap as the badge of a PSI crazy conspiracy fanatic.

Hypnosis is a powerful tool and even more powerful when directed by the person under
hypnosis. This technique is self-hypnosis and it opens a world of possibilities for the person
using it. Self-hypnosis uses many of the same techniques as the Zen masters to achieve the
relaxed state necessary for psychic development. It is a shorter trip to the relaxed state than the
Zen masters follow but may not produce the same height of development they find after decades
of practice. It is however, a good method to begin your psychic investigation into the powers of
the mind and is far easier to learn than many other techniques. Direct access to the psyche with
the help of a trained hypnotist is also another route to use to access the psychic powers.
"Conrad Raw is an expert on practical techniques for personal and spiritual development. He is a
bestselling co-author with Wayne Dyer and Brian Tracy and is the author of "The Zensation
Manual: Forbidden Secrets of Personal and Spiritual Development". Visit his website to get
your free video course on how to activate your true potential

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