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Annotated Bibliography
Oputa Chinedu W
The University of Texas at El Paso


According to the book writing about writing a discourse community is
described as the center of set of ideals rather than the sign of settled nothing.
The discourse community is guided by six basic criteria that they must fall
into to be classified as one. Discourse communities are often a set of
communicators with common interests and adopt their-preferred terms for
public discussion. Mechanical engineering industry happens to be a good
discourse community.
Four Research Questions
What is engineering?
What does a mechanical engineer do?
Where do they work?
How does firm size affect the mechanical engineering industry?
Thesis Statement
Mechanical engineers are very important in the present engineering industry
even though there are other branches of engineering their place in
technological advancement is undeniable because the makers and upgraders
of the frame of any movable machine.
Alexander, Schiersch (2013). Firm size and efficiency in the German
mechanical engineering industry. Small Bus Econ 40:335-350.
Doi: 10.1007/s11187-0.12-9438-8
The article Firm size and efficiency in the German mechanical engineering
industry breaks down on how firm size influence growth of companies in
the German mechanical engineering industry.

The article is relevant to my topic because it deals with the mechanical
engineering field.
Cited by
Direct Quote (1)
So far, no known study analyzes the efficiency-size relationship with firm-
level data for a large and successful industry in a developed country that is
dominated by SMEs while using a more detailed size definition
(Schiersch, 2013, para. 4).

Block Quote (1)
Given these facts, the aim of this is to analyze the size-efficiency
relationship for the case of the German mechanical engineering industry,
which is both successful and increasingly dominated by SMEs.
By doing this, the paper tries to address the fact that previous research has
not focused on industries dominated by SMEs and thus a generally positive
size-efficiency relationship is imposed by default. Here, instead, it is
expected to find a negative rather than a positive relationship. (Schiersch,
2013, para. 5).

Paraphrase Block Quote (1)
(Schiersch, 2013) reports that previous analysis done in the German
mechanical engineering industry focused less on SMEs(para.5)

Definition Word
SME: Small mechanical engineering firms

Reference B
Susan, Finger. , John R. Dixon (1989). A Review in Mechanical
Engineering Design. Res Eng Des 1:51-67.

This article is about methodologies in mechanical engineering design
.Design as explained is the main work mechanical engineers do.
The article discusses about different types of mechanical engineering design.
Cited by
Direct Quote (1)
We intend only to include research in engineering design, and then only
that portion of engineering design broadly called "mechanical," which
includes products, machines, structures, and the likes(Finger, Dixon,
1989,1.1 para.2)
Block Quote (1)
Many researchers from different fields have studied the question of how
humans create designs; that is, they have studied what processes, strategies,
and problem solving methods designers user. Most of the research is based
on techniques from artificial intelligence such as protocol analysis in which
data is systematically gathered from human subjects. The spirit of this
research is in sharp contrast to earlier work that focused on the development
of techniques such as brainstorming, inversion, analogy etc., that were
designed to enhance the creativity of a designer, rather than to categorize,
study, or model the cognitive processes themselves (Finger, Dixon, 1989,2
He development of

Paragraphed Block Quote (1)
Finger, Dixon (1989) , writers of this article explains that present study on
how we design is based artificial intelligence like the use of computers while
the older researchers look more into brainstorm and analogy(2,para 1)

Definition Word
Analogy-Comparison of between two things, which can be their structure
for further clarification
Cognitive-The act of remembering or perceiving something

Reference C:
Alfred R. Wolff, M.E. (Jun. 22, 1888) . The Efficiency of Mechanical
Engineering Schools. Science Vol. 11, No. 281 (pp. 292-294)
Retrieved from


This article published by American Association for the Advancement of
Science in a weekly science magazine formally owned by Thomas Edison.
The article discusses the efficiency of mechanical engineering in schools and
argues if technical schools are fulfilling their mission.

This reference starts from level of efficiency to the suggestions on how the
inefficiency of most mechanical engineering graduates in the industry can be
Direct Quote (1):
While we should be duly grateful that the status at the present
day is such as we have pictured it, we must not conclude hastily
that the technical school is fulfilling its entire mission, or, if I may
so term it, attaining an efficiency of one( Alfred R. Wolff ,1888,para. 3)

Block Quote (1):
It is the mission of the technical school to inculcate the principles of
engineering, to train and mature the powers of observation and mechanical
judgment, and, after teaching the laws of physics and mechanics, to give the
ability to apply these laws to problems arising in machinery and the
industrial arts. The special machines and appliances dwelt upon in the school
should serve this one purpose: knowledge of them should not be the end, but
the means. Because we can best inculcate and supplement a correct
understanding of the physical laws, and knowledge of how to apply them to
the design of machinery, by studying the successful applications made,
therefore such study should form an important factor in the course of the
technical school. (Alfred R. Wolff, 1888,para. 16)

Paraphrase Block Quote (1):
Alfred R. Wolff (1888) explains that its the job of the technical schools to
teach engineering principle persistently in way students can apply it to
everyday mechanical problems (Para. 16).
Definition Word:
Inculcate: to teach by persistent instruction.

Reference D:
Musson A.E, (1957). James Nasmyth and the Early Growth of Mechanical
Engineering. The Economic History Review. DOI: 10.2307/2600067
Retrieved from

This interesting articles discusses about the how the mechanical engineering
industry transformed and how the British and Americans contributed.


This references starts with the earliest form of mechanical engineering, how
it transformed and roles played by the main contributors like James

Direct Quote (1):
Credit is nowadays usually given to the Americans for the pioneering
of standardized mass-production and assembly-line manufacture, and
there is no doubt that from the mid-nineteenth century onwards they did,
take the lead in many aspects of mechanical engineering. ( Musson A.E,
1957,page 121,para 1)

Block Quote (1):
This extremely interesting description of the Bridgewater Foundry shows
that Nasmyth clearly appreciated the advantages of line-production and a
smooth flow of work. We are also fortunate in still having a sketch dated
1840, among the surviving Nasmyth drawings, of the inside of what appears
to have been the erecting shed, where the various components were being
finally assembled to form the finished product, in this case locomotive
engines, which are shown progressing in line down the shed. Nasmyth
sought by every means to save time and labor( Musson A.E, 1957,page
127,para 2)

Paragraphing Block Quote (1):
( Musson A.E, 1957)explains that Bridgewater Foundry recognizes the
locomotive design of James Nasmyth which dates as far as 1840.James
Nasmyth happens to be British ,therefore its a proof that the British
contributed immensely in the growth of mechanical engineering.(page
127,para 2)

Definition Word:
Locomotive-A self-propelled vehicle which uses electric or fuels for pulling
or pushing trains.

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