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Academy of Sciences

Address: 311-A-1 T ownship Lahore. 404-A-1 Township Lahore. 0300-4363932

1. Why did not Ch!chi"" do #e"" in e$aminations%
He was examined in Latin and Mathematics which he disliked. So he could not do well.
&. Ch!chi"" #as ta'ht En'"ish at Ha!!o# and not (atin and )!ee*. Was it 'ain o!
"oss% OR What 'ood did his th!ee yea!s stay at Ha!!o# do him% OR In afte! yea!s
ho# did the *no#"ed'e of En'"ish stand him in 'ood stead%
The study and getting mastery of English in his three years stay at Harrow was great beneft
for the writer because Latin and Greek were not used ractically but English was a ractical
+. W!ite an a,,!eciation o! c!iticism of Ch!chi""-s .ie#s in !e'a!d to the stdy of
(atin/ )!ee* and En'"ish and thei! .a"es in ea!nin' a "'.
!hurchill said that learning English was more imortant than learning Latin and Greek.
English was used in all sheres of life. "t was needed to make a way through life and earn a
li#ing. $n the other hand Latin and Greek were only imortant at college. They had no
signifcance in ractical life.
0. What so!ts of 1estion a!e as*ed 2y yo! e$amine!s%
$ur examiners ask %uestions from whole syllabus suitable for all tyes of students.
3. The #!ite! says that the e$amine!s as* 1estion #hich stdents cannot ans#e!
and not those #hich they can ans#e!. Is the com,"aint 4st%
This comlaint is only done by idle students who do not reare well. So it is not a &ust
5. What #e!e the s24ects "i*ed 2y Ch!chi""% OR In #hich s24ects did Ch!chi"" #ant
to a,,ea!% OR In #hich s24ects #e!e the e$amine!s inte!ested%
!hurchill wanted to aear in history' oetry and writing essays but examiners were
interested in Latin and Mathematics.
6. Who #as We"don and ho# did he he", Ch!chi""% Who #as headmaste! of Ha!!o#
and #hat #as his .ie#% OR Why #as Ch!chi"" admitted in Ha!!o# in s,ite of ,oo!
,e!fo!mance in the ent!ance test%
Mr. (eldon was headmaster of Harrow at the time of !hurchill)s entrance examinations. He
was broadminded and could see beneath the surface. He ga#e admission to !hurchill in site
of his oor erformance in the examination. He recogni*ed his abilities and ga#e him
admission. Therefore !hurchill had a great regard for him.
7. Why Was Some!.e""-s method of teachin' di8e!ent%
He had di+erent method of teaching. He took long sentences and di#ided into di+erent arts
of seech. He used di+erent coloured ink to indicate arts of seech. This made his method
9. What ad.anta'e did Ch!chi"" 'ain to stay in the "o#est fo!m%
The students in lowest form were taught English only. So !hurchill was taught English. "t was
a great beneft for him because it was used ractically.
1:. Why #as Ch!chi"" ,"aced in "o#est fo!m%
He did not erform well in the test. So he was laced in the lowest form. The students were
listed alhabetically. He was laced in the lowest form as his name was Sencer !hurchill
starting with ,S).
11. Ho# did Ch!chi"" attem,t his (atin ,a,e!%
He did not know e#en a single %uestion. He wrote his name on the to of aer. He wrote
%uestion number - and ut brackets around it. He could not answer a single %uestion.
1. )i.e an idea of the si=e of the Saha!a. Ho# is it com,a!ed #ith En'"and% OR Whe!e
is Saha!a dese!t "ocated%
Sahara consists of large area co#ering the .orth /frica. "t is many times the si*e of England.
"f England is laced in the middle of Sahara' it will be di0cult to fnd it.
Academy of Sciences

Address: 311-A-1 T ownship Lahore. 404-A-1 Township Lahore. 0300-4363932
&. What had Ch!isto,he!-s foste! mothe! to do #ith his desi!e to see distant ,"aces%
The foster mother of !hristoher frightened him of Timbuktu in childhood but instead of
frightening he de#eloed a desire to #isit far o+ laces.
+. Ho# did he mana'e to 'et a seat in the #ea,ons ca!!ie!%
He showed an exired ermit of (ar Ministry to Lieutenant to get the seat. The o0cer did not
see the back of ermit where there was cancellation seal.
0. What #as the most noticea2"e feat!e of the dese!t city/ named )hadaia%
The excessi#e number of 1ies is noticeable feature of the desert city. The food and children
were seemed to be co#ered with 1ies.
3. Ho# did they mana'e to d!i.e the hea.y t!c* in the t!ac*"ess dese!t #ith its soft
They used the metal sheets whene#er truck began to sink in the sand.
5. What did the d!i.e! of t!c* te"" Ch!isto,he! a2ot th!ee En'"ishmen #ho had
attem,ted to c!oss the dese!t% OR Desc!i2e the incident of th!ee En'"ish men
death #hi"e c!ossin' the dese!t.
He told that English men were found dead and dried like lea#es because their car had stuck
in the desert and they had no water.
6. )i.e an accont of "itt"e to#n/ named E";)o"ea/ and com,a!e it #ith In;Sa"ah/
2!in'in' ot the di8e!ence 2et#een the t#o% OR Com,a!e the conditions of In
Sa"ah and E" )o"ea.
El2Golea was a beautiful town ro#ided with green trees and su0cient water suly while "n2
Salah was consisted of desert. The %uality of water was also #ery oor. They lants had
changed into bushes.
7. What do yo *no# a2ot P!ofesso! C"ade >a"an'e!non% Ho# did he sa.e the
he!o-s "ife to#a!ds the end of hitch;"i*e%
He was 3rench 4rofessor who de#oted himself for Tauregs. He sa#ed !hristoher by
contacting atrol arty when he missed the meeting with !hristoher at "n2/bbangarit where
he was dying.
9. Who a!e ?Ta!e's@
The members of tribe at Tamanarasset are called Tauregs. They were bra#e and courageous
with decent history.
1:. Whe!e and ho# did Ch!isto,he! "ea!n to !ide a came"%
He learnt to ride the camel in Tamanarasset.
11. Who #as Ch!isto,he! and #he!e and #hen did he sta!t his 4o!ney to c!oss
the Saha!a dese!t%
!hristoher was an /merican and he started his &ourney from a small town called 5oussaada'
also known as 64ort of the Sahara7. He started his &ourney in -89:.
1&. What #as the condition of Saha!a dese!t in the ,ast%
The desert of Sahara consisted of huge area of barren sand' few water wells and few lants.
The towns were #ery few and widely scattered. The days were #ery hot.
1+. Ho# is the thi!st fe"t in the dese!t 2y Ch!isto,he!% OR Why did Ch!isto,he!
and his fe""o#s *i"" the came"%
The thirst was extreme and killing. $nce during the &ourney' they killed camel to get water
from its stomach.
10. Ho# did Ch!isto,he! mana'e to ta*e ot #ate! f!om #e"" at In A22an'a!it%
He took his radio wire and twisted it. He bound this wire with bucket to get water from dee
well. The water was full of mud.
-. What a!e antise,tics and #hat is the antise,tic method%
The heat and chemicals used to kill the germs are called antisetics. The method of killing in
this way is called antisetic method. This method kees germs away from entering the body.
&. What a!e the chief defects of antise,tic method%
Academy of Sciences

Address: 311-A-1 T ownship Lahore. 404-A-1 Township Lahore. 0300-4363932
This method can not kill the germs comletely which ha#e entered the body. Secondly its use
inside the body is harmful. "t kills leucocytes which are natural defense of the body.
+. What ,a!t is ,"ayed 2y the #hite 2"ood ce""s in the 2"ood a hman 2ody%
They form natural defense of the body. They kill any germ entering the body. The disease is
the fght between germs and white blood cells.
0. )i.e an accont of ea!"y "ife of F"emin'.
He was born on /ugust :'-;;-. He was the youngest boy. He got early education from #illage
and later went to <ar#el School and after it &oined academy. /t fourteen' he went to London
to &oin a olytechnic institute. /t sixteen' became a clerk and at twenty &oined medical
college after getting legacy.
3. Desc!i2e ho# F"emin' disco.e!ed ,enici""in.
"n -8=; 3leming was growing germs in culture late when a iece of fungus droed on the
late. "t killed surrounding germs. 3leming called it enicillin.
5. In #hat !es,ect is ,enici""in 2ette! than the chemica" antise,tics%
4enicillin is three times stronger than commonly used chemical antisetics. Secondly it is
natural defense and does not harm body cells.
6. What do yo *no# a2ot the O$fo!d team%
$xford team consisted of chemists and bacteriologists with all the e%uiment that 3leming
lacked. They succeeded in roducing ractical concentration of enicillin.
7. Ho# did O$fo!d team ma*e ,enici""in mo!e e8ecti.e%
They concentrated the enicillin to make it more e+ecti#e. "t is less e+ecti#e in dilute form.
9. Desc!i2e ,enici""in as a #onde! d!'.
"t changed the medical rofession comletely. "t sa#ed large number of wounded ersons. "t
ro#ed to be strong weaon against diseases.
1:. Was F"emin' ,!od of his disco.e!y%
3leming was not roud on his disco#ery. He was #ery humble on this success. He said' 6" did
not do anything. .ature makes enicillin. " &ust found it7.
--. Why co"d not ,enici""in ha.e 2een disco.e!ed in the !esea!ch "a2o!ato!ies of
/merican laboratories were clean' air conditioned and sterili*ed. /s enicillin is reared with
fungus which is found in dirt and moist conditions' so it was imossible for a fungus to enter
such en#ironment.
1&. F"emin'-s achie.ement ,a.ed the #ay fo! the othe! disco.e!ies in the
medica" Ce"d. What a!e they%
3leming disco#ered frst antibiotic. His disco#ery excited others to make di+erent antibiotics.
1+. What do yo mean 2y ste!i"i=ation%
The rocess used to kill the microbes is called sterili*ation. "t can be done by chemicals and
10. What a!e "yso=ymes%
3leming named nasal secretion as lyso*ymes. He found that it was naturally roduced in the
body and ha#e caacity to kill microbes. This disco#ery led to enicillin.
-9. What #e!e the ,!o2"ems d!in' #a!fa!e%
There was large number of wounded ersons who had gotten infections. The used chemical
methods were dangerous and ine+ecti#e. So many eole lost their li#es.
-:. Ho# did F"emin' 2ecome famos%
3leming disco#ered enicillin' an e+ecti#e antibiotic' so he became famous.
16. What #as the achie.ement of Batchni*of%
He was student of 4asteur. He disco#ered that leucocytes are natural defense of the body
and they fght against germs.
17. What #as the t!i2te 'i.en to F"emin' 2y (o!d Bo!an%
He comlimented as' 6Hay is he who already belonged to history in his own life time7
-. Desc!i2e the ea!"y "ife of Paste!%
Academy of Sciences

Address: 311-A-1 T ownship Lahore. 404-A-1 Township Lahore. 0300-4363932
He was born in the >ura district of 3rance in -;==. He went to !ommunal !ollege for study
and then to 5esancon. He became rofessor there. His father was a bra#e soldier and won
medal in the war.
&. )i.e some instances of Paste!-s ,at!iotism%
He was a true atriot. He &oined .ational Guards during crises. $nce he ga#e all his wealth to
an altar. He also refused to take degree from German ?ni#ersity because 3rance was at war
with Germany at that time.
@. What do yo *no# a2ot s,ontaneos 'ene!ation%
/ccording to this theory' life can begin from non li#ing things. "t is also called a2biogenesis.
0. Ho# did Paste! ,!o.e that s,ontaneos 'ene!ation #as not fact%
He carried many exeriments to ro#e this theory wrong. He heated things ten degrees more
than their boiling oints and killed all the germs. There was no life in those things after
9. Desc!i2e the im,o!tance and ,o,"a!ity of the si"*#o!m indst!y in F!ance. What
he", did Paste! !ende! in c!in' the si"*#o!m disease in his cont!y%
"n 3rance silkworm industry was so imortant that 4eole always talked about it. / disease
destroyed this industry. He searched out the cause of disease and ad#ised eole to kee
eggs gi#en by healthy worms only and to kee cleanness and moderate temerature. This
ste sa#ed silk industry.
:. Ho# did Paste! disco.e! the method of ma*in' of the .accine%
4asteur in&ected dead or weakened germs in the body of animals. This caused slight
symtoms of disease but they reco#ered soon. /fter this treatment' the animal became safe
from deadly attack of that disease in future. This rocess is called #accination.
A. )i.e an accont of Paste!-s t!eatment of Hyd!o,ho2ia and ho# he c!ed C!st
,atient s8e!in' f!om it% OR What do yo *no# a2ot Paste!-s #o!* in c!in'
Ra2iesE Hyd!o,ho2ia%
"t is a fearful disease caused by bite of mad dogs' bats and cats. 4asteur made #accine from
sinal cord of Babies infected rabbit. He treated Meister' frst human atient with it and
results were ositi#e.
7. Ho# did Paste! sho# the #ay to othe! scientists% )i.e an accont of the
He disco#ered germs and asetic methods to kill germs. He reared #accine which incited
other scientists to use this method in curing di+erent diseases. 4eole became less
suerstitious with his disco#eries.
9. What #e!e .ie#s of H$"ey a2ot Paste!%
He said that 4asteur)s work on fermentation enabled 3rance to ay debts of German23rance
1:. What do yo mean 2y ase,tic method%
This method is used to kee germs away from the body. "t used chemicals and heat.
11. What a!e the meas!es a'ainst ma"a!ia desc!i2ed in the cha,te!%
Malaria can be controlled by destroying breeding laces of mos%uitoes or using di+erent
ways to kee them away. ?se of mos%uitos) nets' sraying onds and medicines like %uinine
are #ery e+ecti#e.
1&. Desc!i2e .a!ios s,e!stitions #hich #e!e Cnished 2y the disco.e!ies of
His disco#eries heled eole to disbelie#e madness caused by moon' fe#er and eilesy by
e#il sirits and T.5 as Cing)s e#il.
-@. Why did Paste! !efse to ta*e de'!ee of docto!ate f!om )e!man Dni.e!sity%
He lo#ed his country #ery much. (hen 3rance was at war with Germany' he refused to take
degree of <octorate from German ?ni#ersity.
-D. Desc!i2e the cont!i2tion of Paste! in fe!mentation o! 2!e#in' indst!y%
He roduced good %uality beer through fermentation. The roduction of beer enabled 3rance
to ay the debt of the war. He introduced method of fermentation which is be used in baking
these days.
Academy of Sciences

Address: 311-A-1 T ownship Lahore. 404-A-1 Township Lahore. 0300-4363932
13. Ho# did Paste! disco.e! the t!eatment fo! the catt"e disease/ Anth!a$%
He #accinated animals. He weakened the germs of anthrax and in&ected the animals. 3irst
animals showed the symtoms but later reco#ered and remained safe from attack of disease.
1. What #as the attitde of the T!*ish 'o.e!nment to#a!ds the A""ies afte! Wo!"d
Wa! I%
This go#ernment was consisted of old liberals. Mehmet was sultan of Turkey at that time. He
thought to cooerate with /llied forces in best interest of his country. His attitude was
=. Why #as Bstafa <ama" sent to Anato"ia% Who #as <iya=im <a!a2e*a!%
The sultan of Turkey sent Mustafa Camal to /natolia to control Turkish atriots fghting
against /llied forces. Ciya*im Carabekar was commander of these atriots.
@. What #as the !eaction of T!*ish ,at!iots to the intentions of A""ies to ,a!titions
the Ottoman Em,i!e% OR Ho# A""ied fo!ces decided to ,a!tition T!*ey%
The /dmiral of the 5ritish 3leet informed go#ernor of "*mir to hand o#er sea ort and rich
ro#ince of /ydin to Greek. $n this artition of Turkey atriots became angry and decided to
D. W!ite a note on acti.ities of Bstafa <ama" in Anato"ia. OR Who #as A" Fat%
Mustafa Camal met with /li 3aut' commander of small army of atriots at /nkara. "n a secret
meeting' they made a lan of resistance. He #isited di+erent laces and moti#ated and
reared them to fght against allied force.
9. Why did Behmet o!de! <ama" to !et!n to Constantino,"e%
Mustafa Camal was sent to control atriots fghting against /llied 3orces. 5ut he &oined
atriots instead of controlling them. So Mehmet ordered him to return.
:. What #as the <ama"-s !e,"y%
Mustafa Camal reliedE " shall stay in /natolia until the nation has won its indeendence. He
did not accet Mehmet)s orders. "nstead of going there' atriots in#ited Sultan to lead them
against foreign enemies.
A. Ho# did Behmet t!y to !e'ain Anato"ia fo! himse"f% OR When #as Nationa"
Assem2"y ca""ed 2y S"tan in ?City Of S"tan@%
Mehmet wanted to decei#e atriots and urged them to shift their acti#ities to "stanbul. Many
atriots excet Mustafa Camal belie#ed in Mehmet and articiated .ational /ssembly held
on -8
>anuary' -8=F but Mehmet)s lan failed as Camal had not articiated.
7. Why did Behmet-s ,"an fai"%
Mustafa Camal did not belie#e in the romises of Mehmet. He stayed in /natolia and
continued his struggle. He reared army there to fght against foreign occuation.
9. What #e!e the te!ms o8e!ed to T!*ey 2y the A""ies%
They o+ered following terms to atriots.1. $ttoman Emire was to be under the suer#ision
of /llied owers &. /ll /rab ro#inces were to be become mandated territories +. The whole
of /natolia was to be added to the state of /rmenia 0. /rea around "*mir would be a Greek
district. 3. The caital would remain under control of /llied forces.
-F. D!a# a 2!ief accont of the #o!*s of Bstafa <ama" as a '!eat nation;2i"de!.
He ga#e e%ual right to women and ga#e education to all. He also de#eloed country
economically and industrially.
--. )i.e an accont of the )!ee* attac* and thei! defeat. OR When did <ama" ente!ed
Greek attacked Turkey on =-
/ugust' -8=-. 5oth sides fought man to man with courage for
fourteen days. /t last Greeks were defeated. Mustafa Camal followed them and entered "*mir
on 8
Setember' -8==.
1&. Desc!i2e the !efo!ms int!odced 2y Bstafa <ama" #ith !efe!ence to
,osition of the #omen.
He ga#e e%ual rights to women. He fnished #eil system and oened new schools and
colleges to educate women.
Academy of Sciences

Address: 311-A-1 T ownship Lahore. 404-A-1 Township Lahore. 0300-4363932
-@. Desc!i2e the !efo!ms 2!o'ht 2y Bstafa <ama" in edcation.
Mustafa Camal established di+erent schools and colleges. He focused on learning all
sub&ects. He simlifed Turkish language. He #isited di+erent laces to guide eole.
10. Desc!i2e the !efo!ms 2!o'ht 2y Bstafa <ama" in d!esses.
3e* was national head dress with Greek origin. Mustafa Camal fnished this dress and wearing
of hats was made comulsory. He also abolished wearing of #eil by women.
13. Desc!i2e the !efo!ms int!odced 2y Bstafa <ama" #ith !efe!ence to
ada,tation of Roman sc!i,t.
He relaced old scrit with Boman scrit. He #isited di+erent laces to tell eole about new
scrit. He simlifed Turkish language and remo#ed all words of /rabic and 4ersian from it.
15. Desc!i2e the !efo!ms 2!o'ht 2y Bstafa <ama" in economica" de.e"o,ment.
He built new roads and railways. He increased factories and encouraged industries. He
organi*ed banking system. The loan was reduced to one third of its re#ious si*e without
further borrowing.
-A. What #as the !eaction of T!*ish ,eo,"e #hen )!ee* attac*ed them%
The eole of Turkey became angry and reacted against emire. They decided to fght
against /llied forces and Emire.
-;. Desc!i2e the de,a!t!e of Behmet f!om Ottoman Em,i!eEIstan2".
/fter taking o#er the control of "*mir' Grand Turkish .ational /ssembly abolished Sultanate.
Sultan was taken to 5ritish Embassy in ambulance and further in exile.
19. Why #as the Nationa" Assem2"y disso".ed%
Mustafa Camal gained ower and the allied forces were not safe from the attack of atriots.
/llied 3orces wanted to draw their army from interior. So .ational /ssembly was dissol#ed.
=F. When and #he!e #as T!*ish )!and Nationa" Assem2"y he"d%
"t was held on =@
/ril' -8=F in /nkara under the suer#ision of Mustafa Camal after
dissol#ing .ational /ssembly.

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