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"Imperialism will not last long because it always does evil

things. It persists in grooming and supporting reactionaries in all countries who are against the people, it has
forcibly seized many military bases, and it threatens the
peace with atomic war. Thus, forced by imperialism to do
so, more than 90 per cent of the people of the world are
rising or will rise up in struggle against it. Yet imperialism
is still alive, still running amuck in Asia, Africa, and Latin
America. In the west imperialism is still oppressing the
people at home. This situation must change. It is the task
of the people of the whole world to put an end to the
aggression and oppression perpetuated by imperialism,
and chiefly by U.S. imperialism."
Mao Tse-Tung
1. Cease the global military-industrial occupation, superexploitative offensive, and proxy-puppet-lackey oppression perpetuated by the First World against the Third
World! Oppressed and exploited peoples of all countries,
take up an internationalist stance in direct opposition to
U.S. imperialist aggression! Form a two-fold, united
domestic and international anti-imperialist liberation front
operating counter to a) the super-profiteering of outsourced sweatshop labor, b) the expropriation and
depletion of natural resources and subsequent environmental devastation, c) the eternal debt and mandatory
privatized structural adjustments imposed by the likes of
the IMF, World Bank, and IDB, and d) the repeated

political bombings of any economic developments the

underdeveloped nations attempt to make. Oh, starved of
the earth! Splinter, shatter, shake this neocolonial,
monopolist yoke! People of Asia, Africa, and Latin
Americalay down your chains! Take back your land,
dignity, and culture. Throw the Yankee imperialists out! A
"concrete analysis of concrete conditions" places you, the
Global South, at the forefront as the most revolutionarily
conscious force. The survival of the earth and its peoples
depends upon this worldwide social-political-economiccultural revolution. Know you have the full support of the
Conscious Fighters Vanguard who refuse to submit to the
U.S. Government's chauvinistic, white-nationalistic,
isolationistic, faux-patriotic pre-conditioning we are
force-fed day in and day out. We mentally and physically
reject this bourgeois thought-control and fight in alliance
with the Third World, through all hardships, from within
the belly of the most monstrous beast history has ever
2. Advance toward classless, stateless, egalitarian society,
i.e., communism via the transitional stage of socialisma
truly participatory worker/professional revolutionary-run
democratic semi-state, existing historically between state
and non-state, defending an electoral commune-network
of socialist reconstruction (the armed majority) built for
the suppression of the bureaucratic-military machine (the
armed minority) until the withering away of the semi-

state, from the day of its conception to the day it meets

the "scrap heap of history," allows all to live freetruly
free (not the propagated monopoly capitalist multinationalist illusion of "freedom" which is none other than
"free trade" by which the only freedom granted is for the
big bourgeoisie to freely compete in global capital gains).
Transform the world through raising revolutionary
consciousness and fighting in the protracted people's
struggle for peace, freedom, and justice! Attention: classconscious workers, revolutionary intelligentsia, politicized urban lumpen-proletariat and rural landless
peasantry, militant Asian, African, Latino, and Native
peoples, oppressed women at home, and radical youth
join the revolutionary vanguard in our just cause for
human emancipation! You constitute the masses, we
function only in coordination with you, at your complete
service. Mere reforms will not do, for the oppressor's only
willing dialogue is that of violence. If this demands of the
revolutionary vanguard and masses to speak their
language, it will be done! Our strategic focus is that of
attaining perpetual peace for all, so consequently the state
apparatus must be crushed. Political power is held through firepower. The world needs people's political power!
When the need for suppression against the bourgeois
reactionaries withers, so will go the gun with it. Be bold,
be creative, be willed as tempered-steel, marching steadily toward a new harmonious world!

3. Begin to meet the people's true needs for survival: free

food, free clothing, free housing, free land, free education,
and free healthcare for free peoplethese are our basic
human rights. There warrants no justification enabling the
wealthy few a position to privatize the essentials and
profit off the disparities and disadvantages of the many.
This hierarchy exists because the ruling class linked with
the corporate elite have appropriated the material and
intellectual wealth of the people, throughout history, at the
barrel of a gun, the crack of a whip, the drop of a bomb,
the pages of a bible, and the debt of a loan. Stolen land,
stolen labor, and stolen natural resources are a few of the
reasons why this parasitic power structure holds its
position of reactionary rule, running the show with an
unrelenting grip on the lifeblood of humanity to this day.
These basics are necessary for human existence and our
lives will not be spent attempting to afford them. Until
class struggle has made way to classless society, we will
begin with reduction of rent on a complete scale. Private
ownership becomes public ownershipwhere the people,
not the big landlords, receive the direct profit of production and rent as it goes toward healthy food, adequate
clothing, universal healthcare, and scientifically-accurate
education. Land itself will be stripped from the bigfactory farmers and big-peasantry, handed over to the
small farmers and landless peasantry. All existing agriculture will turn in the direction of collectivismworking

together away from monopolized, corporate factoryfarming's practice of excessive cruelty toward animals,
unlabeled genetically-engineered foods, heavy use of
pesticides, displacement and starvation of peasants and
farmers, etc.
4. Equal distribution of wealth, elimination of debt, raised
wages, and equal pay until the abolition of money has
been reached. The money that sets an even plane for all
will, in part, come from the expropriation of the expropriator by the expropriated, provided by the surplus
value previously held in the blood-stained hooves of the
bosses, which was generated by the dirt-stained hands of
the workers. The once higher-earning bourgeoisie, as well
as the new socialist semi-state "officials," will only be
permitted to earn worker's wages. Elitism will not be
accepted and the old state ways rid of. Those capable of
work (peoples without physical and/or mental disability)
will cooperate in collective, worker-run, creative/social
labor for that which is of direct use-value beneficial to
society as a whole, developing over time as a natural
tendency for basic survival, no longer forced from above
upon a wage slave class (no bosses necessary, hence no
exploitation). There will be unity of mental and manual
labor, unity of industrial and agrarian work, and unity of
city and country. After taxation into a public reserve fund,
maintaining publicly-owned infrastructure and free
community programs, a certificate accurately compen-

sating work hours and work performance can be exchanged for goods in the people's stores. Ultimately, when
communism is birthed from socialism, pay will shift from
"according to the amount of labor performed" to "from
each according to his ability, to each according to his
needs" and away will go the phantom wealth of money.
For it is the labor put into a commodity that makes it of
any value to begin with. Objects, coinage, and paper
money (produced under inflation without any gold behind
it for some time now) are not of any worth on their own,
just things. Lifeless objects are not living people; living
people are not lifeless objects. These said reificational
relationships shall be reduced to nothing!
5. Smash racism, sexism, homophobia, and xenophobia
including all other forms of discriminatory, supremacist
hatred inherent within classism. Firstly (in no particular
order), pay all chattel slave decedents well overdue
reparations in order to reset the economic in-balance
between skin color. Cut off support for the murderous
offensive, verbal/physical assault, and super-incarceration
protracted by police occupying the ghettowho go on
exonerated of their modern day lynching crimes. Abolish
the act of sanctioning the poor to the projects to begin
with, which left with no other alternative, becomes a
concentration for lumpen-style economics such as drug
dealing and consequential violence. Righteous prediction:
brothers killing brothers in gang related warfare soon

awake united and turn those guns against the oppressor

instead. We now shift our attention to the plight of
indigenous peoples and what must be done to make things
right. A starting point would be to acknowledge Natives'
establishment of autonomous, de-colonized nations
collectively owned and operated by those whose ancestors
were mercilessly slaughtered in the name of "acquisition"
and "manifest destiny." A peoples who, in addition to
genocide, saw their women and children raped as they
were stripped of their ancient landsentire Native
cultures systematically erased so minds could be
Europeanized. They were thrown into slavery where they
were tortured, threatened with further execution, died
from European diseases, their children sent to boarding
schools, and manhunts conducted upon for those who did
not stay within the confines of designated reservations.
Today the colonizer is no match for the colonized of any
land in this modern age of awakening and selfdetermination! Indigenous peoples of the world are well
aware from where these parasites rear their head and what
motives lay hidden beneath the smallpox-ridden blanket.
Now concerning women's rights, we hold in our hearts
that "Women hold up half the sky" and are permanently at
the forefront of our ranks as movers of history. Be rid of
all things patriarch including, but not limited to, his
systems of machismo-governance and the by-product of
forcefully imposed repression, harassment, beatings, rape,
and mandatory house-servitude of our sisters. Grant

women reproductive rights and the option to hold any

position a man would. You wouldn't even be here today if
a woman hadn't carried you in her womb just short of a
yearthink about it! If making the mutual decision to
procreate, men must not treat women as mere instruments
of production and/or expendable playthings, nor children
viewed as programmable subordinates (both as in the
relationship of the bourgeois, nuclear family). Let there be
no confusion on the issue, we Marxists are intrinsically
feminists. As for the topic of homosexuality, it's all a
matter of aesthetics not morality, anyway. So long as both
partners are consenting, of legal age, and of human origin,
it shouldn't be any of your concern whom someone
marries, dates, shows affection toward, or has intercourse
with. In addressing xenophobia, we demand the end to
Gestapo raids and ethnic cleansing of the immigrant
community. Let us not kid ourselves, this country was
founded by "illegals"conquerors who used invasive
force by means of slaughter unlike the immigrant
population of today, who are a hardworking proletariat
here to support their families, not "steal jobs" as the
fascist right make claim. In the U.S. these said immigrant
workers fall victim to unjust labor practices under the
constant threat of deportation by the staunch willingness
of bosses to inform the authorities of their non-citizenship
status. Low wages, sordid conditions, undesirable work,
and no right to unionization plague the immigrant
workforce. America's fear of cultural diversity is in stark

contrast to its "melting pot" propagations. In reality,

foreign culture is discouraged and one's roots washed
away within the baptism of western consumer-culture. All
that one sees, hears, smells, tastes, and touches is
dominated by corporate control. In sum, dear comrades,
we must "wholly, thoroughly, completely, and resolutely"
uproot all aforementioned human violations of racism,
sexism, homophobia, and xenophobia at their source of
originthe class system itself!
6. An end to consumer society and the war economy. In
its place, production of only that which a) converts the
notion of freedom into a physical reality and b) has an
apparent use-value, i.e., production of that which is
beneficial toward satisfying the direct needs (true needs)
and promoting the cultural development of societynot
profit as motivation. Overthrow the omnipresence of
advertising (false needs)an eyesore polluting our landscapeencroached upon every aspect of our daily lives.
The corporation is protected under more individual rights
than living, breathing citizens, as if it were a human
entity, all while receiving government aid and financial
bailouts (something else we human citizens don't receive).
The bureaucrats see us not as men but hyper-consumptive
whores feeding their piggy banks. Let us present you with
a brief definition of fascism: Ultra-nationalism and the
unity of corporation and state. So where does the

"democracy" the U.S. forcefully insists on bringing to the

rest of the world manifest itself in action? Words such as
"democracy," "liberty," "justice," "peace," "freedom," and
the like are but glittering generalities redundantly fed to
the masses as rationale for permanently occupying foreign
nations under the kleptocratic red, white, and blue ultranationalistic stars and stripes as the military racks up the
dollars and cents for corporate powers. In fact, corporate
mercenaries on the payroll of the U.S. Government
monetarily profiteer and physically-numerically outweigh
U.S. soldiers while comforted knowing they'll never be
legally obligated to provide statistics of casualties on
either side nor be tried by military court of law for war
crimes. The Conscious Fighters Vanguard demands an
abrupt halt to this exploitation of man by man competing
like rabid dogs so as to spend earnings on the accumulation of things just to feed greed with extraordinary
excesses and over-productive waste while losing one's
inner self in the process. If ever there was a "root of all
evil," the catalyst for all the sordid ills committed in this
world, money is undoubtedly that one evil. One must tear
this poisonous weed up by its roots in order to prevent
revisionist regrowth. Deal the fatal blows to a decaying
system whose entire pseudo-culture revolves around
nothing more and nothing less than over-consumption,
war-profiteering, arms manufacturing, hate/fear mongering, and blind "patriotic" allegiance for reasons little
understood by an intentionally ill informed and mis-

informed public. The U.S. can no longer sustain its neverending expansion and global Gestapo domination. It can
not maintain its 300+ occupied nations and 800+
worldwide military installationshundreds of trillions of
tax-payer's dollars outsourced, funding lackey military
allies of the U.S. instead of meeting the American
peoples' basic needs. Our hard-earned wages going not
toward domestic public services but placed in tyrannical
hands. They grope indecently with tentacles of the giant
squid in murky depths of foreign cultures, attempting to
inseminate minds with its own rot seeds, knowing not
what it has swum intoa sea of internationalist red flags!
With great courage the oppressed and exploited peoples of
all countries will tie the imperialist squid's arms in a
single knota single cause the people of the world can
rise up for, crashing "wave upon wave" in an indignant
torrent of high revolutionary tide, flooding out imperialist
operations with determined sweep.
7. Free all political prisoners of class war! Deal heavy
blows to the prison-industrial complexthat which serves
the vested interests of a white, rich, male minority
through "new industrial growth" (post-industrial
America's use of prisoners as slave labor). Dismantle the
vestige of slave life on the plantation in its modern form
of super-incarceration of black and Latino peoples now
serving big corporate interest. These are major prison

sentences for minor, non-violent drug offenses, blown out

of proportion by the super-profitable "war on drugs" (so
profitable, in fact, the U.S. Government, under the ruse of
combating drugs, is responsible for the importation and
distribution of hard drugs aimed at destroying povertystricken communities, resulting in the highest prison
population on earth). One only needs a look to the zoo in
realizing the psychological impact of caging any animal,
including a human animal, as it promotes psychosis.
Torture and dehumanization is not rehabilitation. On
release, work is not given after providing an employer
your criminal history so inevitably this turns ex-convicts
into slaves of the drug hustle in order to make a living and
provide for their children. Other inalienable rights denied
via felon disenchantment include: public benefits,
participation in jury duty (how then can court hearings be
a jury of one's own peers?), education, and voting rights.
Though in the latter, we don't see much of a choice to
begin with. Republicans and Democrats alike are state
puppets engineered under the guise of democratic
candidates when in reality each serve as two sides of the
same coin. Election fraud runs rampant and policies are
predetermined by corporate donations. Besides, we
oppose electoral reformism and promote direct revolution
the total overthrow of existing social conditions, though
I digress... The constant check-ins with a parole or
probation officer as some kind of middle stage out of
prison is utterly absurd in its implications. The ex-convict

remains prisoner and can not travel outside of that area,

must check in frequently, re-entering the prison
environment, existing only to serve a parole or probation
officer or face reincarceration. The psychological
aftermath of prison may cause the ex-convict to abuse
illicit drugs in order to cope, resulting in incarcerational
recurrence if tested positive for drug use. This is a
demand that the armed superstructure release these class
hostages or we will tear down the prison walls! To the
prisoner (and tomorrow's potential prisoner) whom this
pamphlet may reach: politicize your fellow jail mates, stir
up the most unruly prison riot, and organize a mass
jailbreak! In the immortal words of Comrade Ho Chi
Minh, "When the prison-doors are opened, the real dragon
will fly out."
8. Support Third World self-determination struggles for
new-democracy. That is to say, the negation of feudal,
colonial, fascist, and neocolonial capitalist-imperialist occupation by means of rural protracted people's struggle.
New-democracy is a proletarian guided democracy, though not yet the de-privatization of property via socialism.
However, all property of the big bourgeoisie will be
centralized in the name of the proletariat as revolutionaries continue to work with the petty-bourgeoisie and
middle-bourgeoisie (those who have chosen to side with
the proletariat rather than reactionary bureaucratcapitalists) in order to develop an anti-imperialist model

of industrial/agrarian and economic/democratic growth

(now given the opportunity to build in an environmentally
sound manner). This theory acknowledges the historical
observations made by Marx on the mode of production,
without deviation. In the case of those countries with
predominately agrarian, peasant-based economies whose
economic development was not industrialized to the
extent of capitalism, new-democracy suffices in building
up enough productive forces and generates the necessary
capital as to distribute evenly among the people in the
nearing socialist stage, providing the means to self-sustain
its people without dependence on foreign imports which
would more than likely be placed on strangle-hold due to
yet another forced imperialist embargoillegally
prohibiting any country from trade with a people's republic or face substantial fines and a prolonged
suspension from exporting/importing with the United
States. Given a material-historicist analysis, new-democracy is to socialism as socialism will be to communism.
Lenin applied a similar two-stage theory to the most
economically "backward," semi-capitalist European country at the time. Mao further developed pre-socialist
construction within semi-feudal, semi-colonial conditions
of the Third World, erecting the philosophy of newdemocracy in praxis.
9. Once exhausting all peaceful means and significantly
raising consciousness, economically developed nations,

establish your own CFV urban guerrilla units, throughout

your country, armed for revolutionary insurrection. Structurally 3-6 cells per region, 2-5 members each cell,
fragmented but operating in synchronization under one
shared strategic high command. Tactically each cell
operates as an independent unit (parts of the whole)
varying your mode of fight (formlessness = invisibility =
invincibility) given your actual situation (weather, terrain,
population, arms, ammunition, explosives, etc.), utilizing
surprise attack and quick retreat with the aid of a general
and lieutenant per cell (the latter when numbers permit) in
order to stay united as a group, operating with some
degree of limited chain of command (necessary within
any form of people's army for the purpose of staying on
task). Suggested targets include: arms manufacturers,
military (bases, recruitment offices, vehicles, personnel,
training grounds), police (stations, vehicles, academies,
officers), big banks, armored money trucks, big corporations, CEO's, the stock exchange, neo-fascist groups,
surveillance data-banks, communications networks, etc.
Under no circumstance is one permitted to take innocent
civilian casualties! We should remain flexible, everchanging, adaptive, advancing, developing, on the move
dialectical (never rigid). This is a proper Marxist
military linea line which is not 100% militarist, insofar
as we must persevere as permanent persuaders!hell raisers as well as consciousness raisers!leading and tea-

ching by example. Tasks of each unit include: political

education (within the organization and among the
masses), cultural production and dissemination, criticism/
self-criticism sessions, reconnaissance, logistics, stockpiling, communications (visual and auditory signals,
"runner" liaisons, and "dead-drop" couriers),
expropriation, acts of sabotage aimed at symbols of
oppression and exploitation, drivers familiar with terrain
for quick retreat, diverting, deceiving, and ambushing the
enemy with false-intelligence, organizing a safe-house
network/staying on the move, and so forth. In the guerrilla
tradition, avoid confronting your adversaries face on and
only engage in battles which promise wins with limited
losses. Always operate combat missions clandestinely,
with preliminary planning and rehearsal, primarily under
the veil of night, utilizing "hit-and-run" tactics, and shared
knowledge of pre-planned escape routes including a reassembly rendezvous point post-clearance. Only political
agitation and cultural work can be carried out in an overt
manner, but still, caution must be exercised and your best
judgment made with whom you choose to speak with.
Take even stricter caution with those you accept into the
organization. And remember! Any fight against the
oppressor is an act of self-defense.
10. Application of the mass line in mass work and use of
criticism/self-criticism in inner-party relations/individual
evaluation. Mass political work should be conducted with

the mentality of "from the masses, to the masses." Go

among the masses, work with them, listen to them, take
with you their true-desires, synthesize these thoughts as
practical theory, then deliver this back in its concentrated
form through the vehicle of direct action, as to assist the
people. In understanding criticism/self-criticism, "criticism" is routine constructive criticism of your CFV cell's
achievements and failures, sifting out good tactics from
bad tactics, maintaining the unit in a forward motion,
correcting mistakes before they can pile up and cause
greater damage, taking responsibility for one's actions,
receiving constructive criticism, and no fear in giving it
either (so long as it does not entail blaming them as a
person. Individual attack will garner backlash. Passiveaggressive behavior won't go over well either and defeats
the purpose of this exercise). Criticism should be used to
strengthen the vanguard as a whole in its fighting and
educational capacity, making sure everyone is politically
in-check and understands what they are fighting for.
Ultimately, we can only truly learn from practice, and
mistakes remain an inevitable fact of life ("Failure is the
mother of success") but they must be kept at a minimum
and quickly registered as learning experiences then to be
avoided in the future, as too many mistakes jeopardize the
entire strategy of victory and self-preservation. In terms
of "self-criticism," we speak of self-critical analysis: selfevaluation, self-discipline, and self-growth. Ask yourself:
Do you set realizable tasks and accomplish them through

daily political work? Are your actions reaching out to the

oppressed community, here and abroad? Are your tactics
linked to the Third World, revolutionary masses, and
vanguard? Are these means fully developed and critically
coherent in the theater of armed struggle? Have you
drawn a clear line of demarcation between yourself and
the enemies of the people? Do you give it all you've got
and continue the unity of fight to the finish?
11. Constantly evolve as a new, disalienated, knowledge
seeking, collectivist humanity whose full creative potentialities are realized, i.e., "New Human Being"the
archetype of the new evolutionary process transcending
alienation through knowledge, art, and action. Break the
chains that bind your authentic, creative selfdiscovering
your inner species-being. Liberate your hidden unconsciousness by intellectually overthrowing culturally
hegemonic, mass-indoctrinated, super-ego herd-psychologyawakening that which has been suppressed by
western civilization's repressive framework (consciously,
within the ego, you're only realizing the tip of the iceberg
in cognitive brain capacity). Break the chains that bind
artificial, alienated man from natural, communal man.
Create social relations centered around sharing, loving,
teaching, learning, and growing with fellow human beings
other than those interactions spent serving as a cog in the
machine. In other words, come together! Quarrel not with

each other but against the real enemyenemies of the

people. Break the chains that bind man from holding
tangible the end-result of his/her production. What one
labors over does not belong to the worker but they, their
hours, and the finished product each become a commodity
to the boss (the wage slave master). Stand incompatible to
the cyclical "bought and sold" drudgery of wage slavery.
Strive for well-rounded, self-mastery in a variety of fields.
All of able-minded man is born a blank slate with equal
cognitive competence (prior to being led astray by
external social forces). All are intellectuals and should
seek education to foster this growthbe it study circles,
liberation schools, and/or self-education (though the latter
limits its social character). Without discouragement, a
variety of artistic mediums should be explored and
experimented with until you've found your niche. New
humanity must ever-vigilantly rid themselves of the
plague that was shortsighted, one-dimensional thought,
evolving as multi-dimensional, farsighted thinkers. Knowledge (the unity of theory and practice) is developmental
and will come about in time to all who "seek truth from
facts." Free time, i.e., time not spent laboring for a boss =
creative/educational/pleasure/recreational time.
12. Uphold proletarian freedom of speech, freedom of
press, and freedom of assembly. Liberate venues,
resources, and time for the accessibility of people's dissemination of ideas, strikes, and marches. Allow the right

to protest, doing away with the old reactionary militarized

political-police censorship strategy of mandatory permits,
pre-determined designatory barricades, and the routine
brutality enforced against peaceful demonstration.
"Marxism consists of a thousand truths but they all boil
down to one sentence: 'It is right to rebel against reactionaries!'"this is a concrete example of participatory democracy. It is the task of the people to reverse existent
repression by restricting our oppressors their right to hate
speech against the people. Establish liberated zones by
actualizing your own collectives, study groups, creative
workshops, cooperatives, and joining in the people's
united anti-imperialist cultural front. Intercept the
airwaves, occupy abandoned spaces, feed off the enemy,
reclaim the terrain! Art should be public and free of
charge, not restricted to a gallery, a theater, a museum,
etc., only to be commodified and seen and/or heard by the
few. Plaster posters, tear down ads, paint murals, write
political graffiti, act out guerrilla street theater, stencil
revolutionary symbols, burn billboards, sabotage statues
and memorials which honor slave masters and warlords,
turn up your speakers and/or perform righteous sounds,
and set aflame that gaudy red, white, and blue rag
wherever you find it! In addition, infiltration of cultural
hegemonic institutions is advised to be undertaken by
proletarians holding the advantageous positions of penetrating popular culture, mass media, and miseducational
facilitiesrevolutionizing their message and establishing

sleeper cells ready to pounce on the eve of revolution.

This is a counterhegemonic cultural takeover! A call for
all out didacticism, pushing forward art and literature as
revolutionary weaponry. Let there be no art for art's sake!
Strive for unity of aesthetic form and social content.
Intellectual production as the "Great Refusal" will rise
once more!
13. Turning away from the unyielding theocratic,
bourgeois-dictatorial policy of the United States of
America, i.e., global Christian-fascist domination, permit
the coexistence of all world religions, with the exclusion
of any single, official state-religion (which must be
opposed in order for this said harmony to come into
fruition). With shared importance, grant the everincreasing rate of irreligious members in society, well
overdue recognition and earned respectability for
righteously choosing the path of self-authenticity, taking
responsibility for one's actions, and creating their own
system of values. We must offer scientific alternatives to
archaic religious dogma by promoting the theory and
practical application of dialectical materialism. Within it
holds but the one truth of the universe: matter in motion
the unity of opposites. Everyone, everything, every
system holds beneath its surface the seeds of destruction
and creationperpetual growth! Although some still cling
to primal fears, finding it difficult to register naturally
occurring phenomenon or the absurdity of the origins of

human existence, acknowledgment of religion as "the

opiate of the masses" might be something for newly
evolving humanity to consider. Fossilized forms of
religion alleging that if to suffer and/or live without "sin"
is to be rewarded in the "afterlife" belittle human potential
and hinder cognition of the dire need for terrestrial
change. This pure invention, this abstract narrow-mindedness, molds the religious man's interpretation of a
harmonious worldthat it can only take shape as some
abstract, posthumous "heaven" whilst never actually
having lived their one earthly life. The end result: a meaningless existence.
14. Reeducate the counterrevolutionary aristocracy of
labor found within a segment of the petty-bourgeoisie and
semi-proletariat. Remold also those few so-called "left"
leaning middle bourgeoisie who choose to side with the
people on the eve of revolution rather than meet the
shared fate of their counterparts. Pay close attention to
educating the lumpen-proletariat, as half are susceptible to
hegemonic bribery, yet the other half reject and/or have
been rejected by the system, already living autonomously
outside of it. When we speak of the "labor aristocracy" we
refer to the segment of First World workers with no
revolutionary consciousness or limited, semi-consciousness (as they have been bought on a lie of privilege).
These privileges are specific to imperialist nations, granted to some by monetary raises, and others with the

comfort of material goods. Even the lower classes are

indoctrinated with false needs that leave the poor
susceptible to admiring the lifestyles of the rich, yearning
to surround themselves with products baring price tags of
exchange-value stamped far beyond their earnings. So
they accept the burden of debt, now left with less-thannothing funds in order to live beyond their means. All this
influence is funded by recirculating a portion of the
earnings super-profiteered by the super-exploitation of the
Third World by the imperialist nations, sent back to the
First World with the intent of keeping the bourgeoisified
labor force comfortable, passive, even apathetic towards
grave injustices being committed the world over (or
anything beyond their own individual self-interest for that
matter). This nurtured false consciousness makes reeducation of vital importance. Give counterrevolutionaries the option to participate in labor, side-by-side the
class-conscious workers, allowing them to learn from the
toiling masses just exactly what it means to have to earn
their own wages by doing rather than exploit another so
effortlesslyoffering an equal employment opportunity
and a humane alternative to the prison system. However,
in the case of incorrigible class enemies who threaten the
people's aim of full freedom from wage slavery, we must
annihilate (wholly destroy and/or simply disarm) and
drive out the big bourgeoisie, the big landlord class, and
their right-winged reactionary allies in order to survive.

15. Continued struggle against revisionism through

continuous cultural revolution (several, many revolutions
within the revolution, functioning as a grassroots
proletarian democracy). During the stage of socialism, as
the bourgeoisie and their lackeys fight to the death to
regain control, class antagonisms thusly increase rather
than decrease. The revolutionary-minded who have not
materialized as a fighting force prior may take to the
streets and participate hands-on as Red Guards, ripping up
any remaining traces of the old bourgeois pseudo-culture,
countering it with mass creativity while dealing with all
enemies of the people accordingly. Education will turn
from pure-intellectualism toward practice, more so geared
outside the classroom. There is much needed
encouragement for organic intellectuals to sprout among
the people on a street, factory, and farm-level. The
purpose of the revolutionary vanguard is to raise political
class-consciousness and provide strategic command in
struggle. Thence the founding of the socialist semi-state
defends the interests of the people from restoration by the
right-opportunistic, capitalist components still imbedded
within socialist society and even among the cadres
themselves, inside and outside the party. Until classes as a
whole wither, the irreconcilability of these class
antagonisms will persist, must be addressed, and
consequently dealt with shortly thereafterthis is the
concept of two-line struggle. Capitalist-roaders will not be
handed back the position of power in which the people

have waged hard and bitter struggle over, paid in blood.

We must adopt non-dogmatic, truly dialectical methods of
dealing with new difficulties that lie on the winding road
ahead until natural conditions allow political power to
wither over the course of history, welcomed by future
peace-loving generations who embrace a world of
international brotherhood, i.e., communismleaving the
proletarian semi-state with no legitimate purpose.
Down with the super-exploitative imperialist oppressors!
Long live all people's revolutionarily conscious fighters!
Comrade Red Raw
CFV Commander-in-Chief

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