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!"#$%&'& )* # + ,#- .-#"/01)2/3- 4325#"'&6

7&'"8 9)$':;)-/& 4)<')"
4=>+?@ 4):3$'"8 #": 9'6A$#<')"
rofessor lrank llsher
SLevens lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology
LasL updaLed: lebruary 3Lh, 2013 by 1!

B#C$3 )* .)"<3"<&
1. lnLroducLlon
2. CreaLlon of Llnklng 8ars
3. CreaLlon of SolldWorks Assembly
4. SlmulaLlon
3. verlfylng Lhe resulLs


"#$%&'(' )* $ + ,$- .-$#/01)2/3- 4325$#('6 7'(#8 9)%(:;)-/' 4)<()#
=>?32<(@3A To cieate a simple mechanism in Soliuwoiks Notion.

B%363#<' <) C'3A SoliuWoiks (this lesson was maue using SW 2u12)
Soliuwoiks Notion
Foui Bai Piogiam
BynamicsNachine Besign Books

D3'2-(E<()#A This tutoiial intiouuces Stuuents to Soliuwoiks Notion Softwaie, which is an
embeuueu auu-in within Soliu Woiks. A simple foui bai ciank iockei mechanism will be
useu as an example.

Stuuents will cieate the soliu mouels by using Soliuwoiks anu latei they will use
Soliuwoiks motion to animate anu calculate the absolute velocities on uiffeient points of

9)%(:;)-/' 4)<()#A This softwaie is useful to stuuy the behavioi of Soliu Woiks
assemblies in motion so that the uesignei can uetect any uesign pioblems befoie builuing
haiuwaie piototypes. This softwaie simulates the mechanical opeiations of motoiizeu
assemblies anu the physical foices they geneiate.

This softwaie can peifoim the following calculations:

- Betect inteifeiences between paits
- Show foices anu effects of collisions between paits
- 0utput foice uata to Soliuwoiks FEA Package foi stiuctuial analysis
- 0se XY plots to giaph quantities
- Animate motion on scieen in wiiefiame, hiuuen-lines iemoveu oi ienueieu
uisplay, anu stoie as AvI oi vRNL files


FG H#<-):C2<()#
In this tutoiial, the motion of a ciank-iockei 4 bai mechanism will be investigateu using
Soliuwoiks Notion.
A foui bai mechanism consists of 4 iigiu links connecteu enu to enu cieating a closeu loop.
Fuithei, one of the links, calleu the giounu link, is in a fixeu stationaiy position. Foui bai
mechanisms can piouuce a laige vaiiety of paths of motion uepenuing on the lengths anu
oiientation of its links. It is foi this ieason that foui bai mechanisms aie useu foi a laige
numbei of applications, paiticulaily in manufactuiing. You may iemembei fiom NE-SS8
(Nachine Bynamics anu Nechanisms) that the type of motion piouuceu fiom a 4 bai
mechanism is ueteimineu by the uiashof conuitions. uiashof conuitions will ueteimine the
type of motion baseu on the position anu length of links in the mechanism. Beteimining the
uiashof conuition begins with the calculation of link lengths:

S = length of shoitest link
L = length of longest link
P = length of one iemaining link
Q = length of othei iemaining link
Foi a ciank-iockei mechanism, the above equation can be simplifieu to:

Fuithei, the final constiaint to be met is that the shoitest link N0ST be aujacent to the
giounu link.
Keep in minu that link lengths aie measuieu fiom joint to joint.


9)63 2)66)# <3-6' C'3: (# $ 2-$#/0-)2/3- 6325$#('6A
uiounu link - Besciibeu as the uistance between the two giounu suppoits. This link is
always stationaiy. This link will be cieateu thiough the use of uistance mates in this
Ciank - The shoitest link aujacent to giounu link, fieeuom of motion allows foi full S6u
uegiee iotation. The ciank is iefeiieu to as link 1 foi this tutoiial.
Couplei - Connects the ciank anu iockei links. The couplei is iefeiieu to as link 2 in this
Rockei - Link aujacent to seconu giounu link suppoit. As the name inuicates, this link is
constiaineu to a back anu foith motion. The iockei is iefeiieu to as link S in this tutoiial.
" 2)66)# $EE%(2$<()# )* <53 2-$#/ -)2/3- 6325$#('6 (' <53 ;(#:'5(3%: ;(E3-A

This tutoiial also utilizes the 4 bai piogiam useu in NE-SS8 to veiify the simulation iesults.
If you uo not have the 4 bai piogiam installeu on youi computei, you may want to uo so at
this point (this section is optional).

JG .-3$<()# )* K(#/(#8 ,$-'A
0se the H#25M E)C#:M '32)#: unit system
To begin, cieate the inuiviuual paits to be useu in the assembly. The paits will be
constiucteu using youi own uimensions while keeping in minu the uiashof conuitions foi
the ciank iockei laiu out in the intiouuction.
Fiist, cieate the suppoit:

When completeu, cieate a new foluei to save the new paits. Save this pait as 'CEE)-<G
When cieating the links, be suie to make a note of the uistance fiom the centei of the two
holes *)- $%% %(#/'G You will neeu this infoimation when veiifying youi iesults latei!
Next cieate the ciank,

13636>3- This is the shoitest link in the mechanism.
When completeu, save this pait as E$-< FG
8ecord Lhls dlmenslon on each llnk.
-?our values don'L have Lo maLch Lhls

Cieate the couplei:

When completeu, save this pait as E$-< JG

Finally, cieate the iockei:

When completeu, save this pait as E$-< NG

NG .-3$<()# )* 9)%(: O)-/' "''36>%&

Cieate a new assembly in SoliuWoiks, click on H#'3-< .)6E)#3#<M biowse foi the pait
calleu 'CEE)-<. Inseit the 'CEE)-< pait twice since theie will be two suppoits in the


Select the front faces of the supports and click on the coincident button:

Now, click on the lowest faces (bottom) and select coincident again:


Click any single point or vertex on the support. Then, hold shift and click the same point on
the other support. Create a distance mate that satisfies the dimensional constraints of the
crank rocker mechanism. This defines the length of the ground link. For example, you could
click these two vertices.


0n this page, take note of the location of the uistance mate button (Nate !Auvanceu
mates). Youi uistance is alloweu to be uiffeient than as shown in the figuie. A uistance of
"6" may not woik with the lengths you chose foi youi links.


Then, paits 1, 2 anu S shoulu be assembleu in theii iespective position, as uepicteu in the
next figuie. The necessaiy constiaints to cieate the mechanism aie:


The concentiic mate is useful heie because it aligns the joints while allowing foi full
iotational movement. If you can uo this step on youi own, feel fiee to uo so iight now.
0theiwise, continue on foi the step by step pioceuuie.

Foi iefeience, the placement of the links in the final assembly shoulu iesemble the


0pen E$-< FM locateu in youi pait foluei, anu place it close to the suppoit on the left:

Select the opposite face of the 'CEE)-< pait (keeping the above giaphic as iefeience), anu
the fiont face of the bai, anu click on the coinciuent button:


Now, select the inteinal faces of the holes (the bai anu suppoit), anu select the concentiic
button, click the move component button anu select the bai anu move it to the best position
to assemble the next one:

The pioceuuie will be iepeateu with paits two anu thiee.

Foi E$-< J, select the fiont face anu foi the E$-< F select the back face:


Foi E$-< N, select the back face, anu the fiont face of E$-< JA

Select the inteinal faces of coinciuent holes anu click concentiic, iepeat the pioceuuie foi
the constiaints between the thiiu bai anu the seconu suppoit.

The mechanism shoulu iesemble the following pictuie:


+G 9(6C%$<()#

Befoie you can use the SoliuWoiks Notion auu-in, you must "auu it in." uo to the top wheie
it says !"#$%&"'(!, then go to "Tools," then at the bottom of the uiop-uown menu click


The Auu-Ins uialogue box looks like this. Nake suie SoliuWoiks Notion is checkeu in the
Active Auu-ins column. If you aie using a peisonal laptop, it is useful to also check the auu-
in unuei the stait-up column - this way the auu-in will be incluueu eveiy time you use
SoliuWoiks. Also, foi the upcoming labs, you will have to uo this same piocess foi the
SoliuWoiks Simulation auu-in.

necessary for Lhls lab
necessary for Lhe nexL lab

If the Motion Study tab is not available at the bottom of your screen, click
View>Toolbars>Motion Manager.

If the supports are already fixed, a lowercase f will appear next to the part name in the
parts tree and no further action is necessary.
If the supports are not yet fixed, right click on Support 1 (located in the parts tree of the
feature manager), and click fix. Repeat the procedure with Support 2.


Automatically the softwaie will assume some motion constiaints accoiuing to the assembly
mate constiaints that have been cieateu. These motion constiaints have to be checkeu.

1)<$<3 <53 2-$#/ C'(#8 &)C- 6)C'3M (* <53 6325$#('6 ;)-/'M (< (#:(2$<3' <5$< <53
6)<()# 2)#'<-$(#<' $-3 2)--32<G

Click on the motor button and add a rotary motor to the crank link (part1).

Select an angular velocity of 360 deg/sec constant speed (60RPM), click apply.


Click on the results button - the results menu opens on the left. In the three drop down
menus, select Displacement/Velocity/Acceleration, Linear Velocity and X-Component.
Select the coupler (part2), and click the check mark.

Repeat the same steps above for Y-Component and Magnitude.


Click on the calculate button and the graphs below should be generated.
Remember, you may have used different link lengths than those in this tutorial, thus
your graphs may be dissimilar.


PG Q3-(*&(#8 <53 13'C%<' R)E<()#$%SA

0ne can veiify that the iesults obtaineu above by using a uiffeient piogiam; foi example,
the )*+, ./, piogiam that is useu in NE SS8: Nachine Bynamics anu Nechanisms. The
ciank iockei mechanism will be constiucteu accoiuing to the uimensions useu in the
SoliuWoiks assembly.

0pen the piogiam, accept the usei agieements etc. anu stait a new pioject. Entei the
uimensional values foi the ciank, couplei, iockei anu giounu links. In the fouibai piogiam,
the giounu link is labeleu as "T(@)< =+ .))-:'".

Remembei the link length is the uistance fiom joint to joint.

Also, in the box labeleu "D('< <) .)CE%3- T<", entei the length of the couplei link uiviueu by
2. In the box labeleu ""#8%3 <) .)CE%3- T<" entei zeio. This will insuie that the points
wheie the velocities aie measuieu will match you SoliuWoiks mouel.

In the box labeleu "=638$J" entei UGJVN -$:W'. This is youi ciank velocity. In the box
labeleu 4(# X53<$, entei the appioximate staiting position of youi S0LIBW0RKSNotion
simulation. Auu S6u to the 4(# X53<$ anu entei this value into 4$Y X53<$G This will help
to align you giaphs.

LnLer llnk
dlmenslons here
LnLer crank
veloclLy and
poslLlons here

Click .$%2C%$<3, then click I3Y< twice.
Select T%)< in the top centei of the main winuow.

Click I3Y< when this scieen appeaisA

Select Q3%)2(<& )* .)CE%3- T)(#< Z [M\M4$8M"#8 .))-:(#$<3'G Then Click I3Y<G


A seiies of giaphs will pop up. The Nax anu Nin velocity values shoulu match.

-What is the maximum velocity in the Y uiiection.
-In what peiiou of time is the max velocity iepeateu. (Peiiouic time)
-What is the maximum velocity (Nagnituue) in the Couplei (Pait 2).

Next, ietuin to SoliuWoiks anu uelete the plots foi velocity. This time cieate plots of the
$223%3-$<()# foi the X, Y, anu Nagnituue anu iepeat the pioceuuie. Choose the
"223%3-$<()# )* .)CE%3- T)(#< [M\M4$8M"#8 .))-:(#$<3' to plot the acceleiation in the
Foui Bai piogiam.

Finally, it is possible to expoit the SoliuWoiks uata foi use in Excel. To uo this, iight click:
4)<()# 4):3% ] BYE)-< <) 9E-3$:'533< oi alteinatively:
4)<()#]BYE)-<]BY23%R9E-3$:'533<S Then, fill out the uialog box as follows:
B%363#<' ;(<5 13'C%<': Select the element whose iesults you want to view.
Bolu uown .<-% oi 95(*< to select multiple elements.
13'C%< .5$-$2<3-('<(2: Select the type of iesult to expoit. Bolu uown .<-% oi
95(*< to select multiple elements.
.)6E)#3#<': Select the iesult component. Bolu uown .<-% oi 95(*< to select
multiple elements.
Select ":: F .C-@3 to auu the plot to the queue of cuives to be plotteu. You can iepeat this
piocess foi all the iesult types you want to expoit.
All cuives auueu aie plotteu on the same plot in Excel.

Selecting I3; T%)< cieates a new xy plot sheet in Excel. Any new cuives aie
auueu to the new plot.
If you want to auu moie cuives to an existing queueu plot, select the plot name in the last
text box in the uialog box. Aftei you have specifieu all the cuives anu plots, select =^ to
cieate the plots in Excel.

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